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rarely seen on the battlefield, because its massive

Laser Destroyer is too complex for all but the best
Forge Worlds. Still, few vehicles are better at
seeking out and eliminating enemy tanks.

For the conversion below, you will need the following items:

Item Name Part Number

Demolisher Siege Tank
boxed set
Basilisk Frame E sprue 99399999045

You will also need a few hobby supplies, like a hobby knife, plasticard, clippers, green
stuff, sculpting tool, super glue, pin vise, files, a thin paper clip, and a handful of
patience. Take your time and be safe!

Assemble the Demolisher hull as normal, but leave off the hull-mounted lascannon and
the plating that surrounds it. For the turret socket, trim down the turret base piece and
add the hatch and seal ring (with a gun mount) from the equipment sprue. Cut down the
Basilisk barrel to an appropriate length. Next, get ready to cut some plasticard and
check out the images below for the rest of the instructions.

Construct the weapon housing Apply green stuff to fill in gaps in You'll need to "borrow" another
out of plasticard (match the the plasticard and sand it down. oil drum from another equipment
underhull). sprue.

Attach two strips of plasticard to Cut a sheet of plasticard and give Add rivets and glue the whole
serve as the armor skirt frame. it two vertical v-gouges to show armor skirt in place.

Mount the Basilisk barrel on the Add a plasticard band and rivets. A top-down look – note the
Demolisher Cannon Barrel. Attach shaved plasticard strips. Demolisher Engine Cover behind
the hatch.
eyes and ears of an Armored Company. This light tank is
well armed for its size and capable of providing fire support
to other scout units. What's more, its souped-up engines
allow it to make a quick escape if heavier tanks are sighted.

For the conversion below, you will need the following items:

Item Name Part Number

Imperial Basilisk
boxed set
IG Heavy Weapon

You'll also need to grab a control panel from one of your Space Marine buddies' Rhino
Hull Sprue 1 (99390199004). Since many Space Marine players glue their Rhino
hatches shut, it shouldn't matter to them if you cut out the control panel.

You will also need a few hobby supplies, like a hobby knife, plasticard, clippers, green
stuff, sculpting tool, super glue, pin vise, files, a thin paper clip, and a handful of
patience. Take your time and be safe!

First, assemble your Basilisk hull as normal but leave off the back weapon assembly
(hey, you can save these bitz for other tank conversions). Cut down the Basilisk crew
platform to fit inside the hull. Attach the Rhino control panel inside the hull on the
driver's bulkhead. Assemble your gunner from the Cadian Heavy Weapon Crew Sprue
(from the boxed set) and your commander by mixing that sprue and the Imperial Vehicle
Equipment Sprue. Next, get your plasticard ready and see the images below for the
Attach two plasticard strips to the Glue the platform into place Cut plasticard sheets to form the
crew platform to serve as beneath the Rhino control panel. armor shield. Note the strips at
supports. the base.

Cut out the gun mount from Add rivets around the strips at the Glue the autocannon to the
plasticard and add it in the shield base of the shielding. mount. Add the gunner and
slot. commander.

Cut out the engine exhausts from Make the driver from the heavy Here's the final product – add
the 'dozer blade support strut. weapons sprue & put him in the vehicle bitz as you like.
LEMAN RUSS CONQUEROR: Though a less-common variant
of the Leman Russ, the Conqueror has proven itself on the
battlefield as a solid "breakthrough" tank. Its Conqueror Cannon
offers a higher rate of fire and more accuracy than the standard
battle cannon – a useful asset when leading assaults. However,
the tank trades armor-piercing punch for this mobile accuracy.

For the conversion below, you will need the following items:

Item Name Part Number

Leman Russ Battle Tank
boxed set
Basilisk Frame E sprue 99399999045

You will also need a few hobby supplies, like a hobby knife, clippers, green stuff,
sculpting tool, super glue, pin vise, files, a thin paper clip, and a handful of patience.
Take your time and be safe!

Assemble your Leman Russ as normal, minus the battle cannon barrel. Replace it with
the barrel from the Basilisk, but cut it down to a reasonable size for a Conqueror. See
the photos below for instructions on the rest of this conversion.

Drill small holes in the barrel for gas exhaust tubes. Attach the storm bolter from the equipment sprue
They also make up for some of the lost tubing on to the light compartment on the side of the turret.
the side.

You'll have to trim off the magazines for the storm This top-down view of the Conqueror gives you an
bolter to fit on this compartment. idea of how it all goes together. Attach the 'dozer
blade if you like.

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