TS40 Control Valve Selection For Multi-Phase Flows: Kentintrol

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TS40 Control Valve Selection

Multi-Phase Flows



Contents _______________________________________________________________2
TS40 Control Valve Selection for Multi-Phase Fluid Flows _______________________3
TS40.1 Nomenclature __________________________________________________________________ 4
TS40.2 Multi-phase Flow Valve Sizing Procedure ____________________________________________ 5
TS40.3 Process/Application Data Requirements ______________________________________________ 6
TS41 Multi-phase Sizing ___________________________________________________7
TS41.1.1 Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 7
TS41.1.2Definition of Multi-phase Parameters___________________________________________ 8
TS41.2.1Multi-phase Sizing Equations_________________________________________________ 9
TS42 Multi-phase Velocity _________________________________________________15
TS42.1 Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 15
TS42.1 Factors Influencing Velocity Limitations ________________________________________ 15
TS42.2 Basis of Velocity Calculations ________________________________________________ 16
TS42.3 Procedure ________________________________________________________________ 17

Page 2


TS40 Control Valve Selection for Multi-Phase Fluid Flows

Selection of a control valve for a multi-phase flow application involves a number of factors, which should be considered in a
logical sequence. This section of the Technical Manual provides the information necessary to consider these factors, which
include CV calculation, fluid velocity and noise level prediction. It is important to note that omission of these aspects could
lead to incorrect selection of a control valve for a particular application.

It should be noted that the process of sizing multi-phase fluids is extremely complicated involving phase transfer of energy.

The process and application information necessary to fully specify the size and type of valve required is detailed, together
with a flow chart indicating the sequence of steps involved.

The CV calculation includes consideration of the various flow regimes.

To ensure correct selection of valve size and to maximise operational life, fluid velocity calculations and limitations are
detailed for the various flow regimes.

Page 3



Unit Description Imp SI

CV Valve Flow Coefficient U.S. units U.S. units

KV Valve Flow Coefficient S.I. units S.I. units
Cf Valve Pressure Recovery Factor - -
d Valve Bore Size inches mm
D Pipe Bore Size inches mm
P1 Upstream Pressure p.s.i.a. BarA
P2 Downstream Pressure p.s.i.a. BarA
∆P Pressure Drop across Valve p.s.i. BarA
∆Psl Sizing Pressure Drop for Liquid Phase p.s.i. Bar
∆Pl(limit) Limiting Pressure Drop for Critical Flow p.s.i. Bar
of liquid phase
∆Psg Sizing Pressure Drop for Gas Phase p.s.i. Bar
∆Pg(limit) Limiting Pressure Drop for Critical Flow p.s.i. Bar
of gas phase
∆Psg(dissolved) Sizing Pressure Drop for dissolved vapour p.s.i. Bar
T1 Inlet Temperature °F °C
QL Volume Flow Rate of liquid phase U.S.gall./min m3/hr
WL Mass Flow Rate of liquid phase lb/hr kg/hr
Qg(ref) Volume Flow Rate of gas phase S ft3/hr Nm3/hr
Wg Mass Flow Rate of gas phase lb/hr kg/hr
X Gas/vapour fraction (Wg/Wtot) - -
XV Gas/vapour fraction (Qg/Qtot) - -
K Expansion correction factor gas phase- -
G Specific Gravity - -
MW Molecular Weight of gas/vapour phase - -
FK γ/1.4 (γ=ratio of specific heats) - -
Z Compressibility factor for gas/vapour - -
Vg Gas/vapour phase Fluid Velocity ft/sec m/sec
VL Liquid phase Fluid Velocity ft/sec m/sec
SPL Sound Pressure Level dBA dBA
B Liquid noise efficiency term - -
H1 Liquid noise trim style correction dB dB
Z1 Liquid noise bulk flow factor - -
X Pressure Coefficient gas noise - -
Y Pressure Ratio Coefficient gas noise - -
Zg Gas flow bulk noise factor - -
Hg Trim style attenuation factor dB dB
T Valve opening reduction dB dB

1 Upstream
2 Downstream
g refers to gas/vapour phase
l refers to liquid stage
Tot or TOT Total
Dissolved refers to dissolved gas
s sizing
a void fraction
A flow area

TS40.1 Page 4


Multi-phase Flow Valve Sizing Procedure

The following flowchart details the overall sequence of steps used during the sizing and selection of a control valve for a multi
phase flow application. For individual consideration of multi-phase sizing, multi-phase velocity and multi phase noise
prediction, reference should be made to Sections TS41, TS42 and TS43 respectively.


