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Classics in Mathematics

Kunihiko Kodaira Complex Manifolds and

Deformation of Complex Structures
Kunihiko Kodaira

Complex Manifolds
and Deformation
of Complex Structures

Reprint ofthe 1986 Edition

^ Spri]nser
Originally published as Vol. 283 in the series
Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften

Library of Congress Control Number: 2004113281

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 32-01,23C10,58C10

ISSN 1431-0821
ISBN 3-540-22614-1 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
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Dedicated to my esteemed colleague and friend
D. C. Spencer

This book is an introduction to the theory of complex manifolds and their

Deformation of the complex structure of Riemann surfaces is an idea
which goes back to Riemann who, in his famous memoir on Abelian
functions published in 1857, calculated the number of effective parameters
on which the deformation depends. Since the publication of Riemann's
memoir, questions concerning the deformation of the complex structure of
Riemann surfaces have never lost their interest.
The deformation of algebraic surfaces seems to have been considered
first by Max Noether in 1888 (M. Noether: Anzahl der Modulen einer Classe
algebraischer Fldchen, Sitz. Koniglich. Preuss. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin,
erster Halbband, 1888, pp. 123-127). However, the deformation of higher
dimensional complex manifolds had been curiously neglected for 100 years.
In 1957, exactly 100 years after Riemann's memoir, Frolicher and Nijenhuis
published a paper in which they studied deformation of higher dimensional
complex manifolds by a differential geometric method and obtained an
important result. (A. Frolicher and A. Nijenhuis: A theorem on stability of
complex structures, Proc. Nat. Acad. Set, U.S.A., 43 (1957), 239-241).
Inspired by their result, D. C. Spencer and I conceived a theory of
deformation of compact complex manifolds which is based on the primitive
idea that, since a compact complex manifold M is composed of a finite
number of coordinate neighbourhoods patched together, its deformation
would be a shift in the patches. Quite naturally it follows from this idea
that an infinitesimal deformation of M should be represented by an element
of the cohomology group H^{M,&) of M with coefficients in the sheaf 0
of germs of holomorphic vector fields. However, there seemed to be no
reason that any given element of H^(M, S) represents an infinitesimal
deformation of M. In spite of this, examination of familiar examples of
compact complex manifolds M revealed a mysterious phenomenon that
dim H^(M, S) coincides with the number of effective parameters involved
in the definition of M. In order to clarify this mystery, Spencer and I
developed the theory of deformation of compact complex manifolds. The
process of the development was the most interesting experience in my whole
mathematical life. It was similar to an experimental science developed by
Vlll Preface

the interaction between experiments (examination of examples) and theory.

In this book I have tried to reproduce this interesting experience; however
I could not fully convey it. Such an experience may be a passing phenomenon
which cannot be reproduced.
The theory of deformation of compact complex manifolds is based on
the theory of elliptic partial differential operators expounded in the Appen-
dix. I would like to express my deep appreciation to Professor D. Fujiwara
who kindly wrote the Appendix and also to Professor K. Akao who spent
the time and effort translating this book into English.


January, 1985

Holomorphic Functions 1
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 1
§1.2. Holomorphic Map 23

Complex Manifolds 28
§2.1. Complex Manifolds 28
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 39
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 59

Differential Fornis, Vector Bundles, Sheaves 76
§3.1. Differential Forms 76
§3.2. Vector Bundles 94
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 109
§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 134
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 144
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 165

Infinitesimal Deformation 182
§4.1. Differentiable Family 182
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 188

Theorem of Existence 209
§5.1. Obstructions 209
§5.2. Number of Moduli 215
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 248

Theorem of Completebess 284
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 284
§6.2. Number of ModuH 305
§6.3. Later Developments 314

Theorem of Stability 320
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 320
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 345

Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold 363
by Daisuke Fujiwara
§1. Distributions on a Torus 363
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 391
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 419
§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators 430
§5. The Existence of Weak Solutions of a Strongly Elliptic Partial
Differential Equation 438
§6. Regularity of Weak Solutions of Elliptic Linear Partial
Differential Equations 443
§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^{X, B) 445
§8. C°° Differentiability oi (p{t) 452

Bibliography 459
Index 461
Chapter 1

Holomorphic Functions

§1.1. H o l o m o r p h i c Functions

(a) Holomorphic Functions

We begin by defining holomorphic functions of n complex variables. The

n-dimensional complex number space is the set of all n-tuples ( z i , . . . , z„)
of complex numbers z„ / = 1 , . . . , n, denoted by C". C" is the Cartesian
product of n copies of the complex plane: C " = C x - • - x C . Denoting
( z i , . . . , z„) by z, we call z = ( z j , . . . , z„) a point of C", and Z i , . . . , z„ the
complex coordinates of z. Letting Zj = X2j-i-^ix2j by decomposing z, into
its real and imaginary parts (where / = V H [ ) , we can express z as
Z = {Xi, X2, . . . , X2n-l9 X2n)' (l-l)

Thus C" is considered as the 2n-dimensional real Euclidean space R^"

equipped with the complex coordinates. Xi, X2,..., X2„_i, X2„ are called the
real coordinates of z. Let z = ( z i , . . . , z„) and w = ( W j , . . . , w„) be points in
C". We define the linear combination Az + fiw of z and w, viewed as vectors,
Az + /iw = (Azi + fjLWi,..., Az„ + /xw„),

where A and /JL are complex numbers. This makes C" a complex linear
space. The length of z = ( z i , . . . , z„) is defined by

|z|=V|zi|^+--- + |z„p. (1.2)

Clearly we have
N = |A||z|, (1.3)

| z + w | ^ | z | + |w|. (L4)

The distance of the two points z, w e C" is given by

\z — w = V | z i - W i P + . . - + | z , - w J ^ (1.5)
2 1. Holomorphic Functions

We introduce a topology on C" by the identification with R^" with the usual
topology. Thus, for example, a subset D c : C" is a domain in C" if D is a
domain considered as a subset of R^". Again, a complex-valued function
/ ( z ) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) defined on a subset D in C" is continuous if/(z) is so
as a function of the real coordinates Xi, X2,..., X2„.
Now we consider a complex-valued function / ( z ) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) of n
complex variables Z j , . . . , z„ defined on a domain D c : C".

Definition 1.1. If/(z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) is continuous in Dc= C", and holomor-

phic in each variable z^, /c = 1 , . . . , n, separately, / ( z ^ , . . . , z„) is said to be
holomorphic in D. We also call / ( z ) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) a holomorphic function
ofn variables Z i , . . . , z„.

Here, by saying t h a t / ( z i , . . . , z^,..., z„) is holomorphic in Z/, separately,

we mean that / ( z i , . . . , z„) is a holomorphic function in z^ when the other
variables Z i , . . . , Zfc_i, z^+i,..., z„ are fixed.
The fundamental Cauchy integral formula with respect to a circle for
holomorphic functions of one variable is extended to the case of holomor-
phic functions of n variables as follows.
Given a point c = ( c i , . . . , c„) e C" and positive real numbers r j , . . . , r„,
we put
Uric) = {z\z = ( Z i , . . . , Z J I |Zfc - Cfcl < Tfc, /C = 1, . . . , w } , (1.6)

where r denotes ( r i , . . . , r„). Let Ur^{Ck) be the disk with centre Cj, and
radius r^ on the z^-plane. Then we have

UM=Ur,ic,)X'"XUrSCn)- (1.7)

Thus we call Uric) the polydisk with centre c. We denote by C^ the boundary
of Ur^icj^), that is, the circle of radius r^ with centre c^ on the z^-plane. Of
course C^ is represented by the usual parametrization Oj^-^ yiO^) = c^-^ r^ e'^^
where O^OJ^^ITT. The product of Ci, C 2 , . . . , C„

C" = C,X''XCn (1.8)

is called the determining set of the polydisk Uric). C" is an n-dimen-

sional torus. Given a continuous function i/^(^) = i/^(fi,..., ^„), with
^1G C i , . . . , ^„ G C„, we define its integral over C" by

f ii^iaj^i• • • d^„ = I • • • I Had^i'"dCn

Hjiie,),..., yn{e„))y[{0,)... y'„{0„) dO,... dd„. (1.9)

Jo Jo
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 3

Theorem 1.1. Let f=f(zi,..,, !„) be a holomorphic function in a domain

DciC". Take a polydisk UXc) with [Ur(c)]c^ D. Then for ze Ur{c)J{z) is
represented as

•^«='^i I (^^^^^"tf^*--«-
\27ri) Jc" <'•'"'
where [ ] denotes the closure.

Proof First we consider the case n = 2. In this case the right-hand side of
(1.10) becomes

' ^'^ ''V(yi(^i),y2(^2))yU^i)y^(^2) , ^ ,^

\27Ti/ Jo Jo

where the integrand is a continuous function of 6i and 62 for (zi, Z2) G Ur{c).
Hence by the formula of the iterated integral, this integral is equal to

\2W Jo y i ( ^ i ) - ^ i Jo y2(^2)-^2

Therefore by the Cauchy integral formula, the right-hand side of (1.10)


yiTTi) J c i ^ i - ^ i ^ J Q ^2-^2

=JLf M l- ^ ^ ^ l = / ( ^ l , ^ 2 ) ,
2m Jc, ^ 1 - ^1
which proves (1.10) in this case. Similarly for general n, by a repeated
appHcation of the Cauchy integral formula, the right-hand side of (1.10)

\27n7 Jc,^l-^l Jc„_i^n-l-'^n-l Jc„ ^n " ^n

\27r// J Ci ^ 1 - 2 : 1 Jc„_i ^n-l-^n-1

_ _L r fUu ^2, . . . , ^n)

c C\-Z\

As in the case of holomorphic functions of one variable, we shall deduce

the fundamental properties of holomorphic functions of n variables from
the integral formula (1.10).
4 1. Holomorphic Functions

First let (/^(^i,..., ^„) be a continuous function on C" = Ci x • • • x C„,

and m i , . . . .rrin natural numbers. Consider the integral

g(z) =

as a function of z = ( z , , . . . , z„) e Ur{c). Clearly giz) is continuous in UXc).

Then for fixed Zze l/r2(ci),..., z„ e L/r^(c„), put

) df2 • • • dCn

<^(^i) is a continuous function of ^i on Q . Hence

f (^
g(z) = g ( z „ Z 2 , . . . , z „ ) = | 71—^d^, (1.12)

is a holomorphic function of Zi in (/nC^i)- Similarly g ( z i , . . . , z„) is a

holomorphic function of each variable z^, /c= 1 , . . . , n, in Ur^{Ck). Hence
g(z) = g ( z i , . . . , z„) is a holomorphic function of n variables z ^ , . . . , z„ in
the polydisk Ur(c). By (1.12) we have

g ( z i , . . . , z j = mi —— ^^,dCx
dZi Jc, (^i-^i) '

Thus (5g/5zi)(zi,..., z„) is also holomorphic in U^c). Similar results hold

also for dg/dz^.
By a repeated application of thisfesult to the right-hand side of (1.10),
we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 1.2. A holomorphic function f{z) =f(zi,..., z„) ofn variables in a

domain DczC is arbitrarily many times differentiable in Zi,..., z^ in D, and
all its partial derivatives d'^''^""^'^''f{z)/dzT' * * * dz"^" are holomorphic in D.
Moreover taking a polydisk U^c) such that [UXc)']^ D, we have

d * "
dZi 1 • • • dZ„"

(27r0" Jc"a.-z,)'"'"'---(^„-z„)"'""' ^^ ^

in Uric).
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 5

As in the case of functions of one variable we denote by

Z'"'" •'""^(zi,..., z„) the partial derivative

/(Zi,...,zJ of f(z)=f(z^,...,Zn).
dZi 1 • • • d Z „ "

Theorem 1.3. Letf{z) =f(zi,...,Zn) be a holomorphic function in a domain

D c= C", and c = ( c j , . . . , c„) G D. Then in a polydisk Up(^c) ^ D with centre c,
/ ( z ) has a power series expansion in Zi —c^,..., z„ — c„,

/(z)= Z a„,..„„(z,-c,)'"'---(z„-c„)'"", (1.15)


which is absolutely convergent in Up{c). The coefficient a^^...^^ is given by

-f-r-J(c,,...,c^). (1.16)

Proof. By replacing z^ by z^ - c^, /c = 1 , . . . , n, we may assume that Ci = Cj =

••• = c„=0. For a point z = ( z i , . . . , Z J G (7^(0), p = ( p i , . . . , p j , take
r = ( r i , . . . , r„) such that |zfc| < r^ < p^ for /c = 1 , . . . , /t. Then z 6 (7^(0), and
[L/,(0)]c: (7^(0) c=D. Hence by (1.10)

f(z) (1.17)
\27ri) J C" (^l-^l) • • • (^n-^n)

Since |^fc| = rj^> |zfc|, /c = 1 , . . . , n, we have

=i^<l, fc=l,...,n.
— = 7 2 (?)""•
Substituting these into the right-hand side of (1.17), we obtain a power
series expansion

/(z)= Z a„,..„„zr'---z-",


Letting M be the maximum of | / ( ^ i , . . . , ^„)| on C", we have

'1 'n
6 1. Holomorphic Functions

which proves that the above power series is absolutely convergent in Ur{0).
From (1.14), it is clear that a^,...^ = / ' " ^ - '"«HO)/mi! • • • m j . I

(b) Power Series

In this section we consider a power series


P(z) = P ( z „ . . . , z „ ) = I a„,...„„zr'• • • Z-"


with centre 0. If P{z) is a convergent at z, we denote its sum by the same

notation P(z).

Theorem 1.4. Let w = (Wi,..., w„) be such that W^T^O, ..., w„9^0. If P(z)
is convergent at z = w, then P{z) is absolutely convergent for \zi\<
| w i | , . . . , |z„| < |w„|, and its sum P(z) is a holomorphic function ofn variables
z i , . . . , z„ in Up{0) where p = (|wi|,..., |>v„|).

Proof For simplicity we consider the case n = 2. The general case is proved
similarly. Since, by hypothesis, P(z) is convergent, there exists a constant
M such that |a^^^2wr^tv^2|^M<+oc. Hence


where Pi = | Wi| and p2 = | W2I. Therefore if |zi| < pi and \z^ < p2,

mi,m2 = 0 mi=0 \ P i / m2 = 0 \ Pi /

namely, P(z) is absolutely convergent. Moreover taking arbitrary r^ and r2

with 0 < Ti < pi, 0 < r2 < P2, we have

|«mim2^1 ' ^ 2 l = | « m , m 2 k l ^ ^ 2 ^ , L |«m,m2Kl ^ ^2 ^ < + 0 0

mi,m2 —0

for z = (zi,Z2) with |zi|<ri and |z2|<r2. Therefore P(z) is uniformly and
absolutely convergent in [Ur(0)] with r = (ri,r2), hence continuous in
[Ur(0)]. Since rj and r2 are arbitrary real numbers with 0 < r i < p i ,
0 < ^2 < P2, and P(z) is clearly a holomorphic function in Zj and Z2 separately,
P(zi, Z2) is holomorphic in Up{0). I
H.l. Holomorphic Functions 7

Replacing the variables z^ by z^ - c^, /c = 1 , . . . , n, we obtain a power series

Piz -C) = PiZi - Ci, . . . , Z„ - C„) = I am,...mS^l - C^)""' " ' {Zn " C^Y

with centre c = ( c i , . . . , c„).

Corollaiy. If a power series P{z ~ c) is convergent at w = (wi,..., >v„) with

Wi # C i , . . . , w„ 7^ c„, P(z — c) is absolutely convergent if |zfc — c^l < | w^ — c^l,
fc = 1 , . . . , n, and its sum P{z — c) is a holomorphic function in Up{c), where
p = (|wi-Ci), . . . , | w „ - c „ | ) . I

The region of convergence of a power series P{z-c) is the union D =

U Upic) of all polydisks Up(c) where P{z-c) is absolutely convergent. A
region of convergence D is a domain if it is not empty. In case n = 1, the
region of convergence of a power series is an empty set, an open disk, or
the whole C itself, but in case n ^ 2, the region of convergence of a power
series may take various forms.
The next theorem follows immediately from this Corollary and
Theorem 1.3.

Theorem 1.5. A function f(z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) ofn complex variables is holomor-

phic in a domain D c C" if and only iffor every point ce D, f{z) has a power
series expansion P{z — c) which is convergent in some neighbourhood of c. I

(c) Cauchy-Riemann Equation

First consider a continuously differentiable function / ( z ) of one complex

variable z in a domain D c i C . Decompose z and / ( z ) into their real and
imaginary parts by writing z = x + i_y a n d / ( z ) = w +/f. Then u and v are
continuously differentiable functions of the real coordinates x, y in D. Using
z and z, we have

x = \{z^z), >; = - : ( z - z ) .

Here z and z are not independent variables, but considering them as if they
are independent, we define the partial derivatives of/(z) with respect to z
and z by

J-i'l-i^, ^=i(^+,-^. (1.18)

2\ax by) dz 2\dx dy)
8 1. Holomorphic Functions

In terms of u and v, we have

— = 2{Ux-^Vy)-\--{-Uy
-r- 2{ux-^Vy)-\--( + Vj,
dz 2

dz 2

Therefore by use of (1.18), the Cauchy-Riemann equation: u^ = Vy, Uy = -v^,

is written as

— = 0. (1.20)
Thus a continuously differentiable function/(z) is a holomorphic function
of z in a domain D if and only if df/dz = 0 identically in D. I f / ( z ) is
holomorphic, dfI dz = u^ + iv^= f'{z) by (1.19), namely, for a holomorphic
function/(z), the partial derivative {df/dz){z) is identical to the complex
derivative df{z)/dz.
Next consider a function/(z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) of n complex variables. Put
f{z) = u-\-iv as above, / ( z ) is said to be continuously differentiable, C\
C°°, etc. if u and v are continuously differentiable, C\ C°°, etc. in the real
coordinates X i , . . . , X2„.
L e t / ( z ) be a continuously differentiable function in a domain W<^C.

^2fc-i — 2(^/c + ^/c)? ^2k — ~r:\^k~^k)'> /c=l,...,n,


we have

5z'fc 2\aX2fc-l ^^2fc/ ^^/c 2\(9X2k-i dX2k/

S i n c e / ( z ) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) is continuously differentiable, hence a fortiori

continuous, / ( z ) is a holomorphic function of n variables z ^ , . . . , z„ if and
only if/(z) is holomorphic in each z^ separately. Therefore from the above
results, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 1.6. Letf{z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) he a continuously differentiable function

ofn complex variables Zi,..., z^ina domain D c G". Thenf{z) is holomorphic
in D if and only if

^ = 0, fc=l,...,n. I (1.22)
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 9

As is clear from Theorem 1.2, a holomorphic function/(z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„)

in D c : C" is a C°° function in the real coordinates X i , . . . , X2„.
A differential operator

A= - r +

is called a Laplacian, and a C^-real function u = w ( x i , . . . , X2„) defined on

a domain in IR^" is called a harmonic function if it satisfies the Laplace

AM = 0.

Let/(z) = M + zi; be a holomorphic function of n complex variables Z i , . . . , z„.

Then u and v are obviously harmonic functions since

—2 1 i~ = 0, —2 ' ~~^^ /c=l,...,n.

dX2k-l dX2k dX2k-l dX2k

Conversely in case n = l, let u = u(xi,X2) be a harmonic function in a

domain D c i C . Then for any z e D , there is a holomorphic function/(z)
defined in some neighbourhood of z such that u = R e / ( z ) there. This does
not hold in case n ^ 2 . For example, in case n = 2, put r^ = Xi + - • • + X4.
Then the function u = 1/r^ is harmonic, but d^u/dx^i + d^u/dxly^O, hence,
u cannot be the real part of any holomorphic function. This already reveals
the essential difference between holomorphic functions of one variable, and
those of n variables with n ^ 2.

(d) Analytic Continuation

Theorem 1.7. Let f{x) =f(zi,..., z„) be a holomorphic function in D c : C".

Unless f(z) is identically zero in D, at each point z of D, among f{z) and all
its partial derivatives f^"^^''^''\z) at least one does not vanish.

Proof Let DQ be the set of points zeD such that / ( z ) and all its partial
derivatives vanish at z, and put D^- D- DQ. Then, D = DQU D^, D^n DQ =
0 and Do is open by Theorem 1.3. Since Di is clearly open, and D is
connected, either D = DQ or D = Di holds. I

Corollary. If two holomorphic functions f{z) and g{z) in a domain D coincide

in some neighbourhood of a point ce D, thenf(z) and g{z) coincide in all of
D, I
10 1. Holomorphic Functions

As in the case of holomorphic functions of one complex variable, this

Corollary implies the uniqueness of the analytic continuation.
First we must define the analytic continuation of a holomorphic function
of n complex variables.
Let Do be a domain in C", and fo{z) a holomorphic function in DQ.
Let Di be another domain in C" with DQCSDI^^ 0 . If there is a holomor-
phic function/i(z) defined on D^ such that/i(z) =/o(z) on D o o D i , then
/i(z) is said to be an analytic continuation of/o(z) to Dj. By the above
Corollary, such/i(z) is unique if it exists.
Let Di, D 2 , . . . , D „ , . . . be finitely or infinitely many domains in C", and
/fc(z) a holomorphic function defined on each D^. If for each /c^ 1, /fc(z)
is an analytic continuation of/fc_i(z), then every/^(z) is called an analytic
continuation of/o(z). In this case putting/(z) =fk(z) for ze D^, we obtain
a holomorphic function in D = DQU Dj u • • •. If this / ( z ) is one-valued in
D, then / ( z ) is an analytic continuation of/o(z) to D in the above sense.
In general, however, / ( z ) is not necessarily one-valued, but in these cases
too, we call/(z) an analytic continuation of/o(z).
As in the case of functions of one variable, by saying simply a holomor-
phic function, we mean a one-valued holomorphic function, whereas a
holomorphic function which may not be one-valued is called an analytic
Unlike in the case n = 1, in case n ^ 2 , there is a domain D Q C I C " for
which there exists a domain D^DQ such that every holomorphic function
defined on DQ can be continued analytically to D. To see this, first consider
the case n = 2. Let pi, p2, CTI, 0*2 be real numbers with 0 < CTI < pi, 0 < 0-2 < P2,
and let D be a polydisk with centre 0:

D = Up(0) = {(zi, Z2) I |zi| < pi, IZ2I < P2}, P = (Pi, P2).


r(0) = {(zi, Z2) I Re zi ^ -0-1, IZ2I ^ cr2},

and Do= D— T{0). If we write Zj = Xj + 1X2, and Z2 = X3 + 1X4, the section of

Do by the hyperplane X2 = 0 is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Every holomorphic function defined on Do = D — T(0) has an analytic
continuation to D.

Proof. Let y/. 6 -> yXO) = (zi, re'^), 0 ^ ^ ^ 2-77, be the circle of radius r with
centre ( Z I , 0 ) G D , where o-2<r<p2. Then y^czDo. Consider the integral
along y^

/i(zi,Z2)=-— — d^ = —\ _| _ie do (1.23)

2771 J^^ ^ - Z 2 277 Jo 1-r e z^
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 11

• ^3

Figure 1

as a function of Zi and z^. Clearly /(z^, z^ is continuous in Dx =

{(zi, Z2)G D | | z 2 | < r } , and holomorphic in each variable separately there.
Hence/(zi, z^ is a holomorphic function of two variables Zi, Z2 in D^ Since
for each fixed z with - p i < R e z < p i , (zi,Z2)eDo if |z2|<p2, /oC^^i, ^2) is
holomorphic with respect to Z2 in |z2| < P2- Therefore by the Cauchy integral
formula /i(zi, Z2) =/o(zi, Z2) if \z'^<r. Namely, /i(zi, Z2) and /o(zi, Z2)
coincide in a domain J5 = {zG Dj|Re Z i < c r j . Since Ea DinDQ, by the
Corollary to Theorem 1.7,/i(zi, Z2) and/o(zi, Z2) coincide in Di n DQ. Hence
putting / ( z i , Z2)=/i(z,,Z2) for (zi, Z 2 ) G D I and / ( z j , Z2) =/o(zi, Z2) for
(zi,Z2)eDo, we obtain an analytic continuation / ( z i , Z2) of/o(zi, Z2) to
D = DouDi. I

This result can be extended to the case n ^ 2. For any c = ( c j , . . . , c„) G C",
consider the polydisk Up(x), p = ( p i , . . . , p„), with centre c. Let 0 < CTI < pi,
and 0 < 0-2 < P2- Put

T(c) = {ze Upic) IRe(zi - Ci) ^ -0-1, |z2- C2I ^ C72}, (1.24)

and Do= Up{c)- T{c), where z = ( z i , . . . , z„).

Theorem 1.8 (Hartogs). Every holomorphic function /o(z) defined on the

domain DQ= Up{c) — T{c) is continued analytically to a holomorphic function
f{z) defined on Up(z).
12 1- Holomorphic Functions

Proof. Let y/. 0 -> yXO) = (z, re'^ + C2, Z 3 , . . . , z„), 0 ^ ^ ^ 277. By considering
the integral

fiiz)=z— : — rf^, \Z2-C2\<r

27n J i-Z2

instead of (1.23), the theorem is proved similarly as in the case n=2

above. I

Corollary. Let n^2. A holomorphic function fo(z) ofn variables defined on

the punctured polydisk Up{x)-{c} is analytically continued to a holomorphic
function f{z) defined on Up(c). I

(e) Composite Function

Let f{w) = / ( w i , . . . , w^) be a continuously differentiable function of m

variables W i , . . . , w^ in a domain E c: C'", and let w, = gj(z) = g / ( z i , . . . , z„),
7 = 1,2, . . . , m , be continuously differentiable functions of n variables
Z i , . . . , z „ in a domain Dc=C". Suppose g(z) = (gi(z),..., g„(z))e E if
Let us consider the composite function/(g(z)) = / ( g i ( z ) , . . . , g„(z)).
Clearly f(g(z)) is a continuously differentiable function of z = ( z ^ , . . . , z„)
in D. The partial derivatives of/(z) with respect to z^ and 4 are given by

dZk j=i\ dwj azfc dwj dzj' ' ^'^

dfjgjz)) - (dfjw) dWj , dfjw) dwj\

= L\ -^—I -], Wj = gj(z). (1.26)
dZk jt,\ dWj dZk dWj dzj' J ^J^ ^

Proof Decomposing w, and z^ into their real and imaginary parts by writing
Wj = Uj-\-iVj, and Zfc = Xfc+%, and writing d/dZk, d/dzj,, and d/dWj, d/dWj as
linear combinations of d/dx^, d/dy^ and d/dUj, d/dVj by (1.18), we obtain
(1.25) and (1.26) from the usual chain rule for differentiation in the real
variables. I

Theorem 1.9. i f / ( w ) = / ( w i , . . . , w^) is holomorphic in Wi,..., w^, and

Wj = gj(z) = gj{zi,..., z„), 7 = 1 , . . . , m, are holomorphic in Z i , . . . , z„, then
the composite function f(g(z)) is a holomorphic function in Z j , . . , z„. Its partial
derivatives are given by

^/(.(z))=i^^, ». = , « . (..27,
oZk j-1 dWj dZk
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 13

Proof. Since by the assumption / ( w ) is holomorphic in Wi,..., w^, and

Wj = gj{z) are holomorphic in Z i , . . . , z„, by Theorem 1.6, df{w)/dWj = Q,
dwj/dzj, = 0. Therefore by (1.25) df{g{z))/dZk = 0 for A: = 1 , . . . , n. Hence by
Theorem 1.6,/(g(z)) is a holomorphic function in z , , . . . , z„. (1.27) follows
from (1.26). I

(f) Weierstrass Preparation Theorem

In this section we consider functions which are holomorphic in a neighbour-

hood of 0 = ( 0 , . . . , 0) 6 C^ For convenience sake we write (w, Z2,..., z„)
instead of ( z i , . . . , z„). Let/( w, z) = / ( w, Z2,..., z„) be a holomorphic func-
tion defined in a neighbourhood of 0 = ( 0 , . . . , 0) such that /(0,0) =
/(O, 0 , . . . , 0) = 0, and that /(w, 0) does not vanish identically.
Let a i ( z ) , . . . , a^(z) be holomorphic functions in ( n - 1 ) variables
( z 2 , . . . , z„) such that ai(0) = • • • = ^^(0) = 0. Then the polynomial in w

P(w, z) = w' + ai(z)>v"~^ + - • • + a,(z)

is called a distinguished polynomial.

Theorem 1.10 (Weierstrass Preparation Theorem). For any sufficiently small

e > 0 , there exists 5 = 5 ( e ) > 0 such that in the poly disk L^g,s(0) =
{(w, z)| I w| < e, IZ2I < 5 , . . . , |z„| < 5}, /(w, z) can he represented uniquely as
the product of a distinguished polynomial P(w, z), and a non-vanishing
holomorphic function M(W, z):

/ ( W , Z ) = M(M;,Z)P(W,Z). (1.28)

Proof. By the assumption,/(w, 0) = w*(fc5 + b5+iW + - • •) with b^T^O, where

5 is a natural number. Hence, e being taken sufficiently small, /(w, 0)^0
for 0 < I w| ^ e. Let JJL be the minimum of |/( w, 0)| on the circle | w| = e. Then
|/(w, 0)1 ^ /x > 0 if I w| = e. Therefore taking 8 = 8(e) sufficiently small, we

|/(w, z ) | ^ / x / 2 > 0 if \w\ = e, |z2| < 5 , . . . , |z„| < 6.


c7fc(z)=-— — -w dw, /c = 0 , l , 2 , . . .
27TI J | w | = H / ( W , Z )

are holomorphic functions of z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) in |z2| < 5 , . . . , |z„| < 5, where

J|w|=e denotes the integration along the circle 6^w = s e'^, 0 ^ O^ITT. For
each z, o-o(z) is equal to the number of the zeros of/(w, z) in the disk
14 1. Holomorphic Functions

|w| < e. Therefore (TO(Z) is a natural number independent of z. Since o-o(O) = s,

ao{z) = s.LQtoji{z),..., cu^(z) be the zeros of/(w, z) in the disk |w| < £ . Then


P(w,z) = w^ + ai(z)w^-' + . . . + a,(z)= {[ (w-a),(z)).

The elementary symmetric functions a i ( z ) , . . . , a^Cz) of a>i(z),..., ct>5(z)

are polynomials of (ri(z),..., o-^Cz): For example

ai{z) = cr^{z),


a,iz)=-{a,(z)'-3(T,{z)a2{z)-^2cr,iz)) • - -.

Therefore a i ( z ) , . . . , a^iz) are holomorphic functions of z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) in

| z 2 | < 5 , . . . , |z„|<5. Since a;i(0) = • • • = w,(0) = 0, ai(0) = • • • = a,(0) = 0.
Namely, P(w, z) is a distinguished polynomial. Put


Taking e > 0 and 6 > 0 sufficiently small, we may assume that /(w, z) is
defined on |>v|<3e, | z 2 | < 6 , . . . , |z„|<6. Then, for any fixed z, u{w, z) is a
holomorphic function of w in |w|<38. Hence we have

if u{C,z) ^^ , ,
M(W,Z) = -— dC, \w\<E. (1.29)

Moreover M(W, z) does not vanish in | w | ^ e . On the other hand, since

\a)x{z)\<e,.., ,\(x),{z)\<e, P{w,z)¥'Q for | w | ^ e . Hence M(W, z) is a
holomorphic function of n variables w, Z2,..., z„ in e < |w| <3e, |z2| <
5 , . . . , |z„| < 5. Therefore by (1.29) M(W, Z) is a holomorphic function of n
variables w, Z2,..., z„ in ^4,5(0). Moreover M( w, z) does not vanish there. I

(g) Power Series Ring

A power series Zmi,...,m„=o ^my-m^^T' * ' * ^^" whose region of convergence

is not empty is called a convergent power series. The sum f=f(z) =
Sm, m„=o ^mi • m„^r* ' ' * ^IT" of E convergcnt power series is a holomorphic
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 15

function in a neighbourhood of 0. Conversely, a holomorphic function in

a neighbourhood of 0 can be expanded into a convergent power series
Xm„...,m„==o ^mr-mjT' * * * ^ ^ . ^Ui^) and giz) SLTQ holomorpMc in a neigh-
bourhood of 0 , / ( z ) ± g ( z ) and/(z)g(z) are also holomorphic there. There-
fore the set of all convergent power series forms a ring, which is called
the power series ring and denoted by C { z i , . . . , z„}. I f / ( z ) and g{z) are
holomorphic, and f{z)g{z) = 0 identically, then either / ( z ) = 0 or g(z) = 0
identically, hence the power series ring is an integral domain.
In general an element u of an integral domain JR is called a unit, or an
invertible element if there is an element v^R such that uv = 1 where 1
denotes the identity of R. Let f, ge R be non-zero elements. If there is an
element he R such t h a t / = g/i, we say that g divides/ or t h a t / is divisible
by g, and denote it by g\f. In this case g is called a divisor o f / and / is
called a multiple of g. If g\f and/|g, / = ug with a unit u. In this case / and
g are said to be associates.
A non-zero element feRis called reducible if it can be written as a
p r o d u c t / = gh where g, h are non-units. A non-zero element peR is called
irreducible ifp is neither a unit nor a reducible element. If an element/e i?
is written as a product of finite number of irreducible elements as

f = Pl"'Pn, (1.30)

/ i s said to bt factored into irreducible elements. (1.30) is called an irreducible

factorization off We say th^tfhas the unique irreducible factorization up to
units if the following condition is satisfied: L e t / = pi - • - Pm a n d / = qi ' ' ' qi
be two irreducible factorizations of / Then we have / = m, and, after a
suitable reordering, q^ and p^, are associates, that is, q^ = u^Pk with some
unit Mfc, for /c = 1 , . . . , m. An integral domain R is called a unique factorization
domain, or simply a UFD, if every non-zero element feR, which is not a
unit, is factored into irreducible elements uniquely up to units. Let i^ be a
UFD, and f = P\ • • • ;7^ an irreducible factorization o f / e R. Then p^, k =
1 , . . . , m, is called an irreducible factor off Non-zero elements / and g are
said to be relatively prime or coprime i f / a n d g have no common irreducible
factors. L e t / = /?! - - - Pm and g = ^i • • • ^/ be irreducible factorizations of/
and g. Then / and g are relatively prime if no pi and q^ are associates. This
follows immediately from the fact that i^ is a UFD.
Let R[w] be the polynomial ring in a variable w over an integral domain
R. The following theorem is well known.

Theorem 1.11. If R is a UFD, then R[w] is also a UFD.

We denote the power series ring C { z i , . . . , z„} by OQ or OQI

If/(z) G ^0 is a unit, /(O) # 0 obviously. Conversely, if/(O) T^ 0 in a small
neighbourhood of 0, then l / / ( z ) is holomorphic, that is, l / / ( z ) e OQ. Thus
/ ( z ) G O'o is a unit if and only if /(O) T^ 0.
16 1. Holomorphic Functions

Now we prove that the power series ring €o = C{zi,..., z„} is a UFD.
We proceed by induction on n. We write w instead of z, and/(w, z) instead
of /(zi, Z2,..., z„) where z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„). In case n = 1, any non-zero
element f{w)eC{w} which is not a unit can be written as / ( w ) =
w\bs-^bs+iW-\-- • •) where s is a natural number, and b^T^O. Since w is
irreducible and bs + bs+iW + ' • • is a unit, we see immediately that C{w} is
a UFD. Now consider the case n>l.FutR = C{z2,..., z„}. Then R e R[w],
and the set of the units of R[w] coincides with the set of the units of R.
First consider an element/(w, z) e €Q such that/(0, 0) = 0 and that/(w, 0) 9^
0. Then by the Weierstrass preparation theorem, /(w, z) can be written
uniquely as

f{w,z) = uP{w,z), (1.31)

where M is a unit, and P(w, z) is a distinguished polynomial. Suppose that

/(w, z) is written as a product
/(>v,^)= n A ( w , ^ ) , (1.32)

where /fc(w, z) e O'o, and /^(O, 0) = 0, /c = 1 , . . . , m. Then, since n/c/fc(>^, 0) =

/(w, 0) 7^ 0, we have /^(w, 0) 7^ 0, /c = 1 , . . . , m, hence each //c( w, z) can also
be written as

A(w,z) = WfeP,(w,z), (1.33)

where u^ is a unit and P/c(>^> ^) is a distinguished polynomial. Then

m m
f{.w,z)= n «k n Pk{w,z).
k=\ k=\

Since Hk w^ is a unit, and H^ ^fc(>v, z) is a distinguished polynomial, the

uniqueness of the factorization (1.31) implies that

P{w,z)= n Pui^^.z). (1.34)


Thus the factorization (1.32) o f / ( w , z) = MP(W, z) corresponds to the

factorization (1.34) of P(w, z) in JR[W]. Therefore if P{w, z) is irreducible
in JR[w], it is also irreducible in €Q. In particular, putting n = 1 above, we
see that P(w, z) is irreducible in ^0 if it is so in R{w\ Hence (1.32) is an
irreducible factorization of/(w, z) in €Q if and only if (1.34) is an irreducible
factorization of P(w, z) in P[w]. Therefore, in order to prove that €Q is a
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 17

UFD, it suffices to show that any distinguished polynomial P{w, z) is

factored uniquely into irreducible distinguished polynomials in R[w]. Since
jR is a UFD by the hypothesis of induction, R[w] is also a UFD by Theorem
1.11. Put P(M;, z) = w' + ai(z)w'~^ + - • • + a,(z) with a^(0) = ' • • = a,(0) = 0,
and let

P{w,z)=U a(w,z), Qj,iw,z) = bUz)w'' + "' + Ws,(z) (1.35)

be the irreducible factorization of P(w, z) in R[w]. Then since 11^=1 ^fco(^) =

1, each bfco(^) is a unit in R. Consequently letting Pk(w,z) =
bkoizy^Qk(yv,z) = w'^ + ak,(z)w''^~^-\-' • • + afc,^(z), we see that P/c(w, z) is
also irreducible in P[w] and that

P ( w , z ) = n i'i.Cw,^). (1-36)

Since P(w, 0) = w\ Pki^^, 0) = w^^ Hence Pfc(w, z) is a distinguished poly-

nomial. Since any unit in P[w] is actually a unit in P, Pfc(w, z) is the unique
distinguished polynomial associated with Qk(y^^, z) in P[w]. Thus we have
proved the uniqueness of irreducible factorizations up to units for/(w, z) e
€Q such that /(O, 0) = 0 and that /(w, 0) T^ 0.
A convergent power series / = / ( z i , . . . , z„) is said to be regular with
respect to Zj if / ( z j , 0 , . . . , 0) T^ 0. Thus we have proved that \f feO^ is
regular with respect to Zi, / is factored uniquely into irreducible elements
up to units in €Q. Next suppose that / is not regular with respect to Zj.
Introduce new coordinates z l , . . . , z^ by the linear transformation

Zk=Y.Cjkz'j, with det(9fc)^0. (1.37)


By this change of coordinates a convergent power series / ( z i , . . . , z„) in

Z i , . . . , z„, becomes a convergent power series


in z ; , . . . , z ; . Hence ^o = C { z i , . . . , z„} = C { z ; , . . . , z;,}. We have

/ ( z j , 0 , . . . , 0) =f{cuz'u . . . , c^nz'i). Therefore unless / ( z i , . . . , z„) = 0
identically, choosing a suitable linear change (1.37), we have
/'(z'l, 0 , . . . , 0) 7^ 0, that is, f'{z[,..., z^) is regular with respect to z\. Thus
we obtain the following theorem:

Theorem 1.12. The power series ring €Q = C { z i , . . . , z„} is a UFD. I

18 1. Holomorphic Functions

Let /, g e OQ. Choosing, if necessary, a suitable linear change of coordi-

nates, we assume t h a t / ( z i , . . . , z„) and g ( z i , . . . , z„) are regular with respect
to Zi. We write w = Zi, and z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) as before.

Theorem 1.13. f=f{w, z) and g = g{w, z) are relatively prime in OQ if and

only if there exist a(w, z), I3{w, z)eOo such that the equation

a(w, z)/(w, z) + i8(w, z)g{w, z) = r{z), r{z) ^ 0, (1.38)

holds, where r(z)GC{z2,..., z„}. Here r(z)?^0 means that r(z) does not
vanish identically.

Proof If/(w, z) and g{w, z) have a common non-unit factor /z(w, z), then
/z(w, 0) 7^ 0, and by (1.38) we obtain an equality

q{w, z)h{w, z) = r{z), q(w, z) e OQ.

From the proof of the Weierstrass preparation theorem given above, for
every z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) with | z 2 | < 6 , . . . , |z„|<5, the equation h{w,z) = 0
has at least one solution w = (Oi{z). Consequently r{z) =
q(a)i{z), z)h{o)i{z),z) = 0 which is a contradiction. Thus the condition
(1.38) is sufficient. Conversely, suppose that/(w, z) and g(w, z) are relatively
prime. By the Weierstrass preparation theorem we can write

/(w, z) = MP(W, Z), g{w, z) = vQ(w, z),

where w, v are units and P{w,z), Q{w, z) are distinguished polynomials.
Then P{w, z) and (?(w, z) are relatively prime in i?[w], hence also in X[w]
where K is the quotient field of R. Consequently using the Euclidean
algorithm, we obtain an equation

A{w)P{w, z)4-B(w)Q(w, z) = 1, A{w), B{w) 6 X[w].

By multiplying a suitable non-zero element r{z)eR, we have r(z)A(w),

r(z)B{w) e R[w], Putting
a(w, z) = u~^r(z)A(w) and /3(w, z) = M ~ V ( Z ) P ( W ) ,
we obtain (1.38). I

The above results hold also for the power series ring C{zi - C i , . . . , z„ - c„}
in Zi - C i , . . . , z„ - c„, which we denote by 0^, c = ( c i , . . . , c„).
Let / ( z ) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) be a holomorphic function in Fez C". Then by
Theorem 1.3, for every p e D,f{z) has a convergent power series expansion
in Zi - C i , . . . , z„ - c„ in some neighbourhood of c:
/(z) = P ( z - c ) = P ( z i - C i , . . . , z , - c J .
We denote P(z-c) by f{z).
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 19

Theorem 1.14. Let f{z) and g{z) be holomorphic functions in D, Oe DaC".

Suppose thatfoiz) and goiz) are relatively prime in OQ. Then if s>0 is small
enough, fdz) and gdz) are relatively prime in Ocfor any c, |c| < e.

Proof First suppose /(O) 9^ 0. Then for a sufficiently small e > 0, / ( c ) T^ 0 in

|c| < s. Then fiz) is a unit in 0^, hence f(z) and gdz) are relatively prime.
The case g(0)9^0 is proved similarly. Now suppose /(O) = 0 and g(0) = 0.
Since fo{z) and go{z) are relatively prime in OQ, choosing coordinates
z , , . . . , z„ such that /o(z) and go{z) are regular with respect to Zj, we see
from Theorem 1.13 above that there exist a(z), p{z)e OQ such that

a(z)fo{z) + p(z)go{z) = r{z)^0.

Since for a sufficiently small s>0, a(z), f3{z) are holomorphic in | z | < e ,
we have

aiz)f(z) + I3{z)g(z) = r ( z 2 , . . . , z J 7^ 0, \z\ < e.

Hence if |c|< e

adz)fc{z) + lidz)gdz) = rdz2...., z j ^ 0,

where r^Czs,..., z„) is the power series expansion of r ( z 2 , . . . , z„) with

centre (c2, . . . , c „ ) . Hence Theorem 1.13 proves t h a t / ( z ) and gXz) are
relatively prime in ^o- I

Definition 1.2. Let/(z) and g{z) be holomorphic in a domain D c C " . / ( z )

and g{z^ are said to be relatively prime in D if fiz) and gdz) are relatively
prime in 0^ at every point ce D.

By Theorem 1.14 above, if fdz) and gdz) are relatively prime in Oc at

a point ceD, f(z) and g{z) are relatively prime in a sufficiently small
neighbourhood U{c) of c.

(h) Analytic Hypersurface

Let / ( z ) be a holomorphic function in a domain DciC". The set 5 =

{ze D\f(z) = 0} is called an analytic hypersurface. Let 0 G 5 and choose
coordinates z^, Z2,..., z„ such that/(z) = / ( z i , . . . , z„) is regular with respect
to Zi. We write w = Zj, and z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) as before. Then by the Weierstrass
preparation theorem, fiw,z) is represented in a polydisk Ue,s(0) =
{(w, z) 11 w| < e, IZ2I < 6 , . . . , |zj < 5}, as

f(w,z) = uP{w,z), P{w,z) = w' + a,(z)w'-' + -" + adz),

20 1. Holomorphic Functions

where u does not vanish in U^siO), and P(w, z) is a distinguished poly-

nomial. Consequently S is given in U^^sW by the following algebraic
equation of degree s in w:

w' + ai(z)w'"' + - • • + fl,(z) = 0.

If we denote the roots of this equation by w i ( z ) , . . . , ^^(z), then

S n U,,s{0) = {ia)^(z), z)\k=l,2,..., s,\z2\< 8,... ,\z^\<8}.

a>i(z),..., (JL>s{z) are continuous functions of z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„), which is in

general multi-valued if 5 ^ 2. Note that a^{0) = - - - = a^iO) = 0 implies that
wi(0) = • . • = co,{0) = 0. For each z e Us{0) = {z \ \z2\ < 6 , . . . , |z„| < 5} the set
{(Ok{z)\k=l,.., ,s} consists of at most k points. Thus S n t/^ 5(0) is a
hypersurface which is the orbit of these sets as z moves on the polydisk
1/5(0). The following theorem is an analogy of the Riemann extension
theorem for holomorphic functions of one complex variable.

Theorem 1.15. Let S be an analytic hypersurface in a domain DciC". Any

bounded holomorphic function / i ( z i , . . . , z„) defined onD-S can be extended
to a holomorphic function h(zi,..., z^) in D.

Proof We may assume that Oe S and [U^s(0)]cz D. We write w = Zi, and

z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„) as before. It suffices to show that h{w, z) can be continued
analytically to a holomorphic function g(w, z) in U^^sW- For any fixed
z e C/e,s(0), h{w, z) is a function of w which is holomorphic in |w| < e except
at a ) i ( z ) , . . . , w^(z), and by the assumption h{w,z) is bounded. Hence
/i(w, z) is extended to a holomorphic function g{w, z) of w in |w|< e. Let
C be the circle of radius e: |w| = E in the w-plane. By the Cauchy integral
formula we obtain

I f h{C-z) ^^
g{^.z)=—-\ — d^,
^TTlJc (-Z

Hence g(w, z) is a holomorphic function of n variables w, Z2,..., z„ in

t/e,.(0). I

Let S = {fiw, z) = 0} as before. S is called irreducible at 0 if the power

series expansion/o(w, z) of/( w, z) at 0 is irreducible in €Q = C{W, Z2,..., z„}.
In this case the equation /o( w, z) = 0 is called an irreducible equation of S
at 0. As stated in (g) above, the irreducibility of/o(w, z) in ^0 is equivalent
tothatof P(w, z)in jR[w]. Inthecase5= l,P(>v, z) = w + ai(z) is irreducible,
and ft>i(z) = - a i ( z ) is holomorphic in L^sCO).
§1.1. Holomorphic Functions 21

Suppose 5 ^ 2 . If P(w, z) is irreducible, P(w, z) and P^(w,z) =

sw'~^ ^ {s - l)ai{z)w'~^-h' ' ' + as-i{z) are relatively prime in R[w]. Con-
sequently by Theorem 1.13 above there exist a(w, z), p(w, z) e R[w] such

a(w, Z)P(M;, Z) + /3(W, Z)P^(W, Z) = riz) 9^ 0, r^z) e R, (1.39)

where r(z) = r ( z 2 , . . . , z„) is a holomorphic function in Us(0) with r(0) = 0,

and r(z) 7^0 means that r(z) does not vanish identically on Us{0). Thus
A = {zG (75(0)|r(z) = 0} is an analytic hypersurface in Us{0). If a;y(z) is a
multiple root of the equation P(w, z) = 0, PH;(<W;(Z), Z) = 0, hence by (1.39),
r{z) = 0. Therefore for z e Us{0)-A, the 5 roots a;i(z),..., ^^^(z) are all
distinct: (Oj(z) 9^ (Oj^{z) (j T^ k). Hence coi{z),..., (Os(z) are possibly multi-
valued holomorphic functions of z in L^5(0)-A. If z moves along a closed
curve in Us(0) — A, (Oi{z) is continued analytically to one of aj'^(z)'s. Thus
any analytic continuation of a>i(z) within Us(0)-^. is among cOj{z), j =
1 , . . . , 5. Conversely, cOj{z), 7 = 1 , . . . , 5, are all analytic continuations of
coi{z). For suppose that co2(z),..., o)t(z) are analytic continuations ofwi(z),
and that (Ot+i(z),..., (o^iz) are not.

i'i(w,z)= n (w-(Oj(z)) = w'-\-b,(z)w'~'-^' • • + b,(z),



^2(w,z)= n (w-a>,(z)) = w^-^ + c,(z)w^-^-^ + --- + c,_,(z).

Then 5 i ( z ) , . . . , ^r(^), Ci(z),..., Cs-tiz) are one-valued holomorphic func-

tions in ^ 4 ( 0 ) - A , which are bounded, hence by Theorem 1.15 these are
extended to holomorphic functions in Us(0), which are denoted again by
6 i ( z ) , . . . , bt{z), Ci(z),..., Ct-s(z)' Then Pi(w, z) and P2(w, z) are distin-
guished polynomials in P[w], and P(w, z) = Pi(w, z)P2(w, z) which contra-
dicts the irreducibility of P(w,z). Thus if 5 is irreducible at 0,
Wi(z),..., Ws{z) are all branches in Us{0) — A of one and the same holomor-
phic analytic function.

Theorem 1.16. Let S be irreducible at 0, andfo{zi,..., z„) = 0 an irreducible

equation of S at 0. If g{z^,..., z„)e€o vanishes identically on S, g =
g ( z i , . . . , z j is divisible by fo = / o ( z i , . . . , z j in OQI fo\g-

Proof We may assume that /o, and g are both regular with respect to Zi.
We write w = Zj and z = ( z 2 , . . . , z„). Since /o is irreducible, /o and g are
relatively prime if g is not divisible by /Q. This being the case, by Theorem
22 1. Holomorphic Functions

1.13 there exist a(w, z), /3(w, z) e OQ such that

«(w, z)/o(w, z) + i8(w, z)g(w, z) = r(z) ?^ 0, riz) e R.

Denoting the roots of /o(>v, z) = 0 by coi{z), co2(z),..., we obtain

g(cui(z), z) == 0 since (coi(z), z) e 5 for any z 6 ^4(0). Hence r(z) = 0 identi-
cally, which is a contradiction. I

Next we consider the general case in which the analytic hypersurface S

given by the e q u a t i o n / ( z i , . . . , z„) = 0 is not necessarily irreducible at 0 G 5.
In this case by Theorem 1.12, the power series expansion/o(z) of/(z) =
/ ( z j , . . . , z„) with centre 0 is factored uniquely up to units into irreducible
factors in ^o- Let pi{z),... ,priz) be distinct irreducible factors of/o(z).
Then we have

/o(z)=u(z) n pAzr\
A= l

where w(z) is a unit in ^o-


foiz)= n PAZ).
A= l

Then/o(z) and /o(z) vanish simultaneously, hence /o(z) = 0 also gives an

equation of S in a neighbourhood of 0, which is called a minimal equation
of 5.

Theorem 1.17. Ifg{z) e €Q vanishes identically on S, g{z) is divisible byfoiz):


Proof. By Theorem 1.16 above, g = g(z) is divisible by each px=Px{^)^ Since

/?i(z),... ,p;^(z) are mutually coprime, g is divisible by /o = n l = i JPA- I

Corollary. Let f{z) and g(z) G ^o- Ifbothf(z) = 0 and g{z) = 0 are minimal
equations of S at OG 5, / ( z ) and g{z) are associates.

Theorem 1.18. /o(z) = 0 is a minimal equation of S at 0 if and only if fo{z)

and at least one of its partial derivatives fo^^(z) = dfo(z)/dzj^ are relatively
prime in €Q.

Proof Suppose /o(z) is not minimal. Then /o(z) has at least one mul-
tiple factor /7i(z):/o(z)=/7i(z)^/i(z). Therefore fo,,{z)=p^{zfK^{z)-^
2px^^{z)pi{z)h{z) has a common factor P\{z) with/o(z). Suppose in turn
that /o(z) = 0 is minimal. Choose coordinates Zi,...,z„ such that
§1.2. Holomorphic Map 23

/ o ( z i , . . . , z„) is regular with respect to Zi, and write w = Zi, and z =

(z2, . . . , z „ ) . Then by the Weierstrass preparation theorem, we have the

/o(w, Z) = M(W, z)P(w, z),

where w is a unit in OQ, and P(w, z) is a distinguished polynomial. Let

P(w, z) ==nr=i ^fc(^» ^) t>e the factorization of P{w, z) into irreducible
distinguished polynomials in R[w]. Then

/o(w, z) = w n P/c(w, z), with a unit w = M(W, Z)

is an irreducible factorization of/o(z) in OQ. Since/O(W, Z) = 0 is minimal,

the irreducible polynomials Pfc(w, z), /c = 1 , . . . , m are mutually coprime.

k j=\ k9^j

is not divisible by any Pfc(w, z). Hence /o(w, z) and /ow(>^? ^) are relatively
prime. I

Corollary. Let f{z) he a holomorphic function in a domain of C", and S the

analytic hypersurface defined by the equation f{z) = 0. We assume OeS.
Supppose fo{z) = 0 is a minimal equation of S at 0. Then if e>0 is small
enough, fiz) = 0 is a minimal equation ofS at cfor every ce S with \c\ < s.

This follows immediately from Theorem 1.14. Let U he a. domain where

/ ( z ) is defined, / ( z ) = 0 is called a minimal equation of 5 in U if fiz) = 0
is a minimal equation of S at every ce SnU.By the Corollary to Theorem
1.17, if fiz) = 0 and g{z) = 0 are both minimal equations of S in U, u{z) =
f(z)/g{z) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function in U.

§1.2. Holomorphic Map

In this section we consider a map O: z^w = <^(z) of a domain D c C "

into C".
Using complex coordinates, we can write O as follows:

O : Z = ( Z i , . . . , Z j -^ ( W i , ...,Wm) = {(Pliz), . . . , (Pm{z)).

24 1. Holomorphic Functions

<l> is called continuous, continuously differentiable C°° in D if

(pi{z),..., (pm{z) are continuous, continuously differentiable, C°° in L>,

Definition 1.3.0 is said to be holomorphic in D if Wj = <Pi(z),. w^ <Pm(^)

are holomorphic functions of n variables Z i , . . . , z„.
If a map <!>: z ^ w = 0 ( z ) is holomorphic, the matrix





dZi dZn

is called the Jacohian matrix of <l>, and denoted by

a ( w i , . . . , w ^ ) / a ( z , , . . . , z„). In particular if m = «, the determinant of the
Jacobian matrix of O:

a(>Vi,..., w j
/ ( z ) = det (1.40)

is called the Jacohian of <l>.

Introduce real coordinates by putting z^ = X2k-\ + i^ik-, and w, = M2J_I + i*W2j
and represent ^ in these terms as

, X2n) -> (Wi, . . . , M2n) = ^ ( ^ 1 , • • • , X 2 J .

Then w^e have

a ( X i , . . . , X2n)
\nz)\\ (1.41)

where the left-hand side of this equality represents the Jacobian of O with
respect to ( x i , . . . , X2„) and ( w i , . . . , M2n)-

Plroo/ We give proof for n = 3. Since by Theorem 1.16, dwj/dzi^ = (awy/az^) ==

0, using an elementary calculation, we obtain

a(Ml,...,M6) , , ^ ( H ^ I , H ' S , W 3 , W i , W2, ^ 3 )

det' (—
9 ( X i , . . . , X 6 ) = det a ( z i , Z2, Z3, z i , Z2, Z3)

a ( W l , W2, W3) (9(Wi, M>2, W3)

= det = |/(z)P.
a ( z i , Z2, Z3) (9(zi, Z2, Z3)
§1.2. Holomorphic Map 25

Let ^ : z-» w = <|)(z) be a holomorphic map of D c C " into C", and

^ : w ^ ^ = ^ ( w ) a holomorphic map of E c z C " into C". If 0 ( D ) c : £, the
composite '^ ° 0 : z -> f = '^(<l>(z)) is a holomorphic map of D into C*'. The
Jacobian matrix of '^ ° <I> is the product of those of ^ and <E>:

a(zi,...,zj (9(wi,..., w^) (9(zi,...,z„) *

In particular if i^ = m = n,

a(zi,..., z j d{wu . . . , w j (9(zi,..., z j *

^: w^ z,

^ a(zi,...,zj ^a(wi,..., w j
det det = 1.
(9(wi,..., w j a(zi,...,zj

Thus if a holomorphic map <l>: z ^ w has an inverse 0~^: w->z which is

holomorphic, then

^a(wi,..., w j ^^
det — # 0.

Theorem 1.19. Let (^: z^ w = ^{w} be a holomorphic map ofDc: C" into C",
andJ{z) its Jacobian. IfJ{z^) T^ 0 at a point ZQ e D, there exist a neighbourhood
U ^ D of z^, and a neighbourhood W of <I>(z^) = w^, such that <l> maps U
bijectively on W. Moreover the inverse 0~^ o/<l> restricted to U is holomorphic
on W.

Proof Consider 0 as a C°° map. Then by (1.41) the Jacobian of O as a C°°

map is equal to |/(z)|^. Since |/(z°)|^>0 by the assumption, the inverse
mapping theorem for continuously differentiable maps shows that there
exist a neighbourhood U of z^ in D, and a neighbourhood W of w^ = <l>(z^)
such that <I> maps U bijectively on W, and that the inverse <l>~^ of O restricted
to U is continuously differentiable. Put

^-': w -> ( z i , . . . , z j = (il^iiw),..., (A„(w)).

Then z^ = ij/hicpiiz),..., (^„(z)). Since dipj/dz^ = 0, taking the partial deriva-

tive with respect to z^, we obtain

j ^ \ oZk dWj
26 1. Holomorphic Functions

Consequently, since det(aw//azfc)^fc=i „ = /(z)7^0 on U, we have

d{jjh{w)/dwj = 0,7 = 1 , . . . , w, hence ^h{^) are holomorphic in w^,..., w„. I

Corollary 1. Let ^ be a holomorphic map of a domain D c i C " into C^. If

J{z) does not vanish in D, 0 ( D ) is a domain in C". I

Corollary 2. Let ^be a one-to-one holomorphic map of a domain D ci C" into

C". IfJ(z) does not vanish in D, the inverse <l>~^ of O is a holomorphic map
of the domain E = ^(D) onto D. I

If <l> maps a domain D c= C" bijectively onto a domain E ci C" and O"^
is also holomorphic, O is called a biholomorphic map. Two domains D and
£ are said to be biholomorphic if there exists a biholomorphic map O of
D onto £.

Theorem 1.20. Letfiz),... ,fmiz) be holomorphic in a domain ofC. Suppose


rank ; ; =P
a(zi, . . . , z j

is independent of z. If z^ is a point of this domain such that

^ j(f{z),...JAz)) ^^ 0
det ; ; 7^0 at z = z,.
(9(zi,..., z j

then there exists a neightourhood U{z^) ofz^ such thatfj,+i{z),... ,/„(z) are
holomorphic functions offi{z),... ,/^(z) in U{z^).

Proof Put Wi = / i ( z ) , . . . , w^ =f^{z). On a sufficiently small neighbourhood

(7(z') of z\

det — = det — T^ 0.
a ( z i , . . . , z^, z^+i,..., z„) (9(zi,..., z^)
Therefore by Theorem 1.19, 0 : ( z j , . . . , z^, z^+i,..., z„) -> (vvi,..., w^,
z^+i,..., z„) is a biholomorphic map of U{z^) onto a neighbourhood (7( w^)
of w'=:<D(z^). Put

Then g, are holomorphic functions of vvi,..., w^, z^+i,..., z„ in (7(w^), and

rank — = v.
a ( w i , . . . , w^, z ^ + i , . . . , z j
§1.2. Holomorphic Map 27

Therefore, since gi = W i , . . . , g^ = w^, we have

dg^+j . ^ d(gu • . . , g^, gv+j) r» • 1 7 1

Hence g^+^(>Vi,..., w^, z^+i,..., z„) are holomorphic functions of

Wi,..., w^, and do not depend on the variables z^+i,..., z„:

g,+^(wi,..., w^, z , + i , . . . , z j = ;i^(wi,..., w j .


/,+,(z) = /i,(wi,..., w^) = hjifiiz),... ,/,(z)). I

Chapter 2

Complex Manifolds

§2.1. Complex Manifolds

(a) Definition of Complex Manifolds

Recall that a Riemann surface ^ is a connected Hausdorff space S endowed

with a system of local complex coordinates {zi, 2 2 , . . . , Zj,...}. Each local
complex coordinate Zj is a homeomorphism Zji p^ Zj(p) of a domain Uj in
2 onto a domain % c: C such that U j ^ = ^? ^i^<i that for each pair of
indices 7, /c with L/y n L4 ^ 0 , the map r^^: z^ip) ~> Zj{p), pe Ujn L4, is a
biholomorphic map from the open set ^^j ^ ^k onto ^ ^ c: ^^.. The concept
of a complex manifold is a natural generalization of the concept of a
Riemann surface. In case of a Riemann surface, the local complex coordin-
ate of a point p 6 S is a complex number. Using an n-tuple of complex num-
bers Zj(p) = {zi(p),..., z„(p)) instead, we obtain the concept of an n-
dimensional complex manifold. More precisely, let 2 be a connected Haus-
dorff space, and { ( 7 i , . . . , L^,...} an open covering of 1 consisting of at
most countably many domains. Suppose that on each ^ ^ 2, a homeo-

Zj' P -^ Zj(p) = iz](p), • . . , zj{p)), p e Uj,

is defined, which maps Uj onto a domain ^^ciC". Then for each pair 7, k
with Ujr\Uk^ 0 , the map

Tjki Zk(p)^Zj{p), peUjnUk, (2.1)

is a homeomorphism of the open set ^uj = {zkip)\p ^ ^ ^ ^/d ^ ^k in C ^

onto the open set %k = {Zj(p)\p^^j^ ^ / d ^ %- If O
' fc ^^ biholomorphic for
any 7,/c such that Ujn Uk9^0, each Zj:p^Zj{p) is called local complex
coordinates defined on Uj, and the collection { z i , . . . , z^,...} is called a
system of local complex coordinates on 2.

Definition 2.1. If a system of local complex coordinates { z i , . . . , z^,...} is

defined on a connected Hausdorff space S, we say that a complex structure
§2.1. Complex Manifolds 29

is defined on 2. A connected Hausdorff space is called a complex manifold

if a complex structure is defined on it. We denote a complex manifold by
the letters M, N, etc. The system of local complex coordinates {z^,..., z^,...}
which defines the complex structure of a complex manifold M is called the
system of local complex coordinates of M. The dimension or complex
dimension of M is defined to be n. We often denote M " if we want to
make explicit the dimension of M.

Thus the concept of complex manifolds is an obvious generalization of

that of Riemann surfaces, and, in fact, a Riemann surface is nothing but a
1-dimensional complex manifold. If M is a complex manifold, and
{ z i , . . . , z,,...} is the system of local complex coordinates of M, each domain
Uj is called a coordinate neighbourhood. We call local complex coordinates
simply local coordinates or a local coordinate system. The point Zj{p) =
(z](;?),..., Zj{p)) of C" is called the local (complex) coordinates of p. Let
pe M. Then if we choose a coordinate neighbourhood Uj with pe Uj, p is
determined uniquely by its local coordinates Zj = {z],..., Zj) = Zj(p). For
pe Ujn (7fc, the coordinate transformation

Tj,,: zj^^zj = [z],..., zj) = T,-fc(zfc), (2.2)

which transforms the local coordinates z^ = ( z ^ , . . . , z^) = z^ip) into the

local coordinates z, = ( z j , . . . , zj) = z^(;?) is, by definition, a biholomorphic
Since peUj is determined uniquely by its local coordinates Zj = Zj{p),
identifying Uj with % via Zj, we can consider that a complex manifold M
is obtained by glueing the domains ^ j , . . . , ^ ^ , . . . in C" via the isomorph-
isms Tjj^: %L^j -> %k: M = Uj %. Then Zj e % and z^ G ^^ are the same point
on M if and only if z, = ^^^(^k).

Example 2.1. Any domain ^ c i C " is a complex manifold. M = ^ has a

system of local coordinates {z} consisting of the single local coordinates
z^z = (z\.,.,zn.
Example 2.2. For a point (^o, • • •, ^n) e C""^' - ( 0 , . . . , 0),

^ = {(A^O,...,A^J|AGC}

is a complex line through 0 = ( 0 , . . . , 0). The collection of all complex lines

through 0 is called the n-dimensional complex projective space, and denoted
by P". The Riemann sphere S is the 1-dimensional complex projective space
P \ A point ^ of P" represents a complex line

^ = {(A^o,...,A^J}.

(^0,''', in) is called the homogeneous coordinates of ^G P", and denoted

by f = (^0, . . . , ^ J . The equality Uo, • - -, in) = Uo, ---, D means that
30 2. Complex Manifolds

Wo, • • • 5 Cn) and (^0? • • • J fn) ai"^ the homogeneous coordinates of the same
point f, that is, fo = A^o, • • •, ^n = AZ;„ for some A T^ 0.
Put U, = {^ G P" I Cj 5^ 0}. f G (7o is represented as ^ = (1, z \ . . . , z") where
^"^ = ^u/io' {^\ •' •, ^") is called the non-homogeneous coordinates of f.
The map

gives local coordinates on UQ, where ^o = Zo(Uo) = C". Similarly on Uj we

define local coordinates

zj:^^zj(a = izl...,zr\zr\...,z^\ zJ=U(r

Then % = Zj{ Uj) = C". Of course ZQ = z". On Uj n L/^, we have

zf=l/zi zj = zl/zi, p^j,^k. (2.3)

Hence the coordinate transformations TJ^: Z^^ ZJ are biholomorphic. P" is

considered as the complex manifold obtained by glueing the {n + 1)-copies
of C" via the isomorphisms (2.3).

(b) Holomorphic Functions and Holomorphic Maps

Let M be an /t-dimensional complex manifold, { z j , . . . , z,,...} the system

of local complex coordinates, Uj the dommn of z^, and % = Zj(Uj), L e t /
be a real- or complex-valued function defined on a domain Da M. For
pe Dn Uj, using the local coordinates Zj = Zj{p),wQ define a functionyj(Zj)

fip)=fji^j), (2.4)

then fjizj) is a function of n complex variables ( z i , . . . , z „ ) defined in

Q)j = Zj{DnUj)c:%. By (2.1), if z,-= z,.,(z,), we have/(z,) = A(zfc). Since
p^ Zj = Zj(p) is 3. homeomorphism, / is continuous in D if and only if each
fj(Zj) is continuous in ^j with respect to Zj.

Definition 2.2. / is said to be a continuously differentiable function, a C^

function, C°° function in D c: M if each fj is a continuously differentiable
function, a C function, a C°° function in 2j with respect to Zj respectively.

If we consider a complex manifold M as obtained by glueing the domains

^ 1 , . . . , % . . . in C " : M = U ; % identifying peM with the point Zj =
(z],..., Zj) = Zj{p)E %, the function f{p) is written as f{zj). Since in this
notation Zj e % and z^ e ^^ are the same point of M if Zj = Tjj,(zk), we have
§2.1. Complex Manifolds 31

fj{Zj)=fk{zj,) if Zj = Tjk{zk). Note that here/(zfc) does not denote the function
obtained from f{Zj) by substituting z^ for Zj. Also in this notation a
function f{p)=f{zj) defined in a domain D of M is of class C\ (holo-
morphic) if and only if each/(z,) is of class C^ (holomorphic) with respect
t o Zj.
Similarly we define a holomorphic map from a complex manifold M to
another complex manifold N. Let { w i , . . . , w^,...} be the system of local
complex coordinates of iV, W), the domain of w^, and W), = W)^{Wx)^C^
where m = dim N. Let 0:/7-^g = ^ ( / 7 ) b e a continuous map from a domain
D<^ M into N. Since Zji p-^ Zj(p) maps Uj homeomorphically onto %, and
W;,: q-^Wxiq) maps W;^ homeomorphically onto W;^, for A,7 such that

^,j:zj(p)^wAq), q = ^{p), pe^-\W,)nUj, (2.5)

is a continuous map from the domain %;, ={Zj(p)\pe(^~\W;,)n L^jc C"

into W^:

^-\W,)nUj ^W,

> ^ .

If <l>;^^ is of class C or holomorphic, <l> is said to be of class C^ or

holomorphic where r = 1, 2 , . . . , 00.
If there exists a biholomorphic map w\ p->w{p) for a domain W<^ M
into C , we can use this w as local complex coordinates. Thus if M " is
covered by at most countably many domains W j , . . . , W),,..., and for each
W), a biholomorphic map W;^: /?-> w^ip) from W^, into C" is defined, then
{vvi,..., W;^,...} makes a system of local complex coordinates of M". Hence
there are infinitely many choices of systems of local complex coordinates
for one and the same complex manifold M". In view of this fact we may
define a complex manifold as follows: first let two systems of local complex
coordinates {zj} = { z i , . . . , z^,...} and {W),} = { w , , . . . , W;^,...} be given on a
connected Hausdorff space 2 , Uj the domain of z^, and W^ the domain of
WA. For 7, A such that L^ n W^ ^ 0 ,

W;,z7^z,(/7)->W;,(/?), pe UjnW^,

is a homeomorphism from the open set %), = {Zj{p)\p^ Ujn W^} onto the
open set Wj^j = {Wj(p) \peW^n Uj}. Let M be a complex manifold defined
by the system {Zj}. Then W;^: p^w^ip) is biholomorphic if and only if W;,zJ^
is biholomorphic for any j such that UjOW^,?^ 0 . Therefore if we say that
32 2. Complex Manifolds

{zj} and {w^} are holomorphically equivalent when W;^zJ^ is biholomorphic

for any pair 7, A such that Uj-n W^T^ 0 , then {Zj} and {w;^) are two systems
of local complex coordinates of the same complex manifold if and only if
they are holomorphically equivalent. Thus instead of the definition pre-
viously given, we define a complex manifold as follows

Definition 2.3. Let 2 be a connected Hausdorff space. A complex structure

on S is defined as a holomorphic equivalence class of systems of local
complex coordinates on 2. A connected Hausdorff space endowed with a
complex structure M is called a complex manifold and denoted by the
same M. The complex structure M is called the complex structure of M,
and a system of local complex coordinates belonging to M is called a system
of local complex coordinates of the complex manifold M.

Two complex manifolds M and N are called complex analytically

homeomorphic or biholomorphically equivalent if there is a biholomorphic
map O from M onto N. In this case we consider M and N as the same
complex manifold by identifying pe M and q = ^{p)e N. In fact, since O
is homeomorphic, M and N can be considered as the same Hausdorff space
E. Next, let {Zj} be a system of local complex coordinates of M and {w^}
a system of local complex coordinates of N. Then since O is biholomorphic,
^^j defined in (2.5) is biholomorphic, hence {zj} and {w^} are holomorphi-
cally equivalent systems of local complex coordinates on 1.
If, as stated above, we consider M = Uj % and iV = UA ^ A , a map O
from a domain D<^ M into N is written as

O: zj^w^=^{zj).

Thus we can dispense with the indices 7, A in O;^^ where w^, = Ox^(z^).

(c) Locally Finite Coverings

Let S be a Hausdorff space. An open covering U of X is said to be locally

finite if for each point pel., there is a neighbourhood U{p) such that
U(p) n U 9^0 for only a finite number of the members L'^e U. Let M " be
a complex manifold, and q a point of M. By local coordinates with centre
q we mean a biholomorphic map Zq\ p-^ Zq{p) of a domain U{q) containing
q onto a domain of C" containing ( 0 , . . . , 0) such that Zq{q) = 0. Let
Zq'. p ^ Zq{p) = {z\{p),..., z''q{p)) bc givcn local coordinates with centre q.
By a coordinate polydisk UXq) with centre q on M", we mean the inverse

§2.1. Complex Manifolds 33

by Zq of the polydisk with centre 0

^.(0) = {z|z = ( z ^ . . . , z J , | z ^ | < r ^ . . . , | z " | < r " } ,

such that [(7,(0)] c:z^((7(^)), where r = {r\ ... .r"") and r ' > O f o r all /.

Theorem 2.1. Let M"" he a complex manifold. Suppose that for each point
qe M, local coordinates z^ with centre q and a coordinate polydisk UjK^q^iq)
are given. Then we can choose at most countably many coordinate polydisks

Uj = Uru)(qj)^ Uj,^q^(qj), j =1,2,3,...,

such that L^ = { L^ |j = 1, 2, 3,...} is a locally finite open covering of M.

Proof Omitted. I

(d) Submanifolds

Let M be a complex manifold. In the sequel we fix for each point qe M

local coordinates Zqi p-> Zq{p) with centre q arbitrarily.

Definition 2.4. Let S" be a closed subset of M". S is called an analytic subset
of M if for each qe S, there are a finite number of holomorphic functions
flip),' • ">fq(p)^ ^ = ^ ( ^ ) , defined in a neighbourhood U{q) of q such

SnU{q) = {peU(q)\fl{p) = '"=r,(p) = 0}. (2.6)

Thus 5 is a subset of M " which is defined in a neighbourhood of each

point qe Shy a system of analytic equations {flip) = • • • =fq{p) = 0}. This
system of equations is called a local equation of S at q. There are infinitely
many choices of local equations for a given S. S is said to be smooth at q
if a local equation fl(p) = • • • =fq(p) = 0 of S at q can be so chosen that

. d(fl(p\...j;ip))

This being the case, we call m = n — v the dimension of S at q. Otherwise

we call qe S Si singular point of S. If S is smooth at q, taking a sufficiently
small neighbourhood U{q) and an appropriate renumbering of z^(/?)'s, we
may assume that

, , diKip),...,n{p)) ,.
det :, ^T-TT^'O, m = n-v,
d(Zq {P),---,Zq{P)}
34 2. Complex Manifolds

for pe U{q). Thus for a sufficiently small U(q), the map

z,(p)=(ziip),..., z-(p),fi,(p),... ,r,{p))

is biholomorphic by Theorem 1.19. Therefore we may use

p -> (zlip),..., z'^{p),f\ip),... ,r,ip)), m = n~v,

as local coordinates with centre q. In terms of these, we have

SnU{q) = {peU{q)\z-^\p) = ''' = z''^{p)==0}. (2.7)

Definition 2.5. A connected analytic subset S of M" without singular points

is called a complex submanifold of M.

For each qe M, choose a coordinate polydisk UR<^q)(q) with respect to

the local coordinates z^: p^ ^qip) such that UR(^q)(q) n S = 0 for q?^ S and
that L^R(g) ^ U{q) for qe S. Then by Theorem 2.1, we may choose coordinate

Uj= UruMj)"^ UR^q.^(qj), 7 = 1,2,...,

such that U = { L7,17 = 1, 2,...} is a locally finite open covering. For simplicity
we write Zj for Zq.,fj{p) for fg.{p) and Vj for i^iqj). Then either S n Uj = 0,
or qj e S, and if qj e S,

SnU = {peUj\fj(p) = "-=fp(p) = 0}, (2.8)

In particular if 5 is a complex submanifold, we have

SnUj = {peUj\zr\p) = "' = zJ(p) = Ol (2.9)

where m = n-Pj is independent of 7. In fact if 5 n L^ n L4 7^ 0 , it is clear

that rrij = m^. Then the assertion follows from the connectedness of S. From
this result, we see that S is itself a complex manifold. For, if we put
Vj = Sn Uj, V = {Vj\ Vj 9^ 0} is 3, locally finite open covering of S, and

zjs:p^zjsip) = (z](p),...,zr{p)))

is a homeomorphism of Vj onto a polydisk in C". The coordinate transfor-


TjkS' Zksip)-^Zjs{p)
§2.1. Complex Manifolds 35

is biholomorphic since it is the restriction of TJ^:

/^l ^^ -,"\ ^ / ^ l ^"1 -r"\ +^ f^^'+l -" Al

(Zfc, . . . , Z f c , . . . , Z f c ) ^ ( z ^ - , . . . , Z ^ - ,...,Zj) to {Zfc = . . . = Zfc = 0 } .

Consequently {Zjs | VJ T^ 0 } forms a system of local complex coordinates,

hence, defines a complex structure on S. Thus 5 is a complex manifold of
dimension m.
An analytic subset 5 of M " is called an analytic hypersurface if it is
defined by a single equation {fqip) = 0} in some neighbourhood of each
qe S. In this case, choosing Uj as in (2.8), we have

SnUj = {peUj\fj(p) = 0}, (2.10)

whcTQ fj(p) is holomorphic in Uj. If we identify Uj with % = Zj{Uj)<^C"

as usual,

Sn% = {zjemj\fjizj) = 0}

is an analytic hypersurface of %, where fj(p)=fj{Zj) is a holomorphic

function of Zj in %. Then if we take U^i^q^iq) sufficiently small, by the
Corollary to Theorem 1.18, we may choose ^(z,) such that^(z^) = 0 is a
minimal equation of 5 n % in %. In this case fj(p) = 0 is called a minimal
equation of S in Uj. Then S is smooth at ^ G 5 n U, if and only if at least
one of the partial derivatives dfj(Zj)/dzf offj(Zj) does not vanish at Zj = Zj(q).
Consequently the set 5 ' of all smooth points of S is an open subset of S.
Let S"= S-S' be the set of singular points of S. Then 5"'n % is defined
by the system of holomorphic equations

Thus 5" is an analytic subset of M". M" — S" is a complex manifold, and
each connected component of S' = S-S" is a submanifold of M" - S " .

(e) Meromorphic Functions

Let M " be a complex manifold. For each point g G M",fixlocal coordinates

Zq-. p^(z]j,..., Zq) = Zq(p) with centre q. A holomorphic function h{p)
defined in a domain Da M" is expanded into a convergent power series
/Zq(Zg) == hq(z]j,..., Zq) of z ^ , . . . , Zg in a neighbourhood of each point ^G D.
Namely we have h{ p) = hq{Zq(p)) ina. neighbourhood of q. Suppose given
holomorphic functions h{p) and g(p) in D. h{p) and g(p) are called
relatively prime at q if their power series expansions hq{zq) and gqizq) are
relatively prime in C { z ^ , . . . , Zq}. hq(Zq) and gq{Zq) have a common divisor
36 2. Complex Manifolds

in C { z ^ , . . . , z^} if and only if there are holomorphic functions d, h, and

gi defined in a small neighbourhood of q such that

h(p) = h,(p)d(p), gip) = gi(p)d(p), and ^(^) = 0. (2.11)

Consequently the above definition does not depend on the choice of local
coordinates z^. Since C j z ^ , . . . , z^} is a UFD, we may choose d(p) in (2.11)
such that hi and gi are relatively prime at q. This being the case, we call
d(p) the greatest common divisor of h{p) and g{p) at q. We say that h{p)
and g(/?) are relatively prime in D if they are so at every point of D. By
Theorem 1.14, if h and g are relatively prime at a point qeD, they are
relatively prime in a sufficiently small neighbourhood U{q)^ D of q.
A function f{p) on M " is called a meromorphic function if for each
point qeM"", there are holomorphic functions hq{p) and gq(/?) defined in
some neighbourhood of q such thdii f{p) = hq{p)/gq{p) there. From the
above argument we may assume that hq{p) and gq{p) are relatively prime
at q, hence, also in some neighbourhood U{q) of q. Consequently by
Theorem 2.1, as in (d) above, there is a locally finite open covering U =
{ L^ ly = 1, 2,...} such that each U, is a coordinate polydisk, and that on
each Uj,f(p) is represented as the quotient of two relatively prime holomor-
phic functions fj and gj:

f(p)=^, for peU, (2.12)

For each pair 7, k with Ujn U^T^ 0 , we have

hj(p)gk(p) = h(p)gj(p) for peUjn U^. (2.13)

Since hjq(Zq) and gjq(zq) are relatively prime, and also h^qizq) and gkqi^q)
are relatively prime, hjq(Zq) and h^qizq) are associates, and gjq(zq) and
gkq(zq) are also associates. Therefore

Kip) gk(p)

is a non-vanishing holomorphic function defined in Uj n Uk, and we have

hj(p) =fjk(p)hk(p) and gj(p) = fjkip)gkip), peUjn U^.

LQtf(p) = hq{p)/gq(p) be a meromorphic function, and suppose gq(q) =

0. In case n = 1, since hq(p) and gq(p) are relatively prime, gqiq) = 0 impHes
that hq(q)9^0, hence

/ ( ; ' ) - ^ + - ••+ — + • • • . with Z, = Z,(/7).

§2.1. Complex Manifolds 37

Thus ^ is a pole of f{p) a n d / ( g ) = 00. Considering/:/?->/(p) as a map

of the Riemann surface M^ to the Riemann sphere P^ = C u {00}, and letting
(^0, ^1) be the homogeneous coordinates of P \ we see that the map

is holomorphic.
In case n ^ 2 , even if hq and gq are relatively prime, we may have
Ki^) = Sqi^l) = 0. This being the case, the value f{q) o f / ( p ) = hq/gq at q
cannot be determined. For example, p u t / ( z j , Z2) = Z2/Z1, which is a mero-
morphic function in C^. Then /(O, 0) cannot be determined.

(f) Differentiable Manifolds

A connected Hausdorff space S is called a topological manifold if there is

an open covering of 2 consisting of at most countably many domains
L/i,..., Uj,..., such that each Uj is homeomorphic to a domain % in R'".
In this case the homeomorphism of Uj onto %:

is called local coordinates or a local coordinate system defined on Uj. The

collection of local coordinates {Xj} = { x i , . . . , x^,...} is called a system of
local coordinates on the topological manifold 2. Forj, k such that Ujn U^?^
Tjk'-Xk(p)^Xj{p), peUjn t/fc,

is a homeomorphism of the open set ^/g = {Xk(p) \pe U^n Uj} a ^ ^ onto
the open set %k = {Xj(p)\pe Ujn U^}. We call {Xj} a system of local C°°
coordinates if these TJ^ are all C°°, which means that x]{p),..., xj'ip) are
C°° functions of xl(p),..., x1^{p). Suppose given two systems of local C°°
coordinates {xj} and {u;,} on 1, and let Uj be the domain of x, and W^, the
domain of U;,. If for any pair 7, A with L^ n W;^ 7^ 0 , the maps

Xj{p)-^U;,(p) and M;,(/7)-»X^(;7)

are both C°° for pe Ujn W;,, {Xj} and {M;^} are said to be C°° equivalent.

Definition 2.6. A C°° differentiable structure on a topological manifold 1 is

defined to be an equivalence class of systems of local C°° coordinates on
li. A topological manifold S endowed with a differentiable structure is
called a differentiable manifold, whose differentiable structure is called the
38 2. Complex Manifolds

differentiable structure of the difierentiable manifold 2. A system of local

C°° coordinates belonging to the differentiable structure of 2 is called a
system of local C°° coordinates on the differentiable manifold 2.
Let 2 be a differentiable manifold, {Xj} a system of local C°° coordinates
on 2, and Uj the domain of Xj. A real- or complex-valued function f(p)
defined in a domain D of 1 is represented on each D nUj 9^0 by SL function
of local coordinates ( x j , . . . , xJ") = Xj = Xj{p) as f{p) =fj(Xj). We call f(p)
continuously differentiable, C, C^ in D if each fj{Xj) is continuously
differentiable, C\ C°°, respectively. The differentiability of a map of a
domain Da^ to another differentiable manifold is defined similarly as
follows. Let T be a differentiable manifold of dimension n, {u^} a system
of local C°° coordinates on T, W^ the domain of MA, and O: /? -> g = ^{p)
a continuous map of D to T. For kj with ^~\ W),)n Uj 9^ 0 , the map

^,y.xj{p)^u^mp)), pe^-\W,)nUj,

is a continuous map of the open set %), = Xj{<^~^{ Wx)n Uj) c W^ into the
domain W^ = u^{W^)^U''.\^ for any pair j , A with <l>~n W;^) ^ ^ T^ 0 , O;,,
is C\^ is called a C^ map where 1 ^ r ^ oc. If m = n, O maps the domain
Dc=2 homeomorphically onto a domain E cz T, and both O and 4>~^ are
C°°, then 4> is called a diffeomorphism, and D is said to be diffeomorphic
to E. We may identify two mutually diffeomorphic differentiable manifolds.
Suppose that a complex structure M is defined on a connected Hausdorff
space S. For a system of local complex coordinates {Zj} belonging to M,
the domain Uj of Zj is homeomorphic to the image % = Zj{ Uj) in C" = R^".
Consequently 2 is a topological manifold, which is called the underlying
topological manifold of M. For local complex coordinates

z, = z,(p) = (zj(p),...,z;(p)),
putting zJ(p) = xj''~\p)-\-ix]''(p), p=l,2,... ,n, we introduce local real

Xjl p -> Xjip) = (Xj(p), . . . , X f (/?)).

Then {Xj} forms a system of local C°° coordinates on E. Consequently {Xj}

defines a C°° structure on J., which makes 2 a differentiable manifold. This
is called the underlying differentiable manifold of the complex manifold
M Also we call M a complex structure on the differentiable manifold E.
Conversely, let 2 be a Hausdorff space on which a differentiable structure
is given, which makes 2 a differentiable manifold. Then a system of local
complex coordinates {Zj} on the Hausdorff space ]S is a complex structure
on the differentiable manifold 2 if and only if each Zj maps its domain Uj
diffeomorphically onto a domain % = Zy( U,) cz C" = IR^".
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 39

§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds

A complex manifold M is said to be compact if its underlying topological
manifold S is compact. In this book we mainly treat compact complex
Let M be a compact complex manifold. Then since M is covered by a
finite number of coordinate neighbourhoods, we may choose a system of
local cotnplex coordinates on M consisting of a finite number of local
coordinates { z i , . . . , z^v}. Let Uj be the domain of Zj: p-^ Zj{p), and put
Zj{Uj) = %c: C". We have M = [J. Uj. Identifying Uj with % as usual, we
may consider M = U^ %- Thus a compact complex manifold M is obtained
by glueing a finite number of domains ^ i , . . . , ^^^ inC" via the identification
o f Zfc G %L^j CZ OU. w i t h Zj = T,fc(Zfc) E %k C ^fc.

A holomorphic function defined on a compact complex manifold M is a


Proof Suppose that/(;7) is holomorphic on all of M. Since M is compact,

the continuous function \fip)\ attains its maximum at some point qeM.
Let q e Uj, and put f(p) =fj{Zj) on Uj where Zj is a local coordinate system
on Uj. ThQnfj{Zj) =fj{z],. . . , z") is a holomorphic function on % = Zj{ Uj).
We may assume that % is a poly disk with centre c, = Zj{q). Put

g(w)=y;(^j + w(zj-c]),...,c;+w(z;-c;)).
Then for ( z ] , . . . , z") e Uj, g{w) is a holomorphic function of w on | w| < 1 + e
if s is sufficiently small, and |g(w)| attains its maximum at w = 0. Con-
sequently, by the maximum principle, g{w) is a constant. Thus fip) is a
constant on Uj, and, by the analytic continuation, one sees that/(/?) is
a constant on all of M. I

In this section we give several examples of compact complex manifolds.

A compact complex manifold is, theoretically, determined if a finite number
of domains Uj and biholomorphic mappings TJ^ which glue them. But except
for a few special cases as that of P" (Example 2.2), this method of construc-
tion is very complicated, hence is not practical. In the following we shall
explain various methods of construction of a new compact complex mani-
fold from given ones.

(a) Submanifolds

First we take P", and investigate submanifolds of P". In the following we

denote a point ^ of P" by its homogeneous coordinates (^o, • • •, fn)- Let
P(^o,''' •> Sn) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree m, which we often
40 2. Complex Manifolds

denote simply by PU)- Since P(A^o, • • •, A^J = A'^Pl^o, • • •, ^n), the

equation P(^o, • • •, ^n) = 0 gives a well-defined subset of P". An algebraic
subset S of P" is, by definition, a subset defined by a system of algebraic
equations Pi(^) = • • - = P^{O = 0, where P i ( ^ ) , . . . , PAO are homogeneous
polynomials. As stated in Example 2.2, P" is obtained by glueing (n + 1)
copies ^^ of C", 7 = 0 , 1 , . . . , n: P " = UJ=o %- The local coordinates on %
are given by ( z j , . . . , z j ~ \ . . . , z") where zj" = it/^j- Therefore Sn % is
defined by the system of algebraic equations:

i ^ , ( z ^ , . . . , z / - \ z f \ . . . , z ; ) = 0, v = h2,...,K (2.14)

on C" = %. Thus an algebraic subset of P" is an analytic subset of P". An

algebraic subset M which is a complex submanifold of P" is called a
projective algebraic manifold. In this case, M n ^j is a complex submanifold
of C" = % defined by (2.14). In general a complex submanifold of C" which
is defined by a system of algebraic equations is called an affine algebraic
manifold. Thus a projective algebraic manifold M is obtained by glueing
a finite number of affine algebraic manifolds Mn% = My. M = UJ^i ^j-
In this book, by an algebraic manifold we always mean a projective algebraic
manifold unless otherwise mentioned. A (projective) algebraic manifold is
obviously compact.
Let P(^) = P(^05..., ^„) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree m. The
algebraic subset S of P" defined by a single equation P(^) = 0 is called a
hypersurface of degree m. Put P^^{^) = dP{0/dCk- Then we have

CoPdO + ^iP,U) + " ' + ^nPcSC) = rnP{0-

Consequently, if for any ^G P " , at least one of P^^iC) <ioes not vanish, then
at every point (1, z \ . . . , z")e 5 n ^o, at least one of aP(l, z \ . . . , z")/az^
does not vanish. Similar result holds for S n^j^ with fc = 1 , . . . , n. Therefore
in this case 5 is non-singular. Moreover S is proved to be connected, hence,
an algebraic manifold. Proof of the connectedness of S is omitted.
By Chow's theorem ([2]), any analytic subset of P" is an algebraic subset.
Thus any complex submanifold of P" is an algebraic submanifold. An
algebraic manifold of dimension 1 is said to be an algebraic curve, and an
algebraic manifold of dimension 2 an algebraic surface. An algebraic curve
is a compact Riemann surface.

Example 2.3. Let C be an algebraic curve in P^ defined by the equation

^o' + ^ r + ^ r = 0- We show that the genus g of C as a compact Riemann
surface is given by g = ^m(m—3)+l. Let (zi, Z2) be the inhomogeneous
coordinates of f, where Zj = ^i/fo, ^2 = ^2/^0- Then C is given by 1 + z[" +
z^ = 0 on ^0. If 1 + z^ 7^ 0, Z2 = (-1 - ZTY^"^ is a (multi-valued) holomorphic
function of Zj. Therefore we may use Zi as a local coordinate on C if
1 + z r ^ O . Similarly on a neighbourhood of Pfc = (1, e^"'^/'^^""", 0), k =
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 41

1, 2 , . . . , m, Z2 can be used as a local coordinate on C C intersects with

the line ^o = 0 at the m points q/c = (0, e"''", e^-^^/m) ^^^j^ fc = 1 , . . . , m. We
use w = Z^o/^i = 1/^1 as a local coordinate on C in a neighbourhood of q^.
Consider the Abelian differential o) = dzi on C Since l + zl" + z^ = 0, we
have z^""^ (izj + z^"^ dz2 = 0. Hence, cu = -z^'^z]'"" dz2 in a neighbourhood
of Pfc. Thus p/c is a zero of order (m - 1 ) of w. In the neighbourhood of q^,
0) = -w~^ dw, hence q^ is a pole of order 2 of co. Hence the divisor of! of
(o is given by
m m
f = (a,)= X ( m - l ) p , - I 2q,.
fc=l fc=l

Thus 2 g - 2 = deg! = m ( m - l ) - 2 m , that is, g = | m ( m - 3 ) + l.

Example 2.4. Let C be an algebraic curve in P^ defined by {CiCi- C0C3 = ^0^2 ~

f?= ^2-^1^3 = 0}. Let (^0, ^1) be the homogeneous coordinates of P^ Then
the map

(^0, ^1) -> (^0, ^1, ^2, ^3) = (^0, tltu totl t',)

maps P^ biholomorphically onto C Therefore C is analytically isomorphic

to p^

Example 2.5. The equation ^^ + ' • • + ^ r = 0 defines an algebraic surface in

P ' since at every point ^eP\ at least one of dUo+CT-^C2-^^T)/dijc =
^^JT \ /c = 0, 2, 3, does not vanish. We only give a calculation of the Euler
number of 5, putting aside various interesting properties of 5'. Let

<!>: ( ^ 0 , ^ 1 , ^ 2 , ^3) ^ ( ^ 0 , ^ 1 , ^ 2 , 0 )

be the projection. Then the restriction ^s of O to E is a holomorphic map

of S onto the plane P^ defined by ^3 = 0. <^s is m-to-one on ^^ + f r + ^T ^ 0,
and one-to-one on ^J' + ^P + ^ r ^ O . Let C be the algebraic curve in P^
defined by ^o-^iT-^CT = 0, Then S is an m-fold branched covering of P^
with C as its branch locus of order ( m - 1 ) . Then denoting by xi^) the
Euler number of a manifold M, we have

x(S) = mx(P')-{m-l)x{C).

Substituting A'(P^) = 3 and x(C) = 2-2g = m(3-m), we obtain

x(S) = m(m^-4m + 6).

In general, let Af" be a complex submanifold of a complex manifold

W= W. Then for given qeM, we can choose local coordinates w^: p^
42 2. Complex Manifolds

^q(p) = (^lj(p)^ " , ^q(p)) of W with centre ^ on a coordinate polydisk

U(q) such that

MnUiq) = {peU(q)\w-^\p) = -" = w",{p) = 0}.

Then the map p -»(wl(p),..., w'^(p)) gives local coordinates of M centred

at q. Let f{p) be a holomorphic function defined in a domain D of H^".
Then the restriction fj^ip) of f(p) to M is a holomorphic function in
M n D. For, if we represent/(/7) by a holomorphic function of ( w ^ , . . . , w^)
in a neighbourhood of ^ G M n D as

we have
/M(/^) = / , « . . . , <,0,...,0).

