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Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

The questions are of equal value.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
All symbols are of usual significance.

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer all questions. 10x1 = 10
(i) A binary fuzzy relation is a relation between two sets X and Y is denoted by
R (X, Y). When X is not equal to Y, binary relations R (X, Y) are referred to
(A) bipartite graph (B) multivariate graph
(C) cyclic graph (D) none ofthese
(ii) Which selection method has the problem of selection pressure?
(A) Roulette wheel (B) Rank selection
(C) Tournament selection (D) None of these
(iii) The model of each neuron in multilayer perceptron includes a
(A) non linear activation function that is differentiable
(B) linear activation function that is differentiable
(C) logarithm function
(D) none of these

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(iv) Reconstruction of fuzzy set is done by

(A) cylindrical closure (B) cylindrical extension
(C) composition (D) none of these

(v) An error signal is originated in multilayer perceptron at

(A) output node (B) hidden node
(C) input node (D) bias

(vi) The varying degree of relationship between elements of two or more sets is
found in
(A) fuzzy relation (B) crisp relation
(C) non-fuzzy relation (D) all of these

(vii) The computation of (Hor each neuron of the multilayer perceptron requires
(A) knowledge of the derivative of the activation function
(B) knowledge of the environment to activate
(C) an knowledge database
(D) none of these

(viii) MSE stands for

(A) Mean Square Error (B) Median Square Error
(C) Mean Signal Error (D) None of these

(ix) In calculation of back propagation neural network the input of the bias is
normally taken to be
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) random value (D) none of these

(x) This principle allows the generalization of crisp mathematical concepts to

the fuzzy set framework and extends point-to-point mappings to mappings
for fuzzy sets.
(A) uncertainty (B) extension principle
(C) composition (D) none of these


(Short Answer Type Questions)

Answer any three questions. 3x5 = 15

2. What is mutation? Why it is necessary? 2+3

3. What is singleton in fuzzy? What is kernel in fuzzy? 2+3

4. In what way the roulette selection method works? 5

5. Explain supervised learning technique. 5

6. What is membership function of a fuzzy set? 5

(Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer any three questions. 3x15=45

7. Write what -you know about the composition operation in fuzzy logic. 15

8. Explain the different selection operation with example. 15

9. Explain how the back propagation neural network works. 15

10. What is Genetic Algorithm? Explain its use providing a real life example. 15

11. Consider the fuzzy relation 15

Yl Y2 Y3 Y4
R = Xl [0.2 0.5 0.5
X2 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5
X3 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4

Find out [R J, Y] and [R J, X].

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