Select Trim Style* (single stage) * Usually preferred due to interstage erosion
problems on multiphase liquids

Convert flowrates to flow by weight

Determine gas/vapour fraction

Is dissolved gas content Yes


Determine the CV (use 2 term equation)

No Determine the CV (use 3 term equation)

Select Design CV and Valve Size

Determine Cf value at valve opening

Re-calculate CV using appropriate equations

Is Design CV OK?

Calculate Flow Velocities

Is Velocity OK? Select Design CV & Valve Size


Calculate Sound Pressure Level

Select Different Trim Style


TS40.2 Page 5


Process/Application Data Requirements

The information required to fully specify the size and type of valve for multi-phase service applications can be broken down
into different categories. For valve sizing and selection, this information can be classified as essential, preferred or additional.
The following chart categorises the information required into these three areas. The information presented here relates to
valve selection only, for actuator selection refer to TS8O.

Process Units Flow Units - Temp Units -

Flow Condition Max Normal Minimum
1 Quantity
2 Line Fluid
3 Liquid Phase Flow Rate
Gas/vapour Phase Flow Rate
4 Inlet
5 Pressures Outlet
6 P
7 Temp. at Inlet
8 SpecificGravity/Molecular Weight MW
9 Compressibility Factor, Z
10 Vapour Pressure/Ratio of Specific Heats, γ
11 Critical Pressure
12 DP Actuator Sizing
13 Design Press./Temp.
14 Line Size In/Out/Sch.
16 Predicted SPL (dBA)
17 Calculated Cv
19 Valve Size C.M. Trim
20 Body Form Design CV
21 Catalogue No.
22 End Conns. Style Rating
23 Rated Press. Temp.
24 Body Material
25 No of Seats Design
26 Trim Type Rings
27 Char’s Flow Dir
28 Material
29 Type of Bonnet
30 Packing Lub. /Lub No
31 Max. Leakage
32 Stem Dia Valve Duty

Absolute minimum flow information (essential)

Information required for full analysis (preferred)

Additional design information

Full valve specification

TS40.3 Page 6


TS41 Multi-phase Sizing


When two phases, one incompressible and the other compressible flow together ma pipe, a number of different flow patterns
may exist, such as bubble, mist, annular and slug flow. Therefore the prediction of the behaviour of the two-phase flow is very
complicated. In contrast to single component flows, for which relatively simple flow equations can be derived, the flow
equations for two component flows are very complicated and cannot be applied directly to the valve sizing problem. The
complexity of the equations is attributable to the fact that the flow cannot be assumed to be homogeneous or in a state of
thermodynamic equilibrium.

Valve manufacturers have relied heavily on the limited data available for two-phase flows through valves or flow restrictions
such as orifice plates. This information is limited to certain flow conditions and even then has a high level of uncertainty.

Experimental data for such flows is in general for low pressures. In applying this to a valve sizing technique the data has to be
scaled to high pressure applications. In a single-phase flow this is a relatively simple task, however, in a multi-component flow
this is extremely difficult and leads to greater inaccuracies.

Introl in conjunction with a major oil company, have developed the multi-phase sizing procedure presented here. The
procedure has been proven by numerous flow tests and field data, and has shown to be a reliable engineering tool for
selecting control valves operating on multi-phase flow applications.