Let / ( p ) be a meromorphic function on W". For any qe W, we can

choose a sufficiently small L/^(g) such thsit f(p) = hq{p)/gq(p) on C/(g)
where hg(p) and g^C/?) are relatively prime holomorphic functions. If
U(qi)n 1/(^2) ^ 0 , by (2.13) there is a non-vanishing holomorphic function
u(p) on U(qi)n U(q2) such that gq,{p) = u{p)gqj^p) there. If ^ G M , the
restrictions hq^ip), gq^iip) ofhq{p),gq{p), respectively, to M are holomor-
phic in M n U(q). If gqMip) vanishes identically for some qe M, then for
all q^M, gqMip) vanishes identically. In fact, for qi, q2e M with Mn
U(qi)nU(q2)9^0, we have gq,M(p) = UM(p)gq,M(p) on MnU(qi))n
^(^2)) where UM{P) is non-vanishing. Therefore if gqjM(/?) = 0 identically,
by the analytic continuation we obtain gq2M{p) = ^ identically. If gqM(p)
does not vanish identically, we have

/M(/?) = hqM(p)/gqMip)'

Thus given a meromorphic function fi p) = hqip)/ gqip) on W, its restriction

fMip) to a submanifold M c: W'^ is a meromorphic function on M unless gqip)
vanishes identically on M.
Suppose given an algebraic manifold M = M"" c: p". Let P(f) and QiC)
be homogeneous polynomials of the same degree. We call/(^) = PiO/ QiC)
a rational function. Since a rational function / ( ^ ) is meromorphic on P",
the restriction fMiO to M is a meromorphic function on M unless Qi() = 0.
In particular iCklCJ)M is a meromorphic function on M unless Cj = 0 on M.
Let M be an algebraic manifold, and qeM. We may choose meromorphic
functions z^ip),..., z'^ip) on M such that (Zg(/7),..., 2^(7?)) give local
coordinates with centre q.

Proof We may assume that M n ^ 0 ^ 0 , and that qe Mn %LQ. Let

iz\,..., z^) = iz\ip),..., z^'qip)) be the non-homogeneous coordinates of
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 43

p G ^0- We choose local coordinates w^: p ^ [w^,..., w^) = w,(p) such that

MnU{q) = {p\w'^^' = --- = w^ = 0}.


after renumbering Zj if necessary, we may assume that

det-h" ^ ^ 0 at^.

Put z^ = z^(p)-z^(q) for /c= 1 , . . . , m. Then since ( w ^ , . . . , w^) are local

coordinates on M with centre g, /? ^ (z^ip),..., z^(/?)) are also local coor-
dinates on M with centre q, and each Zq(p) is extended to a meromorphic
function UJCO)M-z^iq) on M. I

Thus there exist abundant meromorphic functions on an algebraic


(b) Quotient Space

Let \y be a complex manifold. By an automorphism of W, we mean a

biholomorphic map of W onto itself. In other words, an automorphism is
a map which does not alter the complex structure of W. When we define
the product of two automorphisms gi, g2 of W by their composite gig2, the
set of all automorphisms of W forms a group, which we denote by ^. The
unit of ^ is the identity of W^ and the inverse of g e ^ is the inverse map
g~^ of g. Any subgroup of ^ is called a group of automorphisms of W. Let
G be a group of automorphisms of W. For peW, the set Gp = {g(p) \geG}
is called the orbit of G through p. Two orbits Gp and Gq do not have a
common element unless they coincide. Thus W is decomposed into the
mutually disjoint orbits of G. The set of all orbits of G is called the quotient
space of W by G, which we denote by W/ G We may consider that W/ G
is obtained from W by identifying pe W with qeW if there is an element
g G G such that q = g(p).

Example 2.6. Let \ ^ = C"^^ - ( 0 , . . . , 0), and (^o, • • •, ^ J coordinates on

C"^\ We denote by C* the multipHcative group of all non-zero complex
numbers. Any gGC* defines an automorphism of W via
44 2. Complex Manifolds

Thus C* becomes a group of automorphisms of W. An orbit C*(^o, • • •, ^n)

of C* on W is a complex line f on C"^^ with the origin deleted. Hence

In the sequel we explain a method of constructing a compact complex

manifold as a quotient space of a given complex manifold. In general, the
quotient space W/ G of a complex manifold is not a complex manifold. In
order that W/G may be a complex manifold, G must satisfy certain
conditions. Let g be an automorphism of W. A point p of W is called a
fixed point of g if g{p)= p. We say that G is fixed point free if any ge G
except the identity has no fixed point.

Definition 2.7. An group G of automorphisms of W is called properly

discontinuous if for any compact sets Ki, K2 of W, there are only a finite
number of elements ge G such that g ( / c i ) n i ^ 2 ^ 0 -

If G is properly discontinuous, each orbit Gp is a discrete subset of W.

Theorem 2.2. Let G be a group of automorphisms of a complex manifold W.

If G is fixed point free and properly discontinuous, W/ G has a canonical
structure of a complex manifold induced from that of W.

Proof Put W = WIG, and p = Gp. For each qe W, choose local coordinates
Zq'. p -^ Zq{p) = {zlj{p),..., Zq{p)) wlth ccntrc q. Take r > 0 such that the
closed polydisk { ( z ^ , . . . , z^) | |z^| ^ r, /c = 1 , . . . , n} is contained in the range
of Zg, and put

Uriq) = {p\\zl,{p)\<r,...,\z';{p)\<r}.

Given qe W, if we choose r sufficiently small, we have g{Ur{q))n Ur{q) = 0

for any ge G except the identity. In fact, if otherwise, there is an element
g„ e G, g„ 7^ 1, for each n = 1 , 2 , . . . , such that g„( t/„) n l!7„ # 0 , where 11^ =
Ur/niq)' Then gn(Ui)n Ui9^0 for any n. Since [ t/i] is compact, and G is
properly discontinuous, { g i , . . . , g„,...} must be a finite subset of G There-
fore we can find at least one g„ say, gi such that gi (L^„) n l/„ 7^ 0 for infinitely
many n. Then gi{q) = q, hence, ^ is a fixed point of gi 7^ 1, which contradicts
the assumption. Consequently for sufficiently large n, g(Un)r) U„ = 0 for
any ge G with g 7^ 1. Writing simply r instead of r/n, we have g{Ur(q)) n
Uriq) = 0 as desired.
Thus for sufficiently small r > 0, g( UXq)) n U^q) = 0 for g G G, g # 1.
Hence Gpr\ UXq) = {p} for any pe UXq). Consequently the map p^p is
injective on Uriq). By the definition of the quotient topology, a subset U
of W is open if and only if its inverse image by the above map p^p is
open in W. Thus Ur{q) = {p\pe UXq)} is an open set, and the map p^p
maps Uriq) homeomorphically onto Uriq). Thus W is di topological
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 45

For each point q^W, fix a coordinate polydisk Uriq) with r = r(q)
satisfying the above condition. Then by Theorem 2.1, we can choose coordin-
ate polydisks Uj=Uj(qj) with 0<rj^r{qj), 7 = 1 , 2 , . . . , such that U =
{Uj\j =1,2,...} forms a locally finite open covering of W. Then W is
covered by Uj = {p\pe Uj},j =1,2, Since the map p-^p maps Uj
homeomorphically onto Uj, the map Zji p^ Zj(p) defined by

^j(p) = ^qjip) ^OT peUj

is a homeomorphism of Uj into C". Suppose O/O L4 7^0, and take an

arbitrary point PQE Ujn U^ with PQ e Uj. Then there is a unique element
ge G such that gpo€ t4, and in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of po,
we have

^j(^) = ^qjiP). Zkip) = ZqkigP), P G Uj,

Since g is biholomorphic, the map Zj(p)^ Zj^(p) is also biholomorphic.

Thus {zi, Z2,...} forms a system of local complex coordinates on W, and
defines a complex structure on \y. I

Thus if G is properly discontinuous and fixed point free, the quotient

space W= W/G becomes a complex manifold. The map p^p, which is
represented as

^qj(P)^^j(P) = ^qj(P) on Uj

in terms of the local coordinates defined above, is a holomorphic map of

W onto W, and biholomorphic on each coordinate neighbourhood Uj. We
express this fact by saying that 1^ is a covering manifold of W. We call G
the covering transformation group of W over W.
If there is a compact subset K of W such that W= K = {p\pe K}, W
is compact. Thus, taking a suitable group of automorphisms G of a complex
manifold W, which is properly discontinuous and fixed point free, we can
construct a new compact complex manifold W/ G. Note that K= W if and
onlyif \y = U , . o ^ ( ^ ) -

Example 2.7. Put W = C and fix a complex number (o with Im w > 0. Let
G be the group consisting of all parallel translations of the form g^„: z -^
z + mo) + n, with m,neZ. G is properly discontinuous and fixed point free
on W. Let F be the parallelogram in C with vertices 0, 1, a> + 1, and co. Then
LJ gmn(F) = ^' Consequently C = C/G is a compact Riemann surface. C
is obtained from F by identifying x, 0 ^ x ^ 1, with x-\-(o, and ^o;, 0 ^ ^ ^ 1,
with t(o-{-\. Hence C is diifeomorphic to a torus, and the genus of C is
equal to 1.
46 2. Complex Manifolds


0) X + O) (O + l

tcoJ /tco + l

0 X 1 ^

Figure 1

As is well known in the classical theory of elliptic functions, C is

represented as a cubic curve in P^. We explain this briefly below (for details,
see, for instance, [12], Absch. II, Kap. I). Put (o^„ = m(o-^n, and define


P{z) is a meromorphic function on C, called the Weierstrass P-function.

P(z) is G-invariant, that is, P(z + w^„) = P(z) for any comn- Hence P(z) is
considered as a meromorphic function on C = C/G. P{z) has a pole of
order 2 at each w^„, and holomorphic elsewhere. Therefore as a meromor-
phic function on C, P(z) has a pole of order 2 at the point 0 e C correspond-
ing to OG C, and holomorphic elsewhere. P(z) satisfies the following differ-
ential equation:

r ( z ) ^ - 4 P ( z ) ^ + g # ( z ) + g3 = 0, (2.15)

where the coefficients g2 and g3 are given by

g2 = 60 I ^-, g3=140 I ^ .

In view of (2.15), put

P{0 = ^0^?-4^2 + g2^0^2 + g3^0.

Since gl-27gl 9^0, it is easy to see that for any ^ e P ^ , at least one of the
partial derivatives of P(f) does not vanish. Hence P(f) = 0 defines an
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 47

algebraic curve T in P^. Consider the mapping O of C into P^ defined by

0 : z ^ ^ = (p(z) = ( l , P ' ( z ) , P ( z ) ) .

<I> is clearly holomorphic except at 6. Since P(z) has a pole of order 2

and P'{z) has a pole of order 3 at z = 0, writing <l>(z) as <l>(z) =
(z^ z^^'(z), z^^(z)), we see that <|) is also holomorphic at 6. It is obvious
from (2.15) that ^{C)czT.By more detailed investigation of the properties
of P(z), we can prove that O is a biholomorphic map of C onto T. Thus
C may be identified with the cubic curve T in P^ as a Riemann surface.
We call C an elliptic curve. If we put a = e^'"'^, then e^^'('"^+") = ct'".
Therefore via the holomorphic map z^w = e^^'\ which maps C onto C*,
grnn induccs an automorphism g* of C*: w-^a'^w. Put G* = { g * | m 6 Z } ,
which corresponds to G via the above map. Since l m w > 0 , 0 < | a | < l .
Therefore G* is properly discontinuous and fixed point free on C*. Clearly
C = C / G = C*/G*. Let F * be the closed annulus {w||a| ^ |w| ^ 1, wG C*}.
Then C is obtained from F * by identifying the points w and aw on the
boundary of F * where |>v| = 1.

Figure 2

In general suppose given a group of automorphisms G of a complex

manifold W, which is properly discontinuous and fixed point free. By a
fundamental domain of G, we mean a closed domain F^W satisfying the
following conditions:
(i) F = [{F)\ where (F) denotes the interior of F
(ii) If/?G(F), GpnF = {p}.
48 2. Complex Manifolds

If F is a fundamental domain of G, the map p-^p maps (F) bijectively

onto {p\pG (F)}, and F onto W= W/G. Therefore if F is compact, W is
also compact. In Example 2.7 above F and F * are fundamental domains
of G and G* respectively.
A complex manifold W is called a complex Lie group if \ ^ is a group
and the map of WxW to W defined by the group multiplication iq,p)-^
qp~^ is holomorphic. If \ ^ is a complex Lie group, identifying qe W with
the automorphism p-^ qp of W, we see that T^ is a group of automorphisms
of W itself. A subgroup G of W^ is called a discrete subgroup of W if it is
a discrete subset of W. A discrete subgroup G acts on \\^ in a properly
discontinuous manner without fixed point. In fact, for a compact subsets
Ki, K2 of W, the set {ge G|gXi 0 X 2 7 ^ 0 } is contained in the compact
subset K2K]^^ = {qp~^\qe K2,pe Ki}. Since clearly G is fixed point free,
W = W/ G is a complex manifold and has a group structure as the quotient
group of W by G. Thus W is SL complex Lie group.

Example 2.8. A complex vector space C" is a complex Lie group with respect
to the usual addition. Take 2n vectors co^ = ( c o j , . . . , w " ) e C " for j =
l , . . . , 2 n , such that these coj are linearly independent over IR. Then coj
generate a discrete subgroup

f" I 1

of C". Since a fundamental domain

F= \l^tj(Oj\0^tj^l,j=l,...,2n\

of G is compact, T" = C"/ G is a compact commutative complex Lie group,

which we call a complex torus. If a meromorphic function / ( z ) on C"
satisfies the condition
f{z + coj)=fiz)

for 1 ^ 7 ^ 2 n and for any ZGC", / ( Z ) is called a periodic meromorphic

function with the periods coi,..., a)2„. Such / ( z ) gives a meromorphic
function on T", which we denote also by / ( z ) . w i , . . . , (02n is called the
periods of T", and the matrix
/ 1

is called the period matrix of T".

§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 49

For n = 1, as is stated in Example 2.7 above, T^ = C = C/G is always an

algebraic curve.
In case n ^ 2, a complex torus T" = C " / G is not necessarily an algebraic
manifold. Let / be an invertible alternating real 2nx2n matrix. Then
V - 1 ^n/~^n is a Hermitian matrix. By v - 1 ' i l / ~ ^ n > 0 , we mean that this
matrix is positive definite. H is called a Riemann matrix if there exists a
2n x2n integral alternating matrix / satisfying the following conditions:

(i) ' a r ' a = o.

(ii) V-rn/"'n>o.
T" is an algebraic manifold if and only if its period matrix Ct is a Riemann
matrix {see [28]). In this case we call T" an Abelian variety. In general the
period matrix of a complex torus T" with n ^ 2 is not a Riemann matrix.
Moreover it is known that there exist no non-constant meromorphic func-
tions on most general complex tori T". For example, the complex torus T^
with the period matrix

a= 1 0
0 1 ,

has no non-constant meromorphic functions ([28], p. 104).

Example 2.9. T" is an obvious generalization of an elliptic curve C = C/G

given in Example 2.7 to the n-dimensional case. Here we give another
generalization of C, considering C as C*/G*.
Let ]¥ = £" -{0}, and G the infinite cycHc group generated by the

g:z = ( z i , . . . , z j ^ g(z) = (a^Zu .. •, a „ z j

of W, where a i , . . . , a„ are constants with |ai| > 1 , . . . , |a„| > 1. G acts on

W^ in a properly discontinuous manner without fixed point. The quotient
space M = W/G is called a Hopf manifold ([11]). M is diffeomorphic to the
product S^ x 5 ^ " ~ \ We give a proof of this only for n = 2 below, but the
generalization is straightforward. Let

5' = {(^„^2)eC^||^.P+|f2r=l}.

Putting «! = £''• and oj = e^^, consider a C°° map * of IR x 5^ to W defined

50 2. Complex Manifolds

Then O is bijective. In fact, since | a i | > 1 and \a2\> 1, ri = R e / 3 i > 0 and

r2 = Rei82>0. Put

N{t) = \z,e-'^f^Z2e-'^f = \z,\^e-^'^' + \z2\^e-^'^\

Then iV(r) is a monotonously decreasing function of t. Moreover N(t)-^0

if r^oo, and N(t)-^+00 if ^->-oo. Hence there is a unique r such that
N{t)=l. Putting ^1 = Zi e~^^\ and ^2 = ^2 ^"^^' for this r, we get the unique
solution (r, ^1, ^2) of the system of equations fi e^^' = Zi, ^2 e'^2= ^2 with
lfil' +1^2!'=1. Clearly


is C°°. Hence W is diffeomorphic to U x5^. The automorphism g"", m e / ,

of W corresponds via ^ to that of R x 5^ given by


Therefore we obtain a desired diffeomorphism W / G - - R / Z x5^ = 5^ x 5 ^

Thus a Hopf manifold M - W/G is diffeomorphic to 5^ x 5 ^ " " \ hence,

M is compact, and its first Betti number is equal to 1. From the theory of
harmonic differential forms we know that the first Betti number of an
algebraic manifold is even (see [14], p. 346). Consequently a Hopf manifold
is not an algebraic manifold. A complex torus is, in general, not an algebraic
manifold, but it has the same topological structure as algebraic complex
tori, while in the case of Hopf manifolds, even their topological structures
are different from those of algebraic manifolds.
In the sequel we denote by z the point of M = W/ G corresponding to
ze W. For a meromorphic function/(z) on M, putting/(z) =f(z), we obtain
a G-invariant meromorphic function/(z) on W:f{gz) —f{z) for g e G. By
Levi's theorem ([27], Band II, p. 220), any meromorphic function on W
extends to a meromorphic function on all of C". Thus / ( z ) extends to a
meromorphic function on C", which we denote also b y / ( z ) . From (e) of
the preceding section, there are a neighbourhood (7^(0) of 0 and relatively
prime holomorphic functions (p{z) and (/^(z) defined in L^e(O) such that
/ ( z ) = (p{z)/il/{z) in L^e(O). Using this fact we can determine all G-invariant
meromorphic functions on W. For simplicity, we only treat the case n=2
Since / ( z i , Z2) =f(z) is G-invariant, / ( z ) =/(g~'"(z)) for any integer m.
Since |a;i|> 1, |«2|> 1 and g~'"(z) = (a^""'^!, cti'^^^i), for any given z, if we
take m sufficiently large, we have g~'^(z)e 11^(0). Hence

f{z)=f{g-"{z))= lim / ( g - ' " ( z ) ) = lim 7 7 ^ 3 ^ . (2.16)

§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 51


+ 00 +00
<p(z)= I b^^zUi and ./.(z)= I c.zUi
h,k = 0 h,k = 0

be their power series expansions. Then

/ ( z ) = lim

Let n be the minimum of |al'a2l for all pairs (h, k) with ^,fc= 0, 1,2,...,
such that not both b^k and Ch^ are not zero. Then

/ ( z ) = lim
Z/ h k/ \~-mi h k

-^^+^L{0CX0L2/M ChkZiZ2

Since lim^^+oo («I'<^2/M)~'" == 0 for laj^il > M, we have

/ ( z ) = lim

where the summation X^^^ is taken over all pairs (/i, /c) with |Q!ia2l = /^-
Thus laf 0:2/^1 = 1 for all a\ot2/^Ji appeared in the right-hand side of this
equality. Let e^ = e'^>^ with 0^6^<27r, and A = 1 , . . . , i^, be all the distinct
numbers among these a^a2/fx, and put
PAz)= I hkzUi and QAz)= Z c^.z^z^'.


/ ( z ) = lim ^ . (2.17)

A= l

Since/(z) is meromorphic, some QA(^) are not identically zero. Suppose,

say, Qi(z) is not identically zero. Then from (2.17) we obtain


We say that a^ and a2 are independent if a\^ a2 for any pair (/z, k) of
natural numbers.
52 2. Complex Manifolds

(i) The case that a^ and a2 are independent. In this case since there is
a unique pair (/i, k) with a\a2 = /JLCI, we have Pi(z) = bhj^z\z2 and Qi(z) =
Chk^\^2 foJ* this (/i, k). Hence / ( z ) = hhkl^hk is a constant. Thus there is no
non-constant meromorphic function on M = W/ G.
(ii) The case that aj and a2 are not independent. Let {p,q) be the pair
of natural numbers such that a\ = a^ and that p is minimal among such
pairs. Then \i a\ = 0:2, {K k) = (mp, mq) for some natural number m. There-
fore letting (/105 ^0) be the pair such that a\^a2^ = /mei and that ho is minimal
among those pairs satisfying the same condition, we see that any such (h, k)
is written as /i = /10+ ^A ^ = ko-mq for some non-negative integer m. Then

where we denote h^ for fe^^ and c^ for c^^. Since a:f = a | , z f / z | is G-

invariant, hence, gives a meromorphic function on M = WIG^ a n d / ( z ) is
a rational function of z\lz\.
Thus a meromorphic function on a Hopf manifold M = WIG of
dimension 2 is either a constant if a^ and ^2 are independent, or a rational
function of z\l Z2 if «i and 0:2 are not independent. From this result we see
again that M is not algebraic. For n ^ 3, too, if a ^ , . . . , a„ are independent,
that is, afi • • • ajj" ^ 1 for any n-tuple (/ci,..., /c„) ^ ( 0 , . . . , 0) of natural
numbers, there are no non-constant meromorphic functions on M = WIG.

(c) Surgery

We explain another method to construct complex manifolds.

Let M be a complex manifold, and 5 c M a compact submanifold of
M. We construct a new complex manifold M = {M — S)u S by replacing
S by another compact complex manifold S as follows:
Take domains W and W^ such that 5 c: Wi c [ \ ^ J c: \y c: M, where [ W]
is assumed to be compact. Let 5 be a compact complex submanifold of a
complex manifold W such that there are a domain W] with 5 c: W, c [ W'j] c:
W, and a bihojomorphic map O of W - 5 onto W - 5 such that ^{W^-S) =
W^-S. Let M be the manifold obtained by glueing M-[VV^i] and W by
identifying pe W-[Wy] with p = <^~\p)e W-[Wi] via <!>:

M = ( M - [ T ^ i ] ) u W.

Since 0 is biholomorphic, M becomes a complex manifold. 77IM5 M f^ a

complex manifold obtained from M by replacing W by W:

M = (M-W)uW.
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 53

Identifying peW-S with p = ^{p)e W-S, we may identify W-S and

M-S with W-S and M-S, respectively. Then M is considered to be a
complex manifold obtained from M by replacing S by 5.

M= {M-S)uS.

Figure 3

This method of ^construction is called a surgery or a modification of M If

M is compact, M is also compact.
54 2. Complex Manifolds

Example 2.10. Let ^ = ^i/^o be the inhomogeneous coordinates on P^ Putting

^ = 00 for ^0 = 0, we consider P ^ = C u o o . Let M = P^xP^ =
{(z,0\zeP\^eP'}, S = OxP'c:M, and W=U,^xp' where U,=
{ z | | z | < e } . Further let !¥ = L^^ x p \ and 5 = 0xP^ c: W. We denote a point
of W by (z, f) where ze U^, and ^ e P ^ Define a biholomorphic map $ of
W - 5 onto T ¥ - 5 b y

^:izj)-^(z,n = {zj/zn,

where m is a natural number. Put Wi = U^/2XP^ and W^ = L^e/2xP^ Then

since 0 ( Wi - 5 ) = ^ i - 5 , replacing 1^ by H^ by surgery, we obtain from
M a new manifold

M^ = ( M - W ) u H ^ - ( M - 5 ) u 5 .

S and 5 are both P\ but M^^ has different complex structure from that of
M. Moreover the complex structures of M^ and M„ are different if m T^ n.
We shall prove this later. Here we only show that Mi is not homeomorphic
to M.
Since P^ is homeomorphic to 5^, M = S^ X S^. Hence H2(M, Z) is gener-
ated by 2-cycles S = OxS^ and T = S^xO, Therefore any 2-cycle Z on M
is homologous to hS + kT with h,keZ. We denote the intersection multi-
plicity of two cycles Zj and Z2 by / ( Z j , Z2). Since 5 ~ Si = 1 xS^, and S
does not intersect with S^ / ( S , 5) = /(S, ^i) = 0. Similarly we have I( T, T) =
0. Since S and T intersect transversally at the unique point 0 x 0 , / ( 5 , T) =
/ ( r , 5) = 1. Hence I{Z,Z) = 2hk is always even. On M = (M-S)uW,
{z,^)eM-S with 0 < | z | < e is identified with (z, f) = (z, z^) G W: Con-
sequently for any teC,

Z, = {(z,t)eM-S}u{(z,zt)eW}

is a complex submanifold of dimension 1. Since Z^ depends continuously

on t, Zt ~ ZQ. On the other hand, Z^ and ZQ intersect transversally at the
unique point (0, 0) e W, Hence

/(Zo,Zo) = /(Z„Zo) = l,

which proves that M and M are not homeomorphic.

Example 2.11. Let C = C*/G* be an elliptic curve given in Example 2.7

where G* = {g* | m € Z } . We denote a point C^w on C corresponding to
w G C* by [w]. Since g* (w) = a'^w, [a'^w] = [w]. Let M = P'xC,W= U, xC
with U,={z\\z\<e}, 5 = 0 x C , \ ^ = L^, x C and S = OxC. We denote a
point on M by (z, [w]), and a point on Wby{z, [w]). Define a biholomorphic
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 55

map O of W-S onto W-S by

0 : ( z , [ w ] ) ^ ( z , [ w ] ) = (z,[zw]).

Put W, = U,/2 X C and W, = U,/2 x C. Then since ^( W,-S)=W,- 5, we

obtain by surgery a complex manifold

M = iM-W)u W.

M is a Hopf manifold given in Example 2.9. To be precise, letting G be the

infinite cyclic group of automorphisms of C^ — {0} generated by g- (zi, Z2) ->
(azi, az2), we have

M = (C^-{0})/G.

To see this, put iV = (C^-{0})/G. We want to construct a biholomorphic

map of N onto M. We denote by [zj, Z2] the point of N corresponding to
(zi, Z2)GC^ —{0}. Since Z1/Z2 is invariant under g,/(zi, Z2) = Z1/Z2 is a
meromorphic function on TV, and

/ : [zu Z2]^z =f{zu zi) = Z1/Z2

is a holomorphic map of N onto P^ = Cuoo. Let Vi = 7V-/~^(0), and

V2 =r\U,). Then N = Vi u V2. Since Zi ?^ 0 on Vi, and Z27^ 0 on V2, if we

>l>i:[zi,Z2]^(z,[w]) = (z,[zi]),
^2:[^i,Z2]-^(^,[w]) = (z,[z2]),

^ 1 maps Vi onto M - S, and ^2 maps V2 onto \ ^ biholomorphically. For


(Z, [W]) = (Z, [Z,]) = (Z, [ZZ2]) = (Z, [ZW]),


which implies that ^ j i V^-> M-Sc: M and ^2^ V2^ ^ ^ ^ coincide on

V^n V2. Therefore defining ^ = '^i^on V^, and ^ [ ^ ^ ^ on V2, we have a
biholomorphic map ^ of N onto M. Thus M = N is a Hopf manifold.

Example 2.12. Let M = C",^5 = 0 = ( 0 , . . . ,^0) e C", and 5 = P"~^ We define

a complex structure on M = (M — S)u S as a complex submanifold of
Qn^pn-i -j^ ^1^^ following manner. Since each point ^ of P"~^ is, by
56 2. Complex Manifolds

definition, a line ^ in C" through 0, ^ x f G C " x P " ~ ^ is a hne in C " x ^

through the point 0 x ^. Put

M = U^X^-{(z,f)GC"XP''-^|zGn.

Let ( z i , . . . , z„) be the standard coordinates on C", and ( ^ i , . . . , ^n) the

homogeneous coordinates on P " " \ In terms of these coordinates, we denote
a point (z, ^) by (zi, .^.., z„, ^ i , . . . , ^„). Then z G ^ if CjZj, - ZJCR = 0 for7, k =
! , . . . , « . Therefore M is an analytic subset of C" xP"~^ defined by

^,Zfc-4z,- = 0, j\k=l,..,,n, (2.18)

Since P"~^ is covered by n pieces of coordinate neighbourhoods Uj =

{fEP"~'|{,-7^0},7 = l , . . . , n , C " x P " - ^ is covered by C"xU^s. To verify
that M is a submanifold C " x P " ~ \ consider Mi = M n C " x L/^i. Let
( w 2 , . . . , Wfc,..., w„) be the inhomogeneous coordinates on Ui where w^ =
4 / ^ , . Then on C" x U^ (2.18) is equivalent to

^k = WfcZi, /c = 2,3, . . , n . (2.19)

Thus Ml is a submanifold of C" x L^j. Similarly each Mj = MnC xUj is

a submanifold of C" x Uj. Therefore M is a complex submanifold of C" x

Let O be the restriction to M of the projection (z,^)-^ z of C" xP"~^

onto C". Then O is a holomorphic map of M onto M = C", and O"^(0) =
OxP""^ Consequently, to see that M = ( M ^ - 5 ) u S where 5 = <l>"^(0) =
OxP"~^ and 5 = 0, it suffices to show that 5 is a submanifold of M and
that ^ maps M — S biholomorphically onto M — S. By (2.19), we have

Ml = {(Zi, W2Zi, . . . , W„Zi, 1, W2, . . . , Wj I (Zi, W2, . . . , W„) G C"}.

Therefore (zj, W2,..., w„) gives a local coordinate system of M defined on

the coordinate neighbourhood Mi. We define Mi similarly. Then M is
covered by these M i , . . . , M„. In terms of these local coordinates, 5 n Mi
is a submanifold of Mi defined by the equation Zj = 0. Similar results hold
for Sn M 2 , . . . , Sn M„. Thus 5 is a submanifold of M.
Let (z, ^)j= (zj, ...,z„,^)eM-S. Since z G ^, and z ?^ 0, ^ = ( z i , . . . , z„).
Hence on M — 5, <l> is given by

O: ( z i , . . . , z„, Z i , . . . , z„) -> ( z i , . . . , z j .

Then 0 maps M-S biholomorphically onto C"-{0} = M - 5 . Therefore

M = (M - 5) u 5 as required.
§2.2. Compact Complex Manifolds 57

We have explained above how we construct M from M = C" by replacing

O G M by S = P''~\ Let W, be the ^-neighbourhood of 0 in C" with e>0.
Then the above procedure does not affect the complement of W^. Thus we

M = (M-wju w;, w, = ^-\w,),

and We is a complex manifold obtained from W^ by replacing OeW^ by

W^ = {W,-{0})uS. (2.20)

Given an arbitrary complex manifold M " and any point ^ G M", we can
construct a new complex manifold M " from M", replacing q e M" by P"~^
as follows. Let p^Zq(p) be local coordinates on M " with centre q, and
^ e ( ^ ) = {p \\^qip)\ < ^} where e is sufficiently small. Then the map/? -^ ^q(p)
maps W^iq) biholomorphically onto the ^-neighbourhood W^ of 0 in C",
and Zq{q) = 0. Thus identifying W^{q) with W^ via z^, and putting We{q) =
We, we obtain from (2.20)

WAq) = iWAq)-{q})uS,

where S = P"~\ Thus letting

M" = ( M " - W e ( ^ ) ) u W e ( ^ ) ,
we have
M«=.(M"-{^})u5 with S = [

as required. Let O be the holomorphic map of We(^) = Wg onto W^{q)= W^

defined above. Extending <l> by putting ^(p)=p for peM""— W^{q), we
obtain a holomorphic map <l> of M " onto M which maps S to the point ^
and M^'-J biholomorphically onto M " - g . Thus <I>"HM") = M " and
<l>~^(^) = *S. We denote 0~^ by Qq and call the quadratic transformation with
centre q.
For example, let M^ = P^, and let (WQ, WJ, W2) be its homogeneous coor-
dinates and ^ = (1,0, 0). Put M^ = Qq(P^). We denote by P ^ the projective
line defined by WQ = 0. Then

P^ = C ^ u P i „ C^= L/O = { W G P ^ | W O 7 ^ 0 } .

As in the case of P^ = C u {00}, we call Plo the line at infinity, and any points
(0, Wi, W2) on PIO a point at infinity. Let (zi, Z2) = (wi/wo, W2/H'O) be the
non-homogeneous coordinates on C^=Uo. Any line ^ = (^0,^1) on C^
58 2. Complex Manifolds

= (1,0,0)

wo = 0

Figure 4



*| ixl

— I —

Figure 5

through q = (0, 0) extends to the projective Hne

which passes through (1, 0, 0) and (0, ^o, fi) on P l Since Q^(P^) = Q^(C^) u
009and Q^(C^) = U^ ^ x f, we have
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 59

Thus Qq(P^) is a submanifold of P^ x P ^ The restriction ^ of the projection

P ^ x p U p i to Qq(P^) maps Qg(P^) onto P \ and ^ " H f ) = f x ^ . Qg(g) is a
line on Qq(P^) which does not intersect P<5o.
It is easily verified that QqiP^) is biholomorphic to Mi given in Example

52.3. Complex Analytic Family

(a) Complex Analytic Family

In the definition of an elliptic curve C given in Example 2.7, there appears

an arbitrary parameter co on which the complex structure of C depends.
Similarly the complex structure of a Hopf manifold given in Example 2.9
depends on the parameters a j , . . . , a„, while in the definition of P" no
arbitrary parameter appears. Thus the complex structure of a complex
manifold M often varies as the parameters t = (t^,..., t^) which appear in
its definition varies. This being the case, we say that the complex structure
of M depends on t. We write M, for M if we want to express the dependence
on t explicitly.
Let us consider how a compact complex manifold M^ depends on
parameters t. First consider a complex-valued function f(t)=f(ti,...,tn)
defined in a domain B^C^. We may consider/(O as a complex number
varying as t moves in B. If f(t) is holomorphic, f{t) is said to depend
holomorphically on t In this case the graph o f / ( O

^=Uf(t)xt = {ifit),t)eCxB}

is a submanifold of C x B, hence, a complex manifold.

Similarly we may consider a complex manifold M^ depending on ^ as a
"function" of teB, but unlike a function f{t) above, there is no space
containing all compact complex manifolds. Nevertheless, we can consider
the set

M={J MfXt

corresponding to ^ = U f : 3 s / ( 0 x ^ above. Thus we reach the following


Definition 2.8. Suppose given a domain B in C", and a set {Mt\teB} of

complex manifolds M^ depending on t = (ti,..., t^) e B. We say that M^
depends holomorphically on t and that {Mt\te B} is a complex analytic
family of compact complex manifolds if there is a complex manifold M and
a holomorphic map m of M onto B satisfying the following conditions.
60 2. Complex Manifolds

(i) m~^(t) is a compact complex submanifold of M.

(ii) Mt = m-\t).
(iii) The rank of the Jacobian of m is equal to m at every point of Ji.
Here in (iii) by the rank of the Jacobian of m, we mean the rank of
the Jacobian matrix in terms of local coordinates. Thus, let
(z\,..., z^, z^^\ . . . , Zq^"^) be local coordinates on M and let

(^1,. • •, ^m) = ^iz]j,... ,Zq,z-;.^ z

Then (iii) impHes that

^^ ^^(7^ n n+ 1 n+ m x - ' ^ -

Therefore by §2.1(d) we can choose a system of local complex coordinates

{ z j , . . . , Zj,...}, Zj'. p-^ Zj{p), and coordinate polydisks % with respect to
Zj, satisfying the following conditions.
(i) Zj(p) = (z](/7),..., zj{p), ^ 1 , . . . , tj, (tu-^>,tj = m(p);
(ii) n = {%\j = l,2,...} is locally finite.

gives a system of local complex coordinates on M^. In terms of these

coordinates, m is the projection given by

m: (zl..., z;, ^ 1 , . . . , t^)-> (tu . . . , tm).

For 7, A: with Ujn Uj^9^ 0 , we denote the coordinate transformation from

Zfc to z, by

fjk'. ( z L . . . , z;;, 0 ^ ( ^ j , . . . , ^;, 0 =y;fc(^L..., ^L t).

Note that ^ i , . . . , ^^ as part of local coordinates on Ji do not change under

these coordinate transformations. Thus fjk is given by

^r =fjk{zl,..., Zfc, ^ 1 , . . . , t^), a = l,...,n. (2.21)

In what follows by a complex analytic family, we mean a complex analytic

family of compact complex manifolds unless otherwise mentioned. We
sometimes denote a complex analytic family {Mt | ^ G B} by (Jt, B, xu), where
Ji, B and m are as above. We call t its parameters, and B its parameter space.
Definition 2.8 is obviously extended to the case B is an arbitrary complex
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 61

Example 2.13. The set {C^\lm(o>0} of elliptic curves C^ = £/ G^ forms a

complex analytic family where G^ = {m(o + n\m, neZ}. In fact, put B =
{(oeC\lma>>0}. Then a group of automorphisms of C x B defined as

G = {gmn' (z, a))-^{z + ma)-\-n)\m, neZ}

acts in a properly discontinuous manner without fixed point. Therefore

M=CxB/G is a complex manifold. Since the projection (z,(o)^a) of
CxB to B commutes with g^„, it induces a holomorphic map xu of M onto
B. We have

m-\(o) = CX(o/G = C/G^ = C^.

Using (z.o)) as local coordinates on M, we easily see that the rank of the
Jacobian matrix of m is equal to 1. Thus {C^\(oe B} forms a complex
analytic family.

Definition 2.9. Let M and N be two compact complex manifolds. N is

called a deformation of M if M and N belong to the same complex analytic
family, that is, if there is a complex analytic family (Ji, B, m) with a complex
manifold B as its parameter space such that M = ttT~^(?o) and N = vi7~\ti)
for some ^o, U e B.

Two complex analytic families {Ji, B, m) and (^, B, TT) are called
holomorphically equivalent if there is a biholomorphic map <^ of Jt onto Jf
such that V7 = 7r°^. This being the case, O maps M, = V7~^{t) biholomorphi-
cally onto Nt = rr~^(t), hence M^ and Nt are biholomorphic. As in the case
of complex manifolds, we often identify two holomorphically equivalent
complex analytic families.
Let M be a compact complex manifold, and B an arbitrary complex
manifold. Then {M x B, B, vi) forms a complex analytic family where m
denotes the projection to the second factor. If a complex analytic family
{Ji, B, nr) is holomorphically equivalent to (M xB, B, m) above with M =
m'^ito) for some ^o^ A {^, ^,'^) is called trivial. If {M, B,m) is trivial,
Mt = tiT~\t) is biholomorphic to M for all te B. In this case the complex
structure of M^ is independent of t. A trivial family may be considered as
an analogue of a constant function.
Let (Ji, B, trr) be a complex analytic family, and U SL subdomain of B.
Let Mu = m~\U), and ury the restriction of m to U. Then {My, U, vju)
forms a complex analytic family, which we call the restriction of {M, B, m)
to U. If {Mu, U, vTu) is trivial, we say that {M, B, m) is trivial over U.

Theorem 2.3. Let {Ji, B,xu) be a complex analytic family of compact complex
manifolds, and to any point of B. Then Mt = TxT~^{t) is diffeomorphic to
M^ = m'^ito) for any t e B.
62 2. Complex Manifolds

Thus the differentiahle structure of complex manifolds does not change

under deformation.
To prove this theorem, we need to prepare some results from the theory
of differentiahle manifolds. First let M be an arbitrary differentiahle mani-
folds, { x i , . . . , Xj,...} a system of local coordinates on M, and % the domain
of A^: p^{x],... ,xf) = Xj{p). We assume that {%|7== (1,2,...} is a locally
finite open covering of M. For7, k with %r\%Lk^0, let

Xj =fjk{Xj, . . . , Xfc )

be the coordinate transformation. Consider a smooth curve 7: t-^Xj{t) =

( x j ( 0 , . . . , < ( 0 ) on Ji. We denote {d/dt)xf(t) by xf{t). Then

t;, = (i;j,...,i)7) = ( x j ( 0 , . . . , x f ( 0 )

is the tangent vector of y at Xj{t).

Under the coordinate transformation x]" =ffk{Xk), the tangent vector of

7 is transformed as follows.

vf=l'-^vt=lfivt (2.22)

Let <^(x,) be a continuously differentiahle function on M. Then we have

d "^ fi

Consequently the vector Vj corresponds to the differential operator

a=1 dXj
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 63

Since by (2.22)

a=\ oXj a=l aXfc

the operator X^ ^f(d/dxf) does not depend on the choice of local coordin-
ates. If a tangent vector
m -J
v(xj)= S t;;(x,) —
a =1 OXj

is assigned to each point Xj of J^, we call v(Xj) a vector field. If all i^/(x,),
a = 1 , . . . , m, are C°°, the vector field i;(x,) is called a C°° vector field.
Suppose given a C ^ vector field v{xj) such that v(Xj) T^ 0 at every point of
Ji. Then r/ie system differential equations,

-xf = vf(x],..., O , a = 1, 2 , . . . , m, (2.24)

has a unique solution xJ = xj{t) under any given initial conditions

^;(0) = ^r, a = l,2,...,m.

We denote this solution by xj{t, ^,). Then x^{t, ^,) is a C°° function of t,
^ ! , . . . , ^r. Since the system of equations (2.24) are invariant under coordinate
transformations by (2.23), i75 solution xf(t,^i) gives a smooth curve r-»
x,(r, ^,) = (xj(r, ^ , ) , . . . , x7(r, ^,)) on M starting from the point ^, of M.

Figure 7

Next, let M bQ Si difierentiable manifold, B SL domain of R"", and tzr a

C°° map of M onto B. We assume that (Ji, B, t^r) satisfies the following
64 2. Complex Manifolds

(i) Mt = xJiT~\t) is compact for any t e B.

(ii) the rank of the Jacobian of m is equal to m at every point of M.
Then, as in the case of a complex analytic family, we can choose a system
of local coordinates { x i , . . . , x^,...}, Xji p^Xj(p), satisfying the following
(i) Xj(p) = (x]{p),..., xjip), h,..., tj, ih, ...,tj = m{p).
(ii) {% |j = 1, 2,...} forms a locally finite open covering of Jt where
% is the domain of Xj.
Assume that 0 e J5, and take an open cube U = {t\\ti\<r,... ,\tm\<r},
such that [U]c: B. Let TT be the projection of MQXU to the second factor.

Theorem 2.4. There is a dijfeomorphism ^ of MQXU onto V7~^{U) such

that tZT o ' ^ = TT.

Proof. We use induction on the dimension m of B.

(1°) The case m = l. In this case B and U are open intervals in R: U =
(-r, r), and [-r, r ] c R We denote ( x j , . . . , xJ, t^) simply by (xy, ^i). First
let us construct a C°° vector field on J^ which is given on each % as

i "/(^>'')i+^- (2-25)
a^l oXj all

We denote the vector field d/dt^ on ^ ^ by (d/dti)^. Then with respect to

the coordinate transformation

^7 —fjki^k, h) —f^ki^k, • • •, ^fc, ^i),

we have

Let {pj(Xj, ti)} be a partition of unity subordinate to {%}. Then

lPjixj,t,)(j^y (2.27)

is a C°° vector field on M. On ^^, we have

fc \oti/k ct = \ k9^j otx dXj \dti/j

§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 65


Figure 8

where we write p^ for p^Cx^, t,). Therefore the vector field given by (2.27)
has the required property (2.27) if we put

k^j dti

Consider the system of differential equations for this vector field:

^ - ^ j i^j, "',Xj, t^), a = 1 , . . . , n,

= 1.
For any point ( 4 0) = Ul..., ^r, 0) G Mo = m-\0), let

K = ^;(40, a = l,...,n,
Mt) = t

be the solution of (2.28) satisfying the initial condition

xnO) = ^r, a = l,...,n,

^i(0) = 0.
66 2. Complex Manifolds

t^(x]Ui,t),...,xJi^,,t),t), -r<t<r,
is a smooth curve through the point {^i, 0) on MQ. Denote the point (^i, 0)
simply by ^, = (^J,..., ^D, and the point ( ( 4 0), 0 ) on Mo x t/ by ( 4 0-

gives a diffeomorphism of MQ X (7 onto m~^{ U). Clearly m o '^((^j, t)) = t =

^((4 0).
(2°) General case. By identifying mutually diffeomorphic differentiable
manifolds as usual, it suffices to prove that m~^{U) is MQX U and that m
coincides with the projection TT, which we express simply by writing
vT-\U) = MoXU.
:{(ri,...,r^_i)|ki|<r,...,|r^_i|<r}, and U^ = {tm\-r<t^<r}.
Then we have U = U"^'^ x 11^. Since by induction hypothesis m~\ U""'^) =
MQ X t/'""^ in order to prove that m~^( U) = MQ X U, it suffices to show that

For VT(P) = {ti,..., tm-u tm) with/7G M, define tzr^ by m^{p) = t^. Then
ti7^ is a C°° map of M into [R which maps vj~^{U) onto (7^. We denote
by TTm the projection of m~^{U"^~^)xUm onto L4t. As in (T), using a
partition of unity, we can construct a C°^ vector field on M of the form

Z <(xj,...,x;,r„...,r^)-\+-^.

By solving the corresponding system of differential equations

j-= v^'ix],. . . , x;, ^ 1 , . . . , tj, a = 1 , . . . , M,
= 0, ^=l,...,m-l,

I dt

we obtain a diffeomorphism ^ ^ of m~\U'^~^)xU^ onto tu~^(i7) such

that xjjm°'i^m = ^m' Thus we have m~\U) = X!T~\U'^~^) x U^. Hence we

m-\U) = m-'iV^-') xUm = MoX U"^'' xUm = MoXU

as desired. I
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 67

Applying Theorem 2.4 to a complex analytic family (Jt, B, m) WQ obtain

the following theorem.

Theorem 2.5. Let (M, B,m) he a complex analytic family^ c an arbitrary point
ofB, and Mc = VT~\C). For a sufficiently small coordinatepolydisk U{c) with
centre c, there is a diffeomorphism ^ ^ of Mc x U{c) onto m~\{U{c)) such
that m°'^c — "n-c where TTC is the projection of Mc xU(c) to U{c). I

The diffeomorphism ^ c maps each M^ x t onto M, = rjj~\t) for t e U(c).

Thus for te U(c), M, is diffeomorphic to M^. Given any two points ^o, t of
B, we can choose a series of coordinate poiydisks L^(co),..., U{ci) as in
Theorem 2.5 such that toe (7(co), te U{ci) and that l[7(c,_i)n U{cj)^0
for J = 1 , . . . , /. Therefore M^ = tJT~^(0 is diffeomorphic to M^ = m~^{tQ),
which proves Theorem 2.3. I

Now consider holomorphic vector fields on a complex manifold. Let M

be a complex manifold, { z i , . . . , z^,...}, zy. p -> {z],..., z]) = Zj{p), a system
of local complex coordinates, and Uj the domain of z,. A vector field on
M is called a holomorphic vector field if it is represented on each coordinate
neighbourhood Uj as

a=l OZj

with holomorphic functions vf(p) on U,. On L^n 1/^7^0, we have

X t;;(p)—= I VUP)-^,
a=\ dZj a=\ OZk
that is,
" az
f;(p)= ^ I= 1 <5Zfc

Given two holomorphic vector fields

v{p) = lvfip)^ and wip) = lwf{p)^,

a OZj a dZj

we define their linear combination by

" d
cMp)-^C2w(p)= X (civ]'ip) + C2w]'{p))---^ with Ci, C2GC.
a=l OZj
Then the set of all holomorphic vector fields on M forms a vector space.
68 2. Complex Manifolds

(b) Examples

Let {Mt \teB}bQ 3. complex analytic family. The structure of M^ may vary
continuously or discontinuously as t varies continuously. We give some
examples in this subsection.

Example 2.14 First consider the complex analytic family {C^lcoeW^} of

elliptic curves where IHl^ = {w GC|lm w > 0 } . Let C^ = C/G^. There are
infinitely many choices of generators of G^. Two elements (Oi = aa)-{-b, and
0)2 = ceo-{-d of G^ with a,b,c,deZ generate G^ if and only if ad-bc = ±l:
G^ = {mcoi + no)2\m, n eZ}. Interchanging Wi and C02 if necessary, we may
assume that ad - be = I. By the coordinate transformation z-^ z'= z/co2, coi
and C02 are transformed into co' = co 1/0)2 and 1 = 0^2/^2 respectively. Clearly
Im a;'>0. Conversely, if

ao) + b
a,b,c,deZ with ad-bc= 1, (2.29)
co)-\- d'

Q = C / G ^ and C^' = C/G^' are biholomorphic to each other.

Figure 9

Conversely, if C^ and C^' are complex analytically equivalent, a

biholomorphic map of C^ onto C^^ is lifted to a linear map z^z' = az-\-l3
of C with a 7^0. Then ao) and a must generate G^. Thus o)'= aao)-\-ba,
and 1 = cao) + da for some a,b,c,deZ with a J - fee = 1. Therefore a>' is
given by (2.29). Thus Q is biholomorphic to C^^ if and only if (2.29) holds.
The set of all linear transformations of the form (2.29) forms a group of
automorphisms of H^, which we denote by T. T acts in a properly discon-
tinuous manner on H"^. F = { a > | - | ^ R e w ^ i 1^1 = 1} is a fundamental
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 69

domain of T and H^/T is biholomorphic to C. Consequently there is a

F-invariant holomorphic function J((o) defined on H^ which induces a
biholomorphic map of W^/T onto C. J((o) is called the elliptic modular
function. C^ and C^> are biholomorphic if and only if J((o) = J(co'). Thus
the complex structure of C^ varies "continuously" as co moves in H^.

Example 2.15. By a Hopf surface we mean a Hopf manifold of dimension

2. Let W = C^ — {0}, and g, an automorphism of W given by

gt' (Zi,z2)->(azi + rzi,az2),

where 0 < |Q:| < 1, and teC. Let G^ = {g^ | ^ e 2} be an infinite cyclic group
generated by g,. Then Gt acts on \y in a properly discontinuous manner
without fixed point. Put M^ = W/ Gf MQ is a Hopf surface given in Example
2.9. M, for tT^O is also called a Hopf surface.
{ M J r G C} forms a complex analytic family. In fact, an automorphism
of \ ^ X C given by

g: (zi, Z2, 0 -> {azi + rz2, az2, t)

generates an infinitely cyclic group G, which is properly discontinuous and

fixed point free. Hence M= WxC/G is a complex manifold. Since the
projection of T^ x C to C commutes with g, it induces a holomorphic map
vj of M to C. Clearly the rank of the Jacobian matrix of m is equal to 1.
Thus {M, C, m) is a complex analytic family with m~\t) = W/Gt = Mt.
Apparently the complex structure of Mf seems to vary as t moves in C,
but this is not true. Let U = C-{0}. Then the restriction (Mi^U, XJJJJ) of
( ^ , C, XJT) to L^ is proved to be trivial. This follows immediately from the

\0 J \ 0 a/\0 rV \0 a}'
In fact, introduce new coordinates (wi, W2, 0 = (^1? ^^2? 0 on Wx U. Then
in terms of these coordinates, g is represented as

g : ( w i , W2, 0 - ^ ( « W i , a:W2+Wi, 0 -

Mu= WxU/'^= W/G,xU = M,xU,

hence (^u, U, xuu) = (Mi x U, U, TT).

Thus M^ has the same complex structure as that of Mj for 19^ 0. But the
complex structure of MQ is different from that of M, with ^ 7^ 0. To see this,
consider holomorphic vector fields on M^. A holomorphic vector field on
70 2. Complex Manifolds

Mt is induced from a Grinvariant holomorphic vector field on W. In what

follows we write z' = (zi,Z2) instead of (a"'zi + ma"^~Uz2, a'^Z2) for sim-
plicity. In this notation we have

g r : ^ = ( z i , z , ) ^ z ' = (z;,z^).
v,iz)^+V2iz)^ (2.30)
dZi dZ2

be a Grinvariant holomorphic vector field on W, where Vi{z) and V2iz) are

holomorphic functions on W. Since

— =a —7, —=ma t—-4-a —-,

dZi dz[ dZ2 dz\ dZ2

the vector field (2.30) is transformed by gT into the vector field

dZi dZ2

Since (2.30) is G^invariant, we have

Viiz') = a'^v,{z)-hma'"''tV2{z),
V2(z^) = a-V2(z).

According to the Corollary to Theorem 1.8 (Hartog's theorem), holomorphic

functions Vi{zi, Z2) and ^2(^1, ^2) on W are extended to holomorphic
functions on all of C^ Therefore we may assume that i^i(zi, Z2) and 1^2(^1, ^2)
are holorhorphic on all of C^. By (2.31), we have

V2(zi,Z2) =-;;;; V2(a"'z,-^ma'^-'tZ2,a'"z2).


Consequently, since 0 < | a | < 1, letting

^2(^1,2:2)= Z ChkzUi
h,k = 0

be the power series expansion of ^2(^1, ^2), we have

t;2(zi,Z2)= lim A;;l Cn,(a'^z, + ma'^-'tZ2)'{a-Z2)'

m^+00 a h,k

y {^00, ,rnt \
^->+oo \a a I
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 71

In order that this Hmit may exist for any Zi, Z2, CQO must be zero, and, if
17^ 0, Cio must also be zero. Thus we have

where Cio = 0 if r 7^ 0. Let

1^1(^1,^2)= I bhkzU2'
h,k = 0

Then by (2.31) we have

1^1(^1,-^2)= lim (—^Vi{a'^z^ + ma'^'Uz2,a"'z2) 1^2(^1,2:2))

= lim ( - ^ + ^ 1 0 ^ 1 + — ^10^2+^01^2 (^io^i + CoiZ2))

m^+00 \a a a J
= 1™ ( ~ ^ + h ' l O C10U1+ [^10-Coi]^2+^01^2).

Hence we have 600 = 0, and, if r 7^ 0, we also have ^10 = CQI. Therefore

1^1(^1, 2-2) = 610^1+ ^01^2

holds where 610 = CQI if r T^ 0.

To sum u p , if we put c, = 610, ^2 = ^oi, ^3 = ^lo, and c^= CQI, a h o l o m o r p h i c
vector field on MQ is given by

d d d d
CiZi I-C2Z2 f-CsZi f-C4Z2 ,
dZi dZi dZ2 dZ2

while a holomorphic vector field on M^ with / 5^ 0 is given by

f d d\ d
Ci{ Zx hZ2 +^2^2 •
\ azi ^az2/ azi
Consequently there are four linearly independent holomorphic vector fields
on Mo, while on M, with t ^ 0, there are only two such ones. Hence M Q
has a different complex structure from M^ with tr^O. Thus the complex
structure of M^ " j u m p s " at ^ = 0.

Example 2.16. Consider deformations of the surface M ^ given in Example

2.10. Here by a surface we mean a compact complex manifold of dimension
2. Write P^ - C u 00 as P^ = «7i u t/2 where (7, = C and t/2 = P^ - { 0 } . Let Zj
72 2. Complex Manifolds

and Z2 be the non-homogeneous coordinates on Ui and U2 respectively.

Then on Uin U2, ZiZ2= I holds. In Example 2.10 we have defined the
surface M^ as

M^ = ( M - 5 ) u W, W= U,xP\

Since M-S= f/2 x P \ putting e = 00, we have

M^= U2XP'u U,xP\

where (zi, ^i)e Ui xp^ and (z2, ^2)^ U2XP^ are the same point on M^ if

ZiZ2=l and ^i = Z2"^2. (2.32)

Note that here we write C\, C2, and Zj = I/Z2 for 1/^, 1/^, and z respectively
in the notation given in Example 2.10.
We define a complex analytic family {M^ \teC} with MQ = M^ as follows.
Fix a natural number k^ rn/2, and define M^ as

M , = ^ i X P ^ u (72XP\

where (zj, fi) e t/j x P ' and (z2, ^2) e (72 xP*^ are the same point of M^ if

ZiZ2=l and ^i = z ^ ^ 2 + ^ ^ 2 (2.33)

Clearly M^ is a surface, and { M j r e C } forms a complex analytic family.

For t = 0, MQ= M^ since in this case (2.33) becomes (2.32).
For t9^0, Mt = Mm-2k' To see this we introduce new coordinates (z^, ^J)
on Ui x P \ / = 1, 2, as follows.

Since the determinants made by the coefficients of the Unear transformations

tC\ ^^2 ^2 + t
are given by
Zi -t 1 0
= r 7^ 0 and = r 7^ 0,
t 0 rz2"-' e
§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 73

respectively, (z„ ^J) actually define coordinates on (7, x P ^ By (2.33), we have

_^_^2__fc2___ m-2k b2 m-2k ^,

i^rny,.2k ^2 ^^m-fc, . 2 ~ ^ 2 fe2-
rZ2 fe2 "I" * ^2 ^^2 + f

Thus in terms of these new coordinates, the relation (2.33) is given by

ZiOZ2=l and ^[ = zr^^Ci

hence, M^ = M^-ik-
Thus for any natural number / c ^ m / 2 , M^ is a deformation o/M^_2fc.
Hence by putting k = m/2 if m is even, and k = m/2-\ if m is odd, we see
that Mrn is a deformation of Mo = P^ xP^ if m is even, and a deformation of
Ml ifm is odd. Therefore by Theorem 2.3, M^ is diffeomorphic to P^ xP^ if
m is even and to M^ if m is odd. We have already proved in Example 2.10
that Ml and P^ xP^ are not diffeomorphic.
Thus Mrn and M„ are diffeomorphic if m = n (mod 2), but they are not
biholomorphic, if m T^ n. Consequently in the family {Mj te C} described
above, M^ = ^m-2k does not change its complex structure for all t9^0, and
the complex structure of M, jumps to that of MQ = Mrn at t = 0. We show
that Mrn is not biholomorphic to M„ if m T^ n, by computing the number
of linearly independent holomorphic vector fields on them.
First consider holomorphic vector fields on P^ = f/i u U2. A holomorphic
vector field on P^ is represented as Vi{zi)(d/dzi) on Ui, V2{z2){d/dz2) on
U2, where Vi(zi) are entire functions of z, on L/, for 1 = 1,2. On Uin U2,
they must coincide:

v,{z,)-^=V2{z2)-^. (2.34)
azi az2
Since Zj = I/Z2, we have
d dzx d 1 d _
dz2 dz2 dzi Z2 dzx dzi

Hence, substituting this into (2.34), we obtain

Viizi) = -z^iV2i — ].

Therefore, putting

Vi{zi)= X Ci„z" and 1^2(^2)= I C2„Z2,

74 2. Complex Manifolds

we have
^lO"*" ^ 1 1 ^ 1 "^ ^ 1 2 ^ 1 "^ * * * ~ <^20-^l <^21^1 ^22"

Thus fi(zi) must be a quadric az^+bz,+ c in Zj:

dzi dzi

Since a holomorphic function on P Ms a constant, a holomorphic vector

field on Mo = P^ xP^ is given by

(fl,z?+^zi + ci)::^+(ai^? + i8i^i + 7i) ^

5Zi a^i

Consequently there are six linearly independent holomorphic vector fields

on Mo-
Next we consider holomorphic vector fields on M ^ = L / i X P ^ u
U2XP\m^l. From (2.35) a holomorphic vector field on Ui xP^ has the

i^i(^i)r-+(«i(^i)^?+i8i(zi)^i + ri(^i))7?-, (2.36)

az, d^i

where Vi(zi), ai(zi), Pi(zi), 7i(zi) are entire functions of z^. Similarly a
holomorphic vector field on U2XP^ is given by

^^2(^2)—-+(«2( ^2)^2 + i 8 2 ( Z 2 ) ^ 2 + 7 2 ( ^ 2 ) ) — , (2.37)

dZ2 d^2

where 1^2(^2), ^2(^2)* l^ii^i), 72(^2) are entire functions of Z2.

For a holomorphic vector field on M^ which has the form (2.36) on
Ux x P ^ and the form (2.37) on U2y^P\ we must have

Vx{z,)^+{a,{z,)C\ + P,{z,)Cx + y,{z,))^

dZi dCi

= V2(z2)^'^(a2(z2)^l + P2(z2)^2^y2(z2))-:^ (2.38)

0Z2 3^2

on (7i X P^ n (72 X P^- Since Zj = I/Z2 and ^1 = z^^2 by (2.32), we have

( d I d m-l. d 2 d d
— =-——+mz2 ^2—=-^1—+mzi^i—,
az2 Z2 dzi af 1 dzi dCi

IH2 ^^ dC, zTdCx

§2.3. Complex Analytic Family 75

Substituting these into the right-hand side of (2.38), and comparing the
coefficients, we have

ri(2i) = -;;rr2
From these equalities, we have fi(zi) = azf+bzi + c, ai(zi) =
Zfc=o ^k^u Pii^i) = -mazi + d, and 7i(zi) = 0. Therefore on M^ with m ^ 1,
there are (m + 5) Hnearly independent vector fields corresponding to the
arbitrary constants a, b, c, CQ, CJ, . . . ,c^ and ^ above.
Thus the number of linearly independent holomorphic vector fields on
Mrn is 6 for m = 0, and m + 5 for m ^ 1. Hence if m = n (mod 2), and mT^ n,
Mni and M„ are not biholomorphic.
Chapter 3

Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

As was stated in the Preface, the purpose of this book is to explain the
development of the theory of deformations of complex structures since
1956. In this chapter we prepare various results about complex manifolds
required for this purpose.

§3.1. Differential Forms

(a) Differential Forms on Differentiable Manifolds

Let 2 be a differential manifold, { x i , . . . , x,,.,.}, Xji p ^ Xj{p) = (x],..., xj")

a system of local C°° coordinates on 2, and Uj the domain of Xj. We may
assume that the open covering U = {U,|j = 1,2,...} of S is locally finite as
in Theorem 2.1. Also as in §2.1(a), we may consider S as obtained by
glueing the domains % = Xj{Uj)c:U'^^ by identifying pe Uj with its local
coordinates Xj = Xj{p): 2 = U j %. Thus in the sequel we write Uj for %•.
Then we have S = U^ ^ with Uj c R'".
Differential forms on S, their wedge products and exterior differentials
are defined as follows. Let cpj^,..., (pj^ be real or complex-valued functions
on Uj. Suppose given on each Uj a linear combination of dXj's

X (pja dxf = (pji Jxj + • • • + (pj^ dxf.

a= \

If on Uj n f/fc, the equality

m m
I f>j.dx^= Z ^^dxl (3.1)

holds, we call

(p^iPj.dx'j + '-^iPj^dx'P (3.2)

§3.1. Differential Forms 77

a differential form of degree 1 or simply a 1-form on E. If cpja, a = 1 , . . . , m,

are continuous, continuously differentiable, or C°°, cp is called continuous,
continuously differentiable, or C°°, respectively. Equation (3.1) implies that
by substituting

J8 = l C/Xfc

we have

Also we mean by (3.2) that <p is given on each Uj by (3.2). In terms of

arbitrary local coordinates (x^ . . . , x'"), cp is given as

where we put

/3 = 1 C X

Similarly we call
1 m 1 m

<P=- Z (Papdx'' Adx^=- X (pj^p dx]" A dxf

a 2-form on 2, where t/x" A dx^ = -dx^ A C/X". More generally, we call

(^= —X (pcc.-adx""' A • • ' Adx"'-

an r-form on 2. If the coefficients ^a,..a, are continuous, continuously
differentiable, or C°°, <p is said to be continuous, continuously differentiable,
or C°°, respectively.
For r = 2, replacing (p^j^ by 5(<Pa^ - <^)8a), we may assume that <p«^ = -<P;8a-
More generally, we may assume that <^a, «, are skew-symmetric in the
indices ai,..., a^. In this case we have

<P= Z <^a,-«. dx"' A • • • A ^X"^


In the following, we use this convention unless otherwise mentioned. Writing

a, p,..., y for a j , a2, • • •, <^r, we have

9 = — X <^a-.-'y ^^" A • • • A dX^.

78 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

We define a linear combination of r-forms cp^ and ijj as


The wedge product of an r-forni (p and an 5-form il/ is defined as follows:

Cp A ll/= X <Pa,--a^B,---B ^ ^ " ' A ' * ' A dx"'' A dx^' A ' ' ' A dx^\ (3.4)

For a continuously differentiable function / on S, its differential

dx^ dx""

is a continuous 1-form. For two such functions / and g, clearly


holds. For a continuously differentiable r-form

<P=— I (Pa--ydx'" A' ' ' Adx'^,

we define its exterior differential dip by

d(p=— X d(p^...^Adx" A' ' ' Adx^. (3.5)

Thus, for a 1-form (p we have

a ft dX^ 2 cx,i3 \dX dx'^/

and if <p is a 2-form, we have

In general for an r-form (p, if we write d(p as

^^ = , . , , . I ( ^ < P ) a o a , - a . ^ ^ " ° A ^ X " ^ A - ' ' A C?X^

§3.1. Differential Forms 79

we have

(rf<p).„a,...„.= i (-i)^^'^"°-:-r'^'-°-. (3.6)

s=0 oX ^

The definition of exterior differential d is independent of the choice of

local coordinate systems. Namely, on Uj n U^, we have

di — Y,(Pja..ydxf A- ' ' A dxj] = dl — Y. (Pka-y dxt A ' • 'Adxlj

First we prove this for r = 1. Since by (3.3)

A oXj

we have

d(pjc. = Z <PfcA^( 7 3 : ) + 1 7 Z ^ ^<^/c

But since d^x^/dxf dxf is symmetric, and dxf A dx" is skew-symmetric in

a and /3, we have

I d(^) A dxf = I - ^ rfxf A dxf = 0, (3.7)

a \dXj J p^a OXj dXj

X d(pj^ A dxf =1^ dcpkx AY.—^ dxJ =1^ d<pkx A dx^.
a A A oXj A

Proof for general r also follows immediately from (3.7).

The wedge product cp AIJJ is clearly bilinear in cp and (/^. If cp is an r-form,
we denote it by (^'^ explicitly. Then the following equality holds:

ip'Ar={-'^rr^^'^ o.s)
Clearly d is linear, that is

d{cx(p + €2^1^) = Ci d(p + C2 di//,

where Ci, C2 are constant. Taking the exterior differentials of both sides of
(3.4), we obtain

d((p' A (A') = d(p' A (A' + (-1) V A dil/\ (3.9)

80 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

dil/p^.^p^Adx""' A ' • • A(i3c"'- = (-l)''^x"i A- • ' Adx'"'- Adif/p^...^^.

If (p is C^, then d^(Pa,:.aJdx°' dx^ is symmetric in a and (3, hence by the

definition of the exterior differential (3.5), we have

ddcp= dl-Tl ^-^^^^dx"" A t/x"> A • • • A dxA

\r\ a dx I
1 ?p-
=- I Z I t " ' " 7 ^ ^ ^ A ^X" A t/x"> A • • • A dx"- =^0.

Thus we obtain
dt/(p = 0. (3.10)

Next we define the integral of a differential form. For this purpose first
we define the orientation of a differentiable manifold. We call a differentiable
manifold S orientable if we can choose a system of local C°° coordinates
{xi, X2,...} such that on each L^ n L4 T^ 0 ,

det - i - c i e t j f • ' " Vx>Q- (3.11)

Aaxf)^./3 = l,...,m <5(X/c, . . . , Xfc )

In case S is orientable, by choosing a system of local C°° coordinates

{xi,X2,...} such that (3.11) holds on each L^n{7fc#0, we define an
orientation on 2. Let {wi, M2,...} be another system of local C°° coordinates
satisfying (3.11) on each W^ n W^ 7^ 0 where W^, is the domain of w^. Then
for all pairs (A,7) of indices such that W^ n t/^ 7^ 0 , det(aMA/^^f) are all
simultaneously >0, or <0. In the former case we say that {u^} defines the
same orientation as {x^}, and in the latter case the inverse orientation.
Let 2 be an orientable differentiable manifold oriented by a system of
local C°° coordinates {x,,X2,...}. Let a; be a continuous m-form with
m = dim 2. Then, on each coordinate neighbourhood Uj, w is written as

(o=—y (Oj dxf' A • • • Adxf^.

ml ' •'

Since in this case { a i , . . . , a^} is a permutation of { 1 , . . . , m}, we can write

(o as

(O = (Ox...mdXj A • • • A dxf.

On UjH Uk7>^0, we have

(Ojx...^dx] A • • • A dxj" = 0)kx-mdx\A • • • A dxj^.

§3.1. Differential Forms 81

Using ^xf = Xr=i (d^k/dxf) dxf, we see that

dxi/\'-'AdXk= Z T;:^***73r^^/A---AJx-

djXk, . . . ,Xic) ,1 , m
" ^^^^77^ T^^^J A • • • A dxj ,
d V A j , . . . , Aj ;

Jxjt A • • • A cixIT = d e t ^ ^ 4 ' 4 ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ] A • • • A ^ x f . (3.12)
d{Xj, Xj, . . .^ Xj )
Therefore we have

d{Xk, . . . , X ^ )
CO^l...^ = ^ ^ t " : ; r i 7;^(^kl-rrf (3.13)
d(Xj, . . . , Xy j

The integral of co on 2 is defined as follows. Let {py|j = l , . . . } be a

partition of unity subordinate to a locally finite open covering U =
{Uj\j =1,...}. Then we define

I co=l Pjco,...^ dx] dxj ' • • dx^. (3.14)

If E is not compact, we must examine the convergence of the sum in the

right-hand side of (3.14). Since by hypothesis det(axfc/axf ) > 0 , it follows
from (3.12) and (3.13) we have

\(Oji...m\ dXjA- • -Adxf = |a>fci...^| dxlA' ' • AdXk

on Ujn Uk9^ 0 . Hence, by putting

\aj\ = |(Wyi...^| dXj A • • • A dxj^

on each LI, we obtain a continuous m-form \a)\ on S, and

1^1=1 Pikji ml dx] • • • JxJ".

Js j J Uj

The sum in the right-hand side of this equality either converges or diverges
to +00. If J^ |fo|<+oc, the right-hand side of (3.14) converges absolutely,
hence J^. (o exists. In this case we say that the integral J^. co converges
absolutely. When Js |w| = +oo, we don't define J^ co.
If the orientation of the differentiable manifold 1 is fixed, the integral
Jj- 0) defined above is independent of the choice of systems of local C°°
82 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

coordinates {xj, X2,...} and partitions of unity {pj\j=l,...}. In the

definition of the integral we introduce a partition of unity, in order to, we
must represent the integral of w as a sum of continuous functions defined
on domains of 2. If we use the theory of Lebesgue integral, we can do
without a partition of unity. Namely, if we choose Lebesgue measurable
subsets Vj cz UjJ = 1,2,... such that V; n V^ = 0 for jy^k and that U^- Vj =
1, then

w=X (Oi...mdXj • • • dxj".

J2 j J Vj

We say that an r-form

cp = (p{p)=— ^ (pj^ ^dxf A' "AdxJ

' "5---»7

vanishes at /? G S if all coefficients (Pja---y vanish at p. We define the support

of <p, denoted by supp cp, as


Theorem 3.1. Let cp he a continuously differentiahle {m —I)-form, with m =

dimS. If supp (p is compact,.then

L d(p = 0. (3.15)

Proof. Choose a system of local C°° coordinates {Xj} such that each Uj is
an interval {x, e W" \ \x]\ <r],..., |xj"| < r f } . We may assume that all rj are
equal to 1. Since supp (p is compact, and U = {Uj} is locally finite, there are
only a finite number of Uj with Ujn supp (p9^0. Hence for a sufficiently
large / we have

[ d<p=\ d(ipA = i \ d{pj,).

Js J^ \j=l I 7 = 1 J L/j

Therefore it suffices to prove \^ d{pj(p) = 0 for each Uj. We write

Pj<P = I i-lVcT^iXj) dx'jA'"A dxf-' A dxf^' A • • • A dxj",

where o-a = o-a{Xj) is a continuously differentiahle function with

supp o-^ c= Uj. Since

d(Pj<p)= I ^dxJA'-'AdxJ',
§3.1. Differential Forms 83

we have
r "^ r f)(T
d{pj^)=l -f^dx]---dxT.

Then it is easy to see that each term of the right-hand side of this equahty
is 0. For example, the first term vanishes because

i -1

-a,(-\,xj,...,xj')] = 0. I

Corollary. Let (p be a C^ r-form on 1 and ij/ a C^ (m-r- I)-form. Suppose

that at least one of supp (p and supp if/ is compact, then

d(pMjj = {-\y-' (pAdii^. (3.16)

Proof. By (3.9), d{(p AII/) = d(p A (/^ + ( - 1 ) V A dif/. Then applying (3.15), we
obtain (3.16). I

Any open subset \y of E is itself a differentiable manifold. Hence the

above argument applies also to W.
We call (p a closed differential form if <^ is C^ and dcp = 0. An r-form (p
on a domain W is called an exact differential form if there is a C^ (r — 1)-form
ijj on W such that (p = dif/. If both cp and i/^ are C \ and cp = dil/, then dcp = 0.
This is obvious from (3.10) if if/ is C^. In case r/^ = C \ this is proved as

Proof Since the problem is local, it suffices to see d(p — ddif/ = 0 on each Uj,
For this it suffices to see that J^r ddij/ A 77 = 0 for any C°° (m - r - l)-form
rj on Uj with compact support. Since by (3.10) ddr] = 0, using (3.16)
we obtain

ddij/A T] = {-ly \ dil/Ad7] = - \ il/Addrj = 0. I

J Uj J Uj J Uj

Thus C ^ exact differential forms are closed. Locally its inverse also holds.

Theorem 3.2 (Poincare's Lemma). Suppose that a C ^ r-form (p, r^l, satisfies
d<p = 0 on an interval t/ = {x e R'" | |x"| < 1, a = 1 , . . . , m}. Then there is a
C^ {r— I)'form ij/ on Usuch that cp — diff. Moreover ifcp is C°°, we may choose
ijj to he C°°.
84 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Proof. We fix r and prove the theorem by induction on m for m^r. For
simpHcity we only treat the case r = 3 below, but the generalization is
(1°) The case m = r = 3. Put (p = (p2i2dx^ Adx^ Adx^, and define il/ =
i/^i2 dx^ A dx^ b y

^12=4^12{X\X^,X^) = 'P312(X\X^,X^) dx\


Then if/ is SL C^ 2-form on U and

dil/=—- dx^ A dx^ A dx^ = (P3i2ix\ x^, x^) dx^ A dx^ A dx^ = (p.

(2°) The case m>r = 3. In what follows the indices a, jS, y represent
numbers from 1 to m - 1. Define

^ = ^^1 ^a^dx-Adx^



Then J/^ is a C^ 2-form. By (3.6) we have

' -^ —^=\Cl(p)mccf3y = ^,
dx"^ ax" dx^ dx
ax" dx"

& dx- = ^„,,(x) - <p^,,{x\ ..., x"'~\ 0),

Jo ax'

Therefore putting
1 m-l
<P=- I 9ap^(x',...,x'"-',0)dx"Adx^Adx^
3 ! a,/3,y=l
§3.1. Differential Forms 85

we obtain
dif/= (p — q>".

Since (p and cp" are C\ dij/ is also C\ hence, by the above result, d(p" =
dip - ddijj = 0. Since (p" is a C ^ 3-form of m - 1 variables x \ . . . , jc'"~\ by
the induction hypothesis there is a C^ 2-form
1 m-l

r=-, I K,{x\...,x'"-')dx-Adx^
such that dif/"=(p\ Therefore cp = d{il/ + il/").
If (p is C°°, if/ and <^" are also C°°. Then since by induction hypothesis,
we can choose ij/" to be C°°, <A + JA" is also C°^. I

From the above proof, one can see that Theorem 3.2 holds also for any
domain in IR"" satisfying the following condition (*):

(*) If(x\. ..,X"')G 17, then for any e^: 0 ^ ^« ^ 1, a = 1 , . . . , m, we have

(b) Differential Forms on Complex Manifolds

Let M be a complex manifold, { z , , . . . , z,,...}, z^: p^ ^jip) == ( ^ j , . . . , z") a

system of local complex coordinates, and Uj the domain of z^. As stated in
§2.1(a), by identifying peUj with its local coordinates Zj = Zj{p), we may
regard M = U^. %, where % = Zj{ Uj) is a domain in C". In view of this fact,
we write % also as Uj in the sequel. By Theorem 2.1, we may choose Uj
such that U = {Uj\j = l,2,...}is locally finite, and that each Uj is apolydisk
defined as

Uj = {zj 6 C" ||2J| <rl..., |z;| < r;}. (3.17)

Taking zf/rf instead of z", we may assume that each Uj is a polydisk of

radius 1:
^• = { z , - G C " | | z j | < l , . . . , | z ; | < l } . (3.18)

Let 2 be the underlying differentiable manifold of M (see §2.1(f)). For

the system of local complex coordinates {zy}, Zj = {z],..., z"), by decompos-
ing z/ into the real and imaginary parts as zj" = x]""'^ + /x^^", a = 1 , . . . , n,
we obtain a system of local C°° coordinates {xj, X2,...}, Xj = ( x j , . . . , x^").
Then by (1.41) we have

>0. (3.19)
( 9 ( X f c , . . . , Xfc") d{zl...,zl)
86 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Consequently 2 is orientable. We define the orientation of 1 by the above

{Xj}, and call it the orientation of the complex manifold M.
Consider a differential form (p on M:

(p = —X (Pj^.^...^.^ dxj' A • • • A d x / , (3.20)

where the coefficient (Pjvyv, is a complex-valued function. Since

xf-i=.i(z; + z;) and xf =^^(z;-z;),

we have

dxf-' = k ^ ^ ; + dz"^) and d x f = — (dz/ - dzj).

Substituting these into (3.20), we obtain

<P= Z -^-.l<Pjc.r••c.,^,.•.^,dzJ^^'''^dzJp^ dzf'^'''^dzf\

p+ q = rplql

We assume that (Pja^---oc ^^•••^ are skew-symmetric in the indices a i , . . . , a^

and ^ 1 , . . . , j8q separately.
We call a differential form

I <^,a,-«,^-^-#, ^^7' A • • • A ^Z/P A Jzf • A • • • A dzf^


a differential form of type (p, q), or simply a (/?, q)'form. Since the coordinate
transformation: Zfc->Zy is biholomorphic, we have

Hence ^/le property that cp is a (/?, q)-form does not depend on the choice of
local complex coordinates. If (p is a (/?, ^)-form, we often write it as (p^^'^^
for the sake of distinction. An r-form (p"^ is uniquely expressed as

Let / be a C ^ function in a domain of M. Then

a = l dZj a = l OZj
§3.1. Differential Forms 87

We define

5 / = 1 -^dzf and 3f= I -^dzf.

a = l OZj a = l OZj

Then we have

We can verify by easy calculation that df and df do not depend on the
choice of complex coordinates. For a C^ (p, ^)-form

^iP,ci)^ y <^,«,...«,^-,...^-, Jz;> A • • • A dz-^ A dzf^ A • • • A dzf^,

we define

^9^^'"^ = - 7 - ^ 1 a^,«,...«,^-....^, A Jz;> A • • • A t/z/p A dzf^ A • • • A J z f s


^^(P,^) ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^^^.^^ ^^^_^ ^_^ A dzj^ A • • • A t/z/p A t/zf • A • • • A J z f .

Then we have

where d(p^^''^^ is a (;7 4-1, ^)-form, and dcp^^'^^ is a (/?, ^4-l)-form. Hence
the invariance of d under the coordinate transformation z^ -> z^ implies
those of d and 5. As in (3.6), the coefficients of dcp^^'"^^ are given by

(p,q)\ _ v^ / 1 \5 ^^J«o«i"-«s-i«s+r"«p^r
(^<^^^''^0,•«o«^••«.^-r••.-.= I: (-1)

Similar formulae hold for d(p^^''^\

For an arbitrary C^ form (p =Zp,<j <P^^'^\ we define

a^=:^a^(^'^) and 5<^ = X ^^p^'''''^.

Then clearly we have

d=d-^d. (3.21)
oo 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Also the following formulae are immediately obtained from the definitions
of d and d.

d{(p' Ailf) = d<p' A (A + (-1) V A ai/f, (3.22)

~d{(p' Ail/) = d(p' Ailj + ( - ! ) > ' • A dip, (3.23)

Suppose that d(p^^'^^ and dcp^^'"^^ are both C\ Then we have

Considering the type of each term in this equality, we obtain

5(99^'''^^ = 0, aa(;p^^'^^ + aa(p^^'^> = 0 and ddcp^^'"'^ = 0,

hence the following equalities hold:

dd = 0, dd = 0 and dd = -dd. (3.24)

A (p, 0)-form (p = {l/pl) ^ (Pja,---otp dzf' A • • • A dzfp is called a holomorphic

p-form if the coefficients <pja,---ccp are all holomorphic. For a C ^ (/?, 0)-form cp,

d(p= — l ^^jcc,-a, A J z / i A • • • A t/z/p = 0

is equivalent to ^<Pja^...ap = 0. Hence by Theorem 1.6, (p = cp^^'^^ is holomorphic

if and only if d(p = 0. For a holomorphic p-form (p, have J(p =d(p.
The orientation of a complex manifold M is determined by the volume
element dx] A • • • A JX^". In terms of the local complex coordinates, we have

JXJ A • • • A J x f = f ;^ j ^ZJ A J z j A • • • A dz] A ^ z j . (3.25)

Since any domain W of M is itself a complex manifold, the above results

hold also for differential forms on W.
In what follows we chiefly treat C^ differential forms.
A C^ differential form (p is called a ^-closedform \{'d(p — 0. Let (p = (^^^'^^
be a C°° (j?, ^)-form on M or on a domain of M with ^ ^ 1. If there is a
^ ° ° ( A <?-l)-form lA such that (p = a(A, then by (3.24), 5(^ = 0. Locally its
inverse is also true:

Theorem 3.3 (Dolbeault's Lemma). If a C°^ (p, q)-form cp = (p^^'^\ ^ ^ 1,

defined on a polydisk L^;^ = { z G C " | | z ^ | < i ^ , . . . , |z"| <i?}, O ^ i ^ ^ + o o , is d-
closed, there is a C°° {p,q- I)-form ip on UR such that cp = Sep.
§3.1. Differential Forms 89

In order to prove this theorem, for cp and if/ we put

<^a,...a, = — I <Pc.r-c.,0,-0, dz^^A" 'A dz\ and

^ - » - p ^ ( ^ _ l ) ; ^ ^«,...«,^-,..-^-, dz^^ A'-'A dz\

Then (pa^-'-ap is a (0, g)-form, and il/a,---a^ is a (0, g - l ) - f o r m . Moreover

ai(^ = 0 is equivalent to ^^a,...a^^O, and (p=dil/ is equivalent to <Paj...«p =
'^^ayccp' Hence it suffices to show Theorem 3.3 for a (0, ^)-form.
First we show

Lemma 3.1. Let f{z) be a C^ function on \z\<R, and fix a real number p
such that Q<p<R. Put

g(z)=-^[[ ^dCAdl (3.26)


^_g(z)=f{z), \z\<p, (3.27)


Proofi Take an arbitrary a such that 0 < a - < p . We shall prove (3.27) for
|z|<a-. Let/i(z) be a C°° function which coincides w i t h / in |z|^or, and
vanishes in | z | ^ p , and let/2(z) = / ( z ) - / i ( z ) . Then/2(z) is a C°° function
which vanishes in |z| < cr, and


Then, putting

I f f fAQdCAdc . .
gAz) = :r—\\ , ^ = 1,2,

2771 J Ji^i^p (-Z

we see that

g(z) = gi(z) + g2(z).

Since f2iO = 0 in |^| ^ cr, g2(z) is a holomorphic in \z\ < a, hence

(9g2(z)/az = 0.
90 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Defining/i(f) = 0 in U\^R, we extend/i(^) on all of C. Let ^ = z + w,

with w = re'^. Then we have

i f f dwAdw

=- - \\fi{z+re'')e-'Urde.

Consequently gi(z) is a C°° function of z, and we have

az TT J J dZ

_ L f r a/i(z+ w) (iw A dw
277/ J J c ^^ >^
ITTI J J c dz w) t/w A Jw
dw W

27r/ J J,f

Since |z|<cr,/i(z+vv) = 0 for | w| > p + cr. Therefore by Green's theorem, the
last integral is equal to

- lim

= lim—r Mz + w)—=Mz),
>+o27nJ.rwi vv

where W^^ = {w||w|< e}. Thus for |z| <cr,

5z 5z

Since a is arbitrary with 0 < cr < p, we are done. I

Proof of Theorem 3.3. (1°) Let m^q, and let

<;p = S <P^r--^, ^^^' A • • • A dz\ q^l,

be a 5-closed C°° (0, ^)-form on UR which does not involve the differentials
dz'"'^\ . . . , dz". Given an arbitrary real number p with 0 < p < i?, we prove
§3.1. Differential Forms 91

by induction on m the existence of a C°° (0, q -~ l)-form


such that (p=dil/ on Up. Since for p^m-tl, we have

— cpp,..^^(z\ . . . , z " , . . . , z") = (d<p)^p^...p^ = 0, (3.28)

(Pp^...p^{z\ . . . , z"^, z'"^\ . . . , z") is holomorphic in z'"^\ • . . , z", hence a

does not affect on z'^^\ . . . , z". The proof given below is an analogy of
that of Poincare's lemma. As before we consider only for the case q = 3,
but the generalization is straightforward.
<P = Z ^apy dz"" A dz^ A dz^,

where cp^py are holomorphic in z"'^\ . . . , z". Take an arbitrary cr with

p<cT<R, and define

^= Z ^a/3 ^ Z " A dz^,


1 'ma/3VZ , . . . , Z ,fe, Z , . . . , Z » -
—^^ ^ d^ A a ^

By Lemma 3.1, if/ is C°° in U^-, and


and by (3.28), we have

= 0, for ^== m + 1 , . . . , n,
hence in case m = q = 3,

dil/ = a(iAi2 dz^ A (iz^) = —zr dz^ ^ dz^ A dz^ = (p^n dz^ A dz^ A JZ^ = cp.
92 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

In case m> q = 3, we have

+ x<(3<y^m-\ \ dZ dZ dZ /

Consequently putting (p"= (p-dip, we obtain a ^-closed C°° (0, 3)-form

(P"= Z <plpy dz'' A dz^ A dz\

By induction hypothesis, there is a C°° (0, 2)-form

r= I'^Adz^
a/3 '

on Up such that (p" = dil/" on L/p. Hence on L^p, we have

which accomplishes the induction.

Thus, putting m = n, WQ see that for an arbitrary p with 0<p<R, and
for any given ^-closed C°° (0, g)-form (p on UR, we can find a C°° (0, ^ - 1 ) -
form il/ on t/p such that (p =dil/ on Up.
(2°) Let <p be a ^-closed C°° (0, <3')-form, q^l. Fix a sequence {p/c} such
that 0 < p i < p 2 < • • • , and that lim/,_^cx) Pfc = ^- By (1°), we can find on each
Up^ a C°° (0, q — l)-form i/^^ such that dij/k = <p on L/p^. We want to construct
a C°° (0, q — l)-form if/ on UR with dijj = cp using (/^i, 1/^2, First let ^ ^ 2.
Put |z| = max« |z"| for z = ( z \ . . . , z"). The method of construction of i/^ is
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Namely, first put 4/2 = ^2- Since on t/p^, a0'2 = <^ = ^^As? we have diip^-
i/I^2) = 0 on Up^. Hence by (1°), for any small e > 0 , there exists a C°°
(0, ^ -2)-form ;^2 on L'p^-e such that 5;^2 = ^3 ~ 0"2- Let A(r) be a C°° function
of r with r > 0 such that A(r) = 1 for r ^ p i , and that A(r) = 0 for r ^ p 2 - 2 e ,
and define a C°° (0, g-2)-form X2 = Xii^) on Up^ by

-(^)^/Ar2(^)A(|z|), \z\<p2~s,
Then we have

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ =lo,
- |z|^P.-2..
§3.1. Differential Forms 93

Pi Pi P3 PA P5

Figure 1

Put 4^3 — ^3 — 8x2' Then ip^ is a C°° (0, g —l)-form on Up^ such that d4f3 =
dil/3 = (p, and that 1^3 = ^As -dXi = 'As -dXi = 4^2 on Up^.
Similarly we can construct successively C°° (0, g-l)-forms (/^^ on
Up^, /c = 2, 3 , . . . , such that aj/Jfc = <;P on Up^, and that (A/c+i = '^k on ^ , ^ _ j . Let
ifj be the C°° (0, q - l)-form on UR obtained by putting ip = if/]^ on each Up^,
for /c == 2, 3, Then dil/ = <p on UR as desired.
In case q = I, if/^ is SL C°° function on Up^,fc= 2, 3 , . . . , and 5(iAk+i ~ ^k) =
0. Hence fk = 4^k+\~4^k is holomorphic. Therefore, by Theorem 1.3, /^ is
expanded into a convergent power series of z \ . . . , z":

fk(z)- Sz'r (z-)-".

Since this series converges absolutely and uniformly on Up^_^, we can choose
a sufficiently large / such that

Pkiz)= Z a „ , _ „ ( z ' ) ' " ' • • • (z-)-"



|A(z)-P;,(z)|<^, |z|<p,_i. (3.29)

94 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

If we put

4(z) = Mz) - P^iz) P,_,{z), /c = 3 , 4 , . . . ,

then ifki^) is a C°° function on t/p^, and, since

(Afc+i(z)-(Afe(z)=A(z)-Pfc(z) on |z|<pfc, (3.30)

we have

|0^/c+i(z)-(Afc(^)l<^ on |z|<pfc_i.

Hence the sequence {lAk(^) | ^ = m, m + 1,...} converges absolutely and uni-

formly on each ^,^_,, m = 2, 3,4, Put

(A(z) = lim i}if,(z).


Then, by (3.30), we have


^(z) = ,^„(z)+ I (A(z)-Ffc(z))


on L/p^_i, where iAm(^) is C°°. Moreover since each/fc(z) - Pk(z) is holomor-

phic, and Zr=m (/fc(^)~^fc(^)) converges absolutely and uniformly by
(3.29), this sum is holomorphic on Up^_^. Consequently ip = il/{z) is C°^
and dilj = dil/m = (p on Up _^. Therefore if/ is C°° and dil/ = (p on (7R =
U°° (7 I

§3.2. Vector Bundles

(a) Tangent Space

Let M be a C°° manifold, { x j , . . . , x^,...}, Xj'. p-^ Xj{p) = ( x j , . . . , xj") a

system of local C°° coordinates on it, and Uj the domain of Xj. Moreover
we assume that Vi = {Uj} is locally finite. As stated in §3.1(a), we identify
Xj = Xj{p) with p, and ^j = Xj{Uj) with Uy, respectively. As stated before
(p. 62), for a smooth curve on M passing through p, its tangent vector
at /7 as a linear differential operator is written as

m ^
^ a

a=1 dXj
§3.2. Vector Bundles 95

We call such v a tangent vector of M at p. Let C^iM) be the IR-vector space

of all C°° functions on M. Then as a linear differential operator v defines
an IR-linear map of C°°(M) to IR as follows:

v:^^v{ilj)= I vj-^{p), il^eC^iM). (3.31)

a -1 oXj

For il/,(pe C^iM), we have

v{ilf(p) = ik(p)v(<p)^(p(p)viilf). (3.32)

Conversely, any U-linear map v of C°^{M) to R satisfying (3.32) is
written as in (3.31).

Proof Replacing ( x j , . . . , xj") by (x]-x](p),.,. ^xj"-xj'(p)), we may

assume x/ip) = 0. Moreover for 1 G C^iM), v(l) = v(lA) = 2i;(l) by (3.32),
hence t)(l) = 0. Hence also v(c) = 0 for any constant c. Consequently v(il/) =
v(il/-il/(p)). Thus we may assume il/(p) = 0.
Let ij/ = il/{x],..., xj") = il/(Xj) on Uj in terms of local coordinates. Then
in a sufficiently small neighbourhood U{p)^ Uj of pe Uj, we can write
il/(Xj) a s

^(Xj)= Z xf^^iXj),

where ^a(xj) is a C°° function of x^. In fact, putting tXj = (tx],..., txj"),
we obtain

^(x.)= -MtXj)dt= Z x; -^(rx,)^^.

Jo at a=l J o C'^j

Hence we may put

which is clearly a C°° function of x,. Take p € C°°{M) such that /o(p) = 1,
and that s u p p p c [/(/>). Since il>{p) = 0, i;(pV) = f(</') by (3.32). On the
other hand,

P V = X px;p^„(x,)
96 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

on Uj. We denote the natural extension of pxf and p'^^iXj) to all of M by

the same notation px" and p^^iXj) respectively. Then by (3.32), we have

K</') = f(pV)= I *.(o)z)(px;).

Since ^«(0) = (dil//dxf){p), putting vf = v(pxf) we obtain (3.31). I

In view of this result, we may adopt the following "intrinsic" definition

of a tangent vector.

Definition 3.1. A linear map v of C°^{M) to R satisfying (3.32) is called a

tangent vector of M at p.

This is the modern definition of a tangent vector, which does not involve
local coordinates, but it is not so easy to understand at first glance.
For a tangent vector

a=1 OXj

at pe Uj^ M,v],..., vf are called the components of v with respect to

the local coordinates Xj. Suppose pe Ujn ^4, and let f L • • • ? ^IT be the
components of v with respect to x^. Then the following equations hold:

_, ^ dXj o ^ dXj dXj , , , ,

This is the transformation rule between the components of a tangent vector

with respect to Xj and x^.
The R-vector space consisting of all tangent vectors of M at p is called
the tangent space of M at /?, and is denoted by Tp{M). Tp{M) is an
m-dimensional IR-vector space, and the map v-^{vj,..., vj") maps Tp(M)
isomorphically onto U"".
The union of all Tp{M), peM, is called the tangent bundle of M and
is denoted by r ( M ) : r ( M ) = UpeM Tp(M). Since a tangent vector at/? 6 Uj
is written as u, = ( i ; j , . . . , i;j") in terms of local coordinates, T(Uj) =
UpeUj Tp(M) is the set of all pairs (/?, Vj) with /? G UJ and tJy G R"":

T(Uj) = {(p,Vj)\peUj,VjeR-}=UjXU-,

Thus r((7y) /za5 ^/le structure of the direct product Uj xlR"". Hence we have

T(M) = UT(Uj) = UUjXU'", (3.34)

§3.2. Vector Bundles 97

where for pe Ujn U^, by (3.33) (/?, Vj) and (/?, v^) are the same point of
T{M) if and only if

^j- ^ Aiv)vt a = l,...,m. (3.35)


Thus T(M) may be regarded as a differentiable manifold obtained from

glueing up Uj xW^ via the identification (3.35). Each Uj xR'" is a coordinate
neighbourhood of T(M) and ( x ] , . . . , xj", vj,..., vJ") gives the local C°°
coordinate system on UjXW^.
Since the projections UjXW^^ Uj and UkXR""^ U^ coincide on Uj x
R'" n Uk xR"", they define the projection


In terms of local coordinates, TT is written as


hence TT is C°°. Moreover clearly TT~^{P)= Tp{M).

