Carto Questionaire

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Carto Questionnaires

In hydrographic surveying, a wire-______ consists essentially of a buoyed wired towed at

desired depth by _____ motor launches and used to locate existing obstruction or shoal
a. Tag, three
b. Tag, two
c. Drag, two
d. Drag, three
Situation: in an aerial photography project, the distance between flight lines is 4,903 feet
and the interval between exposures is 2441 feet.
o If the flight lines are to be plotted on 1:50,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map
Distance in centimeters between flight lines.
a. 2.8 c. 3.2
b. 3.3 d. 3.0
o If the exposures are to be plotted on 1:50,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map
Distance in centimeters between photographs
a. 1.8 c. 1.5
b. 2.0 d. 1.6
o If the flight lines are to be plotted on 1:10,000 scale topographic map. Determine the Map
Distance in centimeters between flight lines.
a. 13.5 c. 16.0
b. 13.8 d. 15.0
In photogrammetry, ____________ point is the front station ________ from the perspective
view to the plane of the photograph.
a. principal, perpendicular c. fiducial, perpendicular
b. principal, parallel d. fiducial, parallel
Shutter speed of aerial cameras
a. 1/100 to 1/1000 c. 1/500 to 1/1000
b. 1/100 to 1/500 d. 1/250 to 1/500
UTM is divided into 60 zones, each with 6 degrees width
_______ image is a computer-compatible image into a fine grid of picture of elements or
a. graphical c. digital
b. rectified d. photographic
Sextant are instruments used to ______ observe ______ objects from a hydrographic
survey best for ______ horizontal control points.
a. Simultaneously, two, four
b. Simultaneously, two, three
c. Alternately, two, four
d. Alternately, two, three
_____ optics in photogrammetry treats lights as a _______ of waves from a point and
travelling through a transmitting meridian.
a) Physical, electromagnetic
b) Geometric, elastic
c) Physical, elastic
d) Geometric, electromagnetic
Aerial camera lens_______ is to count the number of line pairs (black lines separated by
white lines spaces of equal thickness which can be clearly distinguished within a width of
_______ in an image produced by the lens.
Resolution, mm
_______ lens distortion in an aerial camera is due to _______ centering of the lens
component and other manufacturing defects in a compound lens
a. radial, impeferct
b. radial, perfect
c. decentering, perfect
d. decentering, imperfect
The camera lens _______ enlarges or contracts, changing the ______ of the lens opening
and thus regulates the amount of light that is allowed to pass through the lens
a. Diaphragm, diameter
b. Shutter, cover
c. Diaphragm, cover
d. Shutter, diameter

The scale at any point on a truly vertical aerial photograph is the ratio of the camera focal
length to the ______ of the flying height and the _______ of the point.
a. Product, coordinates
b. Difference, elevation
c. Product, Elevation
d. Difference, coordinate

All ______ lights rays from the terrain are brought to the focus in the _____ plane of all
aerial camera
a. Refracted, focal
b. Incident, Fiducial
c. Refracted, Fiducial
d. Incident, Focal

A sextant is a _______ reflecting objects for measuring angles, primarily altitudes of

celestial bodies and ______ points during hydrographic surveys.
a. Double, four
b. Single, three
c. Single, four
d. Double, Three
______ optics in photogrammetry treats light as _____ lines traveling from a point source
through a transmitting meridian.
a. Physical, straight
b. Geometric, Straight
c. Geometric, Curved
d. Physical, Curved

If a survey boat travels at a speed of 10 knots and measures soundings at intervals of 10

seconds, what is the interval of soundings in the water, in meters?
a. 49.40
b. 52.40
c. 51.40
d. 50.40

A ______ is hydrographic survey vessel consisting of two parallel hulls of equal size,
geometry-stabilized due to its wide beam and with a _____
a. Catamaram, shallow
b. Motor Launch, deep
c. Catamaran, deep
d. Motor Launch, Shallow

Process of moving the aerial camera film slight during exposure, in the direction of and rate
of just equal to ____ movement is called ________-motion compensation.
a. Aircraft, forward
b. Image, Backward
c. Image, Forward
d. Aircraft, Backward

