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P8 Basic adjectives

new,Jc,5亡タでhe。p, boring, etC.

Key phrases: Adverbs of degree

pIO Countries and nationa=ties

5pain, 7t/rky, J。p。n, ChincJ, et⊂"

p「9 A description ofa town or city p92 Ext「a listening and speaking:
P17 Compa「ative adje〔tives p18 Asking and saying where
Askingfor and giving pe「sonai information
Pronun⊂iation: /∋/ sound in Piaces are Key phrases: Describing a town or
Study strategy: Leaming the City p「OO ⊂urriculum Extra: Geography: Reading a
⊂Om Pa ratives
key phrases しanguage point: Position of
Key phrases: Comparing
OPinions Key phrases: Asking and saying adjectives
Where pIaces are

p49 An email aboutyour s⊂hooI

Key phrases: Giving information
about you「 schooI

しanguage point: 5O

P59 Afood biog

Key phrases: Writing a food blog
Language point: Sequencing

p99 Extra listening and speaking;

The weather forecast
plO5 Cu○○icuium Ext「a: Language and literature:
勅e Adventure5 qfわm 5。vyer

plll CuIture:Theme parks inthe USA

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