Post English 1 Lesson Reflection

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Post English Lesson Reflection

Lesson unit/page To listen to a presentation and Student teacher

Khadija Mohammed
remember facts.
MST/MCT Taira Astab/ Melissa McMinn School Al Yasmina School

Class Date
Year 2 Rowling 26th February 2018
Overall aim and context of the lesson:

The aim of this lesson is to make students listen to a presentation under the topic ‘Leopolards’, remember some
facts about the animal and try to answer some questions in groups. Also, throughout this lesson students will
brainstorm their ideas and information in order to write them down on a chart. In addition, students are going to
develop their collaboration and interpersonal skills because this lesson will require them to work with each other so
as to expand on their ideas and knowledge.

Choose two aspects from the competency areas to evaluate and discuss (one paragraph each) according to

Firstly, discuss one aspect that YOU feel you did very well. Try to analyze why you think it worked well and
what hints you would share with other teachers about the successful strategy/ resource/activity/management
style etc.

Secondly, elaborate on the aspect identified by YOU that requires attention. Discuss what the problem was, why
it occurred and what action you intend to take to be more successful in the next lesson.

Classroom management and implementing learning were the most two aspects I think that I have
succeeded with. I know this because, the lesson ran smoothly without occurring any misconceptions or negative
behavior. To elaborate, at the beginning of the lesson I informed and announced to the students the classrooms
rules that they need to follow. Also, I informed them my high expectations from them in which they need to follow
directions and work collaboratively with each other. Adding to that, I informed them that if they followed the
rules and met my high expectations they will be rewarded by adding house points for each student within each
group. All of the students were brilliant and worked together as a team as well as I observed some students were
directing the lower leveled students. Such thing proves I have succeeded in managing the classroom. In addition,
throughout this lesson all of the students were highly engaged and involved within the activity they had to
complete. In which, students were excited to work in groups along with their classmates in order to share and
expand on their ideas in order to have the best poster. Group work ensured lesson success because it required all of
the students to write and answer some questions and facts about the Leopolard animal. Therefore, all of the
students created excellent/good posters because they were told at the beginning of the lesson how their posters
must look like (neat, good handwriting, detailed and their information makes sense.
In my opinion, I would share with other teachers that announcing their expectations at the beginning of the
lesson ensures positive behavior as well as engagement within the classroom. Also, I would share with them group
work is a must as it will develop students collaboration skills and interpersonal skills only if it is done in the right
way. To elaborate, when group work are conducted within the classroom some teachers notice that some students
doesn’t work and make other students do everything. The teacher must ensure that she assigns each student with a
specific job to ensure that all of the group members are working equally and they are getting involved.
Whereas, communication skills is the aspect that requires attention and improvements. This is because, I
wanted to ensure that students are not fighting and they work collaboratively. I informed them that ‘I don’t want to
see anyone fighting’ I shouldn’t use negative language while communicating with students because this will make
them do what I am avoiding them from doing. I relaised this mistake immediately after saying it to them and then I
noticed that teachers must be very careful with the language they use towards students because it can affect them
in a positive or negative way.
However, this misconception could be enhanced by using a positive language that will encourage the
students to bring out their best behavior within the lesson. For example, I could have told the students that ‘Year
two, remember we are working as a team and we are polite to each other’.

Personal focus for next lesson:

In my future lesson, I will ensure that I use positive language while communicating with students in order
to bring out their positive behavior instead of their negative behavior.

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