TS41.1.1 Page 7


Definition of Multi-phase Parameters Void Fraction

Gas Fraction
This is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the gas
phase to the cross-sectional area of the pipe.
This is the ratio of the gas/vapour phase mass flow rate
to the total two-phase mass flow rate.
X =
Gas Oil Ratio (GOR)

Slip Ratio
Used to quantify the amount of gas in relation to the
amount of oil. GOR is the number of Sft3 of gas per
When a two-phase fluid flows along a pipe the velocity barrel of oil.
of each phase will be different. The slip ratio is the ratio
of the gas/vapour phase velocity to the liquid phase

Gas Solution Ratio, Rs

ut Quantifies the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid, i.e.
the number of Nm3/hr of gas per m3/hr of liquid.

TS41.1.2 Page 8


Multi-phase Sizing Equations Calculate the mass flow rate

a) Gas/Vapour Fraction
WTOT = Wl + Wg
The valve sizing equations for multi-phase flows are
presented for simplicity, in terms of a total mass flow Calculate gas/vapour pressure
rate and a gas/vapour fraction. In the event of flow rates
being presented in volumetric units then the first stage Wg
in the multi-phase calculation procedure is to convert
X =
volume flows into mass flow rates.

Convert to flow by weight

b) Sizing Pressure Drop for Liquid Phase
Calculate supercooled vapour pressure
USGPM to lb/hr Wl = 501 × G × Ql
 P 
ft3/hr to lb/hr Wl = 62.43 × G × Ql PVC = PV  0.96 − 028 V 
 PC 
ft3/hr to lb/hr

Determine the limiting liquid phase pressure drop

P1 M W
Wg = × Qg corresponding to the occurrence of critical flow. Refer to
Z × 10.72 × ( 460 + T1 ) Table 41.1 for values of Cr

S. ft3/hr to lb/hr
∆plim it = C 2f ( P1 − PV )
Wg = 0.0028 × M W × Q gl
Set the liquid phase sizing pressure drop, ∆psl. If the
METRIC pressure drop across the valve is less than the limiting
pressure drop then the liquid phase is normal and
m3 to kg/hr Wl = 1000 × G × Ql
∆p Sl = ∆p
m3 to kg/hr

If the pressure drop across the valve is greater than the

P1 × 105 × M W
Wg = × Qg limiting pressure drop, then the liquid phase is critical
Z × 8314 × ( 273 + T1 ) and

Nm3/hr to kg/hr
∆p Sl = ∆pl lim it
Wg = 0.0044 × M W × Q gl

TS41.2.1 Page 9


Gas/vapour Phase

c) Sizing Pressure Drop for Gas/Vapour Phase

Z × 10.72 × (460 + T )
Calculate limiting pressure drop for gas vapour phase νg =
M W × P1

∆p g lim it = C 2f FK RP1 METRIC

Z × 8314 × (273 + T )
where C f = 1.33 × C f νg =
M W × P1

and R = 0.47
e) Calculate the Expansion Correction Factor
Refer to Table 41.1 for values of Cf or the valve
opening is known Figure 41.2. γ
 ∆p 
K = 1 − 2 
 CfP 
Set the sizing pressure drop for gas/vapour phase.  1

If the pressure drop across the valve is less than or where

equal to the limiting pressure drop the gas/vapour
phase is normal and  0.65 
γ = − 0.92 
 FK 
∆p Sg = ∆p
or refer to Figure 41.1
If the pressure drop is greater than the limiting pressure
drop then the gas/vapour phase is critical and f) Calculate Valve Flow Coefficient – Two Phase

∆pSg = ∆p g lim it

Cv = 0.0159 × WTOT
XK 2ν g
(1 − X )ν l
d) Calculate Phase Specific Volumes ∆p sg ∆p sl

Liquid Phase METRIC

Cv = 0.0368 × WTOT
XK 2ν g
(1 − X )ν l
0.016 ∆p sg ∆p sl
νl =


νl =

TS41.2.2 Page 10


h) Calculate Valve Flow Coefficient - Gas Solution

g) Calculate Valve Flow Coefficient - Three Phase
Ratio Known (Dissolved Gas Content)
On many choke applications there is a combination of
oil, vapour and water in the flowing media. In such a
If the gas solution ratio is known this means that the
case, the differences in the liquids specific gravity and
amount of dissolved gas within the liquid phase can be
the limiting pressure drops must be accounted for in the
calculated. This dissolved gas will come out of solution
sizing procedure. The previous two-term equation has
as the fluid flows through the valve. The effect of this on
been modified so that the sizing pressure drop can be
the sizing can be taken into account by utilizing the
calculated for each liquid phase.
procedure detailed below. This will lead to more a
Water phase accurate calculation of the flow coefficient.

