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Finite Element Truss Problem

6.0 Trusses Using FEA

We started this series of lectures looking at truss problems. We limited the

discussion to statically determinate structures and solved for the forces in elements and
reactions at supports using basic concepts from statics.
Next, we developed some basic one dimensional finite elements concepts by
looking at springs. We developed a basic system of node numbering that allows us to
solve problems involving several springs by simply adding the stiffness matrices for each
In the next two lectures, we will extend the basic one dimensional finite element
development to allow us to solve generalized truss problems. The technique we will
develop is a little more complex than that originally used to solve truss problems, but it
allows us to solve problems involving statically indeterminate structures.

6.1 Local and Global Coordinates

We can extend the one dimensional finite element analysis by looking at a one
dimensional problem in a two dimensional space. Below we have a finite element (could
be a spring) that attaches to nodes 1 and 2.


Local coordinate
Global coordinate
1 System

Figure 1 - Local and global coordinate systems

The 〈 x ′, y ′〉 coordinates are the local coordinates for the element and 〈 x, y 〉 are the global
coordinates. The local coordinate system looks much like the one dimensional
coordinate system we developed in the last lecture.
We can convert the displacements shown in the local coordinate system by
looking at the following diagram. We will let q1′ and q ′2 represent displacements in the
local coordinate system and q1 , q2 , q3 , and q4 represent displacements in the x-y (global)
coordinate system. Note that the odd subscripted displacements are in the x direction and
the even ones are in the y direction as shown in the following diagram.

q2 ’
Un-deformed element
q 2 sin θ q3

q1 ’ Deformed element
q1 cos θ


Figure 2 - The deformation of an element in both local and global coordinate systems.

In a previous lecture we looked at the deformation of springs by looking at the

displacements at the ends of the springs. Here we are going a step farther into finite
element development by looking at the strain energy of the element. The element could
be a spring but in this case we will generalize and look at it as any solid material element.
The only restriction we will place on the element is that the deformation is small
compared to its total length.
We know from Hook’s law that the force is directly proportional to the
F = k∆x (6.1)

We can compute the energy by integrating over the deformation

1 2
u = k ∫ xdx = kQ (6.2)

where k = the element stiffness, A = the cross sectional area of the element,
E = Young’s modulus for the material, and L = the length of the element. Q is the total
change in length of the element. Note that we are assuming the deformation is linear
over the element. All equal length segments of the element will deform the same
amount. We call this a constant strain deformation of the element.
We can rewrite this change in length as
Q = ( q2' − q1' ) (6.3)

Substituting this into equation (6.2) gives us

u = k ( q′2 − q1′ ) 2 (6.4)

u= k (q ′22 − 2 q′2q1′ + q1′ 2 ) (6.5)

Rewriting this in vector form we let

 q′ 
q′ =  1 (6.6)
q′2 

AE  1 − 1
k′ = (6.7)
L  − 1 1 

With this we can rewrite equation (6.5) as:

1 T
u= q ′ k ′q ′ (6.8)

We can do the indicated operations in (6.8) to see how the vector notation works.
We do this by first expanding the terms then doing the multiplication.

1 −1 q1′ 
{q1′ q′2}   (6.9)
2L − 1 1 q ′2 

AE  q′ 
u= {q′ − q′ − q1′ + q′2 } 1  (6.10)
2L 1 2 q′ 2 

u= (q1′( q1′ − q′2 ) + q′2 (q′2 − q1′ ) ) (6.11)

AE 2
q1′ − q1′q′2 + q′22 − q1′q′2 ) (6.12)
AE 2
u= (q1′ − 2q1′q′2 + q′22 ) (6.13)

Which is the same as equation (6.5).

Equation (6.7) is the stiffness matrix for a one dimensional problem. It bears very
close resemblance to equation (5.7) used in our one dimensional spring development.

 k − k
[K ] =  (5.7)
− k k 

AE  1 − 1
k′ = (6.7)
L  − 1 1 

6.2 Two Dimensional Stiffness Matrix

We know for local coordinates that

 q′ 
q′ =  1 (6.6)
q′2 

and for global coordinates (See Figure 2)

 q1 
q 
 
q =  2 (6.14)
q3 
q4 

We can transform the global coordinates to local coordinates with the equations

q1′ = q1 cos θ + q2 sin θ (6.15)


q ′2 = q3 cos θ + q4 sin θ (6.16)

This can be rewritten in vector notatio n as:

q ′ = Mq (6.17)

c s 0 0
M = , (6.18)
0 0 c s 

c = cos θ , and s = sin θ .

1 T
u= q ′ k ′q ′ (6.8)

we can substitute in equation (6.17)

1 T T
q M k ′M q ] (6.19)

Now we will let

k = M T k ′M (6.20)

and doing the multiplication, k our stiffness matrix for global two dimensional
coordinates becomes

 c2 cs − c 2 − cs 
 
AE  cs s 2 − cs − s 2 
k= (6.21)
L  − c 2 − cs c 2 cs 
 
 − cs − s
cs s 2 


E = Young’s modulus for the element material

A = the cross sectional area of the element
L = the length of the element
c = cos θ
s = sin θ

6.3 Stress Computations

The stress can be written as

σ = Eε (6.22)

where ε is the strain, the change in length per unit of length. We can rewrite this as:
total deformation

q′2 − q1′
σ =E (6.23)
length of element

In vector form we can write the equation as

{− 1 1} 1  (6.24)
L q′2 

From our previous discussion, we know that in local coordinates

 q′ 
q′ =  1 (6.25)
q′2 

and in global coordinates

 q1 
q 
 
q =  2 (6.26)
q3 
q4 

From equation (6.17) we know that

q ′ = Mq (6.17)


c s 0 0
M =  (6.18)
0 0 c s 

Substituting this in to the equation (6.24) yields

σ = {− 1 1}Mq (6.27)

Now we multiply M by the vector

σ = {− c −s c s}q (6.28)

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