2 Written Workplace Communication - Definition and Scope

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Workplace communication

Workplace communication
Definition: communication taking place in
professional and organizational contexts.

It is a type of professional or institutional

talk that differs from ordinary conversation
in various ways.
Workplace communication:
main features
• goal orientation: focus on specific
goals or tasks.

• turn-taking rules or restrictions: rules

or unwritten restrictions on who speaks
Workplace communication:
main features
• allowable contributions: possible
restrictions on what participants may

• professional lexis: lexical choices

reflect the professional context
Workplace communication:
main features
• structure: professional interactions may
be structured in specific ways (e.g., clear
turn-taking pattern).

• asymmetry: one speaker may have more

power and/or special knowledge than the
Workplace communication:
Which medium (or channel) is best?
The choice depends on:
• Audience
• Purpose
• Context
• Personal considerations
• Function of the medium
Workplace communication:
To select the most appropriate medium for your
needs you must adapt to evolving forms of
communication and new technologies.
Choose among…..
….e-mail, memos, letters, faxes, text messaging,
instant messaging, telephone an conference
calls, face-to-face meetings, etc.

• Koester A. (2004). The Language of Work,


• Bhatia V.K (2006). Investigating

Workplace Discourse, Routledge.

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