(b) Vector Bundle

Definition 3.2. Let M be a differentiable manifold. A differentiable manifold

F is called a vector bundle over M if it satisfies the following conditions:
(i) A C°° map TT: F-^ M of F onto M is given.
(ii) For every peM, 7r~\p) is a z^-dimensional R-vector space:
77-~^(^)sR'', where P is independent of p.
(iii) For every qe M, there exists a neighbourhood U, qe Uc: M, such
that TT" ((7) = (7 xR^, and that for any peU,pxU'' is isomorphic
to 7r~\p) as an R-vector space: TT~'\p)=p xR^
We call 7r~^{p) the fibre of F over p, and denote it by Fp. v is called the
rank of F. M is called the base space of F, and TT the projection. We also
denote F by (F, M, TT) if we want to make explicit its base space and
Let U = {L^|j = 1,2,...} be a locally finite open covering of M, and
(F, M, TT) a vector bundle over M. If each Uj is taken sufficiently small,
then by (iii) above, we have

7T-\Uj)=UjXU'^ = {{p^^j)\peUj,^j = {ej....Aj)^^l-

Since pxW — TT~^{P), ( ^ j , . . . , ^/) is a system of coordinates on the vector

space 7r~^{p). ¥ov pe Uj n U^, ( ^ j , . . . , ^J) and {^\, -- - Ak) are two systems
98 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

of coordinates on the same vector space 7T~\p), hence there is an invertible

linear transformation (/j^^) such that

^j=i f?Jc,(p)d, a = 1,2,..., p. (3.36)

p= i

Namely (p, ^j)e Uj xW and (p, ^J^)G U^ XW are the same point on F if
and only if (3.36) holds. We call (f j , . . . , ^J) the fibre coordinates of (p, ^j) e
Fp over Uj. Since the subdomain 7r~\ Uj) of M is, by (iii) above, isomorphic
to Uj xR" as a differentiable manifold, these f j , . . . , ^J are C ^ functions
on 7T~\Uj). Consequently in (3.36), ^f is a C°° function of (p, fL • • •, ^k),
hencQfjlp(p) is a C°° function on Uj n U^. By using vector notation, (3.36)
may be written simply as
^j=fjk(p)-^k, (3.37)

where fjk(p) denotes the matrix {ffkp{p))<x,p=i,2,...,v' This is the transition

relation between the fibre coordinates, fj^ =fjk{p) is called the transition
function. Of course we have det fikip) # 0. A vector bundle F is determined
uniquely by giving fjk,j, k—l,2, Hence we write F = {fju}-
Transition functions satisfy the following conditions. First we have

fjjip) = 1, where 1 denotes the unit matrix. (3.38)

Next, since for any ^ / G R " , ^J = Mp)^i = fjdP)^k = fjkip)fkiiP)^h we have

MP) =fjk(p)fki{p\ peUjnUkn U, (3.39)

Putting l=j in (3.39) we also obtain

fjk(p)fkj(p) = l- (3.40)

Conversely, given a locally finite covering Vi = {Uj} and C°° functions

MP) = ifU(p))a,p = i,...,. on each UjnUk^0 satisfying (3.39) and (3.40),
we can construct a vector bundle F = [Jj UjXW over M by identifying
( A 4 ) e C4XR" with (pjjk{p)^k)e UjXW" for pe UjnUk9^0.
Let F and G be vector bundles over M. If there is a diffeomorphism h
of F onto G such that h maps each fibre Fp linearly onto Gp, F and G are
called equivalent. In this case, take a locally finite open covering {L^} of
M with sufficiently small Uj, and let ^^ = ( ^ j , . . . , ^J) and 17^ = (77J,..., 77J)
be the fibre coordinates of F and G over U/ respectively. Then h is written
on 7r~\Uj) as

^: ( A I/)-^ ( A ^,) = (P, hj(p)ij),

§3.2. Vector Bundles 99

where each component of the matrix hj{p) = (hfpip))^^^^^ ,, is a C°°

function of p G UJ, and det hj(p) ^ 0. Let ^fc(/?) and gj],{p) be the transition
functions of F and G respectively. Then as is easily seen, we have

&fc(p) = hj{p)fjk{p)h(py peUjn Uk. (3.41)

Thus we may consider that G is nothing but F with another fibre coordinates
Vj - (vh • • •' Vj) obtained from ^j = ( ^ j , . . . , ^J) by applying the transfor-
mation (/?, ^j)^{p, rjj) = (p, hj{p)^j). In this sense we often identify F and
G if they are equivalent. M x R'' is a vector bundle over M. If F is equivalent
to M xR'', F is called trivial
Let F be a vector bundle over M, and TT its projection. A continuous
map a: p-^ o-{p) of a domain Wc: M into F is called a section of F over
W if a{p)e Fp for all pe W. In terms of fibre coordinates,

o-ip) = (p, (Tj(p)), cTjip) = (cr'jip),..., (rjip)), peWn Uj,


Figure 2

where o-jip) are vector-valued continuous functions satisfying

crj(p)=fjk{p)'CTj,(p) (3.42)

on WnUjn U^. If o- is continuously differentiable, C°°, etc., that is, each

function (Tj{p) is continuously differentiable, C°°, etc., the section a is
called continuously differentiable, C°°, etc., respectively.
100 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Comparing (3.33) and (3.42), we clearly see that the tangent bundle
T(M) of M is a vector bundle over M with the transition functions
fjk{p) = (fU(p)) where

A continuous vector field on M

m ^

a=1 oXj

is nothing but a section of T(M). Here each d/dxf is a C°° vector field on
Uj, hence a C°° section of T{M) over U^.
For an arbitrary vector bundle F, using the fibre coordinates over Uj, put

ej^:p^ej^{p) = (pAO,...,0,r,0,...,0))eUjXU\

Then e^„ is a C°° section over Uj, and any section cr of F over a domain
\y is written as

(r:p^crip)= X o-f{p)ej^(p) for peWnUj.

We write this simply as

cr= i cr-(p)ej^. (3.43)

By (3.36), we have

ek(3= I f]kp{p)eja' (3.44)

a =1

Let cTi,..., cr^ be C°° sections of F over a domain L/. {a-i,..., cr^} is
called a basis of F over U if for each p^ U, {cri(/?),..., o-^ip)} is a basis
of Fp = 7r~\p). For example, the above-mentioned {e^i,..., e,v} is a basis
of F over Uj, and {(9/5xj,..., d/dxf) is a basis of T{M) over L^. Given a
basis {cTi,..., o-^} of F over (7, every point of TT~^{U) is written uniquely as

i rcrAp), peU, (f^...,neR^

a =l

By writing this point as {p, f), with f = (^\ . . . , ^''), we obtain an identifica-
tion of iT~\U) with UxU\ (i\ . . . , f'^) is called the fibre coordinates of
§3.2. Vector Bundles 101

( A f) with respect to the basis {o-i,..., a^}. In this notation we have

^«(/') = ( A ( 0 , . . . , 0 , r , 0 , . . . , 0 ) ) .

Replacing IR by C and R'' by C in Definition 3.2, we obtain the definition

of a complex vector bundle. In contrast to this, we call a vector bundle in
the sense of Definition 3.2, a real vector bundle. For a complex vector bundle,
its fibre coordinates Cj = (^j, • • •» ^/) ^ C'' form a complex vector, and the
components of the transition function ffkfiip) are complex-valued C°°
Now consider vector bundles over a complex manifold. Let F be a
complex vector bundle over a complex manifold M. If the transition func-
tions fjkip)J, k=l,2,..., are all holomorphic, F is called a holomorphic
vector bundle. Here by saying iha.t fjk(p) = {fjicf3(p)) is holomorphic, we
mean that each component/^^^(p) is a holomorphic function of/? e L^ n U^.
Then F is obtained by glueing up UjXC by identifying (/?, ^fc) G L4 XC*'

(p,Q = {pJjdp)L)eUjXC'':F = [JUjXC\


If fjk(p) is holomorphic, the map {p, Ck)-^{p, Cj) = {pJjk{p)Ck) is

biholomorphic. Hence a holomorphic vector bundle F = {J. UjXC is a
complex manifold, and the projection TT: F - > M is a holomorphic map.
Let F be a holomorphic vector bundle. A section cr of F over a domain
Wcz M is said to be holomorphic if it is holomorphic as a map of M into
F. In terms of fibre coordinates, put o-\ p -^ o-j{p) = {(T]{P), . . . , crj(p)),pe
Uj. Then o'J'(p) is a holomorphic function of p if a is holomorphic. In

ej.: p^ ej^(p) = (p,(0,... ,0,r,0,... ,0))

is a holomorphic section of F over U,, and (3.44) is also valid in this case.
Let ( z j , . . . , z") be a local coordinate system on M, and Uj the domain
of Zj. We assume that Uj is a domain of M and that Vi = {Uj} is a locally
finite covering of M. Introduce local real coordinates Xj = ( x j , . . . , xj") by
putting z" = x^"~^ + ixj"" as usual. Then {x„ . . . , x^,...} becomes a system
of local C°° coordinates of the underlying differentiable manifold of M.
The vector bundle of all tangent vectors of M which are written as

i vf^, vfeC,
a=l dZ

in terms of local complex coordinates, is called the tangent bundle of the

complex manifold M and is denoted by T(M). The transition functions
102 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

(fU(p)) of T(M) are given by

fUP)=^ip)- (3.45)

Hence T{M) is a holomorphic vector bundle. A holomorphic vector field

on M
" d

«=i oZj

is nothing but a holomorphic section of T(M). Note that T(M) is different

from the tangent bundle r ( 2 ) of the underlying differentiable manifold S
of M. We shall discuss the relation between them later.

(c) Dual Bundle, Tensor Product

In this paragraph, K denote either IR or C. Let E be a finite-dimensional

vector space over K. As is well known, if {^i,..., e^} is a basis of E, any
element ue E is uniquely represented as

u= i rea, r^K (3.46)


and the map u^(^\ ..., ^ ' ' ) G K"" gives an isomorphism of JB onto K"": E =
The set of all linear functions v = v(u) on E forms a vector space over
K, which we call the dual space of E and denote by £*. If M e £ is written
as in (3.46), we have

\a / a=l

Hence putting i7a = f (e„) and representing v by {rji,..., r}j,)e K"", we see
that E'^ = K"" and that v{u)=Y.l^i CVcx- We write {v, u) instead of v{u).

{v,u) = v{u)= i rVa. (3.47)

We call (v.u) the inner product of v and u. From (3.47) it is clear that E^^ = E.

Definition 3.3. Let F be a real or complex vector bundle over a differentiable

manifold M A vector bundle G over M is called the dual bundle of F if
it satisfies the following conditions:
§3.2. Vector Bundles 103

(i) For every point pe M, Gp is dual to Fp, i.e. the inner product (v, u)
is defined between ve Gp and u e Fp.
(ii) If we take a sufficiently fine locally finite open covering U = { m of
M, then we can choose fibre coordinates ( f j , . . . , ^J) of F and
(17J,..., 17/) of G over Uj such that for u = (p, ^ j , . . . , ^J) G Fp and
f = (/?, 77J,..., 17J) G Gp, their inner product is given by

{v,u)= I ^^vja- (3.48)


We denote the dual bundle of F by F*. Let fjk(p) = {fU{p)) be the

transition functions, and f^ip) = {ffktip)) those of F*. Then we have

^;= z fU{p)ek.
/3 = 1
vu,= 1 m(p)vja.

Thus (v, u) = Xa ^JVjc = Z^ ^kVkp implies


Hence we have
f%i{p)=f^jAp). (3.49)

Therefore we obtain the following transition relation between fibre

coordinates of F * :

Vjcc= Z fkja(p)Vkp- (3.50)

Note that we have F** = F.

Now we review the definition of the tensor product of vector spaces. Let
E and F be vector spaces over K, and let {^i,..., e^} and {/i,...,/.} bases
of E and F respectively. Then the tensor product of E and F is the vector
space with the set of all pairs (e«,/^) as its basis. We denote the tensor
product of E and F by F ® F. Thus E®F consists of all elements of the form

w= z z r'ie^j,). r^GK

For M = Z a ^"^« ^ ^j ^'^^ ^ "^Z^ V^fp ^ P^ we defitie u®v by

104 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Then we have (^aj/g) = ^ a ® ^ , and any element w of E®F is represented


w=i i r'e^®f,, r'eK. (3.51)

The map E xF-^ E(E)F given by (u,v)-^u®v is bilinear.

Considering the dual space we verify that the tensor product E®F does
not depend on the choice of bases used in the above definition. In fact for
any te ( £ ® F ) * , (t, u®v) is a. bilinear function on £ x F . Conversely, any
bilinear function b(u, v) on E xF is written as b(u, v) = (t, u®v) for some
te (E®F)'^. Thus we naturally identify (E®F)* with the vector space of
all bilinear functions on E xF. Consequently ( E ® F)*, hence also E®F =
( F ® F ) * * do not depend on the choice of bases of E and F.

Definition 3.4. Let F and G be real or complex vector bundles over a

differentiable manifold M. A vector bundle H over M is called the tensor
product of F and G if the following two conditions are satisfied.
(i) For every p eM, Hp = Fp®Gp.
(ii) Take a sufficiently fine locally finite open covering U = {Uj} of M
and let ( ^ j , . . . , ^j^) and (rjj,..., rjj) be fibre coordinates of F and
G over Uj respectively. Then for w = (/?, ^ j , . . . , ^j^) e F^ and v =
(p, T/j,..., rjj)e Gp, the fibre coordinates of M®Z; are given by
^;^=^;^f,« = i,-..,M,/3=i,...,^:

u®v = {p,^]vl-'-,^rvD' (3.52)

We denote the tensor product of F and G by F ® G .

Let the transition functions of F and G hQfjk(p) = {f]ky{p)) and gjkip) =

{g%8{P)) respectively. Then since

^r-nf= I i fUP)g%B{p)avl
the transition functions of F ® G are given by

htAp)=f]Ly{p)g%s{p)^ (3.53)

The matrix hj^ip) = {hj^y^ip)) is called the Kronecker product of matrices

fjkip) and gjjc(p).
For a section a: p^o-{p) of F and a section r: p^rip) of G over a
domain W^ M, p^o-(p)®T(p) is a section of F®G by (3.52), which is
denoted by O-®T.
§3.2. Vector Bundles 105

If M is a complex manifold, and F and G are holomorphic vector

bundles, F®G is also a holomorphic vector bundle by (3.53). If cr and r
are holomorphic sections of F and G respectively, cr®T is a holomorphic
section of F ® G .
Let {Cji,..., gy^} and {fji,... ,fj^} be bases of F and G over Uj respec-
tively. Then {Cj^ ®fj^ | a = 1 , . . . , /x, /3 = 1 , . . . , z^} forms a basis of F® G
over Uj, and a section co of F®G over a domain Wc: M is represented as

co=l 1 (ofip) • ej^ ®fj,, peWn U,

a = \ (3 = 1

(d) Tensor Field

Let (p = Z r = i ^jc^ ^^7^ ^jcc e C, be a 1-form on a differentiable manifold M

at /?, and
m ^

a=1 aX^-

a tangent vector of M at p. Introduce the inner product of cp and v by


Then the set of all 1-forms at p forms the dual vector space T^(M) of
Tp{M) via this inner product. As in the case of T(M), UpeM '^pi^) has
a natural structure of vector bundle over M. As is obviously seen from the
transformation rule for 1-forms

<Pja=l^(Pkp (3.54)

with respect to the coordinate transformation x^, -> Xj, compared with (3.33),
the vector bundle T'^iM) = [Jp^M TfiM) is the dual bundle of TiM), and
the inner product {(p, v) given above is invariant under coordinate changes.
A section of T'^iM) over a domain Wc: M is a continuous 1-form on W.
{dx],..., dxf} forms a basis of T'^iM) over U, and the equality

A 1-form <p = Z « <P/« dxj e Tf(M) at /? is represented uniquely by the
vector ((Pju ..., (pjm) in terms of the fixed local coordinates Xj, for pe Uj.
106 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

The transformation rule (3.54) of this vector with respect to the coordinate
change x^ -^ Xj is the same as that of the basis {d/dx]"} of T{M). In view of
this fact we call {(pji,..., cpj^) SL covariant vector. On the other hand, the
transformation rule (3.33) of the components of a tangent vector v =
Za ^^i^/^^'j) is the inverse of that of the basis. Hence we call ( u j , . . . , i;J")
a contravariant vector.

(X) T''{M)=T''{M)®T''{M)®' • '®T''{M).

A C°° section o- of 0^^ T'^{M) is represented on each coordinate neighbour-

hood Uj as

^= Z o-j^p...ydxJ®dxf®' • •®dxj.

Here m'' coefficients cr^a/s y are C ^ functions on Uj, and for the coordinate
change Xj -» x^ on U, n ^4, satisfy the following:

_ ^ dx^dxl dxl
\,iji,...,v-^l oXj^ dX]^ dX]^

Given m'^ C°^ functions o}«...^ on each Uj satisfying (3.55) on UJD U^, we
call o-ja...y a C°° covariant tensor field of rank r, and each a)«...^ its component
with respect to the local coordinates Xj. For arbitrary local coordinates
( x \ . . . , x'"), the component of a covariant tensor field a^.-.y is given by

This is the classical definition of a covariant tensor field, which is, it is true,
not intrinsic, but turns out to be very convenient. A C°° covariant tensor
field of rank r is nothing but a C°° section of 0^^ T'^(M).
r times

Similarly a section a of (x)' r ( M ) = r ( M ) ® T ( M ) ® • • '®T{M) is rep-

resented on each Uj as

and satisfies on [/, n t/t the relation

crr'= 1 •dl---Tf.<''- (3-56)
\,...,v dXj dXj
§3.2. Vector Bundles 107

We call orf'"^ a contravariant tensor field of rank r. With respect to arbitrary

local coordinates ( x \ . . . , x""), o- is written as

Further, for example, a section cr of r ( M ) ® r * ( M ) ® r * ( M ) is written


cr^^ is called a mixed tensor field, cr^^ satisfies the following relations:

A covariant tensor field o-^...y is called symmetric (or skew-symmetric)

if it is symmetric (or skew-symmetric) in the indices a , . . . , y. Thus a
covariant tensor field a^^ is symmetric if a^^ = a^^ and skew-symmetric if
o'ap — ~(^/3a' We define symmetric and skew-symmetric contravariant tensor
fields similarly.

<P=— Z (pap-.-ydx" A dx^ A' ' ' Adx^

f- a,f3,...,y

be an r-form on M. Then (pai3---y is a skew-symmetric covariant tensor field.

X (pa-.ydx"^®' ' '®dX^

= Z <P...A Z sgn('''"Adx-®'"®dx\
a,...,y rl x,...,u \X' ' ' V/

by identifying

( (X ' ' ' yx

dx^®- ' '®dx'',

(p is regarded as a section of 0^^ T'^iM), where the summation Y.K,...,V is

taken over all the permutations of a , . . . , % and sgn("...7) denote the sig-
nature of permutation.
A vector bundle G over M is called a suhhundle of F if the following
conditions (i), (ii) are satisfied:
108 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

(i) For every peM, Gp is 3. linear subspace of Fp.

(ii) Take a sufficiently fine locally finite open covering U = { Uj}. Then
there exist /x C°° sections CTJI, ..., aj^ of F over each Uj, such that
Wji(p), • • • 5 (^jfji(p)} forms a basis of Gp for any p e Uj.
In this case { o ) i , . . . , o}^} forms a basis of G over Uj, and, if we represent
an element of G^ as Xa = i ^J^^jaip), (^j, • • •, ^j^) gives the fibre coordinates
of G over L^.
If vector bundles F and G over M are subbundles of a vector bundle
//, and Hp = Fp + Gp for every point pe M, H is called the Whitney
sum of F and G, and denoted by F®G. In this case if {e^i,..., e^^}
and {yji,... ,/Jv} are bases of F and G over Uj respectively,
{eju . • •, ^jfjL.fju • • • ,^1^} forms a basis of F © G over Uj.
The set of all r-forms at each point of M forms a subbundle of
0^^ r * ( M ) , which we denote by
r times

A T'^(M) = T'^iM) A • • • A r * ( M ) .

(T) C°° sections dx/ A • • • A 6?x/, 1 ^ a < • • • < y ^ m, of ® ' r * ( M ) over Uj

form a basis of A'^ T'^(M) over Uy. A C°° r-form on a domain W^ M is
a C°° section of A ' T*(M) over W.
For a complex vector bundle F over M with the transition functions
fjk(p) = (fjki3(p)), F denotes a vector bundle over M with the transition
functions fjk(p) = (fjk/3(p)), where ~ denotes the complex conjugation.
Suppose that M is a complex manifold. Let { z j , . . . , z^,...}, Zj =
(z],..., Zj) be a system of local complex coordinates of M Let T(M) be
the tangent bundle of M, which consists of all tangent vectors of the form
Sa t^7(5/5z") with v"eC. Then T(M) is the set of all tangent vectors of
the form Xa ^fid/dzf) with t^/eC, which we denote by f ( M ) . The dual
bundle r * ( M ) of T(M) consists of all (0, l)-forms X« %a dzj at each point
of M, and the dual bundle f'^iM) of f{M) consists of all (0, l)-forms
Sa 9jocdzJ. T{M) and T'^iM) are holomorphic vector bundles.
Let S be the underlying difierentiable manifold of M, and Tc(2) the
vector bundle over M consisting of all tangent vectors of 2 with complex
coefficients if^^ u/Ca/ax/) with i;/ e C Since z/ = x,^""' + ix,^", we have

a = l dXj a=:.l C^Z^- a-^\ O^j

Hence we have

rc(2) = T{M)@ T{M). (3.58)

Similarly we have
r2(i:)-r*(M)©f*(M). (3.59)
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 109

A C°° section of the tensor product of arbitrary times of T{M), T'^iM),

f{M) and f'iM) is a C°° tensor field on M g ) ' T{M) is a holomorphic
vector bundle, and its holomorphic section is a holomorphic contravariant
tensor field. Similar results hold for g)'' T'^iM).
We denote by
p times q times
A T'^iM) A T*(M) = T'^iM) A • • • A T*(M) A T'^iM) A • • • A T * ( M )

the subbundle of A^ ^ c ( ^ ) , f = P~^^, which has

p times q times
{rfz; A • • • A Jzf A dzj A •'• • A t/z/l l ^ a < - - - < ) 8 ^ n , l^r<-"<5^n}

as a basis over L(,. Then a C°° (/?, ^)-form is a C°° section of

A'' r * ( M ) A^ T*(M). A'' r * ( M ) is a holomorphic vector bundle, and its
holomorphic section is a holomorphic ;?-form.

§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology

(a) Sheaves

First let M be a differentiable manifold. By a local C°° function of M we

mean a C°° function defined on a domain U<=^ M. We denote by D ( / ) the
domain of / / is called a /oca/ C°° function at /? if /? e D{f). We say that
two local C°° functions / and g at p are equivalent at p i f / = g on some
neighbourhood of p. We denote it by writing / ~p g. It is obvious that ~p
is an equivalence relation. By a germ of a C°° function at /? we mean an
equivalence class of local functions at p. The equivalence class to which /
belongs is called the germ off at p, and denoted by fp. The germ fp can be
regarded as a C°° function defined on an "infinitely" small neighbourhood
of p. Let s^p be the set of germs of all complex-valued C°° functions at p.
Let <^, (A G ^p, and suppose that (p =fp and if/ = gp. Then we define a linear
combination of cp and i/^ by putting

Ci(p + C2(A = ( C i / + C2g)p, Ci, C2 G C .

Clearly this definition is independent of the choice of / and g. Thus s^p

becomes a vector space over C. Moreover we define the product of <p and
if/ b y

<P' ^ = (f' g)p, fp = <P, gp = ^,

which makes Mp a ring.

110 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

^ = U ^p

be the union of all ^p, pe M. We define a topology on sd as follows: For

a point (pes^p^ s4, choose any local C°° function / with fp = cp, and an
arbitrary opeii set U with pe U(=: D(f), and put

^{<P'J.U) = {f,\qeU}.

Of course (p=fpe U((p;f, U). We introduce a topology on s^ by taking the


{n<P'J,U)\fp = cp,peUc^D(f)}

consisting of all ^{(p;f, U) w i t h / and U satisfying the above conditions

as the system of neighbourhood of(pesi. Namely, a subset ^ c: j?^ is defined
to be open if and only if U contains some %L{(p\f, U) for any cpeU. We
denote by O the family of open sets of si. This definition makes sense. In
fact, let ^ , r G C) and (p G ^ n T. Then there are neighbourhood ^{(p\f,U)
and "Uicp'.g, V) such that ^{(p'J, U)^^ and ^{(p\g, V)^r. S i n c e / ^ ^
gp = <P^ f=S in some neighbourhood WczUnV, hence ^(<p;/, VK)<=
^{(P',f, U) n ^((p; g, y ) c ^ n r . Hence ^ n T*c: £). Thus ^ is a topologi-
cal space with £) as the system of open sets. ^((p;f, U) is clearly open.
For a distinct two points (p and ijjesi, there is a neighbourhood ^{(p\f, U)
of <p such that i/^^ %L{(p\f, U). In fact, suppose <pesip and i/^G ^2^^. if py^ q,
t h e n ^ ^ (7 for some neighbourhood of/?, and if/? = g,j^pn ^ ( < p ; / U) = {(p}.
But ^ is not Hausdorff.

Example 3.1. Let M = R be the real line, and u(x) and v(x) C°° functions
on U such that u(x) = v{x) for x^O and that u(x)<v(x) for x < 0 . Put
(p = Wo and if/ = VQ. Then (po?^ ipQ. But ^{(p',f, U)n ^(i/^; g, V ) # 0 for any
f, g, U and y. In fact, fo= <p = UQ, and gQ= ^ = VQ mean that for a sufficient
small 5 > 0, f{x) = u{x) and g(x) = v{x) on \x\ < 8. Hence for e G t/ n V,
0<s<8,f, = u, = v, = g,.
Define m: M^M by m{sdp)—p. Then xcr satisfies the following condi-
(i) TtT is a local homeomorphism, that is, for any (p e sd there exists a
^{<P\L U) such that tu: ^((p',f, U)-^ (7 is a homeomorphism.
(ii) m-\p) = Ap.
(iii) The linear combination Cj^ + C21A depends continuously on cp and

Proo/ (i) Since, restricted on ^{(p;f, U), m is represented by

§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 111

m maps certainly ^{(p;f, U) bijectively onto U. For any if/=fqe^{(p;f, U),

a sufficiently small ^(il/',f, V), qe Vc: JJ, is mapped bijectively by m to
the neighbourhood V of q. Hence tir is a local homeomorphism.
(ii) is clear.
(iii) Let Af = ^i<^ + (^2^ with m{(p) = m{ip)=p. It suffices to prove that, for
any ^{x\L W, there are sufficiently small ^{cp; g, V) and ^((A; K ^ ) such
that c^^+C2'Y]e%L{x'J,U) for ^e%i{(p\ g,V) and rj e ^{il/-, h, V) with
m{^) = m(r]). Since

Cigp + C2hp = c^cp -\-C2il/ = x =fp.

f coincides with Cig + C2h on some neighbourhood yc= U of p. Put ^ =

tu-(^) = tJT(i7) G y. Then we have

Ci^-^C2V = c,g^ + C2h^=f,enX',f,U). I

s^ is called the sheaf of germs of C°^ functions over M.

Let M be a complex manifold. Then using holomorphic functions instead
of C°° functions, we obtain the definition of the sheaf of germs of holo-
morphic functions ^ = [JpeM^P- Let Zp = (zl,..,,Zp) be local complex
coordinates centred at p of M. Then a local holomorphic function at /?,
that is, a holomorphic function defined on some neighbourhood of p, has
a convergent power series expansion:

/=p(z,) = p(z;....,z;)

= I a.,..™„(4)'"' • • • (^r--

/ and g are equivalent if and only i f / and g have the same power series
expansion P(zp). Thus a germ of holomorphic functions at p corresponds
in one-to-one manner to a convergent power series in z ^ , . . . , Zp. Hence,
by identifying a germ of holomorphic functions with the corresponding
convergent power series, we may identify Op with the convergent power
series ring C{z]„ . . . , Zp}:

Op = C{zl,...,z;}. (3.60)

If in the definition of U{(p\f U) = {fq\qe U), (peOp, U is assumed to

be connected, U{(p;f U) is uniquely determined by cp and U. For, by
Corollary to Theorem 1.7, / = g on U if fp = (p = gp since U is connected.
Moreover if (p,il/e Op and ^ 7^ ^A?

L / ( < ^ ; / t / ) n ^ ( ( A ; g , t/) = 0
112 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

if U is connected. In fact, if/^ = gq at some qe U,f= g on all of U, hence

(p = fp = gp = ip. Therefore the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions 0 is
Define m: €-^ M by m(€p)=p. Then, as in the case of sd, m is a local
homeomorphism, and the linear combination Ci(p-hC2il/, tjj(^) = tzT((/^),
depends continuously on (p and il/.
Let M be a differentiable or a complex manifold. In what follows, we
denote by K one of C, IR, and Z.

Definition 3.5. A topological space 5^ is called a sheaf OVQT M if the following

conditions are satisfied:
(i) A local homeomorphism tjr of 5^ onto M is defined.
(ii) For any pe M, vT~\p) is a X-module.
(iii) For Cj, C2GX, the linear combination Cicp + C21I/, of (p^ipeS and
XXT((P) = mill/), depends continuously on cp and ij/.
We call &^p = m~^{p) the stalk of S over /?, and tu- the projection of 5^.
The above-mentioned M and ^ are typical examples of sheaves. We
define the sheaf M"" of germs of C°° r-forms on a differentiable manifold
M, and the sheaf O of germs of holomorphic vector fields on a complex
manifold M similarly. More generally, given a complex vector bundle F
over a differentiable manifold M, we define the sheaf of germs of all C°°
sections of F as follows. By a local C^ section of F at /? we mean a C°°
section of F defined in a neighbourhood of p. Two local C°° sections a
and T are called equivalent if CJ = r in some neighbourhood of/?. We denote
a --pT if a and r are equivalent. Then ~p is an equivalence relation. The
equivalence class of local C°° sections is called a germ of C°° sections of
F. The class to which a belongs is called the germ of a at /?, and denoted
t>y o-p. We denote the set of all local C°° sections of F at p by Mp{F).
Put si{F) = UpeM ^ p ( ^ ) - Then si{F) is a sheaf over M just as si. M{F)
is called the sheaf of germs of C°° sections of F. For example, taking
A ' r * ( M ) as F, we have ^ ( A ' T'^iM)) = si\ For a complex manifold M,
^A^ ^ ^(/yp T*(M) A^ T'^iM)) is the sheaf of germs of C°° (;?, ^)-forms
on M.
In case F is a holomorphic vector bundle over a complex manifold M,
the sheaf ^ ( F ) = UpeM ^ P ( ^ ) of germs of holomorphic sections of F is
defined similarly. For example 0 = (D'(T(M)) is the sheaf of germs of
holomorphic vector fields on M, and ^(A'^ T^{M)) is the sheaf of germs
of holomorphic r-forms on M. 0 plays an essential role in the theory of
deformations of complex structures.
By a locally constant function we mean a local C°° function/with/= c^C
on D(f). The sheaf of germs of locally constant functions is identified with
the direct product M x C with the topology defined by the system of open
sets 0 = { l 7 x c | t / c z M , cG C}, where U is an open set of M. In fact if we
identify a locally constant function / with its graph D(f) x c «= M xC, then
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 113

its germ fp at pe D(f) is identified with (/?, c) e M x C , and U{fp\f, U) =

{fq\qe U} with L / x c c i M x C . We denote the sheaf M x C of germs of
locally constant functions simply by C. Similarly we denote by Z the sheaf
M xZ of germs of Z-valued locally constant functions.

Definition 3.6. Let 5^ be a sheaf over M, and W an arbitrary subset of M.

A section a of 9" over W is a continuous map a: p^a(p) of W into 5^ with
As an example, let us consider a section of the sheaf of germs of C°°
functions over an open subset. Let W^ M bo an open subset and f a C°°
function on W. Then clearly the map p-^fp,p^ W, defines a section ofM over
W. Conversely, any section a: p^ o-(p) of si over W is given by some C°°
function f on Was a(p)=fp.

Proof Each o-(p) is the germ of some local C°° function g^^\ a(p) = (g^^^)p.
Define / by putting f=f{p) = g^^\p). Then / is well defined. Since a is
continuous, for a neighbourhood U(a(p);g^^^, U) of cr{p), there is a
neighbourhood U(p)c: U of p such that for qe U(p),

aiq) e U{a{p); g'^\ U) = {(g^^^), \qeU},

which means that o-{q) = (g^^^)q. Hence f{q) = g^^\q). Thus for any peW,
f coincides with a C°° function g^^^ on U(p). Hence / is C°°, and o-{p) =

Similarly for the sheaf 0 of germs of holomorphic functions over a

complex manifold M, a section a of € over an open subset W corresponds
in a one-to-one manner to a holomorphic function f defined on Wbya(p)=fp.
In this sense we can identify a section of 0 over an open set with a
holomorphic function defined there. Note, however, that for a section cr,
(T(P) is a power series P(Zp) whereas /(/?) is a complex number for a
holomorphic function / Similarly we can identify a section of si over an
open set with a C°^ function defined there.
Similar results hold for sd{F) or 0{F), where F denotes a complex
vector bundle over a C°° manifold or a holomorphic vector bundle over a
complex manifold. Namely, let 5 be a section of F over an open set W.
Then by putting cr{p) = Sp, pe W, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence
between the sections a of s4{F) over W and the sections s of F over W. Thus
we may identify them. Similarly a section of €{F) over an open set may
be regarded as a holomorphic section of F defined there.
Let 5^ be a sheaf over M. For a section a: p^a(p) over an open set
WciM, W=a(W) = {a(p)\pe W} is an open subset of ^, and a: W-^W
is a homeomorphism.
114 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Proof. Since tix: S-^ M is locally homeomorphic, for any q^W, there is a
neighbourhood T of o-{q) in &" such that tir: T ^ y=txT(T") is a homeo-
morphism. Here V is clearly a neighbourhood of q. Since (T is continuous,
there is a neighbourhood U^ V of ^ such that ^ = a{U)<^ V. m(o-{p))=p
implies that m(^)= U, and ^ is an open set of V since m is homeomorphic.
Thus for any qeW, there is a neighbourhood U^ W such that ^ =
a(U)<^ W is an open set of 5^. Hence W is open in 5^. Since trr: ^ ^ L/ is
homeomorphic for each % m: W-^ W is a homeomorphism. Hence its
inverse a: W^W is also a homeomorphism. I

Conversely, an open set W which intersects with each ^p, pe W, at a single

point o-(p), defines a section a over W = m(W).
We denote by 0^ the identity of the abelian group ^p. Then the map
/? -> Op is a section of 5^ over M.

Proof. It suffices to show that for any qe M, p^Op is continuous in some

neighbourhood L^(^) of q. Since tu is a local homeomorphism, for a
sufficiently small U{q) there is a neighbourhood ^ of 0^ such that m: ^^
U(q) is homeomorphic. Consequently its inverse p-> a(p)e^ is con-
tinuous, hence by (iii) of Definition 3.5, p-^Op = aip) — o-{p) is continuous
on U(q). I

Thus p^Op is a section of 5^ over M, hence by the above argument,

{Op \p e M} is an open subset of 5^.
Let W be an arbitrary subset of M with U^ T^ 0 . We denote the restriction
of the map p^Op to W, which is a section over W, by 0. For sections o", r
of 5^ over W^ we define its linear combination by

Cia-h C2T: p^ Cia(p) + C2T(P), Ci, C2& K.

Then the set of all sections of 5^ over W forms a K-module.

Definition 3.7. We denote by r ( W, ^ ) the X-module of all sections of ^

over W.

The identity of the module r(W;5^) is the section Oip^Op, pe W. If

r ( W, 5^) contains no element other than 0, we denote r ( W, &") = 0.
If W is open, we see from the above argument that r ( W^ si) may be
identified with the vector space of all C°° functions on W. Similarly r ( W, €),
T{W,sd{F)) and Y{W,€{F)) are identified with the vector space of all
holomorphic functions, all C°° sections of F over W and all holomorphic
sections of F over W respectively.
Let U ^ W, and a a section of ^ over W. Restricting a to U, we obtain
a section of 5^ over U, which is called the restriction of cr to U, and denoted
by rjjo: ryi a-^ r^cr is a homomorphism of r ( W, 5^) into r ( U, 5^).
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 115

Suppose given a finite number of sections (TX e r ( W^, ^), A = 1 , 2 , . . . , K

If i7 = n i ^ i ^ A ^ 0 , for any C;,eK, X = l,...,p, the map /?->
Zl=i ^\^x{p),P^ (7, is a section of 5^ over (7, which we denote by XI = i ^A^A-

I C;,(T;,= X c^rucr^. (3.61)

A=l A-1

If n i = i ^A = 0 , we do not define XI = i <^AC^A- In what follows, if we write

Z l = i CA<^A, we always assume that H I ^ i ^ A ^ 0-

(b) Cohomology Group

Let M be a differentiable manifold, 5^ a sheaf over M, and U =

{Ui,..., Uj,...} an arbitrary locally finite open covering of M. First we
shall define the cohomology group of M with coefficients in 5^ with respect
A 0-cochain c^ with respect to It is a set 0 = {o}} of sections where
(Tj e r ( Uj, 5^) for each j . A 1-cochain c^ = {ajj^} with respect to U is a set of
sections CTJJ^ G r ( (7, n C4, ^ ) for all indices j , k with L^ n 14 T^ 0 such that
f^jk — ~^kj' In general, a ^-cochain c^ = {0"^. ./c } with respect to 11 is a set
of sections

for all (^+ l)-tuples of indices ko,...,kq with Uj^n- - - n Uj^^7^0 which
are skew-symmetric in the indices /CQ, . . . , /c^. Given two ^-cochains {o}.../},
{T^.../}, we define their linear combination by

Ci{(Tj...i}+C2{rj...i} = {c^(jj...i-hc2Tj...i}, with Ci, C2GK

Then the set of all q-cochains with respect to U becomes a K-module, which
we denote by C^((7, 5^) or simply, by C^(U).
For a 0-cochain c^' = {o}}, the 1-cochain c^ = {7,7,} defined by TJ^ = o-f,- aj
is called the cohoundary of CQ and denoted by 8c^:

^{o-j} = {rjk}, Tjk = o-j,- o-j.

Note that by cTk-o-j we mean the linear combination of them in the

sense of (3.61), hence by so writing, we assume also Ujn 1/^7^0- For a
1-cochain {0}^}, we define its coboundary by

^{o-jk} = {Tjkl}, Tjk = O-ki - OTji + O-jk = O-kl + (Tij + C7);

116 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Clearly T,^/ is skew-symmetric in 7,/c,/. In general for a (^-l)-cochain

{o"/ci- fcj with respect to U, we define its coboundary by

^{o-kr-kj = {^/co-kj, where

^ko--kq= Z (-l)^Or^---/c,_i/c,+i---k^

= i (-l)X...x,..fe,, (3.62)

where / means that we omit this index. 5 is a homomorphism of C^~^(U)

into C^(U). If {T;^...fcJ = 5{(Tfc,...fcJ, then we have 5{T;^...fcJ = 0. In fact

q+l / ^~^ ^"•"^ \

= Z (-ir I (-1)^...;,,..;,,..+ I (-l)'-V...;,,..;,,..
5=0 \r=0 /=s+l /

Hence we have
55 = 0. (3.63)

If 5c^ = 0, we call c^ e C^(U, 5^) a q-cocycle with respect to U. We denote

the set of ^-cocycles with respect to U by Z^(ll, 5^) or Z^(U).

Z^(U, 5^) = {c^ G C^(U, 5^) 15c^ = 0}

is a submodule of C^(U, 5^). For q^l, SdC^-'iVi, 5^) = 0 by (3.63), hence

SC^-^U, ^ ) c= Z^(U, 5^). We put

/f ^(U, ^ ) = Z^(U, 5^)/6C^"HU, ^ ) , ^ ^ 1,

which we call the cohomology group with coefficients in 5^ with respect to U.

For ^ = 0, we define

If {cTjle Z^(Vi, 5^), then o} = cr^ on Uj n 11^9^0, hence it defines an element

(T € r ( M , 6^) with a = CTJ on Uj. We have then CT, = r^cr. Thus we may identify
Z\Vi, 5^) with r(M, 5^), that is,

if^(U,5^) = r ( M , ^ ) . (3.64)
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 117

Thus we define /f ^(U, 5^) for any locally finite open covering U of M.
//°(U, 5^) = r(U, 5^) does not depend on the choice of U. For q^\, however,
f/^(U, 5^) does depend on U. Therefore we define the ^th cohomology
group W ( M , 5^) of M with coefficients in 5^ as the "limit" of //'^(U, ^ ) ,

//^(M,5^) = l i m / / ^ ( U , ^ )

as each Uj of U becomes "infinitely small". The limiting process will be

explained now.
We say that the open covering 9S = { V;^} of M is a refinement of U if
each y^ is contained in some member t 4 of U. We write 33 < U or U > 93
if 9S is a refinement of U. For each V),, we fix an arbitrary Uj^ with V^ cz C4^
and write it as ^/C(A)' K ^ ^/C(A)- We define a homomorphism of C^(U) into

ng:{a^....J^{T,^....J (3.65)
by putting

TAO-A, = 'vo-fc(;,^)...fc(;,^), where V = Pi K, ^ 0 -

Since it is easily verified that

n g maps Z^(U) into Z^(9S) and 5C^~HU) into dC^-'i^), Hence n g defines
a homomorphism of H^(U, ^ ) = Z^(U)/5C^"HlI) into //^(9S,5^) =
Z^(9S)/5C^"HSS), which is also denoted by n g . n g : C ^ ( l l ) ^ C^(9S)
depend on the choice of Uk(\)^Vx for each V^, but Ilg:/f^(U, 5^)^
//^(9S, 5^) turns out to be independent of this choice. In fact we have the

Lemma 3.2. The homomorphism n g : / / ^ ( U , y ) ^ / / ^ ( 9 S , 5^) is uniquely

determined by U and 9S.

Proofi For each A choose an arbitrary7(A) with Uj(^x)^ ^K, and put

rix,-K, = ^vO}-(Ao)-7(A,), where V = C] V^. ^ 0 .

It suffices to show that for {o-fc^...fcjGZ^(U), we have

118 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves


where VV^ = n L i K, 7^ 0 - Though K^^...^^ is not necessarily skew-symmetric

in the indices, we define

(5'<)AO-A, = Z (-1)'/<:;,^...A,...A,.

Then we see by an easy calculation that

^Ao-A, - TAO-A, = ( 5 ' < ) A O - A , . (3.66)

In fact if we write h^ for /c(Aj and js for 7(Aj, we have

(5'<:)AO-A, = I (-l)''<Ao-X.-A,

= i i-Mi (-i)''-v<^v'.j.-/. v,

s=0 \l=0

r=s+l /

f=0 \s=0

5=r+i /

On the other hand by the hypothesis, we have,

s= t

Hence we have

q <?

t=0 t=0

Thus (3.66) holds.

§3.3. Sheaves a n d C o h o m o l o g y 119

The above K^^...^ is not necessarily skew-symmetric in ^ i , . . . , ^q, so we


K.,....,=-Zsgn A^r-Mq'
\/^i • • • Mg/

where the summation is taken over all the permutations i^i.'-^") of ^ i , . . . , Vq.
Then {K.,....j€C''-HSS). By (3.66)

V\o---\q '^Ao-'-Aq

:Isgn K^^)^'0•^^-,
(g+1)! \^0

(g+l)! \j^o
_ J _ V (^0 As • • • A A ^
(^+1)! \j^o I I (-1) f<.o-^s--,-

Since X^ (-l)^^^.^...^^...^^ is skew-symmetric in VQ, • • -, ^q, we have

''?Ao---Ag ~'7'Ao---Aq = Z (~"1)'^i'o•••A•••''q•


{T/.,...A J - {T......J = 6{K.,....J G SC^-HSS).

We define U < 93 if 9S is a refinement of U. Then < defines a partial

order on the set © = {U, 9S,...} of all locally finite open coverings of M,
which makes © a directed set since for any U, 93 e ©, there is a 2B G © such
that 93 < SB and U < SB. Write //^(U) for //^(U, 5) for simplicity. Then by
Lemma 3.2, for U, S3 G S' with U > 93, a homomorphism


is defined. Clearly 11^ is the identity, and, if U > 93 > SB, we have


Now we define limu /f^(lt) as follows. First we define g > 0 for g e //^(U)
i/ r/iere exists 93 < U , 93 G © , 5MC/I ^/lar n g g = 0. Put iV^(U) =
{gG/f^(U)|g>0}, which is a subgroup of //^(U). In fact if n g g = 0, and
120 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

U^h = 0, then taking X with 93 > 3E and U > X, we obtain by (3.67),

H^(U, ^ ) = ^^(U) = //'^(U)/AT^CU),

and let n " : g ^ g be the canonical homomorphism of H^(U) = H^{U, 5^)

onto H^(U,5^).
For U > « , we have U^N^U) a iV^(9S). In fact for g e iV^(U), there is
a SB< U with n ^ g = 0. For X e © with 9S <3£ and U < X, we have

nIn§g = nig = nfn^g = o,

hence n§gGN^(9S). Consequently n § : i/^(U)^/f^(9S) zWwces r/ie

n § ; H^(U) = H^(U)/N^(U)^H'^CSS) = H'^m/N'^m.

This fig is an injection. For if n § g = 0 with g = n"g, g e / f ^ ( l t ) , then

nggGN^(9S), hence there is a SB< 93 with n i n g g = 0. Hence U^g = 0,
which means gEiV^(U), that is g = 0. Thus for U < ^ , /f^(ll) maj; 6e
identified with a submodule n § / / ^ ( l t ) i;ia r/ie inclusion n § :

H^(U, 5^)^ H ^ ( « , 5^), U > SS. (3.68)

Taking the union [_)^^^ H'^(Vi, ^) for U G © , and considering it as

limu /f ^(U, 5^), we define t/ie cohomology group ofM with coefficients in 5^ by

H''{M,^)= U H^(U,5^). (3.69)

For any U G ©, n " : ff ^(U, ^ ) ^ H^(U, 5^) c: //^(M, ^ ) is a homomorphism

of H^(U, ^ ) into //^(M, 5^).
A g-cocycle C ^ G Z ^ ( U , 5^) defines an element

g G H^(U, ^ ) = Z^(U, 5^)/5C^-HU, ^ ) ,

which in turn defines an element g = n^gG i/^(M, 5^). We call g r/ie

cohomology class of a q-cocycle c^, and denote it by [c^]: [c^] = n"gG
It is clear from (3.64) that

H\M,^) = T{M,&'), (3.70)

For ^ = 1, we have the following

§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 121

Theorem 3.4. n " : H\U, ^)^H\M, 5^) is injective.

Proof. First we shall prove that N\Vi) = 0. Let geN\Vi). Then there is
9S<U, 9 S G © , such that n g g = 0. We let tt = {Uj}, 9S = {VA} and put
SB = {W,A I W;-A = Uj n V, ^ 0 } . Since Wj^, a y^, we have 95 > 2B, hence
n ^ g = n ^ n ^ g = O. Here by Lemma 3.2, we may assume that H ^ is defined
via the inclusion Wj^ ^ Uj.
Suppose that g is represented by a 1-cocycle {o}fc}eZ^(U). If we define
U^: Z\n)^Z\m) via the inclusion Wj^ c ^ , then

n§5{(7,7c} = {rjxkv}, Tj^kv = fwj,r.Wj,^o-jk, with WJ;, n IK^ ^ 0 .

Since n i g = 0, {rj,k.} e 5C'(SB), hence

'^A kp ~ '^kv ~ "^jX

for some {T^AI ^ C^(S[B). Since ajj = 0, r^^ - TJ^ = TJ^J^ = 0, which implies that
Tj^ = Tjx on Wj), n WJv 7^ 0 . Therefore we define a section r^ e r ( Uj, &") by
putting Tj = Tj^ on ^ n W, = W;A. On ^ n L^^ n W^, o^-fc = T,-A/CA = Tfc - TJ,
hence o}^ = T' /'C - '^j on Uj n L^^, that is, {cr^/,} = 5{T^} G 5 C ^ ( U ) . Hence g = 0.
Thus we obtain iV^(U) = 0 , which impHes

H\Vi,^) = H\U,Sf). (3.71)

Therefore H " : / / H U , ^ ) -> H H U , ^ ) c: H\M, &") is injective. I

Corollary.//HM,^) = U u e © ^ H H , n I

Theorem 3.5. / / / / ' ( U , , ^ ) = 0 /or 6i;er>; ^ G U, r/?en if ^U, 5^) - H\M, ^).

Proof. By the Corollary above, we have H\M, 9") = {Js8^^ H\SS), hence
it suffices to prove H\^) a H\n) for any 9S G ©. Let U = {Uj} and 95 = { VJ,
and put SB = { W);, | W,;, = Uj nV^,^ 0 } . Then by (3.71) and (3.68), H\SQ) a
H\S&), hence we have only to show that //HSB) ci H\Vi). For this purpose
it suffices to prove that for any 1-cocycle {r^;^ kv}^ Z^SB), there are a 1-cocycle
{cTjk}eZ\Vi) and a 0-cochain {T^JG C^(2B) such that

'TJAfc.^= ^Wj^r^ W^yjk + '^fci. - TjX' (3.72)

In fact (3.72) means that {r^AkJ = ni{o}fc} + 5{'7}A}, which implies //^SB) c
For a fixed L(j, 2B^ = {WJx} is a locally finite open covering of Uj. Since
by hypothesis H\UJ, &>) = 0, we have Z\mj)/SC°i'SSj) = H'(2B,, 5^) = 0 by
Theorem 3.4. Hence {r.vvfcj e Z'(SB^) = 5C°(2B,), i.e., there is a {T,^} e €"(28;)
122 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

such that

Fixing such {TJ^,} for each Uj, and putting

^j\ kv = ^j\ kv - Tku + Tj\, (3.73)

we have {(7,xfcJeZH2B), and C7,A> = 0. Since o^A^v + ^^vk^x + o-fc^iA = 0 , and

o}Afc^ = -o-k^jx, we have cT^A/cy^ = ^>/CA^- Similarly we have o^Ak^ = ^jAfc^- Hence
by putting o-j^^ = crj;,f^^ on U, n L^^ n V^ n V^ ^^ 0 , we define a section o)/,^ G
r ( Uj nUj^n V^). a}Ak^ = o-j^ku implies that o^-fc^ = o}^, on LTy n t/^ n V^ n
V^ 7^ 0 . Hence again by putting cr^fc = (7,^/0^ on L/jnU^nV^y^ 0 , we obtain
a section a}fcGr(L^n t 4 ) . {o}/,} is a 1-cocycle since

O-jk + O'fc/ + (^Ij = O-jx kk + CTfcA /A + 0-/AJA = 0

on each Ujn UknUir)V^9^0. Then (3.72) follows immediately from

(3.73). I

Theorem 3.6. / / H\Uj,^) = 0 for each UJEU, then U^:H\n,5e)->

H^{M, &^) is injective.

Proof. It suffices to prove N\n) = 0. Let g e iV^(U), then there is a 93 < U

such that n g g = 0. Let n = {Uj} and SS = {K} and put SB^
{ V^A I W;A = Uj n VA ^ 0 } . Then ni^g = 0. Suppose that g is represented by
a 2-cocycle {(7,^^} G Z ^ ( U ) . If we define n ^ : Z^(U) -> Z^(SB) via the inclusion
Wjx ^ Uj, we have

^'SsWijkf — {'^iXj/JL kA^ '^iA7> kv = ^ W , A O W ^ ^ O Wfc^^yfc-

Since n ^ g = 0, there is a 1-cochain {r/Afc^Je C^SB) such that

'^ikjtJLkv = '0>fc»' "^ '^fc^'A + '"iA j>- (3.74)

Since for each 7, o};^ = 0, we have

'^7> 7> " ^ T/> JA "•" '^A j^x ~ '^jK j>i, jv — ^ j

which means {r^A^leZHSB^) with 2BJ = {S[B^A}- SB^ is a locally finite open
covering of Uj. Since ff H ^ , ^ ) = 0, there is a 0-chain {r.^JG C^(SB^) such

jfA jV v*^ \/A*

§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 123

For each Uj fix such a {T,A}, and put

^j\ kv ~ '^jk kv ~ '^kv ' '^Aj

then by (3.74) we have

'7"iA jfjL kv — ^jyL kv'^ ^kvi\'^ ^ikjix' (3.75)

Putting f=7, we have T,A7>/CI. = 0 since o-jj}, = 0. On the other hand, since
o-jkj^=0, we have o^xk^ = co>fc^- Similarly we have o-j^j,^ = aj^j,^. Hence as
in the proof of Theorem 3.5, we define a 0-cochain {a)^} e C^(U) by putting
cfjk = (^j\kp on Ujn UknV;,nV^9^ 0 . Putting IJL = P = X, by (3.75) we see
that cTijj^ = (Tjj^ 4- o-fcj + cT-y on each t/,- n UJD Uj^n V^. Hence {o-y^} = 6{o}fc} e
C^(ll), which means g = 0. I

(c) Exact Sequence

Let 5^ be a sheaf over a differentiable manifold M, and XJT: 5^->M its


Definition 3.8. A subset 5^' c: 5^ is called a subsheaf of 5^ if the following

conditions are satisfied.
(i) 5^' is an open subset of 5^.
(ii) ti7(5^') = M.
(iii) For any peM, 5^^ = rxT~\p) n 5^' is a X-submodule of 5^^.
Clearly 5^' itself is a sheaf over M
Let 5^" be a sheaf over M with the projection m".

Definition 3.9. A homomorphism h of ^ into ^" is defined to be a continuous

map of 5^ into ^" satisfying the following conditions:
(i) m" ° h = m.
(ii) For any pe M, h: ^p^ ^p is a. iC-homomorphism.
From (i) it follows that h{9'p)(^^p. Since m and TZT" are local homeo-
morphisms, h is also a local homeomorphism by (i).
Let /i: 5^-^ 5^" be a homomorphism. By h((p) = 0, <p e ^p, we mean that
h{(p) = 0;, where O; is the zero of ^;. Then ^'= {<pe^\h((p) = 0} is a
subsheaf of 5^. Proof. 9" obviously satisfies (ii) and (iii) in Definition 3.8.
Moreover since h is continuous, and 0" = {0p|/7eM} is open in 5^", 5^' =
/i~^(0") is open in 5^. I We call this 5^' the kernel of h and denote by ker h.

ker;i = {(^G5^|/z(^) = 0}.

124 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

/z(5^) is a subsheaf of 5^". In fact, /z(5^) is open in 5^" since /i is a local

homomorphism. The other conditions are obviously satisfied.
A homomorphism h: 6^ -» 5^" is injective if and only if ker h = {Op \pe M},
which we denote by ker h = 0.

Definition 3.10. h: 5^^5^" is called an isomorphism of 9' onto 9"' if /i is a

homomorphism of 5^ onto 9" and if, for any pe M, h: 9p-^ 9p is a K-
isomorphism of 5^^ onto 5^^. If there exists an isomorphism of 5^ onto 5^",
9 and 5^" are said to be isomorphic, and is denoted by 5^ = 9".

We often identify 9 with 9" if 9 = 9".

Since a homomorphism h: 9^9" is a local homeomorphism, h: 9^
h{9) is an isomorphism if ker h — 0. In this case if we identify h{9)c: 9"
with 9 via /i, then h can be regarded as the identity 9-^9^ 9". Thus being
regarded, h is called the inclusion map, and often denoted by i.
Let 5^'c: ^ be a subsheaf of 9. Let ^^ = 9p/9'p be the quotient group,
and let 2. = U^eM ^P- Define tzr: ^ ^ M by m{^p)=p. Let /i^ be the natural
map of 9p onto 1^ = 9p/9'p, and define /i: 9^ ^ by putting /i(<p) = hp{(p)
for (p e 9p. We give .S a topology by saying that W is open if and only if
h~^(W) is open in 9. Then 91 is a sheaf over M. Proof First we prove that
if for a, pe 9p, we take sufficiently small neighbourhoods ^ and V with
ae^c:9, percz9, such that t3j( U) = vriT), then

qi-i-r = {(p-\-il/\(pe%il/er,m((p) = m{il/)}

is a neighbourhood of a + j8. For, if we put U = m{%) = m(T), for sufficiently

small %V, m'.^^U, and tu: T-> L'^ are both homeomorphisms. Their
inverses a: p^ (p = cr(p) and r: p^ il/ = r{p) are sections of 5^ over U. Hence
O'+T: P^ (p + ilf = o-{p)^-T{p) is also a section of 5^ over U. Hence ^-\-Y =
{o-{p)-\-T{p)\pe U) is open.
Since by definition 9' is an open subset of 9, this implies that for any
open Wci9,

h-\h(W)) = {(p + ilj\(peW,il/eW,xu((p) = m(ilj)}

is open. Thus h(W) is open in % that is, h is an open map.

For any point h(a), a e 9, of 2., take a neighbourhood ^ of a such that
m: ^^ U is Si homeomorphism. Then by the above argument / i ( ^ ) is an
open subset of <S. Moreover for any open subset T^% h{T) is an open
subset of /i ( ^ ) . Conversely, if f is an open subset of /z ( ^ ) , r = /i" H ^ ) n ^
is an open subset of % and h{T) = T. Hence h: ^ ^ / i ( ^ ) i s a homeomorph-
ism. Therefore h\ 9^91 is a local homeomorphism. Since tzr: ^-> L^ is a
homeomorphism, and 7r° h = xjj, m: / i ( ^ ) - » ^ is also a homeomorphism.
Hence TT: ^ ^ M is a local homeomorphism. The continuity of Ci(p-\-C2^
with 7r(^) = iriiji) with respect to cp, ij/e^, follows from the continuity of
Ci(p-i- C2il/ for (p,il/e9. Hence <S is a sheaf over M with the projection TT. I
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 125

Definition 3.11. ^ is called the quotient sheaf of 5^ by 5^' and is denoted

by ^/9".

/i: 5 ^ ^ ^ is a surjective homomorphism of 5^ onto ^.

For a homomorphism h'.^^^\ put 5^' = ker/z. Then /i maps 5^/5^'
isomorphically onto h{^), hence h{^) = Sf/9".
A homomorphism h: 5^^ 5^" of sheaves over M defines homomorphisms of
cohomology groups H"^{M, ^) ^ H"^{M, Sf") as follows: First for a section
a: p-> o-(p) of S over a subset W^c M,

ho". p^h(a(p))

is a section of 5^" over U^, and /i: or-> /icr is a X-homomorphism of r ( W, 5^)
into r ( W, 5^"). Next let U = { Uj} be a locally finite open covering of M. For
any ^-cochain c^ = {0-;^...^ }G C^(U, 5^), by defining hc"^ = {hai^...i^}, we
obtain a homomorphism hic^^hc'^ of C^(U, ^ ) into C^(U, ^ " ) / s i n c e
h° 8 = 8 ° h follows immediately from the definition (3.62) of the coboun-
dary, h maps Z^(U, 5^) into Z^(U, 5^") and 5C^"HlI, ^) into 5C^~HU, '^'O,
hence h induces a homomorphism

Let SS = { V;^} be an arbitrary refinement of U = { Uj}: U > 93. For any V^,
choose an arbitrary member Uk(x) of U with L^fc(A)=^K, and define
n g : C^(U, 5^) ^ C^(9S, 5^) and n g : C^(U, 5^") ^ C^(9S, 5^") by (3.65). Then
clearly hoU = Uoh holds. Hence also for n g : //^(U, 5^) ^ /f ^(93, 5^) and
n g : //^(U, 5^")-^ ^^(SS, 5^"), we have

/iong = ngo/z.
Therefore if n g g = 0 for g G / / ^ ( U , ^ ) , then ng/ig = 0. Thus g > 0 implies
that hg>0, that is, /i maps iV^(U, ^ ) = {g6//^(U, ^ ) | g > 0 } into
N^n, T) = {g"G //^(U, 5^'01 g"> 0}. Consequently h induces a

/2u: J?^(U,5^)^J^^(U,5^").

By (3.68) if U>9S, we have H^(U, 5^)c: ^^(SS, 5^), and H^n,Se')cz

W(S8^ 9^"). It _ follows immediately from _ /i o n g = n g o /i ' that
hss: H\S8^ ^ ) -> /f ^^(95, ^") coincides with h^ on //^(U, ^ ) . Since

by putting /i = /i^ on each H^(U, 5^), we obtain a homomorphism

126 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

We write ^ - ^ T for a homomorphism /i: ^ ^ ^".

Definition 3.12. A sequence of sheaves and sheaf homomorphisms over M

^0 - ^ > ^m-i -^^^^^^ ^ . - ^ > ^/ (3.76)

is said to be exact if

/im-i('^m-i) = ker/i^, m= l,2,...,/-1.

Similarly a sequence of i^-modules and i^-homomorphisms

Ho > . . . —> H ^ _ j > //^ >. •.

is said to be exact if

hm-i(Hm-i) = ker /i^, m = 1, 2 , . . . .

Suppose given an exact sequence of sheaves over M

0 -> ^ ' -^ ^ -^ 5^" -» 0. (3.77)

We investigate the relation between the cohomology groups H^(M, 5^'),

H^M, ^), and H^(M, ^'O- The exactness of (3.77) implies that ker t = 0,
ker h = L{&"), and S"'=h{Sf). Hence ^ ' = 6(^)c: ^ is a subsheaf and t is
the inclusion map. Hence also ^" = &"/&". We write H^(5^') for /f^(M, SF')
etc., for simplicity. The homomorphism 5^' -^ 5^ induces a homomorphism
H\^') -^ //^(5^), and 5^-^ ^" induces /f^(5^) -^ H^(5^"). The following
theorem is fundamental.

Theorem 3.7. The exact sequence of sheaves 0-» 5^' -^ 5^-^ 5^" —> 0 induces
the exact sequence of cohomology groups

0 ^ H\^') -4 H\^) -X H\5e') ^ H\5e') A . . .

i ; H\5e') A //^(5^) -4 H^(5^") ^ //^•^H'^O -^ • • •. (3.78)

Before we give the proof, we explain how 5* is defined. First for ^ = 0,

let us consider how 5* must be defined in order that the sequence

/f 0(5^) J^ H%^") -^ H\^') (3.79)

may be exact. The exactness of (3.79) means that for a given o"" E H^i^Sf"^ —
r ( M , &"'), there is a ae H\9') = r ( M , ^ ) suc/i that ha = a" if and only if
5*0-" = 0. Since the projections vT,xn" of Sf, if" are local homeomorph-
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 127

isms, and h is also a local homeomorphism, for a given cr'\ if we take a

sufficiently fine locally finite open covering U = m } , there is a section
(Tj e r ( Uj, Sf) for each J such that hdj =". By (3.64), the 0-cocycle {r^o-"}
gives the section a". Hence if we put c^ = {cr,}e C^(U, 5^), /ic^ = {/zo}} =
{ru.(T"} = (T". Thus for a"eH\Vi,S"'), there exists a c^eC^(U,5^) with
he = a". Note that c^ may not be a cocycle. Take any such c^, and put
6c^ = {r'jk\^ TJfc = o-k~ ^r Since /irj^ = /lo-fc — /lo) = 0, and ker h = 5^', we see
that TJfcGr(U,n t 4 , ^ ' ) . Since 55c° = 0, 5 C ° G Z H U , ^ ' ) . We define 6*C7-"G
H\M, ^') as the eohomology elass of the I-cocycle 8c^: 5*c7" = [5c^]. Since
by Theorem 3.4, H\U, &")^H\M, ^ ' ) , we may consider

5*0-" = [5c^] e f/HU, '^') = Z\Vi, ^')/8C\Vi, &"),

5*0-" is determined uniquely by a". For, if cr" = 0, then /ia} = 0, hence c^ =

{cr,} G C°(U, 9"). 8"^a" is also independent of the choice of an open covering.
If there is a cr G r ( M , 5^) with ha = cr", we have 5*o"" = 0. In fact, if we
put c^ = {}, then hc^=o-", hence 5c^ = 0. Conversely, assume 5*0-" = 0.
Then 8c^ = {r^,,}e 8C%n,^"), that is, or^ - cr, = rj^ = o-^, - o-j with crJG
r(U, 5^')- For UjnUkT^ 0 , CT) - o-j = o-^ - o-^, hence putting o- = aj- a] on
each tT;, we obtain a section cr G r(M, 5^). Since /icrj = 0 and ho-j = ru.a", we
have ha = a". Hence (3.79) is exact.
Now we assume q^l. We must define 6* so that

//^(^) -i H%^") ^ H'^^^Sf') (3.80)

may be exact.
Let M be a complex manifold. Suppose given for every p a. local complex
coordinate system Zp = ( z ^ , . . . , z^) centred at p, and a coordinate polydisk

Usip)(p) = {zp 1141 < ^(p)^ '",K\< ^(p)h ^(p) > 0.

Then we may choose, by Theorem 2.1, at most countably many coordinate
polydisks U^ with

^A=^e,(/?A)^^.(p.)(PA), 0<S,^£(pJ, A= 1,2,...,

such that U ={Ux} is a locally finite open covering of M. Similarly for a

differentiable manifold, using local C°° coordinates ( x ^ , . . . , x^) centred at
p and an open set

Us(p) = {Xp I |x^| < £ , . . . , Ix^'l < s} with e > 0,

we obtain the same result. Here we assume that the closure [U^(p)] is a
compact subset of the domain of local C°° coordinates (Xp,..., x^). We
call Usip) a coordinate (multi)interval of radius e. For a complex manifold
128 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

M, too, we may consider coordinate multi-intervals, regarding M as a

differentiable manifold as usual.
Let U = { Uj} be a locally finite open covering of M, and suppose [ Uj] is
compact. Then we may choose an open subset Wj of each Uj such that
[l^.Jc: Uj and that SB = {W;} is already a covering of M. Proof. Since for
peM, there are only a finite number of Uj with pe Uj, taking s(p)>0
sufficiently small, we may assume that [ U^(p)(p)] c= Uj if p e Uj. Choose such
Ue(p){p) for each pe M, and take

so that {VA IA = 1, 2,...} is a locally finite open covering of M. Then px

belongs to one of Uj, and if px e Uj, then [Vx'\^[U^(p^)ipx)]^ Uj. Thus for
each A, [V;^] is contained in some L^: [ V^]^ Uj. Then if we put

Wj= U v„

we have U j ^ = U^ VJ = M, hence SB = { W)} forms an open covering of

M. Since [L/,] is compact, and {V^} is locally finite, there are only a finite
number of V, with [ VJcz C/,.. Hence [ Wj] = Ufv,]c=./, [ ^ A ] ^ ^ . I

In what follows we denote by U, SS, SB,... locally finite open coverings

of M.

Lemma 3.3. Given a q-chain c"^ e C^(U, 5^"), we can find a locally finite
refinement ^ of U and c^ e C^(aS, 5^) ^MC/I r/iar ngc"^ = he''.

Proof. Put U = { L^}. We give proof only for the case q = 2, but the generaliz-
ation is straightforward. Since for ^ < SB< U, E ^ = I l ' ^ n ^ , replacing U by
its appropriate refinement if necessary, we may assume that the closure [ Uj]
of each Uj is compact. Then there is an open covering SB = {W}} with
First let c"^ = {a'lj,,} e C\n, T), a'ljj, e r ( ^ n Uj n Uj,, &"'). Take an
arbitrary point peM, and denote by U^ip) the coordinate multi-interval
of radius e > 0 with centre p. Suppose pe Uin Ujn U^, then since m, m"
and h are local homeomorphisms, for a sufficiently small U^{p)^ Uin Ujn
Uk, there is an element TeT(Ueip), ^) such that hT= rjj^f^p^^a'ljk. Since
11 = {Uj} is locally finite, there are only a finite number of Ui n Ujn U^ with
pe UinUjn U^ for a fixed p. Hence we can find for each p a sufficiently
small U^ip) satisfying the following conditions:
(i) If p G Ui n UjD Uk, U^{p)cz Ui n Ujn U^, and there is a r e
r ( / 7 , ( p ) , 5^) with r^^(^)cr;;.fc =/IT.
(ii) If i? G Wj, then U,{p)c:Wj.
(iii) l f [ \ ^ ] n ^ , ( p ) ^ 0 , t h e n r/,(/7)c=^.
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 129

In fact (ii) follows from the local finiteness of 2B = { WJ}. We can verify (iii)
as follows. Since for a sufficiently small U^^ip), there are only a finite
number of Uj with U^J^p)n Uj9^0, we can choose a sufficiently small s
with 0<s<so such that for pe Uj, U^(p)<= Uj, and that for p^ Uj,[ Wj]n
U,{p) = 0. Note that here we have [Wj]<^ Uj.
We fix U^ip) = Ueip)ip) satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii) above for each pe M.
Choose coordinate multi-intervals

Vx^U^SP^^'^^eipJPx), 0<8,^e(;7j, A = l,2,...,

such that 93 = {VA} is a locally finite open covering of M By the condition

(ii), each V^ is contained in some WJ. For each A, choose an arbitrary WJ(A)
with VA ^ Wjt^xy Then V^ c: Wj^^^^cz Uj^^.^, hence 93<U. Define


via the inclusion V;, ^ ^(A)- For c"^ = {ory, Tl^c"^ = {rl^v) is given by

r'Uv = rvO-J(x)j(f,)j(.), where V= V^^n V^nV,9^0.

We must prove the existence of T;^^^ e r ( V^ ^ VJ^ (^ K, '^) such that /ITA^^ =
T^V for each r^;^,. Put i=j(X),j=j{^) and /c=7(^). Then V,nW,^0
since V^ <= W,, V^ c: WJ., V^ c= W^ and V^ n V^ n V^ T^ 0 . Therefore we have


hence by (iii), U^(p^)^ Uj. Similarly we have U^i^p^^ip^)^ U^, while by (ii),
^e(p^)(P\)^ ^ ^ ^i' Hence we have


Consequently by (i), there is a TeT(V^, 5^) with

hr = ryyijk.

Put TA^,. = ryr with V = V^ ^ V]^ (^ K- Then we have

as desired. I

For a sheaf 5^, we denote the cohomology class with respect to U of a

^-cocycle C ^ G Z ^ ( U , 5 ^ ) by

[cju G //^(U, ^ ) = Z^(U, 5^)/5C^-HU, 5^).

130 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Then the cohomology class [c'] of c ' is given by

[c«] = n " [ c « ] u e / f « ( M , ^ ) .

For U>SS, n § : / f « ( U , ^ ) ^ / / ' ' ( S S , 5 ^ ) induces an inclusion H''{n,9')-^

H^iSQ, &>). Hence

n"[c'']„ = n*ng[c'']u,
hence in view of n§[c^]u = [n^c^]ig, we see that

[c''] = [ngc^], (3.81)

which means that the cohomology class of c"^ does not depend on the choice
of refinements of a locally finite covering.

Lemma 3.4. For any g"e H^{M, 5^")> by ^ suitable choice of U, we can find
a q-cocycle c"^ and a q-cochain c^ such that

g" = [c"% hc'' = c"^eZ%n,^"), and C^GC^(U,5^). (3.82)

Proof Let g" be given as g" = [6"^] by some g-cocycle 5"^ e Z^"^, ^"). By
Lemma 3.3, taking a suitable refinement U < 93, we can find c^ G C^(lt, 5^)
such that he"" = litb'"'. Put c"^ = ng6"^ G Z ^ ( U , Sf"). Then by (3.81), we see
that (3.82) holds. I

For any g"eW{M,^"), take C"^GZ^(U, 5^") and C^GC^(U,^) as in

Lemma 3.4. Then since

55c^ = 0, hdc"" = 8hc^ = 8c"'' = 0,

and ker h = S\ we have Sc" e Z^-^^U, 5^'). We define 5*g" by

6*g'' = [5c^] G W^\M, ^'). (3.83)

Then 5*g" /s determined uniquely by g" and independent of the choice of U,

c"\ and c^ used above. Proof Take another b'"" e Z""(SQ^ S") and 5^G
C^(9S,^) such that g" = [6"^] and hb^ = b'"'. We must show [6fe^] = [5c^]
in H^^\M,5e'). Take an arbitrary SB with 2B<U, and SB<9S. Then by
(3.81), g" = [ n i 6 " ^ ] , [6b^] = [ 5 n | 6 ^ ] , and / i n | 6 ^ = n | 6 " ^ . Writing b ' ^
c"^, 6^ and c^ simply instead of n | f c " ^ ngc"^, n | 6 ^ and n | c ^ respectively,
we have

g" = [c"^] = [b"^l hc^ = c"\ hb"" = b"\

§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 131

If we put a" = h'"^ - c"^, and a = b'^ - c^, then we have

[a"] = 0, ha = a"6 Z^(SB, ^ " ) , a e C^(S[g, ^ ) .

We must prove that [8a] = 0 in H^'^\M, ^ ' ) . Since [a"] = 0, taking a suitable
3E<SB, we can find e"6 C^-'(X, ^") such that n f a"= 6e". By Lemma 3.3,
we can find e e C ^ ' ^ O , 5^) such that he = U^e'\ where g is a suitable
refinement of 3£. Since n | ^ = n | n | ^ , we have

hUfa - Ufa" = U^Se" = dU^e" = 8he = h8e,

hence putting a' = lifa-8e, we have ha' = 0. Since ker/i = 5^', we have
a ' e C ^ O , 5^0, hence

n f 6a = 8Ufa = 8a'e C ^ O , 5^').

Therefore [6a] = [ n f 6a] = [8a'] = 0 in H''^\M, &"). I

Next we shall prove the exactness of (3.80). We must prove that for
g"eH^(Sf"), there exists geH'^i^) with g"=hg if and only if 5*g" = 0.
First suppose g" =hg,ge H^(M, Sf). Then there exists a c^ G Z ^ ( U , 5^) with
[c''] = g. If we put /ic^ = c"^ g'^ = hg =-[c'"']. Hence by (3.83) we have
6*g" = [6c^] = 0.
Conversely, suppose 6*g" = 0. Let g" = [c"^], and hc'^ = c"^ with C^G
C^(U,^) and C ' " ^ G Z ^ ( U , ^ " ) . Then [6c^] = 6*g" = 0 in //^""'(M,^'), in
other words, for a suitable SS<lt and a suitable C"'G C ^ ( 9 3 , 9") we have
ng6c^ = 6c'^. Then since

6(ngc^ - c'^) = Ul8c^ - 8c"' = 0,

we see that n g c ^ - c'^ G Z ^ ( S S , ^ ) . Hence if we put

g = [ngc^-c"']GH^(M,^),

since he"' = 0, we have

hg = [UUn = [U^c'"] = [c'"'] = g".

Therefore (3.80) is exact.

Proof of Theorem 3.7. We may assume that 5^' -4 5^ is the inclusion. Then
H%5^') = r ( M , ^') is a submodule of / / ^ ( ^ ) = T(M, 5^). Hence the exactness
132 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

follows immediately from the exactness of (3.79). Moreover since (3.80) is

exact, in order to prove the exactness of (3.78), it suffices to verify the
exactness of

W-\^") - ^ W{&") - ^ H^(^), (3.84)

H'?(5^') - ^ //^(5^) — ^ W{&"') (3.85)
for each g = 1, 2,
Take an arbitrary g'e H ^ ( ^ ' ) . If g'=^''g" with g"G H ^ - ' ( ^ " ) , then by
the definition (3.83) of 5*, g' = [Sc^"^] G H\S") for some c^"^ G C ^ - ^ U , ^ ) .
Since t is the inclusion 5^''=-> 5^, t-g' = [6c^~^] is the cohomology class of
dc"^'^ regarded as an element of Z^(U, 5^). Hence ig' = 0. Conversely,
suppose ig' = 0. Let g' = [c'^] with c'^ G Z ^ ( U , 5^'). Then since [c'^] = tg' = 0
means that [c'^] = 0 as an element of //^(M, 5), there are a refinement
33 < U and an element c^"^ G C ^ - ^ S S , ^) such that ngc'^ = 8c''~\ Putting
c"^-i = /jc^-\ we obtain Sc'""-' = hSc''-' = ng/zc'^ = 0. Hence c"^ e
Z^-\U,^"). Therefore, putting g" = [c'"^"']G//^-'(5^"), we obtain from
5 V = [5c^-^] = [ngc'^] = [c'^] = g'.

Thus (3.84) is exact.

Now we proceed to show that (3.85) is exact. Take any gG//^(5^). If
g = Lg' with g' G //^(5^'), clearly hg = 0. Let g = [c^] with c^ G Z^( U, 5^). If
[/ic^] = % = 0, there are a refinement 93 < U and an element C"^~^G
C^~'(9S,5^") such that ng/zc^ = 5c"^"\ By Lemma 3.3, taking a suitable
refinement SB < SS we can find an element c^~' G C ^ " ^ ( 2 B , 5^) for c"^~^ such
that /zc^"' = n | c ' " ^ - \ Hence we have

that is, hiU^c^-8c''~') = 0. Therefore n^c^-5c^"'GZ^(S[B, 5^'). Con-

sequently putting g' = [U^c^ - 8c^~^]e H'^iS^'), we obtain

tg' = [U^c' - 8c'-'] = [U^c'] = [c'] = g

since [8c''-'] = 0 in H ^ ( ^ ) . Thus (3.85) is exact. I

For given i^-modules H^, H2,..., H ^ , . . . , Lj, L 2 , . . . , L^,... and K-

homomorphisms K: H^^ H^+i, v\ L^-»L^+i, cp^: H^-^ L^, the diagram
^ h
Hi- -^ J%-^' • - ^ J^ v -

^i ^2 '/'. < ^ 1
^1 >' >f
1^1- -> J^ 2 - ^ - • - > I 'V ~ >L,/ + 1 "•
§3.3. Sheaves and Cohomology 133

is called commutative if

^ = 1,2,3,....

If (3.86) is commutative, and each row is exact, we call (3.86) an exact

commutative diagram. Similarly we define an exact commutative diagram
of sheaves and sheaf homomorphisms. For example,

^ ^ ^ •


-^ ^

is an exact commutative diagram if each row is exact, L ° il/'= ij/<^ L and

koil/ = il/"oh,

Theorem 3.8. An exact commutative diagram of sheaves


0->^ ^ T'-^O

induces an exact commutative diagram of cohomology groups

0 > H\^') - ^ H\&') > H\9"') > H\Sf') - ^ •

r r
0 > H\T) — U H^S-) > H\T') ^ H\r) - ^ •• •

•^ H^'-'i^) > W-\&'") > H'^iT) > H^(^) >

Proof It suffices to verify the commutativity of (3.87). Since it is clear that

k°il/ = if/"oh and Loil/'= il/°L, we have only to show that the diagram
134 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

is commutative for q = 0,l, For any g"e H^{Sf"), by Lemma 3.4 there
are C " ^ G Z ^ ( U , 5^") and C ^ G C ^ ( H , 5 ^ ) with g"-[c"^], /ic^ = c"^ such that
5*g" = [5c^] where 5c^ e Z^^'(U, 5^')- Hence (A'5*g" = [i^'Sc^]. Since t is the
inclusion, L°II/' = if/ot means that ifj = \p' on ^' <^ ^. Therefore (/^'5c^ = (//5c^,
hence (A'6*g" = [iA5c^]. On the other hand, we have iA"g" = [^"c"^] with
( A V ' ^ G Z ^ ( U , ^ " ) . Since il/"oh = koil/, we also have ifi'd"" ^i^'hc"" = kifjc\
Hence by (3.83), we have 5*iA"g'' = [5(Ac^], which implies that 5*(A"g" =
fA'5*g". Since g" is an arbitrary element of H\&"'), we obtain 5*o ^" = ,/^'o 5*
as desired. I

§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem

(a) Fine Sheaves

Let /i: 5^-> 5^" be a homomorphism of sheaves over M. The closure of the
set of points pe M with h(Sfp)9^ 0 is called the support of h and is denoted
by supp h:


Definition 3.13. Let 5^ be a sheaf over M M is called a fine sheaf if for

any locally finite open covering U = { Uj}, there is a family of homomorph-
isms {hj}: hf. 5^^ 5^, such that

(i) supp hj c: Uj,

(ii) Y.J hj = identity, i.e. Yj hj(s) = s for any se^.

Note that by the condition (i), hj(s)9^0 for se^'p implies pe Uj. Con-
sequently the summation in (ii) makes sense since U is locally finite.

Example 3.2. ^ is a finite sheaf. Proof. Let U = {U,} be a locally finite open
covering of M, and {p^} a partition of unity subordinate to U. For s =fp G sip,
with / a local C°° function at p, define hjS by

hjs = {pjf)p, s=fp.

hjS is independent of the choice of/ In order to see that hj is a homomorph-

ism, it suffices to verify that hj is continuous. Giv6n a neighbourhood
U(hjS; g, L^) of hjS, since gp = / i / = (pjf)p, there is a neighbourhood V<^ U
such that g = Pjd on V. Hence for te%L{s\f V), g = tEr(r) G V,

^7"^ = hjfq = (Pjf)q =Sq^ ^{hjS\ g, U).

§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 135

Thus hj is continuous, hence a homomorphism. It is clear that supp hj =

supp Pj c Uj. Moreover X^. hj = identity follows from Xj Pj — ^- I- The essen-
tial point of the above argument is in the fact that i f / i s a local C°° function,
so is Pjf. Consequently by a similar argument, we see that s^'', sd^''^ and
s^{F) are fine sheaves where F is a C°° vector bundle over M.
0 is, however, not fine. In fact, if otherwise, for {hj} in Definition 3.13,
hjleT{M, €) is holomorphic, where 1 is a holomorphic function which is
identically one on M. Since hj\ is equal to 0 on M - supp hj, by the analytic
continuation, /lyl = 0 on all of M, which contradicts Y.j hj\ = \.

Theorem 3.9. If S is a fine sheaf over M,

//^(M,5^) = 0 for q^\.

Proof Since //^(M, 5^) = Uu.® n " / / ^ ( t l , ^ ) by (3.69), it suffices to prove


//^(U, ^ ) = Z^(U, 5^)/5C^-'(U, 5^) = 0, ^ ^ 1,

for any locally finite open covering U. We give the proof for the case q = 2,
but the generalization is straightforward. Since 5^ is fine, there is a family
{hj}, hj'. 5^^5^ of homomorphisms satisfying the above (i) and (ii). Each
hi induces a homomorphism hi'. T{ W, 5^) -» r ( W, 5^) for any open set W^M.
Let c^ = {o-jki} e Z^(U, 5^) be a 2-cocycle. For l/jnU^nUi?^ 0 , /ijO-yk: j? -^
{^i(^ijk){p) is a section of 5 over l/jnUj^n Ui, and if p^ supp hi, then
{hiO-ij}^){p) = 0. Since supp /ij is closed in I7„ putting

peUjnVkn Ui,
pe UjnUk-supp /i„

we get a section o-ij^: p-^ d-ij^{p) of 5 on L^n U^. &ijk is an extension of

/ijO-yfc. For a fixed peUjn U^, orijj^{p)y^O for only finite Vs. Consequently

we obtain T,^ G r ( U; n L4, '^) with r^y = -TJ^, that is, c^ = {TJ^} e C^{U, 5^).
It suffices then to check c^=8c^. Since 8c^ = 0, we have

o-jki = o-iu - o-iji + cT-yfc on t/j n Uj n [ 4 n (7/ T^ 0 .

^i^jTc/ = hiCTiki - hidiji + /ijCTyfc.
136 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Figure 3

Since (7,^/ = ^/CTifcz, ^y/ = hia^i, (jyfe = hia^k on Uj nUknUin Ui, and hiO-jki =
^iki = ^iji = ^ijk = 0 on UjnU^nUi- Ut, we have on UjnUkn Uj,

O'jkl - TfcZ - Tji + Tjj^^

hence c^= 5c\

Now consider the sheaf si'' over a C°" manifold M For a germ s = cppO^
a local C°° r-form (p at;?, we define its exterior differential by

ds = (d(p)p, s = (pp.

d'.s^ds gives a homomorphism si''-^ si''^^ of sheaves, where we put

si^ = si. The sheaf of locally constant functions C is a subsheaf of si^: C ^
si^. Then the sequence

n d , d d
0->C- (3.88)

is exact where m = dimM, and i is the inclusion. Proof, For s=fpesi^,

ds = (df)p = 0 implies that df=0 on some neighbourhood of /?, i.e., / is a
constant there. Thus

0->C-> j ^ ^ -
§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 137

is exact. The exactness of

sd'-^-^ M'-^ M''^\ r^l, (3.89)

follows from Poincare's lemma (Theorem 3.2). In fact, take any s = (ppE sd\
where (p is a local C°° r-form at p. ds = (d(p)p = 0 implies that d(p = 0 on
some neighbourhood U of p. We may assume that L/ is a coordinate
multi-interval U = {Xp\\xl\ < e , . . . , \x^\ < s} with centre p. Then by Poin-
care's lemma there is a C°° ( r - l)-form ip on U such that (p = dif/. Putting
t = il/pe sd'"^, we obtain s = (p = {difj)p = dt. Thus if ds = 0, there is a r G ^''"^
with dt = s. Conversely, if s = dt with tesd''~\ ds = d{dil/)p = {ddil/)p = 0.
Consequently (3.89) is exact. I

Definition 3.14. An exact sequence of sheaves over M

O^^-^^^-i^'-^^^-i- •• (3.90)

is called a fine resolution of 5^ if each S^' is fine.

Thus Example 3.2 says that (3.88) is a fine resolution of C.

Let d: SS -^ ^ " be a homomorphism of sheaves over M. Put 5^ = ker d. &^
is a subsheaf of %. We denote the inclusion 5^-^ ^ by i. Then

is exact. From this sequence we obtain

Lemma 3.5. If ^ is fine,

H\M, &") = H\M, dm)/dH\M, ^),

W{M, 5^) = H'^-'iM, dm), g = 2,3,....

Proofi By Theorem 3.7, we get the exact sequence of cohomology groups

0-> H%^)•^H\m)-^ H\dm) ^ H\Se)^H\m)^"'

-^ /f^-i(^) ^ w\dm) ^ H^^) -^ H\m) -t....

Since ^ is fine, H^{m) = 0 for (^f ^ 1 by Theorem 3.9. Therefore we obtain
the exact sequences

0 -> H\^) -^ H\m) -^ H%dm) ^ H\^) -> 0, (3.91)

0 -> H'-\dm) ^ H'(9') ^ 0 , q = 2,3,.... (3.92)

138 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves


Theorem 3.10. / /

is a fine resolution of 9^ over M, then

H'(M, 5^) = r ( M , dm'-')/dT(M, SS^"'), q^l. (3.93)

Proof. From the exact sequence

we obtain the exact sequences


0->d^'"'-^^'-^^^'->0, r = l,2,3,....

By hypothesis each ^ ' is fine. Hence by Lemma 3.5, we have

H\dm'-') = H\dm')/ dH\dm'-'),

H^dm'--') = H''-\dm'), 9 = 2, 3 , 4 , . . . .

Therefore we have

H ^ ( ^ ) = H^-\dm'') = H'^-^dm^) ="

= H^d^^"') = H\dm''-^)/dH\m''-'),

while by (3.70) we have / / ^ d ^ ^ - ' ) = r ( M , J ^ ^ " ' ) and f/^(^^-'):

r(M,^^-0. I
§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 139

(b) de Rham's Theorem

As stated earUer, the exact sequence (3.88)

6 _ d . d d

gives a fine resolution of C over a C°° manifold M of dimension m.

Consequently by Theorem 3.10, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 3.11 (de Rham).

H%M, C) = r ( M , dM^-')/dT{M, ^ ^ " ' ) , q^l. I (3.94)

Note that f/^(M, C) is the cohomology group of M with complex

coefficients, depending only on the topology of M. As is well known,
//^(M, C) = 0 for ^ ^ m + 1 . This is also induced from (3.88) easily. In fact,
from the proof of Theorem 3.10, H^C) = W'^^idM"^-^), where dM"^'^ =
d"^ is a fine sheaf. Hence by Theorem 3.9, //^(M, C) = H^-'"{s^'") = 0 for
q^ m + l.
Now we shall explain the meaning of the right-hand side of (3.94). Since
for ^ ^ 1,0^ dsd^~^ -^sd^-^ si^^^ is exact, J^^~^ is the sheaf of local closed
C°° g-forms. In fact ds^^~^ = keT d consists of germs peA^ with (d(p)p =
d{(Pp) = 0, which means that d(p = 0 on some neighbourhood of/?. Thus
r ( M , dsi"^'^) is the linear space of all ^/-closed C°° ^-forms on M, while
J r ( M , ^^~^) is the linear subspace of r ( M , J^^~^) consisting of all exact
r-forms on M. We call the quotient space

H2(M) = r ( M , c?^^-')/^r(M,j2/^"'), q^\,

the d'Cohomology group of M. Then de Rham's theorem:

Hl{M)^H\MX). ^^1,
implies that the cf-cohomology group /f ^(M), which is defined with respect
to the differentiable structure ofM, actually depends only on the topology ofM.

(c) Dolbeault's Theorem

Let M = M" be an n-dimensional complex manifold, and ^^'^ the sheaf

of germs of C°° {p, ^)-forms over M. The sheaf € of germs of holomorphic
functions on M is a subsheaf of si = si^'^. By Theorem 1.6, a local C°°
function / is holomorphic if and only if df=0. Thus

0-^(^-::>^o,o_4^o,i (3 95^
140 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

is exact, where t: €->si^'^ is the inclusion. Similarly O^ is a subsheaf of

^^'^, and a local C°° (p, 0)-form ^ is a holomorphic /7-form if and only if
Sep = 0. Thus

0-^a^-^^^'^-i^^'' (3.96)
is also exact.
ByDolbeault'slemma,a C°°(;?, ^)-formcp.q^l,onapolydiskis^-closed
if and only if there is a C°° (p, ^ - 1 )-form ifj such that (p = ^ifj. Consequently

is exact. Thus by (3.96) and (3.97) we obtain the exact sequence

0 ^ a^ ^ ^AO ^ ^p,i _X % ^p,n _^ 0. (3.98)

Since ^^'^ is fine, (3.98) gives a fine resolution of Cl^ over M. For /? = 0, we
obtain a fine resolution of €:

Theorem 3.12 (Dolbeault's Theorem).

H^(M, an=r(M, a^^'^-')/ar(M, s^^'^-'), q^i, (3.99)

Proo/ Apply Theorem 3.10 to (3.98). I

In (3.99) a^^'^"^ is the sheaf of germs of a-closed C°° (p, g)-forms on

M, r ( M , a^^'^~0 is the linear space of all a-closed C°° (p, g)-forms on M,
and ar(M, si^'"^'^) its subspace. The quotient space

Hf''(M) = r(M, aj^^'^-')/ar(M, ^^'^-')

is called the d-cohomology group of M. Thus Dolbeault's theorem says that

//^(M, nn = Hf\M). (3.100)

In particular for p = 0, (3.100) reads

H\M,€)^HI'\M), (3.101)

fl^ is the sheaf of germs of holomorphic sections of A^ T'^iM) over M:

a^ = ^f A T'^iMU.
§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 141

Dolbeault's theorem can be extended for the sheaf 0(F) of germs of

holomorphic sections of F over M, where F is a holomorphic vector bundle
over M.
Each term ^^'^ of (3.98) is the sheaf of germs of C°° sections of
A'' T'^iM) A^ f*(M),whichwemayidentify with A'' r * ( M ) ® A^ f'iM).

siP'^=Jf^ T*(M)®A t*(M)Y

Similarly we define sd^'^{F) by

^^'^(F)=J^(F®A 7'*(M)y

where ^^'^(F) = ^ ( F ) . We shall show that €(F) has a fine resolution

0 -> ^ ( F ) -^ ^^'^(F) ^ j ^ ' ' ' ( F ) -^ ^ ^^'"(F) -^ 0. (3.102)

First we investigate the structure of sd^'^(F) and define d.

Let {Cji,..., e^v} be a basis of F over Uj where U = {Uj} is a suitable
locally finite open covering of M. We denote a point of M by z. Then each
e,;^: z ^ ^jxiz) is a holomorphic section of F over tT^, and {eji(z),..., ejv(z)}
form a basis of F^ for ZG UJ. LQtfjkiz) = (/jfcpt(^))A,/^=i,...,v be the transition
function of F Then on UjnU^^^ (i>,

ekAz)= i f%^z)ejAz), (3.103)

A= l

where fjk^iz) is holomorphic. Assume that each Uj is a coordinate neigh-

bourhood and let ( z j , . . . , zj) be the local complex coordinates on Uj. Then
pxiq) sections
q times
ej;,®dz^ A' ' • A dz], A = l,...,^, l^a<'-'<y^n,

form a basis of F ® A^ r * ( M ) over U,. Consequently a C°° section <;p of

F ® A^ T*(M) over an open subset W^ M is given on each Ujn W9^ (f> by

^ = i - , i <pU-y{z)ej,®dz^A'"AdzJ,
A = l ^ : a,...,7=1

where <pj^«...^(z) is a C°° function on W n L^. Putting

<?. a,...,7 = l
142 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

we can write (p as

A= l

where cpf is a C°° (0, ^)-form on Wn Uj. On WnUjnUky^0,

A=l K=l

hence by (3.103) we have

.A -.=^ 1 f-f%^^)<pt-
<Pj (3.104)

If we denote Z l = i ^j\®^j t>y the vector {(pj,..., (pj), whose components

are C°° (0, ^)-forms, (p is represented on each WnUj by the vector

which satisfies (3.104) on WnUj-n U^. Conversely, suppose given on each

WnUj7^0 a vector (cp],..., (pJ) with cpj a C°° (0, g)-form, satisfying
(3.104) on Wn UjnUj,, Then there is a C°° section cp of F ® A ^ f * ( M )
over W such that <^ = Z l = i ^j\®^j on Wn Uj 7^ 0 . (3.104) gives the same
transition relation as that of F:

Cj — L fjk/jii^j^k'

Accordingly we call a C°° section (p = ( ( p ] , . . . , (pJ) of F ® A^ f *(M) a C°°

(O,q)-form with coefficients in F, and ^^'^(F) r/ie sheaf of germs of C^
(0, q)-forms with coefficients in F. For ^ = 0, each (p^^ is a C°° function.
For a C°° (0, g)-form cp = {(pj,..., (pJ) with coefficients in F, we define

~dcp:=(d<pj,...,dcpj). (3.105)

Since ^/^^^(z) = 0, applying d to (3.104) we obtain

~dcpf= i fjk^izfdcp^,.

