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Che⊂kthe meaning ofthe words in the box・ Whi⊂h hasyou「

則sinesses o冊ces azoo acastIe abeach anoidpart shops facto「ies

Edinburgh -S a City in the south of

scotIand, lt′s an oId city and itS got a

popu-at-On Of about 500′000" There are a

iot of shops, bus-neSSeS and monumentS.

=ike Edinburgh because itt an而erestlng

p-ace and the peop-e a「e re訓y fr-endly. The

shops here a「e rea"y g○○d and there are a
iot of cinemas" My favou「ite places are the
castie and the zoo"

丁here are SOme q而e nice places nea「

Edinbu「gh. ‘t′s on-y a few khometres from

1 Read the desc「iption of Edinburgh. the sea and there′s a very p「etty beach in
Which words in the THINK! exerCise po「tobe11o, There are a-so trains and buses
are in the text? What other places to Giasgow and the north・川ke Glasgow′
are mentioned? but I think Edlnburgh is more interest-ng.

2 completethe key phraseswith words from

the text. 与亀us管用 Fo=ow the steps in the wr輔ng


DesI営ibing a town or `ity

「 lt’sinthenorth/. /west/east/ A鵬SK

centre of Write a description ofa town ora citythat
之It’sa/an town / city.
you ‖ke fo「 a website・
3 1t’sgota populat10n Ofabou上
4 MyfavourIte Piaces a「e and B THINl( AND PしAN
5 it,sonly from 「 Whereisthetown/city? Howbigisit?
2 Whydoyou likethetown /city?
3 What areyourfavou「ite piaces?
しanguage point: Position of adjeくtives 4 Arethere any nice pIaces nearthetown /city?
5 Whattransport isthere?
i Lookatthephrases in酬ue inthetext.Then
choose the corre⊂t WOrds. 〔 WRI丁∈
1 When an ad」ective and noun a「etogethe直he Paragraph l: Location
adjective is befo「e / afte「the noun. …i§a†owh/〇時iM…
2 We use /eC7恢Vピッand q山南e befo「e / afte「the
Paragraph 2: Good things
a djective.
=ike... ♭ecau§e...

Paragraph 3: Other piaces and t「ansport

4 orderthewordsto make senten⊂eS.
… iso面Y...fro物…
1 old/aiotof/there/are/buiidings
2 f「iends/got/l’ve/nice/some D〔Hl〔K
3 shop/expensive/quite/this/is ・でhere与there c7re
4 isn’t川brary/very/the/big . position ofadjectives
5 a/castIe/oid/re訓y/itt . comparativeforms

「bwnsandlities 19

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