Object reflects all the visible energy that strikes it, will appear to the human eye as _____.
a. Black
b. Green
c. White
d. Red

Situation: An aerial photographic film in optimally exposed w/ an f-stop setting of f-8.0 and a
shutter speed of 1/500 second.
Determine the correct f-stop setting if the shutter speed change to 1/1000 sec
a. F-5.6
b. F-32
c. F-16
d. F-2.8
Determine the correct f-stop setting if the shutter speed change to 1/250sec
a. F-16
b. F-5.6
c. F-11
d. F-22
Determine the correct f-stop setting if the shutter speed change to 1/125 sec
a. F-22
b. F-32
c. F-5.6
d. F-16

____ controls the length at the time that ____ is pass the lens
a. shutter, air
b. shutter, light
c. diaphragm, light
d. diaphragm, air

Our two eyes have overlapping visual fields use stereoscopic ______ to gain _____
perception in observing through stereoscope
a. Eyeglasses, depth
b. Parallax, depth
c. Parallax, breadth
d. Eyeglasses, Breadth
The amount of relief displacement is ______ proportional to ______ distance between the
image point and the principal.
a. Inversely, tangential
b. Directly, radial
c. Inversely, Radial
d. Directly, Tangential

A _____ beam echo sounder in hydrographic survey has a ______ useful for seabed
a. Single, wide
b. Multi, narrow
c. Single, very wide
d. Multi, wide

_______ latitudes are used in the computation of equal _____ map projection
a. Polyconic, distance
b. Authalic, area
c. Polyconic, area
d. Authalic, distance

Equal-area projections, area between _____ parallels at ______ are exactly equal to the
a. Alternate, latitude
b. Successive, Longitude
c. Successive, Latitude
d. Alternate, Longitude

Situation: An aerial camera with forward-motion compensation and a 6 inch focal length is
carried in an aircraft traveling at 156 miles per hour at flying height of 9,850 feet above
terrain and with a shutter speed of 1/125 seconds
Scale of photograph at terrain elevation
a. 1:20,000
b. 1:19,700
c. 1:18,700
d. 1:19,000
Distance traveled by the plan during exposure, in meters
a. 0.56
b. 0.60
c. 0.58
d. 0.54
______ aerial cameras lenses cause blurring and _____ the sharpness of the image
a. distortion, degrade
b. aberrations, enhance
c. distortion, enhance
d. Aberrations, degrade

The ____ of an analogue camera houses the reels which hold exposed and unexposed
a. Diaphragm
b. Camera Body
c. Magazine
d. Lens Core

The _____ tidal range occurs when the gravitational forces of sun and moon are _____
phase, reinforcing each other in the same direction or are exactly in the opposite phase
a. Lowest, in
b. Highest, in
c. Lowest out of
d. Highest, out of

If the aerial camera lens shutter time is halved and aperture area is doubled, total exposure
a. Halved
b. Doubled
c. Quadrupled
d. Remains unchanged
In a _____ projection, the geographic meridians and parallels projected onto a cylinder is
______ to (or intersect)
a. Cylindrical, cotangent
b. Cylindrical, tangent
c. Gnomonic, cotangent
d. Gnomonic, tangent

Situation: The interval between soundings in a hydrographic survey is 100m.

If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 40mm, what is the scale of the chart
a. 1:10,000
b. 1:5,000
c. 1:2,500
d. 1:4,000
If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 20mm, what is the scale of the chart
a. 1:5,000
b. 1:6,000
c. 1:10,000
d. 1:4,000
If the corresponding distance on a nautical chart is 10mm, what is the scale of the chart
a. 1:20,000
b. 1:5,000
c. 1:10,000
d. 1:1,000
In an _________, lines radiating from a _____ corresponding lines on a sphere
a. Azimuthal, vanishing
b. Equal-area, central
c. Azimuthal, Central
d. Equal-area, Vanishing

The tidal range occurs when the gravitational forces of both sun and moon _____ each
other and there is a ______ moon.
a. Cancel, 1/8
b. Cancel, full
c. Reinforce, quarter
d. Reinforce, full