Therefore dcp is a C°° (0, ^ + l)-form with coefficients in F. Thus d gives a


§3.4. de Rham's Theorem and Dolbeault's Theorem 143

Since s^^'^(F) is fine, in order to show that (3.102) is a fine resolution,

it suffices to prove the exactness of (3.102). For this it suffices to prove that
at each point zeM, the sequence of the stalks

0 -> €(F), -^ si'^'^F), -^ ^""''(F), - i • • •

is exact. Thus we have only to prove the exactness of (3.102) on each Uj.
But on Uj, a local C°° (0, ^)-form (p = ( ^ ] , . . . , (pj) with coefficients in F
may be regarded as a z^-tuple of C°° (0, ^)-forms (Pj, A = 1 , . . . , K Moreover
d(p = (d(Pj,... ,d(pj). Therefore the exactness of (3.102) follows from the
exactness of

o-^(D'-^^^'^-i j2/^''^ — ^ j2^^'"->o.

Applying Theorem 3.10 to (3.102) we obtain immediately the following


Theorem 3.13.

ff^(M, 0(F)) = r ( M , a^^'^-^(F))/ar(M, ^ ^ ' ^ - ^ ( F ) ) , q^l. I


Let (p be a C°° section of F ® A'' T'^(M) A^ f *(M) over an open set

Wc: M. Then <p is represented on each Wn Uj7^0 by a vector (p =
( ( p ] , . . . , (pj) where each cp} is a C°° (p, ^)-form, and its transition relation
on Wn UjnUk 7^0 is given by (3.104). In view of this we call (p a C°°
(p, q)-form with coefficients in F. We denote by si^'^^iF) the sheaf of germs
of C°° (/?, g)-forms with coefficients in F :

J2I^^'^(F) = ^ ( F ® A T''(M)A f*(M)y

If each (pf of (p = {(pj,... ,<pj) is a holomorphic p-form, we call cp a

holomorphic p'form with coefficients in F. We denote by n^(F) the sheaf of
germs of holomorphic /7-forms with coefficients in F

a^(F) = ^ ( F ® A T'^iM)).

Substituting F ® A^ T'^iM) for F in (3.106), we obtain

//^(M, a^(F)) ^ r(M, aj2/^'^-'(F))/ar(M, j2i^^'^-'(F)), g ^ i, (3.107)

where r ( M , a^^'^(F)) is the linear space of all a-closed C°° (p, ^)-forms
144 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

with coefficients in F over M. The quotient space

Hf\M, F) = r ( M , dsd''^-\F))/dr{M, ^^'^"H^))

is called the d-cohomology group of M with coefficients in F. With this

notation, (3.107) is written as

H^(M, n^(F)) = Hl'\M, F), (3.108)

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms

(a) Inner Product, Norm, Dual Form

Let M be an n-dimensional complex manifold, { z j , . . . , z^,...}, Zj\ p -»

Zj(p) = ( z ) , . . . , z") local complex coordinates on M, and Uj the domain of
Zj, and suppose that U = {Uj} is locally finite. Suppose that p^z{p) =
( z \ . . . , z") is an arbitrary local complex coordinates system on M. We
represent a point of M by its local coordinates z = z{p).
In the sequel, we represent a tensor field by its components with respect
to local coordinates ( z \ . . . , z""). Thus, for example, by a "tensor field o-^^",
we mean a section

Z (Tly—®dz^®dz'^

of T{M)®T''{M)®f''{M). If we denote by crf^y the component of a

tensor field aly with respect to the local coordinates ( z ] , . . . , z"), we obtain

Definition 3.15. A C°° covariant tensor field YJL,^=\Sa^ dz'^®dz^, Sap =

gapiz), is called a Hermitian metric if g^a(z) = ga^iz) and the Hermitian
form Za,)3=i Scx^(z)^'^[^ with complex variables ^ \ . . . , ^", is positive
definite at every point of M
Z ^a^ dz"'®dz^ is called a metric because by virtue of it we can define
the length VZ gapr[^ of a tangent vectorJ = Z« ^"(a/az")G r , ( M ) .
We associate to the Hermitian metric Z«)3=i ^a^ dz"'®dz^ a (1, l)-form

^ =^ Z gc.pdz'" Adz^, i=V-l.

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 145

(o = -i I g ^ ^z" A dz^ = i X gfia dz^ A dz"^ = (o,

w is a real (1, l)-form.

Theorem 3.14. Given any complex manifold M, we can introduce a Hermitian

metric Xa,^==i gap dz"'®dz^ on M.

Proof. Let U = {L^} be a locally finite open covering of M, and {pj} a.

partition of unity subordinate to it. py = py(z)^0 is a C°° function on M
with supp Pj c: Uj, and X^ Pj{z) = 1. Put
^j(^) = i Z Pj(z) dzj A dzj.
7= 1

Then w^ = (Oj(z) is a C°°real (1, l)-form on Uj, and (Oj{z) = 0 on Uj-supp Pj.
Consequently putting a)j(z) = (Oj(z) for ze Uj, and a5;(z) = 0 for z^ Uj, we
can extend coj to a C°° (1, l)-form aij = c!)j(z) on M. Put

Since supp cOj = supp py c: Uj and {[7,} is locally finite, this summation makes
sense. Therefore w is a real C°° (1, l)-form on M with

(o = i I g^pdz'^Adz^, gp- = g^^,

We claim that Z2,^=i ga^ ^^" ® ^^^ is a Hermitian metric. For this it suffices
to see that Za,/3=i ga/3(z)^"f'^ is positive definite at each zeM. By the
definition of (o,

i g^^(z) dz- Adz^= I i pj(z) dzj A dzl (3.109)

a,(3 = l UjBz 7=1

where the summation Y^UBZ is taken over all j with zeUj. Consider
(^\ . . . , ^'') as the components of a tangent vector ^e T^iM) with respect
to (z\ . . . , z"), and denote by ( ^ ] , . . . , (") the components of ^ with respect
to (z],..., zj). Then since the transition relation ^7 = Xa (dzj/dz'^)^" of
the components of a tangent vector is the same as that of the bases of
T'^iM): dzJ = Y^^ {dzj/dz'^) dz"", we obtain from (3.109) immediately

i g.^{z)CC'= I i PjizMj?'
oi,P = l UjBz 7=1

Therefore I"^^=i ga^(z) dz°'®dz^ is positive definite. I

146 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Let M be an n-dimensional complex manifold endowed with a Hermitian

metric YJl,p^\ Sapdz"" ® dz^. Let
^ =i I 8a^ dz"" A dz^
a,l3 = l

be its associated real (1, l)-form. Put g{z) = det (g«^(^))«i8=i «• We denote
n fold
(o A ' ' ' A (o by co". Then by an elementary calculation we obtain

o)" = (iynlgiz) dz'Adz'A"'A dz"" A dz"". (3.110)

For local real coordinates {x\ . . . , x^") with z" = x^"~^ + /x^", we have

/ Jz" A J r = 2 ^x^"-' A dx^", a = 1 , . . . , n.

Hence we have

— = 2^giz)dx'A"'Adx^\ (3.111)

Since X ga^(z)("[^ is positive definite, g ( z ) > 0 . Therefore using co^'/nl as

the volume element, we define t/ie integral of a continuous function f(z) on

f{z)2"g(z) dx' • " dx^\ (3.112)

where g(z) is the component gi2---m(^) of the skew-symmetric covariant

tensor field of rank 2n with m — 2n.
We denote by (g"^(z))«,^=i .,„ the inverse matrix of (g«/3(^))a=i,...,n-

I g'^{z)g,,{z) = 6;, I g.0(z)g^^{z) = 81.

g"^ = g«/^(2) gives a C°° contravariant tensor field on M. In fact with respect
to the coordinate change z^ -> z^, the transition relations of the component
gja0(z) of gap(z) are given by

gj.^{z)= Z T-^ T-7^/^A^(^)'

,}=,dzj\dzf) (^-ll^)

and (a^7/^^fc)A,a=i,...,n = (dzi/dz]')^lp^,_ „. Consequently, putting

(gfiz)) = (gj^0{z))-' and ( g ^ ( z ) ) = ( g , , ^ ( z ) ) - \ we obtain

sr{^)= I fe &^."'(-)- (3.114)

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 147

Let, for example, cp =IZ",^,y=i <P«^f(^) ^^" A dz^ A dz^ be a C°° (2,1)-
form on M. Then with respect to the coordinate change z^ -> Zj, the transition
relations of (p^^py are given by

From this and (3.114), it is clear that for C°° (2, l)-forms <p, i/^,

is a C°° function of z, independent of the choice of local coordinates. If

we put

then we have

1 "

Similarly for C^ (p, q)-forms

(p =——T cp^^... p^...0 (z) dz""^ A ' • ' A dz'^p A dz^^ A ' • -A^z^s

( A = - y - ^ I t A a r " « p ^ i - ^ - , ( ^ ) ^ ^ " ' ^ - • • A iz"p A C?Z^^ A • - A ^ A

we put

(cp, .A)(z)=-^Z<P.,....,^-,..^-,(z)r'-"^^''-^''(z), (3.115)


TTzen ((p, «/^)(z) is a C^ function of z. We define the inner product of (p and

iff by

(^,^)= I (9,^)(^)^. (3.116)

148 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

The inner product satisfies the following properties:

(i) iip,cp) = (cp,il;).
(ii) {(p, (p) ^ 0. (<p, (p) = 0 if and only if (p = 0.
In fact for any ZQG M, choose local coordinates ( z \ . . . , z") such that
ga^-(^o) = ^ap' Then g^'"(zo) = 5,^, and

{(P, < A ) ( Z o ) = - y - ^ I (pa,...a^p,-pS^o)^c.,-ap^,-0^iZo),

From these equalities (i) and (ii) follow immediately. Also it is clear that
{(p, iff) is linear in (p. We call J{(p,(p) the norm of <p and denote it by \\(p\\.


For each (p, q)-form if/, we can find an {n—p,n- q)-form ^ip such that

{cp,ilj)(z)^=cp{z)A^ij;{z). (3.117)

Proof. For simplicity we denote as follows.

Ap = a,"'ap, Bq = p,'"pq with a,<"'<ap, p,<"'<pq,

dz^p = dz^^ A • • • A dz\ dz^^ = ^zf M • • • A dz'^^.

Moreover for A^ = ai • • • a^, we put

where a^+i < • • • < « „ , and { a i , . . . , a^, a ^ + i , . . . , a„} is a permutation of

{ 1 , . . . , n}. Similarly we define B^-q for a given Bq = p^- - - Pq. Then with
this notation we can write

<P= 1 <PA^BS^) ^^ ' ^dz ^.


(Ap A„_A /-ai ••• apttp+i ••• OLA
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms „ 149

where sgn denotes the signature of the permutation. Then by (3.110)

— = ( / ) « ( - l ) " ( " - l ) / 2 g ( ^ ) dz'A" 'Adz'' Adz'A" 'A dz\

dz' A • • • A dz"" A dz' A • • •A Jz"

= sgnl ^ " I ^z"i A • • • A c/z"« A dz^^ A • • • A ^z^"

= sgnl ^ " ~ ^ I J z ^ P A 6?Z^"-P A Jz^-? A ^ Z ^ " - %

putting /c = 5 « ( n - l ) + ( n - l ) g , we obtain

^ = (f)«(-l)^ sgn(^^ ^"~'')g(z) dz^p A~d^^dz^^-pAdz^^-^.

On the other hand, by (3.115)

(<P,^)(z)= I ^^^5-^(z)(A^p^<z).


((^,(A)(^)—=(0"(-l)' I Cp^^BSz)dz^PAdz'

[Ap An_p\
ASgn / ^"-Mg(z)(A^A(z)c^z^"-AJz^"-..

Put Mp = fjLi ' ' • iJLp with 1 ^ /ii < )L62 < • • ' <f^p = n- Then for M^ T^ A^,

t/z^p A dz'^^-p = dz^^ A • • • A dz^p A dz^'p-^ A • • • A i z " " = 0.

For in this case some /x, coincides with one of a ^ + i , . . . , «„. Similarly for
Nq ^ Bq with Nq = Pi' " Pq, \^v^<" '<Vq^n, dz^^ A dz^-^ = 0. Con-
sequently from the above result

{cp,^){z)—={in-ir I .pM„;.,(z)c/z%Adz~.

Ap,Bq \Dq Dn-ql

= ^A(0"(-1)'' I sgnf^" ^"-'')g(z).A^A(z)dz^"-.AdP^.

150 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Hence defining *i/^ by

*(A==(0"(-1)' I sgn(^^ ^"-^)g(z)eA^A(z)Jz^«-.A^P^, (3.118)

Ap,Bq \Dq rin-q/

with k = \n{n — \) + {n—p)q, we have (3.117). I

*(/^ is independent of the choice of local coordinates used in (3.118),

since so is (<p, i/^)(z)cu"/n!. Since i// is a (/?, g)-form,

' ^ = - 7 — f I « A « i - « p ^ i - ^ , ( ^ ) ^ ^ " ' A - • • A dz'^P A dz^^ A • • • A JZ^'J

is a (q,p)4orm. If we write


<A/3i---/3g«i---«p(^) - ( l)^^<Aai-"«p)3i---)3q-

Hence putting

we have
^«i-«p^r-^~,(z) = (-l)^^^^"i-^>i—p(z).

Thus (3.118) is rewritten as

A„,B. \ 5 f^ql 5^ nn - q

X g ( z ) ( / ^ V p ( z ) C/Z^"-P A ^^Z^"--^.

Replacing if/ by ijj and interchanging A with B, we obtain

*^ = (,r(-l)"^"-^'^^""'' Z sgnf^" ^"-')

Ap,Bq \tSq Dn~qJ
xg(z)ilA^^(z) dz^^-^ A dz~^, (3.119)

We call this *i/^ the dual form of a (/?, ^)-form j/^. *(/^ is an {n — q,n —p)4oTm.
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 151

Clearly the map if/^^if/ is linear, namely, we have

*(Ci(p + C2eA) = Ci*(;p + C2*eA fo^* Cj, C2GC.

We have
^=*iA. (3.120)

Proof. It suffices to check this at any point ZQ G M . Take local coordinates

(z\ . . . , z") with centre Jo such that gapi^o) = ^ap- Then g"^(zo) = 5«^, hence
in (3.118) we obtain (/^"^^^^ZQ) = IAA^B,(^O)- Similarly in (3.119) we have
ilf^p^^izo) = II/A B (ZQ)' Moreover we have

Substituting these equalities into (3.118) and (3.119), and comparing them,
we obtain
^^^(iJ = (-l)«+"/>+(«-^)(-/'H(«-/')^*^(zo)-*(A(^o). I

We denote a (/?, ^)-form if/ by (/^^^'^\ Then

**e/,(^'^) = (-1)^^ V^'''^^. (3.121)

Proo/ Again we have only to check this pointwise. Fix ZQGM and take
local coordinates as in the proof of (3.120). Then since g(zo) = 1, we have
by (3.119)

(*^)B„_,A._,(zo) = (0"(-l)"^"-^^/^"-sgn(^^ ^yyA^sS^o),


__ /_-j^\n + np+n(n-q)+(«-q)(3r+(n-p)/? , - fz )

= (-1)^"VA,B,(^O).

Hence **i/f = ( - l ) ^ ' ' V . I

By (3.117) the inner product ofcp and ij/ is given by

((p,il/)= (fA^iii. (3.122)

152 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

(b) Harmonic Differential Forms

Let M be a compact complex manifold of dimension n, and let i^^'^ =

r ( M , ^^'^) be the linear space of C°° (/?, g)-forms on M,d\(p-^ dcp is a linear
partial differential operator of order 1 which maps if^'^ into if^"^^'^, and
d: (p ^d(p is 3. linear partial differential operator of order 1 which maps if^'^
into i^^'^^\ Define

b = -*a*. (3.123)

Since *: (/f-. *,/^ maps i?^'^ into i^""^'""^, b ma/?5 L^'^, ^ ^ 1 mro i^^'^-\ For
i/f G i^^'°, b(/^ = 0. b is also a linear partial differential operator of order 1.
For (p e <^^'^~' and (^ e i^^'^ we have

(a^,(A) = ((p,b(A). (3.124)

Proo/ Since M is compact, we have by Theorem 3.1,

[ d{<p A*(/^) = 0.

Since <p A *i/^ is (n, n - l)-form, dicp A *iA) = 0. Hence by (3.23) and by J =
a+ 5, we have

d{(p A^ii/)=d((p A^ii/)=d(p A^ii/-(-iy^'^(p A5*i/f.

On the other hand by (3.120) and (3.121)

*bj/i^= -*(*a*^) = -**a*(/^ = (-1)^'^^5*«/^.


d{(p A^iff) = d(p A^ilf —q> A *bi/^.



Therefore by (3.122), (5<p, i^) = (^, bi^). I By (3.124), b is the formal adjoint
operator of d. Taking the complex conjugate of (3.124), we obtain

(b(A,(^) = (iA,5^). (3.125)

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 153

The coefficients i/^ar cp^i ^^(^) of a C°° (p, g)-form if/ form a C°° covariant
tensor field, while

define a contravariant tensor field. Accordingly we call <Aai- ap/3i-/3g(^) the

covariant component of (/^, and i/f"i "p^i ^^(z) the contravariant component
of i/^. Since ifJa^---a py^ (^) are skew-symmetric in the indices aj, • • • , a^
and i S i , . . . , i8^, so'are (^"^""^^^ '^K^).

Theorem 3.15. Put A = a^- - - ap with 1 ^ aj < • • • < a^ ^ n. T/ien

(b(A)^"^^-^<z) = - i 4 T A(g(^)^'^~'^-^<^)). (3.126)

^ = ig(z) az'^
Proof. Let ( z \ . . . , z") be local coordinates on a coordinate neighbourhood
U. It suffices to prove (3.126) for U. Put the right-hand side of (3.126) as
^^^2 •^'?(z), and let ^ be the (;?, g - l ) - f o r m on U whose contravariant
components are ^^^^ ^-^Cz). In order to prove that b(/^ = ^, it suffices to show
that (b(/^, (p) = (^, (p) for any C°° (/?, g - l)-form (;p with supp (p^ U. For this,
since {hif/, cp) = (ij/, d(p) by (3.125) it suffices to verify

Put (PAPi---Pq(z) = <PA^i---Pq(z). We denote d/dz^ by a^ for simplicity. Then

we have

5= 1


q\ A,I3„...,I3^

If • 5= 1

= 7—77^ I I V'^"^^-^'(z)5,^^-,,..,,(z).

Put B = y32--)S„ l S j 8 2 < - - < / 3 , S n . Then

A,B p = \
154 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Therefore by (3.112)

(^, ~dcp)=\ I i r^\z)d,<PAB{z)2''g{z) dx'"' dx^\

J M A,B /3 = 1

Since supp (p'=^ U, and U is a. polydisk, by integrating by part, the above

integral is equal to

[ I I a^(g(z)^^^«(z)).p^-H(z)2"g(z) dx'--- dx'

J U A,B p = l

I E -T\^,(.g{^)'}>'^\x))^^s{z)—.


{ii^rdcp)=\ I t^(z)<p^^(z)^=\ (^,<p)(z)—"

JuA,B nl Ju nl

Thus{il;,d(p) = i^,<p). I

Definition 3.16. We define D by

n=ab+ba. (3.127)

n is called the complex Laplace-Beltram operator. D: ^ - ^ D ^ is a linear

partial differential operator of rank 2. We denote the covariant components
^Ai • Api?i •i?g(^) of (p by (PAN(Z), the covariant components
{Hep) ^^...^^0^...0^iz) of Dip by {n<p)AB{z),d/dz^ by d^ and d/dz^ by d,,. Since
by (3.119)

n =-a*(9* - *(9*5,

{D<p)ABiz) is a linear combination ofd^dpcp^Miz), a«<PA7v(^), dpcp^Niz) and

<PAN{Z)- The principal part of D is defined to be the sum of all the terms
involving d^d^.

Theorem 3.16. The principal part of D is given by

-z:.^=x g^-izXdVdz" dz^).

More precisely we have

(n.p)^fi(z) = - X g^'-dj^cp^siz)
a,/3 = l

+ I ( E a ^ f X + i a\§% + bX§)<p^fi{z), (3.128)

A,N \a = l 13 = 1 I
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 155

where aXs", ^AS^^, b^s are polynomials ofg^^, g^" and their partial deriva-

Proof. Since D = -^*(9* — *5*5 and * is an operator which makes a linear

combination with coefficients in polynomials of g«^ and g^", in order to
determine the principal part of D, it suffices to determine the terms of
(n(p)As(^) which contain no partial derivatives of g«^, g^". For this pur-
pose, we may assume that ga^ = ga^(z) are constants.
If Sap are assumed to be constants, g^" are also constants. Hence by

(b(p)^^^-^<z) = - i dpcp^^^^-Mz).


(t>(p)A^r-P,(^) = - l dp(p^0^...p^{z)

7 /3


(5b^)A^,..^-,(z)=I g^^ i {-\Y~d,d,cpA,,^...^^...^^{z).

On the other hand

(ba(p)A^,..^-,(z)=(-ir^ I g'%(5cp)A.^,..^-,(^)

(3,7 s= l

Since d^^df^ =dpdp^, we have


Thus (•<P)AB(^) = - Z g^"'dadf3(PAB{^) if ga^ ^rc constants. Therefore the

principal part of D i s ' - I ^ ^ ^ j g^"(z)((9V5z"5z^). I
156 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Corollary. The partial differential operator D is strongly elliptic. (For defini-

tion, see Definition 4.2 of the Appendix). I

n is formally self-adjoint, that is,

(n(p,(A) = (^,niA) (3.129)

holds for any cp, if/e^P'^. Proof By (3.124) and (3.125)

(D (p, (A) = (dt>(p, ip) + (hdcp, ijj) = (b(p, b(A) + (dcp, dijj)
= i<p,dhil;) + (<p,'bdilj) = {<p,nilf). I

Putting (p = (//, we obtain

(ncp,cp) = fd<pf^\\^<pf' (3.130)

Here for (pe^^'", we have (n(;p, (p)= ||b(^||^ since d(p = 0. Similarly for
<pe^''-\{ncp,cp) = \\dcpr.

Definition 3.17. (p e if^'^ is called a harmonic differential form, or simply, a

harmonic form if d(p=t>(p= 0.

If (p is harmonic, n(p = dh(p-\-hd(p = 0. Conversely, by (3.130) if[I\(p=0,

(p is harmonic. Thus (p is harmonic if and only if[ll(p = 0. We denote by H^'^
the linear subspace of i^^'^ consisting of all harmonic (/?, g)-forms.

W'^ = {(peLP'''\n(p = 0}.

Since M is compact and D is strongly elliptic, H^'^ is finite dimensional

(See Theorem 7.3 of Appendix.)
We say that (p and iff are orthogonal if {(p, lA) = 0. If (JP e H^'^, ((^, De^) =
{U(p,ilf) = 0 for any i/^ei^^'^ hence, H^''^ and Dif^'^ are orthogonal. We
denote the direct sum of mutually orthogonal subspaces by @. The following
theorem is fundamental.

Theorem 3.17.

if^'^ = H^'^enif^'^. I (3.131)

For proof see Appendix (Corollary to Theorem 7.4 of Appendix).

^ A ^ ^ H P , 9 0 5 ^ A 9 - i + ^^A^+i^ (3.132)

where we excise the term 5i^^'^~^ for q = 0 and t>^^'^^^ for q = n.

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 157

Proof. It is clear from (3.124) and (3.125) that H^'^ d^^^^'' and bi^^'^"^' are
mutually orthogonal. For any (peH^'"^, by (3.131) there is an / I G H ^ ' ^ and
i/fGi^^'^ such that
<p = h-{-Dil/.

Since Oip = d\)ilJ-^tdil/, hil/e^P'^~' and ^JAFG i^^'^'^\ we obtain (3.132). I

Consider the a-cohomology //f^(M) = r ( M , aj2F'^-0/ar(M, ^ ^ ' ^ - ' ) ,

g ^ l , of M. Then r ( M , ^^'^"') = if'''^"\ and r ( M , a^^^'^"') is the linear
subspace of if^'^ of all ^-closed C°°(/?, ^)-forms. From (3.132) we have

r(M, a^^'^"0 = H^'^ea^^'^"\

In fact for any cpe^^'^ represent cp as (p = h + dil/-\-hr] by (3.132) where
h G H^'^, (A e if^'^~' and 77 G if^'^""'. Then if b77 = 0, ^cp = 0 clearly. Conversely,
if 5<p = 0,
(b77, bi7) = (abry, rj) = (dcp, rj) = 0.

Hence hr}=0. Thus we have the isomorphism

Hf\M) = W'^. (3.133)

In other words a harmonic form (p e H^'^ gives a representative of a d-

cohomology class of (p, q)-forms.
By Dolbeault's theorem (3.100), we have

H^(M, a^) = Hl'\M), q^l.

Hence we obtain the following

Theorem 3.18 (Hodge-Dolbeault).

H^M,aP) = W'\ I (3.134)

For a C°° (;?, 0)-form (p, d<p = 0 means that cp is holomorphic. Con-
sequently H^'^ = / / ^ M , n ^ ) . Thus (3.134) holds also for q = 0. Since H^'^
is finite dimensional, we have

Corollary. H'^{M, 11^) is a finite-dimensional vector space.

(c) Harmonic Differential Forms with Coefficients in a Holomorphic

Vector Bundle

Let M be a compact complex manifold of dimension n, and F a holomorphic

vector bundle with the projection rr. Choose a finite open covering U = { L^}
158 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

such that 7r~\ Uj) = (7, x C" for each Uj, Let ( ^ ] , . . . , ^J) be the fibre coordin-
ates of F over Uj, andyjfc(z) = (/^fc^(z));^^=i ,, the transition function of
F. Then on L^ n t/^ T^ 0 ,

^j=l fjkAz)a- (3.135)

Definition 3.18. A Hermitian metric on the fibres ofF is defined by specifying

on each Uj a positive definite form

such that aj^Jz) is C°° and that

I aj,^(z)cn^= Z a,,^izUU^ (3.136)

A,/u. = l A,yu, = l

for ze UjC) U^.

By (3.135), (3.136) is equivalent to

ak.^{z)= I frkdz)ffk^iz)aj^^{z). (3.137)

Therefore, in view of the transition relations (3.50) of F*, ajxfiiz) represents

a C°° section of F * ® F * where F* is the conjugate of the dual bundle
Let i^^'^(F) be the linear space of all C^ip, ^)-forms with coeffi-
cients in F:i^^'^(F) = r ( M , ^ ^ ' ^ ( F ) ) . (pe^^^^F) is represented by a
vector (p = {(pj,..., (pj) on Uj where (pj are C°°(jp, ^)-forms satisfying, on

<p;= i /;i.^(^)<p^ (3.138)

For (p,il/e ^P'%F), Y,l^=, aj^fi{z)(pj A *(Aj' is a C°° 2n-form on Uj. Compar-
ing (3.138) with (3.135), we see from (3.136) that, on UJH U^T^^,

Z aj^f,{z)ip^^^lP^= Z ak^^{z)<pi^^i|J^
A,/x = l A,/x = l

holds. Consequently there is a 2n-form on M which coincides with

Z aj;,^{z)(pj A^ij/^ on each Uj. We denote it by ZA,^ ^ A / I ( ^ ) ^ ^ A*I/?^ The
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 159

inner product of (p, (/^G i^^'^(F) is defined by

{<P,^)= I Z a,^(z)(p^A*(^^ (3.139)

It is easy to verify that (i) {ip,(p) = i(p, i/f) and that (ii) (<p, <p)^Oan<i{(p, <p) = 0
impHes ^ = 0.
For cp = i<p\...,cpn€^'-'>-\F), ~d<p = (dcp\...,d<pn€^'-''iF) by
(3.105), that is, (dtp)^ = d<p\ Put (a"''(z));,,^=,_, = {a^f,{z))^l=,_,. For tj, e
^"•"{F) define b^i/^e^P-'-'CF) by

(i).'A)' = - i a''{z)*d(i a^,iz)*i(,A. (3.140)

T=l \ M = 1 /

ha is the adjoint of d, that is,

(a^, (A) = (<P, b„(/.), ^ e L^'^^-^F), (A e L^'^^CF). (3.141)

In fact, writing a;^^ for a^^(z), we have

Z «A^^' A*(b.(A)^ = Z <p" A**a(z «AA*^^)

A,yx A \ fx J

= (-l)''"'Z^'A5(la,^*r).

Since Y.^,^ «AM<P^ A *i/f'^ is an (n, n - l)-form on M, we have

\A,At / \A,yu, /

= Z OAMS*'' A * ^ + (-i)^-^''-' Y. <P" A a ( I a , ^ * r )•

A,At A \ /Lt /

Hence we have

d( Z ci,^<p^ A *(A^ ) = X a.^dcp' A^ilf^-l a,^ A *(b,(A)'

Integrating over M, we obtain (^(p, i^) = (<^, bat^)-

ba is an analogy of b = —*5*. As in the case of b, we have

(ba^A, <P) = (^,5<P)-

160 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

By (3.140) we have

(hAr-H"- i a'\z)^l i aa^,(z)A*(/.^). (3.142)

T=l \M=1 /

We define
• a = 5t),+b,a (3.143)

analogously to D. It is clear from (3.142) that the principal part of Da

coincides with that of n , hence is equal to -Z«,^=.i g^"(z)(aV^a"^^^). Since

(n,(p,^) = ( 9 , n . ^ ) , (3.144)

Da is a self-adjoint strongly elliptic linear partial differential operator.

(p e i^^'^(F) is called a harmonic form with coefficients in F if 'dcp =t^a<P = 0-

{Ua<P,^)=fd<pf+\\^a<p\\\ (3.145)

<p G i^^'^(F) is harmonic if and only i^U a(p= 0. We define H^'^(F) by

H^'^(F)-{(pGif^'^(F)|n,(p = 0}.

As with H^'^, H^'^(F) is finite dimensional. As with D, we have the following

Theorem 3.19.

i^^'^(F) = H^'^(F)enai^^'^(F). I (3.146)


i?^'^(F) = H^'^(F)ea^^'^-^(F)eb«^^'^-"H^). • (3.147)

Consider the ^-cohomology with coefficients in F :

Hl'\F) = r ( M , a^^'^-HF))/ar(M, J2^^'^-^(F)).

r ( M , dsd^'^~\F)) is the linear space of all (p e if^'^(F) with d(p = 0. Hence by


r(M,a^^'^-^(F)) = H^'^(F)e5i^^'^-H^).

Since T(M, ^^'^-'(F)) = if^'^-H^), we have

§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 161

Thus by (3.108) we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 3.20.

H%M,nP(F)) = W'%F). I (3.148)

Corollary. //^(M, {1^(F)) is finite dimensional. I

Let F * be the dual bundle of F, and (rjji,..., rjj^) the fibre coordinates
of F * over Uj. Then the transition relations are, by (3.50),

VK^= i fjkAz)vj., (3.149)

A= l

where {fjkfxi^)) is the transition function ofF. For il/ = {il/],..., if/J) e i^^'^(F),

4^%= i aj,^(z)^4i^. (3.150)

Then since on UjnU},9^0, ipl-= Y.l=Jfkr{z)Vk. we obtain from (3.137)

A= l

Comparing this with (3.149), we see that (i/^*i,..., IIJ%) is a C°° (n -;?, n -
g)-form lA* with coefficients in F*: i/f* = (j/^.^i,..., «A,*J e i^"-^'"-^(F*).
Solving (3.150) with respect to i^jf, since ^^i/^j" = ( - l ) ^ ^ V j ' , we obtain

^r=(-i)^"^ I «^(^)*^fA.
Thus the map (A-» j/^* maps i^^'^(F) onto i^"-^,'"-^(F*) bijectively. This map
is U-linear. In terms of the components with respect to arbitrary fibre
coordinates ( r / i , . . . , 77J, U\ . . . , D of F and F * w i t h ! , ^ S , = Z , ^^r^,,,
we write (3.150) as

For (p e ^P'^(F) and i^ e i^"~^'"~^(F*), X L i ^A,* A (pj is a C"^ 2n-form on

Uj, and on UjnUkT^ 0 , we have


which implies that XA ^t ^^^ is a C°° 2n-form on M.

162 3. Difierential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Theorem 3.21. Define the inner product of4>* e H""^-""«(F*) and (p e W'^F)

{r,<p)= 1 <p'A.At
M A= l

Then with respect to this inner product H" ^'" ^(F*) is the dual of H^'^(F).

Proof. Define the inner product of (/f* e i^"-^'"-^(F*) and (pe^^^^F) by


Then since il/t = Y.^ ^A^tC^)*^'^? we have

Introducing a Hermitian metric XA,/X ^^^i^)V\Vtx on the fibres of F*, we

define the inner product of (A*, <^* e ^ " - / ' ' " - ^ ( F * ) by

J M A,/u,


Z a'^^(z)*<^* = Z a'^^(z) I a.^(z)**^^ = ( - 1 ^ ^ ' ,

we have


{il,*,^*) = {tl,*,<P) = i'P,n (3.151)

For (p € ^"'"-'{F) and ./»* e iP"-''-"-«(F*), I^, .p^ A ./^J is a C°° (n, n - 1 ) -
form on M. Hence

J M \ A / J M \ A /

Consequently integrating the equaHty

\ A / A A
§3.5. Harmonic Differential Forms 163

over M, we obtain

((A*,ab> = (-ir^(a(A*,<P>. (3.152)

Since b^ is the adjoint of d, we have, by (3.151)

On the other hand, (ai/^*, (p) = (dilj'^, cp"^) holds, hence by (3.152),

(a(A*,<P*) = (-i)^"^((b.(A)*,<P*).

Since (p*6=^""^'"~^(F) is arbitrary, we obtain the equality

^(A* = (-iy'''(Kil^)'', ^ e ^P^'^iF). (3.153)

Similarly since (5(/f*, <p*) = (a(/^*, (p) = (i/^*,ba<p*), and {il/'^,d(p) =

(il^M'dcpri we have (^*,b,(p*)=:(-l)^^^((A*, (a^)*), hence b , ^ * =
(-l)^^^(a(;p)*. Replacing (pGi^^'^-'(F) by (Aei^^'''(F), we obtain

b,(/.* = (_i)/^+^+i(^^)*^ ^ e ^^''^(F). (3.154)

(3.153) and (3.154) imply that (/^* is harmonic if and only if \p is harmonic.
Thus i//^ (A* maps H^'^(F) bijectively onto H"-^'""^(F*).
Choose an orthonormal basis {^i,..., e^} of H^'^(F) where m =
dimH^'^(F). Then { e f , . . . , e*} is an orthonormal basis of H"-^'"-^(F*).
For, by (3.151)

(ef, e^) = (efc, e,) = 5,fc,

and for any (/^ = Xr=i ^fc^fc^M^'^(^)? we have «A* = Zr=i^^fc- Since by

we have

for <P=ir=."fcefceH^''(F), w^eC, and ./'* = Zr=. ^^fc^t u^eC. Thus

jj"-P,«-«(p*) i3 the dual space of W'^F). I
164 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Theorem 3.22. Let M be a compact complex manifold M of dimension n, and

F a holomorphic vector bundle over M. Then the equality

dim //^(M, n^(F)) = dim H"-^(M, a""^(F*)) (3.155)

holds where F* is the dual bundle of F.

Proof Since by Theorem 3.21, dimH^'^(F) = dim H"-^'"-^(F*), (3.155)

follows from (3.148) immediately. I

Let 0 be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields: % = €{ T{M)),

where T{M) is the tangent bundle of M. Since €{T{M)) = a^{T{M)), by

dim W{M, 0 ) = dim //""^(M, n " ( r * ( M ) ) .

Moreover we have fl" = ^(A"F*(M)). Let {L^} be a finite open covering

of M consisting of coordinate neighbourhoods Up and {z],..., z") the local
complex coordinates on Uj. Then dz] ^' - - ^ dz" is a basis of A" ^ * ( ^ )
over Uj. A" F*(M) is a vector bundle of rank 1, and each fibre A" Ff (M)
at z e L^ is a 1-dimensional linear space C dz] A- - • A dzj. Put

Jjkiz) = det—I —

Then since

dzl A • • • A dzl = Jjk(z) dz] A • • • A dz],

the transition relations for the fibre coordinates on A" T'^iM) are given by

Cj = Uz)^j,. (3.156)

A" T^(M) is called the canonical bundle of M, and is denoted by K:

i^ = A" T'^iM). K plays an important role in the theory of complex
manifolds and algebraic geometry. Since

a"(r*(M)) = ^(X0 r*(M)) = ^(F*(M)® x) = n\K),

we obtain the following equality

dim f/^(M, @) = dim //""'^(M, n\K)). (3.157)

§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 185

§3.6. Complex Line Bundles

(a) Complex Line Bundles

By a complex line bundle we mean a holomorphic vector bundle of rank 1

over a complex manifold. Let (F, M, TT) be a complex line bundle. We
choose a finite open covering U = {Uj} such that 7r~^(Uj)= UjXC Then
(z, ij) e UjXC and (z, ^k) e U^xC are the same point on F if

where the transition function yjfc(z) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function

on Ujn L/fc. Moreover we have fjj{z) = 1, fkj(z) =fjk(zy^ by (3.40) and on

fiu{z)=fij{z)fju{z). (3.158)

Let 6^ be the set of germs of non-vanishing holomorphic functions at

peM. 0^ forms a group with respect to the multiplication. Since 0^ is an
Abelian group, considering it as a Z-module, we can define a sheaf ^* =
UpeM ^p of germs of non-vanishing holomorphic functions over M. ^* is
an open subset of €. Let g = g(z) be a local holomorphic function oh M.
We denote / = / ( z ) = e^"'^^"^ by e(g). Then ^ : g - > / = e ( g ) defines a
homomorphism gp-> e(g)p of 0 into ^*, which we denote also by e. Since
^27rig(z)^^ if aiid only if g{z) is a Z-valued locally constant function,
ker e = Z, hence,

0-^Z-^^-i^*-»0 (3.159)

is exact. By Theorem 3.7 we obtain from this exact sequence the following
exact sequence of cohomologies.

> H\M, 0) -> H\M, 0^) ^ H\M, Z) -> • • •. (3.160)

If we regard the transition function fi^ =fjk{z) of a complex line bundle

F = (F, M, TT) as a s e c t i o n ^ e T { U j n U^, ^*) of ^* over UjnUj,9^ 0 , {i;a
forms a 1-cocycle with respect to U by (3.158): {fjk}eZ'{U, 0*). Suppose
that each Uj is a coordinate poly disk. Then as with (3.160), the sequence

>H\Uj, €)^H\Uj, €^)^H\Uj,Z)-^' ••

is exact. By Dolbeault's theorem (Theorem 3.12), we have

H\ Uj, €) ^ n Uj, 5 ^ ) / 5 r ( Uj, si)

166 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

where A is the sheaf of germs of C°° functions. By Dolbeault's lemma

(Theorem 3.3), for any a-closed (0, l)-form (peT(Uj, dsd) on Uj, there is a
il/er{Uj,sd) with (p=dil/, hence H\Uj,O) = 0. Since H^(Uj,Z) = 0, we
obtain H\Uj, ^*) = 0. Therefore, by Theorem 3.5, we have

H\n, ^*) = H\M, ^*). (3.161)

Thus 1-cocycles {fjk} and {gjk}eZ^{Vi, 0^) belong to the same cohomology
class if and only if there is a 0-cochain {hj} e C^(U, ^*) such that {fjkgjk} =
8{hj}, which means that^fcg7fc^ = M 7 ^ i-e. gjk = hj/n^hl^ Consequently {fj^}
and {gjk} belong to the same cohomology class if and only if fji, and gjk are
transition functions of the same line bundle F (see p. 99). Thus we identify
a complex line bundle with the cohomology class of the l-cocycle {fjk}'-

F= [{fjk}]eH\M,0%

Thus H^{M, ^*) is the group of complex line bundle over M with tensor
product as its group multiplication.

Definition 3.19. For a complex line bundle F e H\M, ^ * ) , S'^Fe H\M, Z )

is called its Chern class, and is denoted by c{F): c(F) = S'^F.

Actually (3.161) holds for any sufficiently fine finite open covering 11 =
{Uj}. In fact, take a finite open covering SB = { W^} of M such that each Wx
is a polydisk. Then if each Uj is sufficiently small, we may assume that
n = {Uj} is a refinement of SB: U<SB. Consequently by (3.71), (3.68) and
Theorem 3.4, we have

//^(SB, ^*) c: H\U, 6^*) c: H\M, ^*).

Since by (3.161), H H S B , ^*) = H{M, ^*), we have the desired result.

Let U = { L/y} < SB be a finite open covering such that Uj and Uj n Uk
(7^0) are all simply connected, and that t/jO UjnUk 9^0 is connected.
Let F = [{fjk}]eH\M,€'^) where {fjk}eZ\n,€''). Then since ^ ( ^ ) ^y;^
is a non-vanishing holomorphic function on a simply connected open set
Uj n Uk9^0, any branch of log fjk{z) is a one-valued holomorphic function
on Uj n Uk. Put

gjkiz) = T= log fjkiz), gkjiz) = -gjk(z).


Then by (3.158)

e{gjk(z)-gik(z) + g,j{z))=fjk(z)fk{zr%(z) = l.
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 167


Cijk = gjk(z) - gik(z) + gij{z)

is a constant integer on the doman UinUjn 11^9^0. Since e{gjk} = {yj^},

and 5{g,fc} = {Cyfc}GZ^(tl, Z), 5*F is represented by the 2-cocycle {Cy^} by
the definition of 5* (see p. 130). Thus the Chern class ciF) = 8'^F of a
complex line bundle F = [{fjk}] is given by

c{F) = [{c,j^}l c,j^= ^ ( l o g X - f c - l o g ^ + logi;,-). (3.162)


By a divisor on a compact complei mdnifold M = M"" we mean a linear

combination D = Y,^rn^S^ of a finite number of analytic hypersurface
5 i , . . . , S^,..., with coefficients m^eZ. For a sufficiently fine finite open
covering 11 = { L^}, 5^ is given in U;, with L^ n 5^ ?^ 0 by its minimal equation
f.j(z) = 0:

S^ n (7,- = {z G ^ \f^j(z) = 0}. (3.163)

In case L^ n 5^ = 0 , if we take as/^j(z) an arbitrary non-vanishing holomor-

phic function, e.g., a constant function 1, then (3.163) is also valid there.
fvj{z)/fvk{z) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function on UjnUkT^ 0 . Put

fjk{z) = U['yY-,]
vv/..(z); , zG^-nf/,. (3.164)
r \jvk\Z)/

Then yjfc(^) is also non-vanishing on UjC^U^y^ 0 . Hence {fj^} G Z ^ ( U , ^ * ) .

Thus there is a complex line bundle F with the transition function ^fc, which
we call the complex line bundle defined by D and denote it by [D\.{D1^ = F =

If S is non-singular and connected, 5 is a submanifold of M" of

codimension 1, i.e. of dimension ( n - 1 ) . In this case we call D = S a
non-singular prime divisor.
A divisor D = Y,m^S^ on M is a (2n-2)-diinensional cycle, hence
determines a homology class in H2n-2{^,^)- We shall investigate the
relation between the Chern class c([D]) of [D] and the homology class of
D. Consider a simplicial decomposition of M, and let / ? i , . . . , /7k,... be its
vertices, Sj^.j< k, its 1-simplices, 5y/c, i<j< k, its 2-simplices, Sy^i, i <j<k<
/, its 3-cimplices and so on, where we suppose that dSjk=Pk—pj, dSijj^ =
Sjk ~ % + % and so on.
Let Uj be an interior of the union of all simplices with vertex Pj. Then
a finite open covering Vi = {Uj} has the following property:
168 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Figure 4

For / < 7 < - • •</c<- • •, Uin Ujn- • - n U^n- • -7^0 if and only if
Pw ',Pk,'-' are vertices of a simplex Sij...,,.... Uj, Uf n Uj T^ 0 , Utn Uj n
(//c ^ 0 , • • •, are all simply connected.
Consequently c{F) is given by (3.162) with respect to U. Taking a
sufficiently fine simplicial decomposition, we may assume that H^(U, 6*) =
H\M, (^*). Since H\n, Z) - 0, we have H\Vi, I) c H\M, Z ) by Theorem
4.6. (Actually we have isomorphisms //^(U,Z) = f/^(M,Z) for ^ ^ 0 . )
Let y = X ^ijkSijk be a 2-cycle where m^fc e Z, and the summation is taken
over all simplices Syj,. Let c = [{Cyfc}] be the coholomogy class of a 2-cocycle
{Cijj,} e Z^(U, Z). Then we define the product of c and y by

Since X m,;,-^^^^^ = ay = 0, and dstjj, = Sjj, - Sn, + 5^, we get

I rriijkSjk -Z rriijkSik + 1 m^fc^y = 0, (3.165)

which implies that (c, y) does not depend on the choice of the representative
{Cijk} o f C.
For a divisor D on M = M"" considered as a (2n-2)-cycle, we denote
the intersection number of D and y by I{D, y). Then we have

I{D,y) = {c([D]),y), (3.166)

§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 169

To see (3.166), we assume for simplicity that D = 5 is a non-singular prime

divisor and let fj{z) = 0 be a minimal equation of S on Uj. Since 5 is a
submanifold of codimension 1, for any qe SWQ can choose local coordinates
( z ^ , . . . , Zq) centred at q such that

fj(z) = zl

Then for D = S, (3.164) reads

[5] is a line bundle with transition function yjfc(z).

Assume that 5' meets no 1-simplices 5,^, and that it meets 2-simplices 5'^^
transversally if it does. Let I(S, Syj^) be the number of intersection points
of 5 and s^^ counted with signature. Then

HS,y) = T.^ijkHS,Sijk).

Let Pijk be the centre of mass of 5^^ and Py the middle point of %, and
decompose Syj^ into three cells ^yfc, e,fci, ^kij as illustrated below. If we assume
that S does not meet any of three line segments joining p^^ with /Ty^, ptk and
Pij respectively, then

/ ( 5 , s,j^) = I(S, e,j^) + I(S, ej^,) + / ( 5 , e^^.j).

Figure 5
170 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Since yj(z) = 0 is a minimal equation of S on Uj, and e^j^ c: Ut,

2W-I J,,,,

by the residue theorem, where 36^^ is the boundary of 6^^. Hence

2W^/(5,5,,)= I d log f,{z) + d log fj{z)+\ dlogA(z),

'jki ^ dej^ij

hence by (3.165)

dlogMz)~\ dlogMz)
•f Pik

+ 1 d\ogfj{z)-\ d log fj{z)

'^ Pjk •' Pa

+ JlogA(z)- ^logA(z)).
^ Pik ^ Pjk '

Since fi{z)/fj{z) =fij(z), and so on, the right-hand side of this equaUty is
equal to

a Pijk


^ Pik

^ Pij


= 1 my7c(iogy;7c(Py/c)--iogi/fc(/'jfc)-iogy;fc(/7o7c)
On the other hand, by (3.162), we have
10gX7c(/?yfc)-10g^(Py7c) + 1 0 g / y ( P y k ) = 2 7 7 y ^ C y f c ,

and by (3.165)

/ ( 5 , r ) = Im,^,c,, = (c([5]),r).

(3.166) can also be proved similarly for general D.

§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 171

(b) Submanifolds of Codimension 1

Let 5 be a submanifold of codimension 1 of a compact complex manifold

M = M" where we assume n^2. We denote by 0(-S) the sheaf over M
of germs of holomorphic functions vanishing on S. €(-S) is a subsheaf of
0. We can identify €/(Oi-S)) with €s where Og is the sheaf of germs of
holomorphic functions on S. In fact, let ( z ^ , . . . , z^) be local coordinates
with centre p such that z^ = 0 on 5. Then we may regard ( z ^ , . . . , z^) as
local coordinates on 5. In

(0/€i-S)),= 0,/€(-S),,

Op is the power series ring: Op = C{zp,..., Zp}. If we write (p{zp) e Op in the


cp{zp) = cpo{zl,..,z;)+ I (zir<p^(zl,...,z;\

we have (p{Zp) = (po(zl,..., z^) on S. Therefore 0(-S)p is the ideal of Op

consisting of all power series of the form Z^^i (z^)'"<p^(zp,..., z^).
Consequently Op/0(-S)p is isomorphic to C { z ^ , . . . , z^}. Thus

-S))p^{Os)p for pes.

Up^S, 0(-S)p = Op, and (O/O{-S))p = 0. Thus we may consider

0/0{-S) = Os. (3.167)

The homomorphism

rs:0'^Os = 0/0(-S)

given by rs'. (p{zp) -» (po{z],,..., z ^ is called the restriction map to 5, because

(Poizl, ...,Zp) = (^(0, z ^ , . . . , Zp) is the restriction of (p{zp) = (p(zl,..., Zp)
to S. rs defines a homomorphism rgi T{W, 0)-^T(Sn W, Og) for any open
set W^ M. For (peT{W, 0), rs(p is the local holomorphic function on S
obtained by restricting (p io W r^S.
Let U-{Uj} be a sufficiently fine finite open covering and ^(z) = 0 a
minimal equation of S on Uj. Then we have

0(-S) = 0{[ST'). (3.168)

Proof. Let (p be a local section of ^(-5') defined over an open set W. In

other words (p = <p{z) is a holomorphic function on W vanishing on S.
172 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Consequently on each Wn Uj 7^ 0 , (p{z) = fj{z)\jjj{z) with some local func-

tion i//r^(z) on Wn Uj. Since on Wn Ujn 11^9^0, fj(z)iljj{z) =fk{z)it/j,(z),
we have

iljj(z)=f;j!(z)Mz). (3.169)

Consequently putting il/{z) = {z,il/j{z)) on each Wn Uj, we obtain a

holomorphic section (/^: z^il/{z) of [5]"^ over W. Conversely, if if/: z^
il/{z) = (z, if/jiz)) is a holomorphic section of [S]~^ over W, ij/jiz) is a holo-
morphic function on Wn Uj such that^(z)(/fy(z)=/fc(z)(/^fc(z) on Wn Ujn
Uk7^0. Consequently putting (p(z)=fj(z)il/j{z) on each Wn Uj7^0, we
obtain a holomorphic function (p = (p{z) on W vanishing on S. Thus we
obtain an isomorphism 0{-S) = 0([ST^). I

The sequence

is exact, where t is the inclusion. Replacing 0(-S) by €{[S]~^) we obtain

0 -> OUST') -^O^Os-^0. (3.170)

Let F be a complex line bundle over M, €{F) the sheaf of germs of

holomorphic sections of F, O(F-S) the sheaf of germs of holomorphic
sections of F vanishing on S, and 0{F)s the sheaf of germs of holomorphic
section of F over S. Then similarly as in (3.167) we have

0(F)/0{F-S) = 0(F) s.

Let Fs be the line bundle over S obtained from F by restricting the base
space to 5. We call Fs the restriction of F to S. Then 0(F)s is identified
with ^(Fs): ^(F)5 = ^(Fs). Therefore we obtain as in (3.168)

0(F- S) = ^ ( F ® [5]-'). (3.171)

Hence we obtain the exact sequence

0 -> 0(F®[ST') -^ 0(F) ^ 0(Fs) -^ 0. (3.172)

Putting F = [5], we obtain from (3.172)

0^O^O(F)^O(Fs)^0,F = [Sl (3.173)

since F®F~^ = M ® C . (3.172) holds also for holomorphic vector bundles

of rank ^ 2 over M.
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 173

Let K and K{S) be the canonical bundles of M and 5 respectively.

Then we have

K(S) = Ks®[S]s> (3.174)

Proof. Let U = { L^} be a sufficiently fine finite open covering such that each
Uj is a coordinate neighbourhood. Let (z],..., zj) be the local coordinates
on Uj and fj(z) = 0 a minimal equation of S on Uj. Put fjk(z) =fj{z)/fk(z).
Further assume that fj{z) = z] for UjnS9^0. Then ( z j , . . . , zj) may be
regarded as local coordinates of 5 on 5 n Uj. The transition function of K
is given by

d{Zk, Zj^,..., Zfc)

/^7c(^) = ciet


J{S)j,{z) = dQt^}'l''''''ll on 5n^nt/,#0.

«9(z^-,... ,z^-j

Then J(S)jk(z) is the transition function of K(S). Thus it suffices to prove

J{S)j,,(z) = Jju{z)fjk{z) on SnUjnUk^0.

For 7, k with SnUjnUk7^0,

Zk =fkj{z)z] on L^- n U^.

dzl=fkj{z) dz]-\-z] dfkj(z).

On the other hand, on Uj n Uf,, we have

J z j A dzl, A • • • A ^Zfc = d e t 2' ' ' ' n\ ^ ^ j ^ ^^7 A • • • A dZj.

d{Zj,. ..,Zj)

Since z] = 0 on 5, we have, on SnUjnUj^

dzl A dzl A • • • A c/zfc =fkj(z) dz] A (izfc A • • • A dzl

= fkj(z)J{S)jk{z) dz] Adz^A"'A dz].

Thus Jjkiz) =fkj(z)J(S)jk(z), which proves (3.174). I

174 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

(c) Projective Space

In this section we study complex line bundles on P".

Let Zr,)3=i Scx^ dz"'®dz^ be a Hermitian metric on a complex manifold
M", and o) =yJ-\ Za,/3=i ^«/8 ^^" ^ ^^^ ^^^ associated real (1, l)-form. We
call "La 13=1 Sap dz'^®dz^ a Kdhler metric if d(o = 0. co is then called its
Kdhler form. Any complex manifold M has a Hermitian metric, but does
not always have a Kahler metric. A complex manifold endowed with a
Kahler metric is called a Kdhler manifold.
Let n^ be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic /7-forms over a complex
manifold M = M". Put

/z^'^ = dim H^(M, H^) and b, = dim H'(M, C),

where b^ is the rth Betti number of M. If M is Kahler, the following equalities


S h'''' = br, /z^'^ = /i^'^. (3.175)

It follows from these equalities that br is even for odd r.

Thus let M", n ^ 2 , be a Hopf manifold given in Example 2.9. M " is
diffeomorphic to S^ x 5^"~\ hence cannot have a Kahler metric because its
first Betti number is 1.
If iV is a submanifold of a Kahler manifold M, restricting the Kahler
metric of M to N, we obtain a Kahler metric of N. Thus a submanifold of
a Kahler manifold is again Kahler.
Let (^0? • • •» fn) he the homogeneous coordinates on P". Let U = { U,} be
a finite open covering of P", {z],..., zj) local complex coordinates on Uj
such that on each Uj, ^ ^ Q ) # 0 for some /3(j), and that

V ^J 9 • • • ' ^J / I , • • • 5 ^ , ^ 5 • • • J ^ I•
Xt^O) fc/SO) (,13 U) ^(3(j)/

Put a(z,) = l + Z L J z ; | l Then

aa log a(z,)= I gj^pdzfAdzf,



The Hermitian form Xa^ gja^^^'vi^^ is easily seen to be positive definite

where w \ . . . , w" e C . On the other hand, since ^(z^) =Za=o l^a/f^o)!^? we
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 175


a{zj) = \ejkiz)\^a(zk) on ^0(7^7^0,

where ejk{z) = Cp{k)/Cpuy ^jki^) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function.


dd log a(Zj) = dd log a{z}^).

Thus Y.a/3 Sjap dzf(S)dzf gives a Hermitian metric on P". Its associated real
(1, l)-form is given by

CO = V —1 dd l o g a(Zj)

= V - 1 c/alog a{Zj),

since J = (9 + 5. Therefore dco = 0, and X!« ^g gja^ dzf (x) dff is a Kahler metric
Thus P" is a Kahler manifold. Consequently projective algebraic mani-
folds are all Kahler, being submanifolds of the Kahler manifold P".
Since the rth Betti number of P" is 1 for even r and 0 for odd r, where
r ^ 2 n , we obtain from (3.175)

dim H^P\ nn = h'^'^ = \ ' ^^^' (3.176)


In particular for 0 = fl^, we have

dim//^(P", ^) = 0, q^l. (3.177)

Hence by (3.160) we have

H\P\ O"") = H\P\ Z) = Z. (3.178)

Thus the group //^(P", 0^) of complex line bundles over P" is an infinite
cyclic group.
Let Poo be the hyperplane ^o = 0, and E =[Poo] the line bundle over P"
defined by the divisor Poo- Since ColCpu)^^ is a minimal equation of Poo
on Uj, the transition function of E is given by

e,.(z)=-^/-^ =^ . (3.179)
inU)/ i>fi(k) ipU)

E is a generator o/Z/^P", 0^). Proof. Let G be a generator of f/^P", (D^*),

and suppose that E = G"^ where m is an integer. Let y be a line joining a
176 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

point of Poo with ( 1 , 0 , . . . , 0). Then 7 = P M S a 2-cycle. Since c(E) = mc(G),

we have, by (3.166),

I{P^,y) = {c{E),y)=m{c{G),y).

On the other hand, /(Poo, r ) = U and {c(G), y) is an integer. Consequently

m = ± l , and E = G or E = G~^. I Thus any complex line bundle Fe
iir^(P", 0"^) is written as F = E^ where h is an integer.
Let '^(^) = ' ^ ( ^ 0 , . . . , ^„) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree h in
^ 0 , . . . , L' Put ilfj(z) = ^(O/Cpij) on each Uj. Then iffjizj) is a holomorphic
function of ( z ] , . . . , z") on Uj, and on Uy n L^^ ?^ 0 ,

ipjiz) = ejk(z)^il/k(zk).

Therefore if/: z^ il/(z) = (z, i/(/(z)) gives a holomorphic section of JB^ over
P": (/f 6 r ( P " , ^ ( £ ) ) where ij/jiz) is the fibre coordinate of the point (/^(z)
of E\ We denote lA by il/ = {il/j{z)},

Conversely any holomorphic section i/^G r(P", ^ ( £ ^ ) ) with h a positive

integer, is represented as il/= {ij/jiz)} with i//^(z) = '^(^)/^^(^) by some
homogeneous polynomial ' ^ ( ^ of degree h in ^0, • • •, (n- Proof. Let Poo be the
hyperplane ^o = 0. Then P" -Poo = C", and ( z i , . . . , z„) give complex coor-
dinates on C", where z^ = CalCo- Since ^j{z) is holomorphic on Uj and since

^,(2) = ( y ^ ) ^.(^) on^nL/,^0,

we have on C" n Ujn 11^9^0

(fe)',«.(fe)V. (z).
Therefore we can define a holomorphic function (p(zi,..., z„) on C" by

9 ( ^ 1 , . . . , ^n) = ( ^ ) ^,-(z) (3.180)

on each C" n ^ ^ 0 . Denote the homogeneous part of degree m of the

power series expansion of cp by <p^. We want to see that (p^(zi,..., z„) = 0
for m>k. For this, take any point /7oo = (0, ^ 1 , . . . , f„) of Poo. Poo is contained
in some Uj. If/?OOG ^ , we have, by (3.180),
00 yh

I j^'PMu...,L) = i'^aM^)- (3-181)

m = 0 feo
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 177

For a sufficiently small e > 0, the right-hand side of (3.181) is a holomorphic

function in ^o in |^ol<e- Hence for m>/z, cpmUu" - An) = 0. Thus <p
is a polynomial of degree at most /i in Z j , . . . , z„. Consequently

is a homogeneous polynomial of degree Tz, and by (3.181) we obtain

Clearly r(P", ^(£^)) = r(P", 0) = C. For h<0, r(P", €(£'')) = 0 since in

this case using (3.181) we obtain <Pm = 0 for m ^ O .
Recall that for a homogeneous polynomial'^(^) = ^(^0, • • •, fn) of degree
/i in ^0, • • •, ^n, the algebraic subset of P" defined by ^ ( ^ ) = 0 is called a
hypersurface of degree h.

Theorem 3.23. Let She a suhmanifold of codimension 1 of P". Then [5] = E^,
where h is a positive integer^ and S is a hypersurface of degree h.

Proof Let^(z) = 0 be a minimal equation of S on Uj. Then the transition

function of [5] is given by y;-,=^(z)=y;(z)//,(z). Since H\P\€^) = Z,
there is an integer h such that [5] = £ \ hence [{y;7c(z)}] = [{ejk}] with
e.j^ = ejj,{z). Since by (3.161) H\P\ (^*) = if'(U, ^ * ) , there is a 0-cochain
{Uj}e C^{U,€^) such that ^fc = w/^^jfcWk- As Uj = Uj{z) is a non-vanishing
holomorphic function on U,, we have

u,-(z)i;(z) = e,,(z)V(^)A(^)
on UjnUk9^0, which implies that {uj{z)fjiz)}eT(P",€{E'')). Since
r(P", ^(E^)) = 0 for / i < 0 , and r(P", ^(JB^)) = C, h must be a positive
integer. Consequently by the above result, {Uj(z)fj{z)} is represented as

u,(z)/;.(z)==^, (3.182)

with a homogeneous polynomial ^ ( ^ ) of degree /z. On each Uj, fj(z) = 0 is

equivalent to ^ ( f ) = 0. Thus 5 is a hypersurface of degree h defined by
^ ( ^ ) = 0. I

Note that this is a special case of Chow's theorem (see p. 40).

Let P{^) = P(^o, • • •, ^n) be a homogeneous polynomial of degree n ^ 2
in ^0, • • • 5 ^n- If at each point ^€ P", at least one of the partial derivatives
dPiO/^L of PU) does not vanish, the hypersurface 5 defined by P(^) = 0
is non-singular. Moreover S is connected. For, if not, each component S„
I = 1, 2 , . . . , of >S is a submanifold of codimension 1 of P". Therefore by
178 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

Theorem 3.23, S^ is a hypersurface defined by an algebraic equation ^ ( ^ ) =

0. Then ^ ( ^ ) does not vanish on 52. Therefore ^«/'^(^) with h = deg ^ ( f )
is a holomorphic function on 52, hence, a constant. Consequently c« =
ia/^Uy^^ is also a constant, which implies that (fo, • • •, ^n) = (^o,..., c„)
on 52. This is a contradiction. Thus 5 is connected, hence, is a submanifold
of codimension 1. Let m = deg P(^), and put fj(0 = P{C)lC'^UY Thenyj(z) =
0 gives a minimal equation of 5 on (7, since at least one of the partial
derivatives dP{^)/d^oc does not vanish at each point ^. Therefore
fj{z)/fk{z) = {Cpi^k)/Cii{j)T gives the transition function of [5]. Thus [5] =

The canonical bundle K of P" is given by

X = E-"-\ (3.183)

Proo/ Let Uj = {^ G P" | {^ T^ 0}. Then U = {U,} is an open covering of P", and

(z^,...,zi-\zi-^\...,z;) with z- = UCj

give local coordinates on Uj. Define Jj^ by

d z l ^ - ' ^ dzt' A J Z ^ ' A • • • A J Z ^ = J^-fc6?Z,% • • • A J z j - ' A J z j " ' ' A • • • A J z ;

on Uj n Uk' Then K is defined by {Jju}- On the other hand, the transition

function Cj^ of E is given by ey^ = Ckld- Since z^ = ZQ/ZQ, a = 1 , . . . , n, and
Zfc= l / z j , we have

dzl^dzl^' ' ' ^ dzt~^ A dzt^^ N- - Kdzl

/ ^ \ n+l
= -( — 1 dZoAdzlA-'-AdZo^A dZo^'^ A' ' ' AdZo

= (-1)''(—) ^ 4 A • • • A dz!^-' A ^z5 A • • • A dzl

T h u s / o . - ( - l ) ' ^ ( f o / f J " ^ \ hence

Consequently K = £'"""\ |

(d) Surfaces in P^

Let 5 be a non-singular surface of degree h in P^. By the results of the

preceding subsection, [S] = E^ where E = [P^].
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 179

By (3.183) K = E-^ for ¥>\ Therefore by (3.174) the canonical bundle

K{S) of 5 is given by

K{S) = E'r\ (3.184)

where Es is the restriction of E to S.

The first Betti number b^ of S vanishes. In fact we will let
Cl Co~'Cu . . . , CHHHe\ . . . , CiCt'. Cs be all the monomials of degree h
in ^0, ^1, ^2, ^3- They are (^3^) in number. Using these monomials we define
a map of P^ into P"" where JJL = Ct^) - 1 , as follows:

L: ^-> (COO, WJ, . . . , ft>^) = (^5, ^ o " Y i , . • . , ^3*),

where (a>o, W i , . . . , co^) is the homogeneous coordinates of P^. t maps P^

biholomorphically into P ^ Thus P^ = 6(P^)cip^ is a submanifold of P ^
Let ^ ( ^ ) = 0 be the defining equation of S. ^ ( ^ ) is a linear combination of
monomials of degree h\

n n = aoCo + «i^o ~'^i + • • • + a.^oVf ^^2^^ 3'^+ • • • + a^^,\

Therefore if / / is a hyperplane of P^ defined by ao<^o+ • * • + ci^^o)^ — 0, then

^ ^ p 3 ^ p M -g ^j^^ section of P^ by H: / / n P ^ = 5. Consequently by Lef-
schetz' theorem (see [23], also [24] for the proof using Morse theory),

H\S,0 = H\P\0.
Since / f ' ( P ' , C) = 0, bj = 0 for S,
Let nVbe the sheaf of germs of holomorphic 1-forms on S. Since 5 is
Kahler, and h^ = 0, we obtain from (3.175)

//'^(5,a') = 0. (3.185)

Let M be a 2-dimensional compact complex manifold which is not

necessarily Kahler. Then we can prove that if //^(M, C) = 0, then
/f ^(M, a ' ) = 0 as follows. Let <p e H\M, a ' ) be a holomorphic 1-form on
M. First we will prove that (p is J-closed. Let ( z \ z^) be local complex
coordinates on M and introduce local real coordinates ( x \ x^, x^, x"^) by
putting z^ = x^ + ix^, z^ = x^-h ix^. If we put dip = 1/^12 dz^ A dz^, then we have

dcp A d(p= \ |(/^i2| ^z^ A dz^ A Jz^ A Jz^


—~ l'Ai2|^ dz^ ^ dz^ ^ ^^^ ^ dz^


180 3. Differential Forms, Vector Bundles, Sheaves

On the other hand,

dcp A d(p= \ d(p Ad(p= \ d{(p A d(p) = 0.


Hence (/^i2 = 0. Thus dcp — 0.

Since by hypothesis H^{M, C) = 0, by de Rham's theorem r ( M , dsd^) =
dr(M, ^''). Therefore for any ^ e r ( M , dsd""), there i s a n / e r ( M , si"") such
that (p = df. Since (p = df=df+df is a (0, l)-form, df=0. Therefore / is
holomorphic on M, hence a constant. Consequently (p = df=0. Thus we
obtain H%M,a') = 0.
If dim M = 2, H\M, Z ) - Z. Therefore the cup product cc' e H\M, Z ) =
Z of any two cohomology classes c, c' G H^{M, Z ) is considered as an integer.
In general, for a compact complex manifold M = M"^, the ^r^^ Chern class
Cj of M is defined to be —c{K) where K is the canonical bundle of M:
Ci = —c{K). For n = 2, c\= CiCi is an integer. In this case we call (l + Cj)
the linear genus of M.
Let 5 be a non-singular hypersurface of degree h in P^. Then

c{Esf = h. (3.186)

Proof, Let P be a plane in general position in P^. Then P is not tangent to

5', so the intersection C = P n 5 is a non-singular algebraic curve on 5. C,
as a divisor on S, defines a line bundle [C] on 5. Then we have

£s = [C]. (3.187)

In fact, let /(^) = 0 be the defining equation of P where 1{C) is a linear form
in fo, Cu ^2, ^3- Let U = {Uj} he a. finite open covering of P^ such that on
each Uj, some ^^Q)7^0. Then KOIC^{j)='^ gives a minimal equation of P
on Uj. Therefore on 5 n U, T^ 0 , il{0/Cf3(j))s = 0 gives a minimal equation
of C = P n 5, where {l(0/Cp(j))s denotes the restriction of 1(0/^^u) ^^ '^•
Consequently the transition function of [C] is given by

Since ^y^ = ^/3(k)/^/30) is the transition function of E, we obtain [C] = E5 as

Let P' be another plane in general position in P^, and put C' = P' nS.
Then C and C meet transversally on S. Then

c([C])-c([C']) = /(C,C'),
§3.6. Complex Line Bundles 181

where / ( C , C ) is the intersection number of C and C (see [15]). Since by

(3.187), £s = [C] = [ C I ,

c{Es)' = I{C,C'),

On the other hand, y = PnP' is a line in P^, and the intersection points
of C = P n 5 with C = P' nS coincide with those of S with y. Since a line
7 in general position meets a hypersurface of degree h transversally in h
distinct points, / ( C , C) - h, hence c{EsY = h. I
Chapter 4

Infinitesimal Deformation
From now on we proceed to the main theme of this book.

§4.1. Differentiable Family

(a) Introduction

As stated in §2.1(a) in connexion with Definition 2.1 of complex manifolds,

a complex manifold M = M " is obtained by glueing domains ^i,.,.,%,...
in C": Af = U j %. If we write the coordinate transformation by yj^ instead
of Tjj, in (2.2),

ffj,: zj, -> zj = {z],..., zj) =fjkizk),

fji^ is a biholomorphic map of the open set ^kj ^ ^k onto %k ^ %, and

Zje% and Zf^e^L^ are the same point of M if Zj=fjk(z},). Zj==fj,^{z,,) is
written in detail as

Zj =f%{zk) =mzl..., zD, a = 1 , . . . , n. (4.1)

In the sequel we write Uf instead of %y for simplicity: Uj = %. By Theorem

2.1, we may assume that U = {^ |j = 1, 2,...} is a locally finite open covering
of M, and that each Uj is a polydisk:

t/, = { z , e C " | | z j | < r ; , . . . , | z ; | < r ; } . (4.2)

Replacing zf by zj/rf, we may assume further that Uj is of radius 1:

[/, = { z , e C " | | 2 ] | < l , . . . , | z ; | < l } . (4.3)

If M is compact, U = { Uj} may be assumed to be a finite open covering.

Thus a compact complex manifold M is obtained by glueing a finite number
of polydisks U^ ..., Uj,..., Uj by identifying z^ e Uk and Zj =fjk(zk) e
Uj'. M = Uj-=i ^j' ^ deformation of M is considered to be the glueing of
the same polydisks Uj via different identification. In other words, replacing
§4.1. Differentiable Family 183

fjk(zk) in (4.1) by the functions

fjkiz,, t) =ff,(z,, ?!,..., tj, ff,(z^, 0) =ff,iz,),

of Zfc and the parameter t = (ti,..., t^), we obtain deformations M^ of

M = Mo by glueing the polydisks Ui,..., Ui by identifying z^ G U^ with
z^ =fjkizk, t)e Uj. This is the fundamental idea of Spencer and the author
on the deformation of complex structures [21]. We were, however, at first
rather sceptic about this idea. For, the complex structure of M^ = U^. Uj
thus defined via the identification Zj=fjk(zk, t) may not actually vary with
t. For example, let ^^ = ( ^ j , . . . , ^J) be local coordinates of M, and choose
holomorphic functions zj = zfi^p 0, a; == 1 , . . . , n, of (« + 1) variables
Up t) = Ul..., ^^j), defined on (, e Uj, |r| < 1, such that the map

Zj'. ^j-^ZjUj. t) = (z'jUj, 0, . • • , Z^Uj, t))

gives new local coordinates of M on Uj. Let

Zk-^Zj=fjk{Zk, t)

be the coordinate transformation. Then since

ffki^k, t) depend in general on t. But since {z^,..., z,,...} is a system of

local complex coordinates of the given complex manifold M, M^ = U^. Uj
obtained via the identification Zj^fjk{z^, t) is just M, hence M^ does not
vary with t. Thus at a glance M^ appears to depend on t, but actually does
not. Therefore since, at first, we had no criterion for the acutual dependence
of Mf on t, we were sceptic about the efficiency of our above-mentioned idea.
Later at a colloquium held in the Institute for Advanced Studies at
Princeton, A. Frolicher reported his joint work with A. Nijenhuis on the
deformation of complex structures, and explained their proof of the rigidity
of P" ([7]). Their theory depended on the differential geometric method
developed by them. This encouraged us to develop our idea on the deforma-
tion anew.

(b) Differentiable Family

At first we did not take notice of the fact that the parameter appeared in
the definition of a complex manifold is in general a complex one, and that
therefore as a family of complex manifolds M^ depending on the parameter
t = (ti,..., t^), it is more natural to consider a complex analytic family
(Definition 2.8 in §2.3). Thus we at first considered the case that/j^(zfc, t) =
184 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

fjki^k, ti,... ,tm) are C°° functions of the real parameters ti,..., t^. For
this we introduced the concept of a differentiable family of compact complex
The definition of a differentiable family of compact complex manifolds
is the C°° analogue of the definition of a complex analytic family {Mt\te
B} = {M, B, m) given in §2.3(a). We give the precise definition below.
Let J^ be a differentiable manifold, B a domain of IR'", and m a C°° map
of M onto B. Suppose that the rank of the Jacobian matrix of xu is equal
to m at every point of Ji. Then, as stated in §2.3(a), we can choose a system
of local C°° coordinates { z i , . . . , x^,...}, xy. p^ Xj(p) satisfying the following
(i) Xjip) = (xj(/7),..., xj(p), r i , . . . , tj, (tu ...,tm) = m(p),
(ii) {%} is a locally finite open covering of M where % is the domain
o f Xj.

Therefore for every point te B,if m'^t) is connected, Trr'^t) is a differenti-

able manifold whose system of local C°° coordinates is given by


Moreover if rxT'^t) is compact, taking for each feB an open multi-interval

/ such that r ^ G / c i [ / ] c : B , we see from Theorem 2.4 that VT~\I) =

Definition 4.1. Suppose given a compact complex manifold M^ = M " for

each point r of a domain B of IR'^. {M, \teB}\s called a differentiable family
of compact complex manifolds if there are a differentiable manifold M and
a C°° map m of M onto B satisfying the following conditions:
(i)The rank of the Jacobian matrix of m is equal to m at every point
of M.
(ii) For each teB, 'UT~^{t) is a compact connected subset of M.
(iii) m-\t)^M,.
(iv) There are a locally finite open covering {% |j = 1, 2,...} of J^ and
complex-valued C°° functions z j ( / ? ) , . . . , z]{p), j = 1, 2 , . . . ,
defined on %ij such that for each t

{p-^{z]{p),...,2l{p)\%n^-\t)^0} (4.4)

form a system of local complex coordinates of M,.

By (i), (ii), each m~^{t) is a compact differentiable manifold. The condi-

tion (iii) means that m~\t) is the underlying differentiable manifold of M^.
We call teB the parameter of the differentiable family {Mj rG B) and B
its parameter space or base space.
§4.1. Differentiable Family 185

We denote the differentiable family {Mt\tG B} by (Jt, B, m) or simply

by M. If we write zJ{p) = x]"'~^{p)-\-ix]'^{p), a == 1 , . . . , n, by dividing into
the real and imaginary parts, and put

^jip) = ix]{p), xj(p),. . ., x f (/7), t,,..., tj, {t„ ...,tj = m{p),

then by the condition (iv), {Xj I7 = 1, 2 , . . . } , xf. p -^ Xj{p) form a system of

local C°° coordinates of the differentiable manifold M. Xj maps % into
R^" X B differentiably. Introducing complex coordinates in R^" by

(z\ . . . , z") = (x^ + ix\ . . . , x^"-' + ix^"),

we consider !R^" as C", and Xj as a C°° map of % into C" x J5:

Xj: p -» x,(;?) = {z]ip),..., z;(;7), ^ i , . . . , r^), (t,, ...,tj = m{p). (4.5)

When we consider x, as a map of % into C" x J5, we call {xj I7 = 1, 2,...} a

system of local coordinates of the differentiable family Ji. Since the coordi-
nate transformation Xk(p)^Xj(p) for % n ^^ ^^ 0 does not affect ^ 1 , . . . , ^m,
it is written in the form

= (fjkizkip, t), r),... Jjkizj^ip, t), t), r), t = m{p).

Since by (iv), for a fixed t,p-^{z]{p),... ,z]{p)) gives local complex

coordinates of the complex manifold M^, the coordinate transformation on


is biholomorphic. Therefore C°° functions

fU^k. t) =fU^l ...,zl,t,,..., tj, a = 1 , . . . , n,

of Zfc,..., Zfc, ti,..., t^ are holomorphic in z ^ , . . . , z^.

There are infinitely many choices of systems of local coordinates of the
given differentiable family Jt. Given a locally finite open covering {W;^\X =
1,2,...}, and a diffeomorphism

u^:p-^u^{p) = ( w l ( / ? ) , . . . , wlip), ^ 1 , . . . , tm),

of W), onto an open subset of C" x B for each A, {MJ, . . . , M^, • • •} form a
system of local coordinates of the differentiable family M if and only if for
186 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

each t e B, w^ip), with pe MjnW^ is a. local holomorphic function on M^.

Thus if {MA} is a system of local coordinates of the family Ji, putting

<(P) = gtj(z]{p),..., zjip), ^ 1 , . . . , tj, ih, ...,tj = m(p),

on each W^ n %, we see that the C°° functions

gtjizl..., z;, ^ 1 , . . . , tj, a = 1, 2 , . . . , n, (4.6)

of z ] , . . . , z j , ^ 1 , . . . , tm, are holomorphic in z ] , . . . , zj.

Given a differentiable family {Jt, B,m), by Theorem 2.1, we may choose
its system of local coordinates {Xj}, xf. p -» Xjip),

Xj(p) = (zj(/7),..., z;(/7), ^ 1 , . . . , tm), {tu ...,tj = m{p),

such that for each j w e have

Xj{%)=UjXlj, (4.7)

where we put ^ = { Z , G C " | | Z 7 | < r 7 , a = 1 , . . . , n}, and Ij = {teB\aj^<

K<^jir> ^ = Ij • • •, ^ } - Thus identifying p e % with Xj{p), we consider ^ =
[JJ Uj X 7^-. From this viewpoint, (z^, t)e UjX Ij and (z^, t)e U^x 4 are the
same point on Ji if Zj=fjk(zjc, t). In terms of the local coordinates (zj, r),
tar is written as

t i T : ( z j , . . . , z ; , o->^.

Consequently m{UjXlj) = Ij. Thus M^ = tz7~^(0 is the union of all UjXt

with r G Ij, Identifying Uj x t with Uj, we may consider

M,= U Uj.

Then z^ e L^ and z^ e Uj^ are the same point on M, if z^ =fjk(zk, 0- Thus M^

f5 a compact manifold obtained by glueingpolydisks Uj with IjStby identifying
Zfc e Uk with Zj =fjk(zk, 0 e Uj.
Since {% IJ = 1,2,...} is locally finite, for any fixed t^e B, there are only
finitely many % such that % n M,o 7^ 0 . For simplicity we put t^ = 0, and
assume that %nMo7^0 forj = 1 , . . . , / , and that % n MQ7^ 0 fovj^ / + 1.

MoCzU UjXij.
§4.1. Differentiable Family 187

Putting I = r)j=i Ij, and Mi = m \l), we have

Mr = m-\I) = [J UjXl. (4.8)




Figure 1

Of course / is an open multi-interval with Oe I(^ B. Therefore for each

te I, Mt = U^^i Uj is a complex manifold obtained by glueing Ui,..., Ui by
identifying Zj, e Uj, with Zj =fjk{zk, t) e Uj.
Thus considering a differentiable family (Jt, B,m),wQ can get a clearer
image of the deformation of compact complex manifolds. Namely, given a
compact complex manifold M, if there is a differentiable family (Ji, B, wr)
with m~\t^) = M for some t^eB, each Mt = m~\t) is called a deformation
of M By Theorem 2.4, ifMt is a deformation ofM, M, and M are diffeomor-
phic. Restricting the domain of the parameter t to a sufficiently small
multi-interval /, we see that M, = V7~\t) = U^.^i ^ for t e /, where each Uj
isapolydisk independent oft, and only the coordinate transformations z^ -^ Zj =
fjk(zk, t) depend on t. Thus only the way of glueing Ui,..., Ui depends on t.
Each point of M^ belongs to one of Uj. Consequently the complex structure
of a sufficiently small neighbourhood of each point of M^ does not vary
under deformation. Note that at this point the deformation of complex
manifolds is essentially different from the deformation of an elastic body.
For, any small portion of an elastic body undergoes distortion under
deformation. Let / 7 G M , = UJ=i ^7,, and suppose peUinUjnUk. Then
putting Zi = Ziip), Zj = Zj(p), and z^ = Zk(p), we have

Zi =MZj, t) =fkiZf,, t), Zj =fjk{Zk, t).

188 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

Hence on % n % n^k9^0, we obtain the following important equality.

Mz,,t)=Mfjj,(z^,t),t). (4.9)

§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation

(a) Infinitesimal Deformation

Given a differentiable family (Jt, B, wr) of compact complex manifolds,

how can we know whether the complex structure of Mt = vT~\t) actually
depends on tl First let us consider this problem for m = 1, that is, in case
B is an open interval of IR. Given a differentiable function f{t) of a real
variable t, by differentiating it in t, we know whether/(O is a constant
independent of t or not. Analogically also in our case we expected to obtain
a useful criterion of the actual dependence on t by the differentiation of
(4.9) in t. (4.9) is written in more detail as

fUz,, t) =mfjic(zk, 0 , . . . JMz^, 0, 0, a = 1,..., n.

Putting zf =ffj^(zk, t), we obtain

dmzj,,t)_dfrj{zj,t) ^ " dftjizj,t) df%{zu.t)

dt dt (3 = 1 dzf dt

Also putting zf =fy{zj, t), we have

dniz(,,t)_dfrj(zj,t) ^ ^ dzidfixzj^
dt dt 13 = 1 dzf dt

Using holomorphic vector fields, we can rewrite these equalities in the

following intrinsic form:

J dftkizk^t) d _ " dftjizj^t) d

a=i dt dzf a=i dt dzf

" df%{Zk,t) d
%t, dt dzf

where we use the equality

d " dzf d
dzf ~ hx dzf dzf
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 189

Introducing the vector fields

OjM = i ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ , z, =A,(z,, t), (4.10)

a=l Ot OZj

we write the above equality as

eidt) = o,j(t) + ej,,{t). (4.11)

Thus on each open set Ujn 17^7^0 of Mt = [Jj Uj, a holomorphic vector
field Ojk(t) is defined, and the equality (4.11) holds on UinUjn Uk^0.
(4.11) is also written as

^,fc(0-^.fc(0 + %(0 = 0. (4.12)

Putting i = k, since fZk = ^k, we have dkk(t) = 0. Consequently from (4.11)

we have
ekj(t) = -ejM. (4.13)

From (4.12) and (4.13), we see that {Sj^it)} is a 1-cocycle. Namely, let St
be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields over M^. Then

^,-,(r)Gr(^-n(7,,©,), Otj(t) = -ejM.

From (4.12), {Ojj^it)} is a 1-cocycle with respect to the open covering

Ut = {Uj} on M, = U , Uj' {Ojk(t)} e Z^U,, 0,). We denote by e{t) the element
of the cohomology group H\Mt, St) determined by the l-cocycle {djj^{t)}. By
the Corollary to Theorem 3.4, H^{Vit,St) is a subgroup of H\Mt, St):

H\nt,St)^H\Mt,St). (4.14)

Thus 6(t) is considered to be an element of H\Mt,St). Then it will be

obvious that 0{t) is the cohomology class of {6jk(t)}. Since

Ojk(t)= I — , Zk=fkj(zj,t),
a^l ot dZj

is obtained by differentiating fjki^k, 0 which define the complex structure

of M^f, we may expect that 6{t) represents in some sense or another the
"derivative" of the complex structure of M^ with respect to t. Hence we
call 6{t) the infinitesimal deformation of Mt, and consider 6(t) as the
derivative of the complex structure of Mt with respect to t. We denote it by
190 4. Infinitesimal Deformation


f =.(-). (4.,5,
In the above argument, we assume that Xj{%) = UjX Ij, but this assumption
is redundant. Let { x i , . . . , Xj,...} be an arbitrary system of local coordinates
of the differentiable family M, and % the domain of x,. Identifying p e %
with (Zj, t) = (z],..., Zj,ti,..., tm) = Xj{p), we consider % with {Zj, t) =
C " x B , hence

%nMt=Uj,xt, Uj,^C\

Consequently identifying Ujt x t with Up, we obtain an open covering

Vit = {Ujt} of Mt. Ut is a finite covering of M^ where we omit Up if it is
empty. Let
{Zj,,t)-^{Zj,t) = {fj,,(Z},,t),t)

be the coordinate transformation on % n ^k. Then we have the identity

(4.9) on %n %n^j,9^0. Consequently defining Oj^it) by (4.10), we have
{^jk{t)} e Z\Vit, ©f). We denote by 0(t) the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle

and define ^ ( 0 as the infinitesimal deformation of Mt'. dMt/dt = 0{t). Thus

the infinitesimal deformation is defined with respect to any system of local
We must verify that d{t) does not depend on the choice of systems of local
coordinates. First we show that ^ ( 0 does not change under the refinement
of U = {%}. Let 93 = { r , } , r^ c: ^^.(^), be any refinement of U, and define
local coordinates x^ on Y^ by x^,: p^X;,{p) = Xj(^^^(p). We must show that
the infinitesimal deformation defined with respect to {x} coincides with ^ ( 0
defined with respect to {Xj}. Since X;, is the restriction of x^(x) to T^, the
holomorphic vector field ^AAX(0 defined by (4.10) with respect to {x^}, is
the restriction of Ojixmtx) to T^nV^n m'^t). Namely, putting 93, = {T^J,
where TA, = "FA n M, T^ 0 , we have

Hence {0),fj,(t)} = U.^\{djj^(t)}. Consequently by (3.81) the cohomology class

of {^A/Lt(0} coincides with that of {Ojk(t)}. Thus the infinitesimal deformation
does not change under the refinement of the open covering. Since any two
locally finite open coverings have a common refinement, in order to prove
the independence of ^ ( 0 of the choice of systems of local coordinates, it
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 191

remains to show the following: Given two local coordinates Xj = (zj, t) and
Uj = {Wj, t) on each Uj, the infinitesimal deformation 7]{t) with respect to
{Uj} coincides with ^ ( 0 defined with respect to {Xj}. Let

(Wfc, t) -> {Wj, t) = (hjj,(Wk, t), t)

be the coordinate transformation of {Uj} on % n ^^ T^ 0 . Put as in (4.10)

Vjk{t)= I —^, Wk = hkj{wj,t).

Then 7){t) is the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {r)jk{t)}eZ^{^t,%t).

By (4.6),
w; = gf(z;,...,zr,o

is a C°° function of z],..., z", t, which is holomorphic in Zj,..., z". Since

gf(zj, t) = w; = hf^iwk, t) = hfkig^izk, t), t),

and Zj =fjkizk,t),vje have

gfifjki^k, t), t) = hjkigkizk, t), t) (4.16)

on '^k <^ % ^ 0- Differentiating (4.16) in t, we obtain

« dgldj% dgl_ " dh]i^dgld_h%

p^l dzf dt dt i^idw^ dt dt

that is,

p = l dt dzf dt 13 = 1 dt dW^ dt

Multiplying d/dwj from the right, and taking the summation Sa = i» we

obtain the equality

p = l dt dzf a = i dt dwf phi dt dW^ a=l dt dwJ"


a=l ot dWj
192 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

we have
Ojdt)-Vjk(t) = OUt)-ej{t). (4.17)

Since Oj(t) is a holomorphic vector field on Ujt = %nMt, {dj{t)}e

C\U,, e,) and (4.17) means that

{0Mt)}-{vj,(t)} = 8{ejit)}.

Therefore r](t) coincides with 6(t), and the infinitesimal deformation 0(t)
does not depend on the choice of systems of local coordinates.

(b) Trivial Differentiable Family

The first problem in the theory of deformation was to see if we could justify
the consideration that the infinitesimal deformation d(t) represents the
derivative of the complex structure of M^ with respect to t For, this
consideration seemed to the author too good to be true. (Spencer had, I
think, a more optimistic view.)
If 6(t) is the derivative of the complex structure of M^ with respect to
t, 6{t) = 0 must hold if Mf does not vary with t. For this we must give the
precise definition for M^ not varying with t.
In general we define the equivalence of two differentiable families as

Definition 4.2. Suppose given two differentiable families {M, B,m) and
{Jf, J5, TT) with the same base space BaW, M and M' are called equivalent
if there is a diffeomorphism ^ oi M onto ^ such that for each teB, <^
maps Mt = m~^{t) biholomorphically onto Nt = 7r~\t).

Suppose that Ji and ^ are equivalent. Let {Xj}, xy. p -> Xj{p) = (zj(p), t),
t = m{p),hQ the system of local coordinates of Jt, and {ux}, U;^: q -^ U;^{q) =
( ^ A ( ^ ) , OJ ^= '"'(^)5 that of ^ . Then we have

u,(^(p)) = {w,(^(p)),t),

If we represent w"(0(P)) by a C°° function of the local coordinates (zj{p), t)


then gtizj, t) is holomorphic in z],... ,z]. In this case, identifying peM

with ^ = <l>(/7) G ^ , we may consider that M and ^ are the same differentiable
family. In fact, since 4> is diffeomorphic, we may identify ^ and J^ via O.
Then since gti^p 0 is holomorphic in z],..., zj, the system of local coordi-
nates {WA}, "A = {^k, t), ^\ = S\(^j^ 0, of -^ can be regarded as a system of
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 193

local coordinates of M. Thus if M and Jf are equivalent, we may consider Jf

as the same differentiahle family with M endowed with a new system of local
Let M be a compact complex manifold, and {WA} a system of local
complex coordinates. Let TT: M x B ^ B be the projection of M x B onto
B. Then (M x 5, B, TT) is clearly a differentiahle family of compact complex
manifolds. A system of local coordinates of M x B is given by {WA}, where
"A = {^K, 0- Of course the complex structure of TT~^{t) = M xt = M does
not depend on t.

Definition 4.3. A differentiahle family (M, B, m) is called trivial if it is

equivalent to (MxB,B, IT) where M = m~\t^) with t^eB.

If the differentiahle family {M, B, m) is trivial, M coincides with M xB

endowed with some system of local coordinates {Xj}, Xj = (zj, t) =
(Zj,..., z", t). Let %LjCi M xB be the domain of Xj, and {w^} a system of
local complex coordinates of M = m~^{t^). Then

z7 = g7(wA, t), a = l,...,n,

are C^ functions of w ^ , . . . , w", r defined on %Lj which are holomorphic in

are C°° functions of z j , . . . , Zj,t which are holomorphic in Zj,..., z". For
any fixed t, {Zj \%n M xt} form a system of local complex coordinates of
Mt = m~\t). Since in general the coordinate transformation Zj^'^Zj =
fjki^k, t) does depend on /, the complex structure of M^ apparently depends
on t.
Let / c : B be a subdomain of B. Then {Mj, /, m) with Mj = vj~\l) is
clearly a differentiahle family, where the domain of vr is assumed to be
restricted to Mj.

Definition 4.4. A differentiahle family (M, B,m) is called locally trivial if

for each te B, there is a subdomain / with telci B such that {Mi, I, m) is

By saying that the complex structure of Mt = V7~\t) of the differentiahle

family {Ji, B, m) does not vary with t, we mean that {M, B, m) is locally
trivial. If (Ji, B, m) is locally trivial, each M^ = tiT~\t) is biholomorphically
equivalent to a fixed M = m'~\t^).
Let us consider the inverse. Namely, if each M^ is biholomorphic to a
fixed M, is (M, B, w) locally trivial? This problem was solved for complex
analytic families affirmatively by Fischer and Grauert [4] later. (This paper
194 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

was published in 1965, but Grauert explained the idea of proof already
about 1960 at the "Nothing Seminar" held in Princeton University under
the direction of Spencer.) At that time, however, nothing was known about
it. We thought that the local triviality of {M, B, m) would be stronger than
the condition that each M^ is biholomorphic to a fixed M
Now again let B be an open interval of R. If {M, J5, m) is locally trivial,
for any sufficiently small domain / c : J5, {Mj, /, m) is equivalent to {M xl,
/, TT). Since the infinitesimal deformation d(t) of Mt = m~^(t) does not
depend on the choice of systems of local coordinates, we can calculate d{t)
for tel in terms of local coordinates {MA}, WA = (^A, t) of M X /, where {w^}
is a system of local coordinates of M. Let Wf^^Wx = /IA^ (n^^Lt) be the coordi-
nate transformation for {w^}. Then the coordinate transformation for {1/^}
is given by
(w^, t)-> (WA, 0 = (h^(^^), t).

Since hx^(w^) is independent of t, we have

hence ^ ( 0 = 0. Thus if the complex structure of M^ = rjiT'^t) does not vary

with t in the sense that (M, B, m) is locally trivial, we have 0(t) = 0.
IfO(t) is truly the derivative of the complex structure of Mt with respect to
t, that 6(t)=0 identically must imply conversely the local triviality of
(M, B,m). We shall show below that this is true at least under a certain
additional condition. (Cf. [21], Chap. II.)
For simplicity we consider the differentiable family

Mi = m~\l) = \J UjXl

given by (4.8). Each Uj ci C" is a polydisk, and (z^, t)eUjXl and (z^, t) e
UkXl are the same point on Jij if

z"=f]ic(Zk,t), a = l,...,n.

Let St be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields on M^ = w~\t),

and nt = {Uj} = {UjXt}.
Suppose ^ ( 0 = 0 identically. 6(t) is, by definition, the cohomology class
of the 1-cocycle {^,,(0}eZHU., ®.) where Ojf,{t)=H^,(df%/dt)(d/dz^).
Since by (4.14),

e{t) e H'iUt, e,) = z\Ut, e,)/5C«(U„ ©,),

§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 195

^ ( 0 = 0 means that {Ojj^(t)} = 8{dj(t)}, namely there is a 0-cochain {6j(t)}e

C ^ U „ e , ) such that

Ojk(t) = ek{t)-ej(t). (4.18)

We want to prove that {Mi,I,m) is equivalent to ( M x / , / , TT) with

M = m~\0). In other words, we must show that there is a diffeomorphism
0 of M X / onto MI = U]=i UjXl such that O maps M xl biholomorphi-
cally onto Mt = m'^t) for each t We proceed as in the proof of Theorem
2.4(1°). Let

Oj(t)=i O^zj^t)^,
a=l OZj

Then the equality (4.18) is written as

a =l Ot dZj a=l OZk a=l OZj

We denote by {d/dt)u the vector field d/dt on UkXla Mj. Then with respect
to the coordinate transformation (z^, t) -> (Zj, t), zf ^ffki^k, t), a = l,... ,n,
we have as in (2.26)

\dt)k «=i dt dzJ \dt)j'

Consequently on each open subset UjXln 1/^x19^0 of Jij we have

a=l dZj \dt/j a^l dZk \ot/k

We define the vector field v on Mj, by putting on each UjXl

v=- l 0^izj,t)^+^^. (4.19)

a=l dZf
^Zj dt

(4.19) is an analogy of (2.25). But in contrast to (2.25), it does not follow

immediately that v is C°°. In fact, though 6jk(t) is a C°° vector field on
UjXln UkXl^ Oj(t) may not be differentiable in t. Moreover 6j(t) is not
uniquely determined by {Ojk{t)}. Hence there arises the following problem:
Can we choose dj{t)J =\,... ,1, such that each 6f(Zj,t) is C°° in
z],..., zj,tl The following theorem is an answer to this problem.

