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Name: Grade Level: Day: Wednesday 28th February 2018

Khadija Mohammed Al Teneiji Year 2 Rowling

CCSS Standards: To find out and recognise unit fractions, To use reasoning skills.
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

The aim of this lesson is to ensure that students are able to find and recognize unit and non-unit
fraction word problems. Also, this lesson will focus on enabling students reasoning skills since they
will be justifying the answers of the word problems that they will solve. In addition, more advanced
students will be introduced to the partitioning strategy (taught by their classroom teacher) when they
are working with bigger numbers. This is to challenge their abilities and determine how far they can
exceed with their knowledge of what they are capable of doing and what they are not capable of
teacher books NA
student book(s) Maths notebooks
worksheets/ papers Differentiated fractions worksheets will be given for students. In which they
will be figuring out unit and non-unit fractions of numbers (paper type:
equations and word problems).
teacher materials White board to model and present some of fraction equations to the students.
student materials/ Pencils, counters, mini white boards and markers.
technology Projector and computer
other NA
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
Word Glossary definition Image

Grouping or dividing into two equal parts

Half (1/2)

Grouping or diving into three equal parts

Third (1/3)
Grouping or dividing into four equal parts

Quarter (1/4)

Unit fractions Fractions that their numerator is one Prior

Non unit fractions Fractions that their numerator is not one (eg:
2/3 or ¾)

Numerator is the number on the top of the line

Numerator and it tells us how many parts we have.

Denominator Denominator is the number on the bottom of the

line and it tells us how many equal parts the
item is divided into.

Students have learnt about unit and non-unit fractions of ½, 1/3 and ¼ as well as they have learnt
about how to show unit fractions in different ways. Therefore, they have learnt about how to find
different amounts of fractions. In this lesson, students will be learning how to reason their answers
and they will solve fractions word problems.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
Negative behavior could occur during the starter where students will be given mini white boards to
solve some questions as a starter (drawing while the teacher is explaining). In addition, lower leveled
students might find a difficulty with solving unit and non-unit word problems as well as they might
struggle with their reasoning. Also, some students might find some difficulties with solving the non-
unit fractions of different amounts.
Behavior rules will be clearly announced at the beginning of the lesson, as they will be informed if
any student starts drawing on the board while the teacher is explaining they will not be allowed to
complete the warm up activity. Therefore, this lesson encourages the lower leveled students to solve
challenging word problems. Although, the teacher will work with the lower leveled students in order
to guide and support them by giving them specific hints that allow them to solve the word problems
by themselves. Moreover, at the beginning of the lesson the teacher will review students knowledge
as well as she will present and model different types of world problems on the board. Furthermore,
she will make the students solve some word problems to ensure that they are processing the
information and able to solve the questions. Finally, all students will be provided with concrete
materials while solving their task in order to ease their understanding.
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language: Throughout this lesson, teacher will use the following words: half,
third, quarter, numerator, denominator, unit fractions and non-unit fractions.

Student language: Throughout this lesson, students will use the following words: half, third, quarter,
numerator and denominator.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time:

At the beginning of the lesson teacher will:
Firstly, review the classroom behavior rules in order to avoid any occurring 
misbehaving. Secondly, she will announce the goal and aim of the lesson to the 
students in order to make them aware of what they will be learning throughout the 
lesson (to find/ recognise unit fractions, and use their reasoning skills. Next, she will 
15 minutes
review student’s prior knowledge by presenting a PowerPoint that shows the students 
the meaning of unit/non unit fractions, denominator, ½, 1/3, ¼, 2/3 along with their 
shapes. Then, she will ask the students how do they find these fractions by asking 
‘Year two, who can remind me and tell me what are the steps of finding the fractions 
of ½, 1/3, ¼ and 2/3?’ (If students struggle she will remind them and model for them 
the steps). After that, she will do a warm up activity where students use their mini 
white boards to answer and solve unit and non­unit fractions of different amounts (For 
example: ½ of 12, 2/3 of 21). Hence, this is a continuing lesson for the students in 
which they are expected to know how to solve and find the unit fractions of different 

(Thus, students who are going to behave well and participate within the warm up 
activity will be rewarded by adding points into their profile).
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

At the middle of the lesson teacher will:

Introduce to the students the unit and non-unit fractions word problems by informing
them ‘Year two, you have been learning about how to find unit and non-unit fractions
of different amount. Now, you will use your unit and non-unit fractions knowledge to
apply it in word problems’. Then, inform them that they are still following the same
steps of solving but they will only find text instead of numbers and if they read
carefully they will be able to solve it. Next, present and model two examples to the
students (For example: 1- There are four orange bottles sitting on the wall. Two orange
bottles accidently fell. What fraction of bottles are still standing? 2- Take 18 cubes and
find ½, 1/3 and ¼ of them). Ask the students if they noticed the similarity between
word problems and equations. After that, assign the students with the worksheets that 30 minutes
they need to complete by informing them ‘Year two, now you will go to your groups
and work on the sheet that I will give you and it’s similar to the questions that I
showed you on the board’. Afterwards, divide the students into their four leveled
groups (Minutes group are advanced, Liters group are more capable, Grams group are
developing and Meters are emerging). Minutes and Liters will be completing more
advanced worksheet that contains a mixture of unit/non-unit fractions word problems
and equations solving. Whereas, Grams and Meters will be also completing a
worksheet that suits their level which contains a mixture of unit/non-unit fractions
word problems and equations solving. However, Meters group will be working under
the teacher’s guidance and support to ensure that they are on track and they are not
struggling. Thus, all students will be provided with concrete materials (counters) while
solving the word problems in order to make it easier for them to process the
information and solve the tasks. Finally, students who finishes early will be given an
extension to complete where they will be asked to solve a unit / non-unit fraction word
problem and reason their answer. Hence, this will be a challenging extension in order
to test students higher order of thinking and reasoning skills.

(Thus, reward the students who finishes all their work by giving them stickers in order
to encourage other students to finish as well.

Transition: Teacher will transition the students in to the last part of the lesson
(plenary) by clapping her hands.
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

At the end of the lesson teacher will:

Ask the students if they have enjoyed the lesson and what part they enjoyed the most.
Then, write down some equations on the board and let the students explain to the 10 minutes
classroom the steps of solving it. In such way, the teacher determines whether the
students have grasped and acquired the knowledge of the concept or not. However,
inform the students the she will choose the students who are listening carefully and
behaving well (avoiding misbehavior from occurring).

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