The accepted vertical accuracy standard requires that the elevations of ________ percent
of all points tested must be correct within one-________ of the contour interval
a. 80, half
b. 90, half
c. 80, fourth
d. 90, fourth

The _____ percent triple overlap is provided to ensure the proper _____ from one pair of
photographs in the pair.
a. 30, alignment
b. 30, connection
c. 20, connection
d. 20, alignment

_______ is the deviation in the ______ of the aerial aircraft with respect to the time actual
flight direction of.
a. Drift, orientation
b. Crab, orientation
c. Crab, Location
d. Drift, Location

A meridian at any point given, called a _____ meridians is _____ on the ellipsoid that
connects the north and south poles and passes through that point.
a. Local, a geodesic
b. Greenwich, a geodesic
c. Local, an arc
d. Greenwich, an arc

Flight _____ is the vertical distance show a given datum, usually the mean ____ level, of an
aircraft in flight.
a. Latitude, sea
b. Latitude, terrain
c. Altitude, sea
d. Altitude, terrain

Photographic emulsion sensitive to blue, green and red light are called
a. Microwave
b. Panchromatic
c. False-color
d. Infrared

A latent image becomes _____ after the photographic _______ stage of laboratory stage.
a. Visible, fixing
b. Visible, development
c. Invisible, development
d. Invisible, fixing

In hydrographic survey, ______ of sounding refers to the correction of the observation

depth for the height of _______. Above or below the plain of reference at the time of
a. Addition, boat
b. Reduction, tide
c. Reduction, boat
d. Addition, tide

Situation: an aerial camera with forward-motion compensation and a 3.5 inch focal length is
carried in an aircraft traveling at 93 miles per hour at flying height of 2,625 feet above terrain
and with a shutter speed of 1/250 seconds
Distance traveled during exposure in meters
a. 0.19
b. 0.18
c. 0.17
d. 0.15
Scale above terrain
a. 1:9,100
b. 1:8,900
c. 1:9,200
d. 1:9,000
Distance of film must be moved across the focal plane during exposure in order to obtain a
clear image (in microns)
a. 21
b. 22
c. 19
d. 20

Aerial photography is taken from a flying height of 16,000 feet above average terrain with a
camera having 12-inch focal length and a 23 cm square format. Forward overlap is 65%
and side lap 35%.
Scale at average ground elevation
a. 1:16,000
b. 1:16,500
c. 1:15,800
d. 1:15,500
Square ground area, in hectares
a. 1,354
b. 1,360
c. 1,358
d. 1,350
Area, in hectares of the neat model representing the mapping area of each stereo-pair
a. 305
b. 310
c. 308
d. 312

Situation: Sam-9 Northing = 1,662,055.481 Easting = 464,770.938

Latitude I Diff 1” VII Diff 1” VIII
15-01 1,660,648.755 30.73255 684.154 0.01323 7.310
15-02 1,662,492.708 30.73259 684.948 0.01323 7.319
Latitude IX Diff 1” X Diff 1” XI
15-01 33,467.472 0.04329 157.704 0.00096 1.210
15-02 33,479.069 0.04334 157.762 0.00097 1.211
Determine the initial Latitude
a. 15-01-45.2377
b. 15-01-45.3772
c. 15-01-45.7237
d. 15-01-45.7732
Determine the latitude
a. 15-01-44.249
b. 15-01-44.492
c. 15-01-44.294
d. 15-01-44.924
Determine the Longitude
a. 120-40-20.592
b. 120-40-20.295
c. 120-40-20.952
d. 120-40-20.925

Situation – Hydrographic Surveys

Station Coordinates (meters)
Northings Easting
C 1,532,945.768 524,003.771
N 1,531,367.395 524,484.795
P 1,529,693.183 525,078.670
Triangle/ Angle formed by Angle
P – Boat – N 47-36
N – Boat – C 38-19
o Angle Boat-P-N
a. 51-36
b. 51-34
c. 51-37
d. 51-35
o Angel Boat-C-N
a. 45-04
b. 45-06
c. 45-05
d. 45-03
o Distance from shore station N to boat
a. 1,883
b. 1,885
c. 1,884
d. 1,886

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