Theorem 4.1. If dim H\Mt, St) is independent of te I, then we can choose

196 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

a 0-cochain {Ojit)} with 8{0j{t)} = {Oj^it)} such that each ej{Zj, t) is a C°°
function of z],..., z", t where we put Oj{t) = YZ = \ ^Ji^p t)(d/dzf).

We give the proof of this theorem in §7.2(b). The proof depends on the
method developed by Spencer and the author for the theory of variations
of almost complex structures ([19]).

Now suppose that dim H\Mt, 6 J does not depend on t. By Theorem

4.1, choose {6j{t)} such that each dj(t) is a C°° vector field on Uj xlaJli.
Then v in (4.19) is a C°° vector field on Jij. Consider the simultaneous
ordinary differential equations

dzf 1
a = l,
= 1,

for V as in (2.28). Take an arbitrarypeM = m ^(0), and assumepe (7^x0.

Let (^i(/?),0) be the local coordinates of p. (4.20) has the unique solution

'zj{s) = zf{p,s),

t = s^

under the initial conditions

zno)=cr{p), a = i,...,n,
t(0) = 0.

This solution gives a smooth curve on Mj passing through p:

yp'-t^ypit) = (zj(p,t),t), tel.

Thus we obtain a family of smooth curves {jplpeM} on Mj. By the

uniqueness theorem of the solution of simultaneous ordinary differential
equations, for each point (zy, t) e Mj, there exists just one curve which passes
through it. Consequently the map

^:{p,t)^(zj,t) = izj{p,t),t)

is a diffeomorphism of M x / onto Mj.

§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 197

Since clearly O maps M x t onto M^, in order to see that <l>: M x r ^ M^

is biholomorphic, it suffices to show that Zj{p, t) is holomorphib in p. For
this we write Zj{p, t) as a function of t and the local complex coordinates
^J = ^j{p), A = 1 , . . . , n, of /? in the form

Since t = s,by (4.20) we have

~zfUi, t) = -e;(zj(^, f),..., z;(4 0,0.

By differentiating both sides of this equation in f f, since ^/(Zj, 0 is holomor-
phic in z j , . . . , z", we obtain

ddzfu,t)_ ^ sei dzfu, t)

dt d^f ,%dzf^''^^'''^''^' a^7 *

Put (of(t)=dzfUi, t)/dCt Then (oj'(t) is a solution of the simultaneous

ordinary linear differential equations

of(t) = - Z -^{zjiL t\ t)cof(t), a = 1 , . . . , n.

dt ^ = 1 dZj
198 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

Since zfU^, 0) = ^r, we have (of(0)=d^T/d[f = 0, Hence the solution co;'{t)

satisfies the initial condition: cof{0) = 0. Consequently by the uniqueness
of the solution, co]'{t) = 0 identically. Thus dzJUi, t)/d[f = 0, and zJ'ip, t)
is holomorphic in p. Therefore ^ : M x ^ - > M f is biholomorphic, which
proves that {Mj, /, m) is trivial. I

The above proof also applies to the case feB is an arbitrary point of
B instead of 0. Thus we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2. Let Mf = m~^ (t). If dim H\Mt, St) is independent of t, and
6(t) = dMt/dt = 0 identically, then (Ji, B, m) is locally trivial

Thus under the condition that d i m / / ^ M , ^r) is a constant, we have

proved that if ^(r) = 0 identically, the complex structure of M^ does not
vary with t. Accordingly we may consider 6{t) as the derivative of the
complex structure of M^ with respect to t.
In the above argument we have assumed that B is an open interval in
IR. But the notion of the infinitesimal deformation is easily extended to the
case B is an arbitrary domain in [R". Suppose given a differentiable family
{M, B,m) of compact complex manifolds where 5 is a domain of R". Let
{xi,... ,Xj,...}, Xj = (Zj, t) = {z],..., z", ^ 1 , . . . , r^) be a system of local coor-
dinates on M, and % the domain of x^. Suppose that on % n^k^0, we have

2'7 =ffkizk, t) =f^k(z],..., zJ, ^ 1 , . . . , r^), a = 1 , . . . , n.

As usual, identifying a point of Jt with its local coordinates, we may consider

that % = Xj{%) c: C"" X B, and that M = \Jj % is obtained by glueing the
domains ^ i , . . . , ^fc,... of C" x J5 by identifying (zy, t) and (z^, t) if Zj =
fjk(^k,t).Ut = {Ujt\ Ujt = %nMt9^0} form a finite open covering of M^ =
The tangent space T ; ( B ) of J5 at t consists of all tangent vectors d/dt =
i r ^ i c^a/a^A, C;,eU. For d/dteTt(B), put

^jkit)= L 7^, Z},=fj,j(zj,t). (4.21)

a=l Ot dZj

Then as in the case m = 1, we have {6jj^{t)}eZ\Vit, St). The cohomology

class 6(t)eH\Mt,&t) of the 1-cocycle {^^^(0) is called the infinitesimal
deformation ofMt along d/dt, and is denoted by dMt/dt: dMt/dt = 6{t). The
infinitesimal deformation dMt/dt is independent of the choice of systems
of local coordinates. We define the map pt by

^ (d\ dMt

Pt is an R-linear map of Tt{B) into H\Mt, ©J.

§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 199

lfpt{d/dt) = OfoTSinyd/dte Tt{B), pt is called the 0-map, and is denoted

by pt = 0. If {M, B, vj) is trivial, we see immediately as in the case m = 1
that Pt = 0 identically, using the fact that 9{t) is independent of the choice
of systems of local coordinates.

Theorem 4.3. If dim H\Mt, 0^) is independent of t, and Pt = 0 identically,

then (M, B,VT) is locally trivial

Proof Consider the differentiable family

Mi = m-\I) = {J UjXl

given in (4.8). For simplicity, we assume that / = {(/i,..., ^^)||^i| < r,...,
\tm\< f}- We proceed by induction on m as in the proof of Theorem 2.4. Let

I"^-' = { ( ^ 1 , . . . , r^) I kil < r , . . . , \t^_,\ < r}, and

Im = {tm\~r<tm<r}.

Then / = / ' " " ' x / ^ . Considering J ' " " ' = /"'"'xOc=/, we see that
(m~\l"^~^), I'^~\ m) is a differentiable family. Since Theorem 4.3 is true
for m = 1, we may assume that TZT~^(/'"~^) is trivial. Define the map of
t!T~\l"'~^)xI^ onto / by (p, tm)^{ru{p), t^) where/7G tz7~^(/'""^), which
makes m~\l'^~^)xl^ a differentiable family on the parameter space /.
Since by hypothesis m~^{I'^~^) is equivalent to Mx/'^~^ where M =
trr"^(0), tz7~^(/'^~^) x / ^ is equivalent to M x / . Therefore in order to prove
the triviality ofJ^j, it suffices to verify that ^ / is equivalent to tzT~^(/'"~^) x / ^ .

a=\ Ot^ dZj

Then the cohomology class ^ ( 0 = Pt{d/dt^) of the 1-cocycle {Ojk(t)} is equal

to 0 by the assumption. Consequently as in the case /tz — 1, by (4.14) there
exists a 0-cochain {6>,(0}e C^(U„ 6,) such that {Ojk(t)} = slOjit)}. Since
Theorein 4.1 remains true also for m ^ 2 (see §7.2(b)), we may assume that
the coefficients Of{Zj, ^ i , . . . , r^) in

ej{t)= i e^izj,t„...,tj^ (4.23)

a =l aZj

are C°° functions of z j , . . . , zj, f i , . . . , ^^ in Uj x /. Therefore as in the case

m = 1, we obtain a C°° vector field v on Mj such that on each UjXl a Jij

v =- i e^izj, ^ 1 , . . . , ^ m ) - ^ + - f . (4.24)
a=l OZj dt^
200 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

Consider the corresponding simultaneous ordinary differential equations

"f=-";(','.... ' ? ^m/5 a = l,...,n,

= 0, A = l,...,m-1, (4.25)

= 1.

Take any point pem-\l'^-') = \J,UiXl'^-'xO, and let (^.(/7), ^ i , . . . ,

t^_i, 0) be its local coordinates where (iti,..., r^_i, 0) = VT{P). Then (4.25)
has the unique solution

^zj{s) = zj{p,s) a = l,...,n,

^A(^) = ^A, A = l,...,m-1,

under the initial conditions

r^r(o) = fr(p), a = i,...,n,

\t^{Q) = t^^ A = l,...,m-1,


Thus we get a diffeomorphism ^ofti7"^(/'"~^)x/^ onto Mi:

^'- ( A ^m) ^ {Zj{p, tm), ^1, . . . , ^m-l, ^m).

If, using the local coordinates (^J,..., ^f, t i , . . . , r^_i, 0), we write

^j ( P ? ^m) ~ ^j ( b i? • • • J b i 5 ^1? • • • 5 ^ m - l 5 ^m)?

then since Of(Zj, ti,.,., t^) is holomorphic in z j , . . . , z", we see as in the

case m = 1 that z"U],..., ^f, ^ j , . . . , t^) is holomorphic in ^ / , . . . , f f- •

Theorem 4.4. ([19]). For a differentiahle family (M, B, m), dim ff H M , €)r)
15 an upper-semicontinuous function oft where Mt = m~^{t).
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 201

By the upper-semicontinuity, we mean that for each s e B,

dim H\M„ S,)^dim H\M,,e,) if \t-s\<8

provided that s is sufficiently small. We give proof of this theorem in §7.2(b).

From this theorem and Theorem 4.3, the Frolicher-Nijenhuis theorem
([7]) follows.

Theorem 4.5. Let {M, B, m) be a differentiable family of compact complex

manifolds where B is a domain of W^, and OeB. If H\MO,SO) = 0, with
Mo= VT~\0), then for a sufficiently small open interval I with Oel'^B,
{MI, I,m) is trivial

A compact complex manifold M is called rigid if for any differentiable

family {M, B, m) with OeB and txr~^(0) = M, there is an open interval /
with Oe I a B such that {Mj, /, m) is trivial. If (Jti, I, m) is trivial, M^ =
nT~^{t) has the same complex structure with M = Mo= ti7~^(0) for tel.
Thus if M is rigid, the complex structure of M = MQ is invariant under
small perturbation of t. By Theorem 4.5, a compact complex manifold is rigid
ifH\M, 6 ) = 0, where S is the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields
on M.

(c) The Case of Complex Analytic Families

Let (Jt, B,m) be Si complex analytic family of compact complex manifolds

(Definition 2.8) where 5 is a domain of C", and {(zj, t)} its system of local
coordinates. Then each (Zj, t) is a local complex coordinate system of the
complex manifold M, and

^; =fU^i...., z;;, ^1,..., tm), a = 1,..., n,

are holomorphic functions in z ^ , . . . , z^, ^ i , . . . , t^. As in the case of differ-
entiable families, for a tangent vector d/dt = X^^i C),{d/dt^), c^ e C, of B, we

ejM = i '-^^^ -^, z, =A,(z,, t). (4.26)

a-1 Ot dZj

The cohomology class d(t)e H\Mt,St) of the 1-cocycle {Ojk{t)} is called

the infinitesimal deformation along d/dt and is denoted by dMt/dt. The
infinitesimal deformation is independent of the choice of systems of local
d / d\ dMt
is a C-linear map of T^B) into H^Mf, S^).
202 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

A complex analytic family (Jt^ B, wr) is called trivial if it is biholomorphically

equivalent to (M xB, B, TT) with M = m'^it^) where t^ is some point of B
(see p. 61). Similarly we define the local triviality of (M, J5, m). As in the
case of differentiable families, t = 0 identically if {M, B, m) is locally trivial.
By considering Bc:C"=(R^" as a domain of R^", a complex analytic
family {M, B, vr) may be regardedas a differentiable family. The tangent
space of B at f considered as a subdomain of K^" which consists of all
tangent vectors with complex coefficients is Tt{B)®Tt(B). Since
fjici^k, ^1, • • •, tm) are also holomorphic in ^ i , . . . , t^, Sffkiz^, t)/dt = 0 for
d/dt = Y.^ Cx(a/a4)e Tt(B), hence pt(d/dt) = 0. Thus the map pt for
(M, B, m) considered as a differentiable family coincides with that for
(M, B,m) considered as a complex analytic family.
For a complex analytic family (Jt, B, xzr) of compact complex manifolds,
we have the following theorem similar to Theorem 4.3.

Theorem 4.6. If dim H\Mt, 6^) is independent ofteB, and p, = 0 identically,

then the complex analytic family {Ji, B, m) is locally trivial.

Proof. Proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.3. Let OeB, and take a sufficiently
small polydisk A with OeAaB. Put J/^ = tD-"^(A). Then as in (4.8), we have

^A=U ^xA, (4.27)


where each Uj is a polydisk independent of t, and (z^, ^ e L ^ x A and

(Zfc, t)e Uj^xA are the same point on Jt^ if zj" =f]l(zj^, t), a = 1 , . . . , n.
fjki^k, t) =/jfc(zfc,..., Zfc, f i , . . . , trn) is a holomorphic function in the com-
plex variables z ^ , . . . , zJJ, ^ i , . . . , t^.
We may assume that A = { ( r i , . . . , r^)EC" ||^i| < r , . . . , | t ^ | < r}. We pro-
ceed by induction on m. For this we put

A"-^ = {(?!, ...,t^)\\t,\<r,... ,\t^_,\ < r}, and


We consider A'""* = A'"'^ x O c A'""^ x A^ = A. It suffices to prove that the

complex analytic family t3j"\A'^~^) xA^ is biholomorphically equivalent
to M^. Put
^ . , " dffkJZk, t,,. . . , tj _d_
f^jkKt)- L — .u-

Since the cohomology class Pt{d/dt^) of the 1-cocycle {Ojk{t)} is equal to

0, there exists a 0-cochain {(9,(0}e C^tt,, 6,) such that {Ojkit)} = 8{ej{t)}
where we put U^ = { L^ x r}. As was mentioned in the proof of Theorem 4.3
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 203

above, we may assume that each coefficient O^'izj, ti,..., t^) in

Oj(t)= I e-{zj,t,,...,tj^
« = 1 OZj

is a C°° function of z j , . . . , zj, ^ i , . . . , t^. In order to show that tEr~^(A'"~^) x

A^ is biholomorphically equivalent to Jt^, it suffices to verify that we can
choose a 0-cochain {dj{t)} such that each coefficient ^"(zj, ^ i , . . . , ^m) of
Oj(t) is holomorphic in z j , . . . , z", ^ i , . . . , f^. In fact, if each Of(Zj, t^,..., t^)
is holomorphic, the map O: tiT~^(A'"~^) x A ^ ^ M ^ defined as in (4.25) by
virtue of the solution of the simultaneous ordinary differential equations

= 0, A= l,...,m-1,

= 1,
I ds

is biholomorphic and O maps TtT ^(A'" ^) = w- ^(A'" ^) xO identically onto

m~\A'"-')^M^. If we write

ejM= I Of,(zj,t) — ,
a =l OZj

then Ofki^p t) = (d/dtrn)ffk(zk, 0 with z^ =fkj(zj, t) are holomorphic functions

of z],..., zj, ^ 1 , . . . , tm- The equality djk(t) = 6k(t) - Oj(t) is written in the
explicit form as

(x = \ dZj ^ =1 dZk a=l oZj

" (9z"
)8 = 1 OZk

Since dzJ/dzl = df%{zk, t)/dz^, z^ =fkM, t), and Ofkizj, t) are holomorphic
in ^ 1 , . . . , ^^, differentiating both sides of the above equality in f^, we obtain

J dzfde'kizk,t)_def(zj,t)
f3 = ldZ^ dt;, dtx
204 4. Infinitesimal Deformation


p^\ dfx dZj^ a^l dtx dzj

Thus putting V\it) = la(^^fi^P O/^h) ' d/dzf on each UjXtaMt, we

obtain a holomorphic vector field r};,(t)e H^{Mf, @^) on M^.
As was mentioned above, if we consider (M, B, m) as a differentiable
family, Pr = 0 also holds identically. Consequently by Theorem 4.3,
(Jt, B,m) is locally trivial as differentiable family. Therefore each M, =
wr~\t) with r G B is biholomorphicto M = txr'^O). Hence dim H^(Mt, 6,) =
dim i/°(M, 0 ) . Note that we have //^(M, 6 ) = 0 for many examples of
compact complex manifolds. Such M as dim H^(M, 0 ) ^ 1 is rather excep-

(1°) The case dimH\M,e) = 0. Then / / ^ ( M „ e , ) = 0, too. Hence

77A(0 = 0 identically. Therefore dOf{zj, t)/dt), = 0 for A = 1 , . . . , m. Con-
sequently O'^izj, t) are holomorphic in z j , . . . , zj, ^ i , . . . , t^.
(2°) The case dim H^(M, O) ^ 1. We use the following lemma.

Lemma 4.1. For a complex analytic family (Jt, B, m), suppose that
dim H^(Mt, (dt) = d is independent oft. Then for a sufficiently small polydisk
A with Oe A<=^ B,we can choose a basis {(pi(t),..., <^d (01 of each linear space
H\M,, 6,) with

a=l oZj

such that (Pqj(Zj, t) are holomorphic functions of z],..., zj, ^ j , . . . , t^.

We give proof of this lemma in §7.2(b).

V^{t)= Z c^x(t)<p^(t).

The coefficients C^ACO are C°° functions of ^ i , . . . , t^. We denote d with

respect to the variables ti,..., t^ by df. Then on each Uj x A, we have
d m
d.ef{zj,t)= I <p^_,(z,,0 Z c^,it)dt,. (4.28)

Since dfCPqjiZj, r) = 0 by the above lemma, we have

d _ "^

o = d,d,ef{zj,t)= z <p",jizj, t)d, I c,^(0^4-

q-1 A=l
§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 205

Hence dt 1^=1 V ( ^ ) ^^A = 0 . Since Y.7=\ ^^ACO ^^A is a (0, l)-form on the
polydisk A, by Dolbeault's lemma (Theorem 3.3), there exists a C°° function
Cq{t) on A, for each q such that

dtc,{t)= Z c^x{t)dh.
«-qAV (4.29)
A= l


ej{t)=^dj{t)-Ht), . ^ ( 0 = 1 c,(r)<p,(0.

For each r e A, (/^(r) is a holomorphic vector field on M,, hence, 6>y(0 is a

holomorphic vector field on UjXtcz M,. Clearly we have

Ojk(t) = Oj(t)-ek(t).

Writing 61(0 = l L i ^r(^> 0^/(5z;, we have

^7(z,, r) = ^;(z„ 0 - I c,(0<p;(z,, 0 .

<? = !

Therefore by (4.28) and (4.29), M 7 ( ^ > 0 = 0. Consequently ^/(z,, 0 are

holomorphic functions of z j , . . . , z", r^,..., r^. I

Corollary. A complex analytic family (Jt, B, m) is trivial if it is trivial as a

differentiahle family.

Proofs of Theorems 4.1, 4.4 and Lemma 4.1 given in §7.2(b) are based
on the theory of harmonic differential forms. Therefore the above theory
of deformations of compact complex manifolds is also based on the theory
of harmonic differential forms, hence cannot apply to the deformations of
complex spaces. Grauert extended the above results to the case of complex
spaces by developing the theory of deformations based on the theory of
coherent analytic sheaves ([8]).

(d) Change of the Parameter

Suppose given a complex analytic family { M J M ^ = tz7~^(0, teB} =

(Jt, B,VT) of compact complex manifolds, where B is a domain of C". Let
D be a domain of C\ and h: s^ t = h(s), se D, a, holomorphic map of D
into B. Then by changing the parameter from t to s, we obtain a complex
analytic family {Mh(s)\seD} on the parameter space D as follows.
206 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

We denote a point of M by /?, and define the holomorphic map 11 of

MxDio BxDhy

n:{p,s)-^{t,s) = {m{p),s).

Then (JtxD, BxD, U) is a complex analytic family with the parameter

space B X D. We have 11"^^, 5) = M, xs. The graph of h

G= {{h{s),s)eBxD\seD}

is a submanifold of BxD, hence a complex manifold. Since the projection

P: BxD^ D maps G biholomofphically onto D, we may identify G with
D via P. ^ = n~^(G) is a submanifold of the complex manifold JtxD, If
we denote the restriction of 11 to ^ again by 11, then (J{, G, U) is a complex
analytic family over the parameter space G. Identifying G with D as
mentioned above, we obtain the complex analytic family (Jf, D, rr) where
7r = P o n .

Definition 4.5. The complex analytic family (^, D, TT) thus obtained is called
the complex analytic family induced from (Jt, B, vj) by the holomorphic map

Since Il~\h(s), s) = Mh(^s)^s, we may consider

7T-\S) = U-\h(s), S) = M^(,) X S = M;,(,).

Thus {Mft(5)\se D} form a complex analytic family (JV, D , TT).

To investigate the relation of the infinitesimal deformation of Mh(s) and
that of Mt, assume that OeB,OeD, and h(0) = 0. Taking a sufficiently small
coordinate polydisk A with 0 e A c= J5, we represent M^ = IJT~\A) in the form
of (4.27) as

^A=U ^xA,

where (z,, t)e L^ x A and (z^, t)e L4 x A are the same point of Jt^ if Zj =
fjk(zk,t)' Take a polydisk E with OeEc^ D, and put

^ £ = 7r-^(£) = U-\GE) where G^ = {(h(s), s)\seE}.

Jfs is a submanifold of J^A X E. We have

§4.2. Infinitesimal Deformation 207

where (Zj, t, s)e UjX^xE and (z^, t, s)e U^x^xE are the same point on
M^xE if Zj =fjk{Zk, t). Consequently

where {zj, h(s), s)e UjXGE and (z^, h(s), s)e U^xGE are the same point
on ^E if Zj=fjk(zk, h{s)). Identifying GE with E = P(GE) via P, we may

JfE==^~\E) = [J UjXE.

Thus J^E is a complex manifold obtained by glueing UiXE,..., UiXE by

identifying (z^, s) eU^xE and (z^, 5) e L7y x E if Zj =fjk(Zk-> his)). Then the
complex analytic family (J^E, E, TT) induced from (Ji^, A, ttj) by the map
/i: JB ^ A is a complex analytic family obtained by substituting t = h(s) into
the functions ffki^k, 0 defining Ji^.

Theorem 4.7. For any tangent vector d/ds e Ts(D), the infinitesimal deforma-
tion of Mh(s) along d/ds is given by

^M,(,) - dt.dM, .
— = I — T—, ( ^ 1 , . . . , ^m) = Hs). (4.30)
ds \ = i ds dtx
Proof We put

. , , , _ V ^f%i^k.h, d
^KjkKt)- L ~ —^.
ot = \ Otx dZj

" dffk{zk.his)) d
Vjk(s)= I —.
a=l ds dZj

dMt/dt), is the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {d^jkit)), and dMh(s)/ds

is that of {rjjkis)}. Since h(s) = (t^,..., t^), we have

dffki^k, h{s)) _ - dt;, dffk{Zk,tu.--,tm)

ds A=:i ^^ <5rA

Hence we see that (4.30) holds. I

(4.30) is just the formula of the derivative of a composite function. A

similar formula holds for differentiable families.
208 4. Infinitesimal Deformation

Our Theorems 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6 contain the assumption that
dim H\Mt, B^) is independent of t. At first we did not know whether this
assumption was essential or not. Since we might expect the local triviality
of (M, B, m) in case p^ = 0 if pt(d/dt) = dMJdt is truly the derivative of the
complex structure of M,, we suspected that we could get rid of this assump-
tion. But the study of deformations of Hopf surfaces revealed the necessity
of this assumption. We will explain this below.
Let {M^ C, ID-) be the complex analytic family of Hopf surfaces M^ =
7r~H0 given in Example 2.15. {M, C, m) has the following properties: (1°)
If we put U = C -{0}, {Mu, U, m) is trivial; (2°) MQ and M, with r # 0 are
not biholomorphically equivalent. Consider the complex analytic family
(JV*, C , TT) induced from {M, C, vr) by the holomorphic map s-^ t = s^. Then
from (4.30) the infinitesimal deformation ps(d/ds) of 7r~\s) = M^^ is given
dM,2 dt dM, dM,
• ( ! ) = ds ds dt dt

If 5 7^0, t = s^e U, hence dMJdt = Q because {Mu, U, m) is trivial. Thus

we have Ps = 0 identically. On the other hand, (^, C, TT) is not locally trivial.
For, 77-~^(0) = MQ and 7r~^{s) = M^ with r = 5^ ?^ 0 are not biholomorphically
equivalent. Thus although p^ = 0 identically, (^, C, TT) is not locally trivial.
Since p^ = 0 identically but (^, C, TT) is not locally trivial, dim H\MS^, SS^)
must not be a constant. By making an explicit computation of
dim H\Mt, ©,) ([21]), we have

dimf/HM„e,) = |^'
Chapter 5

Theorem of Existence

Let (M, B,m)hc a, complex analytic family of compact complex manifolds

where B is a domain of C. Then the infinitesimal deformation dMt/dt of
Mt = n7~\t) is an element of H\Mt, 6^). Consequently, given a compact
complex manifold M, if (M, B, m) with O G J 5 C : C is a complex analytic
family such that m~\0) = M, {dMJdt)t=oeH\M, 6 ) , where 0 is the sheaf
of germs of holomorphic vector fields over M Thus, if there is a complex
analytic family {M.B.m) with tJT~^(0) = M, the corresponding element
e = (dMt/dt)t=o of H\M, e) is determined.
Conversely, given a deH\M,S), does there exist a complex analytic
family {M,B,m) with 0 e 5 c: C such that

^-1(0)=M, r ^ ] =0 1
\ dt A=o

This was the next problem in the theory of deformation. In this chapter we
explain the development of the theory of deformation in connexion with
this problem.

§5.1. Obstructions
Lemma 5.1. Let L^ = {(z\ . . . , Z " ) G C " | | Z ^ | < r , . . . , |z"| < r} be a polydisk,
and 6 the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields over U. Then

H'{U,e) = 0, q^h (5.1)

Proof A germ of a holomorphic vector field i ; e 0 ^ at ZG L^ is written in

the form

d d
v = vi—+- • • + i?„—,
dZi (9z„

where the coefficients i;«, 1 ^ a ^ n, are germs of holomorphic functions at

z. Thus V can be represented as v = (vu... ,Vn) with v^ e 0^, where we
210 5. Theorem of Existence

denote the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions over U by €. Therefore

H''{U,S) = H^U,€)-\-" '-\-H^U,0).

^ .^^
^ _—/
n times
By Dolbeault's theorem (Theorem 3.12), we have

while by Dolbeault's lemma (Theorem 3.3), for any 5-closed (0, ^)-form
(pGr(L/,a^^'^"') on a polydisk U, there is a iAGr(U, ^^'^"') such that
cp = dil/. Therefore H^(U, 0) = 0, hence H\U, S) = 0. I

Let U = { Uj} be a finite open covering of a compact complex manifold

M, and suppose that each Uj is a coordinate polydisk. Then by Lemma 5.1
above, we have H\Uj, S) = 0. Therefore, by Theorem 3.5 and 3.6, we obtain
the following:

Lemma 5.2.
H\n,e) = H\M,e), (5.2)

H\Vi,e)^H\M,@). (5.3)

Suppose given a compact complex manifold M, and let {Jt, B, m) with

0 G B c: C be a complex analytic family such that tzT~^(0) = M. Take a small
disk A with centre 0 such that OG Ac: B, and represent M^= tEr~^(A) in the
form (4.27):

^ A = U ^-xA, (5.4)

where each Uj is a polydisk, and (z^, t)e UjXA and (z^, t)e U^xA are the
same point on ^ ^ if ^f =fJk{^k-> 0 for a = 1 , . . . , n. Here each fjki^k, 0 =
f^ki^k,..., Zfc, r) is a holomorphic function of z j , , . . . , zl, t defined on Uj^ x
The infinitesimal deformation 6(t) = dAiJdte H\Mt,St) is, by defini-
tion, the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {6jkit)}eZ\Vit,St) where
Ut = {UjX t}, and the vector field

a OZj

is given by

ej,(2j, t)JM5^^ ,^ =y^.( ,). (5.5)

§5.1. Obstructions 211

Note that the functions O^ki^j, t) of Zj,... ,z],t are obtained by differentiat-
ing first the functions f%{zj^, t) of zJ,,..., z^, t with respect to t, and then
substituting z^ =fkj(^p 0-
On t/fc X A n L/, X A n ^ X A 7^ 0 , we have the equahties

fTkizk, t) =mfjk(zi., 0 , 0, a = 1 , . . . , n. (5.6)

By differentiating both sides of these equahties in t, we have

" (9z"
eUzi. t) = eUzi, 0 + Z T^Ofj^izj, t), a = l , . . . , n. (5.7)
^ = 1 dZJ

As is stated in §4.2(a), these equalities imply that {Ojk(t)} is a 1-cocycle.

Next, we consider the equahties obtained by differentiating both sides
of (5.7) in t as functions of z],..., z", t. We sometimes write {d/dt)j instead
of (d/dt) in order to make expUcit that d/dt denotes the differentiation of
a function of z ] , . . . , zj", r with respect to t On U, x A n L/^ x A T^ 0 , we have
the following equalities:

_a_^"azf^ dzf _dfl{zj,t)

dzf ph.dzf dz^' dzJ dzJ '

\dt)j /^i \ dt )j dzf \dt/; \ dt Jj dt


( I Oik{Zi,t)- 2. --pOik(Zi,t)^
\dt/j p=i dt dZJ dt

= E erj{zi,t)—^eik{Zi,t)-\-—-—.
p^i dzf dt

Therefore putting


we have

[£j oUzi, t) = e,j{t) • eUz,, r) + 4(z,, 0.

212 5. Theorem of Existence

Similarly we have

(^)/s<- t) = eyit)-diiz„t) +07,(2,, t),


{7) ^7^ ^U^j, t)

\dt/j 13 = 1 dzf

(i dZj dt /3 dZj

=1 ef,{zj, t)-^erj{z„ t)+i^^ej,izj, t)

j3 dZj p dZj

= ej,{t)-erd^„t)+i^^efdzj,t).

Accordingly, differentiating (5.7) with respect to t, we obtain the following


oy ei{z„ t) + ei{z„ t) = e,,{t) • e%{z„ 0+0^(z, t)


we can write the above equalities in the form

erj{z,,t)-erAzi.t)+ i ^^efj,izj,t)
= Oijit) 'l^^ef,(zj, t)-ej,{t)' e^{z^ t).
/3 ^^j

In general we define the bracket of two local holomorphic vector fields

t ^ = Z L i < W O and i . = i : ^ , uj{d/dzj) by

iv,u-\= i (v'uf-U'vf)^, (5.10)

cx = \ dZj
§5.1. Obstructions 213

It can easily be verified that [i;, u] does not depend on the choice of
coordinates, [v, u] is bilinear in u and v, and clearly


Putting Oij{t) = Y.l = i ^tji^i, 0 d/dzf and so on, and using the bracket, we
rewrite (5.9) as

eij(t)-e,M + ejM = [o,j{t\ejj,{t)i (5.11)

Substituting r = 0, we obtain

^ f ; ( 0 ) - 4 ( 0 ) + M 0 ) = [^y(0), OjdO)l (5.12)

Since M = MQ by assumption, identifying Uj with Uj x 0, we may consider

11 = {^} as a finite open covering of M For a given 6e H\M,(d), if
6 = (dMt/dt)t=o, 0 is the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {Ojk(0)}e
Z\Vi,S) above, hence (5.12) imposes a certain restriction on such 6. In
order to make clear the meaning of this condition, we put for any 1-cocycle

on Uin Ujn Uk9^0. ^tjk is a holomorphic vector field on UinUjn U^.

Uijk} forms a 2-cocycle on U. In fact, first since

^ikj = [ ^ik, ^kj] = ~[ ^ij + ^jk, ^jk] — ~[ Oij, ^jk] = ~ ^i/fc,

^jik = [^jh ^ik] = ~ [ % ^ij + ^jk] = ~ [ % ^jk] = -Cijk,

^ijk is skew-symmetric in ij, k. Next, on Uh n Ut n Uj n U^ 9^ 0,

Cijk ~~ Chjk + Chik ~ Chij = [ ^ij ~ ^h> ^jfc] + [ ^fii, ^ik -' ^ij\

Thus {Cijk) is a 2-cocycle.

For arbitrary 1-cocycles {6^^} and {r)jk} G Z ^ ( U , ©), we put
214 5. Theorem of Existence

Then since

Uijk = [ Oij + 7)ij, 6jk + 7]jk] - [ % ^,7c] - [ Vip Vjkl

{^ijk} is also a 2-cocycle in Z^{Vi, 0 ) , whose cohomology class ^ is uniquely

determined by the cohomology classes 6 of {Oj^} and 17 of {17^^}. In fact if
Ojk = ^k- ^p it follows from a simple calculation that

namely, that {^y7c} = 5{[6>y +^fc, 17^^]}. We define the bracket of ^, 17 6

H\M,(d) hy
[^,7?] = ^. (5.13)

[6, 97] is bilinear in 0 and 17, and the equality [0, r]] = —[rj, 6] holds.
Putting / = A: in (5.12), we obtain ^^,(0) + Oj^iO) = 0 since 4^(0) = 0. Thus
{^jki^)} is a 1-cochain, and (5.12) can be rewritten as

HOjkiO)} = U,j,}, Cijk = [OijiO), 0jj,iO)l

Hence we obtain

[e{o),em = o. (5.14)

From these results we obtain the following theorem immediately.

Theorem 5.1. Suppose given a compact complex manifold M, and 6e

H\M, 0 ) . In order that there may exist a complex analytic family {M, B, m)
such that trr~^(0) = M, and that {dMt/dt)t=o = 6, it is necessary that [0, 6] = 0

In other words, if [^, 0] 7^ 0, there exists no deformation M^ with MQ = M

and {dMt/dt)t=o= 0. In this sense we call [0, 0]eH^{M, 0 ) the obstruction
to deformation of M
The necessary condition [^, ^] == 0 is obtained by differentiating (5.7) with
respect to t and putting t = 0, while (5.7) is obtained by differentiating (5.6)
with respect to t. Thus the condition [6, 6] = 0 is obtained from (5.6) by
differentiating twice and then putting t = 0. Similarly we obtain infinitely
many necessary conditions by differentiating (5.6) m times and then putting
t = 0 for m = 3, 4, Thus we have infinitely many obstructions to deforma-
tion of M. In view of this fact we call [6, 0] the primary obstruction.
Theorem 5.1 above holds also for a differentiable family, as will be easily
seen from its proof.
§5.2. Number of Moduli 215

§5.2. Number of Moduli

(a) Wonder of the Number of Parameters

Let {M, 5, tu) be a complex analytic family of compact complex manifolds

where 5 is a domain of C". Suppose that for any teB, the linear map

of T,{B) to H\M,, e,) is injective. Then since if a/at = 17=1 c^{d/dt^)9^0,

dMJdt 7^0, we may consider that the complex structure of M^ actually
varies with t. In this case we say that the parameter t is effective. More

Definition 5.1. If for every te B, pt'. T^B) -^ H\Mt, St) is injective, we say
that the parameter ^ = ( ^ i , . . . , ^m) of the complex analytic family {Jt, B, m)
is effective, and that (Ji, B, wr) is an effectively parametrized complex analytic

For a given compact complex manifold M, if there is an effectively

parametrized complex analytic family {Ji, B, m) where B is a domain of
C " containing 0, and t3j"^(0) = M, then since po'. ToiB) -^ H\M, 0 ) is injec-
tive, po(^o(^)) is an m-dimensional linear subspace of H^{M, 6 ) . Assume
6 e po{To{B)). Then 0 = po{d/dt) for some d/dt = Z^^j C;,(a/arJ e To{B). Let
5 G C be a variable and put

t{s) = (tM, . . . , tm(s)) = (Ci5, . . . , CmS).

Then if e > 0 is sufficiently small, we have t(s) e B for |5| < s. Consequently,
considering the complex analytic family {Mf(5)||5|< E} induced from
{Jt, JB, VT) by the holomorphic map s-^ t = t{s), we have M^(o) = Mo = M,
and from (4.30),

Therefore by Theorem 5.1, ^ satisfies the equality [6, ^] = 0. Moreover, as

was stated above, 6 must satisfy infinitely many conditions. Thus, in general,
PO{TQ(B))^H\M,S), and we may expect that m is rather smaller than
dim H\M,(d). Since [0, rj] = [r], 6], if 6, v ^ PoiTo(B)), we have
216 5. Theorem of Existence

If m = dimH\M,e), we have po{To{B)) = H\M,e). In this case by

considering the above {M,(5)||s|< e}, we see that for any Oe H\M,S),
there is a complex analytic family {M.B^m) with OeBciC such that
m~\0) = M and that {dMJdt)t=o= 0.
In many examples of compact complex manifolds M, the definition of
M itself contains several effective complex parameters, by use of which we
can construct complex analytic family of deformations of M. For several
simple cases, we compared the number m of parameters of M with
dim H\M, ©) ([21], Chapter VI, §14). At first, however, since we had no
precise definition of the effectivity of the parameter, we used as m the
number of the remaining parameters appeared in the definition of M after
excluding the obviously ineffective ones.
(i) Projective space P". The definition of P" contains no variable
parameters. Hence m = 0 . On the other hand, it is well known ([1]],
see also p. 244) that f/^P", 0 ) = 0. Thus we have

m= dimH\P\e).

(ii) Complex tori. Let M = C"/G be a complex torus given in Example

2.8 with G = {I^^!i mjcoj \ mj e Z}, where coj = {coj,..., cuj) G C",7 = 1 , . . . , 2n,
are linearly independent over R. Among coi,..., a>2„, there are n linearly
independent vectors over C. We may assume that con+i,..., co2n are such
ones. If we take complex coordinates of C" such that

a;„^« = ( 0 , . . . , 0 , r , 0 , . . . , 0 ) , a = l, «,

then the period matrix of M is given in terms of these coordinates by

col c.? •• • co^

(On (On • • ^n

1 0 • • 0 (5.15)
0 1 • • 0

0 0 1

Therefore an n-dimensional complex torus M is determined by n^ para-

meters (of,j,a = l,...,n. Thus m = n^. In this case we get rid of the ineffective
parameters through the coordinate change of C". On the other hand, we can
easily compute dim H\M, @) using the formula (3.148): H\M, n^(F)) =
H^'^(F). In our case since B = €{T(M)), we have

f f \ M , 0 ) = H^'^(r(M)). (5.16)
§5.2. Number of Moduli 217

G is a group of automorphisms of C", and each element co = {a)\ ..., (o'')e G

represents the automorphism of C" given by the translation

Vector fields, differential forms, etc., on M = C " / G correspond in a one-to-

one manner to G-invariant vector fields, differential forms, etc. on C",
respectively. Since holomorphic vector fields 5/(5z", a = 1 , . . . , n, are G-
invariant, they represent holomorphic vector fields on M, and

I- -I
forms a basis of the tangent bundle T{M) over M. Similarly

{dz\..., dz")

forms a basis of f*{M) over M. Consequently any (pe^-\T{M)) =

T{M, si{f*{M)®T{M)) is represented as

a-1v=l OZ

Since the Hermitian metric Ii" = i dz"'®dz'^ on C" is G-invariant, it gives a

Hermitian metric on M, which we write as YJl,(i = iSa^ dz°'®dz^ where
^a)8 — ^ap' The complex Laplace-Beltrami operator D for this metric is given

• = -a=\I dz dz

since g^" = 5«^, and each term of a^f", « A 5 ^ and b^s in (3.128) contains
at least one partial derivative of g«^ = d^p or g^" = 5„^, hence, is equal to 0.
Writing a tangent vector ve T^(M) in the form f = Z2=i ^"(^Z^^:"), we
introduce the fibre coordinates (C\ . . . , ^") of T(M). We define a Hermitian
metric on T(M) by X « r r . Then by (3.142) and (3.143), we have b a = b and

•« = • = - ! T ; ! - ^ . (5.17)
a = l OZ dz

H°-'(r(M)) = {^ei?«-'(T(M))|n„<p=0},
218 5. Theorem of Existence

while by (5.17) for (p=lclv <P% dz''®{d/dz''), n<,(p = 0 means that

a = l OZ dZ

for all (pt If 0(^^ = 0, by (3.130)

\\dcpn' = {ncpt,<pt) = o,
hence 5<p" = 0, which means that (^" is a holomorphic function. Since any
holomorphic function on a compact complex manifold is a constant, <p" =
c^ = constant. Thus we have

H'^\T(M)) = \cp\cp= i i cUz''®z^,]. (5.18)

I I a = l v^\ OZ J

Consequently dimH^'Hr(M)) = n^ Hence dim H\M,e) = n^. Thus we

m = dim H\M,0)
in this case.
(iii) Hypersurfaces in the projective space. Let ^ = (^o, • • •, ^n+i) be the
homogeneous coordinates on P""^^ The number (/x + 1) of the monomials
^0° • • • CTI of degree h = ho+ • • • + /i„+i in (n + 2) variables ^o, • • •, ^n+i is
given by

M+l=( , ). (5.19)

We associate with each point t = (to,..., t^) of the /it-dimensional projective

space P^ the homogeneous polynomial of degree h given by

tU) = to^o + t,^o~'^i^"'^t^^Li-

In order that the hypersurface t{^) = 0 has a singularity, (^o,.. -, t^) must
satisfy certain algebraic conditions. (See p. 42.) Therefore there is an
algebraic subset © g P ^ such that the hypersurface M^ given by r(^) = 0
for r ^ © is a submanifold of P"'^^ Of course M^ is an n-dimensional
algebraic manifold. We call M^ a non-singular hypersurface of order h in

We shall treat the case n = l later. The case h = l, Mf = P", hence, it

contains no parameter. In case /i = 2, M^ is a quadric hypersurface, which
can be transformed into the normal form: ^l+- • - + ^^+1 = 0 by a change
§5.2. Number of Moduli 219

of homogeneous coordinates. Thus it also contains no parameter. We

consider now the cases n^2 and h^3.
First we must calculate the number of effective parameters. Put B =
P^ - ©. Then {M^ \teB} forms a complex analytic family, but its parameter
space B is not effective. In fact, consider a projective transformation of P""^^

y'C^C'=yL a=^l 7^^^,, det(r«^)7^o.

Letting (7«^)~^ = ('ya^) be the inverse matrix of (7a^), we have ^« =

Z^^o y^p^'/B' Therefore any monomial of degree hin^o,..., ^^+1 is represen-
ted as a linear form of monomials of degree h in ^Q, ..., Cn+i- Consequently
if we let t(^) = tXCl, t-^ t' is Si projective transformation of P^, which we
denote by y:

Since y is an automorphism of P " ^ \ yMt and M^ are biholomorphically

equivalent. Since ^ e M^ if and only if C' e yMt, yMt is a hypersurface given
by r'(^) = 0, namely,

yMt = Mt' = Myt.

Let @ be the projective transformation group of P"^^ Then since each

element y G @ is determined by the ratio of {n + lf components y^/s, OL,^ =
0, 1 , . . . , M + 1, ofthe matrix (y^^), dim @ = ( n + 2 ) ^ - 1 . For any point 5 6 B,
@5 is a submanifold of dimension (n + 2 ) ^ - 1 , and as long as t=yse®s,
the complex structure of Mt = yM^ does not vary. Therefore among ^
components of the local coordinates of B, ((n + 2 ) ^ - 1) ones are ineffective
parameters for Mt. Thus the number of the effective parameters of M, is
given by

m = /x-(n + 2 f + 1 .

Hence by (5.19) we have

m= y ^ y{n + 2)\ (5.20)

On the other hand, calculating dim H\Mt, &t), we see that except in the
case n = 2, /i = 4, we have

dim f f ' ( M „ 0 , ) = ( " ^ ^ ^ ' ' ) - ( « + 2)1 (5.21)

220 5. Theorem of Existence

m= dimH\M,,e,)

except in the case n = 2, h = 4. We shall give the calculation of

dim H\Mt, St) in (c) of this section.
In case n = 2, /i = 4, that is, in case M^ is a quartic surface in P^,
dim H\Mt, St) = 20 (see p. 308). Since by (5.19), m = ( I ) - 4 ^ = 1 9 , m <
dim H\Mt, St) in this case.
(iv) Quadratic transform of P^. Take P distinct points qi,..., q^ on P^,
and let M be the algebraic surface obtained by applying quadratic transfor-
mations Qq^ at each q^, for A = 1 , . . . , i^:

M=Qq^'"QjP'). (5.22)

We compute the number of effective parameters of this M when qi,..., q^

move on P^. Choose the homogeneous coordinates on P^ such that

gi = ( 0 , 0 , l ) , ^2^(1.0,0), ^3 = (0,1,0), ^4=(l,l,l).

Assume for simplicity that ^5, • • •, ^^ do not lie on the line through ^2 and
^3, and put

q\ = iLuL2, 1), A = 5,..., K

Them M is determined by 2{v-A) parameters ^51, ^52,..., Cv\, Cvi- In case

^ ^ 4 , M contains no parameters. Thus we have

fO v^A
m= "' . "^-7 (5.23)
Next we compute dim H^{M, B) using the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch
theorem. For a while let M be an arbitrary algebraic surface. We call
q = dim H^{M, O^) the irregularity of M, Pg = dim H^{M, Cl^) the geometric
genus of M, and Pa~Pg~q the arithmetic genus of M. By the Riemann-
Roch-Hirzebruch theorem ([10]),

dim H\M, e ) - d i m H\M, ©) + dim H\M, (d)=\{lc\-5c2), (5.24)

where c^ e H^(M, Z) is the first Chern class of M and C2 is the Euler number
of M Ci is an integer. Classical Noether's formula

12(/?, + l) = c?+C2 (5.25)

§5.2. Number of Moduli 221

also follows from the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch theorem. By (5.24) and

(5.25) we obtain

dim H\M, 6 ) = 2c2-U{pa +1) + dim H\M, 0 ) + dim H\M, O). (5.26)

Again let M be the algebraic surface given by (5.22). If M =

P ^ H H P ^ 0 ) = 0 as stated in (i). By (3.157)

dim H\P\ 0 ) = dim H%M, a\K)). (5.27)

Let {(zj, Zj)} be a system of local complex coordinates on M. Then ((/e

H^{M,Ct\K)) is represented as

^ a = \ /3,y=l

namely, r/^ is a covariant tensor field i/^«^^, \\f^^y = - if/ay^ which is holomorphic
on all of M. Consequently H^(P^, 0 ) = 0 follows from the fact that there
is no non-zero holomorphic tensor field on P^, which is easily verified as
Let ^ = {^ G P^ I ^j 9^ 0}, for J = 0, 1,2. Then each Uj is a copy of C^ and
P^= Uo^ UiU U2. Putting z^ = f 1/^0 and z^ = Ci/^o, we get the coordinates
(z\z^) on UQ. Similarly ( w \ w^) = (fo/fi, ^2/^1) gives the coordinates on
U,, On UonUu
1 1
z^ = w (5.28)


^2 = 0

^0 = 0

Figure 1
222 5. Theorem of Existence

hold. A holomorphic covariant tensor field if/ of, say, rank 2 on P^ is written
on (7oas(/f = Xa,^=i ipoap dz"" ® dz^ and on ^ i as (/^ = Xl/3=i ^ic.(3dw'^®dw^,
where i/^oa^ and 1/^1^/3 are holomorphic functions on UQ and L/j, respectively.
On UonUi, we have

/ - V / ^ ^
y,5 = i dz dz^

while by (5.28) we have

oZ dZ aZ oZ

Thus each aw^/^z", a, 7 = 1, 2, can be extended to a holomorphic function

on L/i, which vanishes on the line ^0 —0. Therefore (/^oa^ is extended to a
holomorphic function on IJ^^ (/j = P^-{(0, 0, 1)} which vanishes on ^0 = 0-
This extended holomorphic function is again extended to all of P^ by
Hartog's theorem (Theorem 1.8). Thus we have shown that i/fo«^ is a
holomorphic function on all of P^, vanishing on the line ^0 = 0. Since a
holomorphic function on a compact complex manifold is a constant, i/^oa^
vanishes identically, hence, a covariant tensor field \\s is identically equal
to 0.
A holomorphic differential form is a holomorphic skew-symmetric
covariant tensor field. Consequently / / ^ ( P ^ ^ ^ ) = 0, and /f^(P^a^) = 0.
Thus the irregularity q, the geometric genus Pg and the arithmetic genus Pa
of P^ are all equal to 0.
Similarly we can determine holomorphic vector fields on P^. Let ve
H^{P^,@). V is written as v = vl{d/dz^)-hvl{d/dz^) on UQ, and as i; =
vl{d/dw^) + vl{d/dw^), where vS = vS{z\ z^) and v^ = uf ( w \ w^), a = 1, 2,
are holomorphic functions on Uo = C^ and Ui = C^, respectively. On L^o*^
(7i, we have

Vi = ^ o T T + ^ o -dZ « = 1,2.

Consequently by (5.29) we have

\w w/

\w w/ \w w/

vkz\z')= I a,^{z')'{z')' and vl{z\z')= I b,,iz')'(z')\

h,k=0 h,k=0
§5.2. Number of Moduli 223

Then by (5.28)

h,/c=0 (W j

Vi{w,w)= X r..Mh^k-i •
h,k=0 (W )

We must determine a/,fc, 6^^ such that these two power series contain no
terms of negative exponent for w\ Thus a holomorphic vector field v is
written as


+ (C4+ CsZ^ + C6Z^+ CjZ^Z^+Csiz^)^;-^,

where C j , . . . , Cg are arbitrary constants. Therefore we obtain

dim H%P^, ©) = 8. (5.30)

Since the Euler number of P^ is equal to 3, from (5.26) we have H\P^, 6 ) = 0.

In order to compute dim H\M, S) for M = Qq^' • • Qq^{P^), it suffices
to see how each term of (5.26) changes under a quadratic transformation.
For this take an arbitrary point qe M, and put M = Qq(M). As stated in
Example 2.12, M is a surface obtained from M by replacing q by the
projective line Qq{q) = S = P^:

M= {M-{q})uS.

Therefore M-S = M-{q}.

First we investigate the correspondence between holomorphic tensor
fields on M and those on M. Given a holomorphic tensor field ij/ on M,
by restricting (^ to M - 5, we get a holomorphic tensor field if/' on M - {q} =
lH-S. By Hartog's theorem, ij/' is extended to a holomorphic tensor field
ij/ on M which coincides with ip on M-{q} = M - S. Thus to a holomorphic
tensor field ij/ on M corresponds a holomorphic tensor field ijj on M.
Conversely, given a holomorphic tensor field ip on M and by restricting
ij/ to M — {q}, we obtain a holomorphic tensor field il/' on M - S = M - {q}.
We examine the possibility of extension of il/' to all of M. Let (zi, Z2) be
local coordinates with centre q, and put W - {(zi, Z2) | |zi| < e, |z2| < e) for a
sufficiently small e > 0. Then

224 5. Theorem of Existence

where Uuii) denotes the homogeneous coordinates of ^eP\ Putting

U, = U\i2^0}^Sind U2 = U\Ci9^0}, we have P'= U,u U2. Therefore
putting W^ = Wn WxU^,a = l, 2, we have W=WiU W^. Let Wi = ^1/^2
be the non-homogeneous coordinate of the point t,^U\. Then we have

^ 1 = {(^1, ^2, Wi) G Vl^ X ?7i I Zi = W1Z2}.

Thus we may use (wi, Z2) as coordinates on W^. We write W2 instead of

Z2. Then W^ = {(>Vi, W2)GC^||W2| < e , |>ViW2|< e}, and (?~^: Wx-^W'v$> given

5 n 1^1 is a submanifold of Wi defined by W2 = 0: Sn ^ 1 = {(wi, 0)| vvi eC}.

W,-S = {(wuW2)e Wi\w29^0}'^ W-{q},

where the inclusion map ^ is given by (wi, ^2)-^ (zj, Z2) = (W1W2, W2).
Let i/^ be a covariant tensor field of, say, rank 2. Then on W, if/ is written
^= I il/ap(zuZ2) dz^®dzf3,
«,/3 = l

where il/^isizu ^2) are holomorphic functions of Zi, Z2. Therefore if we rep-
resent (A' on Wy-S<=^ W-{q} as


7,6 = 1 dW^ dWp

while we have

dZi dZi dZ2 dZ2

= W2, =Wi, = 0, =1.
dWi dW2 dWi dW2

Consequently ifjapi^u ^2) is extended to a holomorphic function on Wi,

hence if/' is extended to a holomorphic tensor field on Wi. Since similar
result holds for W2, «A' is extended to a holomorphic tensor field ij/ on M.
§5.2. Number of Moduli 225

Thus, if ifj is a holomorphic covariant tensor field, i/^' is extended to a

covariant tensor field on M. Consequently there is a one-to-one correspon-
dence between the holomorphic covariant tensor fields \p on M = Qq{M) and
those if/ on M.
Next consider the case e/^ is a holomorphic vector field on M. In this
case ip is represented on W as

dZi dZ2

w h e r e JAIC^I^ ^2), ^li^u 2^2) a r e h o l o m o r p h i c f u n c t i o n s o f Zi, Z2. Since Zj =

>Vi>^2, 22 = >^2 a n d >Vi = Zi/z2 o n \ y i - 5 c : V l ^ - { g } , w e h a v e

_d__J_ d _d__ Wi d d
dZx W2(9Wi' dZ2 W2 dZi dZ2

Therefore we have

^ = 1-—^4f2{^ 1^2,^2)—-'
W2 dWi dW2
Expanding 1^1(^1, ^2), ^2(^1, ^2) into the power series in Zi, Z2, we see that
the coefficient of d/dWx in ip has the form

(Ai(0,0)-w,(A2(Q,Q) , . , u- r .•
ha holomorphic function

on W^i. Consequently i/^' is extended to a holomorphic vector field on W^

if and only if JAI(0, 0) = (^2(0, 0) = 0, that is, i/^ vanishes at q. Thus a holomor-
phic vector field (/? on M = Qq{M) corresponds in a one-to-one manner to
a holomorphic vector field j/^ on M which vanishes at q.
H^{M, Cl^) is the vector space of all holomorphic covariant vector fields
on M, H^(M, Cl^) is that of all holomorphic skew-symmetric covariant tensor
fields of rank 2, and H^{M,Ct\K)) is that of all holomorphic covariant
tensor fields ip^xpy of rank 3 which are skew-symmetric in the indices j8, y.
Therefore from the above results, as to M = Q^- • • Qq^{P^), we see that
H\M,n'), H%M,[l^) and H\M,n\K)) are isomorphic to H\P\a'),
/ / ^ ( P ^ a ^ ) and H^{P^,n\K)) respectively. Consequently the irregularity
q, the geometric genus Pg and dim H^{M, S) = dim H^(M, [l\K)) all van-
ish, hence also the arithmetic genus Pa of M vanishes. Again from the above
consideration, H^(M, ©) is isomorphic to the subspace of//^(P^, 0 ) consist-
ing of holomorphic vector fields which vanishes aiq;„X = l,..., v. Therefore
by (5.30) we have

dim//«(M,0) = {^ ^^'
226 5. Theorem of Existence

On the other hand, since the Euler number of q^ is equal to 1, and that of
QqA^\) = P^ is equal to 2, the Euler number increases by one if we replace
a point qx by Qq^iq^). Therefore the Euler number C2 of M = Q^^ • • • Qq^{P^)
is equal to 3+ ^. Substituting these values into (5.26), we obtain

6imH\M,®)=\: „ ; ;

Consequently by (5.23) we have

m= dimH\M,(d).

So far for several examples of compact complex manifolds M, we have

compared dim H\M, @) with the number of the parameters of M roughly
computed. Except only one example—the quartic surfaces in P^—we have
seen that the equality
m = dim H\M,e) (5.31)

holds. This seemed very strange since at that time nothing was known
concerning the existence of deformation of M. As stated at the head of this
section, we had expected that in general the number m might be rather
smaller than dim H\M,S). The effort to explain this strange phenomenon
by proving the theorem of existence for deformations contributed much to
the subsequent development of the theory of deformation. In this sense it
may be said that the theory of deformation was at first an experimental science.
A complex manifold of dimension 1 is just a Riemann surface. The idea
of deformation of a Riemann surface goes back to Riemann. Let M be a
compact Riemann surface of genus g. If g = 0, M is P \ and if g = 1, M is
a 1-dimensional complex torus. Therefore we assume in the following that
g ^ 2. According to Riemann's well-known formula, the complex structure
of a Riemann surface of genus g = 2 depends on 3 g - 3 parameters.
According to the theory of Teichmiiller ([30]), the number of parameters
of a compact Riemann surface M is given by

m = dim H%M, €(T''(M)®T''{M))).

Let {zj} be the system of local complex coordinates, and Uj the domain of
zj. Then an arbitrary i/j e H%M, OiT'^iM)® T'^iM))) is written on each Uj
in the form
if/ = iljj dzj ® dzj,

where ipj is a holomorphic function on Uj. Consequently ijj is called a

holomorphic quadratic differential. There exist g linearly independent
§5.2. Number of Moduli 227

Abelian differentials of the first kind on M. Let COQ be one of them, and
! = {(OQ) the divisor of COQ. The degree of ! is given by


Since we assume g ^ 2 , we have ! > 0 . Since on each Uj, we can write

^0 = ^oj dZj with holomorphic (OQJ, if we write a holomorphic quadratic
differential ij/ as

(/^=/- 0)00),

/ is a meromorphic function on M and we have (/) + 2! ^ 0. Thus we have

fe ^(2!). Conversely i f / G ^(2!), if/ = / • o;® a; is a holomorphic quadratic
differential on M (For notation, see [17]). Therefore

H%M, €{T''{M)®T''{M))) = ^(2!).

By the Riemann-Roch formula, we have

dim ^(2!) - d i m ^ ( - ! ) = deg 2! - g + 1 .

On the other hand, since ! > 0 , ^ ( - ! ) = 0, and d e g ! = 2 g - 2 , hence

dim ^(2!) = 3 g - 3 . Thus we obtain

m = dim//^(M,^(r*(M)®r*(M))) = 3g-3.
By (3.157)
dim H\M, 8 ) = dim H\M, n\K)),

while K = T'^iM) in our case. Consequently ^\K) = €{ T''{M)®T''{M)),

m = dimHHM,e).

Thus if M is a compact Riemann surface, dim H\M, 6 ) coincides with the

number of parameters of M already known long before.

(b) The Number of Moduli

In the preceding section, we computed the number of parameters for several

examples of compact complex manifolds, without giving their precise defini-
tion. In this section we shall give the precise definition. We begin with the
definition of the completeness of a complex analytic family.
228 5. Theorem of Existence

Definition 5.2. Let {M, B,m) be a complex analytic family of compact

complex manifolds, and f e B. {M, B, m) is called complete at feB if for
any complex analytic family {M, D, ir) such that D is a domain of C^
containing 0 and that Tr~^{Q) = m~\t^), there are a sufficiently small domain
E with OeEc: D, and a holomorphicmap h: s^ t=' h{s) with h{0) = 0 such
that (J^E, E, TT) is the complex analytic family induced from {M, B, m) by
h where J^E = "^~\E).

Ns = 7T~\s) is a deformation of No= Mt^= m~\t^). If {J^E.E.TT) is

induced from {M, B, m) by h, Ns = Mh(^s) — "^^^(5)) for s e E. Con-
sequently if (M, B, VT) is complete at t^ e B, (M, B, xu) contains any deforma-
tion Ns of MfO provided that s is sufficiently small In this sense we may say
that {Jt, B, m) contains all sufficiently small deformations of Mt(^= xxT~^{t^),

Definition 5.3. (Jt, B, m) is called a complete complex analytic family if

{M, B, m) is complete at every point te B.

A complete complex analytic family {M, B, m) contains all sufficiently

small deformations of each Mt = m~^{t) for t e B.

Definition 5.4. Let M be a compact complex manifold. If there is an

effectively parametrized and complete complex analytic family {M, B,m)
with VT~\0) = M where B is a domain of C " containing 0, we call m = dim B
the number of moduli of M and denote it by m{M).

We don't define the number of moduli of M if there exists no such family.

The number m(M) of moduli of M is the number of effective parameters
of the complex analytic family (Ji, B, m) with m~\0) = M which contains
all sufficiently small deformations of M. Thus the number of parameters of
M in the precise sense is considered to be its number of moduli m{M). If
the number of moduli of M is not defined, we consider that the number
of parameters of M cannot be determined. We will explain the reason of
this later (p. 314).
We must verify that the number of moduli of M does not depend on
the choice of complex analytic family used for the definition. For this,
suppose given another effectively parametrized and complete complex
analytic family (^, D, TT) where D is a domain of C^ containing 0, and
7T~\0) = M. We must show / = m. Since 7T~\Q) = M = m~\Q), and
{M,B,m) is complete, there is a domain E with OeEciD such that
(JfE, E, IT) with NE = 7r~\E) is the family induced from {M, B, m) by a
holomorphic map h.E^B with /i(0) = 0. Put Mt = m~\t). Then iV, =
'TT~^{s) = Mh^s)' Since by assumption s == ( ^ j , . . . , 5/) is an effective parameter
of (#, D, TT), putting t = h{s) for s e E, WQ see that
-^e H\Ns, ©J = H\M,, 0,), M = 1, • • •, /, (5.32)
§5.2. Number of Moduli 229

are linearly independent. On the other hand by (4.30), we have

hence / ^ m. Interchanging M and ^ , we have also m ^ /. Consequently

/ = m, and the number of moduli m(M) of M does not depend on the
choice of {M, B, m) used for the definition.
Moreover since / = m, det(ar;v/<5'Sya) A,/Lt=i,...,m 7^ 0 by (5.32). Therefore put-
ting A = h{E), we see that A is a domain of B and that h.E-^ts. is
holomorphic. If we take E sufficiently small, then A is also small, hence
M^= ti7~\A) is represented in the form (4.27):

M^ = U^,xA.

Assume that (z,, t)e UjXA and (z^, t)e t 4 x A are the same point of ^ A if
Zj =fjk{z]^, t). Then, as stated before (p. 207), we have


where {Zj,s)eUjXE and {zj^, s) e Uj^ x E are the same point of J^E if
^j =fjk(zk,h(s)). Considering the biholomorphic map h: s^ t = h{s) as the
coordinate transformation of the parameter space, we see that (JV^, E, TT)
and (M^, A, m) may be considered as the same complex analytic family.
In this sense, if for a given compact complex manifold M, an effectively
parametrized and complete complex analytic family (Jt, B,m) with
m~\0) = M exists, then (M^, A, tu) is uniquely determined by M provided
that A is sufficiently small with 0 G A c: B.
For the examples of compact complex manifolds given in the precediiig
section, we have seen that the number of effective parameters m of M is
equal to dim H\M, (d) except for one example. Since it is difficult to believe
that for so many examples the equality m = dim //^(M, 0 ) occurs only by
accident, it might be reasonable to expect that the number m of parameters
will coincide with the number m(M) of moduli of M.
Let ti,..., t^ be effective parameters contained in the definition of M,
and put t = (ti,...,tm)' Further let M^ be the manifold corresponding to
the parameter t, and B the domain of t Then {Mt\te B} is a complex
analytic family, which we denote by (M, B, TT). In order to prove m = m(M),
we must prove that {M,B,m) is complete and effectively parametrized.
For the completeness of a complex analytic family, we have the following
theorem. Let {M^B^m) be a complex analytic family of compact complex
manifolds where B is a domain of C", and p^: T^B) -» H\Mt, 0,) the linear
230 5. Theorem of Existence

map defined in (4.22) for Mt = m \t), that is,

Theorem of Completeness ([20]). If pt^ is surjective at feB, that is,

p,o(T,o(B)) = H\Mt% @fO), then {M, B, m) is complete at t^.

We give the proof of this theorem in the next chapter. Using this theorem
we see that ii{M,B,xu) is effectively parametrized and m = dim H\Mt, 8^)
for every t e B, then we have m = m{M). In fact, if {Jt, B, m) is effectively
parametrized, pt is injective, hence dimpt{Tt(B)) = m. Consequently
pt{Tt{B)) = H\Mt, St), and by the theorem of completeness, (Jt, B, ur) is
Thus in order to prove that m = m{M) for the examples given in the
preceding section with m = dim H\M,S), it suffices to verify that
(M, B, m) = {Mt \te B} is effectively parametrized.
(i) Projective space P". Since H\P'',S) = 0,by the theorem of complete-
ness, the complex analytic family {P"} consisting of only one member P"
is complete. Hence m(P") = 0.
(ii) Complex tori. Let M be a complex torus of dimension n with the
period matrix of the form (5.15):

't\ •• tf

t\ •• t"n
1,0 • • 0

_0 • • 1_

Put ^ = (^a)a,)8 = i,...,nj ^nd wHtc M^ for M. Let

be the /cth row of the period matrix. Namely

Jtf, ; = l,...,n
Uf_„' ; = /t + l,...,2n.

Then Mt = C/Gt where G^ = {Xj"i myCeji^(0|'W;GZ}. In vectors (0j{t),j =

1 , . . . , 2n, are linearly independent over U if and only if det Im ^ T^ 0 where
lmt = {lmt^)^^p = ir,. Let B = {r|det Im r > 0 } . Then {Mt\teB} forms a
complex analytic family. This is verified as in the case n = l given in Example
§5.2. Number of Moduli 231

2.13. In fact, let ^ be the group of automorphisms of C" x B consisting of

all automorphisms defined by

(z, o ^ ( ^ + Z ^j^j(0, n , 7 = 1,...,2n.

Then ^ acts properly discontinuously without fixed points, hence the

quotient space J/ = C " x B / ^ i s a complex manifold. The projection (z, 0 ^ ^
of C" x B onto B induces a holomorphic map m of Jt onto B. Then it is
clear that (M, B, wr) is a complex analytic family and that m~\t) =
C " x r / G , = M,.
In order to compute the infinitesimal deformation of M^, we take the
following system of coordinates on Jt. Let 11 be the canonical holomorphic
map of C" X JB onto M = C" xB/^.Uis a. locally biholomorphic map. Let
{^fc} be a locally finite open covering of M where ^^ is assumed to be a
sufficiently small domain. Then n~^(^fc) consists of infinitely many mutually
disjoint domains ^k^, ^k^,... of C" x R Choose one of them, say, ^fcp and
let (zfc,..., Zfc, r) be the restriction of the complex coordinates ( z \ . . . , z", 0
of C x B to ^fc^. Since 11: ^k^-^^k is biholomorphic, we may consider
(zfc,..., Zfc, 0 as the complex coordinates on ^k- We use these (z^, t) =
(zfc,..., Zfc, 0 as local complex coordinates of M on ^k- On ^^ n ^fc we have

Zi = ^/c + I mikojjit), m]ke\


zf==z^ + m r ^ + I mr,r^, i8 = l , . . . , n . (5.33)




and define ^ikCO as

Oik(t)= z — - ^ — i 7 ? = ^ ' ^ i ; ? - (^'^^^

y=i 5^^ dz[ dZi

Then the infinitesimal deformation dMt/dt^ is the cohomology class 6{t)e

H\M,,(dt) of the 1-cocycle {(9,fc(0}.
Let ^ , = M{T{M,)), "^t is the sheaf of germs of C°° vector fields of the
form Za <A"(^/^^") over M,. By (3.106) we have

H\M,, %,) ^ r(M„ a ^ , ) / 5 r ( M „ ^ , ) . (5.35)

232 5. Theorem of Existence

Since ^^ is a fine sheaf, from the exact sequence

we obtain the exact sequence of cohomology groups

from which (5.35) is derived. Therefore a ^-closed vector (0, l)-form (p(t) e
r ( M „ a ^ , ) corresponds to e{t)eH\M,,^,) if 8''(p{t) = e{t). Let U, =
{ Ukt I Ukt = ^fc n M, 7^ 0 } . If on each Ukt e U t, we can choose C vector field
ifj^eTiUkty'^t) such that

then since dilji = dil/k on each UHD Ukt'^0, we obtain a (p(Oer(M,,^'^f)

which coincides with dil/^ on each U^r- Then by the definition of 5*,
8'^(p(t)=e{t). For, if we put c^^fiAJe C'^CU,, ^ , ) , we have 5c^= (^(r) and
Sc' = {e,,(t)}.
Such a 0-cochain {il/k}^ C^i^h^^t) as il/k-^i = ^ik{t) is obtained easily
as follows. By (5.33),

By assumption det(rf - f^)„^^==i... „7^0. Therefore letting (M«)a,^=i,...,n be

the inverse matrix of {t^ - r?)a,^=i,...,r„ we have

7=1 7=1

Consequently putting

since a/azf = a/^z^, we obtain from (5.34)

Since dzl = (if^, and dzl = 0, we have

7=1 dZ
§5.2. Number of Moduli 233

It is obvious from (5.18) that (p{t) e T{Mt, 5'^^) is a harmonic vector (0, 1)-
form: (p{t)en^'\T{Mt)). Thus via the isomorphism (5.16):


the infinitesimal deformation pt{d/dt^) = dMt/dt^ e H\Mt, St) corresponds

to the harmonic vector (0, l)-form Y.l=i " " dz^ d/dz^. Since det(M")7^0,
Pt{d/dt^), a, ^ = 1 , . . . , n, are linearly independent. Therefore n^ parameters
^«, a, j8 = 1 , . . . , n, are effective, and

miMt) = m = dim H^M^, 0,).

However the situation for n ^ 2 is somewhat different from that forn ^ 1.

In case n = 1, M^, with Im ^ > 0, is an elliptic curve, and, as stated in Example
2.14, in the complex analytic family {M^ 11 e ^"^}, Mt' and M^ are biholomor-
phic if and only if

at + b
t' = -, a,T),c,deZ and ad-bc=l.
ct-\- d

Let r be the group of all linear transformations of the above form. Then F
is properly discontinuous, and ¥t/T = C Thus up to the biholomorphic
equivalence, an elliptic curve corresponds in a one-to-one manner to a point
T G C = IHl"^/r. We express this fact by staying that C is the space of moduli
of elliptic curves. The number of moduli m(M^) = 1 is the dimension of the
space of moduli C.
Consider next the case n ^ 2 . Let Z" be the set of all n x n integral
matrices a = (a^), a ^ e Z . Then in the above notation, M^ and M^ are
biholomorphic if and only if

t' = {at+b){ct + dy\ a,b,c,deZr,, det( . ) = 1- (5-36)

(c . ' ) = '•

Let r be the group of automorphisms y: t-^ t' of the form (5.36). Then for
n ^ 2, the group F of automorphisms of B is not properly discontinuous
([28]). Moreover in any neighbourhood U of any point seB with se Uc: B,
there is a te U such that TtnU is an infinite set. Consequently, in contrast
to the case n = l, B/T is not even a Hausdorff space. Thus we cannot define
B/T as the space of moduli. Let yj, p = l,2,... be infinitely many points
of F^ n U. Then M^^^, M^^?,... are biholomorphic to one another. Thus/or
any small neighbourhood U, there are infinitely many points y^t, 72^ • • • ofU
such thatMy^t, My^f> • • • have the same complex structure ([21]). Nevertheless
B is an effective parameter space.
234 5. Theorem of Existence

In view of this example, we suspected that there would exist a complex

analytic family which is not locally trivial, but all members M^ = ^~\t) of
which are biholomorphic to one another. But, as already mentioned, Fischer
and Grauert proved that this cannot happen.

(c) Complex Analytic Family of Hypersurfaces

In order to prove that for a non-singular hypersurface M^ of order h in

P""^^ with n ^ 2, /i ^ 3, the number m{Mt) of moduli is defined and coincides
with m given in (5.20) except for the case « = 2,/i = 4, we need several
results from the general theory on complex analytic families of non-singular
hypersurfaces. First we explain them.
In general let 5 be a submanifold of a complex manifold W. By the
codimension of S, we mean the difference of the dimensions of W and 5.
Then a non-singular hypersurface of order /i in P""*"Ms a submanifold of
P"^^ of codimension 1.
Let W be a given compact complex manifold of dimension n + 1 . A
complex analytic family {Jt, B, m) of compact complex manifolds is called
a complex analytic family of hypersurfaces in W if it satisfies the following
(i) Each Mt = m'^t) is a submanifold of codimension 1 of \y for r G B.
(ii) There is a holomorphic map (^ of M into W whose restriction to
Mt coincides with the inclusion Mt "=-> W.
Since we are only interested in the infinitesimal deformations, it suffices
to take a sufficiently small polydisk Ac: B, and consider {M^, A, m) instead
of {Jt, B, m) where we put J^A = tix'^A). Moreover we may assume that
Ji^ has the form

where (zj, t)e UjXA. and (z^, t)e L4 x A are the same point of M^ if zf =
fjki^k, 0- Let {Wi,..., W;,...} be a finite open covering of W, where Wj is
a coordinate neighbourhood, and let Wj = (w^^,..., w") be the local coordin-
ates defined on Wj. Taking Uj and A sufficiently small, we may assume that
<|)(^xA)c: WJ for7 = l , . . . , / , and that ^(M^)n[Wj] = 0 f o r j ^ Z + l . O
is represented on each L^ x A as

CD: (zj, 0 ^ « . . . , wJ) = (<p«(z,, t),..., <pnzj, 0 ) .

Since O induces the inclusion M ^ ^ W,

rank—-1 3rr=«-
§5.2. Number of Moduli 235

We denote a point of M by p, and define the map cp of M into WxB by

^:p^^{p) = (^{p),7T{p)).

Then O is represented in terms of local coordinates as

{zj, 0 ^ ( w ° , . . . , w;, t) = {<pj{zj, t),..., cpjizj, t), t).

Therefore we have

^ d{w]...,wj,t,,...,tj ^ .. ^
rank ——^ ^ =m + n = dim M.
d{Zj, . . . , Zj , ti, . . . , tm)

Consequently O is a biholomorphic map of M^ into \y x A, and, identifying

M^ with 0 ( J^A), we may consider that J^A is a submanifold of codimension
1 of WxA. Then

is considered as the graph of VT~^: t-^ Mt.

If we take WJ and A sufficiently small, M^ is given on each W) x A by a
single minimal equation

Sj(wj,t) = 0.

Here 5,(w^, r) is understood to be a non-vanishing holomorphic function

if Wj x^nM^ = 0. For a fixed ^, 5,(w^, 0 = 0 gives a minimal equation of
Mt in W;. 5,(w;, t) = Sj(w^,..., wJ, t) is a holomorphic function of
Wj,... ,Wj, ti,..., tm, and at least one of the partial derivatives
dSj{Wj, t)/dwf, A = 1 , . . . , n, does not vanish for each Wj e M^ On \ ^ x A n
\yfc X A 7^ 0 , we have

SjiWj, t) = Fj^(w, t) • S^(wk, 0, (5.37)

where i^7c(w, t) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function defined on (WJD

Wfc) XA, and Wy, w^ are local coordinates of we WJD W^. It is clear that

F,fc(w, 0 = Fijiw, t) • Fjk{w, t) for w G Wi- n WJ- n W^. (5.38)

Thus for every ^ G A, we can define a complex line bundle &^t over W with
transition functions Fjj^{w, t). ^t is a complex line bundle over W defined
by the divisor M^: ^t = [M^], and S{t) = {Sj(Wj, t)} is a holomorphic section
of ^ , over W.
236 5. Theorem of Existence

Fix r G A for a while. Since M^ = U^. Uj x t, if we put UjXt= Up, Up is a

coordinate polydisk on M^. We denote the point ZjXte UjXt= Up simply
by Zj, and consider z, = (z],..., zj) as the local coordinates on M^. If we put

(Pj(Zp t) = (cp%Zj, 0 , . . . , <pJiZp 0 ) ,

the inclusion <l>: M^ ^ W is represented on each Up c: Mf as

^:zj-^wj = (pjizpt).
F,fc(z) = Fjj^i^iz), t), z e Up n U^, (5.39)

Then Ftjkiz) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function on Up n L/fcr, and

from (5.38) we obtain immediately

Ftikiz) = Ftij(z) • Ptjkiz), z e Uit n Up n 17^,.

Therefore we can define a complex line bundle F^ on M^ with transition

functions Ftju{z). Ft is the restriction of ^t to M^.
In general when t moves, the complex structure of M^ as well as the
position of M, in W varies. The change of the position of M^ is called a
displacement. On each neighbourhood Wp Mt is given by the equation
Sj(wp t) = 0. In order to define the infinitesimal displacement along d/dt for
an arbitrary d/dt e Tf(A), consider the partial derivative dSj(wp t)/dt, and put

. / , , , ) - ( ^ ^ ) (5.40)
\ 01 / wj = ,pj(zj,t)

Applying d/dt to both sides of (5.37), we have

—^ =-Fji,iw, t) + ^^— Skiw^, t).

ot dt at

Restricting these equalities to Mj we obtain

(TjiZp t) = Ftjk{z)(Tk{Zj,,t),
since 5fc(wfc, 0 = 0 on M,. This means that (T{t) = {o-j{zp t)} is a holomorphic
section of F, over M^.
Definition 5.5. (r(t)£H^{Mt, ^(Ft)) is called the infinitesimal displacement
of the submanifold M, of codimension 1 of W, and is denoted by

(aM,c w)/dt.
§5.2. Number of Moduli 237

We denote by pd,t the linear map d/dt-^a(t) of r,(A) to /f^(M„ 0(Ft)),


Next we will consider the relation between the infinitesimal deformation

and the infinitesimal displacement. Let T{W)t be the restriction of the
tangent bundle T(W) of W to M^. T{W)t is a holomorphic vector bundle
over Mf. Since the tangent space T^iMf) at zeM^ consists of all tangent
vectors of W^ at z which are tangent to M,, the tangent bundle T{M^) =
U^eM, TAM,) of M, is a subhundle of T ( \ ^ ) , = U.eM. T^W). A local
holomorphic section ^ of T{ W)t is represented in terms of local coordinates

A=o aW^-

where the coefficients v^{z) are local holomorphic functions on M,. Define
Tj{Zj, t) for this ^ by

A=0 \ dWj J ^. = ^.^^.^t>^

Then rj(Zj, t) is a holomorphic function on Uy, c: M^, and from (5.37) we

Tj(Zj,t) = Ftjk{z)Tk{Zk, t)

on ITy, n (7fc, T^ 0 . Therefore T ( 0 = {'7'j(2^j, 0} is a holomorphic section of F^

over M„ which we denote by ^S{t):

^S{t) = T{t). (5.42)

^5(0 = 0, namely, ^5,(w„ 0 = 0 means that ^ = Y.x v";{z){d/dw^) e T,{Mt),

namely, that ^ is a holomorphic vector field on M^.
We denote by H^ the sheaf of germs of holomorphic sections of
T{W),: 'E, = €{T{W),). e , = ^(T(M,)) is a subsheaf of S,. If we represent
^ e 0f as ^ = YJI = \ ^fi^/^^f) where Of is a germ of a holomorphic function,
the inclusion map t: O , ^ S^ is given by

.:«=i»;^^i(i<.;^R, (5.43.
a=l OZj A=0 \ « = 1 OZj J dW^-

where aw.^/az/ =a(pj^(z,-, t)ldz'f.

238 5. Theorem of Existence

If we put ^ e S , in (5.42), we have T{t) = ^S{t)EO{Ft). Consequently

^^r(t) = ^S(t) defines a homomorphism Et-^O(Ft) of sheaves, whose
kernel is 0^ as seen above. Thus we have the exact sequence

0->et-^Et^O{Ft)^0. (5.44)

For a fixed t, choose local coordinates ( z j , . . . , zj) on M, and {wj,..,, wj)

on W such that (p](zj, t) = 0, wj = (pj{zj, t) = z/ for a = 1 , . . . , n, and put
Sj{Wj, t) = wj. If we write ^G E^ as


^=J^t;,^(^)ee, and rj(zj, t) = ^Sj(wj, t) = v^

Figure 2

Thus T(r) = ^S{t) is the normal component of ^ to M^. This is the meaning
of (5.44). The exact sequence (5.44) gives the exact sequence of cohomology

• ^ H%M,, E,) -> H'{M,, €{F,)) -^ H\M,, 6,) -> • (5.45)

§5.2. Number of Moduli 239

Lemma 5.3. The relation between the infinitesimal deformation and the
infinitesimal displacement is given by the following.

Pt = d'^p,,, (5.46)

Proof Since U^ = { L^ J is a finite covering of Mt, and each Ujt is a poly disk,
we see from (5.2) that / / H M , 0,) =//HU,, ®r). For any d/dteTX^),
Ptid/dt) is the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {Ojk(t)} e Z^iUt, St), where

ot = \ oZj at

while by Definition 5.5 the infinitesimal displacement is defined as

PdA^/^t) = o-(t) = {o-j(Zj, t)}, where o}(z„ t) is given by (5.40). Consequently
in order to show that pt(d/dt) = d^^p^jid/dt), by the definition of 5*, it
suffices to prove that there is a 0-cochain {^j} with ^j e T{ Up, H J such that

^jS(t) = cTj{zj,t), ^jc-^j = ejM.

Suppose that Wj = gjki^^k) on Wj n W^. Then since ^ : Zj -^ Wj = (Pj{zj, t),

we have on Up n U^t

<pf(Zp t) = gUM^k, t)), Zf =ffk(Zk, t).

Differentiating both sides of this equality with respect to t as functions of

z j , , . . . , Zfc, t, we have

" (9wj^ dffdzk,t) ^d(p^(zj,t)_ j^ dw^ d(pl(Zk,t)

a = idz" dt dt ^=odwl dt

Therefore putting

^' xto dt dwy

on each Up, we have

A=0 \ a = l OZj I bWj

Consequently by (5.43)

Qik{t) = ^k-^r

On the other hand, differentiating the equality Sj{(pj(zj, t)) = 0 with respect
240 5. Theorem of Existence

to r, we have

11 dSjjWj, •Jl= 0, Wj = (pj(zj,t).

A=0 dt dWj dt

Thus we obtain

mt)- = o-j{Zj, t).

We apply the above results to the case in which H^ = P""^^ with n ^ 2 ,

and Mf is a non-singular hypersurface of order h with h^3. We use the
same notation as in (a)(iii) of this section. Let (fo, • • •, ^n+i) be the
homogeneous coordinates on W = P""^^ and

a homogeneous polynomial of degree h in fo? • • • ? fn+i- ^t is defined by

t{() = 0. Let A be a small polydisk in B = P^ — &. We assume for simplicity
that to = 1 on A, and represent a point r G A by its non-homogeneous
coordinates ti,..., t^. Thus we have

If we consider t{() as a function of ^ i , . . . , ^^, ^o, • • •, fn+i, the equation

t{^) = 0 defines a submanifold of codimension 1 on \y x A, which we denote
by M^:

M^ = {U,t)eWx^\tU) = 0}.

The projection W x A -» A induces a surjective holomorphic map tjr: M^ -^ A.

Then {M/^, A, tir) is a complex analytic family and for each ^G A, m~\t) =
MtXt = Mt is SL non-singular hypersurface on W. The projection Wx^-^ W
induces a holomorphic map <l>: M/^^ W. O restricted to Mt = MtXt<::- M^
gives the inclusion M^ ^ W. Thus (J^A, A, TJJ) is a complex analytic family
of hypersurfaces on W.
Let { W;} be a finite open covering of H^ = P"'^\ and w, = ( w ^ , . . . , wj)
the local complex coordinates on W,. We assume that { Wj) and w, satisfy
the following: For each j , there is an index ^{j) such that Cpu) ^ 0 on W),
and we have

w, = (w° . . . , w " ) = ( - ^ , . . . , ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ , . . . , ^ .

As above we assume that ^A = UJ=i t/jXA, and that <D(Lr x A ) c w;. for
j = 1 , . . . , / a n d $ ( ^ J n [ W ; ] = 0 f o r ; ^ / + l . O n e a c h U, x A, <& is assumed
§5.2. Number of Moduli 241

to be given by

^:{zj,t)^wj = (pj(zj,t).

Since t{^) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree h in ^o, • • • ? ^n+i, if

we put

Sj(Wj, 0 is a polynomial of degree at most h in w],..., w", and 5,(Wy, 0 = 0

gives a minimal equation of M^ in Vl^. Since

Sjiwj, t) = Fj,(w)S,{w,, t), Fj^(w) = ( ^ ) , (5.47)


the complex line bundle ^t = [^t] depends only on the degree h and is
independent of t. Let F be the complex line bundle over W with transition
functions Fjj^{w). Then F = [MJ. Further let E be the complex line bundle
over \y = P"^^ with transition functions Ej)^(w) = Cpik)/ipu)- Then

h times

Let Poo be the hyperplane ofW = P"""^ defined by Co = 0. Then E = [PoJ. Put

Each 5A(^) is a monomial of degree h in ^o,..., C^+i- Therefore if we put

S;^j(Wj) is a monomial of degree at most h in w ^ , . . . , wj, and on WJ n W^ T^

^A,(W,) = F,-,(>V)5,,(H;,) (5.48)

holds. Consequently S^ ={Sxj(Wj)} is a holomorphic section of F over W,

namely, 5;, G H^(\y, ^ ( F ) ) .
We denote by Ft the restriction of F to M^c: W. By (5.39) Ft is defined
by the transition functions Ftjk(z) = F}fc(<|)(z)) with z e Up n Ukt- Putting

0-xj(Zj,t) = S;,ji(Pj(Zj,t)),
242 5. Theorem of Existence

we have from (5.48)

o-xjizj, t) = Ftjk(z)ak(zk, t)

on Up n Ukt ^ 0 . Consequently (Jx{t) = {o-;,,(z„ i)} e H\M,, €{F,)). By Defi-

nition 5.5 of the infinitesimal displacement, it is clear that

P . . ( ^ ) = ^ ^ = - . W , A = l,...,^. (5.49)

Lemma 5.4. {cr^{t),..., 0-^(0} forms a basis of H^(Mt, 0{Ft)).

Proof The sheaf €{Ft) is the restriction of €{F) to M,c: W. Denoting the
restriction map by r^, since [ M J = F, we have ker r^ = 0'(F®[MJ"^) = ^.
Hence the sequence


is exact. In the corresponding exact sequence of cohomology groups

0 - • H% W, 0) - • H% W, 0{F)) ^ H%M„ €(F,)) -> H\W, 0)-^---,

H^(W, 0) = C, Sind H\W, €) = 0. Thus we obtain the exact sequence

0-^C-^ H%W, 0{F)) ^ H%M„ 0{F,)) -> 0.

For 5x G H% W, 0(F)), we have

rtSx = o-M, A = l,...,/x,

and for S{t) = {Sj{wj, t)}e H\W,€{F)), r,S(t) = 0. Therefore to prove

Lemma 5.4, it suffices to show that {S{t), Si,..., S^} forms a basis of
H^iW,0(F)). For this it suffices to verify that any s = {sjiwj)}e
H^{W,€{F)) is represented by some homogeneous polynomial s{^) of
degree /i in ^o, • • •, L+i as

'j(^j) = [ ^ ) -'(O- (5.50)

For, s{() is a linear combination of t{^), S i ( ^ ) , . . . , 5^(^). Since {s,(w,)}

is a holomorphic section of F over W, each Sj{wj) is a holomorphic function
on Wj, and on Wj n W^

"'MtJ ,
, s^iw,,) (5.51)
§5.2. Number of Moduli 243

holds. We haveP"^^-Poo = C"'^\ and putting z« = f,/^o for a = 1 , . . . , n + 1 ,

we have complex coordinates ( z j , . . . , z„+i) on C"'^^ Since by (5.51) on
W;-n ^fc n C"^ V 0 , we have

there is a holomorphic function giz^,..., z„+i) on C""^' such that on each

g(z„...,z„,,) = ( ^ ) -sjiwj). (5.52)


g(zi,...,z„+i)= X gk(zu...,z^+i),
fc = 0

where gfc(zi,..., z„+i) is the homogeneous part of degree k of the power

series expansion of g ( z i , . . . , z„+i). Take an arbitrary point p =
(0, ^ 1 , . . . , L+i) on Poo. Then ;? belongs to one of W/s. Fix f i , . . . , f„+i for
a while. If we take E > 0 sufficiently small, then for 0 < |^o| < ^, we have

\ ho bo /

Therefore by (5.52) we have

^0 I Jk =^PU)'SjW-
fc-0 ^0

As a function of ^o, the right-hand side is holomorphic on |fo|<^- Con-

sequently we must have gkUu • • •, ^n+i) = 0 for k^h-^l. Since ^ i , . . . , ^„+i
are arbitrary, g ( z i , . . . , z„+i) is a polynomial of degree at most h in
Z i , . . . , z„+i. Therefore if we put

\bO bO I

5(f) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree /i in fo? • • •, f«+i, and (5.50)

follows from (5.52). I

We consider the exact sequence (5.44):

244 5. Theorem of Existence

for M, c: W = P " ^ \ Let S = 0{ T( W)) be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic

vector fields over W. Then H^ is the restriction of H to M^. Let r^ be the
restriction map. Then since [M,] = £ ^ ker rt = E®E~^ = OiT{W)®E~^).
0 - • H® E~^ -> S -X H, -> 0 (5.53)

is exact.

Lemma 5.5. Except in the case n = 2, h = 4, we have

H^(P"''^ H® £-^) = 0, ^ = 0, 1, 2.
Proof. Put T= TCP"""'). Then S x £ - ' = 0{T®E-''), and the dual bundle
of T®E-'' is T*® JB^ Hence by (3.155),

dim H^(P"^^ H ® £ - ' ) = dim //"^^-^(P"^\ a " ^ H ^ * ® ^ ' ) ) .

Putting K = A"""' T*, we have

n''^\T''®E'') = €(T''®K®E'') = n\K®E''),

while the canonical bundle K of P"^^ is iB"""l Therefore

dim JF/^(P"^\ S ® £ - ' ) = dim H"^^-^(P""'\ OH^'"""^)). (5.54)

Since we assume that n ^ 2 and /i ^ 3, Lemma 5.5 follows immediately from

following Bott's theorem. I

Theorem 5.2 (Bott [1]). / / ^ ( P " ^ \ a ^ ( £ ' ' ) ) vanishes except for the following
(i) p + q and /c = 0,
(ii) q = 0 and /c>/?,
(iii) g = n 4-1 and A: < 0 - n - 1.
Thus except for the case n = 2, /i = 4, in the exact sequence of cohomology
groups induced from (5.53):

0-^ H\W,E®E-'')-^ H%W,E)^ H\M,,E,)


we have H^W, S ® £"^) = 0 for ^ = 0,1, 2. Hence

and (5.55)
H\W,E) = H\Mt,E,).
§5.2. Number of Moduli 245

Also from (5.54) and Theorem 5.2, we have H\P"^\ S) = 0. Hence

An automorphism of \ ^ = P"'^^ is a projective transformation, and the

set ® of all of them forms a Lie transformation group of W with dim @ =
(n + 2 ) ^ - 1. Since H^{ W; S) is the Lie algebra consisting of the infinitesimal
transformations of @, we have

dim H\W,E) = {n-\-2f - I.

Hence from (5.55) we have

dim H\M,, S,) = (n + 2 ) ^ - 1. (5.56)

In the exact sequence of cohomology groups induced from the exact

sequence 0 ^ 8^ ^ H^ ^ ^(Ft) -^ 0, we have H\Mt, S^) = 0. Also we can prove
that H^(Mt, St) = 0 (see [21], p. 406, Lemma 14,2). Therefore the sequence

0-> H%M,, S,) ^ H^(M, 0{F,)) -> H\M,, 6,) -> 0 (5.57)

is exact. By Lemma 5.4, dim H^{M,, ^(F,)) = /JL. Therefore by (5.56)

d i m / f H M „ 0 , ) = m = / x - ( n + 2 ) ' + l = ( " ' ^ ^ ^ J - - ( n + 2)^

Thus we obtain (5.21).

For a projective transformation ye®, define

Then y: t^yt is a projective transformation of the parameter space P^.

Since S,( w,, t) = (1/f/30))^^(f), if 7 belongs to a sufficiently small neighbour-
hood of the identity of @, we have

Sj{wj,yt) = Sj(y-'wj,t) (5.58)

for WJEWJ and t = {\, ti,..., t^)e^. We denote by X L i ^A(^) ^/^^A the
infinitesimal transformation of A determined by the infinitesimal transforma-
tion ^e H^iW, H) of ®. Since f is a holomorphic vector field on W, ^ is
written on each WJ as ^ = ZA=O ^J(^j) d/dwf. From (5.58) clearly we have

A=i dh
246 5. Theorem of Existence

Substituting Wj = (pj(Zj, t) and denoting the restriction of ^ to M^ by ^^G

H^(M„ H,), we obtain from (5.41) and (5.42) the equality

Z Ut)PdA
A= l 'A'tj
— ]=^t^i^)' (5.59)

This equality implies that if Zr=i ^ A ( 0 ^/^h = 0 for a point r G A, we have

^tS{t) = 0. On the other hand, f, ^ ^,(5(0) gives the injection H^(M„ H,) -^
H'^iM,, €{F,)) in (5.57). Therefore ^,S{t) = 0 implies ^, = 0, hence by (5.55)
we have f = 0. Thus if ^ 9^ 0, I^^^ ^^(0 ^l^h ^ 0. This proves that for any
te A, the map y-^ yt is a biholomorphic map on a sufficiently small neighbour-
hood of the unity of ®.
Fix an arbitrary point t^ e A, and take a sufficiently small neighbourhood
U of the unity of ®. Then y^ yt^ maps U biholomorphically onto U/^c A.
U f ^ is a domain of a submanifold of dimension (n + 2)^ — 1 of A containing
t^. Since /jL = m + (n+2)^—l, rearranging ti,..., t^ if necessary, we may
assume that the coorcjinate plane tm+i = ^m+i, • • •, ^^ = ^^ through t^ inter-
sects with Ut^ transversally at t^. If we take a polydisk with centre t^:

t / = { ( ^ 1 , . . . , tm. tl^u • > • , tl)\\t,- t'llK e, , . , ,\tm- tl\< S},

the map (% 0 ^ yt maps UxU biholomorphically onto the neighbourhood

U t/ cz A of f^ provided that e > 0 is sufficiently small.
Consider the restriction (Mu, U.vj) of {M^, A, XET) to t/ c A, where Jtu =
tu~\U). Since 111/ is biholomorphically equivalent to UxU, we have


at each point te U. Let e be the unity of ®. Then the tangent space Te(U)
of U at eGU is H\W,E): TM) = H%W,E). Therefore T,(nt) is isomor-
phic to H%W, S). The isomorphism H%W, E)-^T,{Ut) is given by

A= l Ot;^

By (5.59) we have

PciAv^) = ^tSit).