The water phase sizing pressure drop is ∆pslw and

∆pslo should be calculated using the equations Xfree is the free gas content by weight
presented in (b) of this procedure using the water fluid
Xdissolved is the dissolved gas content by weight
Xlw is the fraction of water present by weight, i.e.

Wlw The sizing pressure drop for the dissolved gas can be
X = determined from the equation below.
Oil phase
 P 
The oil phase sizing pressure drop is ∆pslo and should ∆psg ( dissolved ) = C 2f P1  0.96 − 028 1 
be calculated using the procedure presented in (b)  PC 
using the liquid hydrocarbon (oil) fluid properties.

Xlo is the fraction of oil present by weight, i.e. The sizing equation becomes:

X lw =
The sizing equations are:- IMPERIAL
X free K 2ν g X loν lo X lwν lw X ν
Cv = 0.0159 × WTOT + + + dissolved lo
XK ν g
2 ∆p sg ∆p slo ∆p slw ∆p sg ( dissolved )
X loν lo X lwν lw
Cv = 0.0159 × WTOT + +
∆p sg ∆p slo ∆p slw

METRIC X free K 2ν g X loν lo X lwν lw X dissolvedν lo

Cv = 0.0368 × WTOT + + +
∆p sg ∆p slo ∆p slw ∆p sg ( dissolved )
XK 2ν g X ν X ν
Cv = 0.0368 × WTOT + lo lo + lw lw
∆p sg ∆p slo ∆p slw

Note: The sizing pressure drops ∆plo and ∆p slw

should be calculated using the procedure shown on
TS41.2.1 and using the respective fluid properties.

TS41.2.4 Page 11


Table 41.1 Valve Pressure Recovery and Incipient Cavitation Coefficients

Valve Type Trim Style Trim Size Flow Direction Cf K1
Microspline All sizes Over 0.95 0.95
Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.85 0.81
Series 10 Contoured
Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.8 0.82
Ported All sizes Over or under 0.93 0.9
HF, HFD, HFT All sizes Over or under 1 0.95
Under 0.9 0.8
Over 0.85 0.81
Under 0.9 0.8
Series 14 Over 0.8 0.82
Ported All sizes Over or under 0.93 0.9
HF All sizes Over or under 1 0.95
Ported Full Over or under 0.92 0.9
HF All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.95
Series 12 XHF All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95
HFD All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95
XHFD,HFT,XHFT All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.95
Full 0.9 0.87
Contoured Over and under
Series 20 Reduced 0.8 0.84
HF, HFD, HFT All sizes Over and under 1 0.95
Series 30/31 ‘V’ Port All sizes Mixing and diverting 0.91 0.9
4 Stage All sizes Over 1* 0.95*
Series 51/57
7 Stage All sizes Over 1* 0.95*
<30% 0.98 0.9
Vane Open Through
0.9 0.75
Series 61/62
<30% 1** 0.9
Vane and baffle Through
Open 0.98** 0.9
Under 0.9 0.8
Contoured Full
Over 0.45 0.84
Under 0.95 0.8
Over 0.5 0.82

Series 70/71 Ported All sizes Over or under 0.92 0.9

HF All sizes Over or under 0.96 0.92
HFD All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95
HFT All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95
Ported All sizes Over or under 0.92 0.9
HF All sizes Over or under 0.96 0.92
XHF All sizes Over or under 0.97 0.92
HFD All sizes Over or under 0.98 0.95
XHFD ,HFT, XHFT All sizes Over or under 0.99 0.95
Cylindrical All sizes Through 0.95 0.90
Fixed area
Flat All sizes Through 0.92 0.90

TS41.2.4 Page 12


TS41.2.5 Page 13


Figure 41.2 Valve Pressure Recovery Values for Different Valve Series as a function of Valve Openings

