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1. What is the function of teeth in the digestive system?

A. Cut, tear, and grind food

B. Receive food; site of 1st step in carb digestion

C. Forms feces

D. Produces digestive enzymes

2. What is the main function of the oral cavity?

A. Moves food around mouth

B. Produce saliv

C. Receives food; site of 1st step in carb digestion

D. Reabsorbs water

3. What is the main function of the tongue?

A. Cut, tear, and grind food

B. Forms feces

C. Moves food around mouth; aids in swallowing

D. Mechanical digestion

4. What is the main function of the epiglottis?

A. Receives food from esophagus

B. Receives material from ileum

C. Chemical digestion

D. Cartilaginous flap that covers the opening to the windpipe during swallowing

5. What is the duodenum?

A. 2nd part of small intestine; site of absorption of digested food.

B. Rounded sac that receives material from ileum

C. 1st part of small intestine; site of most steps of digestion of food.

D. Also called appendix.

6. What is the jejunum?

A. 2nd part of small intestine; site of absorption of digested food.

B. Fingerlike extension from cecum.

C. Terminal portion of colon that stores feces.

D. Portion that reabsorbs water and salts.

7. What is the ileum?

A. Intersection that leads to esophagus

B. 3rd part of small intestine; site of absorption of food

C. Fingerlike extension from cecum.

D. 2nd part of small intestine; site of absorption of digested food.

8. What is the cecum?

A. Rounded sac that receives materials from ileum; 1st part of large intestine.
B. Receives food from stomach.

C. Forms feces

D. Intersection that leads to esophagus

9. What is the appendix?

A. 1st part of small intestine

B. Fingerlike extension form cecum; lymphoid tissue in the wall makes minor
contribution to body defenses.

C. 2nd part of the small intestine; site of absorption of digested food.

D. Middle extension of colon.

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10. What is the main function of the large intestine?

A. Forms feces; reabsorbs water

B. Stores bile

C. Produces digestive enzymes.

D. Stimulates digestion.

11. What is the main function of the rectum?

A. Produces bile

B. Produces digestive enzymes

C. Terminal portion in colon that stores feces until they are eliminated.

D. Intersection between cecum and ileum.

12. What is the main function of the liver?

A. Forms feces; reabsorbs water

B. Produces bile; stores glycogen, lipids, and iron reserves; inactivates toxins

C. Produces digestive enzymes.

D. Produces bile, digestive enzymes, and antibodies; stores bile and lipids.

13. What are the main functions of the gall bladder?

A. Stores and modifies bile

B. Emulsification of lipids.

C. Produces biliary amylase.

D. Stores pancreatic contents to be released upon stimulation.

14. What is the main function of the pancreas?

A. Produces digestive enzymes.

B. Produces bile.

C. Produces and stores digestive enzymes.

D. Produces and stores bile and digestive enzymes.

15. What is the main function of the epithelial tissue and its structure?

A. Lines body cavities and protects, secretes, and absorbs; tightly packed cells.

B. Fills in spaces, binds and supports other tissues; scattered and made of protein
C. Contracts and provides movement; long cells with myofibrils

D. Conducts electrical impulses; functional part of neuron

16. What is the main function and structure of the connective tissue?

A. Lines body cavities and protects, secretes, and absorbs; tightly packed cells

B. Conducts electrical impulses; functional part of neuron

C. Fills in spaces, binds and supports other tissues; scattered and made of protein
D. Contracts and provides movement; long cells with myofibrils.

17. What is the main function and structure of the muscular tissue?

A. Conducts electrical impulses; functional part of neuron

B. Contracts and provides movement; long cells with myofibrils

C. Fills in spaces, binds and supports other tissues; scattered and made of protein
D. Lines body cavities and protects, secretes, and absorbs; tightly packed cells

18. What is the main function and structure of the nervous tissue?

A. Contracts and provides movement; long cells with myofibrils

B. Fills in spaces, binds and supports other tissues; scattered and made of protein
C. Lines body cavities and protects, secretes, and absorbs; tightly packed cells

D. Conducts electrical impulses; functional part of neuron

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19. What do nucleases break down?

20. What do trypsin and chymotrypsin?

21. What does pepsin do?

22. What does lipase do?

23. What do dissaccharidases do?

24. What do dipeptides do?

25. What does bile do?

26. What does salivary amylase do?

27. What does pancreatic amylase do?

28. What do aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase do?

29. Villi

A. Are Rhythmical contractions of the gut.

B. Are fingerlike projections in the small intestine.

C. Increase the absorbing surface of the small intestine

D. Both B and C are correct.

30. What are Heterotrophs?

A.Organisms that have the ability of Homeostasis

B.Mammals with feet that have nails

C.Heterosexual mammals

D.Organisms dependent on intake of food for life.

31. Identify each of the following structures.


W V-

Z X-

Z -

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32. The mammalian digestive system contains the accessory glands: (you may choose as many as applicable)


A.Gallbladder (Your Answer)
D.The Salivary Glands (Your Answer)


B.Liver (Your Answer)



C.Pancreas (Your Answer)



33. What Part of the digestive system secretes hydrochloric acid? 



C.Large intestine

D.Small intestine

34. Salivary Amylaze Hydrolyzes (you may choose as many as applicable)





35. Peristalsis

A. Is the rhythmic waves of contraction in a canal that push substance.

B. Is the rhythmic waves of the villi

C. Is the action of churning the stomach

D. Is the action of contraction of every gland.

36. How many amino acids are there for humans?

A. 20

B. 10

C. 15

D. 25

37. Is the statement true or false? Minerals are organic nutrients



38. Lacteals

A.Are located inside the large intestine

B.Are part of the lymphatic system

C.Are located inside microvilli

D.Increase the absorbing surface area of the small intestine

39. In which structure are vitamins synthesized by bacteria?


B.Small Intestine

C.Large Intestine


40. Why are Vitamins A, D, E, and K more dangerous than others?

A.They are more poisonous.

B.They are fat-soluble, and hard to dispose of.

C.These have more dangerous side effects

D.They are water soluble, and thrown away easily

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41. The Mammalian Digestive System What is the Alimentary Canal?

A.A part of the small intestine

B.The place where the stomach meets the duodenum

C.The Left arch of the Large Intestine

D.The path that food takes from the mouth to the anus.

42. Which organ contains the most Hydrogen Ions?





43. Secretin

A.Stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate

B.Stimulates the duodenum to secrete other enzymes

C.Stimulates the liver to release bile

D.Stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice

44. What is Homeostasis?

A.The Suspension of inactive Organs

B.The balance of various levels in the organism

C.The balance of Glucose in the organism

D.The inactivity of organs

43. What does gastrin does?

44. What is the main function of cholecystokinin ?

45. By looking at its name what do you think cholecystokinin means?

46. How many essential amino acids are there for humans?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 10

D. 12

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