From this and (5.46), (5.57), we see that the diagram

0 > H%M,,E,) > H\M,,€{F,)) -^H\M,,%,) •O

^^"""^^ pf

0—* //"(W.H) — U r,(A)

§5.2. Number of Moduli 247

is an exact commutative diagram. In this diagram, p^ ^ is an isomorphism

by (5.49) and Lemma 5.4, r^ is an isomorphism by (5.55) and r]H^{ W, S) =
TtiUt). Consequently since Tt{^)= T,(nt)-hTt(U), p, maps T,(l/)
isomorphically onto H\Mt,St). Thus the complex analytic family
{Mu, U, m) is effectively parametrized and dim H\Mt, St) = ^- Therefore
the number of moduli m(Mt) = m of each M^ = V7~\t) for te U is equal
to dim H\Mt, St).
Since t^ is an arbitrary point of A, and A <= B is an arbitrary sufficiently
small polydisk in B, we have proved that except for the case n = 2, /i = 4,
the number of moduli m(Mt) is defined for any non-singular hypersurface
M, of order h in P"^^ and that m{Mt) = dim H^M^, ©,).
In case n = 2, /z = 4, as stated before, we have m = 19 and
dim H\Mt, @ J = 20. Also in this case we have the following exact commuta-
tive diagram similar to (5.60)

0 - ^ H^(M„ S,) —> H\Mt, OiFt)) -^H\Mt, 6,) - > H^M^, H,) —> 0

0—> H\W,E)

But H^{Mt, S^) 7^ 0 in this case. Since in the exact sequence of cohomology
groups induced from (5.53) we have H\P^, H) = H^{P^, S) = 0, we obtain
H\Mt,Et)^H\p\E®E-''), Consequently by (5.54) dimffHM„H,) =
d\mH\p\[l^), while H\P\n^) belongs to the exceptional cases (i) of
Bott's theorem, and actually we have dim H^{P^,Ct^) = l (see p. 175).
Therefore dim /f'(M„ e,) = m + 1 = 20.
At first we could not find the reason why the case n = 2, h = 4 is excep-
tional. Then S. Nakano, who stayed at the Institute for Advanced Study
at Princeton at that time, pointed out that in this case the complex analytic
family (M, B^m) is not complete. Actually taking the hypersurface ^o + ^?+
^2+^3 = 0 of Fermat type as M^, he showed that M^ is an elliptic surface
and, using the theory of elliptic surfaces ([14]), proved that there is a
complex analytic family {7V„|MGC} with No= Mf of deformation of M,
consisting of elliptic surfaces such that for any given e > 0, we can find a
non-algebraic surface N^ with |M| < e in this family.
From this result, we considered that the reason why the number of
effective parameters m = 19 of the complex analytic family {M, B, m) for a
quartic surface in P^ is less than dim H^(Mt, B^) = 20 would be that M does
not contain all possible deformations of M^, and so we expected that the
number of moduli m(Mf) of M^ could still be defined in this case and equal
t o d i m / / ' ( M „ @ , ) = 20.
Next we studied hypersurfaces on Abelian varieties ([21], §14(6)). We
explain them briefly below. Let A = A""^^ be an (n +1)-dimensional Abelian
variety with n ^ 2 . A is a submanifold of some projective space P^. For a
248 5. Theorem of Existence

general hyperplane P of P^, M = A n P is a non-singular hypersurface on

A Given a complex analytic family {Mt\te B} of this hypersurface MQ = M
with 0 G J 5 C : C ' " , there exists a complex analytic family of deformations
{At I ^ G A} of Ao = A with M^ c: A^ provided that A is a sufficiently small
polydisk with 0 G A c: R A^ is a complex torus, and M^ ci A, implies that At
is an Abelian variety. The number of moduli of Ao = A"^^ as a complex
torus is equal to (n +1)^, but if we only consider deformations of AQ which
are Abelian varieties, its number of moduli reduces to (n + l)(n + 2)/2 since
their period matrices must be Riemann matrices. In view of this fact we
suspected that the number of moduli m{M) of M would be smaller than
dim//^(M, 0 ) , but the computation showed that m(M) = dim//^(M, 0 )
also in this case. Of course the decrease of the number of moduli of At
does not necessarily imply m(M) < dim//^(M, B), but at that time this
result seemed surprising to us.

§5.3. Theorem of Existence

In the preceding section we have seen that for several examples of compact
complex manifolds M, the number m{M) of moduli of M is equal to
dim//^(M, @). As stated in (a) of the preceding section, if m{M) =
dim f/^(M, 0 ) , for an arbitrary ^ G //^(M, 0 ) , there exists a complex analytic
family {M, B, W) with OG 5 c C satisfying the following conditions:

m-\0) = M, i—rA =0, where Mt = v7-\t). (5.61)

\ dt /t^o

Since at that time we could not find no example M with m{M)?^

dim //^(M, 0 ) , we expected that for any given compact complex manifold
M and any de H^{M,S), there would exist a complex analytic family
(M, B, m) satisfying (5.61) but for some exceptional cases.

(a) An Elementary Method

We first tried to prove the theorem of existence by an elementary method,

using power series expansion. We state it in this section, for, although we
did not succeed in proving the theorem by this method, this was an important
step in the development of the theory of deformation.
In order to prove the theorem of existence, it suffices to take as J? a disk
A = {r G CI U| < r} of sufficiently small radius r > 0, and construct a complex
analytic family of the form (4.27)

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 249

satisfying (5.61). Here each Uj is a polydisk in C" and Ji is the complex

manifold obtained by glueing the domains U, x A, 7 = 1 , . . . , / , by identifying
{zj, t) eUjXA and (z^, t)eUj,xA if zf =fjUzk, t). fjUzk, 0 =
ffk(z\,..., Zfc, 0, a: = 1 , . . . , n, are holomorphic functions defined on the
open subset U^ x A n L^ x A of the domain 14 x A of M. We call these
holomorphic functions/^^(z^, t) the defining functions of M. These functions
must satisfy the following compatibility conditions: On (7^ x A n L^ x A 7^ 0 ,

frjc(z,,t)=f^(fj^(z,,t),t). (5.62)

Since by (5.61) M = m~'\0) = U]=i Uj xO, identifying Uj with Uj xO, Uj is

considered to be a coordinate polydisk on M and Zj = {z],..., z") are
considered to be local coordinates of M defined on Uj. If we expand/,^(zfc, t)
into the power series in t as


mzu,t)=lfrk\A^^K, (5.63)

t/ze coefficients f^\j,(zk) are holomorphic functions defined on the open subset
UknUj9^0 of the coordinate polydisk ^4 on M. On L^ n Ui^= UjXOn
t/fcXO, we have z" =/^^|o(zfc). Thus z" =/,^|o(zfc) gives the transformation
of local coordinates of the complex manifold M Therefore we may consider
that the coefficient f^k\o(^k) of t^ in (5.63) is given with M.
In order to construct a complex analytic family Ji = Uj=i ^^^ with
tiT~^(0) = U^._i U, xO = M, it suffices to give the defining functions/j^(zfc, t)
of M. For this, since/j^|o(zfc) =f^ki^k, 0) are already given, we only have to
determine the coefficients ffk\v{zk), ^ = 1 , 2 , . . . , of (5.63). The defining
functions of M satisfy the equalities (5.62):

fUzk. t) =frj(fjk(Zk, 0, 0 , a - 1 , . . . , n.

Hence the coefficients f]l\^,{zi^), ^ = 1, 2 , . . . , must be determined such as


fMzk,t)=ffk\oiZk)^ I frkUzk)t^
satisfy these equalities.
For a given cohomology class 6 e H^(M, 0 ) , take an arbitrary 1-cocycle
{Oj}^}eZ^{{Uj}, ©) belonging to 0, and write Oj^ in the form
250 5. Theorem of Existence


Z I ^ ' I 7~^= I /jfcliC^k)!-^,

if we put
/jk|l(^k) = ^jk(Zk), Zj =fjk\o(Zk),

the infinitesimal deformation of M^ = U^.^j ^^t is by the definition (4.15),

\ dt A=o
Therefore in order to construct a complex analytic family ^ = U^^i ^^^
satisfying (5.61), it suffices to put fjk\i{zk) = ^fk(Zj) first and to determine
fjicU^k), ^ = 2, 3 , . . . , such that they satisfy (5.62).
For simplicity, putting

fjkiZk, t) = (fjkiZk, 0 , . • • ,fJk(Zk, 0 ) ,

fjk\v{Zk) = {fjk\viZk), . . . ,fJk\AZk)),

and using vector notation, we write (5.63) in the form


fjkiZk,t)=lfjkUzk)t\ (5.64)

In general for a power series in t


p ( 0 = Z p . r = Po+p,f+---,

we put
p-(t) = Po-^Pit+- • • + P , r .

Further for two power series P{t) and Q(t), we write P{t) =^Q{t) if
P ( r ) ^ Q ( 0 ( m o d r ' " 0 . Thus P(r) = , Q ( 0 just means that P " ( 0 = <?'(0.
The coefficient of r'' in the power series expansion of f^jifjkizk, t), t) in
t is a polynomial of the functions ftj\^{Zj), ffki^j^izk), IJL = 1,. .. ,v, p =
1 , . . . , n, and their partial derivatives, while we have Zj =fjk\o(zk)' Hence the
coefficient of ^"^ is a holomorphic function defined on the open set l[4 n UjCs
Ui9^0 on M, and (5.62) is reduced to the system of infinitely many
fjkizk, t) - Hjifjkizk, r), r), ^ = 1,2,.... (5.65).
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 251

As Stated above, yjfc|o(^k) are given with M. Also we have putyjfc|i(^fc) =

6jk{zj) with Zj=fjk\o{zk)' Then we can verify (5.65)i easily as follows.

f]jifjk(Zk, t), t)=f]j{fjj,lo(Zj,)+fjj,li{Zk)t, t)

= fy\o(Zj+fjk\liZk)t)-^fij\l(Zj-\-fjk\i(Z},)t)t

n Q
= fij\o(Zj)-^ Z —pfij\o(Zj)'fjk\l(Zk)-^fij\liZk)t,
1 13 = 1 dZj

^NhilQ fijio(Zj) =fik\o{zk)' Hence if we put zf =/^|o(z,), (5.65)i is equivalent

to the equality

frk\i(zk)=fh{zj)+ i ^^ffk\i{zk\
n ^ n d ^ d
Z fnc\i{Zk)—^= Z f?j\iiZj)—^-^ Z ffk\iizk)—-p'
a=l OZi a=l OZi 13 = 1 dZj

If we put^fcii(zfc) = djk(Zj), the last equality follows from the fact that {^^^(^j)}
is a 1-cocycle.
We consider the vector y;fc|^(zfc) = (/]fc|^(zfc),... ,/Jfc|^(zfc)) as the holo-
morphic vector field on Uj n Uk'.

fjk\i^ = Z fjk\i^(Zk) T~^

a=l OZj

if necessary. On each UknUjT^ 0 , we determine fjk\Azk), ^ = 2, 3 , . . . , by

induction on p. For this assume that on each Ukn Uj9^0,

fJk\Zk. t)=fjklo{Zk)+' ' •+fjk\.-l{Zk)t''~'

is already determined in such a way as the congruence (5.65) ^_i

/r'(z., t) - fr\fj^\z,„ t), t)


holds and consider (5.65)^:


For simplicity, we write fjkiz^, t), fjk\Azk), etc., as /JfcCt), ^ | ^ etc., respec-
252 5. Theorem of Existence

lively. Then the right-hand side of (5.65)^ is written as

Putting Zj + {, = {z] + f ] , . . . , z" + ^j') and expanding each component of the
vector/|J~^(z; + f^, t) into the power series in ^ ] , . . . , fj', we obtain

Putting zj=fjk\t) and Cj=fjk\J\ since

Tlnfij ifjk ( 0 ? ^jfj^v^"" = T~Bfij\0\fjk\o)fjk\v^ •>

dZj ^ dZj

we have

/r'(/jrHo+y;.i.f'',o=/r'(/;r'(o,o+ i A/>io(y;<cio)/^i.«"'.

Here by (d/dzf)fij\o{fjk^Q) we mean the vector obtained by differentiating

each component of/y|o(zy) first with respect to zf and then substituting
Zj =fjk\o(zk)- Putting Zi =fij\o(Zj), we have

On the other hand, clearly we have


Therefore (5.65)„ is reduced to


Since by hypothesis (5.65)j,_i holds, the power series expansion of the

left-hand side of this congruence begins in the term of degree v in t. If we
put the coefficient of t"" as ryfc|^(zfc), we have

f\k\zk. t)-nr\f-\z^, t), t) - r^.,|.(z,)r, (5.66).

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 253

hence, (5.65)^ is reduced to the equality

" dz-
^ijk\Azk)= Z T-^ffkw(^k)-fik\A^k)-^fij\AZj)' (5.67)^
j8 = l OZJ

Here Zj,, Zj = fj^ioi^k) and z, =yy|o(z,) =/fc|o(zfc) are local coordinates of one
and the same point of M contained in U^n Ujn Uf. Each component r^fc|^(zfc)
of the vector Tyki^iz^) is a holomorphic function defined on the open set
t/jO UjnUk7^0 of M. The equaUty (5.67)^ is written in terms of the
components as

Ttjk\Azk)= 1 —^ffk\.(Zk)-ftk\.{zk)+fy\Azj), a= l,...,n.

Using vector field notation, we can write it in the form

a dZi p dZj ct OZi a OZi

Therefore putting

Ty-fcli. = Z r^fc|l/(^k) T~^5 fjk\0 = llfjk\p\^k) 7~flJ • • • ?

a OZi /3 OZj

we can write (5.67)^ as

^ijk\v=fjk\v-fik\v-^fij\v' (5.68)^
Thus if (5.65)^_i holds, (5.65)^ is equivalent to (5.68)^.
If we consider {fjk\v} as a 1-cochain on the finite open covering U = { Uj]
of M, the right-hand side of (5.68)^ is equal to its coboundary 8{fjk\^}. In
our case, however, although^;y|^ = 0, ^ ^ 1, sinceyj^(zy, t) = Zj are independent
of ^,fkj\p =fjk\u ^o not necessarily hold. In view of this we extend the definitions
of l-cochains, 2-cocycles, etc., as follows.
Let 5^ be an arbitrary sheaf over M. Suppose that for each pair j , k of
indices with L^ n [4 T^ 0 , a section a}^ e r ( U, n U^, 5^) is assigned. If CTJJ = 0
for every j , the set c^ = {o}^} of these o-j^ is called a 1-cochain on U = { Uj}.
Similarly suppose that each triple i,f k with Utn Ujn 17^9^0, a section
o-yfc G r ( L/j n Ujn L4, S) is assigned. If au^ = cTij^k = 0, and on each Uhn UiO

<^ijk ~ <^hjk + ^hik ~ ^hij — 0

holds, the set c^ = {c7yfc} is called a 2-cocycle on U. We define the coboundary

of a 1-cochain c^ = {0}^} as

^c^ = {'^i/fc}, Tijk = o-jk = o-jk - o-ik + o-ij.

254 5. Theorem of Existence

It is easy to verify that the cohoundary 8c^ is a 2-cocycle. Let C^(U, Sf) be
the Abelian group of all 1-cochains c^ and Z^(Vi, 5^) that of all 2-cocycles
c^. Then 6C^(U, 5^) is a subgroup of Z^(U, 5^). The quotient group

H\n, ^) = z\n, s/')/8c\n, ^) (5.69)

is called the 2-dimensional cohomology group of U with coefficients in 5^.
With this notation, (5.68)^ is written as

{Tijjc\.} = HfM.h (5.70).

Lemma 5.6. {Tyki^} is a 2-cocycle on 11:


Proof. Using vector notation, we must prove that

ll~~^^fjk\j^{zk) -^ hjk\v(Zk) -^T hik\A^k) -^ hij\A^j) = 0. (5.71)

Here we put z^ = ( z j , , . . . , z^), and Zh = fhk\o{Zk)- For simplicity we write

^hijk\., rhk\t), etc., instead of Thjk\.izk), fhk\zj,, t), etc., respectively. By
(5.66). we have
^hik\vt'' =fhk {t)-fhi (/iTc" ( 0 , 0 ,

T,MX=rkk\t)-rki\fjk-\t\ t),
r,.fc|.r-r,,,|.r'' =/;;r'(/-'(o, o-/hr'(/,T'(0,0-

Substituting Zj =fjj^^(t) into the congruence

we obtain

Further since
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 255

we have

where Zh = fhi\oifv\oifjk\o(zk))) =fhi\o{Zi)- Hence


Therefore we obtain

a = l oZj

Thus (5.71) holds. I

We denote the cohomology class of the 2-cocycle {Tyki^jeZ (U, 6 ) by

r^ G H^(Vi, @). As stated above, when/Jfc"^(zfc, 0 satisfy (5.65)^_i, the system
of congruences (5.65)^ is equivalent to the equality (5.70)^: {Ty^i^} = 8{fjk\r,}.
Therefore in order to determine/Jfc(^fc, 0 such that (5.65)^ holds, it suffices
to determine the 1-cochain {fjk\v} e C^(U, O) such that S{fjk\^} = {Tijk\^}. First
suppose r^ = 0. Then if we take an arbitrary 1-cochain {CTJ^} e C\U, B) with
{ryfc|^} = 6{o)fc}, and put ^fc|i/= ^jfc, (5.65)^ holds. If F^^O, there exists no
1-cochain {o}^} with {Tijk\^} = 8{ajk}, hence we cannot determine {fjk\u} such
that (5.65)^ holds. In this sense we call F^ the obstruction to deformation
of M
We always have

Ty-fcii =fik\oiZk) -fij\oifjk\o{^k)) = 0,

hence Fi = 0. Therefore we call F2 the first obstruction, and F^+i the ^th
obstruction. Here note that F^ is not defined unless (5.65)^_i holds, since
{^ijk\p} is defined by the congruences (5.66)^

In other words, unless F2 = 0 , . . . ,F^ = 0, F^+j is not defined. Moreover

even if F2 = 0 , . . . , F^, = 0, Fj,+i depends in general on the choice of {fjk\v}
with 8\fjk\r.} = {Tijk\A, hence, it maybe that F^+j 9^ 0 for one choice of {fjk\j.},
and F^+i = 0 for another. Thus it is very difficult in general to see whether
we can determine {fjk\v} such that the congruences (5.65)^ hold for all
^ = 2,3-.--
256 5. Theorem of Existence

In case H^{U, 0 ) = 0, however, since Z\U, 0 ) = 8C^{Vi, S), we can deter-

mine 1-cochains {fjk\i.} successively for p = 2,3,... in such a way as 5{yjfc|^} =
{^ijk\i^}' Thus we can determine power series


/jL(zfc,0= I/j)c|.(zfc)r
v= 0

satisfying the equahties (5.62):

fUzj., t) ^fUfjkizk, 0, 0, a = 1 , . . . , n.

If ail these ffki^k^t) converge, then on a sufficiently small disk A =

{r G C| Ir| < r}, ffk(zk, t) are holomorphic functions on (L^ n L4) x A, hence,
the existence of a complex analytic family (Ji,B,vT) satisfying (5.61) is
proved. But there are infinitely many choices of 1-cochains {fjk\u} with
^{fjk\j.} = {Tijk\v} for each z/ = 2, 3 , . . . , and ffki^k^t) do not converge in
general for arbitrary choice of {fjk\v}. Thus we have to show that the power

fjk(^k,t)= i fJk\AzkW

converges if {fjk\v} are suitably chosen. But for all our efforts, we could not
prove the convergence. Thus we did not succeed in proving the theorem of
existence by an elementary method.
Although we failed to prove the theorem, we proved that, in case
H^(U, 0 ) = 0, there exist formal power series

fjk(Zk,t)= I fjk\v{Zk)t"

in t satisfying the fundamental equations/^(^/c, t) — fijifjk^^k, 0? 0- As will

be shown below, H\M, 0 ) = 0 implies H^(ll, 6 ) = 0, hence, ifH^iM, 6 ) = 0,
the fundamental equations fikizk, t) = fj{fjk{zk, t), t) have formal power series
solutions. This gave some hope that, if /f^(M, 6 ) = 0, there might exist a
complex analytic family (Jt, A, m) satisfying the conditions (5.61):

m-\0) = M, (-jT-^) =0, M, = m-\t)

foiany eeH\M,e).
We now give proof of the fact that H\M, e) = 0 impHes H^{U, @) = 0.
Proof By a local C°° vector (0, q)-form we mean a local C°° section of the
vector bundle T{M)®/\^ f'^(M) over M where T{M) is the tangent
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 257

bundle of M A C°° vector (0, ^)-form ip is written as ^ = l L i ^Ji^/dzJ)

where ifjj are C^ (0, ^)-forms. We denote by ^ ^ ' ^ ( r ( M ) ) the sheaf of
germs of C°° vector (0, ^)-forms over M. Since (d = €{T{M)), by (3.106)
we have
H\M, @) ^ r(M, 5^^''( r(M)))/ar(M, j?/^'^ T(M))). (5.72)
Let {pj} be a partition of unity subordinate to U = { Uj], Take an arbitrary
2-cocycle {^yfe}GZ^(U, @). By the definition of a 2-cocycle, we have

^ijk — ^hjk ~ ^hik + ^hij-

Multiplying by ph, and taking the summation with respect to h, we obtain

^ijk — ^jk ~ ^ik + ^ip ^jk — Z Ph^hjk-


Each ^jk is a C°° vector field on l/jnUk?^ 0 . Since a^y^ = 0, we have

d^jk = d^ik-d^ij,

d^jk = ^ k - ^p ^j = Z Pid^ir

Here each i/r^ is a C°° vector (0, l)-form on Uj. Since 5i//[/ = dil/k on L^ n L4J
there is a_5-closed C°° vector (0, 2)-form cp e T{M, dsd^'\T(M))) on M such
that (p = dif/j on each U,. Since H^{M, ©) = 0 by assumption, by (5.72) there
is a C°° vector (0, l)-form if/ e r ( M , J2/°''(T(M))) such that ^ = dil/. We have
d{il/j - ij/) = 0 on each L^, while ^ is a polydisk. Therefore by Dolbeault's
lemma (Theorem 3.3), there is a C°° vector field rjj on U; with ^J-\IJ = drjj.
Then since
5^jfc = ^k-^j = dVk- drjj,

^jfc = ^7k -Vk-^ Vp

we have 56>yfc = 0, hence Oj]^ is a holomorphic vector field on Uj n L4.

Moreover ^^y;, = 0 implies |y = 0, hence Ojj = 0. Clearly we have

^ijk — ^jk ~ iik + ^ij == ^jk ~ ^ik + ^ifo

which implies that {^y7c} = 5{6>fc}, with {(9,JG C'(U, ©)• Thus H^(U, 0 ) =
0. I

In §5.1, we define the primary obstruction [6, 6], We have [0, ^] = 2r2.
258 5. Theorem of Existence

Proof. Since Z^(U, e ) c : Z^(U, ®), C^U, 0)c= C^U, 0 ) , and, as is easily
Z'(U, 0 ) n 5C'(U, 0 ) = 8C\Vi, 0 ) ,
we have

Consequently in order to prove that {6, 61 = 2^2, it suffices to show the

existence of a 1-cochain {TJ^}^ C ^ ( U , 0 ) such that

By (5.66)2, we have

hence ryfc|2(^k) is the coefficient of t^ in -f]jif]k(^k, t), t). Since

fljifjkit), t) =fij\o{fjk\Q-^fjk\\t)+fij\l{fjk\0^fjk\lt)U

putting Zi =yy|o(z^), Zj=fjk\o{zk), we have

^ ijk\2- ^ L ^B^^yJjk\\Jjk\\ L ^BJjk\\'

z p^y^i dZj oZj p = i dZj

Therefore, since fjk\i ~ ^jk-> we have

2ryfc|2 = - Z ^JkOfk _ y ' fi ~2^jfc • ^y

\ p dZJ I 13 dZj

while Xp (5z,./azf )0ffe = e,fc - 0,y. Hence

2ryfc|2 = Z T~;8 ^Jfc ' ^jk ~ ^jk ' ^ik - ^jk ' ^ij'
p dZj

Since [(9y, Oj^] = [% 60,] = Oy • Oik - Oij, • % we have

^^ijk\2 ~ [ ^ip ^jk] = Z r~J8 ^7fc * ^jfc ~ ^ik ' ^ik + ^i/- • ^ij-
P dZj

Thus putting TJJ, = Z^ ^jk' Ofk{d/dzf) on each L/j n 11^9^0, we obtain

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 259

Let N be a 2-dimensional complex torus. Then the product M = P^ xN

gives an example for which there exists a 6e H^{M, S) with [6, 0]7^0. If
the number of moduli in the sense of Definition 5.4 is defined for this
M = P^ xN, we would have m ( M ) < d i m H^(M, 6 ) since there is a ^ G
H\M, 6) with [^, ^] 7^ 0. But for the number of moduli m{M) to be defined
for M, there must exist an effectively parametrized and complete analytic
family {M, B, m) with 0 e B c: C'" such that m~\^) = M. For M = P'xN,
such a family does not exist. This is verified as follows. Suppose that such
a family (M, B, m) exists. The set of the infinitesimal deformations po{d/dt) =
{dMt/dt)t=.o of Mt = v7~^(t) at t = 0 forms a vector space po(To{B))c:
H\M, e ) . As stated in §5.2(a), if 0, rj e po( To(B)), [0,rj] = 0. Consider two
complex analytic families (Jix^^^'^x) with tzr^^(0) = M and A^ =
{5 G C11^1 < r} for A = 1, 2, and let 9^ = {dm^^{s)/ds)s=o be the correspond-
ing infinitesimal deformations at s = 0. Since {M,B,m) is assumed to be
complete, taking a sufficiently small disk A^ with r > e > 0, we may assume
that both (tn-A^(Ae), A^, mx),\ = 1,2, are complex analytic families induced
from {M,B,m). Therefore by (4.30), e^epo(To(B)) for A = 1,2, hence
[^i?^2] = 0- But for M = P^xN, there exist complex analytic families
iJt;,,^^m^), A = 1,2, with m^\0) = M such that [^1, ^sJ^O ([21], §16).
Thus the number of moduli m(M) is not defined.
At that time we had no example M of compact complex manifolds whose
number of moduli m(M) is defined and yet m{M) 9^ dim H^{M,S). In
view of this we made the following conjecture.

Conjecture. Let M be a compact complex manifold. If the number of moduli

m{M) of M is defined, m(M) is equal to dim H^{M, B).

Our paper "On deformations of complex analytic structures, I-IF', often

quoted already in this book, treats various results obtained up to that time
centring on this conjecture. Given a compact complex manifold M, it is in
general very difficult to compute the number of moduli m(M) or
dimff^(M, 6 ) . Consequently from the mere fact that m{M) =
dim JF/^(M, O) always holds for several simple types of compact complex
manifolds M for which we can compute m{M) and dim //^(M, O), we
cannot conclude the universal validity of this equality m{M) =
dim H^(M, 0 ) . But the above conjecture has actually turned out to be very
useful as a "working hypothesis" in our study of deformations.

(b) The Theorem of Existence

Since we did not succeed in proving the theorem of existence by an

elementary method, we—Spencer and the author—tried to prove it by
another method. Let (M, B, m) be a complex analytic family of compact
complex manifolds, and put Mt = m~^{t) where B is a domain of C^
containing the origin 0. Define \t\ = maXxl^Al for r = ( ^ j , . . . , ^^)G C", and
260 5. Theorem of Existence

let ^ = ^r = {teC"'\\t\<r} the polydisk of radius r > 0 . If we take a

sufficiently small Ac: 5, Jt^=wr~^{A) is represented in the form (4.27):

^A = U UjXA. (5.73)

We denote a point of Uj by {/ = ( ^ ] , . . . , ^J). For simplicity we assume that

Uj = UjeC'^\\^j\<l} where |(,-| = m a x j ^ ; | . ( { , - , O e ^ x A and ( ^ , 0 ^
[7fcXA are the same point on M^ if ^f =fjk(^k, t), oi = l,... ,n, where
fjkUk, t) is a holomorphic function of ^i,..., Ck, ^i, • • •, ^m defined on
L/fc X A n [7/ X A. So far we have considered that M^ = U^ ^ is a compact
complex manifold obtained by glueing a finite number of polydisks
LTi,..., L7;,... by identifying {^ e L/^ and 4 G t/^ if f^ =^(^k, 0, and that
the complex structure of M^ varies since the manner of glueing varies with
t. According to Theorem 2.3, every M^ is diffeomorphic to MQ, so the
underlying differentiable manifold X of M, does not depend on t. Namely,
for any t e B, the complex structure M^ is defined on one and the same
differentiable manifold X. X does not, however, appear explicitly in the
above-mentioned description of M^.
Of course we can give a description of {M^, A, tir) in which X appears
explicitly. We shall explain it below. If we take a sufficiently small A, by
Theorem 2.5, there is a diffeomorphism ^ of M x A onto M^ such that
tzT o ^ is the projection M x A-» A where we put M = MQ. If we denote a
point of M by z, we have
x!To^{z,t) = t, te^.

Moreover, as is clearly seen from the proof of Theorem 2.5, ^ is the identify
of M = M xO onto M = MQ^M^, namely ^ ( z , 0) = z. Put ^ ( z , 0 = {L 0 =
((,, t) for ^ ( z , t) e Uj X A. Then each component CJ = ^/(^, t), a = l,,.. ,n,
of ^, = ( ^ ] , . . . , ^;) is a C°" function:

If we identify Jt^ = '^{M x^) with M x A via "^.Jt^ is considered as a
complex manifold with the complex structure defined on the C°^ manifold
M x^ by the system of local complex coordinates

{ ( 4 t)\j=1,2,3,...}, UJ, t)=(^](z, 0 , . . . , ^;(^, 0 , ^ 1 , . . . , tj.

Consequently for each t, M^ is the complex structure of the differentiable

manifold M defined by the system of local complex coordinates:

{z^ijiz, 0|7 = 1,2,...}, {,(z, t) = Uj{z, 0 , . . . , m^. t)).

Here by "the differentiable manifold M " we mean the underlying differenti-

able manifold of the complex manifold M.
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 261

If we describe {M^, A, m) as above, each component of local complel

coordinates ^^(z, t) is represented as a local C°° function ^/(z, t) on M
depending on t, and the underlying C°° manifold M of M^ appears explicitly
as the place on which ^/(z, t) are defined.
M is itself a complex manifold. Let ( z \ . . . , z") be arbitrary local complex
coordinates of a point z of M.

f;(z, t) = Cf{z\ . . . , z", ^ 1 , . . . . , t^), a = 1 , . . . , n,

are C°° functions of the complex variables z \ . . . , z", ti,...,t^. Since for
r = 0, both (^](z, 0 ) , . . . , ^"(z, 0)) and ( z \ . . . , z") are local complex coor-
dinates on the complex manifold MQ = M, ^/(z, 0) are holomorphic functions
ofz^,..., ^^ and

de.(5^) .0 (5.74)

holds. On the open set UjXtn U^xt of M^, we have

and det(a^//a^^) 9^ 0. From this and (5.74), if we take A sufficiently small,

it follows that

det(<%^) ^0 (5.75)
\ dZ I a,\ = \,...,n
for any ^ G A.
We denote the tangent bundle of the complex manifold M by T: T= T{M).
Also we denote by if^'^(T) the linear space of all C°° vector (0, g)-forms,
namely, C°° sections of T®/\^ f* over M : if^'^(r) = r ( M , ^^'^(T)). cpe
cS^^'^(r) is represented in the form

« ^ 1
(P=l ^P^TT. (p''= — y(p^,...f>^(z)dz''^A"'Adz\
A=i 5z g!

where (p^j...j5^(z) are local C°° functions on M which are skew-symmetric

in the indices Pi,..., Vq,
For simplicity we denote d/dz^ by d^, and d/dz^ by d^. Consider 5^7 (z, t) =
ILjvCJiz. t) dz\ The domain % = ^-\Uj xA) of ^/(z, t) is a domain of
M X A. Since by (5.75), det((9A^/(z, t)) ¥^ 0, there is a unique (0, l)-form

262 5. Theorem of Existence

for each A = 1 , . . . , n, such that

dCj(^^ 0 = 1 cpfiz, t)d,CJ{z. 0 , a = 1 , . . . , n. (5.76)

The coefficients (pp{z, t) are C^ functions on %, and on %r\ ^^ we have

Z <p^{z,t)d,= I cpi{z,t)d,. {5.11)

A=l A = l

Proof. Since (z, t) e % n ^fc, ({,(z, r), t) e L/^ x A and (4(z, 0, 0 e f/fc x A are
the same point on M^, we have

^;(^, 0 =/;]^(4(^, 0, 0, a = l,...,n. (5.78)

Since ^^=f]LUk,t) are holomorphic functions of Ck,-^ , CLh,... ,t^,

applying d to both sides of (5.78), we obtain

< ( ^ , 0 = Z ::7i-am^,0.

Hence, we have

,-^ y r > L y ..A^^ ^>^^ ;.^^

^ = 1 O'^/c A

On the other hand, applying d^ to both sides of (5.78), we obtain

d.cj{z.t)= i %d,a{z,t).
/3 = 1 OL,k

I cp]{z, t)d,Cj{^^ 0 = 1 <pi{z. t)d,cj{z, t).

Therefore, since det(aA^7(^, 0 ) ^ 0 , if we denote the domain of the local

coordinates ( z \ , . . , z " ) by (7, we have (pj{z, t) = (pi{z, t) on %r\%Lkr^
[/ X A 7^ 0 , hence

X (p;^(z, O^A^ Z <Pfc(^, 0^

A= l

there. Since ( z \ . . . , z") are arbitrary local complex coordinates on M, we

obtain (5.77). I
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 263

If for (z, r) G % we define


From (5.77) (p{t) = (p{z, t) is a C°° vector (0,1)-form on M for every tsA.
In terms of local complex coordinates we have

viz,0=1 <p\z,t)d„ <p\z,t)=i ipliz,t)dr.

A=l v=l

In the sense that <pi{z, t) are all C°° functions of z \ . . . , z", ^ i , . . . , ^^, we
say that (p(t) = (p{z, t) is C^ with respect to t. By (5.76) we obtain

~d^f(z. t)=l cp'iz, t)d,i,(z, t), a = 1 , . . . , n. (5.79)

A =

If we consider (p(t) = (p{z, t) = J^l^^(p\z, t)dx as a differential operator

which associates to every local C°° function / ( z ) a local (0, l)-form
^"^1 (p^(z, t)dxf{z)^ (5.79) can be rewritten as

(5-(p(r))^;(z,0 = 0, a = l,--.,n. (5.80)

Since ^/(z, 0) are holomorphic function of z \ . . . , z", 5^/(z, 0) = 0. Hence

by (5.79), we have

(p(0) = 0. (5.81)

Theorem 5.3. If we take a sufficiently small polydisk A, then, for te^, a local
C°° function f on M is holomorphic with respect to the complex structure Mt
if and only if f satisfies the equation

(d-<p(t))f=0. (5.82)

Proof. W r i t e / = / ( ^ j , . . . , ^j) as a C°° function of the local complex coordin-

ates ^] = Ijiz, t),..., ^ ; = ^;(z, 0 on M, Then

id- <pit))f= {d-<p{t))fu]iz, t),..., ^;(z, 0 )

= I(a-<p(0)^;(z,OT^+Z (a-<p(0)^;(z,oi

From (5.80), ( 5 - ^(r))^/(z, t) = 0, hence, denoting <p"(z, r) by (^?, we obtain

Cd-<p(t))f= i i (d:cr- i ^pUjAdz-^^S^.

a = l v= \ \ fx^l I Oi,j
264 5. Theorem of Existence

Since ~d^Cf = l^ (p^dxCf, we have

Cd-<p{t))f-lll(8l-Y.<pi^^^ drM-^.
a V X \ IX J O^j

Since the determinant

is invariant under change of local coordinates ( z \ . . . , z"), it is a C°° function

on M X A. Since <p^(z, r) = 0 at r = 0, we may assume that for any t e A,

dJdt-i cp^Az, t)cp'^(z, t)) 7^0 (5.83)

provided that A is sufficiently small. Therefore, since by (5.75) dQt{dx^") ¥=• 0,

(d-(p(t))f= 0 if and only if df/d^" = 0 for a = 1 , . . . , n, which means that
f=fUj,..., ^7) is a holomorphic function of the local complex coordinates
^],...,^;onM, I

This theorem implies that the deformation Mt of the complex structure on

M is represented by the vector (0,1)-form

ip{t)= i <p\z,t)d,= i i <p',(z,t)dz''d,

A=l A = l v = l

on M.
(p(t) satisfies the following conditions induced from (5.79). Denote
Cf{z, t) by Cf and <p^(z, t) by (p^ for simplicity. Then by (5.79) we have

A= l A= l A= l


A= l /u, = l

Since 5,^; = 1^ (pUxC" by (5.79), we have

_ n _ _
ddfxf = Z d^d^SJ" dz"' = X d^d^Cf dz""
V—l V
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 265

Consequently putting

we obtain

IX A \ /x / A ^t

while, since cp^ Mp^ = -(p^ A<p^, the last term of the above equality vanishes.

A= l A = l \/A = l /

Since det(aA^") ^ 0, we obtain

dcp'{t)= i cp''(t)Ad^ip'{t), (5.84)

/. = !

Thus 9 ( 0 = l L i <P^(O^A satisfies (5.84).

For (p=H=,(p^d;,e^''''{T) and (A = Z L i ^^^A e=^''''(T), we define
their bracket by

[^,^]=I .^ .;^ ,//_r-n^^,//^ A;I m^)

1 (<p''^d^r-(-irrAd^cp')d,, (5.85)
A = l )a = l

where we put

ql ^

for i/^'^ = (1/^!) X il/i^...i}^(z) dz""^ A • • • A d z \ [<^, i/^] 15 independent of the

choice of local complex coordinates ( z \ . . . , z") used for its definition^ and
we have [<p, (A]€=^^'^•'^(7).
By the definition (3.105), for <p = l L i (p""d^ e ^""^^{T) we have

(5(p= Z a<^^a A-
A= l

Therefore, using the bracket, we write (5.84) as

~dcp{t) = '±<p{t),<p{t)l (5.86^

266 5. Theorem of Existence

For the bracket we can easily verify the following formulae: For cp e
^^'^(T), if/e^e'^'^T) and TG^^'^(r),

[iA,^] = - ( - i r [ ( P , H (5.87)

d[cp,ip] = [dcp,ilj] + {-incp,~dH (5.88)

{-ir[l<P, ^l T] + ( - 1 ) ^ ^ [ [ ^ , T], cp] + {-iy'[[T, cpl (A = 0. (5.89)

We call <p = if^'^(T) a a-closed vector (0, l)-form if d(p =0. We denote
by ^f'^(T) the linear subspace of i^^'^(r) consisting of all (5-closed vector
(0, l)-forms. Since ^^'^(T) = r ( M , a ^ ^ ' ^ - ' ( r ) ) , we have by (3.106)

H^(M,@) = ^f'^(T)/5^^'^~'(r), q^l. (5.90)

For the infinitesimal deformation {dMt/dt)t=o, we have the following


Theorem 5.4. {d(p(t)/dt)t=o is a d-closed (0, l)-/orm, and under the

/f'(M,e) = ^P(r)/a^^'^(T), (5.91)

{dMt/dt)t=oeH\M,(d) corresponds to -(d(p(t)/dt)t=o^^f\T).

Proof. Put

.,= i(2S^) ^. (5.92)

The infinitesimal deformation (dMt/dt)t=oe H^(M,S) is the cohomology

class of the 1-cocycle {djk}eZ^({Uj},&). We fix a tangent vector d/dte
ro(A), and for a C°^ function / ( O of ^ G A , denote ((9/(0/^0r=o by /
Differentiating (5.78):
with respect to t, and putting r = 0, we obtain

4j - L 77^^fc"^\ T; / '
^ = i5ffc \ dt / t=o

where ^^ = ^/(z, 0) and ^f = ^^(z, 0). Therefore putting

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 267

for each 7, we have

^jk = ^j - ^k-

Since tj = {dCfi^, t)/dt)t=o is a C°° function on Uj, ^j is a C°° vector field

on Uj. Next, differentiating (5.79):

A= l

with respect to t, and putting t = 0, we obtain

A= l

since ^^(z, 0) = 0 by (5.81). Hence


The exact sequence of sheaves 0-> 6 ^ ^ ( 7 ) ^ 5 ^ 2 ^ ( 7 ) ^ 0 induces the

exact sequence of cohomology groups

0-> H\M, 6 ) -> if^'^T) - i ^ P ( T ) ^ f / ^ M , e ) ^ 0,

from which the isomorphism / / ^ M , 0 ) = ^ P ( T ) / a i ^ ^ ' ^ ( r ) is induced.

Thus for the 0-cochain {|,}G C^(U, si{T)), we have d{^j} = (p, and 6{^,} =
-{6|yfc} from the above results. Consequently by the definition of 5*, we have

,*^_(^A , ,here ^ =( ^ . I

As stated above, a deformation M^ of M is represented by the vector

(0, l)-form (p(t) on M satisfying the condition (5.86): d(p{t)=^(p(t), (p{t)].
In order to clarify the meaning of this equality, fix t for a moment, and
assume that z moves on the domain (7 of a single local complex coordinate
system ( z \ . . . , z"). Wewrite(^(Oas (p =X"_i <P^^A where <p^ =S"=i <PP dz"".
Here (p^ = <^^(z) are C°° functions on U. If we introduce partial differential

L^. = d,- X (p^^A, ^= l,...,n,

A= l

the equation (5.82) ( 5 - X A <P^^A)/=0 is written in the form of simultaneous

268 5. Theorem of Existence

partial differential equations as

LJ=0, p = l,,,.,n, (5.93)

From (5.83) det(5t-I^(;p^(;p^) 5^0. It follows from this that 2n partial

differential operators L j , . . . , L„, L i , . . . , L„ are linearly independent. In
fact if

A= l \ /u, / /x = l \ A /

then a^-=Y^^(p%h^ and h^=Y.^.^^cl^ hence a^=Y.^^^(p^(pla,. Therefore

by (5.83) AA = 0 for A = 1 , . . . , n, hence also b^ = 0 for ;u = 1 , . . . , n.
(5.86) is written in the explicit form as

^A _

and is equivalent to the system of equations

L , L . - L . L , = 0, T,^ = l , . . . , n . (5.94)

As is clearly seen from the proof of (5.84), (5.94) is a necessary condition

for the system of partial differential equations to have n C°° solutions
/ = ^« = ^«(z), a = 1 , . . . , n, with dQiid^^J") 9^ 0. For the sufficiency of (5.94),
Newlander and Nirenberg proved the following theorem.

Theorem 5.5 (Newlander-Nirenberg [26]). Let <p = Z A = I Z " = I <PJ dz^d^, be a

C°° vector (0, \)-form defined on a domain UofC, and put L^, = 5^, - ^ ^ <^^^A-
Suppose that L j , . . . , L„, L j , . . . , L„ are linearly independent, and that they
satisfy the condition (5.94):

L,L, - L^L^ = 0, T, ^ = 1 , . . . , n.

Then the system of partial differential equations

LJ=0, p= l,,..,n,

has n linearly independent C°° solutions f= ^" = ^"(z), a = 1 , . . . , n, in a

sufficiently small neighbourhood of any point of U. Here the solutions ^^, - -- ,C
are said to be linearly independent if

J J. ^\^ ?**'55 5r> > • • • ? » ^ /L r\ fc c\c\

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 269

For solutions / = ^^, a = 1 , . . . , n, of the system of equations L^/= 0,

p = l,... ,n,wQ obtain by a simple calculation the following equality:

diz\...,z",z\...,n (st-X-P^-P^) det


Therefore if the solutions ^ \ . . . , ^" are linearly independent, we have

detC^xD^O. Consequently when detC^t-X^ <P^<^^)^0, (5.94) gives a
necessary and sufficient condition for the system of partial differential
equations (5.93): L ^ / = 0 , v = l,... ,n,to have n linearly independent C°°
solutions / = ^", a = 1 , . . . , n, in a neighbourhood of any point of U. (5.94)
is called the integrability condition for (5.93). Thus for (p{t) on M, the
condition (5.86): ^(p{t)=^(p{t),(p{t)'\ is the integrability condition for
Let (p = Z A = I ^^^\ t)e a C°° vector (0, l)-form on a compact complex
manifold M where (p^ = Z A = I <^^ ^^^ ^^^ suppose d e t ( 5 t - Z ^ < P P < P ^ ) ^ 0 .
Assume that (p satisfies the integrability condition

Then, if we take a sufficiently fine finite open covering { Uj) of M, by the

Newlander-Nirenberg theorem, there are n linearly independent C°° func-
tions CJ - Cf{z), a = 1 , . . . , n, on each Uj such that

(d-i^<p'd)jCj=0. (5.96)



^^: z^ Ij^z) = ( ^ j ( z ) , . . . , ^/(z)) gives complex coordinates on L^ c: M if M

is considered as a differentiable manifold. By the proof of Theorem 5.3, a
local C°° function / o n (7 is a holomorphic function of ^ ] ( z ) , . . . , ^"(^) if
(d-(p(t))f= 0. Therefore on UjnUk^^ 0 , ^7(^) are holomorphic functions
of ^i(z),..., ^fc(z), namely,

^;W=/;.(^fc(^)), a = l,...,n.

Consequently, {^i,..., {y,...} is a system of local complex coordinates on

the differentiable manifold M, hence, defines a complex structure on M,
which we denote by M^. If (p is equal to (p{t) defined by (5.79), it is clear
that M^(,) = Mt = m~\t).
With these preparations, we prove the following theorem of existence.
270 5. Theorem of Existence

Theorem 5.6 (Theorem of Existence [18]). Let M be a compact complex

manifold and suppose H^{M,S) = 0. Then there exists a complex analytic
family {M, B,m) with Oe Be: C"" satisfying the following conditions:
(i) m-\0) = M.
(ii) po'. d/dt-^(dMt/dt)t=o ^ith Mt = Tx7~^(t) is an isomorphism ofTo(B)
ontoH\M,e): To{B)^ H\M,e).
Before we give its proof, we will explain the motivation for this theorem.
According to the conjecture given at the end of the preceding section (a),
we expect that m(M) = dim H^(M, 0 ) holds if the number of moduli m(M)
of M is defined. If m{M) = dim H^(M, B) holds, by Definition 5.4 of the
number of moduli, there is a complex analytic family (M, B,m) satisfying
the conditions (i) and (ii) of the above theorem. If there is a complex
analytic family satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii), then from the consider-
ation in the preceding section (a), we see that for an arbitrary 6 G H^(M, B ) ,
all obstructions T2 = j[^, 0], Fs, r 4 , . . . must vanish. Since there exists a
compact complex manifold M for which there is a $eH^{M,S) with
[$, 6] 9^0, it is absurd to try to prove the existence of a complex analytic
family satisfying (i) and (ii) for an arbitrary M. As stated in (a), if
//^(M, 0 ) = O, all the obstructions vanish, while we could find no other
simple condition for all the obstructions to vanish. So we tried to prove the
theorem of existence for M with H^{M, 0 ) = 0.
Assume that there is a complex analytic family {M, B,m) satisying (i)
and (ii). Take a sufficiently small A with OG Ad 5, and define by (5.79) the
C°° vector (0, l)-form <P(0 = ZA=I <P^(^» O^A ^^ ^ corresponding to
{M^,A,m). Then (p(t) satisfies the integrability condition d(p(t) =
^(p(t), (p(t)], and we have (p{0) = 0 by (5.81). If we put

<;PA = ( — — , A = l,...,m,
\ ot^ / t=o

(p^e^f^(T) by Theorem 5.4, and {^i,..., <^m} forms a basis of

Conversely, given p^, G ^f\ T) for A = 1 , . . . , m, such that {jSi,..., jSml

forms a basis of H^{M, 0 ) , assume that there is a family {(p{t)}\teA} of
C°° vector (0, l)-forms (p{t) on M with 0 G A c: C"", which satisfy the integra-
bility condition
d<p(t) = 'i(p(t),(p(t)l
and the initial conditions

<p(0) = 0, ( ^ ) =p„ A = l,...,m. (5.97)

\ Ot^ / t=Q

Since A is assumed to be sufficiently small, we may assume that (p(t) =

§5.3. Theorem of Existence 271

ZA SV <pUt) dz^'d^ satisfies the condition (5.83):


Therefore, by the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem, each (p{t) determines a

complex structure M^(f) on M. If the family {M^(,)} thus obtained is a
complex analytic family, it is clear that it satisfies the conditions (i) and
(ii). First we will construct such a family {(p{t)\tel^}. The fact that {M^(,)}
forms actually a complex analytic family will be proved later.
We take as (p{t) a power series in ti,..., t^:

We shall fix some notation. For a power series P{t) in ti,...,t^, we

denote by

its ^th homogeneous part. Thus


p{t)= i: PAQ)=Poit)+---+PM+---.

Further we put
p ^ ( 0 = Po(0 + - - + P . ( 0 .

Given two power series P{t) and Q{t), if P^it) = Q'^it), we denote it by

P{t) = Q{t),

We must find a power series (p{t) satisfying the integrability condition

and the initial conditions. If we put

^'o^O, <PM^ I p,h, (5.98)
A= l


v= \

satisfies the initial conditions (5.97). Consequently it remains to determine

<P2(0,.--,<P.(0, . . . s u c h that

5(^(0 =5[<P(0,<P(0] (5.99)

272 5. Theorem of Existence

holds. Since l3^e^-/iT), we have d(pi(t) = 0, and [(p^it),(p,{t)] is a

homogeneous polynomial of degree /JL + I^ in t^,..., t^. Therefore the
equality (5.99) is reduced to the system of infinitely many congruences

d<p'it) = h[<p''~\t),<p''-\t)l p = 2,3,.... (5.100).

Thus in order to obtain (p(t), it suffices to determine <p^(0 satisfying (5.100)^

by induction on P.
First for P = 2, (5.100)2 is written explicitly as

d<p2(t)=l<p,(t),cp,(t)l (5.101)

since d(pi{t) = 0, we obtain from (5.88) and (5.87)

dip2(t)=[d(p,{t),(pM] = 0.

Therefore ilf2 = ll^^,ikxM^ with ^AA;. = ^ M ^ ^ ' ' ( r ) . Since by the


^ F ( T)/d^'''\ T) = H\M, e ) = 0,

there is a cp;,^ e ^""'^T) such that IAA/X=5<PA^. If we put (piiO =1. (Px^^tJ^,
we have

d<P2(t) = Ht)=K<Pi(t),(pMi

Thus (5.110)2 hold.

Assume that already (p''(t) = (p^(t)-\-' • • + <;P„(0 is determined such that
(5.100), holds, and consider (5.100),+i. Since (p'"^\t) = (p''(t) + <p^+M,
(5.100)j,+i is written in the form

dcp^^iit) - M-P-CO, <p'{t)]-~d<p-'(t). (5.102)

Since [^"(0, •p'CO] = .[«p'"HO, ^ " " ' ( 0 ] , and (5.100), holds by the
hypothesis of induction, the right-hand side of (5.102) =„ 0. Let ip^+iit) be
the (i' + l)th homogeneous part of the right-hand side of (5.102). Then we
^<p''it),cp''{t)]-~dcp'-it) - > . + i ( 0 . (5.103)
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 273

Thus the congruence (5.102) is reduced to the equation

5«p,+i(0 = ^.+i(0. (5.104)

By (5.103), (5.88), and (5.87),


while dip'^it) =^{l/2)[(p''(t), (p'^it)] as stated above. Since cp'^it) =oO. we


while by (5.89) [[<?"(/), <p"(0], «p"'(0] = 0. Hence a^,+,(0 = 0, namely,

Consequently, since / / ^ ( M , e ) = 0, by (5.90) we can find (p,^...,^e5£'''\T)

such that ifjj,^...^^. Thus there is a solution

i^j H 1- Vf^ = v+\

of the equation (5.104): ~d(p,+M = <A.+i(0. Putting (^"""'(O = 9^(0 + <P.+i(0,

we see that (5.100)^+i also holds, which completes the induction.
Thus we construct a power series <p(0=Zr=i ^v{t) satisfying 'd(p{t) =
^(p{t), (p{t)\ and (5.97). Next, we must prove that this power series <p{t)
converges for sufficiently small ti,...,t^. We will give proof of convergence
below. Here we owe to Nirenberg the idea of using the Holder norm for
proof of convergence.

(c) Proof of Convergence

We introduce a Hermitian metric ZA./X^I g\i> dz^®dz~'' on M, and define

dual forms, inner products, norms, etc. of differential forms on M as in
§3.5(a). For the tangent bundle T, we define its Hermitian metric on fibres
^y ^",^^=1 Sxd^r for XA ^^^A e T, Then the inner product of vector (0, q)-
forms <p = Z A 9^<^A and «A = EA *A^^A on M is given by (3.139) as
274 5. Theorem of Existence

We denote by b the adjoint operator of d with respect to this inner product.


Also we put
n = ab+ba.
(pe^^'^{T) is called a harmonic vector {O,q)-form if d(p=t>(p = 0. (p =
if°'^(r) is harmonic if and only if Hip =0. The vector space

consists of all harmonic vector (0, g)-forms on M. By Theorem 3.19, we have

ifO'^(r) = H^'^(T)©nif''''^(T). (5.105)

From this it follows that

^f'^(T) = H''^(r)ea^^'^-nT). (5.106)

H'^iM, e ) = ^f'^(T)/dL'''^~\ T) = H^'''( T). (5.107)

Next we define the Holder norm. First l e t / ( x ) = / ( z \ . . . , x^") be a

complex-valued C°° function defined on a domain U of IR^". We denote
any partial differential operator of order of order h with respect to x \ . . . , x^"
by D'':

Let /c be a non-negative integer, and a a real number with 0 < a < 1. Then
the Holder norm |/|J^+« o f / = / ( x ) is defined by

\f\k+a= I I sup|D/(x)|+X sup — ,

h=0 j^h xeU jyk x,y&U l^^ ~ J]

where \x-y\=yJY,^\x''-y'^f', and the summation YJD^ is taken over all

partial differential operator D^ of order h.
For a C°° vector (0,q)-foTm (pe^^-'^iT) on M, we define its Holder
norm \(p\k+a as follows: Let {Uj} be a finite open covering of M, where
each Uj is a coordinate polydisk. Then by the definition of coordinate
polydisks, there are local complex coordinates {Zj} with Zj = {zj,..., z")
satisfying the following conditions:
(i) [ Uj] is contained in the domain of z,.
(ii) ^ = {z,||z]|<i,...,|z;|<i}.
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 275

Putting zj = x]"""^ + ixj"", we introduce the real coordinates Xj = ( x ] , . . . , xj").

If we represent cp = if^'^(T) on each Uj in the form

Z - | E <Pk-f>Mj^ dzj^ A • • • A dzj^ ^ ,

^%,-i>q = <P%,-v^{Xj) are considered as C°° functions on L^GR^". Define

|<pU+«=max max l^^i^.-i^J^^,.

Since the the Holder norm |<;p|fc+a depends on the choice of {L^} and {z^},
we fix {Uj} and {z,} once for all below. Put

|<^|o = max max s\xp\(p%^...AXj)\.

Theorem 5.7 ([3]). For k^2, the inequality

|^U+«^c(p(^U-2e«+klo) (5.108)

holds for (p e if^'^(T), where c is a constant depending only on k and a.

We give proof of this theorem in §4(b) of the Appendix. The fundamental

inequality (5.108) is called the a priori estimate.
With these preparations, we consider if^'^(T) for M with H^(M, 0 ) = 0.
In this case since H^'^( T) = 0 by (5.107), if D lA = 0 for (^ e ^^'^( T), we have
(/^ = 0, and by (5.105)
^^''(r) = n=^^''(T).
Therefore the linear map D maps if^'^(T) in a one-to-one manner onto
itself. We denote its inverse by G: G = n ~ \ G is called the Green operator.
It is clear that
(A = nG(A, il/e£e'''\T). (5.109)
If dif/ = 0, we have
iA = abG(A, ipe^f\T). (5.110)
Proof. We have

il/ = OGil/ = dhGil/ + 'i>dGil/.

Applying d to this equality, we obtain dhdGil/ = dil/ = 0. Therefore

||baG(Af = (hdGil/, bdGil/) = (dbdGil/, dGil/) = 0.

Thus 'i^dGifj = 0. Hence ij/ = dhGilj.

276 5. Theorem of Existence

Lemma 5.7. For /c ^ 2, the inequality

|G(AU+a^C,|(AU-2+a (5.111)

holds for ijjG if^'^(T), where Cj is a constant independent of ijj.

Proof Since DGil/ = ij/, by the a priori estimate (5.108) we have

|G(AU+.^c(|iAU_2+« + |G(A|o) for il^e^''\T), (5.112)

Therefore in order to prove (5.111) it suffices to show the inequaUty

\Gilf\o^C2\ilf\k-i^^ for ilje^''\T), (5.113)

where C2 is a constant independent of ij/. Suppose that (5.113) does not hold
for any C2. Then for any natural number m, there exists il/^""^ e ^^'^(T) such

|G(A^->|o=l, |(A^'"1.-2-.«<-. (5.114)


Putting (p^"^^ = Gil/^'^\ we have from (5.112)

Thus, representing (p^"^^ on each Uj in the form

\ = l ^ I3,y = l oZj
we have

Fix jf, A, /3, and y for a while, and p u t / „ =fm(Xj) = <p^j^y^(Xj). Denoting by
Dj a partial differential operator of order h in x ] , . . . , xj"", since |/ml ^i^ = 2c,
we have

|Dt/„(x,) - D';uyj)\ s 2c|x, - y,r.

|DJ'/^(x,)-DJ'/^(y,)N2c|x,-j,| for/z</c.

Therefore for each Dj,h^k, the sequence of functions {/^^/^(x,)} is

equicontinuous in U,. Clearly \D^f^{Xj)\^2c on U^ for /i ^ /c. Consequently,
by Ascoli's theorem, we can choose a subsequence {fm(u)} of {/„} with
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 277

m(l) < m(2) < • • • < m(^) < • • • such that the sequence {Djfm(a,)(Xj)} con-
verges uniformly on Uj for each h^k. Writing {/m(i),/m(2), • • •} simply as
{/ml = {/i,/2, • • •}, we may assume that {Dffm(Xj)}. converges uniformly on
Uj for any Dj with h^k. Put/(x^) = lim^^oo/m(^j)- Then/(x^) is a C"^
function on Uj, and {Djf^(Xj)} converges uniformly to Djf(Xj) for any Dj
with h^k.
Since the above results hold for each quadruple of indices j , A, ^, y,
replacing {JA^'"^} by an appropriate subsequence, we may assume that there
is a C^ vector (0, 2)-form cp such that for any Dj with h^k, the sequence
{D^cp^j;^^\xj)} converges uniformly to D^(p)^y{Xj) on Uj where ^^"'^ = GiA^'"^
Therefore cp^'"^ converges to (p uniformly on M if m-»oo, and, since / c ^ 2 ,
Dip^"^^ also to D ^ uniformly. Since cp^"^^ = Gi^^"^ and n(p^'"^ = DGilj^'^\ we
|G^(-)-^|o-^0 (m->oo),

Therefore, since by (5.114) IrA^'^lo^ l'A^'"1k-2+a ^ 0 (m ^ 0), we have n<p = 0.

Consequently for an arbitrary if/e^^'^iT),

{cp,ilf) = icp,nGiij) = ia(p,Giif) = o,

which implies that <p = 0. Since by (5.114) |Gi/^^'"^|o= 1, this contradicts the
factthat |GiA^'"^-(p|o->0. I

Suppose given a power series in t^,..., t^


pit)= I p.,...„^r'• • • C-, n,—„ec.

A power series

is said to be a majorant of P ( 0 if

|P^^...^^| ^ a^,...,^, z^i,..., ^^ = 0 , 1 , . . . ,

and is denoted by
For a power series
278 5. Theorem of Existence

we define |(/f|fc+a(0 by


We write

i<Ai.i-^^|fc+« = a^.^•••v^, ^ 1 , . . . , ^^ = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . .

In order to prove the convergence of the power series <^(0 = ZT=i <pA^)
constructed in the preceding section (b) on some polydisk A^ =
{teC'^\\ti\<e,...,\tm\<s},e>0, with respect to the Holder norm, it
suffices to show that there is a power series a(t) which converges absolutely
in Ag such that

Since in the construction of (p{t) = 'Z°^^i <pAt) given above, dcp'^it) in

(5.103) is a polynomial of degree v in t^,..., t^, JAV+I(0 iri the right-hand
side is the homogeneous part of degree P-\-1 of^lcp'^it), (p'^it)], namely,

Since dil/^+i{t) = 0, if we put

<p^+i(r) = bGiA^+i(0,

from (5.110) <Pt,+i(t) is a solution of the equation 5(^^+i(0 = <Ai^+i(0-

Therefore if we put
<Pi(f)= Z ^xh
A= l

first, and define <p^+i(0 successively for i^ = 1,2, 3 , . . . by

<P.^^{(t)=kt>G[<p^{t),cp'^(t)U,, (5.115)

we obtain the power series ^ ( 0 =^^=1 <P^(0-

We choose as a{t) the power series

b X- rih^-'-^u'^
2 —.
16c v=i 1^
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 279

with ^ > 0 and c > 0. ^ and c will be determined later. As regards A{t), we
have the following inequality

A{tf«-A{t), (5.116)

Proof. Consider the power series ^(5) = XlLi s""/ v^ in the variable s. Then

00 o'^ 00 «/^ 00 1

while, since fx^v/2if\-\-/ji = p and A ^ ^t, we have

Z- .22 — ^ L v2 2 ^ ^ Z- . 2 2 2 Z. x2-
A+ya-i/ A /Lt \+fjL = i,A fl A=l A P V A= lA

As is well known, Xr=i 1/A^= 7rV6<2. Therefore

00 ^ -

B ( 5 r « 1 6 Z —=16B(5).
v=2 V

Since A ( 0 = (^/16c)B(c(^i + - • • + r^)), (5.116) follows immediately from

this inequality. I

Fix a natural numberfc^ 2. We will show by induction on v that if we

choose appropriate large h and c,

k1..«(0«A(0 (5.117).
For ^ = 1, (^^(r) = /3iri + - • '-^Pmtm, and the linear term of A ( 0 is (6/16)
(^14- • • • +1^). Therefore, if we choose b such that |j8A|fc+a < 6/16 for A =
1 , . . . , m, (5.117)i: \(p\^M« A{t) holds.
Now we assume that (5.117). holds, and make an estimate of |(^.+i|fc+a(0-
By (5.115)

By the definition of the Holder norm, we have the inequalities

|b(AU+«^i:i|eAU+i+«, il^e^''\T), (5.118)

\[cp, (A]U-i+« ^ K2l<?^U^J(AU+«, (^, tA G ^''\T) (5.119)
280 5. Theorem of Existence

where K^, K2 are constants independent of if/ and (p. By (5.111) and (5.118),

|<^.+lU+a(0« J^lCl|lA.+ lU-l + «(0.

Since (A.+i(0=l[9'(0, <p'(0].-fi, by (5.119) we have

l^.+iU-i+a(0« i ^ 2 k 1 . ^ « ( 0 l ^ 1 . + « ( 0

while by the hypothesis of induction \(p''\j^+^(t)« A(t). Therefore using

(5.116) we obtain

Hence putting c = KiK2Cib, we obtain


On the other hand, (p'"^^(t) = (p''{t)-i-(p^+i(t) where (p'^it) is a polynomial

of degree v and (p^+i(0 is a homogeneous polynomial of degree i^ + l.
Consequently since |<p''|fc+«(0« A(r), we have

Thus (5.117)^+1 holds, which completes the induction. Therefore we have

showed that
\<p\j,^M)«A(t). (5.120)

Since the radius of convergence of the power series ^^=1 ^""/^^ is equal
to 1, A{t) converges absolutely for teA^ if 0 < e ^ l / m c . Hence by (5.120)
^ ( 0 = Z ^ = i ^ ^ ( 0 converges with respect to the Holder norm | 1^+^ for
r e Ae. Consequently (p{t) is a C^ vector (0, l)-form on M x A^, namely, if
we write (p{t) on each Uj x A^ in the form

A ^ I3,y OZj

the coefficients (pfpy{Zj, t) are C^ functions of z^,.. •, Zj, ^1, • • •, tm- Although
k is an arbitrary natural number not less than 2, we cannot deduce immedi-
ately from this result that (p{t) is C°°, because the constant c = K^K2Cxh
above does depend on /c, hence it does not follow immediately that there
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 281

is an e > 0 such that e ^ 1/mc for all k. We must prove C°° differentiability
of (p{t) in another way.
By (5.107) we may consider that {j8i,..., ^8^} above is a basis of H^'^T).
Then for <pi(0 = i8iri + - • • + j8;„r^, we have b(pi(r) = 0. Since (p^(0 ="t)GiA^(0
for ^ = 2, 3 , . . . , we have b(p^(0 = 0. Thus we have

t>(p(t) = 0,

hence, [I\(p(t) = '6d(p(t) while by the construction (p{t) satisfies the

integrability condition
Mt) = M.cp{t),(p{t)l

On the other hand, since (p(t) is holomorphic in ^ i , . . . , t^^, d(p{t)/dtx = 0 .

Consequently (pit) is a solution of the partial differential equation of
order 2

- ^ T7^r^o)<p(t)-M<Pit),<pit)]=0. (5.121)

According to (3.142) and (3.126) the principal part of t>[(p(t), (p(t)] is

given by

i i g'' i i<P''{t)d,d,<p',(t)-<p^t)d,d^cp\t))d,,

where we put dpd^(p^{t) = Y.^dpd^(pUt) dr. Since (^(0-^0 for |r| -»0, taking
a sufficiently small A„ we may assume that (5.121) is a quasi-linear elliptic
partial differential equation MxA^. Therefore its solution <p{t) is C°° on
M^L^ ([3]). We shall give the proof of the C°° differentiability of the
solution in §8 of the Appendix.
Thus we have constructed a family {(p{t)}\te/^^] of C°° vector (0,1)-
forms <p(0 = Z A - I S " = I <P^(2> 0 ^^""^A satisfying the integrability condition
5<p(0 = l [ ^ ( 0 , <^(0], and the initial conditions (5.97), where cpMt) are C°°
functions of z \ . . . , z", ^ i , . . . , ^^.
As was already stated, each (p{t) determines a complex structure M^(f)
on M. In order to show that {M^(f)}|^G A^} is a complex analytic family,
we consider (p = (p{t) as a vector (0, l)-form on the complex manifold
M X Ag. Namely, we consider (p as
282 5. Theorem of Existence

with <p"'^'^ = (p^ = 0 for /x = 1 , . . . , m. Then since (^t = (pUz, t) are

holomorphic in ^ i , . . . , t^, we have d(p^/dt^ = 0 in


By 5<p(0 we denote the exterior differential of (p(t) as a vector (0, l)-form

on M with t fixed. Then from the above consideration d(p coincides with
d(p{t). Similarly we obtain [cp, (p] = [(p(t), (p(t)]. Therefore as a C°° vector
(0, l)-form on M x A^, cp satisfies the integrability condition

If we put

dZ^ A=i dZ

the partial differential equation {d — (p)f=0 is reduced to the system of

partial differential equations:

W=0, ^ = l,...,n,
—/=0, )u. = l , . . . , m .

L i , . . . , L„, L i , . . . , L„, d/dt,..., d/dtm, d/dt^,..., 5/^^^ are linearly indepen-

dent. Consequently, by the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem, (p defines a
complex structure M on M x Ag. If we choose a sufficiently fine locally finite
open covering {L^} of M, and take a sufficiently small A^, the equation
(5.122) has n-\-m linearly independent solutions f=(f(z,t), p=
1 , . . . , m + 71 on each Uj x A^, and the map

gives local complex coordinates of M on Uj x A^. Since f=tf^ is clearly a

solution of (5.122), we may assume that (J'^^{z, t) = t^j, for )LC = 1 , . . . , m.
Then we have
m: U]{z, 0 , . . . , C(^. 0 , ^ 1 , . . . , U -> (tu . . . , ^m)

is a holomorphic map of M onto A^. For each ^G A^, tD'~^(0 is a complex

manifold whose system of local complex coordinates is given by
§5.3. Theorem of Existence 283

{(^](z, 0 , . . •, C]{z, t)}. Since/=_^/(z, 0 , jS = 1 , . . . , n, are linearly indepen-

dent solutions of the equation {d-(p{t))f=0 on U^, m~^{t) = M^i^^y Thus
{M^(,) 11 e Ag} forms a complex analytic family (Jt, A^, m).
Thus Theorem 5.6 (Theorem of Existence, [18]) is proved. Since each
component ^/(z, t) of the local complex coordinates (f](z, t),..., ^/(z, 0 )
of M^(f) is a solution of (5.122), a^f(z, O/^f/it =Ofor ^t = 1 , . . . , m. Therefore
C°° functions ff (z, 0 of z \ . . . , z", ^ i , . . . , ^m ^^^ holomorphic in ^ i , . . . , t^^.
About the same time with us, Grauert proved this theorem of existence
by an elementary method. He explained his remarkable idea at "Nothing
Seminar" under the direction of D. C. Spencer. The main point of his idea
is in replacing the fundamental equalities (5.62):

by the inequalities
By this method he succeeded in proving the convergence. Later he proved
the most general theorem of existence of deformations for complex analytic
spaces based on this idea ([9]).
Later another proof of Theorem 5.6 by an elementary method was given
by Forster and Knorr ([5]).
We note that the theorem of completeness (p. 230) was not known at
that stage of the development of the theory of deformations. However, since
the proof of the theorem of completeness is elementary and independent
of the existence theorem which is the main theme of this chapter, in verifying
the equality m = m(M) for concrete examples of M (pp. 230-248), we
replaced for simplicity our original argument ([20], §14) by one using the
theorem of completeness.
Chapter 6

Theorem of Completeness

§6.1. Theorem of Completeness

In this section we shall prove the theorem of completeness stated in §5.2(b).
Let {M, B, TJT) be a complex analytic family, B a domain of C" containing
0, and pt'. Tt(B)^ H\Mt,St), M = ^ HO, the linear map defined by
d ( d\ dMt

Theorem 6.1 (Theorem of Completeness, [20]). If po'. To(B)->H^(Mo, Bo)

is surjective, the complex analytic family (Jt,B,m) is complete at Oe B.

Recall that we mean by the completeness of (M, B, m) at 0 that given

any complex analytic family (J^, D, TT) such that Oe D^C^ and 7r~\0) = MQ,
if we take a sufficiently small subdomain A with 0 G A <=: D, and let ^ A =
7r~^(A), we can find a holomorphic map h: s^ t = h{s), h(0) = 0, of A into
B such that (Jf^, A, TT) is the complex analytic family induced from
(Jt, B, m) by h (see p. 228, Definition 5.2).
If {J^A, A, TT) is the complex analytic family induced from {M, B, tzr) by
h, then for each 5 G A, Ns = rr'^s) = Mh(s) x s, and

is a submanifold of ^ x A (see p. 206). Let g be the restriction of the

projection JixA-^Ji to Jf^- Then g is obviously a holomorphic map of
J{A into M. Moreover g maps each N^ biholomorphically onto Mh(s)- For,
writing a point of Ns = Mh(s)^s as {p,s), ; ? G M ^ ( ^ ) , we have g{p,s)=p.
Identifying (p, 0) G No = MQ xO with p e MQ, we may consider 7r~^(0) = No =
MQ. Then, if we denote the identity map {p,0)->p by go, g: J^^-^Ji is an
extension of go'. NQ-^ MQ. Conversely, the following lemma holds.

Lemma 6.1. If we can extend the identity go'. No = Mo ^ Mo to a holomorphic

map g\ Jf^-^ M such that g maps each N^, 5 G A, biholomorphically onto Mh(s),
then (Jf^, ^, ^) is the complex analytic family induced from {Jt, B, m) by h.
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 285

Proof. Let (JV, A, TT) be the complex analytic family induced from (M, B, m)
by h: A^ B. Then for each 5G A, 7r'\s) = Mh(s)^s and

is a submanifold of J^ x A. Denoting a point of Jf^ by ^, we consider the

holomorphic map ^: q^^{q) = {g(q), 7r(q)) of ^ A into MxA. Since g
maps each N^ biholomorphically onto M^(^), O maps N^ biholomorphically

Hence O maps ^A^U^GA^^ biholomorphically onto ^ = U5eA ^^(^) ^'^•

7f<D(iVJ = 7f(M,(,) xs) = s = 7r{K)

holds, i.e. 7r = TT^. Hence ( ^ A , A, TT) and {Jf, A, TT) are biholomorphically
equivalent (see p. 61), which proves that (JVA, A, TT) is the complex analytic
family induced from (M, B, nr) by h. I

By this lemma, in order to prove Theorem 6.1, it suffices to show that

for any given complex analytic family (^, D, TT) with 7r~\0) = MQ, if we
take a sufficiently small domain A with 0 G A c= D, we can construct a
holomorphic map h: s^ t = h(s), /z(0) = 0, of A into B, and a holomorphic
map g of ^ A = 7' 7- H^) into M satisfying the following condition: g is an
extension of the identity go: 7r~\0) = MQ-^ MQ, and g maps each N^ = 7r~\s)
biholomorphically onto M^^s)- In what follows we construct such h and g
by an elementary method.

(a) Construction of Formal Power Series

In this subsection, for t = {ti,..., t^) G C", z = {z\ . . . , z") G C", etc., we
define |^| = maxA |^A|, |z| = max« |z"|, etc. Since the problem is local with
respect to B, we may assume that B is a polydisk: B = { ^ G C ' " | | ^ | < 1}, M
is written in the form (4.27), namely,

M = Uj%. %= {{Cj,t)eC-xB%\<\},

and m{^j, t) = t Of course Uj is a finite union. If UjnUk9^0, Uj, t) and

(^fo i) are the same point of M if

Cj = gjkUk, t) = {g]k{Cu. 0 , . . . , gUCu. 0 ) , (6.1)

where the g%{Ck, 0, OL = \,. .. ,n, are holomorphic functions on Uj n U^.

286 6. Theorem of Completeness

Similarly we assume that D = {5 E C' | |s| < 1},

J^ = UjWj, ^ , = {(Z,,5)GC"XD||Z,|<1},

7r{zj,s) = s, and that for WjnW^y^ 0 , (z,, s) and {zj,, s) are the same point
of Jf if

Zj =fjk{zk, s) = {fjkizk, s),.,. Jjkizk, s)). (6.2)

Moreover, since by hypothesis, NQ = MQ, we assume Wj n No = %nMo

and that the local coordinates ({,, 0) and {zj, 0) coincide on Wj n No= % n
Mo, namely, if ^] = z ] , . . . , ^J = z/, ({y, 0) and (z^, 0) are the same point of
WjnNo= % n Mo. Putting

bjjc(zj,)=fjdzk,0), (6.3)

from (6.1) and (6.2), we have

bjkUk) = gjMk,0). (6.4)

Thus we have
No = Mo = U ^ - , Uj=WjnNo=%nMo, (6.5)

and {zy}, z^ = (z],..., zJ), is a system of local complex coordinates of the

complex manifold No = Mo with respect to { L^}. The coordinate transforma-
tion on Uj n Uk is given by

zf = bf,iz,), a = l,...,n.

Our purpose is to define a holomorphic map h: s^t = h{s) with h{0) = 0

of Ag = {5 G D11^1 < E} into B for a sufficiently small e > 0, and at the same
time to extend the identity go'. NQ^ Mo= NQ to a holomorphic map
g: 7r~^{A^)^M such that m ° g = h° TT. The condition m ° g = h^ IT means
that the holomorphic map g maps each Ns = 7r~\s), ^eAg, into M^(5) =
m~\h(s)). But then, since g is an extension of the identity go, it is easy to
see that, if we take a sufficiently small 8<8, g maps N^ biholomorphically
onto Mh(s) for l^j < 8. Replacing e by such 5, we may assume that g maps
Ns biholomorphically onto Mh(s) for s e A^. In what follows, we write A = A^
and ^ A = '7'" H^) for simplicity.
Suppose for the moment that we can construct such h and g. Then since
giUj)= UjCi %ij for each Uj^ No, g~^(%)^«^A is an open set containing
U;. Therefore we can choose a continuous function e{Zj) of z, on Uj with
0 < 8(z,) ^ e such that the subdomain

Wf = {{Zj,s)\\Zj\<\,\s\<e{Zj)}
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 287

of Wj is contained in g~\%):


Since the holomorphic map g maps Wf into %, g can be written on Wf

in the form

g: {zj, s) -> Uj, t) = (gjizj, 5), his)), (zj, s) e Wf, (6.6)

where each component gf(zj, s) of gj(zj, s) = {g](zj, 5 ) , . . . , gj{zj, s)) is a

holomorphic function of z],..., z", ^ i , . . . , Si defined on Wf. Since

g:izj,0)-^Uj,0) = {zj,0)

is the identity, we have

gj(zj,0) = zj, h{0) = 0. (6.7)

Expanding gj{zj, s) into power series of 5 i , . . . , Sj, we write it in the form


gjizj, s) = 2,- + X gjiAzj, s), (6.8)

where, in the notation of § 5.3(b),

gji^zj, s)= X g>,.--/(%)'^r' • • • ^?

t'jH \-vi=v

is a homogeneous polynomial of degree ^' of 5 i , . . . , 5/, and each component

S^vyvii^j), « = 1 , . . . , n, of the coefficient

is a holomorphic function of z],..., z" defined on Uj. For simplicity we

express such situation as gj^j...^^(zj) is a vector-valued holomorphic function
defined on Uj. In general the region of convergence of the power series
gj(Zj, s) of 5 i , . . . , Si may depend on z^, but they all converge for \s\ < s{zj).
Expanding h(s) into power series, we put


Hs)=^ I K(s). (6.9)

For Wf nWt9^0, if (z,-, 5) G Wf and (z^, 5) G Wf are the same point, then
their images by g, namely, Up t) = (gj{Zj, s),his)) and Uk,t) =
(gki^k, s), h(s)) are, of course, the same point. Hence by (6.2) and (6.1), if
Zj =fjk(Zk, s), then we have gj(zj, s) = gjkigki^k, s), h(s)). In other words, for
288 6. Theorem of Completeness

(zfc, s)eWtn Wf, the equality

gjifjkizj,, s), s) = gjk(gk(z},, s), h{s)) (6.10)

holds. If we expand both sides of this equality into power series of Si,..., Si,
their coefficients are holomorphic functions on Uj n U^. Hence, from (6.10)
we obtain equalities between these holomorphic functions defined on Uj n L4.
We note that, if
oo oo
gj(Zj,s) = Zj-^ X gjUZk,s), gk(Zk,s) = Zj,+ X gk\AZk,s),


and h(s)= X! K(s)

are all considered to be formal power series of Si,..., Si, the equality (6.10)
still makes sense. For, by writing down (6.10) as

oo / oo oo \
fjk(z,s)-\- S gj\uifjkizk,s),s) = gjJzk-\- X gkU^k^s), I h,{s)),

we can obviously see that, for each /x = 1, 2, 3 , . . . , the terms of degree at

most /x of the power series expansions of both sides of (6.10) contains
no gj\X , ^), gk\v{ , 5), K{s) with v> yu.
Thus assuming that we obtain holomorphic maps h and g with the
required properties, and representing g on each domain WJ in the form
(6.6): {zj, s)^(gj(zj, s), h(s)), we have seen that the quality (6.10) holds on
each UJ nU^y^Z).
In order to obtain such h and g, we begin with constructing formal power
series h{s), as well as formal power series gj{zj, s), for each Uj, whose
coefficients are vector-valued holomorphic functions on Uj such that the equality
(6.10) holds.
In order to avoid confusion, we use a, j8,... to denote the indices of
coordinates and use fju, P, ... to denote the degrees. Furthermore, we use
the notation of §5.3(b) for power series of ^ j , . . . , Si. In particular, we write

h''{s) = h,{s)-^"' + h,is),

gJ{s) = Zj-hgjl^(Zj,s)-\-' ' '-\-gj\,(Zj,s).

The equality (6.10) is equivalent to the following system of the infinitely

many congruences:

gjifjki^k, s), s) = gjkiglizk, s), h'^is)), 2^ = 0, 1 , 2 , . . . , (6.11),

§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 289

where we indicate by =,, that the power series expansions of both sides of
(6.11)^ coincide up to the term of degree K (6.1 1)O means fjk{^k,^) =
gjki^k, 0), which clearly holds by (6.3) and (6.4). Now we want to construct
h'^is), gJ(Zj, s) by induction on v so that (6.11)^ hold on each Ujn 11^9^ 0 .
Suppose that h'^'^s) and gj~\zj, s) are already constructed in such a
manner that, for each Ujn U^^ 0 ,

gJ-'iM^k, ^), s) - gjk{gr\zj, s), A-'(5)) (6.11)._,

v— l

holds. Since gj(zj, s) = gj~\zj, s) + gj\^(Zj, s), the left-hand side of (6.11)^
gj(fjk(zk, s), s) = gj~\fjk(zk, s), s)-\-gj\,ifjkizk, s), s),

where gj\i,{Zj, s) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree P of Si,..., Si, and

ffkizjc, 0) = bjk(zk) by (6.3). Therefore we have

gj\u(fjk(zk, s), s) = gj\,(bjk(zk), s),

hence, putting Zj = bjk(zk), we obtain

gjifjkizk, s), s) = gj~\fjkizk, s), s)-\-gj\,(zj, s). (6.12)

The right-hand side of (6.11)^ is given by

gjkigKzk, s), h'^is)) == gjk{gr\zk, s)-^gk\^.{zk, s), h^'-^s)-^ K(s)).

By expanding gjkUk-^^, t-\-u) into power series of ^^ . . . , ^", Wi,..., u^,

we obtain

gjkUk + ^,t + u) = gjkUk,t)^ I. 0f(^.-1).

13 = 1 oik

r=l Otr

where . . . denotes the terms of degree ^ 2 in ^ ^ , . . . , f", Ui,... ^u^. Letting

K{s) = {hx\Xs),...,h^\^{s)), and writing gr\s), gk\v(s) instead of
gr\zk.s), gk\Azk,s), respectively, we have

gjkiglizk, s), h^{s))-gjk{gr\zk, s), h^-\s))

- i ^^igr\s),h-\s))'g'kUs)

+1 ^-^(gr\s\h-\s))'K^As)
r=\ otr
290 6. Theorem of Completeness

+ i^'(gr'(o),/i'-(o))-M*)

= Z 7d(^fc,0)-g^|,(5)+I (-^^-T;^— • ^H-(^)-

Therefore, since g/kCz^, 0) = bjj^izk) = Zj by (6.14), we have

(3^1 OZj^ r=l\ dtr / t=0

From this and (6.12), it follows that the congruence (6.11)^ is equivalent
to the following:

V p dZ%- r \ Otr / t=0

By the hypothesis of induction, the left-hand side of this congruence = ^-i 0.

Hence, if we let F^fci^ denote the sum of the terms of degree v of the left-hand
side, we obtain

TMAZJ, S) = gr\Uzu. s\ s) -gj^{gr\z^, s\ h-\s)). (6.13)

Hence (6.11)^ is equivalent to the following:

^jk\v{Zj, S)

" dz-
+ I T^'gk\v{zk.s)-gj\^.{Zj,s), (6.14),

where z^ and Zj = bj^iz^) are the local coordinates of the same point of NQ.
In order to clarify the meaning of these equations, we introduce holomor-
phic vector fields as follows:
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 291

a^l \ Olr / t = 0OZj

a=l dZj

gk\As)= I gkUzk,s)—j.

Then in these terms (6.14)^ is written in the form

^jk\As)=I, K\As)Orjk-^gk\As)-gj\,(s). (6.15)^

By (6.5), U = {Uj} is Si finite covering of MQ = NQ. Since we assume that

^" = z/, a = 1 , . . . , n, the 1-cocycle {Orjk}e Z ^ U , 0 ) represents the
infinitesimal deformation dr = po(d/dt,) e H\MO, ©O)- Since the coefficients
r^fci^i- -^z of the homogeneous polynomial

^jk\v{s)= Z r^-fc.,.-^;-5^ • • • ^p

are holomorphic vector fields on L^ n U^, .

{r,.|.(5)}= I {r,fc.,...,}sr'• • • 5,-'

is a homogeneous polynomial of degree v whose coefficients are 1-cochains

{r,,,,...,,}€C'(U,0o). Similarly

{gj\As)}= I {gj.,-.,}S-['• • • s?

is a homogeneous polynomial of degree P whose coefficients are 0-cochains

{^jVi •i.Je C^(U, 0o)- Under these circumstances, the equation (6.15)^ is
written in the form

{rMs)}=l K\As){erjk}+s{gjiAs)}. (6.i6)„


Thus in order to construct h''{s) = h''~\s)-\-h^(s), gj(zj,s) =

gj~\zj, s) + gjij,{Zj, s) so that (6.11)^ hold, it suffices to obtain solutions
hr\As), r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\As)} of the equations (6.16)^.
If solutions K\j,{s), r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\u{s)} exist, then, since the right-hand
side of (6.16)^ is a 1-cocycle on U, {F^fci^C^)} is also a 1-cocycle, i.e., for
292 6. Theorem of Completeness

each Ui n Ujn 11^9^0, we have

Tj^lAs)-T,k\As) + r,j^As) = 0. (6.17)

Conversely, if {Tji^\^(s)} forms a l-cocycle, then (6,16)^ has solutions hr\r,is),

r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\As)}. Proof Let

I'jH \-Vi=v

Then (6.16)^ can be written as



Therefore it suffices to prove that any l-cocycle {r^fc}GZ^(U, ©o) can be

written in the form

{Tjk} = I K{erj,,} + S{gj}, K e C, {gj} e C°(H, 0o). (6.18)

Let yeH\Mo,So) be the cohomology class of the l-cocycle {Tjj^}. Since

by hypothesis, po* To(B) -» H\MQ, OQ) is surjective, y is written in the form
of a linear combination of the Or as


Consequently the cohomology class of the l-cocycle {Tjk}-{L7=\ K^rjk) on

U is 0. On the other hand, by Theorem 3.4 (p. 121),

n ^ : H\Vi, Bo) = Z^(U, (do)/8C\U, ©o) -> H\M^, BO)

is injective. Therefore {r^7c}-Zr=i Ki^rjk}^ 5C^(U, Bo), hence {Tj^} can be

written in the form (6.18). I

Next we shall prove that {r^7c|^('^)} is a l-cocycle, i.e., (6.17) holds. Proof
By representing each term of (6.17) as vector-valued holomorphic functions,
we get

" dz-
Tik^^{zi,s) = Tij\^{Zi,s)+ Z -r^^fk\v{Zj,s), Zi = bij(zj).
)3-l OZj

Here Zj and z, = bij(zj) are the same point of MQ. Using matrix notation, we
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 293

write this in the form

^ikiA^h s) = Tiji,{Zi, s)-^Bij{zj)Tjk\Azj, s), (6.19)

where ByCz^) = (azf/azf )«,^^i_„. Writing ^('5) for/^(^fc, ^), and gr\s)
for gk~\zk, s) for simplicity, we obtain from (6.13),

r,-,|.(z, s) - gr\Ms), s)-g,^{gr\s), h-\s)). (6.20)

Since on U^nUinUj^^0, g,fc(4, t) = gyiUk, t), t), and since by (6.13)

gjk(gr\s), /i->(s)) - gr\Ms), s)-rj,\Azj, s),

the second term of the right-hand side of (6.20) is written down as

= gij(gr'(fA'^), *)-r,fc|.(z,-, s), h'-'is))

- i ^igr'(fjkis),s),h-\s))rf,i.(zj,s).

But, since gj \fjk{Zk, 0), 0) = bjt,{zk) = Zj, we have

^ ( g r H ^ ( O ) , 0), 0) = ^ ( z „ 0) = ^ = ^ ,
dCf ' dCf dzf dzf'

hence, we have

gi,.{gr\s), h''-\s)) - g,(gr'(&(*), s), h-'is))


" bz-
- 1 -ri^fkUzj, s),

Therefore by (6.20) we obtain

r,.|.(z„ 5) = gr\fikis\ s)-g,(gr\fjk(s), s), h-\s))

294 6. Theorem of Completeness

Thus, to prove (6.19) it suffices to verify

r,|.(z, s) = gr\fikis), s)-g,(gj-\fj^(s), s), h-\s)). (6.21)

By (6.13) we get

r,|.(6,(z,), s) = gr\fij{zj, s), 5) -g,(g;-^(z,, 5), h-\s)).

Substituting Zj =fjk{zj„ s) and noting bij(fjk(zj,, 0)) = bij{bjk(z,,)) = bij(zj) = Zi,
we have
^ijWibijifjkizk, s)), s) = Tiji^ibijifjkizk, 0)), s)


In view of the equality ftjifjkizk, s)) =fik(zk, s), (6.21) holds. I

Therefore {Tjk\i.{s)} is a 1-cocycle, hence, by solving (6.16)^, we can find

hr\As), r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\t,(s)} such that h'^is) and g'^izj, s) satisfy the con-
gruences (6.11)^. In this way, we determine h'^is) and gjizj, s) successively
for ^' = 1, 2, 3 , . . . , and obtain the formal power series h{s) and g/(^> s),
which obviously satisfy (6.10).

(b) Proof of Convergence

The power series h{s), gj(Zj, s) constructed in the previous subsection

depend on the choice of solutions hr\t,(s), r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\j,{s)} of (6.16)^,.
In general the equations (6.16)^ have infinitely many solutions. In this
subsection we prove that, if we choose appropriate solutions K\j,(s) and
{gj\j,{zj, s)} of (6.16)^ in each step of the above construction, then h{s) and
gj{zj, s) converge absolutely in 1^1 < £ provided e > 0 is sufficiently small.
The equations (6.16)^ are reduced to (6.18). We first prove a lemma
concerning the "magnitude" of the solutions hi,... ,hm, {gj} of the equation

{r,J= I K{e^,}+8{gj}.

We regard holomorphic vector fields F^fc = E" = i r7fc(zy) a/^z", Orjk =

Z l ^ i ^^jk(zj) d/dz]", and gj = Y,''^ = i gf(zj) d/dz]" as vector-valued holomor-
phic functions Tjk{zj) = (rjfc(z^),..., r;fc(z,)), O^jkizj) = (Oljkizj),...,
O'^jkiZj)), and gj(Zj) = (gjizj),..., gJ(Zj)), respectively. Then (6.18) is written
in the form

r,fc(z,)=I Mr,7c(z/) + S,fc(zfc)g.(z,)-g,(z,.). (6.22)

§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 295

Since each L^ = {z^ G C" | jz^l < 1} is a coordinate poly disk, we may assume
that the coordinate function Zj is defined on a domain of MQ containing
[L/y] (see p. 33). Hence each component dz^/dz^ of the matrix Bjj,(zj^) =
(dz]'/dz^)^^p=i^_^n is bounded on L^n Uk9^0. We define the norm of the
matrix Bj^izt) by

\Bjk{zj)\ = sup — = max Z feC", ^#0. (6.23)

Then there exists a constant Ki such that for all Ujn 11^ = 0

|B,,(z,)|<X„ z.eU^nUj. (6.24)

Similarly, since the ^^^(z,) = (agj^z^, 0/3'r)(=o are also bounded on L/yn
t 4 5^ 0, there exists a constant K2 such that

|e.^fc(z;)|<i^2. (6.25)

We denote a 1-cocycle {Fj^} by F, and define its norm by

|r| = max sup |r^fc(z,)|. (6.26)

j,k zjeUjr\U]^

Lemma 6.2. There exist solutions hr, r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj} of (6.18) which satisfy

\K\^K,\Tl \gj(zj)\^K,\Tl (6.27)

where X3 is a constant independent of T = {Tjk}>

Proof Let 5 > 0, and put, for each Uj = {zj e C" \\zj\ < 1},

L^; = {z,.G^.||z,.|<l-6}.

Then, since { Uj} is a finite covering of MQ, and since MQ is compact, we have

Mo = UUf (6.28)

for a sufficiently small 8.

We consider solutions /i„ r = 1 , . . . , m, {g,} of (6.18) for a 1-cocycle
r = {r^fc} with |r| < +00. it can be easily checked that, on each Uj, \gj(Zj)\ is
bounded. In fact, since gj{Zj) is holomorphic on Uj, it is obviously bounded
on Uf. If Zj^ Uf, Zj is contained in some L^^ with kr^j, that is, Zj =
bjk(zk), ^fcG t/fc. Hence by (6.22) we have
gjizj)=l hAA^j) + S,fc(zfc)gfc(zfc) - r,.fc(z,.). (6.29)
296 6. Theorem of Completeness

By (6.24) \Bjj,{z^)\ <K,,by (6.25) | drjj.izj)\ < K^, and by hypothesis |r,-,(z,-)l ^
|r|<+oo. Moreover \gk(zk)\ is bounded on Ul. Hence by (6.29), |g/(z,)| is
bounded on Uj n L^^, and, since Uj is covered by Uf and a finite number
of the Ul, k9^j, it follows that |g/(zj)| is bounded on Uj.
For a 1-cocycle r = {rjfc} with |r|<+oo, we define t ( r ) by

t(r)=infmax{|/i,|, sup \gj(zj)\},

where inf is taken with respect to all the solutions /2„ gj(zj) of (6.18). We
must show that there exists a constant K such .that for all l-cocycles Te
Z\Vi^ @o), the following inequality

holds. Suppose there is no such constant K. Then, for each natural number
V, we can find a 1-cocycle T^"^ such that t((r^"^) > ^|r^"^|. Replacing V''^ by
p(-)/^(p(W)^ we get a sequence of l-cocycles 1^""^ = {T^^}e Z\n, ©o) such

,(r^-)) = i, ir^"^l<-. (6.30)

The equality 6(r^"^) = 1 impHes that there exist solutions /i^/^ {g^^} of (6.18)
for r = r^''^ satisfying

|/z^/>|<2, \gy\zj)\<2.