TS41.2.6 Page 14


TS42 Multi Phase Velocity

Introduction Factors Influencing Velocity Limitations

In selecting a valve for a multi-phase flow application Selection of pipework systems includes the
one of the major considerations is the effect of fluid consideration of fluid velocity which is limited for the
velocity. High fluid velocities can lead to erosion and following reasons
vibration problems. The higher velocity of the
gas/vapour phase will tend to lead to an increase in the
1) reduction in pressure loss,
mean flow velocity of the liquid phase leading to the
possibility of an erosion problem. This section covers
the limitations imposed because of the possible effects 2) to reduce/eliminate vibration potential,
of high flow velocities and includes the velocity
calculation procedures for multi-phase fluids along with
3) to minimise erosion damage.
the recommended velocity limits.

A control valve is considered as a major part of the

pipework system and the flow velocity is limited for
similar reasons.

Although valve and piping velocity limits apply to mean

inlet/outlet flow velocities, it should be noted that the
flow through a control valve being highly turbulent
would exhibit areas of flow velocity much higher than
the mean flow velocity. Additionally, dependant on the
trim configuration the flow may impinge directly onto the
valve body wall. These factors, together with levels of
energy dissipation, mechanical vibration response, and
the material of construction influence the recommended
maximum levels presented in Table 42.1. and 42.2.

Effect of Valve/Trim Style

Reference to Table 42.1 and 42.2 will reveal varying

velocity limits for different valve sizes, trim styles and
body material. The reasons for these changes are
related to the varying flow paths through the different
configurations. For example the recommended velocity
levels are higher for cage guided trims because the
highest flow velocities, occurring just downstream of the
minimum flow area, are contained within the more
erosion resistant valve trim. Additionally, in cage guided
valves the high levels of energy dissipation are
controlled by splitting the flow into small jets with the
impingement contained within the guide.

TS42.1 Page 15


Basis of Velocity Calculation

If the % flash is given or can be calculated then the

relative velocities of the two phases, liquid and vapour,
can be approximated. A measure of the different phase
velocities is given by the slip ratio, s. This is the ratio of
the vapour phase to the liquid phase velocity. An
expression used to determine this value is shown

 ρ 2
s = X l +1− X 
 ρv 

It is evident by examining this expression that as the %

flash increases so does the slip ratio, and hence the
vapour flow velocity. Furthermore, when the vapour
density approaches the liquid density, s tends to 1, and
the vapour velocity is almost equal to the liquid velocity.

TS42.2 Page 16



a) Determine the liquid density and downstream vapour f) Determine the void fraction and phase flow areas.
METRIC a= 42.10
( X V + (1 − X V )s )
ρ l = G × 1000 42.1
Liquid phase flow area
P2 × 10 × M W
Al = (1 − a ) Atot
ρv2 = 42.2 42.11
8314 × (T2 + 273)
Vapour phase flow area
AV = aAtot 42.12
ρ l = G × 62.43 42.3
Note: use the correct area units in the above
P2 × M W equations i.e. m2 for METIC or ft2 for IMPERIAL
ρv2 = 42.4
10.72 × (T2 + 460) g) Determine the liquid phase flow velocity.

b) Determine the slip ratio. Vl = 42.13
Al × 3600
 ρ  2
s = X l +1− X  42.05 h) Determine the vapour phase flow velocity.
 ρv  QV 2
VV = 42.14
c) Calculate the liquid and vapour phase mass flow rate. AV × 3600
WV = X × WTOT 42.06 i) Check that the phase velocities do not exceed their
recommended maximum levels, see Table 42.1. The
Wl = (1 − X ) × WTOT 42.07 vapour phase flow velocity should not exceed 253m/s
(830 ft/sec) or 0.3 Mach. For the complete set of
d) Calculate the downstream vapour and liquid phase
velocity limits for gas/vapour flows refer to Table 42.2.
volume flow rates.
In the case that the % flash cannot be determined then the
WV Wl valve size is selected based upon the design CV and
QV 2 = Ql = 42.08
ρV 2 ρl making reference to the line size.

