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Ingles Técnico 6 Chemical means =……………………………

7 Circling =……………………………
Atom =………………..
Exercise 2 - What is Chemistry?
Structure =………………..
Chemistry is an experimental science. Chemistry is
Protons =………………….
evidence based. All chemical statements1 are based on
Neutrons =………………
experiment. It shares2 the experimental method of all
Elements =…………………
sciences. It improves in time also using new
Nucleus =……………………
discoveries3and concepts from other sciences.
Scales =……………………….
In turn, it provides both theoretical and experimental
Measurement =………………………..
tools to different sciences.
To absorb =………………………
Biology, Geology cannot be studied without a
Due to =……………………….
thorough4 understanding of chemical phenomena.
Discoveries =……………………..
Chemistry is the study of matter and changes that take
Theoretical =…………………….
place with that matter.
Chemical phenomena =…………………………
Matter =…………………….
Exercise 3 - Branches of Chemistry
Shape =…………………….
Find the words that describes the branches of
Bond =…………………….
Surrounded =…………………….
Shape =…………………….
Bond =…………………….
Surrounded =…………………….
Takes place =…………………….
To Combine =…………………….
Compound =…………………….
Reactants =…………………….
Products =…………………….
Mean =…………………….
Inorganic – organic – industrial – analytical – general –
Made of =…………………….
physical – nuclear – chemistry – biochemistry

Exercise 1 - Do you ever wonder what’s an atom?

Exercise 4 - Fill in the blanks with the words you’ve
All objects surrounding1 us are made of2 matter3. Air,
water, a brick, even4 you are made of matter! Matter
The branch of chemistry that studies compounds of
is anything that has mass. Matter is made up5 of
carbon is ……………………………………… Application of
smaller pieces; atoms.
chemistry to manufacturing processes:
An atom is the defining structure of an element, which
……………………………… The branch of chemistry that
cannot be broken by any chemical means6. An atom
studies compounds excluding those of carbon is
consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons with
……………………………….studies radioactivity, fission and
electrons circling7 this nucleus.
fusion of nuclei ……………………………………studies
molecules and their transformation.
1 Surrounding =……………………………
1 Statement = Declaracion / Afirmacion
2 Made of =……………………………
3 Matter =……………………………
3 Discoveries =……………………..
4 Even =……………………………
4 Thorough =……………………………
5 Made up =……………………………

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