Since, for each Uj, {gy\zj)} = {gj^\zj), g^^\zj),...} are uniformly bounded
on Uj, we can choose a subsequence {gj'''^\zj)}, vi < P2< ' ' ' < ^m < • --, ^o
as to converge uniformly on each compact subset of Uj. Hence we may
assume, from the beginning, that {g-''(z,)} converges uniformly on each
compact subset of Uj. Similarly, all the sequences {/Jr*^^}, ^ — 1, 2 , . . . , r, may
be assumed to converge. Then we can deduce that each {gy\zj)} converges
uniformly on the whole Uj. To show this, we note that Uj is covered by Uf
and a finite number of Ui, kv^j, and that, since [Uf]^ Uj is compact,
{gj''\zj)} converges uniformly on Uf. For a point ZJE Ujn Ui, i.e., for
Zj = bjk(Zk), Zk e Ul, we have by (6.29)

g]'^\zj)= I hi''^e,j,{Zj) + Bj,(z,)g'j:\z,)-Ty,\zj).

Since {hi''^} converges and {gy\zj)} converges uniformly on Uf, and since
|rjfc"Hz,)|^|r^"VO (i^->oo) by (6.30), in view of (6.24) and (6.25), we see
that {gj''\zj)} converges uniformly on Uj.
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 297

Put /i, = lim^^ao hi''\ and g;(z^) = lim^^oo gj'^Kzj). Then gj{zj) is a vector-
valued holomorphic function on Uj. By (6.22)

Since |rjfc(z^)|^|r^''^|-»0 (^->oo), taking the limit for ^-»oo, we obtain


Hence, putting hi""^ = hi""^ - hr, and gY\^j) = gj'^^^j) ~Sj(^j)^ we obtain

Hence hi''\ r = 1 , . . . , m, and {gj''^} constitute another set of solutions of

(6.18) for T — T^''\ But when v tends to infinity, we have hi'^^-^O and
^^PzjeUj \§j''\^j)\-^^, which contradicts L{T)= 1. I

We shall prove, using the method of majorant series, that h{s) and
gj{Zj, s) converge absolutely for |5|<£ provided that e > 0 is sufficiently
small. In general, if two power series of ^ i , . . . , 5/,

i^x,...,i'i = 0


are given, we indicate by writing


|P,,...,J^ «,,...,„ z/i,..., ^; = 0 , 1 , 2 . . . .

As in § 5.3(c), let

jb_ - c'^jSy-h'-'-^sir
A(a)=77^ I —^-^
1 iC ^
—. b>0, OO.
1 6 c j,= \ V

By (5.116), we have

298 6. Theorem of Completeness

By induction on v^ we obtain from this inequality the following inequalities:

A{sy«\^ A{s), 1^ = 2 , 3 , . . . . (6.31)

In fact, for j ^ ^ 3, we have

A{sY = A(sfA{sr-^« -A(s)A{sr-^ = - A(^)^-^

c c

In order to prove the convergence of h(s), gj{zj, s), it suffices to show

the estimates

h{s)« A(s), gjizj, s) - zj« Ais), (6.32)

provided that the constants b and c are properly chosen. For this, it suffices
to prove

h^is)« Ais), gjizj, s)-zj« A(s) (6.33).

for ?^= 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . .
We prove (6.33). by induction on ^ = 1, 2, 3 , . . . .
For v= l,sincethelineartermof A(5')is(fe/16)(si + - • -4-5/), the estimate
(6.33)i obviously holds provided that b is sufficiently large.
Let p^2 and assume that (6.33)._i are established. To prove (6.33). we
first estimate Tj]^\^(zj, s).
In general, for a power series Pis) = Y.^=i PA^), we denote by [P(s)].
the term P.(5) of homogeneous part of degree P. Then by (6.13), we have

TjtUzj, s) = [gj-\fj^{z^, 5), s)]^-[gj^(gr\z,, 5), h'^-'is))]^. (6.34)

We first^ estimate [gr\fjk(zk, s), s)],. Since the fjk(zk,s) =

^jk(zk) -^Y.7^1 fjk\Azp s) are given vector-valued holomorphic functions, we
may assume that

fjkizk,s)-bjk(Zk)«Ao(s), Ao(s)=-^ 2 -^—^ ^ —


holds for ZkE Uj,n Uj with bo>0 and Co>0. Put

G(zj, s) = gj'\zj, s) - Zj.

Then, by hypothesis ofinduction(6.33)._i, we have G(z/, s)« A(^). Namely,

§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 299


A{s)= I A,,....,5r> • • • ^p,

we have

|G.,...X^,)NA.,...^, Z,GL/,. (6.36)

By (6.28), Mo = U j Uj. If z^ G l/f, then since G,^...,^{zj + ^) is a vector-valued

holomorphic function of ^ = ( ^ i , . . . , ^„), |^| < 5, it can be expanded into
power series in ^ i , . . . , ^„ as

By Cauchy's integral formula, we have

Hence, since |G,^...,X% + ^ ) N A^^...,^ by (6.36), we have


G,,..,(z,+^)-G.,..,(z,)«A.,.., I ^;:.:^".


For z^-G t/f n (7^, i.e., for Zj = bj^izj,)e Uj, z^e Uj,, we let ^ =fjkizk, s)-Zj,
Since ^ « Ao(5') by (6.35), we obtain

G(Uz„ s), s) - G(zj, s)« A(s) I Aoisr^^-^^^

Ml + --- + At„^
=1 8^i^""^^h
300 6. Theorem of Completeness

We have

and by (6.31)

Remark that (6.35) remains valid if we replace CQ by a larger constant.

Therefore, by taking a sufficiently large Co, we may assume that

A<i (6.37)
CQS 2'

Thus, since Ii^=i (^o/coS)*'~" < 2 , we obtain

%5,(:)(r-«-^il(:)e)' Ao(5)

O k

Hence we get

Gifjkiz,,, s), s) - G(zj, s)« -—A(s)Ao(s).

If we take b and c such that

b>bo, c> Co, (6.38)

we have Ao(s)« {bo/b)A{s). Therefore we get

^0 ^ / N 2 / . ^0
A(s)Ao(s)« -rA{sr« -A(s).
b c

Gifjj^iz,, 5), s) - G(zj, s)« ^—^A{s),

§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 301


gr\fjk{zk, s), s)-fjj,{zk, s)-gj~\zj, s)-hzj« r-^A(5).


Since by (6.35), fj^izj,, s)-Zj« Ao(s)« (bo/b)A{s), we have

gr\fjk{z,, s), s)-gr\zj, s)« {^-^+J)MS).

Therefore, taking the terms of degree P of the left-hand side of this equality,
we obtain the following estimate on Uf n 11^:

[gr'(y;.(z., s), s)]^« {^-^+J)MS). (6.39)

Next we estimate the second term [gjk(gk~\zk, s), h''~\s))]j, of (6.34).
We expand g/fc(^fc + ^5 0 into power series in ^ 1 , . . . , ^„, ^1,. • •, ^m, and let
L(^, t) be its linear term. Then, since gjki^k, 0) = bjk(z,^), we may assume that

gjk{zk + ^,t)-bjk{Zk)-LU,t)

If we set ^ = gfc~\zfc, 5)-Zfc, and t = h''~\s), then, since ^«A(s) and t«

A{s) by (6.33)^,-1, we obtain

00 00 / b\^~^
« I aSin-\-mrA{sr« X a^(m + n)'^ - A(s).
M=2 M=2 \C/

Hence, by taking the terms of degree v of the left-hand side, we obtain

[gjkigk {zj,,s),h (s)],« I I A(s).

c ^=o\ c /

Consequently, taking a constant c such that

bao{m-\-n) 1
- ^ -<::, (6.40)
c 2
we obtain
[gjkigk (zj,,s),h \s))],« Ais).
302 6. Theorem of Completeness

Combining this with (6.39) we obtain the estimate

r,.,|^(z,-,5)«X*A(5), ZjeUfnU,, (6.41)

where i^* is given by

c8 b c

We now estimate rjj^\j,{Zj, s) for arbitrary ZJE Ujn U^. For this purpose,
recall that {Tj^iAs)} is a 1-cocycle. Since Mo = [Jj Uj, if ZJE Ujn U^, and
Zj ^ Uf, then Zj is contained in some L^f (/ 7^7): Zj = bji(Zi), Zi e t/f. By (6.19)

Tjki,(Zj, s) = Bji(Zi)Tik\Azh s) - Bji(Zi)riji^(Zi, s),

and, since z^e U^ nUjn (4, both r,fc|^(Zi, s) and ry|^(z„ s) are « K'^Ais)
by (6.41). Since we have |B,fc(^k)|<^i with Ki>l, it follows that

Tjt,lAzj,s)«2K,K'^A{s), ZjE UjnU^.

Recall that Ki^s), r=l,... ,m, gj\v{zj, s) are solutions of the equations


Since rjk\j,is)« IKiK'^Ais), by Lemma 6.2, we can choose solutions K\j,(s),

r = 1 , . . . , m, {gj\u(s)}, such that

Ki^(s)« K.lK.K'^Ais), gjUs)« K.lK.K'^Ais).

By definition (6.42) of X*

\ C8 b C J

is independent ofp, and if we first choose a sufficiently large b, and then choose
c so that c/b be sufficiently large, then we obtain

Note that b and c obviously satisfy (6.38) and (6.40). Hence the above
solutions hr\As), {gj\v{s)} satisfy the inequalities
K\M«A{s), g,|.(5)«A(5). (6.43)
§6.1. Theorem of Completeness 303

Therefore, putting

we see that (6.33)^ follows from (6.43) and (6.33)^-i. This completes the
induction, and the inequalities (6.32):

his)«A{s), gjizj,s)-Zj«A{s)
are proved.
These inequalities imply that, if \s\ < l//c, h{s) converges absolutely, and
gj(Zj, s) converges absolutely and uniformly for ZJE UJ.

(c) Proof of Theorem of Completeness

In view of ^ = U,- ^ > ^ i = {(^> s) \ \zj\ < 1, j^l < 1} = ^ x D, and Uj = Non
WJ=UJ = 0/lfwQput^ = {seC'\\s\<l/lc},thQnJ^^ = 7^-\^) = [JjUJX^.
Replacing Wj by Uj x A, we may assume that

^A = U ^ > Wj=UjXA.

On the other hand, we have

M = [J %, %=UjXBczC"xB.

By (6.32) the holomorphic map


maps Wj = UjXA into C" xB, and the restriction g,: Uj-^ Uj<^ MQ is nothing
but the identity map: (z^, 0)-^(f„0) = (z^, 0). We would like to obtain a
holomorphic map g-.X^s^^M by glueing up the holomorphic maps
" ' ,gp" ' ,gk," • • But, in general, we may not have g/(Wj)<^%c:C xB.
Hence we first restrict g, to gj\%). Since gj(Uj)= Uj, gj\%) is an open
subset of Wj containing Uji


and gj maps gj\%) into %czJi.

For each point ce U^n Uj, there exists a neighbourhood

nc) = {{z,,s)\\z,-c\<8,\s\<8}c:gZ\^,)ng;\%),
304 6. Theorem of Completeness

such that gj and g^ coincide there. Proof. The maps g, and g^ are given by

gj: (zj, s) -> Uj, t) = (gj{zj, s), h{s)),

gfci (Zfc, s) -> (^fc, t) = (gfc(Zfc, s), h(s)).

Note that (z,, s) and (z^, s) are the same point on Jf^ if z^ =fjk{^k, s), while
(^j, 0 and (ffc, 0 are the same point of M if Cj = gjkUk, t)- Therefore, to
prove that gj and gk coincide on V{c), it suffices to show

gjifjkizk, s), s) = gjkigkizk, s), h{s)) (Zk, s) e r(c). (6.44)

But (6.44) is nothing but (6.10). Hence the power series expansions in
Si,..., Si of both sides of (6.44) are the same. On the other hand, both
gj(fjk(zk, s), s) and gjkigki^k, s), his)) are the holomorphic functions of
Zfc,..., Zfc, Si,..., Si in the polydisk T{c). Hence (6.44) holds. I

For each point ce Ujn Uk, choose T{c) as above and let Tjk = Uc "^M-
Then we have


and the holomorphic maps gj and gk coincide on the domain Vjk. We take
a sufficiently small 6 > 0 , and put Uj = {Zje Uj\\zj\<l-8}. Then we have

Therefore, putting A^ = {^ G A11^1 < E}, we obtain

TT-HAJ-U-f/fxA,, U^ = A^<^g;\%),

provided that e > 0 is sufficiently small. Restricting each gj to Uf xA^, we
see that gj maps Uf x A^ into Ji and that, if Uf xBn U^x^^y^ 0 , gj and
gk coincide there. Hence we can find a holomorphic map

g:7T-\A^) = UjU!x^s^M

such that g coincides with gj on each Uf x A^. From the expression

g: (Zj, s) -> Uj, t) = (gjizj, s), h{s)),

it follows that ru ° g = h° TT, while the equality gj{zj, 0) = Zj implies that g

is an extension of the identity map go: NQ^ Mo= NQ. This completes the
proof of the theorem of completeness: Theorem 6.1.
§6.2. Number of Moduli 305

§6.2. Number of Moduli

(a) Number of Moduli

In this section we shall prove that the conjecture stated in §5.3 concerning
the number of moduli is true in case H^{M, %) = 0.
Let M be a compact complex manifold and suppose H^{M, 6 ) = 0. Then,
by the theorem of existence (Theorem 5.6), there exists a complex analytic
family (Jt, B, m) with OG B e C'" satisfying the following conditions:

(i) m-\Q) = M.
(ii) po'. d/dt^{dMt/dtx)t=0'> with Mt = m~\t), is an isomorphism of
To(B) onto H\M, 0 ) : To(B) ::>^o H\M, 6 ) .

By the theorem of completeness (Theorem 6.1), (M, B, m) is complete

at OeB. We need to prove that m{M) = dim H\M, %) holds provided
m{M) is defined. Suppose that m{M) is defined and put /x = m{M). Then,
by Definition 5.4 of the number of moduli (p. 228), there exists a complete
complex analytic family (^, D, TT) which is effectively parametrized and
such that 7r~^(0) = M, with D being a domain of C^ containing 0. We denote
by 5 = ( ^ 1 , . . . , 5^) a point of D. Since {Jf, D, IT) is complete, it follows that,
if we take a sufficiently small domain A, OG A c B, then {M^,^, tjr) is a
complex analytic family induced from {Jf, D, TT) by a holomorphic map
h: t-^s = h(t) with h(0) = 0. Hence M^^ Nh(^t^ = 7T~\h{t)). Therefore, by

— r = I —•^—, ( 5 i , . . . , 5 ^ ) = 5 = /z(r).

Since po- To(B) ^ H\M, S) is an isomorphism, the cohomology classes

(— ) eH\M,e), A = l,...,m, m= dimH\M,e)

on the left-hand side of this equality are linearly independent. On the other
hand, we have /JL = m ( M ) ^ dim H\M, 6 ) . Hence we obtain the equality
m(M) = dim H\M, O ) . Thus we have obtained

Theorem 6.2. Suppose H^(M, 0 ) = 0 and that the number of moduli m{M)
ofM is defined. Then m(M) = dim H\M, 0 ) .

Then what is the condition for m{M) to be defined in case H^(M, 0 ) = 0?

If m{M) is defined, (Jt^, A, tir) is, as stated above, the complex analytic
family induced from an effectively parametrized, complete family (Jf, D, TT)
by a holomorphic map h: A-»D with /i(0) = 0, and m(M) = dim H\M, 0 ) .
306 6. Theorem of Completeness

Since D is an effective parameter space, the linear map d/ds-^dNJds is

an injection of T^iD) into H\NS,S). Since dim T^iD) = m(M) = m, we
conclude dim H^(M,&)^m. On the other hand, dim H^{No, SQ) =
dim H^(Ns,Ss) — m. Therefore, by the theorem of upper-semicontinuity
(Theorem 4.4), dim//^(N^, 0 J = m for any s satisfying \s\<8 provided
that s is sufficiently small. If we take a sufficiently small domain A with
0 G A c= B, we have M, = Nh(t), and \h{t)\ < e for any t e A. Hence we conclude
dim H\Mt, ©,) = m. Thus, if m{M) is defined, then dim H\Mt, 0,) = m is
a constant independent of t.
Conversely, if dim H^(M^, 0^) = m does not depend on re A, for a
sufficiently small domain A, 0 e A c: J5, then m{M) is defined. Proof. For t = 0,

l^-^) G//HMo,eo), A = l , . . . ,m
\ dt^ / t=o

are linearly independent. Therefore, if m(M) = dim H\Mt, 0^) is indepen-

dent of t, it follows that

^-^eH\M,S,\ A = l,...,m

are linearly independent for \t\<8 provided that e is sufficiently small. This
fact will be proved in the next chapter (Theorem 7.11). If we simply write
A instead of A^ ={rG A||f|< e}, then (M^,^,m) is an effectively para-
metrized complex analytic family, and p^: r^(A)->/f ^(M^, 0^) is surjective
for f G A. Consequently, by the theorem of completeness (Theorem 6.1), the
complex analytic family ( ^ A , A, ixr) is complete. Hence the number of
moduH of M = XJJ~^{0) is defined and equals m. I

Thus we have proved the following

Theorem 6.3. Suppose JF/^(M, 0 ) = O. Then the number of moduli m{M) is

defined if and only if dim H ^ (M^, St) is independent ofteA when A, 0 G A c= B,
is taken sufficiently small. If this condition is satisfied, then (Ji^, A, m) is an
effectively parametrized, complete family.

In case H^(M, 0 ) = 0 holds, which turns out to be true in many examples,

the following theorem holds.

Theorem 6.4. IfH\M, 0 ) = H\M, 0 ) = 0, then m(M) is defined and equals

dim H\M, 0 ) : miM) = dim H\M, 0).

Proof. Consider a complex analytic family (M, B, ur) satisfying the above
conditions (i) w~'{0) = M, and (ii) To(B) S H\M,e). Since /f^(M,0) =
§6.2. Number of Moduli 307

H\M,&) = 0, we have, by Theorem 4.4, dim//^(M„ 0,) =

dimH^(Mt,St) = 0 for r e A provided that A with OeAczB is sufficiently
small. In general, if dim H^~\Mt, 0^) and dim H'^^^Mt, 0^) are indepen-
dent of t, so is dim H'^iMt, St). The proof of this fact will be given in
Chapter 7 (Corollary to Theorem 7.13). Therefore, in the present case,
dim H^{Mf, St) is also independent of t. Hence, by Theorem 6.3, m(M) is
defined and, by Theorem 6.2, m(M) = dim H\M, S ) . I

Moreover, by Theorem 6.3, (Jt^, A, m) is effectively parametrized and

complete. Thus, if H^{M,(d) = H^(M,(d) = 0, M has an effectively para-
metrized complete family (Jt^^, A, m) with 7r~\0) — M.
By studying several examples of compact complex manifolds, we have
observed a phenomenon that m{M) coincides with dim H\M,S) for these
examples. It is in order to explain this fact that we have so far developed
the theory of deformations, and we finally obtained Theorem 6.4, which
makes clear that the equality m{M) = dim H\M, 0 ) holds if H^{M, 0 ) =
H^{M, 0 ) = 0. This might be considered a milestone of our theory. But the
fact is that there are many examples for which //°(M, 0 ) = O holds, but
H^(M, 0 ) 7^ 0. So we have to say that Theorem 6.4 can only apply to the
very limited class of compact complex manifolds.

(b) Examples

(i) Quadratic transforms of P^. We consider the quadratic transforms of

M = Q,^"'Q,^Q,SP')

as in §5.2(a)(iv). As we have seen in §5.2(a), the number m of apparently

effective parameters used in constructing M is equal to dim H\M,(d).
Since H\M,(d) is 0 for v^A, we suppose v^5. Then JF/^(M, 0 ) =
H\M,e) = Q (see p. 225). Therefore, by Theorem 6.4, m(M) is defined
and m(M) = dim f/^(M,0). Thus the number of parameters m coincides
with the number of moduli m{M).

(ii) Quartic surfaces. Let M^ be a non-singular hypersurface of degree

h in P""^^ where we suppose n ^ 2 and h^l (see p. 219). We have seen in
§5.2(c) that, except for the case n = 2 and /i = 4 , m(Mt) is defined and the
equality m(Mt) = dim H^(Mt, St) holds (see p. 247). For the case n = 2 and
/i = 4, that is, for the quartic surfaces Mt in P^, it remains unsettled whether
the number of moduli m{Mt) is defined or not. By using Theorem 6.4, we
can show as follows that the number of moduli m{Mt) is also defined and
equals dim H\M, 0 ) in the case of quartic surfaces.
By (3.157)

dim H\Mt, 0,) = dim H%Mt, n\Kt)),

308 6. Theorem of Completeness

where Kf denotes the canonical bundle of M^. Let E be the line bundle
over P^ defined by the transition functions C^^k)/Cinj) (see p. 175), and let
Et be its restriction to M^. Then, for a non-singular hypersurface M^ of
degree h in P^, we have

K, = E':-* (6.45)

(see p. 178). In the present case, since /i = 4 , Kt is trivial. Hence we have

dim ff^(M„ e,) = dim H^'iM^.a]),

while H ^ ( M „ a J ) is 0 (see p. 179). Hence /f^(M„0,) = O. On the other

hand, H^(M„ @,) = 0 (p. 245). Hence, by Theorem 6.4, m{Mt) is defined,
and since dim H\Mt, St) = 20 (see p. 247), we have

m{Mt) = dim H ^ M , 0,) = 20.

This justifies what we stated in p. 247.

The equality dim H\Mt, @ J = 20 also follows easily from the Riemann-
Roch-Hirzebruch theorem (5.24). Since Kt is trivial

c, = -c{Kt) = 0, n'=€(^/\ T * ( M ) ) = O{Kt) = 0,

Hence p^ = dim//^(M^O^) = d i m / / ^ M , , ^) = 1. Since dim//^(M„ 0 , ) -

dim H\Mt, 6,) = 0, we have by (5.24) that

dim H\Mt,&t) =lc2-

As q = dim H^(Mt, fl^) = 0, we have Pa=Pg-Q=^' Consequently, by

Noether's formula, we have C2 = 24, and hence dim H\Mt, 0^) = 20.
(iii) Surfaces of arbitrary degree. We shall compute dim H^{Mt, 0 J for
a non-singular surface of degree / z ^ 3 , /i7^4, in P^. Since, by (6.45),
Kt = E^~'^, €(Kt) is the restriction of OiE^'"^) to M,. If we denote the
restriction map by r,, then, since [Mt] = E^, we have ker r^ =
0(E''~^®[MtT') = €(£-''). Hence


is exact. We note that, in the corresponding exact sequence of the

cohomology groups

0-^H%P\ €(E-^)) -> H\P\ ^ ( E ' - ^ ) ) ^ H%Mt, €{Kt))

§6.2. Number of Moduli 309

we have, by Bott's theorem (Theorem 5.2), H\P\ OiE'"^)) =

H\P\ €{£-'')) = 0. Hence

H\P\ OiE""-^)) = H\M„ OiK,)). (6.46)

As is easily seen from the proof of Lemma 5.4, for any natural number k,
dim H^(P^, 0(E^)) is equal to the number of monomials of degree k in ^o,
fi, ^2, ^3, that is Ct^). Hence, by (6.46)


Next, since dim H^(Mt, ©,) = 0, using (5.24) and (5.25), we get

dim H\M,, e,) - dim H\M„ S,) = 2c\ - 10(/7, + 1).

Since c{Etf=h (p. 180), we have c\ = {h-Afh by (6.45), while p^^Pa

because q = dim H^{Mt, (1^) = 0. Consequently we obtain

dim//^(M„e,)-dim//HM,@,) = 2(/i-4)2/i-f(/i'-6/z^+ll/i).

Since we have by (5.21)

dim H\M„ 6,) = l{h + 3){h + 2)(h + 1) - 16, h9^4, (6.48)

we conclude

dim//^(M„e,)=i(/i-2)(/z-3)(/i-5), /i7^4. (6.49)

In particular, H^(Mt, ©^) T^ 0 for /i ^ 6. Thus Theorem 6.4 does not apply
to these cases and cannot explain the fact that m{Mt) coincides with
dim H\Mt, 0^) in these cases.
As stated before, for a hypersurface M of an Abelian variety A""^^, the
number of moduli m(M) is defined and the equality m(M) = dim H\M, 0 )
holds (p. 248). Using the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch theorem, we can
compute dim H^(M, ©) for a surface M in A^. The result is dim H^{M, S) =
3e + 5, where e is a suitable natural number (see [21]). Hence we always
have H^{M, 0 ) T^ 0 in this case.
(iv) Consider the complex analytic family constructed in (2.33) in case
m = 2 and h = l. Employing the same notation as in Example 2.16, we have

M , = U^xP'uU2XP\ Ui=U2 = C,

where (zi, (i)e U^ xP^ and (z2, ^2)^ i^2XP^ are the same point of M, if
310 6. Theorem of Completeness

and only if
z,Z2=U ^i = zU2-^tZ2. (6.50)

We have seen that MQ = M2, and M, = Mo = P^ xP^ for r 7^ 0 (p. 73). Recall

where {z^, ^i)e U^xP^ and (22, ^2)^ ^iXP^ are identified if ZiZ2= 1 and
fi = ^r^2. To compute dim H\M^,e), we first prove H\CxP\e) = 0.

Proof. Since P Ms a union of Ui and U2, C x P ^ is written as

CxP'=yiuy2, where V, = CxU,, V2 = CxU2,

i.e., '^ = {Vi, V2} forms an open covering of CxP^ by two coordinate
neighbourhoods Vi and V2. Both Vi and V2 are biholomorphic to C^ = C x C,
and Dolbeault's lemma (Theorem 3.3) is valid for C^ regarded as a bidisk
of radius 00. Hence Lemma 5.2 applies to the covering 93, and we obtain

H\C XP\ O) = H\^, S) = ZH«, e)/8C%^, 0).

A 1-cocycle {^12, ^21} belonging to Z^(SS, S) consists of holomorphic vector

fields 612 and ^21 on V^ n V2 with ^12 = -^21, while C^(9S, 0 ) is the set of
all pairs {^1, 62}, where Oi and 62 are holomorphic vector fields respectively
on Vi and V2. Hence, in order to prove //^(9S, 6 ) = 0, it suffices to show
that any 1-cocycle {612, ^21} is represented as 8{62, O2}, i.e.,

Let w be the coordinate on C. Then, in terms of the coordinates (w, Zi) on

y^ = u^ x p \ the holomorphic vector field O12 on V^ n V2 is written in the

Oi2=u(w, z i ) — + u(w, Zi) — ,

dW dZi

where M(W, Zi) and i;(w, Zj) are holomorphic functions on VinV2 =
C X (L^i n L^2) = C xC*. Hence they can be expanded into Laurent series in
+00 +00
W(W, Z i ) = I Wn(w)z", U(W, Z i ) = I l^n(>v)z",
n = —00 n = —00

where the u„(w), v„iw) are entire functions of w. In view of Zi = I/Z2 and
§6.2. Number of Moduli 311

d/dzx = -zl{d/dZ2), if we set

n=0 OW n =0 OZi

+00 •) +00 n
62=1 «_„(w)zs—-1 D_„(w)zrv>
„=1 dW „=i dZ2

then ^1 and O2 are holomorphic vector fields on Vi and V29 respectively,

and satisfy 612 = O2-O1. I

FutWj=UiXP^ and W2 = ^2 xfP^ Then 28 = {\^i, W2} is an open cover-

ing of Mrn, and both W^ and W2 are biholomorphic to C x P ^ Hence
H\ Wu 0 ) = H'( W2, 0 ) = 0. Therefore, by Theorem 3.4, we have

H\M^, e) = H\m, e) = z^ss, e)/8c%m, e).

We represent a 1-cocycle {612, ^21} ^^^(SB, 0 ) by the holomorphic vector
field (9i2 = -^21 on W^ n W2. Then, this 1-cocycle belongs to 5C^SB, 0 ) if
and only if there exist holomorphic vector fields ^1 and 62 respectively on
Wi and W2 such that

^2-01 = ^12. (6.51)

By (2.36) di is written in the form

^i = t^i(^i)/-+(«i(^i)^?+iSi(z0^i + r i ( z O ) - f ,
dZi dL,x

where i^i(zi), ai(zi), ^i(zi), yi(zi) are entire functions of Zi. Similarly, by
(2.37), 62 is written in the form

^^2 dCi

where 1^2(^2)? (^li^i)^ Pii^i), 72(^2) are entire functions of Z2. We write 612
as follows in terms of the coordinates (zi, ^i):

^i2 = t;i2(zi)-^+(ai2(zi)f? + i8i2(^i)^i + ri2(^i))T7r.

Here 1^12(2:1),* «i2(^i)? iSi2(^i), 712(^1) are holomorphic functions of Zi on

U^n 1/2 = C^, hence, are expanded into Laurent series in z,. In terms of
the coordinates (zj, fj) with Zi = l/z2, ^i = z^^2 in place of (z2, ^2), ^2 is
312 6. Theorem of Completeness

written in the form

dZi \ Zi / dii

(see p. 74). Hence the equation (6.51) is reduced to the following system
of equations:

-z^^V2\—j - v^{z^) = Vi2{zi),

zToi2(—]-^\izi) = ai2{zi),

m z i i ; 2 f - ) + i 8 2 ( - j - i 8 i ( z i ) = iSi2(2i),

-i^^ril —) - yi(zi) = yiiizi).

Z\ \Zx}

In ca^e m = 0 or 1, these equations always have a solution. For m^2, let

712(^1) =Z^=-oo ^n^" t)e the Laurent expansion of 712(^1)- Then the above
equations have a solution if and only if c_i = c_2 = • • • = c_^+i = 0. Hence
we obtain
m = 0, 1,
dim H\M^,e) (6.52)
m = 2,3,4,...,

and for m ^ 2 , the 1-cocycles

e,2 = z'2 — eZ\^,e), fc=l,2,...,m-l, (6.53)

form a basis of H\M^, @) ^ H^SB, 6 ) .

Next we shall prove


Proo/ Since we have dim H\M^,@) = dim H\Mrn,^\K)) by (3.157), it

suffices to prove /f^(M^, a ^ i ^ ) ) = 0. Since M^= U^xP'^ U2XP\ P^ =
C u {00}, any (/r e H^{Mm, ^\K)) is written on L/i xC c= [/i xP^ in the form

^ = {g(zu Cx) dz, + /z(z„ ^1) dC,)®{dz, A c/^0,

§6.2. Number of Moduli 313

where g(zi, fi) and h{zi, ^i) are holomorphic functions of Zi and ^j 7^00.
We note that if/ is required to be holomorphic in a neighbourhood of Ui x 00.
Changing the coordinate ^1 to the local coordinate w = l/^i at 00, we obtain

Thus (l/>v^)g(zi, 1/w) and (l/w'*)/i(zi, 1/w) must be holomorphic in w.

Hence g(zi, ^0 = h{zu Ci) = 0, i.e., ip = 0, I

With these preparations, we return to the study of the complex analytic

family defined by (6.50). Since MQ= M2, and M^ = MQ, t9^0, WQ have, by

dim/fHM„€),) = |^' J^^' (6.55)

In order to compute the infinitesimal deformation of M^, we write (6.50) as

Zl =f\2{Z2, ^2, 0, Cl =fUz2, ^2, 0,

where f^izi, Ci, 0 = 1/^2 is independent of t^ and 7^2(^2, ^2, 0 = ^2^2+ ^^2-
The infinitesimal deformation dMJdteH\Mt,%t) is nothing but the
cohomology class of the 1-cocycle

. .,. a/l2(^2, ^2, t) d d

0 Jt) = = Z2 .

For 1-0, Z2{d/d^i) forms a basis of / / ^ M o , BQ) = / / ' ( M 2 , 0 ) by (6.53).

Hence po- To(C)^ H\MO,SO) is surjective. Therefore, by the theorem of
completeness (Theorem 6.1), the family {Mt\teC} is complete at ^ = 0.
Since H^(M2, B) = 0 by (6.54), there exists a family (M, B, m) such that
zjj~\0) = M2 and that poi To{B) ^ H\M2, 0 ) with OeBaC. This is nothing
but our {MjrGC}. For r^^O, H\M,, 0,) = O by (6.55). Hence dMJdt = 0
and the family {MjreC} is complete at any t. Therefore { M J ^ G C } is a
complete complex analytic family.
We can also prove dMJ dt = 0 for r^^O by direct calculation. By (6.50)

= 5 +(2Z2^2+0 , =zl
dZ2 zldz, 'dC, 8^2 dCi
d d ^^ d d
tZ2—=Z2- 2^2 — + ^ ! — .
d(i dZ2 3^2 dZi
314 6. Theorem of Completeness

Therefore, if we put

t \ dZ2 3^2/

6i{t) and ^2(0 are holomorphic vector fields on (7i xP^ and L/2 xP^ respec-
tively, and we have

^12(0 = ^ 2 ( 0 - ^ 1 ( 0 .

Hence, for t^O, the cohomology class dMJdt of the 1-cocycle ^12(0 is 0.
Note that the limit ^i(O) = lim.^o ^i(0, ^2(0) = HnifUo ^2(0 do not exist. This
explains the reason why dMJdt 7^ 0 for t = 0, even though ^12(0 = ^li^/^Cx)
is apparently independent of t.
For the complete family {M^ U e C}, we have dim H\MO, SQ) = 1, and
dim H\Mt, @t) = 0 for r 7^ 0. This implies, by Theorem 6.3, that the number
of moduli m(M2) is not defined. Recall that dim H^{M2, %) = ! (see p. 75).
This example shows that even if H^{M, 0 ) = 0, the number of moduH m(M)
is not necessarily defined in case H^{M, 6 ) 7^ 0.
The complete family {Mt\teC} contains all sufficiently small deforma-
tions of M2 = ^0 (P- 228). Therefore for the study of small deformations
of M2, it suffices to investigate {M, | r e C}. For r 7^ 0, M, = MQ = P^ x P \ so
Mt "jumps" from M2 to MQ at the moment t moves away from 0, and M^
does not change as far as ^ 7^ 0. This suggests that the number of parameters
for M2 is not 0, but "almost" 0. The existence of such examples as M2
above is one of the reasons why we do not define m(M) if there exists no
effectively parametrized complete family {M, B,m) with tt7~^(0) = M.
Let {Jt, B,xu) be a complex analytic (or differentiable) family and let
Mt = m~\t). Suppose that H^MfO^ 0^0) = 0 at some point t^eB. Then, by
the Frolicher-Nijenhuis theorem (Theorem 4.5), Mt = M^o for all t
sufficiently near t^. In other words, the complex structure of M^o does not
vary by a small change of the parameter t. But for a large deviation of t
from t^, Mt is not necessarily biholomorphic to Mt. The above-mentioned
family { M J ^ G C } gives such an example. Namely, if we take ^ ^ = 1 , then
M, = P'xP\ H\M,,e,) = 0,but Mo=M2^M,.

§6.3. Later Developments

We have explained above how the theory of deformations of compact

complex manifolds developed till about 1960. We observed the phenomenon
that for several compact complex manifolds M, their number of moduli
m{M) coincides with dim H\M,S), and conjectured that the equality
m(M) = dim H^(M, B) might hold for any compact complex manifolds.
Considering this as a working hypothesis, we developed the theory of
§6.3. Later Developments 315

deformations and proved that the conjecture is true if H^{M, 0 ) =

//^(M, (2)) = 0 (Theorem 6.4). However, with many examples, we find that
H^(M, S) 9^ 0. For example, as in (b) of the previous section, H^(M, 0 ) ?^ 0
for a non-singular surface M of degree at least 6 in P^. In spite of this, the
equality m(M) = dim if ^(M, O) holds for these surfaces. At that time we
could find no example of M for which m{M) 9^ dim H\M, 6 ) . In order to
explain this strange phenomenon, we thought that we need to generalize
the theorem of existence (Theorem 5.6) to the case H^{M, 0 ) 9^ 0. As stated
earlier (p. 259), there exists an M with 0e H\M, 6 ) such that [0, e]9^0.
Therefore, in general, there does not exist, for a given M, a complex analytic
family (Jt, B, m) satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 5.6. But
at that time—about 1958—we could not understand at all what should be
the conditions for the complex analytic family that we must seek. We did
not know what is to be proved to exist. H. Grauert, who was working very
energetically on several complex variables, agreed with us that this was a
difficult problem.
The theorem of existence for general case was proved by M. Kuranishi
in 1961 ([22]). We will explain the outline of his theory below.
We first recall the equality (5.105):

if^'^(T) = H'''^(r)en^^'^(r), T=T{M).

Substituting H^'^ (T) 0 D if^'^ (T) for if^'^(r) in the right-hand side, we
obtain, in view of H^'^(r) = 0,

if''^(r) = H''^(r)enn^''^(T). (6.56)

Hence any ijf in ^^'^(T) is written in the form

Since H^'^(T) and nif^'^(T) are orthogonal to each other, 77 and (p are
determined uniquely by if/. Writing Hif/ for rj and Gif/ for (p, we obtain

^ = Hijj + nGip, HiljeH'''''(T), GilfeD^'^'^T). (6.57)

Note that H: if/^ Hif/ and G: il/-^ Gip are linear operators. We call Hijj the
harmonic part of J/^, and G the Green operator. The Green operator that
was introduced in §5.3(c) is a special case of this one. Since we have
H^ijj = 0, it follows by (6.57) that ^(A = D Gdijj. On the other hand, applying
'd to both sides of (6.57), we obtain

dijj = dUGilf = dbdGil/ = UdGiff

316 6. Theorem of Completeness

because D =ab + ba. Hence we obtain

Gd = dG. (6.58)

For this G, we have the following estimate similar to (5.111):

|G^U^«^c^|(AU-2+«, ilfe^'-'iT), k^l, (6.59)

where c^ is a constant independent of ifj.

Let {^u . . . , /3^} be a basis of H^'^T) and put

We shall determine a power series

j^lH Hi/^^2

in ? i , . . . , ^m, hy requiring the condition

<p{t) = cpM-^hhGi^{t),ip{t)-\. (6.60)

Writing (/?(0 = <Pi( 0^X7=2 <P,.(0, where <p^(0 is a homogeneous polynomial

of degree i^ in t^,..., t^^, (6.60) is equivalent to

<Pu(t)=-\ hG[<p^{t),cp^^^it)l ^= 2,3,....

^ At = i

Hence ^ ( 0 is uniquely determined by the condition (6.60). By the same

method as in §5.3(c), we can prove that (p{t) converges with respect to the
Holder norm | \k+a for t with |^|<e, provided e > 0 is sufficiently small,
and that (p{t) is C°° on M x A „ where ^,={teC'^\\t\<e}.

Lemma 6.3. Suppose e>0 is sufficiently small and |^| < e. Then (p(t) in (6.60)
satisfies the integrability condition (5.86):

~d<p{t) = \i(p{t),(p{t)'\

if and only if
H [ ( p ( 0 , ^ ( 0 ] = 0.

Proof. For simplicity we put (p = (p{t). Since Ha = 0, the equality 5^ = i[^, <p]
impHes H[<p, <p] = 0.
§6.3. Later Developments 317

Conversely, suppose that H[(p,(p] = 0, and put il^=^(p, (p] — d(p. Since
d(pi{t) = 0, applying d to both sides of (6.60), we obtain


Since H[(p, (p] = 0, [<p, (p] = nG[(p, cp] by (6.57). Therefore, since dG=Gd
by (6.58), it follows

iA = K n -dt>)G[(p, (p] = \t>dG[(p, (p] = ^hGd[(p, (PI

Using (5.88) and (5.87), we obtain

d[(p, cp] = 2[d(p, cp] = [[(p, (p\ (p'] - 2[(/^, (p\

while [[(p, <p], ^ ] = 0 by (5.89), hence

> = -bG[iA, (;p].

By (5.118), (5.119), and (6.59)


If e is sufficiently small and if |^|<e, then KiK2C^\(p{t)\k+cx<\' Hence

I'Alfc+a <\\^\k+cx, and (/^ = 0. Thus we obtain ^cp =^(p, (p\ I

Let { r i , . . . , 7/}, / = dim //^(M, 6 ) , be an orthonormal basis of H^'^( T).

Then we can write

H[cp{t),ip{t)^= i {[cp{t),^{t)ly^)y^.

Put fk{t) = ([(P(OJ <^(0]J 7k)- Then the /^(O are holomorphic functions of
t. By»Lemma 6.3, <^(r) satisfies the integrability condition if and only if
fi{t) = ' ' ' =fiit) = 0. Therefore, if we set

B = {teA^\Mt) = "'=fM = 0},

then B is an analytic subset of A (p. 33), and, by the Newlander-Nirenberg

theorem (Theorem 5.5), (p{t), for each teA, defines a complex structure
Mt on the differentiable manifold M. In this way, we obtain a ''complex
318 6. Theorem of Completeness

analytic family" {Mt\teB} of deformations of M. But, note that in this

case B may have singularities so that we must suitably generalize the
definition of "complex analytic family". Furthermore, the family {M^ \te B}
can be proved to be complete in a sense similar to Definition 5.3 ([22]),
but the proof is rather difficult.

Theorem 6.5 (Theorem of Existence). For any compact complex manifold M,

there exists a complete complex analytic family {Mt\te B}, 0 G J5 c: A^ with
Mo = M.

The above family {Mt\teB} is called the Kuranishi family. Here B is

an analytic subset of A^ defined by / holomorphic equations / i ( 0 = * * ' =
fi(t) = 0, where dim ^, = m = dim H\M, 6 ) , and / = dim H\M, O ) . Hence,
we have

dim B ^ dim H\M, S) - dim H\M, 0). (6.61)

From this inequality, it follows that

m{M) ^ dim H\M, B ) - dim H\M, 6), (6.62)

provided m(M) is defined.

If H^{M, 0 ) = 0, Theorem 6.5 is reduced to Theorem 5.6, herice Theorem
6.5 is an extension of Theorem 5.6. But, if we take the view-point of trying
to explain the phenomenon that the equality m{M) = dim H\M,S) holds
for various examples of M, then Theorem 6.5 is quite different in nature
from Theorem 5.6. For example, let M be a non-singular surface of degree
h in P\ Then, by (6.47)

dim H\M, 0 ) - d i m H\M, 0 ) = —(/z^-18^1 + 41).

Hence the left-hand side is negative when / i ^ 16, and in these cases the
inequalities (6.61) and (6.62) are trivial. Thus in case dimf/^(M, 0 ) ^
dim /f ^(M, 0 ) , Theorem 6.5 is an existence theorem for its own sake, and
gives us no information about the family {Mt\te B} except that it is com-
plete. In particular. Theorem 6.5 is ineffective in explaining that m{M)
coincides with dim H\M, 0 ) for various M. Nevertheless, it is obvious that
Theorem 6.5 is of fundamental importance in the theory of deformations of
complex structures. This reflects a fundamental difference between mathe-
matics and physics. In physics, if a theory is developed for the purpose of
explaining certain phenomenon and fails to do so, then that theory must
be useless.
Even with Theorem 6.5 in hand, we could not prove our conjecture
m(M) = dim/f^(M, 0 ) , so we suspected that there might exist counter-
§6.3. Later Developments 319

examples to our conjecture. In search of such counterexamples, we calcu-

lated m(M) and dim H\M, 6 ) for various algebraic surfaces. We believed
that algebraic surfaces were relatively easy to handle, but calculating m{M)
and dim H\M, S) was difficult in most cases. Furthermore, to our surprise,
d i m / / ^ ( M , 0 ) was much more difficult to calculate than m{M). The
dimension of H\M,S) is determined only by M itself, while, in order to
calculate m(M), we must know an effectively parametrized complete com-
plex analytic family (M,B,m) with m~\0) = M. So we supposed that
dim H^(M, 6 ) would be easier to calculate than m{M), but it turned out
to be the contrary. For many examples of M, while m{M) was calculated,
we could not find dim H\M,S). Still, when we got both of m(M) and
dim H\M, ©), we found that miM) = dim H\M, 0 ) holds.
In 1962, D. Mumford constructed a counterexample to this conjecture
([25]). His example is a 3-dimensional complex manifold M = iJidP^)
obtained from P^ by a monoidal transformation fjuc whose centre is a certain
curve C c: p^ of genus 24 and degree 14.
Because Mumford's construction cannot be applied to the case of sur-
faces, we hoped that the conjecture might be true for surfaces, i.e. for
2-dimensional compact complex manifolds. However, in 1967, A. Kas found
a 2-dimensional counterexample. A surface M^ is called an elliptic surface
if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) There exists a holomorphic
map <l>: M ^ ^ A of M onto an algebraic curve, i.e., a compact Riemann
surface A. (ii) For a point w G A, the inverse image C„ = <^~\u) is an elliptic
curve except for a finite number of points M = ^ i , . . . , a^. (For details on
elliptic surfaces, see [15].) For a general elliptic surface M^, the equality
m{M) = dim H\M, 0 ) holds, while, for any pair of natural numbers k and
g satisfying g>24/c —2, Kas constructed an elliptic surface M^ with

m(M^) = 3A: + 4 g - 3 ,

d i m f / H M ^ 0 ) = llA: + 4 g - 3

([13]). As to this elliptic surface M^, A = <I>(M^) is a curve of genus g, and

there exist 2k points a^, A = 1 , 2 , . . . , 2A:, on A such that, for uiA a^, C = C^
is a fixed elliptic curve not depending on u. Thus M^ is a certain special
elliptic surface with rather simple structure.
In this way, the conjecture m{M) = dim H\M, 0 ) ultimately turned out
to be false. However, because of the facts that this conjecture played an
important role as a working hypothesis in the development of the theory
of deformations and that it was quite difficult to find counterexamples, and
so on, we supposed that those M for which m ( M ) < dim H\M, 0 ) holds
might have some special structure, and that for general M, m(M) would
coincide with dim H\M, 0 ) even if H^{M, 0 ) 9^ 0. But we could not succeed
in finding a simple and useful criterion for the equality m{M) =
dim H\M,e).
Chapter 7

Theorem of Stability

In this chapter we give proofs of Theorem 4.1, Theorem 4.4, Lemma 4.1,
and other results used in the previous chapters. The proofs depend on the
theory of differentiable families of strongly elliptic differential operators.

§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic

Differential Operators

(a) Strongly Elliptic Partial Differential Operators

Let X be a compact differentiable manifold and { Uj} a sufficiently fine open

covering of X where each Uj is a coordinate neighbourhood. Let Xj. x-^ Xj =
( x j , . . . , xJ) be a system of C°° local coordinates of X defined on some
domain containing [Uj]. We assume that X is oriented and that its orienta-
tion is determined by the coordinate system {Xj}. Let B be a complex vector
bundle over X, TT its projection, and ( f ] , . . . , ^/) the fibre coordinates of
B defined over some domain containing [Uj]. If we let bj^ix) = {bjk^(x)}
be a system of transition functions of B, then 7r~\Uj)= UjXC, and the
points (x, Cl..., ^;) G Uj x C " and (x, ^L . . . , Ck) eUkXC" are the same
point on B if and only if ij=Y,^ ^^v^fc-
A C°° section il/ of B over X is represented on each Uj by a vector-valued
C^ function iff = IIJJ{X) = {if/jix),..., IIJJ(X)), where lAt = Z ^ b^k^^'j^ holds
on Ujn Uk9^ 0 . Let L(B) be the vector space of all C°° sections ip of B over
X, and E a linear partial differential operator of L{B) into itself. Namely,
E: if/-^ Eij/ is a linear map of L(B) into itself such that we can write, on
each Uj,

(Eik)^{x) = i Elix, Dj)^f{x), A = 1,..., K (7.1)

Here Ej^(x,Dj) is a polynomial of Dj^=d/dxf,a = l,...,n, whose

coefficients are C°° functions of x:
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 321

We express Ej^{x, Dj) as a sum of homogeneous polynomials Ef^{x, Dj)

of degree / in Dj^, a = 1 , . . . , n. Then (7.1) is written as
m u
iE,p)fix) = 1 1 £j^(x, Dj)il,f{x), A = 1,..., K (7.2)
/ = 0 fx = l

Here we may assume that at least one of EfJ^{x, Dj) is not identically zero.
If so, m is called the order of E. In what follows, we assume that the order
of E is even.
Let gacfi be a C°° symmetric covariant tensor field of rank 2 on X
(p. 106). On each Uj, g«^ is represented as

Z gjap(x)dxf dxf, where dx^ dxf =\{dxf®dxf-hdxf®dxp,

and the gjapM = gjpaM are real C°° functions on Uj. If the corresponding
quadratic form Z«,^ g7«/3(^)^"f^ in real variables ^^ . . . , f" is positive
definite at each point xeX, then X« ^ gjap M dxf dxf is called a Riemannian
metric on X In this case, if we set gj = gj(x) = det(gj«^(x))«^^^i... „, we have
gj(x)>0, and

V g / ( x ) J x j A • • • A dXj =\/gkix) dxi A • • • A JXfc

on Ujn Uj^T^ 0 . For simplicity, we use the following notation:

Vg dX = Jgj dXj = ^/gj(x) dx]A"'A dxj.

Then Vg J X is a C°° n-form on X, and vgy(x) > 0. Hence v g J X is a volume

element of X which is invariant under coordinate change.
Now we shall introduce an inner product on L(B). For this, we assume
that X has a Riemannian metric Y.l,p=i gjafiM dxj dxj_, and that, on the
vector bundle B, a Hermitian metric Zl,^=.i ^jAfiMCj^j" is defined on the
fibres. For any lA, ^ e L(B), we define their inner product by

X aj,^ix)4>Hx)<pf{x)^dX. (7.3)

We denote by \\^|/\\=^/(^|J, ifj) the norm of IIJ.

Definition 7.1. Let £ be a linear partial differential operator. If, for any
(p,il/eL(B), the equality

{Eip, (p) = (il/, Ecp)

holds, then E is said to be formally self-adjoint.

322 7. Theorem of Stability

If E is formally self-adjoint, then as is easily verified by integrating by

part, we have the following equality.

Z aj^^{x)E^,-ix,Dj)= I a,,^{x)El%x,Dj). (7.4)

In the sequel, E is not necessarily assumed to be self-adjoint, but we always

assume that the equality (7.4) holds for E.
Consider the polynomials E'P^ix, ^j) in ^ ^ i , . . . , ^j„ which are obtained
from £j^"(x, Dj) by replacing Dj^ =d/dxj by the real variables ^„ = ^^^. We
regard ^« as the components of a covariant vector ^ E T J ( X ) at X G X Put

AU4c<)=(-i)""' I v^W£,r(x, f,)^;^;.

Then, by (7.4), Aj{x, ^j, {,) is a Hermitianform in ^ ] , . . . , ^/. Since E^A ^ ^ ( ^ )
for any if/e L(B), we have, on L/^ n Uk^0,



Therefore, we have, on UjO 17^7^ 0 ,

Hence, suppressing the subscript j , we may simply write

A{x,^,n = Aj(x,^j,Q. (7.5)

Let (g"^(x))«^^ =.!...„ be the inverse of the matrix (gai3{x))a,i3=i,...,n. We define

the length of a covariant vector ^e r J ( X ) by |f| = V Z l ^ ^ g ^ ^ W ^ .

Definition 7.2. A linear partial differential operator E of even order m is

said to be strongly elliptic if there exists a constant 5 > 0 such that, for any
xeX, ^e r * ( X ) , and f e B^, the following inequality

A(x,^,a^d'\^r Z aj.^ix)^}^,^ (7.6)


In the rest of this section, we assume that E is a strongly elliptic, formally

self-adjoint linear partial differential operator.
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 323

Let F be the linear subspace of L(B) consisting of all solutions of Eif/ = 0.

It is known that ¥ = {il/e L{B)\ Eij/ = 0} is of finite dimension (for the proof,
see Theorem 7.3 in the Appendix). Moreover, L{B) is decomposed as
follows into the direct sum of the subspaces orthogonal to each other:

L{B) = ¥@EL(B) (1.1)

(Corollary to Theorem 7.4 in the Appendix). We denote by F the orthogonal

projection of L{B) into F. Then there exists a linear map G of L(B) to
EL(B) such that, for any il/eL(B),

EGij/ = GEIIJ = IIJ-FII/ (7.8)

(Theorem 7.4 in the Appendix). The linear map G is called the Green
Let A G C be a complex number. If there exists ee L{B) with e9^0 such
that Ee = Xe, then we call A an eigenvalue of E and e an eigenfunction of
E. From the assumption that E is formally self-adjoint, it immediately
follows that all the eigenvalues of E are real. As regards the eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of E, the following theorem is of fundamental

Theorem 7.1. We can choose eigenfunctions e^ e L{B) of E with Ech = XhCh,

/i = 1, 2 , . . . , satisfying the following conditions:
(i) {ei, e2,..., Ch,...} form a complete orthonormal system of L(B).
Namely, (Ch, e^) = 6^,^, and any if/e L{B) is expanded into the series


'/'= E {^,eh)e, (7.9)

h= l

which converges with respect to the norm \\ ||.

(ii) A i ^ A 2 ^ - • - ^ A ^ ^ - • • , and Xh^-^^ih-^-^00).
Proof of Theorem 7.1 will be given in the Appendix, §7(b).
Since (Eij/, Ch) = ((A? ^^H) = ^h(^, ^h), we have

Eilj= I A,((A,e,)e,. (7.10)


Suppose that • • • ^ A^ < A^+i = Xq+2 = - • • = A^ = 0 < A^+i ^ • • • . Then

{Cq+i,..., Cp} form an orthonormal basis of F. Therefore, we have

F^= I i^,e,)e,. (7.11)

324 7. Theorem of Stability

As for the Green operator, we have

GilJ= I -^(^,e,,)e,. (7.12)

In fact, since Gif/ e EL(B), we have FGif/ = 0. Therefore

G(A= I {Gil/,eh)eh.

On the other hand, since EGil/ = ij/- Fif/ by (7.8), we have

Hence we obtain (Gi//, e^) = (l/Xh)(^, ^h), and (7.12) is proved.

(b) Differentiable Family of Partial Differential Operators

In this subsection, we consider a family of partial differential operators Et

acting on L{Bt), where Bt is a complex vector bundle over X depending
on the parameter t. We suppose that the parameter t moves in a small
domain A of R^. We first define the notion of a family {Bj ^ G A} of complex
vector bundles over X being differentiable in t
Let ^ be a complex vector bundle over X x A and TT: ^ ^ X x A its
projection. Then for each r G A, B, = 7r~^{X x r) is a complex vector bundle
on X = X xt.

Definition 7.3. A family { B J ^ e A} of complex vector bundles Bf over X

obtained as above from a complex vector bundle B over X x A is called a
differentiable family of complex vector bundles over X.

Since we only consider the case in which A is sufficiently small, choosing

an open covering { Uj} by sufficiently small coordinate neighbourhoods Uj,
we may assume
7r-H^-) = C ^ x ^ . x A .

The points ({y, x, r) e C x ^- x A and ( 4 , x,t)eC'' xUkX^ are the same

point of ^ if and only if

^j= i h%^{x,t)CL (7.13)

/x = l

where bjk^(x, t) is a C°° function on (L/^ n L4) x A. For each member Bt of

the differentiable family {JBJ ^ e A}, we use ibjj^^(x, t)) as transition functions.
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Opbrators 325

We also use the fibre coordinates ( ^ j , . . . , (J) of^ as those of each Bf. These
fibre coordinates on Bt are called admissible fibre coordinates of Bf. F8r
example, if we say that a C°° section i/^^ e L(Bt) of Bt is represented bj^ a
vector-valued C°° function on Uj as

(A,(X) = ( ( A ! , ( X ) , . . . , ( A O W ) , (7.14)

we always suppose that ((/rjy(x),..., il/yix)) are the admissible fibre coordin-
ates of il/t{x)e Bt. Hence, on Ujn U^T^ 0 , we have

^tj(x)= i bf^^{x,t)ilj'tk{x). (7.15)

Definition 7.4. Suppose we are given a C°° section (/r^ e L{Bt) of Bt for each
re A. If each admissible fibre coordinate «A^(jc) of i/^^x) is a C°° function
of (x, 0, then if/t is said to be C°° differentiable in t.

Put (Aj'(^, 0 = ^?,(A:). Then, by (7.15)

hence, ^: (x, t)->^j{x, t) = {IIJ]{X, t),..., il/J(x, t)) is a section of ^ over

X x A , and each ij/t is the restriction of^ ip to X xt: il/t = ^\xxf In other
words, to say that the if/t e L{Bt) are C°° differentiable in t is equivalent to
that each if/t is the restriction to X x r of a C°° section if/ of ^ over X x A.

Definition 7.5. Suppose we are given a linear operator A^: L{Bt) -> L(B^) for
each re A. If A,(/^f is C°° differentiable in r whenever [fjt^L{Bt) is C°°
differentiable in r, then A^ is called C°° differentiable in r, and the family
{ A J ^ G A} is called a differentiable family of linear operators.

Suppose that a linear differentiable operator £,: L{Bt)-^ L{Bt) is given

for each r e A. By (7.1), for arbitrary (/^, G L{Bt), we have

iEtilft)fM = i El(x, t, D,)eA^(x). (7.16)

Put 1^7 (x, t) = il/^j{x), (pj(x, t) = (p^j{x) where (Pt = Et^t- Then (7.16) is written
in the form

9t(x,o= i £j;.(x,r,D,)^;(x,o.
The C°° differentiability of Et in r means that, if the iff'^ix, t), IJL = \, ..., v
arc C°° functions of (x, t), then the <Pj (x, 0 , A = 1 , . . . , ^, are also C°°
326 7. Theorem of Stability

functions of (x, t). Therefore, E^ is C°° differentiable in t if and only if the

coefficients of the polynomials Ej^{x, t, Dj) in Dj^,..., Dj^, A, /x = 1 , . . . , i^, are
all C°^ functions of (x, t).
Assume that a Hermitian metric on the fibre Tal^=i ^jx/ii^, t)^j^f is given
on ^ . Then we define the inner product of if/t, (Pt ^ L{Bt) by

i^t,(pt)t = I aj,4x,t)ilj^j{x)<p^jix)/^dX. (7.17)

X A,)u,

It is important to note that the aj^^iix, t) are C^ functions of {x, t). Hereafter,
when we say a linear differential operator E^ on L{Bt) is formally self-adjoint
or strongly elliptic, it is so with respect to the inner product ( , )t defined by
Suppose we are given a differentiable family {Et\teL} of formally
self-adjoint strongly elliptic linear partial differential operators E^ on L{Bt).
By virtue of Theorem 7.1, we determine, for each Et, the eigenvalues kh{t),
and eigenfunctions Cth e L{Bt) with EfCth = Xh{t)eth satisfying the following
(i) {eth\h = 1,2,...} form a complete orthonormal system of L(Bt).
(ii) A i ( 0 ^ - • • ^ A / ( 0 ^ - • •, and Xhit)-^oo (h^oo).
Let ¥t = {il/e L(Bt)\Etijj = 0}, and let F^ be the orthogonal projection of
L(5,) toF,. Then by (7.11),

Ft^= Z (^,eth)eth, ipeL{B,).


In this section we shall prove the following three theorems ([21]).

Theorem 7.2. kh{t) is a continuous function ofteA.

Theorem 7.3. dim F, is upper-semicontinuous in ^ G A.

Theorem 7.4. If dim F, 15 independent ofteA, then Ft is C°° differentiable in


Note that Xh{t) is not necessarily differentiable in t. This c a n b e seen,

for example, by the matrix (} {) whose eigenvalues Ai(0 = 1+V^ A2(0 =
are not differentiable at ^ = 0.
We give below proofs of Theorems 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Obviously we may
assume that the domain A is a multi-interval:

A^={teU^\-s<t^<s,K = l,..., N}, e>0.

Furthermore, if necessary, we may replace Ag by a smaller A^, with 0<e' <e,

and prove the theorems for A = A^.
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 327

Recall that each vector bundle Bt in a differentiable family {Bt\teA^}

is the restriction to X x ^ of the vector bundle ^ over X xA^: Bt = ^\xxt =
7T~^{X X t), where TT is the projection of ^ . On the other hand, it is obvious
that Bo X Ag is a vector bundle over X x A^.

Lemma 7.1. The vector bundle ^ over X x A^ is C°° equivalent to the vector
bundle BQXA^.

Proof. Let TTQ: BQXA^-^X XA^ be the projection of BoXA^. We want to

construct a diffeomorphism ^ of the JBQ x A^ onto ^ which maps each fibre
7ro\x, t) linearly onto 7r~\x, t). For this, we apply a method similar to the
proof of Theorem 2.4 (pp. 64-66).
Let {Uj} be the finite covering of X as mentioned above, and put

% = 7r-\Uj XAJ = C" X UjXA,.

Then ^ = U j %, where ({,, x, 0 G % and (^fc, x, t) e ^ ^ are the same point

on ^ if and only if


(1°) The case N = 1. We denote by (d/dti)^ the vector field d/dt^ on ^fc.
Let {pfc(x)} be a partition of unity subordinate to the covering {L4}. Then

v = lPk(x)l —)
k \dti/k

is a C°° vector field on m. On % n^j,9^0, we have

In view of CZ = 1^ Kj^(x, ^i)^f, if we set

vfM h) = I P.(x) I ^^^^-/^^- ''^ bZjAx, t,\

k o- oil

then t^jju,(x, ^i) is a C°° function on t/j x A^, and we have

- p i U ' , ) & ! : + ( £ CIS)

on %;. Note that (7.18) is similar to (2.25) except that here the coefficients
1^ < ( x , t,)C^ of d/d^}. are linear in ij, ...,CJ.
328 7. Theorem of Stability

Consider the simultaneous ordinary differential equations for v:

^ = i vlix,t,)cr, A = l,...,n,


For each point (^o> x, 0) of Bo= 7r"'(X xO), we consider the initial condi-
[^'(0) = ^o,, A = l,...,n,

|<.(0) = 0,
and let
\0it) = cH^oj,x,t), \ = i,...,p,

be the solutions of (7.19) satisfying these initial conditions. Then

^I': U^j, X, t) -* Uj,x, /,) = UjUoj, X, t), X, t)

is a diffeomorphism of BQXA^ onto ^ . Since the equations (7.19) are linear

in Cj, • • •, ^j, the solutions i^Uoj, x, t)

Hence ^ maps each fibre TTOH^, 0 of ^o^-^e linearly onto 7r~^{x, t).
(2°) General case. We can prove the general case by induction on TV
just as in the proof of Theorem 2.4. I

The diffeomorphism ^ : BoXA^^ ^ is written on each 7TO\UJ X A ^ ) as

^ : Uoj.x, t)^Uj,x, t), Cj=lfjM t)ar

In other words, ^ is a vector bundle obtained from BQ x A^ by the change

of coordinates {^oj, • • •, Coj) ^ (^j, • • •, ^/)- Therefore ^ is the same vector
bundle as BQxA^, and each Bt in the differentiable family {Bt\te A} is the
same as BQ. Consequently, we may assume that the Bt = B are one and the
same vector bundle independent of t, and consider a differentiable family
{Et\te^} of partial differential operators Et on L(B).
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 329

The Hermitian metric on the fibre Y^x^ ^j\fi(^, ^)C^^f of the vector bundle
^ = B X Ag over X x A^ depends in general on t. Therefore the inner product
given by (7.17):

(^, <p)t=\ I a,,^{x, t)^]{x)ipf{x)J~g dX, il;,cpe L{B)

J X \,fJL

also depends on t. Assume that each E^ of the differentiable family {Et | ^ e A}

is a strongly elliptic linear partial differential operator of even order m. Then,
if we write Et in the form

(Etilj)f(x)=l Z Elix,t,Dj)iljr(x),

then the equality (7.4):

I aj^^{x,t)EJl-{x,t,Dj)= I aj,^(x,t)ET^-{x,t,Dj)
o-=l o-=l

holds, and if we put


the inequality (7.6):

A(x, t, i, a ^ 8'\ir I a.^ix, o^'r, 5> 0, (7.20)

holds. Restricting the domain of t to A = Ag' with e ' < e , so that [A]c: A^,
we may assume that 8 is a constant independent of t.
We put Dj^ = d/dxj as before. We let D] denote an arbitrary differential
of rank /:

We define the norm ||jA||fc, /c = 0, 1 , . . . , of i/^G L{B) by

\l = 0 j Dj J Uj ^ I

where the summation X^' is taken over all partial differentials D] of rank
/. The norm \^\k is equivalent to the Sobolev norm given by (3.7) in the
Appendix. Namely, if we denote the Sobolev norm by || ||/f^\ then, by
Proposition 1.2 in the Appendix, there is a constant K > 1 depending only
330 7. Theorem of Stability

on k such that

In particular, for A: = 0, we have

0=1 [ II<A;(XW dXj,

j J Uj A

while as for the norm \\if/\\t = ^{if/, i(/)t, we have

II<Ali? = I I aj,^{x, t)4.^{x)4>f{x)/g dX.

J X A,/x

Therefore there is a constant Ko> \ independent of ^e A such that

I.^Koll^llo and Mo^KoM, (7.21)

Lemma 7.2 (Sobolev's Inequality). For any integer / ^ O , and any natural
number k>n/2 with n = dimX, there exists a constant c^i such that the

\D]il,^{x)\^Cu,M\k^u il^eL(B) (7.22)


Proof. See (3.33) in the Appendix. I

Lemma 7.3 (Friedrichs' Inequality ([6]). Let k be a non-negative integer.

Then there exists a constant c^ independent of t such that the inequality

(UU^J'^Cj^QEMll^Ml). il^eL(B) (7.23),


Proof Since {Et 11 e A^} is a differentiable family of strongly elliptic operators

and since [A]c: A^, by Theorem 4.1 in the Appendix, there is a constant Q
such that

(UU^^r^C^(\\EM\l-^Ml), ^eL{B). (7.24)

If k<h, then ||i/^||fc= ||tAlU ^Y definition. Using this fact, (7.23), is easily
deduced as follows from (7.24) by induction on k. First, (7.23)o is nothing
but (7.24) for /c = 0. We suppose that (7.23),_! is already proved and prove
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 331

(7.23)fc. By (7.24)

while by (7.23)fc-i

Since HEfiAUfc^ig ||£,</'||fc, we get

(Uh^J'sail + c.KWEMi+Ml)-
Hence, putting c^ = Cfc(cfc_i + 1), we obtain (7.23)^. I

Theorem 7.5. Assume that Et'. L{B) -» L{B) is bijective for each teA. If there
exists a constant c>0 independent of te^, such that, for any if/e L(B)

\\E,il,\\o^cMo, (7.25)

then E~^^ is C°° differentiable in ^G A.

Proof First we extend Definition 7.4, and define the notion that il/tE L(B)
is C^ differentiable in ^G A. On each Uj, we represent if/t as

ilj, = {ilj]{x,t),.,,,iljj(x,t))

in terms of the fibre coordinates. If the D]IIJJ(X, t), A = 1 , . . . , ^, are C

functions of (x, t) for any Dj, then t/^^ G L{B) is called C^ differentiable in
^GA. Furthermore, a linear operator At'. L(B)-^ L{B) is said to be C^
differentiable in t, if, for any I/^^G L(B), C ^ differentiable in t, Kt^t is also
C^ differentiable in t.
In order to show that E~^^ is C°° differentiable in r, it suffices to prove
that £7^ is C^ differentiable in t for each r = 0, 1, 2,
By hypothesis, we have, for t e A,

||iA||o^-||£.^||o^-||^.^IU, iljeL(B),
c c
Hence by (7.23)^

where Ck = c]/^(\-\rl/c) is a constant independent of ^ G A and if/. On the

other hand, by Sobolev's inequality, we have for k-\-m — l> n/2,

332 7. Theorem of Stability

Hence, for k> l — m + n/l, the inequality

|DJiA,'(x)|^4,,||£,(AlU (7.26)

holds for any if/e L(B), where Ck,i= c'j^ * Ck+m-ij is a constant independent
of t.
We prove, by induction on r, that, if ^^ G L(B) is C^ difierentiable in t,
so is ilJt = EJ^(pt.
(1°) The case r = 0. By hypothesis (pt = Etil/t is C^ difierentiable, i.e.,
continuous in re A. We need to prove that for any Dj, D]il/j{x,t) is
continuous in (jc, t). Since Djipfix, t) is continuous in x, it suffices to show
that, for any 5 G A, D]ip^{x, t) converges to D]II/J(X, S) uniformly in XG UJ
as t-^ s. For given /, we choose k with k> l—m-\-n/2 once for all and put
c' = c'kj. Then, by (7.26)


= c'||(p,-9,|U + c1|£,(A.-£AlU. (7.27)

On the other hand
\<P,-<Ps\\l=ll \D^jcp^(x,t)-D^j<p)(x,s)\'dXj,

where the second X designates the summation over j , D] and A. By

hypothesis D](p^{x, t) is continuous in (x, t). Hence \^(pt-(ps\\k-^^{t-^s).
For fixed s,
m V
(£,^j;(x)=I I £jt(^, r, D,).//S.(x)

is a C°° function of (x, 0 because, in the right-hand side, the

Dj\ ' • • Dj'}iil/^j{x) are C°° functions of x, and their coefficients are C°°
functions of (x, 0- Hence \\Etilj,-E,ilj,\\k-^0 (t-^ s). Therefore, by (7.27),
as t-> s, we have D]II/J(X, t) -^ D]{1/J(X, S) uniformly in x G UJ.
(2°) The case r = 1. Put (pt = Etij/f We must show that if cpt is C^ differenti-
able in t, so is i/jf We denote by ( f i , . . . , ^TV) the coordinates of r G R^. Since
by hypothesis cpt is C^ difierentiable in t, each component (pf{x, t) of
<^f = (<pj(^, 0 , • • • 5 <pj'(^? 0 ) and its derivatives D](p^{x,t) are all con-
tinuously difierentiable in x ^ , . . . , x", ti,..., tj^. Define the derivative of cpt
with respect to t^ by
dip,^ /dcp'jjx, t) d(pj(x, t)\

It is obvious that dcpt/dt^ G L(B).

§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 333

Suppose il/t is proved to be C^ differentiable in f G A. Then, differentiating

the equation (pt = Etif/t with respect t^, we get

— = Et 1- — il/t,



where dEJdt^ is the partial differential operator obtained from Et by

differentiating with respect to t^ the coefficients of Ef^{x, t, Dj) as poly-
nomials of Dja, a = 1 , . . . , m. Namely, for any ij/e L(B),

( riE \^ ^ fi

T7<A ( x ) = I l—E'^^ix, t, Dj)^f{x). (7.29)

We let rj^t denote the right-hand side of (7.28):

By hypothesis d(pt/dt^ is continuous in teA. Since cpt is continuous in

re A, 4ft = E~^^(pt is continuous in r by (1°). Hence r]^t is continuous in t,
that is, for any D], D]T)^^J{X, t) is a continuous function of (x, t). Hence, in
order to prove that (/^^ is C ^ differentiable in t, it suffices to prove that, for
any DJ, Djij/jix, t) is differentiable in r^, K = 1 , . . . , N, and that

That is, putting

t + h = {ti,..., r^_i, t^ + h, t^+u • • •, ^iv),

we need to prove

lim^(DJ(A'(x, f + / i ) - D > ' ( x , 0 ) - i ^ j ^ K A 0 = 0.

For this, by (7.26), it suffices to show

lim uB,+4 -ri^t^-h - ^t) - VKI I = 0. (7.31)

^^o|| \h I
334 7. Theorem of Stability

Using the equalities Et+h^t+h = (Pt-^h, E,ilj, = <p,, and EtV.t = (d(pt/dt,)-
{dEt/dt^)ifjt, we obtain by simple calculation

-r+f,(-(<Ar+ft - ^t) ~ VKA =-((Pt+h - <Pt) •

1 dE
--(Et+h~Et)il/t + —^il/t-(Et+h-Et)r],t.
n dt^

Therefore, in order to prove (7.31), it is enough to prove

1/ X ^^t\
lim = 0, (7.32)

lim -{Et+h-Et)il/t-—^il/t -0. (7.33)

h dt^

lim\\(Et+h- Et)r]^t\\k=0. (7.34)

From the definition of the norm || H^, in order to prove (7.32), we have
to show that, for any Dj, I ^ fc,

dXj = 0

holds. But this is obvious. In fact, since (pt is C^ difierentiable in t, and

since the fibre coordinates (fj , . . . , ^J) of B are defined on some domain
^j^mi it follows that, for a sufficiently small 5 > 0 , the D](pj(x, t + h)
are continuously difierentiable functions of ( x j , . . . , xj, h) in Wj x ( - 5 , 5),
with t being fixed. Therefore

lim ^'•^^^^'^- t-hh)~D]<pf{x, t) jD]<p^{x, t)

h-^O h dt^

uniformly in XG UJ. This proves (7.32).

f^{x,t + h) = (E,^Mf{x)= I ):E'i'^{x,t + h,DjHtjix).
1=0 IX

For fixed r, the/;^(x, t-^h) are C°° functions of ( x j , . . . , xj*, h) in W; x ( - 6 , 8)

because the coefficients of Ef^{x, t, Dj) as polynomials of D , i , . . . , D^„ are
C°° functions of (x, 0- In order to show (7.33), it is enough to prove

dXj = 0.
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 335

This is also obvious. For, since by (7.29)

we have

h->0 h -/\ -.. ^r / V /

uniformly in x G UJ.
(7.34) can be proved similarly.
(3°) The case r ^ 2 . Put (pt = E^ilft as before. We shall prove that if (pt is
C^ differentiable in ^ e A, so is e/^^. By the hypothesis of induction, \pt is C'^
differentiable in t. We denote a partial differential operator of order k in
^ 1 , . . . , r^ by

dt\'' •' dty


dr\E,il/,) is a sum of E.dr^ip, and the terms of the form (ar'"''J5,)af iA„ A: =


fc = 0

Since (^, is C differentiable, if/t is C " ^ differentiable and Ef is C°° differenti-

able in t, it follows that the right-hand side of the equality is C^ differentiable
in t. Hence, by (2°), d\~^^t is C^ differentiable in t. This implies that i/^, is
C^ differentiable in t. This completes the induction. I

In order to prove Theorems 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4, we assume in the following
that each member Et of the differentiable family { E j r e A } is formally
self-adjoint and strongly elliptic with respect to the inner product ( , ),.
Suppose we have chosen the eigenvalues A^(0 and eigenfunctions CthE
L{N) with EtCth = ^h(t)eth which satisfy the following conditions:
(i) {Cth I /i = 1,2,,..} form a complete orthonormal system of L(B) with
respect to the inner product ( , )t.
336 7. Theorem of Stability

(ii) A,(0^A2(r)^"-^A„(r)^---, A,(0->^ (h^oo).

For a moment, we fix teA = A^', 0<s'<s. Any element il/eL{B) is
expanded into a series

h= \

which converges with respect to the norm || ||^ In this way, il/eLiB) is
represented by the sequence {ah}. Clearly we have

i \an\'=\ml (7.35)

Lemma 7.4. A necessary and sufficient condition for a sequence {ah} to represent
a element ofL(B), that is, a condition for the existence of if/ e L{B) satisfying
^ = YJh=\ ^h^th'> is that the inequalities

I |A,(Ona,|^<+oo, /=1,2,.... (7.36)

should hold.

Proof The necessity of (7.36) is easily verified as follows. If t/f = X?=i ^/i^rh e
L{B), then E\il/eL{B). On the other hand, since by (7.10), E[il/ =
Ih^hitYahCth, we have

i iA,(ork.r=ii^;(Aii?<+oo.
h= \

To prove the sufficiency of (7.36), we first show that, for any ij/ = T.°h=i ^h^th e
L{B) and any /c= 1 , 2 , . . . ,

UWUc'L Z ( l + i \kh{t)\A\ah\' {131)

holds, where c'i is a constant independent of i//. Since the inequality (7.23)^:

remains true if we replace c^ by a larger constant, we may assume that
Cfc ^ 1. Then we have

§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 337

Similarly, for ^ = 3, 4, 5 , . . . , we have

2 < ^
qm — ^(q—l)m nCo(iiiAiio+iji£;^iio).
For any given natural number k, we choose q so that qm-m<k^ qm.
Then, since m ^ 2, we have q^k. Hence, if we put 4 = C(q-i)m ' ' ' ^mCo, we

Therefore, in view of (7.21) || ||o=i^o|| \\h we obtain

^ 4-Ko( 11^11?+IJlsJ^II?).

|?= Z | a , r and ||£',.A||?= Z \^uitr\a,\\

(7.37) immediately follows from this inequality if we set c^ = c^Kl.

Suppose we are given a sequence {a^,} satisfying condition (7.36). Since
^hit)-^ + ^ as /z ^ 00, it follows immediately from (7.36) that Xr= i I'^/i 1^ < + ^ -
Hence, we have

i ( l + i |A,(Op)|a.|'<+oo, ^=1,2,.... (7.38)

h=\ \ 1=1 J

Put t/^^^^ = YX=\ ^h^th' Of course, we have if/^^^ e L{B). In order to prove the
existence of if/e L{B) with lA — Zr=i ^h^th, it suffices to show that for each
Dj, I ^ 0, the sequence {D]il/^/^^{x) | ^ = 1, 2,...} converges uniformly on Uj.
Needless to say, D^(/^j^^'^(x) = i/^j^^^(x). For any pair of natural numbers
p, q with p<q, WQ have (/^^^^ - ij/^^^ - Zh=p+i ^h^th- Therefore, if we choose
/c, for each /, so that k> l+n/2, we obtain from Sobolev's inequality (7.22)
and the inequality (7.37)

^(Cfc-ufci: i ( l + E |A,(Or'')|a,p.
h=p+l \ (x = l J

By (7.38) the right-hand side converges to 0 as ;? -> oo and ^ ^ oo. This proves
that {D]^Y^^{X)'] converges uniformly on JJj. I
338 7. Theorem of Stability

Let C t>e an arbitrary complex number and put

Then EfU) is a strongly elliptic differential operator acting on L{B). For

any <A = i r = i ^heth, we have

E,{ail^ = E,ilj-^ilf= i i\,{t)-OaHe,,. (7.39)

h= l

If f 7^ A^(r), /i - 1, 2 , . . . , then £,(^): L{B)-^L{B) is bijective. Proof. It is

clear from (7.39) that EtU) is injective. In order to prove that E^O is
surjective, take any (p e L{B) with (p = ^^=1 h^th, and put Uh = hh/{kh{t) - ^).
By Lemma 7.4, we have

i iA,(onb,p<+oo, /=i,2,....
Therefore, since Ah(r)7^f and Aft(0^+oo as /i-»oo, we have

Hence, again by Lemma 7.4, there exists if/e L{B) with lA — Zr=i ^^^?^- We
obviously have E^O^^ <P- Hence EfU) is surjective. I

Since EtU) is bijective for ^7^A^(0, /i = l , 2 , . . . , the inverse ^,(0~^

exists. We denote it by G,(f): G,(^) = J5,(^)~^ The operator G,(f) is called
the Green operator of EtiO (cf. Definition 7.2 in the Appendix). On Ag x C ,
EtU) is C°° differentiable in (/, f). We shall prove, applying Theorem 7.5
to £„ that Gt(0 is also C°° differentiable in (r, ^) for re A and ^T^ A^(0.
We need the following lemma.

Lemma 7.5. Suppose there are given ^o^^ ^^^ ^o^C wi7/i CQT^ \h{to), h =
1, 2, 3, /f we take a sufficiently small 8>0, there exists a constant c > 0
such that, for \t — to\<8 and \( — ^o\<8, the following inequality

WEXn^o^cMo, (AeL(B) (7.40)


Proof. Suppose that, for any small 6 > 0, there is no such constant. Then,
for ^ = 1, 2 , . . . , there exist r^ G A, ^^ e C and (/^^^^ e L{B) such that
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 339

By (7.23)o

Hence, in the equation

we have

and the coefficients Ej^i^...i^{x, t) are C°° functions of (x, 0- Hence

Since ||£,^(f,)iA^^^||o<l/^^0(^^oo),wehave

On the other hand, by (7.39), we have for any ipe L{B)

||^/6(^o)'AlU = Mo||'AlU, ^o = min|A^(ro)-fol>0.

Hence, by (7.21) Kl\\EtJ^Co)^h = l^oW^^o- Consequently we have ||<A^^1lo^

0(g->oo), which contradicts ||tA^^^I|o= 1- I

Suppose we are given ^o^ ^^ and Co"^ ^h{to), h = l,2, If we take a

sufficiently small 5 > 0, then, by this lemma, ||Ef(^)i/^||o= c||(/^||ofor|f — ^o| <^
and 1^- ^ol < ^, hence, it follows that ^ 9^ A^(0, h = l,2, Therefore EtiO
is bijective, and, by Theorem 7.5, G^(^) = Et(^)~^ is C°° differentiable in
(r,^). If we put

w={(t,ae^xc\^^x,{t),h = l,2,...h
then, for any point {to, ^o) ^ ^^^ we can find a constant 5 > 0 as above. This
implies that W is an open subset o/ A xC, and Gt{C) is G°° differentiable in
Fix an arbitrary ^o ^ A, and take a closed Jordan curve C on the complex
plane C which does not pass through any of the \h{to),h = l,2,
The Jordan curve C divides the complex plane into two domains, the
interior and the exterior of C. We denote by ((C)) the interior of C. Since
340 7. Theorem of Stability

Figure 1

C xto^ W, and since W is open in A xC, we have

Cx[to-8,to+8]c:W, (7.41)

provided that 5 > 0 is sufficiently small. For any t with \t-to\<8, we define
the linear operator F ^ C ) of L{B) by


and put Ff(C) = Ft{C)L{B). Obviously, Ff(C) is a finite-dimensional linear

subspace of L(B), and it consists of all the linear combinations of those
eth which belong to the eigenvalues A^(r) lying in the interior of the Jordan
curve C The Hnear operator Ft{C) is nothing but the orthogonal projection
of L(B) onto F^(C) with respect to the inner product ( , )t.
The operator F^C) can be written as follows, using the Green operator

F,{C)4^ = - - - \
Om^dC, iljeLiB). (7.42)

Proof. Since, by (7.41), Cx[to-8, to-\-8]c:W, and since G,{0 is C^ differ-

entiable in (t, 0 in "W, the integral l^^tiO^dC exists. We let i/^ = S^^^ a^e,^.
Then, since G,(^) = E(ty\ we obtain by (7.39)

°° au

Hence, by Cauchy's integral formula,

^ , . G,{0^dC= I a,e,, = F,(C)iA.

2771 Jc A,(OG((C))

Lemma 7.6. Ft(C) is C°° differentiahle in t for \t-tQ\<8.

§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 341

Proof. Since G,(^) is C°° differentiable in {uO in W, it follows that, if

iptELiB) is C°° differentiable in t for \t-to\<8, then F,(C)iA, =
-(1/277/) Jc GtU) 4ft dC is also C°° differentiable in r. I

Lemma 7.7. dim Ff(C) i5 independent of t for \t — tQ\<8 provided 5 > 0 is

sufficiently small: dim Ff(C) = dimFf^CC).

Proof Put dim F^(C) = d, and let {e^,..., e^,..., e^} be a basis of F^(C).
By Lemma 7.6, the FXC)^^ are C°° differentiable in r, and the FtJ^C)er = e„
r = 1 , . . . , J, are linearly independent. Therefore, the F,(C)e^GF^(C), r =
1,... ,d, are linearly independent for | r - ^o| < 8 provided 5 > 0 is sufficiently
small. Hence d i m F ^ ( C ) ^ d
Suppose that for any small 6 > 0 , there exists t with \t-to\<8 such that
dimFf(C)> t/. Then we can find a sequence tq, q = 1,2,... ,with\t-to\<l/q
such that dimF,^(C)^cf+ 1. Then, at least d-hl eigenvalues Xh.i^q), f =
1, 2 , . . . , cf + 1 , must lie in the interior of C Put, for simpHcity, A^^^ = KS^q)
and 4^^ = ^ , ^ . If we take a natural number k with /c>m + H - n / 2 , then,
by (7.22) and (7.37), for each DJ, / ^ m + 1,

Since xi'^^e ({€)), the sequence {Djeif''{x)\q = l,2,...} is uniformly

bounded in Uj. It follows that, for any / ^ m, {Dje^/^'^(x)} is equicontinuous
on Uj. Hence, we can find a uniformly convergent subsequence. Taking an
appropriate subsequence of {t^}, we may assume, from the beginning, that
{Djcif^ix)} converges uniformly in Uj for any £>j, l^m. Put e^j{x) =
limg_^oo eif^(x). Then e^j(x) is a C " differentiable function on Uj, and we

lim D^jcifix) = DJ4(x), / ^ m.

Therefore the e^ = lim^^oo ^r^^ are C"" sections of B and e^j(x) are the values
of their fibre coordinates. From (ei'^\ e^^^)^^ = d^s, it follows that

Since the Ef^{x, t, Dj) are linear combinations of D] with / ^ m, with the
coefficients being C°° functions of (x, r), we have

limF,^e(.^> = F^e..
342 7. Theorem of Stability

On the other hand, we have £f^et^^ = A^^^e^^^^ Therefore, the Umit A^ =

Um^^oo A^^^ exists, and we have

This means that A^ is an eigenvalue of f"^, and e^ is an eigenfunction belonging

to A^ Since A^-^^G ((C)), and since there are no eigenvalues of £^ on C, A^
must coincide with one of Xh(to) &{{€)). Hence e^GF^(C), r =
1,2, . . . , d + l. But, since (^n ^s)to = ^rs, it follows that ^ i , . . . , e^+i are
linearly independent. This contradicts dim F^(C) = t/. I

Proof of Theorem 7.2. We shall prove by induction on h that lim^^^ A^(0 =

A;,(ro) for roGA.
(1°) The case h = l. By (7.14) in the Appendix, there is a constant j8
independent of t such that Ai(0>j8 for teA. Taking a sufficiently small
e > 0, we consider the circle C^ of radius s with centre Ai(^o) and a smooth
Jordan curve C which intersects transversally with the real axis at (3 and
A = Ai(ro) - e. We assume that C does not intersect with the real axis except
for at /3 and A. Take a sufficiently small 8>0. Since there are no eigenvalues
kh(to) of ^to i^ the interior of C or on C, we have dimF^(C) = 0. Hence,
by Lemma 7.7, dim ¥t(C) = OfoT\t~to\< 8. Therefore, Ai(0 is a real number
outside of C. But, since \i{t)> p, we have A i ( 0 > A =\i{to)-e.

Figure 2

Moreover, by Lemma 7.7, we have dimF,(Ce) = dimF^(Cg)^ 1 for \t-

to\<8. Hence there is at least one eigenvalue Xh(t) in the interior of Q .
This implies that \^(t)^\h(t)<^i{to)-^ e. Therefore |Ai(r)-Ai(ro)|< £
holds if |f - rd < 8. This proves that lim^^^ \i(t) = \i{to).
(2°) The case h^2. We assume that lim^^^ Afc(0 = Afc(^o) for k =
1,2, . . . , / i - l , and prove lim,_,^ A;,(0 = A;,(ro).
If Ai(ro) = • • • = Xhito), then, for the circle C^ of (1°), we have, by Lemma
7.7, dim F,(Ce) ^ /i for |^ - ^ol < 5, provided 5 > P is sufficiently small. There-
fore Ai(0, • • . , ^hit) lie in the interior of C^. Hence \^h(t) -\hito)\ < ^- This
proves lim,^^ A;,(0 = A^(ro).
§7.1. Differentiable Family of Strongly Elliptic Differential Operators 343

Next we let / be the integer, 2 ^ / ^ /i, such that

Ai(0 ^ A/_i(ro) < A , ( 0 = A,+i(ro) = • • • = A,(ro).

Let Che he the circle of radius s with centre \h(to), where e is assumed to
satisfy 0 < e < A/(fo)-A/_i(fo), and let Q be a closed Jordan curve which
intersects transversally with the real axis only at the two points \= \i{to)-e
and fjL = \h(to)~^' We take 8>0 sufficiently small depending on Che and
Ch. Then, since at least / i - Z + l eigenvalues Xi(to),..., \hito) are in the

Figure 3

interior of Che, we have d i m F ^ ( Q g ) ^ / i - / + l . Therefore, by Lemma 7.7,

at least h-l+l eigenvalues A^CO's are in the interior of Che- On the other
hand, from dim F^(C,,) = / - 1 , it follows that dim F,(C,,) = / - 1 for | r - ^ol <
8. Hence, exactly / - I eigenvalues A^CO's are in the interior of Q . By the
hypothesis of induction, lim^^^ Afc(0 = Afc(^o) for fc = 1, 2 , . . . , / - L There-
fore Ai(0, • •., A/_i(0 are in the interior of Ch for \t- tol < 8. This implies
that A / ( 0 , . . . , A;,(0, • •. are all outside of Ch- Hence,

Combined with what we have seen above, it follows that A/(0,

A / + i ( 0 , . . . , A^(0 must lie inside of Che- Hence |A;,(0~A;,(^o)|< ^ for \t-
to\ < 8. This proves lim,_^^ A/,(0 = A^(ro). I

Proof ojf Theorem 7.3. By definition, ¥t = {ipe L{B)\Ftilj = 0}. We need to

prove that, for a given toe A, we can find a sufficiently small 8>0 such that
dim ¥t = dini F^ for | r - ^ol < 8. If we let Q denote the circle of radius e>0
with centre 0 in the complex plane C, then F^ = F^(Ce), provided e is
sufficiently small. Therefore, by Lemma 7.7, dim ¥t(Ce) = dim F^ for |r - ^ol <
8, where 8 is supposed to be sufficiently small. Since the inclusion F^ c: F^(Q)
is obvious, we obtain dim F^ ^ dim F,(Ce) = dim F^^. I

Proof of Theorem lA. By diefinition F^ is the orthogonal projection of L{B)

onto F, with respect to the inner product ( , ),. In general, for any toe A,
344 7. Theorem of Stability

if we take a sufficiently small 8, then, as we have seen above, the inclusion

FfCzF^Cg) holds for \t-to\<8. Since we have dimF,(Q) = dimF^, and
since dimF^ is independent of t by assumption, we conclude F^ = Ff(Ce).
Hence Ft = Ft{C^). But by Lemma 7.6, F ^ Q ) is C°° differentiable in t for
I r - ^ol < 5. Since ^o is an arbitrary point of A, it follows that F, is C°°
differentiable in r G A. I

Let Gt be the Green operator of Ef. Then, by (7.12), we have, for

G4= I -y-e,,. (7.43)

Theorem 7.6. If dimF^ is independent of te^, then Gt is C^ differentiable

in t G A.

Proof We prove this by a method similar to the proof of Theorem 7.4. For
any ^o ^ ^, we take a small circle C with centre 0 such that all the eigenvalues
A / , ( O ^ 0 are outside of C. If 5 > 0 is taken sufficiently small, then, by
(7.41), C x[^o- 5, ^0+ 5 ] ^ '^. For t satisfying \t-to\<8, we define the linear
operator Gt{C) on L{B) by the formula

Gt(C)ilf = --, -Gtin^dC

Since G,(^) is C°° differentiable in (r, C) in W, it follows that G,(C) is C"

differentiable in t for \t-tQ\<8. For any YX=\ ^h^th, we have
oo ^

By the residue theorem,

Ini J,

Hence for any JA ==Zr=i ^^^rh, we have

Since, by hypothesis, dim F^ is independent of t, F, = Ff(C) for | r - fol < 5

as was proved in the proof of Theorem 7.4. Therefore, the equality A^( r) = 0
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 345

amounts to the same as A^(0 e ((C)). By comparing (7.43) and (7.44), we

obtain Gt = Gt{C). Consequently Gt is C°° differentiable in t provided
\t-to\<8. Since ^o is arbitrary, Gt is C°° differentiable in rG A. I

§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds

In this section we prove Theorem 4.1, Theorem 4.4, and other results by
applying the results of the preceding section.

(a) Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds

Consider a differentiable family M = (M, I, m) = {Mt\te 1} of compact

complex manifolds over a multi-interval / with O G / C : | R " (see Definition
4.1), where Mt = vT''^(t). By Theorem 2.3, the underlying differentiable
manifold X of M^ does not depend on t, and by Theorem 2.4, there is a
diffeomorphism ^: X xI-^M of X xl onto M such that m • '^ coincides
with the projection X xl^ I. We identify X xl with Ji via ^ , and consider
M = XxL We denote a point of X x / by (x, t). By definition, there are a
locally finite open covering {%\j = \,2,.,.} of X x / and complex-valued
C°° functions z](x, 0? • • • ? ^]{^-> 0 on ^j such that for each t,

{x -> (z](jc, 0 , . . . , z]{x, t))\%nXxty^ 0}

forms a system of local complex coordinates on M^. If we write z^(x, r) =

(ZJ(A:, t),..., zj(x, t)), the map (x, 0 ^ (2)(x, 0 , 0 is a diffeomorphism of
^^ into C " x / and

{{x,t)-^{zjix,t),t)\j = l,2,...}

is a system of local coordinates of the differentiable family Ji (see p. 185).

On % n ^fc 7^ 0 , we have

zf(x, t) =/ffc(zfc(x, 0, 0, a = 1 , . . . , n,

where ffk{zk,t)=f%{z\,...,zl,t^,...,tj) are C°° functions of

Zfc,..., Zfc, ti,... ,tm which are holomorphic in z j , , . . . , z^.
Taking a sufficiently fine finite covering { ^ |j = 1, 2,...} of X, we may
assume that for a sufficiently small multi-interval A = {te l\\t^\<r, K =
1 , . . . , m} with 0 < r < 1, each [ L^ x A] is contained in one of ^^'s. Thus, by
renumbering %, we may assume that [L^ x A]<= ^j. Put Ji^= TXT~^(A). Then
Jt/^ = {M^, A, m) is a differentiable family. As a differentiable manifold, we
have M^ = X x A. { L^ x AI7 = 1, 2,...} forms a finite covering of X x A, and
346 7. Theorem of Stability

the map

(x, 0 -> {zjix, t), t) = (z](x, 0, •.., 2:;(x, r), ri,..., f^)
gives local coordinates of the differentiable manifold J^A on Uj x A. Since
the problem is local with respect to the parameter t, it suffices to consider
M^ for a sufficiently small A. For simplicity, we write Jt = {M, A, m) for
M^ = (M^, A, m) below.
Let ^ be a complex vector bundle, and TT: ^^M its projection. Then
Bt = 77~^(Mf) is a complex vector bundle over M,. We call such {B^ [teL]
a differentiable family of complex vector bundles. In particular, if each Bt
is a holomorphic vector bundle over the complex manifold M^, { B J ^G A}
is called a differentiable family of holomorphic vector bundles. By saying
that {Bt\te^} forms a differentiable family of vector bundles, we mean
that {Bt\te^} is a differentiable family over the underlying differentiable
manifold X in the sense of Definition 7.3. Since Uj and A are sufficiently
small, we have

7r''(^xA) = C " x ^ x A ,

and a point of 7r"^( L^ x A) c: ^ is represented as {Cp x, t) = ( ^ ] , . . . , ^/, x, t)

where ^j = (Z^j,..., ^J) are the fibre coordinates of ^ over Uj x A, and on
UjXAn L 4 x A 7 ^ 0 , we have

^j= i h%^{x,t)a. A = 1,...,K

Each component bjf^^{x, t) of the transition function bjk{x^ t) =

(bfkfjiix, 0)A,A^ = I,...,I' of ^ is represented as a C°° function of the local
coordinates (z^, t) = {zl{x, t),..., zl{x, t), t) of M by

h%^{x, t) = bjk^izk, 0 , Zk = Zk{x, t).