e) Calculate the downstream vapour volume ratio


QV 2
Xv = 42.09
QTOT = QV 2 + Ql

Table 42.1 Recommended Maximum Velocities for Liquid Service

TS42.4 Page 17


Maximum Velocity
Valve Size
Valve Type Valve Rating Trim Style
Carbon Steel Alloy Steel Bronze, Cu/Ni Alloys
in mm ft/s m/s ft/s m/s ft/s m/s
0.5-2 15-50 41 12.5 46 14 25 7.6
3-6 80-150 34 10.4 34 10.4 20 6.2
Series 8-14 200-350 29 8.9 29 8.9 17 5.2
All Contoured
10/14/20 16-18 400-450 22 6.7 22 6.7 13 4
20 500 18 5.5 18 5.5 11 3.4
24 600 12 3.7 12 3.7 7 2.1
1-12 25-300 43 13.1 52 15.8 26 7.9
Ported + HF
All 14-20 350-500 35 10.7 43 13.1 21 6.4
24 600 25 7.6 35 10.7 15 4.6
1-12 25-300 43 (60) 13.1 (18.3) 52 (70) 15.8 (21.3) 26 (35) 7.9 (10.7)
Ported + HF
Series 12/51 All 14-20 350-500 35 (50) 10.7 (15.2) 43 (60) 13.1 (18.3) 21 (30) 6.4 (9.1)
24 600 25 (35) 7.6 (10.7) 35 (50) 10.7 (15.2) 15 (21) 4.6 6.4)
Up to and 1-2 25-50 31 9.5 35 10.7 19 5.8
Series 30/31 including "V" Port 3-6 80-150 26 8 26 8 16 4.9
ANSI 600 8-12 200-300 19 5.8 19 5.8 11 3.4
Up to and 4-12 100-300 25 7.6 25 7.6 15 4.6
Series 61/62 including Vane 14-24 350-600 15 4.6 15 4.6 9 2.7
ANSI 300 >24 >600 10 3 10 3 6 1.8
Series 70/71 All Contoured All sizes All sizes Refer to Series 10 velocity limits
Series 1-12 25-300 48 (65) 14.6 (19.8) 57 (75) 17.4 (22.9) 29 (39) 8.8 (11.9)
Ported + HF
70/71/72 All 14-20 350-500 40 (55) 12.2 (16.8) 48 (65) 14.6 (19.8) 24 (29) 7.3 (8.8)
73/74/57 24 600 30 (42) 9.1 (12.8) 40 (55) 12.2 (16.8) 18 (25) 5.5 (7.6)

TABLE 42.2. Recommended Maximum Velocities for Gas/Vapour

Valve Valve Trim Maximum Inlet Maximum Outlet Max. Outlet Mach no. for
Valve Size
Type Rating Style Velocity Velocity Required Noise Level
in mm ft/s rn/s ft/s rn/s >95 dBA <95 dBA <85 dBA
0.5-2 15-50 340 104
Up to and 3-6 80-150 295 90
including Contoured 8-14 200-350 265 81
Series ANSI 600 16-18 400-450 190 58
10//14/20 20 500 150 46 830 253 0.65 0.5 0.3

24 600 115 35
1-12 25-300
Ported +
All 14-20 350-500 475 144
HF family
24 600
1-12 25-300
Ported +
Series 12 All 14-20 350-500 475 144 830 253 0.65 0.5 0.3
HF family
24 600 (1150) (350) (0.9) (0.7) (0.4)
Up to and 1-2 25-50 226 78
Series 30/31 including ‘V’ Port 3-6 80-150 220 67 640 195 0.65 0.5 0.3
ANSI 600 8-12 200-300 200 61
Up to and 4-12 100-300 200 61
Series 61/62 including Vane 14-24 350-600 100 30 350 107 0.65 0.5 0.3
ANSI 300 >24 >600 80 24
Refer to Series 10
Series 70/71 All Contoured All sizes Sonic 0.65 0.5 0.3
velocity limits
1-12 25-300
Series 70/71 Ported +
All 14-20 350-500 475 144 Sonic 0.65 0.5 0.3
72/73 HF family
24 600 (0.9) (0.7) (0.4)

TS42.4 Page 18

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