Inheritance: (Ɪn Hɛrɪtəns)

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B04501070 土木三 朱易昌

p.110 The beginning of real biology

p.111-1 GM food: the arguments for
p.111-3 GM food: the arguments against

1. inheritance [ɪnˋhɛrɪtəns]
(n.) money, property, etc. that you receive from someone who has died 遺產
Ex. The large inheritance from his aunt meant that he could buy his own boat.
2. reveal [rɪˋvil]
(v.) to make known something that was previously secret or unknown 揭露;洩露;透露
Ex. Her biography revealed that she was not as rich as everyone thought.
3. inevitable [ɪnˋɛvətəb!]
(a.) certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented 不可避免的;必然發生的

Ex. The accident was the inevitable consequence carelessness.

4. continent [ˋkɑntənənt]
(n.) a large mass of land surrounded by sea 洲;大洲;大陸

5. speculate [ˋspɛkjə͵let]
(v.) to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts
or details 猜測;推測;推斷
Ex. A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the train crash.
6. famine [ˋfæmɪn]
(n.) a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many
people die 饑荒
Ex. Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845–46.
7. intensify [ɪnˋtɛnsə͵faɪ]
(v.) to become greater, more serious, or more extreme, or to make something do this 加強;增

Ex. Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.

8. fertilizer [ˋfɝtl͵aɪzɚ]
(n.) a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants, to
make plants grow well 肥料

9. supervision [͵supɚˋvɪʒən]
(n.) the act of watching a person or activity and making certain that everything is done correctly,
safely, etc. 監督;管理;指導
Ex. Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals unless they are under the
supervision of a teacher.
10.fertility [fɝˋtɪlətɪ]
(n.) the quality of being able to produce young or fruit 生殖力;繁殖能力

11.anemia [əˋnimɪə]
(n.) a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in your blood 貧血
Ex. The main symptoms of anemia are tiredness and pallor.
12.trial [ˋtraɪəl]
(n.) a process of testing to find out whether something works effectively and is safe 試驗

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