Nutr Aula 5 e 6

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Nutrição e Exercício Físico

High levels of fat in the diet, especially saturated fat,

have long been recognised as a strong risk factor for
cardiovascular disease.

Fat occurs in three main forms in the human body –

mainly as triglyceride, but also as phospholipids, the
type of fat found on every cell membrane, and sterols,
for example, the type of fat associated with your
steroid hormones like oestrogen.

Rute Santos

Macronutrients Macronutrients

Fat Fat
Fatty acids - Saturated
Triglycerides account for most of the fat stored in the - Unsaturated
body. • Monounsaturated
• Polyunsaturated
They are stored in adipose tissue and are used to provide
energy to the working muscles in your body.
Saturated fatty acids are typically solid at room
They are organic compounds made by glycerol backbone temperature. Butter would be a good example of a
and three fatty acids. saturated fatty acid.
Those fatty acids, that are long chains of carbon
and The majority do come from animal sources, including meat
hydrogen atoms, can either be saturated or and dairy products.


Macronutrients Macronutrients

Fat Fat
Eating foods that contain saturated fats raises the level Monounsaturated fats can have a beneficial effect on
of cholesterol in your blood. High levels of Low Density your heart when eaten in moderation and when used to
replace saturated fat and trans fatty acids in your diet.
Lipoprotein (LDL), also known as the bad cholesterol,
in your blood increases your risk of developing heart Oils that contain monounsaturated fats are typically
disease and stroke, and thus, foods like these should be liquid at room temperature, but start to turn solid when chilled.
Olive oil would be a good example here.
It is recommended that no more than 11% of your total Monounsaturated fats can help reduce cholesterol levels in your
calorie intake should come from saturated fatty acids blood, which can lower your risk of developing heart disease and
stroke. They also provide beneficial nutrients, for example, the
antioxidant vitamin E.

Macronutrients Macronutrients

Fat Fat
Polyunsaturated fats can also have a beneficial effect In conclusion, a small amount of fat is an essential part of
on your heart when eaten in moderation like the more a healthy balanced diet.
non-saturated acids, they can reduce bad cholesterol
levels in your blood. All types of fat are high in energy. A gram of fat, whether
it's saturated or unsaturated, provides nine kilocalories of
They also provide essential fats that your body needs energy compared to four kilocalories from protein or
but you can't produce yourself, such as omega-6 and carbohydrate.
omega-3 fatty acids.
As part of a healthy balanced diet, we should try and cut
Foods high in polyunsaturated fat include a number of down on the total amount of saturated fat and replace it
plant-based oils, such as vegetable oils and spreads, but with some unsaturated fats.
also oily fish and nuts and seeds.


Iron Iron

Most of the iron that you find in the body is associated with Women are obviously more sensitive to iron deficiency
haemoglobin, which is found in red cells. than man, because they lose blood every month through
Its chief roles are in the transport of oxygen to the tissues and their period.
in oxidation reactions in the cells. But it's also critical in many
other parts of the body, because what it can do is it can
provide energy. It can transfer energy from food into the body
And during pregnancy, in particular, women are at risk of

and make it into a form that the body can use. iron deficiency, which is why they're very frequently
prescribed iron supplements.
And if you are iron deficient, then what will happen is you
will end up being lethargic.

You will end up Explore:

having problems
with cognition
and a whole
series of other

Copper Zinc

Copper fulfills of a similar role iron in the body, partly, Now zinc is somewhat different from copper and iron.
because its chemistry is similar and it can go through It isn’t involved in energy metabolism, but it's a very, very
copper two to copper one. important mediator in terms of regulating the way that
It can donate and accept electrons, which means it can cells work and the way the body works.
transfer energy from food stuffs into a form that the

Body can use. Zinc deficiency can occur through nutritional problems,
through nutritional defects, and it's quite common, especi
Copper deficiency is rare, but when it does occur, it can ally in developing countries. And it is also identified as an
have very serious consequences. Babies with copper inherited disorder as well.
deficiency have problems with their skin, and with their
nerves. But the thing that will usually end up being lethal It has many symptoms including marked skin effects and
is that the structures of the big blood vessels is not problems in relation to skin function and skin structure
Adequate to be able to maintain pressure, and the and wound healing.
vessels will burst and the child will die.
Zinc deficiency can result in inhibited wound healing. And
it could also lead to other problems associated with brain
function and normal physiology.


Iodine Vitamin C

Iodine is very important as it's involved in thyroid It's relatively easy to become depleted in vitamin C
function. within sort of couple of months if you don't have any
in your diet on a regular basis you become vitamin C
People who are iodine deficient typically end up with a deficient.
goitre, which is a thickening around the neck that's

associated with growth in the thyroid. The deficiency disease is called scurvy (português:
Mothers who very severely iodine deficient, their babies
are at risk of being born with the particular mental Large doses of vitamin C are not particularly useful in
disorder known as cretinism. normal nutrition anyway because we can't store very
much of it. So the amount of vitamin C we know –
the minimum amount to prevent scurvy is about 10 mi
lligrams a day.

Vitamin C Explore

The recommended daily intake a day is 45 milligrams.

So that's already got a minimum amount, plus a bit for

Water and Alchool

safety, plus a bit extra. So if you're having
45 milligrams a day, then you certainly shouldn't

develop scurvy. recovery/sports-drinks/

1 whole orange = 45 mg of vitamin C


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