Thus {Bt I ^ e A} is a differentiable family of holomorphic vector bundles if and

only if all the bjk^(z,,, t) = bjk^{zi,..., z^, t) are holomorphic in z j , , . . . , zl,
As stated before, we always use admissible fibre coordinates ( ^ ] , . . . , C])
for Bt. Let L{Bt) be the linear space of all C°° sections of Bt over M^. L{Bt)
is nothing but the linear space of C°° sections of Bt over the underlying
differentiable manifold X. We write a C°° section i/^^ G L{Bt) of B, by

iA,(x, t) = (il/jizj, 0 , . . . , ^J(^,-, 0 ) , ^j = ^i(^, 0

on UjXf^ M, where (<A](%» 0 , • • •, ^Ji^p 0 ) are admissible fibre coordin-

ates of il/t(x, t) G Bt. Given ^t ^ i-{Bt) for every r G A, we call i/^^ C°° differenti-
able with respect to r G A if iAj^(zy, r), A = 1 , . . . , ^, are C°° functions of Zj
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 347

and t. If each Bt is a holomorphic vector bundle over M^, and if/t is a

holomorphic section of Bt, then ^A; (z,, t) is holomorphic in z, = {Zj,..., zj).
Consider the tangent bundle T(Mt) of M,. The transition function of
T{Mt) is given by

a,p = l,.

and its component df]l(zk, t)/dz^ is a C°° function of (z^, 0 which is

holomorphic in Zj^. Consequently {T(Mt) | r G A} is a differentiable family of
holomorphic vector bundles. If we write a C°° section ^^e L(T{Mt)) of
T{Mt) as


on Uj Xr, then we have on Uj xtn U^xt

fj (^> 0 - L 7"^ ^k{Zk, t).

Namely, (^](zj, 0 , • • •, ^J(^> 0 ) are admissible fibre coordinates. Therefore

^t is C^ differentiable with respect to ^G A if and only if ^"(Zj, t) are C°°
functions of (Zj, t) for a = 1 , . . . , n,
From (3.49) the transition function of the dual bundle T^'iMt) of T(M,)
is given by

\ ^Zj / cx,f3 = l,...,n

Consequently { r * ( M j | ^G A} is also a differentiable family of holomorphic

vector bundles. A C°^ section (p^ e L{T''{Mt)) of T^'iMt) is a C°° (1, 0)-form
on Mt'.
<Pt= 1 (pjAzj,t)dzf.
a =l

{(Pjiizj, t),..., (pjnizj, t)) are clearly admissible fibre coordinates, hence cpt
is C°° differentiable with respect to tG A if and only if each (PjuiZp t) is a
C°° function of (z^, t) for a = 1 , . . . , n. z/ = z"(x, r) is a C°° function of
(x, r) on Uj X A, and Jz" is the differential of zf as a function of x with t
fixed. Thus, letting ( x ^ , . . . , x ^ , . . . , x^") be arbitrary coordinates of x, we

<= I '-^f^dx\ (7.45)

348 7. Theorem of Stability

where dzj{x, t)/dx^ are C°° functions of (x, t), which again shows that
{(PjiiZj, t),..., (pjn(Zj, t)) are admissible fibre coordinates.
Suppose given a differentiahle family ofholomorphic vector bundles {Bt \t e
A}. Consider B,®/\'' T*(M,) A^ ?*(M,). Since {T*(M,)|rGA} is a differ-
entiahle family,

{ - ® A ^*(M,)A T*(M,)|rGA

is also a differentiahle family. A C°° section of B,® A'' '^*(M) A^ T'*(M,)

is called a C°^ (/?, ^)-form with coefficients in Bf. Let ^^"^{Bt) be the linear
space of C°° (/?, g)-forms with coefficients in B^:

( p
i^^-'^CB,) = L B,® A T*(M,) A r*(M,) .
9 _

(Pte£^^'^(Bt) is represented on each UjXtczMt by a vector whose com-

ponents are C°° (/?, ^)-forms as

<p, = {cp'jizj,t\...,<pj(zj,t)) (7.46)


^ j ^ j I ^ t , . . . ^ , ^ . . , - / z „ 0 dzf^ A . . . A J z ; . A J z f ^ A . . . A J z f .

On Uj®tnUkXt9^0, we have

(^^ /5 called C°° differentiahle with respect to teA if the (pj^ ^ ^ ^ (z^, 0 ^''^
C°° functions of {Zj, t). In case Bt is a trivial line bundle C x
M,) = LCA"" r*(M,) A^ T*(M,)) is the linear space of all C^ (/?, ^)-forms.
dt(Pt is defined by

a,<;p, = (dt(p]{Zj, t),..., dt(pj(zj, t)),


d,<pH^P t)=llT=^<pL , i^J, t) dzf A dz> A dzp.

a OZj P ^
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 349

If (p, e <^^'^(B,), then we have a,<p, e £eP'^^\B,). Ifcp, is C°° differentiable with
respect to r e A, then so is dt(Pt, too. Therefore dt is C°° differentiable with
respect to r e A (see Definition 7.5).
As in the proof of Theorem 3.14, we introduce a Hermitian metric on
Mt, using a partition of unity {pj} subordinate to a finite open covering
{Uj} of X. WQ put

2n dz'^ix, t)
(Ot = ij, Pj(x)Y,dz]'Adzf, with dz" = X —~—^^—dx^,
J 7= 1

then (Ot is a real C°° (1, l)-form on M^, and is represented as

^t = i I gjapizj, t) dzf A dzf

on each Uj x t, where the gj^pizj, t) are C^ functions of {Zj, t). We define a

Hermitian metric on M^ by

I g,„^-(z)dz"®dz-^= I gj^p{z,,t)dzj®dzf. {IAD

Similarly we define a Hermitian metric on the fibre of Bt by

Z aj,^izj,tU}[^, (IAS)

where the aj^p^izj, t) are C^ functions of (Zj, t).

Now we apply the results of § 3.5(c) to our case. For any local {p, ^) -form
ij/ on Mt, we define *fj/^ by (3.119) with gta^{z) instead of g«^(z). Represent-
ing (pt, if/t e if^'^(B,) as in (7.46) on each UjXta M„ we have

I aj^fiizj, t)cp^izj, t) A *,iAf (z,-, 0


= S a^xfiizk, t)(pi(zj,, t) A *,(/?{?(Zfc, 0


on UjXtn UkXt7^0. From now on we omit the index j for simplicity,

and write ZA,^ ^AA(^. 0<P^(^, 0 A ^rfA'^C^, 0 for Z^^^ «JA/I(^> 0<;PJ (^> 0 A
^t(Pj'{Zj, t). We define the inner product of cpt and if/f by (3.139):

(<Pt,^t)t= I a;,^(z,0<P^(^,OA*,iA''(z, 0.
J M , A,/Lt
350 7. Theorem of Stability

For tfj, e if^'^(J5,), we define ha^t by (3.140) as

{Kt^r{z,t)=-i a''{z,t)^,dJi a^,(z,o*.ruo),

T=l \At = l /

where {a^^{z, 0)A,;X=I,...,^ = («AA(^5 0)A,1.=I,...,I.- For simplicity we omit the

subscript a in t>at and write it as b^. b^ is the adjoint operator of 5^. Namely,
we have

Since gja^izj, t) are C°° functions of (Zj, t), the linear operator *f /5 C°°
differentiable with respect to te^. Also since Uj^fiizj, t) are C°°, b^ 15 C°°
differentiahle. By (3.143), we define

• f = 5ft), + b,a,.

n is a formally self-adjoint strongly elliptic linear partial differential operator

on ^^'^(Bt) with respect to the ifiner product ( , ),. Since dt and b, are C°°
differentiable with respect to re A, so is Dr also. Thus { n j r e A} forms a
differentiable family.
(p e ^^'"^(Bt) is called a harmonic form with coefficients in Bt if bf<p = dt(p =
0. (pe^^'^{Bt) is a harmonic form with coefficients in Bt if and only if
Drip = 0. Put

W'%Bt) = {<pe^''^BMOtcp = 0}.

Then by Theorem 3.19, we have the following orthogonal decomposition:

^^'^(J5,) = H^'^(B,)en^^'^(B,). (7.49)

We denote by H^ the orthogonal projection of^^'^{Bt) onto H^'^(JS,). Let G,

be the Green operator of D,. Then by (7.8) we have

n,G,(p = G,n,^ = (^ - Ht<p, (p e i^^'^(B,). (7.50)

Consequently any (pe^^'^(Bt) is written as

(P = Ht(p + UtGt(p = Ht(p + dtt>tGt(p+btdtGt(p. (7.51)

Clearly we have

H^dtcp = dtHt<p = 0, Htht(p = t^tHtip = 0. (7.52)

§7.2. bifterentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 351

We claim that Gt comrnutes with df Proof. For any «/f Gi^^'^"^^(B,), il/ =
H,ilf + G,n tip by (7.50). Put (A = dtGt(p, Then since D ,G,<p = (p-Ht(p by (7.50),

dtGfCp = GtO tdtGt<p = GfdtU t^tcp = GtdtCp. t

Similarly t>tt>t = 0 implies that t>tGt(p = Gt\>t<P' Hence, we have

dtGt = Gtdt, b , a = G,b,. (7.53)

Let A be an eigenvalue of D „ and e an eigenvector belonging to A. Then

A||e||? = ( n , e , e ) , = ||a,e||?+||br^||?^0,

hence A^O. Thus we can arrange all the eigenvalues A^'^(0 of D^ on

^P'^iBt) as follows:

o^Ar(o^- • •^Ar(o^- • •, Ar(o->+^.

Now we apply the results of the preceding section to the family {D, | ^ € A}.
First we obtain from Theorem 7.2,

Theorem 7.7. A^'^(0 is continuous in ^G A.

Next we obtain from Theorem 7.3,

Theorem 7.8. dimH^'^(Bf) is an upper-semicontinuous function ofteA.

Let Cl^{Bt) be the sheaf of germs of holomorphicp-forms with coefficients

in Bt. Then by (3.148),


Corollary, dim H^(M,, 11^(5^)) is an upper-semicontinuous function of te


From Theorem 7.4 we obtain

Theorem 7.9. / / dimH^'^(B,) does not depend on re A, then Hf is C°°

differentiable with respect to teA.

Finally from Theorem 7.6 we obtain

Theorem 7.10. / / dimH^'^(B,) does not depend on r e A, then G, is C°°

differentiable with respect to teA.
352 7. Theorem of Stability

(b) Proofs of Theorems

First we shall prove Theorem 4.4 (p. 200).

Proof of Theorem 4.4. Since the sheaf ©, of germs of holomorphic vector

fields over M^ is just the sheaf €{ T{Mt)) of germs of holomorphic sections
of T{Mt), and {T(M^) | r G A} forms a differentiable family, we see from the
Corollary to Theorem 7.8 that dim H^{Mt,€{T{Mt))) is uppersemicon-
tinuous in te ^. I

Next we proceed to the proof of Theorem 4.1. Put t = (t^,..., t^) and
consider the infinitesimal deformation dMt/dt^. Since 6^ = ^ ( r ( M , ) ) , we

H\M,&,) = H''\T(M,)). (7.54)

Let (pteH^'^{T{Mt)) be the harmonic vector (0, l)-form corresponding to

dMt/dtm by the above isomorphism. Since z" =f%.{^k, t) on UjXtn 17^X19^
0 , putting

Ojkit)= Z — ^ - —^, Zfc=A,.(z,-, 0,

a =l ar^ dZj

we see that dMjdt^ is the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle {Ojj^(t)}. The
corresponding harmonic form (pt is obtained from {Ojk{t)} as follows: Let
{ p j be a partition of unity subordinate to a finite open covering {Ui} of X
Multiplying the equality

Ojkit) = etM-Oijit)

by Pi, and summing up with respect to /, we get

Ojk(t) = lPiencit)-lpAjit).

I i

Put 1,(0 = Z, M : ; ( 0 , and ^^(0 = 1 , pAkit). Then

^,-.(0 = 4 ( 0 - ^ / 0 . (7.55)
Since 6ij(t) = -0ji(t), we have

I i a =l Otrn OZj
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 353

Consequently if we write ^j(t) as

a=\ OZj

we have

i ot^

Since z" = z"(x, t) are C°° functions of {x, r), these ^/(z/(x, t), t) are C°°
functions of (x, 0 , hence ^"{Zj, t) are C°° functions of (zj, t).
Since ^^fc(0 is a holomorphic vector field on UjXtn Uj^xt<^ Mf,dtOjkit) =
0. Therefore by (7.55), dt^M^dt^M on UjXtnUkXt, Consequently
there is a vector (0, l)-form if/te L^'^{T(Mt)) on M^ such that on each
UjXt^ M„
^. = a.^,(0. (7.56)

Clearly a^i/^^ = 0. If we represent (/^^ on each UjXt SLS

>P. = l l 4>Uz, t) dzf^, 4>U^, 0 = ^ ^ % ^ ,

a (i OZj dZj

then the coefficients if/fpizj, t) are C°° functions of (Zj, t). Thus il/f is C°°
differentiable with respect to ^ e A.
For simplicity we write Tt for T{Mt) below. Let sd{Tt) be the sheaf of
germs of C°° sections of Tt. Then since St = 0{Tt), we obtain from (3.106),

H\Mt,et)^nMtJtSdiTt))/dtT(Mt,sd(Tt)), (7.57)

which is induced from the exact cohomology sequence

' "^nMt,s^(Tt))-^nMt,dtS^iTt))^^ H\Mt,et) -^0.

Since by (7.56) and (7.55), eAr = 5,{^,(0}, and 8{^j{t)} = {Oj^it)} for the
0-cochain {^j{t)}, we see from the definition of 5* that the cohomology
class dMt/dtm of {Ojkit)} corresponds to i/^^Gr(M„a,^(r,)) by the
isomorphism (7.57). Since

TiMt,~dMTt)) = n''\T(Mt))®dt^''%T{Mt)),

we have
nM„dMT,))/d,nM„M{T,)) = H'''\TiM,)), (7.58)
354 7. Theorem of Stability

whQTQ il/ter{Mt,dtS^(Tt)) corresponds to H,ilj,eH^'\T(Mt)) via this

isomorphism. Since the isomorphism (7.54) is the composite of those in
(7.57) and (7.58), letting cpt be the harmonic (0, \)-form corresponding to the
infinitesimal deformation dMJdtm, we see that

(ft = Hfil/t.

Since by (7.51) ij/t = Htif/t-^dtt>tGtil/t-^'i)tdtGtil/t, and since dtCfil/t = Gtdtipt^O,

we have

^t = (Pt-^dtVt, <Pt = Htipt, Vt = '^tOfil/f (7.59)

Now we return to the proof of Theorem 4.1. Under the assumption that
dMt/dtm = 0 identically, we must prove that if dim H^{Mt, St) is independent
oft e A, we can find a 0-cochain {dj{t)} which satisfies 8{dj(t)} = {Ojk(t)} with
each Oj(t)=Y, Ofi^j, t){d/dzf) being a holomorphic vector field on UjXt<=^ Mf
such that df{Zj, t) are C°^ functions of {Zj, t). Proof Since dMJdt^ =0,(pt = 0,
hence ^t = ^tVt and rjt = t>tGtil/t. Since ipt = dt^j(t) by (7.56), putting

0j{t) = ^j(t)-vt,

we obtain 'dfitit) = 0. Thus dj{t) is a holomorphic vector field on UjXtc: Mt,

By (7.55) we have

Ok(t)-ej{t) = ^,,{t)-^j(t) = ej^it),

that is, 8{ej{t)} = {Sjkit)}. Since dim H^'H T(M,)) = dim H ^ M , 0,) does not
depend on rG A, Gt is C°° differentiable with respect to te^hy Theorem
7.10. Since ^t and b, are C°° differentiable with respect to re A, so is
7)t = ^tGt^t, hence, if we write 17^ on UjXt as

" d
Vt= H vf(^pt)T-^,
«=i dZj

the coefficients rjfi^p 0 ^^^ G^ functions of (Zj, t). Since ^f{Zj, t) are C°°
functions of (z^, 0 , we see that

e^(zj,t) = ^f(zj,t)-vn^j^t)
are also C^ functions of (Zj, t). I

Theorem 7.11. Assume that dim//^(M^, B^) is independent of t =

{t,,...,tm)eA. If idMt/dt,)t=o^H\Mo,So), K = 1 , . . . , m, are linearly
independent, then dMJdt^ e H^{Mt, B^), K: = 1 , . . . , m, are linearly indepen-
dent for \t\< e provided that e>0 is sufficiently small
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 355

Proof. For each K: = 1 , . . . , m, we construct as above the harmonic (0, l)-form

(p^, = H,ilj^,en^'\T{M,)) corresponding to dMJdT^eH\M,,(dt) via the
isomorphism //^(M^, 6j) = H^'^(r(M,)). Since by the assumption
dim H°''( r ( M , ) ) = dim H\M,, %,) is independent of f G A, H, is C°° differ-
entiable with respect to t by Theorem 7.9. Since ijj^t is C°° differentiable with
respect to t, so is (p^t = i^t^Kt- If idMt/dt^)t=oe H\MO, SQ), K = 1 , . . . , m,
are Unearly independent, the corresponding (p^QeYf'^{T{Mo)), K =
1 , . . . , m, are also linearly independent. Consequently, since each (p^t is C°°
differentiable with respect to t, (p^^GH^'^(r(MJ), K = l , . . . , m , are also
linearly independent for | ^ | < e provided that e > 0 is sufficiently small,
which in turn implies that the corresponding SMJdt^ e H^{Mt, 0^), K =
1 , . . . , m, are linearly independent. I

As was seen from Example (iv) of §6.2(b). Theorem 7.11 is not necessarily
true if dim H^{Mt, St) varies with t.
In the following we state the outline of the proof of Lemma 4.1. First
consider H^{Mt, €{Bt)), where {M^ | r G A} is a differentiable family of com-
pact complex manifolds and { B J r e A} is a differentiable family of holomor-
phic vector bundles over M^

Lemma 7.8. If dim H^{Mt, €{Bt)) = d is independent of teA, then we can

choose a basis {<pti,..., (ptd) of H^{Mt, 0{Bt)) for \t\ < e such that each cptq
is C°° differentiable with respect to t for q = l,..., d provided that 8>0 is
sufficiently small.

Proof Let {(pu..., ^d} be a basis of H\MO, 0(BO)). We can choose C°°
sections il/fq e ^^'^(Bf) of Bt with g = 1 , . . . , J such that il/tq are C°° differenti-
able with respect to t and that if/oq = (pq. This follows immediately from the
fact that if we denote by X the underlying differentiable manifold of B^,
then Bt as a vector bundle over X is the restriction of a vector bundle ^
over XxMo X = Xxt, and that ^ is C°° equivalent to BQxA. By (7.49),

where H'''(B,) = {cpe^''^\Bt)\~dt<p = 0} = / / ^ M „ €{Bt)). Put

(Ptq = Htif/tq, q= l,...,d.

Since dim H^'°(Bf) = d is independent of t, H^ is C°° differentiable with respect

to t. Since ifjtq are C^ differentiable with respect to t, cptq are also C°°
differentiable with respect to t for q = l,..., d. Since cpoq = (pq are linearly
independent, (ptqE H^{Mt,€{Bt)) are linearly independent for | ^ | < e pro-
vided that e > 0 is sufficiently small, hence {cpti,..., (ptd} forms a basis of
H\M,€{Bt)). I
356 7. Theorem of Stability

Now consider a complex analytic family { M J r G A} of compact complex

manifolds where AcC"" is a polydisk with centre 0. We assume that
dim H^{Mt, 0^) = J is independent of r G A. Then by the above Lemma 7.8,
we can choose a basis {cpn, • • •, <Ptd] of H^(Mt, St) for \t\<s such that cptq
are C°° difierentiable with respect to t provided that £ > 0 is sufficiently
small. Namely, if we represent cptq on UjXt as

" d
<Ptg= Z (PqjiZj,t) — ,
a=l OZj

then the coefficients <PqjiZj, t) are C°° functions of (zy, t). Since on UjXtn

ct / ^\ v^ dfjk{^k'> 0 ft / ^x
^ =1 dZfc

and since f]k(^k, 0 are holomorphic in zl,..., zJJ, ^ j , . . . , ^^, we have

d(p^qj{Zj, t) _ " ^/ffc(Zfe, 0 a(pgfc(Zfe, 0

ar^ a^i az^ ar"^


a " d<Pqj(Zj, t) d

are also holomorphic vector fields on M^. Hence we have

T^<Pt,= Z «.p,(0<P.p, l^^^J, (7.60)

where the coefficients a^pq(t) are C°° functions of ^ on |^| < e,

Let Cp(t),p = l,..., d, be C°° functions of r on |^|<e, and put 6t =
Zp=i Cp{t)(ptp. Then dteH^iMt^St) is C°^ differentiable with respect to ^
Thus, if we write 6t as

a=l OZj

on UjXtcz Mt, the coefficients ^"(z^, 0 are C°° functions of (z^, t). If ^"(z,, 0
are holomorphic in z ] , . . , zj, ^ j , . . . , r^, we say that dt is holomorphic with
respect to t. Since OJ{Zj, t) are holomorphic in z ] , . . . , z", ^^ is holomorphic
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 357

with respect to t if and only if dOt/dt^ = 0 for K = 1 , . . . , m. Since by (7.60)

d . ydCpjt) d
dt^ p dt^ q dt^

p = l \ot^ q=i / ^tp,

^t = Y,p Cp(t)(Ptp is holomorphic with respect to t if and only if

d ^
— c^(0+ I a,pq{t)cq{t) = 0, p = l,...,d, K = l,...,m.
Ot^ q=l

Introducing the matrices A^(t) = (a^pq{t))p^q=i^__^^d, we can write this condi-

tion as

' • ' -AM K = l,,,.,m. (7.61)

\Cd{t)l \cAt)i
We must prove that taking a sufficiently small e' with 0 < 8'<i e, we can
choose a basis {6^,..., Std) of H^{Mt, 6^) for \t\<e' such that each O^q is
holomorphic with respect to t. Proof Let Cpq{t) with p, q = l,..., d, be C°°
functions of f on |r| < e, and put

^tq= Z Cpq(t)(ptp, q = l,...,d.

Since dim H^(M„ 6,) = d, if det C{t) ¥^ 0 with C ( 0 = (Cpg(0)p,^=i,...,ci, then

{^n,...,^rd} forms a basis of f/^(M„ 6,). Moreover, by (7.61), if C ( 0
satisfies the system of partial differential equations

-^C{i)^AMC{t) =% K = 1 , . . . , m, (7.62)

each Qtq is holomorphic with respect to t. The system of equations (7.62)

has a solution C{t) with d e t C ( 0 ^ 0 for | ^ | < e ' provided that e ' > 0 is
sufficiently small if the integrability conditions

^ A , ( 0 - - | - A . ( r ) + A.(OA,(0-A,(OA.(0 = 0 (7.63)
ot^ dtx

are satisfied for K, A = 1 , . . . , (i (see [21], §19). It follows immediately from

the definition (7.60) that the matrices A^t), K = 1 , . . . , m, satisfy (7.63).
358 7. Theorem of Stability

Consequently there exists a solution C{t) of (7.62) with det C(t) 9^ 0. Thus,
we can find a basis {On, ^.., Otd} of //^(M„ €),) siich that each Otq is
holomorphic with respect to t. I

(c) Canonical Biasis and Its Applications

In this section we let {Mt\te^} be a differentiable family of compact

complex manifolds and {Bt\teA} SL differentiable family of holomorphic
vector bundles B^ over M^. Fix a non-negative integer p once for all and
consider the linear operator D^ ^S^b^ + b^af acting on the linear space

where n = dim M^. Put

where we defitle A? = D" = 0. Since 5? = 0, for any (p,il/e ^^'%Bt), we have

(a,b,<;p, htdtil^)t - ((5?bf<;p, dtil/)t = 0, hence Af and D? are mutually orthogonal.
Therefore by (7.49) we have

^P'^B,) = W'%B,)®A'f®Dl (7.64)

Moreover we have

d,Dr' = Af, b,A? = Dr\ q = h...,n, (7.65)

In fact, since 5,H^'^~'(5i) = 0, and dtAt' = 0, we obtain

A? cz d,^P^^-\B,) = d,Dr' ^ d,h,^'^'(B,) = Al

hence 5fD?~^ = A^ Therefore

The linear nlap dt'. D ^ ^ ^ A? i^ bijective. For, since any <^ G D?"^ can be
written as (p =b,(/^ with ijje^^''^{Bt), we obtain

lkll? = (<p, <;p)r = (<^, b,«A), = {^t^, iA)„

hence ^^ip = 0 implies (p = Q. Similarly b^: A?^D?~^ is also bijective.

Since b? = 0, b,D? = 0. Also we have b,H^'^(JB,) = 0. Hence,

D ,A? = 5,b,A? = a,b,i^^'^(B,) = A?.

§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 359

Similarly we have 0 ^ 0 ? = D?.

n , A ? = A?, n , D ? = Df. (7.66)

Let \^h\t) and e'lh be the eigenvalues and eigenfunetions of D , on

if^'^(B,) respectively such that {e?i,..., e^h,...} forms an orthonormal basis
of i^^-'^CB,) with respect to ( . )„ Dtcl = \i^\t)el, and that

0^\[''\t)^"*^Xi'\t)^'", ki^\t)-^+oo (/i-^oo).

By (7.66) we may assume that each eigenfunctioh e% belongs to one of

W'^iBt), A?, and D?. Let {e^J with /ij < • • • < 4 < * • * be the set of all the
eigenfunetions belonging to A? among {e?h}, and put M?fc = e?f,fc, «i^^(0 =
Al,f (r). Then we have

n,ul = ai'\t)ul, (7.67)

and {w?i,..., w?fc,...} forms an orthonormal basis of A^ with respect to

{ , )f Clearly we have

0<a[''\t)^-"^ai''\t)^"', ai'\t)^-^oo (/c->oo).

Since a,MSc = 0, by (7.67) we have

drb,u^k = ai'\t)ul, (7.68)

hence we obtain

Replacing ^ by ^ + 1 in this equality, we obtain

(b,ur,b,M?r). = 5,,ar^>(0.
Therefore putting

^'^=V:F^''"'^^' ^'-''^
we have
{vlk,vl) = 8uH. (7.70)

From (7.65) obviously we have uffceD?. Since by (7.68)

360 7. Theorem of Stability

we have

Thus v^el^j is an eigenfunction of D^ belonging to a^i^^^\t).

Wu ^a, • •'} forms an orthonormal basis ofD^. In order to see this, since
Wk,v1h)t = 8kh by (7.70), it suffices to show that any eigenfunction e%
belonging to D? is written as a linear combination of f^^'s. Since e%e

Hence we have

dtel = l^'^ aj,ut\ a,eC,


where the summation is taken over all k such that ai^'''\t) = x\?\t). Since
^r^?h = 0, we have

Consequently, since by (7.69),

e% is written as

,q -y(h) ^ ,,q ^fc

e%=r'UkV\, Ck-

It is clear from (7.68) and (7.69) that

Put dq = dim H^'^(B,). Then {^n,..., ^?dj forms an orthonormal basis

of H^'^(BJ where in general dq depends on t. Since


{e?i,..., e%^, ufi,..., v^i,...} forms an orthonormal basis of =^^'^(5^). Note

that for ^ = 0, we omit w^, w?2, • • •, and that for q = n,we omit Vn, ^"2, • • • •
§7.2. Differentiable Family of Compact Complex Manifolds 361

Theorem 7.12. For each g = 0 , 1 , . . . , n, we can choose an orthonormal basis

{e1„...,e\,u''n,...,v'>a,...} oi ^"'"{B.) (7.71)

satisfying the following conditions.

(i) nte% = Oforh = l,...,dq where d^ = dim H^'^(B,);
(ii) For each q = l,,.. ,n, there is a sequence {a^k\t)} with

0<a[^\t)^'"^ai^\t)^" •, ai^\t)-^+oo (/c-^oc),

such that

D,ul=ai'\t)u^k, n,v^k = ai'^'\t)v^k;

(iii) The equalities

h,u%=^Jai'\t) • vV, ~dtvl = s/ai'^'\t)' ut'


Note that in (7.71) we omit u^tk and f"fc. The union of the bases (7.71)
for q = 0,... ,n forms an orthonormal basis of ® ^=o ^^'"^{Bt), which we
call the canonical basis.
By (3.148) we have H^(M„a^(B,)) = H^'^(B,). Put

/i^'^(r) = dim H^(M„ n^iB,)) = dim H^'^(5,).

Fix an arbitrary 8 > 0, and let N ^ ( 0 be the number of X^h\t) smaller than
s. Thus, if h^N\t), then A i ^ \ r ) < e , and if N''(t)<h, then \i^\t)^e.
Similarly let p'^it) be the number of a^^^ smaller than e. Since by Theorem
7.12, each A^^^O is equal to 0, a^]^\t), or a^^^^^O, and since the multiplicity
of the eigenvalue 0 is equal to dim H^'^(jBf) = /i^'^(0, we obtain

N^(t) = h^'^t) + v'^it) + v'^\t), ^ = 0 , 1 , . . . , n, (7.72)

where we put p^{t) = ^"""^0 = 0.

For any ^o ^ A, choose e such that

0<s<ai'\to), q = h...,n, /c = l , 2 , . . . . (7.73)

By Theorem 7.7, each \\^\t) = Xf^'"^(t) is a continuous function of ^ G A ,

while by (7.73), \i'\to)> s if Xi'\to)9^0. Thus Xi'\t)<8 if xi^\to) = 0,
and Xi^\t) > s if xi^\to) T^ 0 on | r - ^ol < ^ provided that 5 > 0 is sufficiently
small. Hence
N^{t) = N''{to) on \t-to\<8.
362 7. Theorem of Stability

Therefore, since by (7.73) v^ito) = 0 for g = 1, 2 , . . . , n, we obtain from (7.72)

hP'''{t)-hp%t)+p''^\t) = h''''(to) on \t-to\<8. (7.74)

Theorem 7.13. If d i m / / ^ " ^ M , , 11^(B,)) and dim//^""'(M,, n^(B,)) are

independent of te^, then dim H^{Mt, Cl^(Bt)) is also independent of teA.

Proof For any ^o^ ^, if we take a sufficiently small 5 > 0, by (7.74) v'^it)^
v^'^\t) = 0 on\t-to\<8 since by the assumption hP'^~\t) = hP'^~\to) and
hP^^^\t) = hP'^^\to). Therefore, again by (7.74), /i^'^(0 = /z^'^(^o) on |r - ^ol <
8. Thus h^'^^it) is constant on a neighbourhood of tgeA. Since to is an
arbitrary point of A, dim/f^(M„ 0^(5,)) =/i^'^(0 is independent of te
A. I

Applying this theorem to 0 , = (^(r(M^)), we obtain the following


Corollary. If dim H'^'^iMt, 6^) and dim H'^'^^{Mt, ©^) are independent of
r G A, ^/len dim //^(M,, © J f^ afeo independent of teL,

Elliptic Partial Differential Operators

on a Manifold
by Daisuke Fujiwara

§1. Distributions on a Torus

A local coordinate system on an n-dimensional differentiable manifold X

gives a diffeomorphism of its domain Xj onto the unit ball U inU", while
the unit ball in R" is diffeomorphic to a domain V in the torus T" = [R"/27rZ".
Thus a section of a vector bundle B with /i-dimensional fibres over Xj can
be identified with a vector-valued function with values in C^ over the
domain V in T". Various function spaces of sections of B over Xj can thus
be considered as those of corresponding C^-valued functions over V in T".
In what follows, we shall always treat the functions defined on V which
can be extended to the whole space T". Since the torus T" is compact, a
function space consisting of vector-valued functions on T" has much simpler
structure than that on R".

(a) Definition of Distributions

By A: = ( x \ . . . , x") we denote a point in R". If we denote by ITTZ" the set

of the points in R" whose components are ITT times integers, then this
becomes an additive group. The n-dimensional torus T" is defined as

T" = R727rZ".

A C°° function/ on T" can be regarded as a C°° function on R", hence we

can write it as f{x) = / ( x \ . . . , x"). Then we have the multi-periodicity

/ ( x + 27r^)=/(x), ^eZ\ (1.1)

We write DjJ = l,... ,n, for the differential operator d/dx\ An n-tuple
a = ( « ! , . . . , a„) of non-negative integers will be called a multi-index, and
|a| = aj 4- • • • + a„ its length. Moreover we introduce the following notation:

D " = D^^ • • • D ^ .
364 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

We denote by C°°(T") the totality of complex-valued C°° functions on

T". For / = 0 , 1 , . . . , the norm | |/ is defined by

\ip\i= I max|D>(x)|. (1.2)

With the topology defined by these countably many norms, C°°(T") becomes
a Frechet space, which we denote by ^ ( T " ) .

Definition 1.1. A continuous linear map of ^ ( T " ) to C, namely a continuous

linear functional on ^ ( T " ) , is called a distribution on T". We denote the
totality of distributions on T" by ®'(T").

In other words, S is a distribution on T" if and only if it satisfies the

following two conditions:
(1) S\ C°°(T") 3ip^ S{(p) G C is linear with respect to <p.
(2) There exist a non-negative integer /, and a positive constant C such
that for any <peC^(r)

\Si<p)\^C\cph (1.3)
The totality ^'(J'') of distributions on T" is the dual space of ^ ( T " ) .
We write (5, (p) for S{(p) if 5 G ^'("IT") and cp e ^ ( T " ) . < , ) gives a bilinear
map ^ ' ( T " ) x ^ ( T " ) ^ C . As the dual space of ^ ( T " ) , we can introduce a
topology into ^ ' ( T " ) . Recall that a sequence {Sm}Z=i of distributions
converges to S with respect to the weak topology of ^'(T") if and only if

{S,<p)=\im{S^,cp) (1.4)

holds for any (pe2D{J").

Let f(x) be an integrable function on T", and put

if,<p)=\ f{x)<p{x)dx (1.5)

for any (p e ^ ( T " ) , where dx = (I/ITT) dx^ - - - Jx". Then { , ) is linear with
respect to (p. By putting / = 0, and C = ljn \f(x)\ dx, (1.3) holds for (f, (p),
hence by (1.5) / defines a distribution. Thus we have a map

This map is injective. Indeed, l e t / a n d g be elements of L^(T"), and suppose
§1. Distributions on a Torus 365

for any cp e C°°(T"). Then we have

I (f{x)-gix))cpix)dx = 0.

Hence we have the equaHty

f{x) = gix) = 0

for almost every x. Therefore f=g in V(J"). Consequently the map of

L^(T") to ^ ' ( T " ) defined above is injective. By this injection L^(T") can
be considered as a subspace of 2)'{J"): L'(T")c: ^ ' ( T " ) .
Let a{x) be a C°° function on T", and f{x) an integrable function on
T". Then the product {af)(x) = a{x)f(x) also becomes an integrable func-
tion. We want to define a multiplication of any distribution 5 by a by
extending this operation. In a special case S ' = / G L ^ ( T " ) , we have the

(af, (p) = a(x)f(x)(p(x) dx = f(x)a{x)(p{x) dx = {f, acp)


holds for any (pe2)(J"), In view of this identity we shall define aS as


Definition 1.2. Let 5 G ^ ' ( T " ) and a e C°°(T"). ThenthQproductaSe 2\J'')

is defined as follows:
{aS,(p) = {S,a(p)
for any (;PG^(T").

To make this definition possible, it should be proved that the linear map


is continuous with respect to the topology of ^ ( T " ) . For any multi-index

a = ( « ! , . . . , « „ ) , we have the following identity (Leibniz' formula):

D-(a(x)<p(x))= I ll)D^a(x)D-^<p(x\ (1.6)

where ^ = (/3i,..., i8„) is a multi-index, and by j8 ^ a we mean that Pj ^ a^

for every j = 1 , . . . , n. Further we have put

( ; ) = ( ; ; ) • ( ; : ) •
366 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Using Leibniz' formula, we obtain for / = 0 , 1 , . . . ,

\a<p\i^n'\a\A<p\u (1.7)

where a C°°(T") and (p C°°(T"). Therefore O^ is a continuous linear map.

Since <I>a is a continuous linear map, we can define its dual

which is continuous with respect to the weak topology. 6y the definition

of the product of distributions given above, we have *^a{S) = aS. Hence
the map ^\J'') 3 (p -^ aS e ^'{J'') is weakly continuous. Its linearity in S
is also obvious.
L e t / 6 C ^ T " ) . Then we obtain the following identity.

This is just the formula of integration by parts, but this characterizes the
partial derivative {d/dx^)f of/ as a distribution. By extending this formula,
we define the derivative (d/dXj)S of any distribution 5 as follows. First we
note that the map

- ^ : 2(Jn 3<p-^ - / - ( p e ^ ( T " ) , J = 1 , . . . , n, (L8)

oX oX

is linear and continuous. For, in fact,

U-(p ^Wh^u / = 0,1,..., (L9)

\oX 1/

Definition 1.3. We denote the dual map of the linear map (1.8) by

^:S'(T")9S^^5eS'(T"), j = l,...,n,

and call (d/dx^)S the partial derivative of 5 in x^. The map S^(d/dx-^)S is
continuous in the weak topology of ^ ' ( T " ) .

The above definition of the partial derivative d/dx-^ coincides with that
of the usual partial derivative of a C^ function / This follows from the
§1. Distributions on a Torus 367

above formula of the integration by parts. So we always write

^ ^ • = ^

as an operator acting on distributions.

Leibniz' formula (1.6) can be extended for any aeC°°(T") and Se

D^aS)= I (-^)D^aD"-^5, (1.10)

P^a \p/

which is called Leibniz' formula as well.

Similarly we can define the translation of a distribution 5 in the direction
of Xj by h. For (p e C°°(T"), we put

r;'cp(x) = <p{x\...,x^ + K...,xn.

Clearly the map thus defined


is continuous and linear. As its dual map,

TJ':^'(T")95->TJ'5G^Xir") (1.11)

is defined. We call TJS the translation of 5 in the direction of x' by h.

The difference quotient operator Aj* is defined by

^^S = h-\T^S-S) (1.12)

for any distribution S. Especially in case S=fe L^(T"), we have

AJ'/(x) = / i - H / ( x \ . . . , x ^ + / i , . . . , x " ) - / ( x S . . . , x " ) ) .

The formula D^AJ* = AJ'Dfe holds, and for any a e ^ ( T " ) and any S e ^'(IT"),
we have

AJ'(a5) = A>T7''5 + aAJ'5. (1.13)

Let 5 be a distribution on T", and K a compact subset of T". S is said

to vanish on i ^ ' = r " - X if

(5,<p) = 0

holds for any cp e ^ ( T " ) vanishing on K. The smallest one of such K is

called the support ofS and is denoted by supp 5. If 5 is a function/G L ^ ( T " ) ,
368 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

the support of S coincides with the support of / as a function:

supp 5 = s u p p /


supp aS = supp a n supp 5. (1-14)

(b) Vector-Valued Distributions

Let ^6 be a positive integer. A vector-valued distribution S with values in

C^ is defined as a /x-tuple

5 = (S\ . . . , S'^) G ^'(T") X . . . X ^ ' ( T " ) .

We denote the space consisting of all such vector-valued distributions by

^'(T", C^). Since 2'{J", C^) = 2)'{J") x • • • x ^ ' ( T " ) , it is a vector space.
For aGC°°(T") and 5 G ^ ' ( T " , C ^ ) , we define their product by aS =
{aS\... ,aS^). Similarly we define the partial derivative DjS and the
difference quotient AjS by

DjS = (DjS\...,DjSn,

A ; 5 = (AJ'5\...,AJ'5'^).

We denote the space of vector-valued C°° functions by

^ ( T " , C^) = ^ ( T " ) X . . . X ^ ( T " ) .

For (p = {(p\...,(pn^^(T\C^) and 5 = ( 5 \ . . . , 5 ^ ) G ^ ' ( T " , C ^ ) , we

define the bilinear map

which makes 2\J", C ) and ^(T", C") dual to each other.

(c) Fourier Series Expansion of Vector-Valued Distributions

We denote by L^(T", C^) the totality of vector-valued functions f{x) =

(/^(^), • •. ,f^M) with values in C^ defined on T" such that each com-
ponent/'^(x) is square-integrable. For / gG L^(T", C^), we define their
inner product by

a«)=I fix)g\x)dx. (1.15)

§1. Distributions on a Torus 369

With this inner product L^(T", C^) becomes a Hilbert space. The norm of
/ is given by

11/11 = «/)''' = ( i f {fixWdx) .

For any f G Z", we write i' x = ^^x^ + • • • + ^„x", and put

f^=\ f{x)txp{-i^'x)dx. (1.16)


We call /^ = if],... , / f ) the Fourier coefficient of / Using these / ^ , we

obtain for each A a Fourier series expansion

f{x)=lf, exp(i^- x), A = 1 , . . . , M, (1.17)

which converges in L^(T''). We denote by P(Z", C^) the totality of ^c-tuple

of infinite sequences of complex numbers {a^} with ^ e Z" and A = 1 , . . . , /i,
such that

A ^

An element of /^(Z", C^) can be considered as a map of Z" to C^ which

maps ^ e Z " to a^ = ( a | , . . . , a f ) e C ^ /^(Z",C^) is also a Hilbert space.
The following is the fundamental theorem for Fourier series.

Theorem 1.1. The map which associates/e L^(T", C^) to its Fourier coefficients
gives an isomorphism o/L^(T", C^) onto /^(Z", C^) as Hilbert spaces.

\\fr = ll\fl\' (Parseval). I (1.18)

A ^

The Fourier series (1.17) converges to / with respect to the norm of

It is difficult to give the condition under which a square-integrable
function on T" becomes continuous in terms of the Fourier coefficients.
But for our present purpose the following theorem is sufficient.

Theorem 1.2 (Sobolev's Imbedding Theorem). Let f^ be the Fourier

coefficients offe L^(T", C^), and suppose that for some s> n/2, we have

A ^
370 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

where we put \^\^ = ^?+ • • • + 1 ^ . Then the Fourier series

\ . (1.19)
converge absolutely and uniformly on T", hence give continuous functions of
X. Further
holds almost everywhere. Moreover there exists a positive constant C^ depending
on s such that

m a x l / ^ W I ^ c Y z Z d + l^rri/^r) . (1.20)

Proof. Putting

we have

E i/^Ni(i+i^pn/^i(i+i^iv
^ii/L(i(i+i^rr) <00

because s> n/2. Therefore the infinite series (1.19) whose terms are con-
tinuous functions converge absolutely and uniformly in x, hence represent
continuous functions of x. On the other hand, by the preceding theorem, /
and / coincide as elements of L^(T", C^). Consequently on T" the equality


holds except possibly for a set of measure 0, which proves the theorem. I

Theorem 1.3 (Sobolev's Imbedding Theorem). Let f) be the Fourier

coefficients O / / G L^(T", C^), and k a non-negative integer. If for some s>

ll{l-^mVW<^ (1-21)

holds, then the Fourier series

/ ' ( x ) = 1 / ^ exp(if • x), A = 1 , . . . , /x, (1.22)

§1. Distributions on a Torus 371

and the infinite series obtained by term-wise differentiating them j-times for
any j^k all converge absolutely and uniformly. Therefore f^{x) are C \
Moreover on T", the equality

holds except possibly for a set of measure 0.

Proof. We have already proved that (1.22) converge absolutely and uniformly
in the preceding theorem. By differentiating their general term, we have

\D"f, exp(i^- x)| = \{i$r-ff exp(i^- x)|

g|^n/^|, A = 1,...,M,

where we put \a\-j^k, and ^" = ^?^ • * • f^". Therefore, similarly as in the
proof of Theorem 1.2, we obtain

Since s>n/2-\-k, we have S^ (1 + |||^)^"'<oo, hence

ZD"/^exp(i^.x), A = l,...,)Lt,

converge absolutely and uniformly, and the j{x) are C^. Also there is a
positive constant C« independent of/ such that

max|D«/^(x)|^Cj|/||,. (1.23)

The fact that f{x) =f(x) holds almost everywhere is proved similarly as in
the proof of the preceding theorem. I

The vector space of all C^ functions defined on T" with values in C^

becomes a Banach space if we define the norm o f / = ( / \ ,f^)^
\J]jc = l I max|DTW|.

Let / ^ be the Fourier coefficients of / Then for any multi-index a with

I a I ^ /c, we have

(-i)'"'r/^ = [ f{x)D" expi-ii • X) dx

= - I ( - D ) T ( x ) exp(-»|- x) dx.
372 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Therefore, recalling {-D)ye L^J",^), we obtain

ii:a+\i\'r\m'=m+Di+---+Dim^c,\A,. (1.24)
By the deep gap between (1.24) and Sobolev's imbedding theorem, we
cannot get the precise characterization of C^(T", C^) in this way. But we
can characterize C°°(T", C^) as follows.

Theorem 1.4. fe L^(T", C^) coincides with an element o/C°°(T", C^) almost
everywhere if and only if its Fourier coefficients satisfy

llil + my\fe\'<^ (1-25)

for any seU,

The proof runs as follows. First by (1.24) we see the necessity of (1.25),
Conversely, if (1.25) holds for any 5, we see from Sobolev's imbedding
theorem that / is equal to an element of C°^(T", C^) almost everywhere. I

Definition 1.4. Let cp^ be the Fourier coefficients of (p = {(j)^,... ,(p^)e

C°°(T", C^). For an arbitrary 5 e R, we call

the Sobolev norm of degree s.

By (1.23) and (1.24), for /c = 0 , 1 , . . . , there exists a positive constant Q

depending only on k such that for any (p e C°°(T", C^),

Ck^\\(p\\2k^\(p\2k^Ck\\(p\\2kHn/2-]+U (1-26)

where [n/2] denotes the integral part of n/2. Therefore the topology of the
Frechet space ^ ( T " , C^) can also be defined by the countable system of
norms || H^, /c = 0,1, From this fact combined with Theorem 1.4 and
the proof of Sobolev's imbedding theorem, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 1.5. Let cp e ^ ( T " , C^). The Fourier series of cp converges to (p with
respect to the topology ofQ){'f, C^). Therefore {exp(i|^ • x)}^^^" forms a basis
of 2(J\C^). I

Consider the Fourier series expansion of a vector-valued distribution

S = (S\ .,.,S'')e S)\J\ C^) with values in C ^

Definition 1.5. Put 5^ = {S\ exp(-/^• x)), ^G Z", A = 1 , . . . , M^. We call S^ =

( 5 | , . . . , 5^) the Fourier coefficients of the vector-valued distribution 5 =
§1. Distributions on a Torus 373

( S \ . . . , 5 ^ ) . The series

X S, exp(-f^- x) = (l S\cxp{-i^' x ) , . . . , Z 5^ exp(-/^- x))

is called the Fourier series of S.

Theorem 1.6.
(r) The map ^'(T", C ) BS-^iS""^) is injective.
(2°) 77ie sequence (5^) w the Fourier coefficient of a vector-valued distribu-
tion if and only if there exists an integer k^O such that

II(l +l^m5^r<^ • (1.27)

A ^

holds. This being the case, the Fourier series


converges weakly in ^'(T", C"). Let S e 2)'(J", C^) be its limit. Then
the Fourier coefficients of S coincide with S^.

Proof ( r ) It suffices to show that if 5 = ( 5 \ . . . , 5^) e 2)'(T", C^) and for


5^ = {S\ exp(-i^ • x)) = 0, A = 1 , . . . , /x,

holds, then 5^ = 0 . But this is clear since {exp(-/^- x)} forms a basis of

(2°) By the definition of 2)'(J", C^), there exist a positive integer / and
a positive constant C such that for any f eZ",

K 5 \ exp(-/^- x))| ^ C1exp(-/^- x)b

holds. Hence by taking a suitable constant C,

holds. Thus if we choose k so that / c - 1 > n, (1.27) holds.

Conversely, suppose that (1.27) holds for some k^O.
If we put A^ = (1 + If p)~'=Sf, then we have

374 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Hence if we put A^{x) = Y.^^^ exp(~i^- x), then this becomes a square-
integrable function of x Thereifore A^{x) represents ^ distribution on T",
namely, for any cp e ^ ( T " ) ,

{A\<p)= A\x)<p(x)dx= Y.A^^Qxp{-ii'x)(p(x)dx

JT" JT" ^
holds. Since thg series I ^ A^ exp(-if • x) converges strongly in L^(T"), we
can exchange the integration witlj X^, so we have

{A\cp) = lA'^ exp(-f^-x)<^(x)^x = IA^</>_^,

^ JT"
JT" ^

where we denote the Fourier coefficients of (p{x) by (p^. Next, we put a

partial sum of the series made of {5^} as

S'N= Z 5^exp(-/^-x),

where N>0. This is a C°° function, hence gives a distribution on T". We

shall prove that if N ^ o o , 5 ^ converges to the distribution (1 - D j - • • • -
Dl)^A^ with respect to the weak topology of ^'(T")- In fact, if (^ G ^ ( T " ) ,
we have

<(1-D? Dl)'A\<p) = {A\il-D', DD'cp)

= IA^
i IJT"
exp(/^-x)(l-D? D^JVWrf:^

Applying (1.25) to <^(x) € C°^{J", C ) by putting 5 = fc, we have

Therefore we have

m-Dl Dl)''A\v)-{S%,cp}\

= \ I 5,V-^

\|^|>iV / \|^|>iV /
§1. Distributions on a Torus 375

hence by (1.27) we obtain

lim(5^^,(p) = < ( l - D ? Dl)^A\<t>).


Thus SN converges weakly to ( 1 - D ? DD'^A'' in ©'(T"). If we put

5^ = (1 - Di DD'^A^, then the Fourier coefficients of S" are given by

{S\cxpi-ii-x)) = {A\{l-D] Di)''exp{-i^-x)}


Thus the proof is completed. |

Theorem 1,7. For any S = {S\ . . . , 5^) e ^'(T", C^), there exist a non-nega-
tive constant / ^ 0 qndf= (f\ . . . ,f^) e L^(T", C^) such that in the sense of

S' = {l-Dl DlYf (1.28)

holds. (The structure theorem of distributions.)

Proof, Let

be the Fourier expansion of S^. Then (1.27) holds for some k^O. Therefore
as in the proof of the preceding theorem, we put

If we p u t / ^ ( x ) = X^/^ exp(f|- x), then/^(x)G L^(T"), and as is shown in
the proof of Theprem 1.6, we have

S' = (l-Dl dl)T

in the sense of distributions. By putting / = /c, the theorem is proved. I

Theorem 1.8. Let 5^ be the Fourier coefficients ofSeSD'iJ", C ) , and (^^ the
Fourier coefficients of cp e S)(J", C^). Then

{S,<p) = llS',<pt, (1.29)

holds. I

This formula is already obtained in the proof of the preceding theorem.

376 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

(d) Sobolev Space

We introduce a space which Hes between ^ ( T " , C^) and ^'(T", C ) .

Definition 1.6. For any 5 G IR, we put

and call it the vector-valued Sobolev space of degree s with values in G^,
where S^ denotes the Fourier coefficient of 5^.

For S,Te W^(T", C'^), we define their inner product by

(S,T),=llil + \^\ysi¥,, (1.30)

which makes \y^(T", C^) a Hilbert space. Here T^ denotes the Fourier
coefficient of T^. The norm of this space is just the Sobolev norm of
degree s
Theorem 1.9.
(V) Ifs'<s, W'{J\C^)cz W^'(T",C^).

(3°) Ifk-\-n/2<s, there exists a continuous imbedding

W'{J\ C^)-> C\J\ C^), (1.31)

namely, there exists a positive constant C^k such that for any S e
W^(T", £^), there is an SeC\J\ C^) with

|5U^C,,||5||,. (1.32)

(4°) ^ ( T " , C ^ ) is dense in each \^'(T",C'^).

Proof (1°) is clear from the definition.

(2°) follows from Theorem 1.4 and Theorem 1.6.
(3°) is just Sobolev's imbedding theorem, Thorem 1.3. Finally, if we put
S = (S\ ...,S'')e \¥'(T", C^), and let


be its Fourier series, then the partial sum X|^|siv ^e exp(i^- x) is an element
of ^(J\ C^) fnd converges to S in W'(T", C^) for N^oo.
(4°) follows immediately from this. I
§1. Distributions on a Torus 377

The following inequality is often used in the following.

Lemma 1.1. Let a, b, t be positive numbers. If O^X^l,

a^b^-^^Ar^/^a + ( l - A ) r ' / ( ' - ^ ^ 6 (1.33)

holds, where the equality holds for t^^^a = t~^^^^~^^b.

The proof is given by the comparison of the arithmetic and geometric

means. I

Proposition 1.1.
(r) Ifs"<s' < s, then for anyfe W'(J", C^) the following interpolation
inequality holds:

ui'^mi'-'"'^''-'"^^^^^^^ (1.34)
(2°) Ifs"<s'<s,foranyfe T^'(T",C^) and any positive number t, the
following interpolation inequality holds:

^;||y||... (135)
Proof By the above lemma, for any ^ > 0, we have


P u t / = ( / \ . . . , / ^ ) , and let/^ be the Fourier coefficients of F^. Multiplying

the above inequality by |/^|^ and summing over ^ e Z " , we obtain

Taking the minimum of the right-hand side for r > 0, we obtain

Taking the square root, we obtain (1.34).

(2°) follows from this and Lemma 1.1. I
378 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Theorem 1.10. Ifs'<s, the inclusion M^'(T",C^)^ l^^'CT^C^) is compact.

Proof. It suffices to show that if a countable sequence {fm}m in W'(J", C^)

is bounded, we can choose a subsequence which converges in W (¥", C^).
Let fm = (fL --^Jm) and frn,^ the Fourier coefficients of fl where ^eZ\
Since {/m}m is bounded in \y^(T", C^), there exists a positive number M
such that


Since for each ^, A, {/^, Jm=i is a bounded sequence, we may take a suitable
subsequence {m'} so that for each ^, and A, {/^,m'}m' converges. Then {f^'}
converges in \^^ (T", C^). In fact, we have the following Fourier expansion:

/'^' = Z/m',,exp(/^-x).

For any positive number e, take a sufficiently large N so that

holds. Then for any m', we have the following inequality.

Fix such N. Since there are only a finite number of lattice points ^ e Z "
with 1^1 ^ N , we may choose a sufficiently large mo so that for any mj,


holds. Then we have

11/.,-/mill?'^I z \fU,,-fUf(^+\^\y'
A i^i<;v

+ 2E I (IA./ + l/k/)(l + l^lY

A l^l^iV

Therefore {/mlm' is a Cauchy sequence in W"^(T", C^), hence converges in

W''(J\ C^). This completes the proof. I

Since the Sobolev space of degree 0 is nothing but L^(T", C^), we shall
write II II for || ||o below. It is difficult to have an intuitive understanding
§1. Distributions on a Torus 379

of \y^(T", C^), but if 5 = / is a positive integer, it is rather easy to understand.

For this we use the following lemma.

Lemma 1.2. Let S = {S\ . . . , 5^) G £ ) ' ( T " , C ^ ) , and 5^ the Fourier coefficients
ofS. If we write the Fourier coefficients ofDjS = {DjS\ ..., DjS^) as (D,5^)^
forj = 1, 2 , . . . , n, we have

iDjS'), = i^jS'^, j = l,...,n; A = 1 , . . . , M- (1.36)

Proof, (DjS^)^ = {DjS\ exp(-/^- x)) = -{S\ Dj exp(-/f • x))

= i^j{S\exp{-i^'x))=i^jS',. I

From this lemma we obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 1.2. Let I be a positive integer. Then

W\J\ C^) = {Se L^(T", C^)ID'^Se L^(T", C^) for any a with \a\^ /}.

For any Se W\J", C^) we have

n-'''\\S\uJ I |iiD«5ii;
|D"5||)"'^||5||,. (1.37)

Proof It suffices to show (1.37). Letting 5^ be the Fourier coefficient of 5,

we have

For ^GZ",


holds. Therefore, multiplying this by |5^|^ and summing over ^, we obtain

n-^\\S\\l^ I \\D-Sf^n^\\S\\l

which proves (L37).

Theorem 1.11.
(1°) The restriction of the bilinear form { , ) on ^\J\ C^) x ^ ( T " , C^)
to ^ ( T " , C ^ ) x ^ ( T " , C^) gives the following inequality: For any
(t>,il/e ^ ( T " , C ) and any seU,

K(A,^)|^||eA||-slkL. (1.38)
380 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

(2°) The bilinear form ^ ( T " , C^) x ^ ( T " , C^) 3ip,(p^ (lA, <p) extends
uniquely to a continuous bilinear map o/\y~^(T", C^) x \y^(T", C^)
to C which is continuous in if/ with respect to the norm \\ \\_s ci^d in
(p with respect to \\ ||^. By this bilinear form, \^~^(T", C^) and
W'(J", C^) become dual to each other.
(3°) Let seU.ForSe W~'(J\ C^) we have

sup^^||S||_. (1.39)

Here sup is taken over all non-zero cp eQ)(J'',C^).

Proof (1°) Let cp^ and il/^ be the Fourier coefficients of (p and ip respectively.
Then we have

A ^

By Schwartz' inequaUty, we obtain

(2°) Since ^(T",C^) is dense both in W-'(J",C^) and in W'{J\C^),
the inequaHty (1.38) shows that the bilinear form ( , ) extends uniquely to
a continuous bilinear form on W"'(T", C^) x W'(J\ C^) to C. Then (1.39)
proves that by this bilinear form, \ y ( T " , C^) and \y'(T", C^) become
dual to each other.
(3°) Let S^ be the Fourier coefficients of 5. For any N>0, we define
<PN = {<PN, . . . , <^^) e ^ ( T " , C^) by putting


\{S, <PN)\ = llS',9N.-i =1 I \s'A-^+m-'.

2\-s| c'\\2\l/2
On the other hand, since ||<PN||. = ( I A I|«lsiv (l + l^r)"'!'^^!) > we have

\\<PN\\S \ A l^l^iv /

Taking the supremum with respect to N, we obtain (1.39). I

§1. Distributions on a Torus 381

Proposition 1.3. Let a be a multi-index. If s> s' + \a\, then for any Se
W'{r,C^), D'^SeWXl^C'^). D " : \ ^ ^ ( T " , C ^ ) ^ \ ^ ' ' ( T " , C ' ' ) is con-
tinuous, and the inequality

||D"5i|,,^||5||,^,,«l (1.40)

Proof. It suffices to show (1.40). If we let 5^ be the Fourier coefficients of

5, the Fourier coefficients of D"5'^ are given by

Hence we have

iio"5ii^.gii(i+iin^iii^i"i|s^rgiisii?.,i„|. I
Next we consider the product of a function and a distribution.

Lemma 1.3. Let f(x) e C°°(J",C''^) be a C^ function with values in {px

fi)-matrices, and put fix) = if\{x),...,fj,{x)). Let g = (g\ ..., g^)e
W\J'',C^) be a vector-valued distribution with values in C^. Suppose that

p= l

holds in the sense of the product of distributions. Then h = {h^,... ,h'')e

\y^(T", C^). Moreover there exists a positive constant C depending only on
s such that the following inequality holds:

Proof The above theorem is true for any seU, but its proof is complicated.
Therefore we shall give proof only for the case s is an integer here. This is
enough for our present purpose.
(1°) The case 5 = 0. The assertion follows from the well-known inequality

) g ' ' ( x ) | ^ ^ x s m a x | / ^ ( x ) | | |g''(x)|Vx

JT" ^ JT

with C = l.
The case 5 ^ 1 . For a multi-index a with | a | ^ 5 , we have by Leibniz'

P^a \p/
382 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Hence letting D^f be the (^ X/i)-matrix function with D^/p as its (A, p)-
component, and D'^'^g the C^-valued distribution with the pth component
D'^'^g^, and applying the result of the case 5 = 0 to D ^ / and D'^'^g instead
o f / and g respectively, we obtain

D«ft||g I (f\\D'f]o\\D''-''g\\

by taking the summation with respect to j8. Therefore, by Proposition 1.2,

there exists a positive constant Ci such that

(T) The case 5 = - / < 0 . Take an arbitrary «p7^0 with (p^ \^^(T",C").
Using (1.39), we have

II/i II _f = s u p - — p - = sup-7—r-,
<p ||<p||/ <p 11^11/

where (A = (<A\ • • •, ^'') and iA^(x) = S^^^/^(x)<p^(x). By ( D there exists

a positive constant Cj such that


holds, hence cqmbining with the inequality |(g, ^)\^ ||g||_/||(/^||/, we obtain


which completes the proof. I

In particular in case 5 ^ 0 ,

^'W=Z/pW^'W, A = l,...,^, (1.41)


hold for almost every x,

Theorem 1.12. Let I be a positive integer with l^n-\-\. Then for any fe
W\J\C^^)^ and geW'iJ^C''), /i = (/i\ . . . , / i ^ ) given by (1.41) is an
element 0/ V^^(T", C ) . Moreover there exists a positive constant C depending
only on /, n, /i, v such that the following estimate holds:

§1. Distributions oh a Toms 383

Proof. Using the estimate of ||i^"/i|| for the inulti-indice^ d with |a| ^ /, we
can find an estimate of ||/i||/. By Leibniz' formiila we have

|^|^|a|/2 \ P / l^l^kl/2 \ P /

Since | a | ^ / , if | j 8 | ^ | a | / 2 , then |j8| + (n + l ) / 2 ^ / , hence, by Sobolev*s

imbedding theorem, there exists a positive constant C independent o f /
such that on T"


holds outside of a set of measure 0. Therefore we have

||ID^/^D"-VNC||/|M|D"-^g||, |)8|S|a|/2.

Similarly in case |j8| > | a | / 2 , since |a - / 3 | < |a|/2, applying Sobolev's imbed-
ding theorem to g^, w6 obtain

IIID^/^D-VNCIID^/Il ||g||„ |)8|>|a|/2.


||D"ft|| s c(||/|M|g|||„|+||/|||„|||g||,) g c||/|M|g||,

holds. Thus by Proposition 1.2, we obtain

|i/.||,sc||/|M|g||,. I
We define a linear partial differential operator A(x, D) which operates
on vector-valued distributions S = {S\ .,.,S'')e ^'(T", C^) by

(A(x,D)Sr=l I a^a(x)D«5^ A = l,...,^, (1.42)

p |a|gm

where the coefficients Up^ix) are C°° functions. If there are some a with
|a| = m. A, p, and a point x such that apa(x) T^ 0, we say that A(x, D) is a
partial differential operator of order m.lfm = 0, A(x, D) is called a multipli-
cation operator. For a non-negative integer /, we put

Mi= I I Zmax|D^a^«(x)|. (1.43)

Propositidn 1.4. Ler A(x, D) be a linear partial differential operator of order

m with apa(x) being C°° functions. Then for any seU, there exists a positive
number C depending only on s, n, m, v and fjL such that for any S e W'{J",C^),
384 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

the following inequality holds:


This follows from Lemma 1.3 and Proposition 1.3. I

Let (p(x) e C°°(T", C), and (p the operator of multiplication by (p(x): For
5 6 ^'(T", C^), (p:S = (S\..., 5^)-^ {(pS\ . . . , (pS^). We will often use the
commutator of (p and A(x, D) later:

[A(x, D), (p] = A(x, D)<p - cpA{x, D). (1.44)

In terms of components, this is written as

([A(x,D),(p])^=S Z a^„(x)[D",(p]5^A = l , . . . , / x . (1.45)

Lemma 1.4.
(1°) For a multi-index a, ^/le commutator [D", (p] i5 a //near partial
differential operator of order \OL\ — \ whose coefficients are derivatives
of(p of order up to\a\. For any seR, there exists a positive constant
C depending on s and a such that for any Se iy^(T", C^), the
following inequality holds:


(2°) For such a linear partial differential operator A(x, D) as stated in

Proposition 1.4, the commutator [A(x, D), <p] is a linear partial
differential operator of order m — l. For any seU, there exists a
positive number C depending on s, m, v and /JL such that for any

\\[A(x, D), cp]Sl^ CMH|(^|,,,^^||5L^^_I


Proof (1°) We proceed by induction on \a\. First let |a:| = 1. Then

i[Dj,<p]Sr = Dj<pS', J = l,...,n,

hence, there is a positive constant C such that


Thus in this case (1°) is true. Suppose that (1°) is proved for |a| S / - 1 . For
§1. Distributions on a Torus 385

a multi-index a of length / - 1 , and 7 = 1 , . . . , n, we have

hence, by the hypothesis of induction we obtain

||[D,D«, <p-\S\l^ ||[D", ^>-\S\U,^\m, ^]D«5||,

^C|J|,4-/||*S'||, + /_i,

which proves (1°).

{T) follows immediately from (1°). I

Next we examine the relation between the difference quotients and the
Sobolev spaces. The results obtained will be used in §6.

Theorem 1.13.

(r) For S e W'(J", C^), the difference quotient Af 5 is again an element

(2°) For any h with \h\ ^ 1, ifSe l ^ - ^ T " , C^), we have

||AtS||,^||5||,^i, j=h...,n. (1.46)

(3°) IfSe W'(J\C^), and for any h with 0 9^\h\^l and j = 1,... ,n,

IIAJ'SII.^M (1.47)

holds, then Se W'^\r,C^) and

||5||Li^«M+||5||? (1.48)

Proof. (1°) Let


be the Fourier expansion of 5. Translating S in the direction of Xj by -h,

we obtain
r7^5^ = 1 5 ^ Qxp(i^jh) ' exp(/^- x),

hence the Fourier coefficients of rJ^S are given by S^ Qxp(i^jh). Since

|Sj| = |5^exp(/^,/i)|, we have | | T 7 ^ 5 | | , = ||S||,. On the other hand, the
386 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

difference quotient is given by


hence for /i 7^ 0, we have A^Se ^^(T", C^).

(2°) ^^S' =1 S',h-\txp{ih^j)-l) exp(/^. x),

hence, using the inequahty \Qxp(ih^j)-l\^\h^j\, we obtain

A e


(3°) Aj"5^ = Z 5^p(ft, e ) exp(i|^- x),

where we put
pih,^j) = h-\expiiHj)-l).

By the hypothesis (1.47), we have

A i

By Fatou's lemma,

g I I l i m i n f | 5 ^ r | p ( / , , $ ) r ( l + |^|Y

A ^

Therefore we obtain

A e

^ 11511, +wM^ I

Proposition 1.5. Set 0<s'<l, and let 5 G iy'(T", C^). Then Se

W'^^(T", C^) if and only if there exists a positive number 8 such that for
§1. Distributions on a Torus 387


I {A^SfsH'^'' dh< 00 (1.49)

holds. This being the case, there exists a positive constant C = C(s\ 8) depend-
ing on s' and 8 such that the following inequality holds:

c-'iisii?,,,siisiiHi j J-oo
Proof. Since Hrj'SlI^ = \\S\\s, for h> 8,WQ have


\\Afsry-'''dh^2\\srs\ J\h\>8

Therefore the condition (1.49) is equivalent to the following inequality.


J —oo

Let 5^ be the Fourier coefficients of S. Then we have

MS r ll\S',\'\cxp{ihij)-l\\l + \ey\hr''-'dh.
J-oo A ^

By Fubini's theorem, changing the order of the integration and XA Ii^» we


where we put

a{$j)- \cxp{iMj)--mhr'-'dh.
Thus a{$j)>0, and for f eR, we have

ait^j) = \cxp{iht^j)- l|^|/i|-^^-' dh = I f ^ ai^j).

Therefore there is a positive constant C = €{$') such that

388 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Consequently there is another positive constant C = C{s') such that

C(5')-'(l + | | | T s i + a ( | . ) + - - - + a ( ^ J g C ( 5 ' ) ( l + |f|Y',

C(s'nS\\U,.^ll\S',\^l + \eni + a{^,)+-- • + a(^„))

= ||si|,+i f" \\^^sfy-''dh

j J —oo


This completes the proof. I

The following proposition and Lemma 1.5 will be used in §2.

Proposition 1.6. Let z be a point of T", and B^iz) the ball of radius r with
centrez: B^z) = {xeT"|X,- (xj-Zjf^r}. Supposes^ 1. Forcpe W^(T", C^)
with supp (pc: Br{z), we put

,(z,r) = sup-7——.
<P^0 \\(p\\s

Then N^iz, r) does not depend on z. If we put Ns(z, r) = N^ir), we have

limN,(r) = 0. (1.50)

Proof. It is clear that N^iz, r) does not depend on z. Suppose that (1.50) is
false. Then there is eo > 0 such that for any positive integer /, there exists
<Pi e W ( T " , C^) with supp (pi a B^^iz) such that

lk/||s = l , \\(pi\\s-i^eo'

Since {cpi} is a bounded sequence in W'{J", C^), by taking a subsequence

if necessary, we may assume that {(pi} converges to cp in W*~^(T", C^).
Since 5 - 1 ^ 0, we have cp e L^(T", C^), but supp cpi a B^/iiz) = {z}. There-
fore ^ = 0 as an element of L^(T", C^). On the other hand, since || (Pi\\s-i = ^o
in W^"^(T", C^), we have Hc^H^.i = lim/_^oo||<P/||5-i = ^o, that is, (p9^0 as an
element of W^"'(T", C^). Since W'-\J\ £^)^ L\J\ C ^ ) , we must have
<p = 0 in L^(T", C^), too. This is a contradiction. Thus we proved (1.50). I

Lemma 1.5. Let ae C°°(T", C^), and suppose that a(z) = 0. We denote by
Br(z) the ball of radius r with centre z,

(i) Let / ^ O be an integer. Then there is a positive function R{r.,l) such

§1. Distributions on a Torus 389

that for any cp G \^'(T", C^) with supp (p ^ B,(z),


holds. Here we may choose R{r,l) so that

R{r, 0) ^ r\aU, Rir, I) ^ r\a\^ + Ar|z|(r)|a||„, / ^ 0,

hold. Moreover we have lim^^o ^ ( ^ /) = 0.

(ii) Ifl = —kisa negative integer, there exists a positive-valued function
C{r, I) such that for any (p e W\J'', C^) with supp (p a B,(z),


Proof (i) Note that for XG JB,(Z),


holds. First suppose / ^ l . Then since / is a positive integer, there is a

positive constant C = C{1) such that

WacpW^^n'^' Y. \\D-a<pf = 2n'^' I ( | | a D > f + ||[a, D«](pf)

^C(r|a|i||(p||, + |ah||^||;_i).

Using Proposition 1.6, we obtain

\\acpl^C{r\aU + Ni(r)\ah)\\<p\\i,
hence we have

In case/ = 0, ||(p||/^ r|a|i||<p||, hence we have

Rir,0) = r\aU.

(ii) First we assume that l = -kis even. Put A = D?+ • • • + D^, and let
5^ be the Fourier coefficients of 5 G W " ^ ( T " , C ^ ) . Then since the Fourier
coefficients of (1 -A)"^/^5 are given by (l + I^H'^^^S^, for any integer m,
we have

(*) | | S | | i _ . = ||(l-A)-'^'^S||L
390 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Take a function fe C°°(T") so that 0 ^ / ( x ) ^ 1, / ( x ) = 1 on B^z) ^nd that

f{x) = 0 outide of B2r(z). Then / ^ = (p. From this and (*), we have

\\ap\U = \\il-Ar'^'aM\= A+ B,

where A = ||a/(l-A)-''^^(p||, and B = \\[af, {1 -A)-''^^](p\\. Since s u p p / c

B2r(z), using (*) we obtain


On the other hand, since

[af, (1 -A)-*^^^] = {l-Ar''\af, (1 -A)''/^](l-A)-'^/^

we obtain

where we use Lemma 1.4. By (*) and Theorem 1.12, we have

B^C(r)\a\2,\\<p\U-u C(r) = C\f\2,.

Combining the estimate of A, we complete the proof.

If / = -fc is odd, we have only to use

||5p_,-||(l-A)-^'^^^^/'5f + i \\DJ{l-^)-^^^'^^^Sf

instead of (*). I

Finally we prove the following proposition.

Proposition 1.7. Let K be a compact set of T", and let {L(,}/=i a finite open
covering of K. Take a)j{x)e C°°(T", C) with suppaj>yc: Uj so that on some
open set G containing K,

Then for any s, there exists a positive constant C such that for any Se
W'{J", cn with supp 5 c: X,

C-'\\Sl^i \\cojSl^C\\Sl

holds. C = C(s) may depend on the choice of G and co.

§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 391

Proof. Since there is a constant C with || co^S || ^ ^ C || 51| „ the second inequality
is obvious. The first inequaUty follows from the existence of positive numbers
C and C such that

||5||, = ||n(x)-^n(x)5||,^c||a5||,^c'i||ci;^5||,. i

§2. Elliptic Partial Ditfereiitial Operators on a Torus

(A) Estimates by the Sobolev Norm

(a) Elliptic Operators with Constant Coefficients

We set

(A(D),(p)^= Z Z a^al)>^ A = l,...,/.. (2.1)

|a|^/, p = l

A(D) is called a linear partial differential operator with constant coefficients,

operating on vector-valued distributions witk values in C^. When a p „ # 0
for some a with |a| = /, we say that A{D) is of order /. The sum of the
terms with \a\ = l
A(D)= I Ia^«D« (2.2)
\a\ = l p

is called the principal part of A{D). For any ^G Z" and w = (w^ . . . , w^) e
C ^ we have 9 = (exp(/^-X))WG D(T", C^). Let w'= {w'\... ,w'^) be
defined as
w' = exp(-/^- x)A(D){exp(ff • x)w}. (2.3)
Then we have

^"= I K(/^)"w-.

The correspondence w^w' gives a (/x X;u)-matrix valued polynomial

A(i^) in ^ of degree /. Let A{i^) = {a{i$Yp). Then

w'^-(A(/^)w)^= I Ia^p«/'"lr< (2.4)


A(i^) is called the characteristic polynomial of A{D).

392 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

We obtain from Ai{D) the matrix Ai(i^) of homogeneous polynomials

of degree /, whose (p, A)-component is equal to E|at=/^P«('^)"- ^i(^i) is
called the principal symbol of A(D).

Definition 2.1. When the principal symbol Ai(i^) is a regular (/x x^)-matrix
for every s e Z", we say that A{D) is of elliptic type. Besides the supremum
of positive constants satisfying

(lk'1')"'s5|^|'(s|w1^y'' (2.5)

is called the constant of ellipticity ofA{D), where we put w"^ = {Ai{i^)w)^.

Lemma 2.1. Suppose that Ai{D) is an elliptic differential operator of order I

which consists of only its principal part, and let SQ be its constant of ellipticity.
Then for any seU and any (p e W^'^\J", C^), the following inequality holds:

||A,(D)(^||?+5?||(p||^^2-^5?||<p||?^,. (2.6)

Proof Let
(P''=1<PI exp(i^- x), p= l,...,fi,

be the Fourier expansion of cp = (cp^,..., (p^) e 1^^(T", C^). Then, using

(2.2), we have

{A,(D)cpr=l I Ia:«(/^)>?exp(i^.x)

= i' 1 iAiU)<P^)' exp(/^• x), A = 1 , . . . , M.

Hence, by the definition of the constant of ellipticity, we have

A e

^ A

Therefore we have

|A;(D)^||?+5?||^||?^5?II|<^^r(l + | ^ r r ( l + l ^ n
^ A

:2 0o||<p||5+/-

Thus we have proved Lemma 2.L

§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 393

In (2.1) put l = 2m. Then by Proposition 1.3 we find that for any (p e
W"^(T",C^), A{D)(pe U^""^(T",C^). Therefore by Theorem 1.11 (2°), we
can define a Hermitian form on 1^"'(T", C^) by putting

{AiD)^,il,)= I ma',^D-<p',ij;') (2.7)

\a\^2m A p

for (p,ilje \y"^(T", C^). Especially for cp, if; e C°^iJ\ C^), we have

{AiD)cp,ij;) = {A{D)<p,ik) (2.8)

where ( , ) denotes the inner product of L^(T", C^). Since

(A(D)^,.A) = I 1 laU\ D>-(x).A'W dx,

we can rewrite it by partial integration as

iA{D)<p,<p) = l I IbU, D > ^ ( x ) D ^ ( A W ^ x . (2.9)

A \a\,\l3\^m p

Here there appear no derivatives of order greater than m in <p nor in il/. Of
course such an expression is not determined uniquely by A(D). We call
{A(D)(p, ijj) or {A{D)(p, if/) the bilinear form associated to A{D). This is a
continuous bilinear form on W'"{J",C^), i.e. a bilinear map form
W'^ir, C^) X W^(T", C^) to C.
For W = ( W \ . . . , > V ^ ) G C ^ and w ' e C ^ set

^ =. ^^-^-w - (^'^•"w\ . . . , e'^-^w^),

where ^€Z". We define a bilinear form as follows:

(A(D) e'^-^w, e'^-"wO = (e-'^-M(D) e'^-X >v')

= Z(A(/^)w)V\ (2.10)

This is the Hermitian form on C^ associated to the matrix of characteristic

polynomial of A{D). The sum of the terms of the highest order is equal to

(-l)"X(A2.(f)w)V^ (2.11)

which is the Hermitian form associated to the matrix of the principal symbol

Definition 2.2. If the real part of the Hermitian form (2.11) associated to
394 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

the matrix of the principal symbol of the linear partial differential operator
(2.1) is a positive definite form, we say that the differential operator A(D)
is of strongly elliptic type. The maximum of such positive numbers 8 that

( - 1 ) - Re Z (A2.(^)W)^M;^ ^ 8^1^^ I \w'\' (2.12)

is called the constant of strong ellipticity.

Lemma 2.2. If a strongly elliptic partial differential operator with constant

coefficients AjmiD) of order 2m contains no terms of order ^ 2 m —1, then
we get, for (pe 1^^"(T",C^),

Rc{A2rniD)<p,cp)^8l\\cpf^2-'"8l\\cp\\l,,, (2.13)

where 8o is the constant of strong ellipticity.

Proof For cp = ((p\ ...,(p^)e ^^'"(T", C^), let

(p^=Z(p^exp(i^-x), A = l,2,...,/x

be the Fourier expansion of (p. Using (2.10), we have

Re(A2^(D)(^, ip) = i-ir Re 1 1 iA{^)<p,rcp',

i A

since A{D) consists only of the principal part. Therefore we have

R^iA2m(D)<p,<p) + 8o\\<pf^8lll(l + \^D\<p',\'

A e

This completes the proof.

(b) Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators with

Variable Coefficients

Let l[7 be a domain of T". We define a differential operator A{x, D) with

C°° coefficients defined on an open neighbourhood of [(7] as follows: For

(A(x,D)(p)^(x) = Z I <*' (pax ) D > - ( x ) , (2.14)

§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 395

where apa(x) is a complex-valued C°° function defined on an open neigh-

bourhood of [ U], and for some index a with |a| = /, ap^M does not vanish
identically. / is called the order of A(x, D). The part of the highest order
A/(x, D) of A(x, D) is given by

{A,{x,D)<p{x)Y=Y. I a^„(x)D>-(x). (2.15)

We call Ai{x, D) the principal part of A(x, D).

Let w = ( w \ . . . , w^) G C^,/(x) a real-valued C°° function defined on (7,
and t 3. positive number, and put

Substituting this for (p, we see that

e-''^^"U(x, D)(e''-^("V) (2.16)

is a polynomial of degree / in t. The term of degree / in t comes from the

principal part, and its coefficient is given by

(A(x,Uwr=l I <(x)(f^J«w^ (2.17)

where ^^ = ( ^ i , . . . , ^J) is given by

df(x) = e.dx' + '"-hr.dx\ (2.18)

which is a cotangent vector of t/ at x. Namely, A/(x, ^^x) is a (/A X ^)-matrix

which is determined by giving a point (pc, df(x)) on the cotangent bundle
of C/. This ()Lt X/x)-matrix-valued C°° function A/(x, f^^) defined on the
cotangent bundle T* U is called the principal symbol ofA(x, D). If we take
^- X as a function/(x), the value of the principal symbol is equal to

(A,(x,ff)w)^=I Z <(x)(f^)w- (2.19)

P |a| = /

and this is the part of

e - ' " % ( x , D)(e'"-^w) (2.20)

of order / with respect to ^.

Definition 2.3. Suppose a linear partial differential operator A(x, D) of order

/, is defined on a neighbourhood of [[7]. We say that A(x, D) is of elliptic
type, if there is a positive number 8 such that for any point (x, ^x) T^U
396 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

with ^x 7^ 0 and for w 6 C^, the principal symbol satisfies the inequality

l\Mx,i^)wr\'^S'\i^fl\w'\\ (2.21)

The maximum of such 8 is called the constant of ellipticity.

In other words, A(x, D) is of elliptic type if and only if for every point
Zoe[U], the differential operator A(zo, D) derived from A(x, D) by
replacing the coefficients ap^(x) of A(x, d) by ap«(zo) is of elliptic type in
the sense of Definition 2.1.
We want to show the corresponding fact to Lemma 2.1 concerning elliptic
differential operators with variable coefficients. We introduce the following
quantity: for /c = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ,

Mfc=IZ I maxjD^a^«(x)|. (2.22)

Also we use the following notation:

Ct{ L/, C^) = {(p G C^(T", C^) I (p(x) = 0 for any x e U},

W'oi U, C^) = {the closure of C^( L/, C^) in W'(J\ C^)}.

Theorem 2.1 (Local Version of the a priori Estimate). Let A{x, D) he an

elliptic linear partial differential operator defined on a neighbourhood of [ L^]
and let 8Q be its constant of ellipticity. Then for sel. there is a positive constant
C = C(s, 6, M,,|) such that for any cp e W'o^\U,C'')

||<p||,^,^C(||A(x,D)(^||, + ||(p||J. (2.23)

Proof In order to prove this theorem, it suffices to show (2.23) for any
cp e C^iU, C^). We choose a sufficiently small e such that


Cover [L'^] with open balls Bi,..., Bj of radius s. Furthermore we choose

real-valued C°° functions OJJ(X)J = 1,...,J, defined on T" such that
supp (Oj c: Bj and that Y.j (^jM = 1 on [ U]. For any (p e C^( U, C^), we set
(pj(x) = (Oj(x)(p(x). Since
\\<P\\s^l=\\l(Oj<p\\s+l=\\l(Pj\\s+l^l \\<p\\s+h

there exists some 7 such that the following inequality holds:

\\cpjl^i^J-'\\cpl^, (2.24)
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 397

Let Pj be the centre of the ball Bj. We write the principal part Ai(x, D)
of A(x, D) as in (2.15), and let Ai(pj, D) be the partial differential operator
with constant coefficients obtained from Ai(x, D) by replacing its coefficients
^paM by their values a^podPj) at ;?,. This is an elliptic differential operator
with 8Q as the constant of ellipticity. Hence (2.6) holds. Therefore we obtain
the following:

||A,(p,-,D)(p,-||, + 6oi|(p,L^2-^/Xlk,L+/. . (2.25)

On the other hand, since

{{Ai{x,D)-A,{pj,D))<pjY{x)= Z Z«(x)-a^«(/7,))D>;(x),

by Lemma L5 in §1, there exists a positive constant C ( E ) such that


Therefore by the choice of e,

£nV(2eM,||<p,.||,+,+ C(e)M2|,|||<p,.||,+,_,)
s2-^-'/^5o||.p,||,+, + nVC(e)M2|,|||.p,.||,+,_,. (2.26)

Further, since A{x, D) — Ai{x, D) is a differential operator of order S / - 1 ,

there is a positive constant Ci depending only on s, I, /x and n such that

\\iA,(x, D)-A{x, D))cpjl^C,M^4<p\U,_,.

Combining this with (2.26), we have

\\A,{pj, D)<pl^\\Aix, D)cpj + {A,{x, D)-A{x, D))cpj

S||A(x, D)(iPy||, + CiM|,|||(p;||,+,_,
+ n'fiC{e)M2f4<Pjl^,., + 2-'-'^'do\\iPj\U,. (2.27)

Since the commutator [A{x, D), co] is a differential operator of order

S / - 1 , there is a positive constant C2 such that

\\[A(x, D), w > , . | | , g C2M|,|||.p||,+,_i.

398 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold


\\A(x, D)<pjl^\\<ojA{x, D)<PI + \\[A{X, D), a>,.]<pL

s||ft>,.A(x,D)(p||, + C2M|,|||<p||,+,_,. (2.28)

Since there exists a positive constant C3 depending only on s, I, n, fi such that


by (2.25), (2.27), (2.28) and the above inequality, we obtain

2 " ' ^ ' 5 O | | < P _ , | | . + , S C 3 | | A ( X , D ) < P L + 5O||<PJ||, + C,M|,|||<P,.||,+,_,

+ C2M|,||i^||,+,_i + nVC(e)M2|,|||(p,||,+,_i

+ 2-^-'/^5o|k,||.,,.

By transposing the last term of the right-hand side, we obtain

3 ' 2-'-^^'8o\\<Pjl^i^C,\\Aix, D)<PI + SolWjl

+ CiM|,| II ^^-II ,+^_i + C2M|,| II (p II,+/_!
-\-n',jLC{e)M2i4(Pj\\s+i-i, (2.29)

Since we can take a positive constant C4 such that

||(p^-||,^C4||<p||„ ||(Py||5_,/-i^C4||<p||5+/-l

we get by (2.24) and (2.29),

3'2-'-'^'8oJ-'\\<p\Ui^CMix,D)<pl-hC,8oM^ (2.30)

where we put C5= ClC4M|5l^-C2M|^l + nV^(^)^^2|5|• Taking a suitable tin

Proposition 1.1, we obtain a positive constant Cg depending only on s, /, n
and /JL such that

C5||(p||,^,_i^2-^-^/^5o/-^||<p||,^,+ Q||(p||,

holds. Therefore by this and (2.30), we obtain

2-^-^/^5o/-^||<p||,,,^C3||A(x,D)^||, + ( C 4 5 o + Q ) | k L ,

which completes the proof. I

§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 399

Put / = 2m and let w = ( w \ . . . , w'^) and w' = (w'\ . . . , w'^) be vectors

in £^. For each (x, ^^) e T* U, we can define a Hermitian form in w, w'


associated to the (/x x^)-matrix A2m(^, i^x) for the principal symbol of

Definition 2.4. We say that A(x, D) is of strongly elliptic type if the above
Hermitian form associated to the principal symbol satisfies the following
condition: There is a positive number 8 such that for any (x, f^) G T* (7, ^^^ T^ 0
and for any weC^,

( - 1 ) - R e S (A2^(x, ^Jwrw' S S^l^.p- I |w^p. (2.31)


The supremum of such 8 is called the constant of strong ellipticity.

Theorem 2.2 (Local Version of Garding's Inequality). Let U be a domain of

T". Suppose that a linear partial differential operator depending on a neighbour-
hood of [ V] is of strongly elliptic type and that 8 is its constant of strong
ellipticity. Then there exist positive constants 8^ and 82 depending only on 8,
m, fjL and M^ such that for any (p e W^{ U, C^)

Re(Aix,D)<p,cp)-^S^<pf^8l\\<p\l (2.32)

Proof For any (p,ilfe CT{ U, C^),

(A(x,D)(p,(A)= I I I aU^)D-cp'{x)ilfHx)dx.
\a\^2m p,A J T "

By integrating the terms with | a | ^ m + l by parts (|Q:|-m)-times, we can

rewrite this into the equality containing no partial derivatives of order
^ m + 1 as follows:

(A(x,D)vp,(A)= I 1 I b',^^{x)D-<p'{x)D^il^'{x)dx, (2.33)

where bp^p{x) is a linear combination of derivatives of order at most m of

^p'a'(x). The sum of the terms with |a| = |/3| = m is given by

(A2^(x,D)(p,(A)= Z I I fc^«^(x)D>^(x)DVW^x (2.34)

| a | = |/3| = m p,A J t"
400 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Let A2m{x, ^x) be the matrix of the values of the principal symbol of A(x, D)
at (x, f^) E T* t/. For w, w' G C , we have

( - I ) ' " Z (A2.(x, ^Jw)^w'^ = Z Z ^:«^(x)^r^>v"w'\ (2.35)

In fact, let / ( x ) be a real-valued C°° function defined on U and g(x) any

complex-valued C°° function v^ith support in U, Put ^^^ = df{x) with <i/(^) ^
0. Substituting

(p{x) = g(x) e'^^^^^w, (A(x) = e^'^^'^w'

into (2.33), by the definition of A2m(x, ^x) we obtain:

= lim
I ^r^'"(A(jc,
- 2 m ^ ^ ^ ^ D)g(x)
n W ^ v - ^ .>''/(^)w .,''/(^)w'
e"^^^'w, e"-'*^'w')

l^" |a|Sm.|;8|Sm p,A J T "

= I I [ fe^.^(x)(i^J«(-i|J''w''w'^g(x)^x.

|a| = |^| = m p,A JT"

Since g(x) is arbitrary,

(-l)""I(A2.U^x)w)V^= I I C^(x)ir^w''w'^
A |a| = |^| = mp,A
holds at each x. Since every non-zero element of T* U is written in the form
of df{x), we obtain (2.35).
For any e > 0, we can cover [ L^] by a finite number of open balls Bi,..., Bj
of radius e. Let Pu • - • ^PJ be the centres of Bi,..., Bj, respectively. We
may assume that s is so small that the inequality
en^'^M^^,<2~'^-^8^ (2.36)

holds. Take real-valued C°° functions a>y(x),7 = 1 , . . . , / on T" with

supp (Oj cz Bj such that

l(Oj{xy=l, xe[Ul (2.37)

For any cpeC^iU^C^), put (pj(x) = (Oj(x)(p(x). Then supp (pja Bj, Now
denote by A2m(Pp D) the partial differential operator with constant
coefficients obtained from (2.34) by replacing bp^pix) by its value at x = Pj,
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 401

i.e. we put
(A^^iPj, D)cp(x)r = 1 1 hU,{Pj)D-^'^'{x). (2.38)

Then we see by the hypothesis of strong ellipticity and (2.35), that A2miPj, ^ )
is a strong elHptic differential operator with the constant of strong elHpticity
8. By Lemma 2.2, we get

Re(A2.(;7„D)(p„<p,) + 5^lk,f^2—^5^||(^,||L (2.39)

By the way, we have

Re(A2„(x, D)(pj, (pj) g Re{A2„{pj, D)<pj, <pj)

- \iA2^(x, D)(pj, ipj) - {A^^iPi, D)<pj, <pj)\. (2.40)

We shall take an estimate of the second term of the right-hand side.

( A 2 „ ( x , D)(pj, <pj) - {A2„,(pj, D)<pj, <pj)

= I I [ {bUi^) - b^„^(p,))D>j'(x)DV;(^) dx.

|a| = |/3| = m p,A JT"

Since |x -p^| g g for x supp (pj, we have

Hence we obtain the following estimate:

| ( A 2 ^ ( X , D)ipj, CPj)-{A2m{Pj, D)<pj, 9,-)N en'^M^+llk.llm.

By this inequality and by (2.36), (2.39) and (2.40), we obtain

Rt{A2rn(x,D)<pj,cpj)^2---'8^cpj\\l-8^<pj\\\ (2.41)
Hence by (2.37),

iA{x,D)cp,<p)= I II
| a | S m p,X J

= l{A{x,D)<pj,<pj)

+ Z I Z [ b',^^{x)[wj, D'']<pfix)D''<p'{x) dx
\a\^m p,k j J

+ I Z Z I b'^^,(x)D-cp}(x)[coj, D^]<p'(x) dx.

\a\^m p,\ j J
402 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

By Lemma 1.4 there is a positive number Cj depending only on m, /JL, n,

and 8 such that

Re(A(x,D)(p,(p)^IRe(A(x,D)(p, -,(p,-)-CiM^||(p|U||(p|U_i. (2.42)


On the other hand,

Re(A(x, D)<pj, <pj)^RQ{A2m{x, D)<pj, <pj)~\(A(x, D)cpj, <pj)


Making the difference of (2.33) and (2.34), we have

((A(x, D)(pj, (pj)-{A2mix, D)(pj, (pj)

= T l\ b^«^(x)D>^(x)DVW^:^
\a\^m p,\ J T"

where the summation X' is taken over all the terms either with \a\^m~l
or with |j8| ^ m - 1 . There exists a positive number C2 such that

|(A(X, D)(Pj, (Pj)-{A2m{x, D)(Pj, (pj)\^C2Mm\\(Pj\\m\Wj\\m-l-

Combining the inequality with (2.41), we can find a positive constant C3

depending only on m, JJL, and 8 such that

Rc{A(x, D)<pj, cpj) g l—'d^ <pjIIi - S i ^ , f - C3M„ II.p,. |U_iII<p,II„.

By the above and (2.42), we have

Re(A(x, D)<p, <p)^2-'"-'8'l hjWi-S'iyjf

-C^Mml, \\(Pj\\m\\(pj\\m-l

-C,Mj<p\U\cp\\^_,. (2.43)

There exists a positive constant C4 such that

||(;p^|U^C4||<p|U, ||(p^-|U_i^C4||<p|U-i.

On the other hand Xj ll<^7ir= ll<Pll^ ^^^ ^Y Lemma 1.7 there is a positive
number C5 such that
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 403

Therefore putting C^= C^JCl+ Q , we get by (2.43)

-QM^||(p|U||(p|U_i. (2.44)

By (1.34) in Proposition 1.1, we have

By choosing a sufficiently small t in (1.33), we can find a positive number

C7 such that

Therefore by (2.44) and this inequality, we obtain

R e ( A ( x , D ) ( p , ( p ) ^ 2 — ^ C 5 - V - ^ 5 ^ | k f . - ( C , + 5^)||(pf. (2.45)

Hence (2.32) holds for any (peCoiU.C^)- Since Co(U,C^) is dense in

W^iU.C'^) and both sides of (2.32) are continuous in (peW^iU,C''),
(2.30) holds for every (p e W^{ U, £^). I

(B) Estimates by the Holder Norm

(a) The Case of Constant Coefficients

Set 0 < ^ < 1 . We say that a vector-valued function (p(x) = (<p^{x),...,

(p'^ix)) e C^(T", C^) is of class C^-"' if

^ V | D V ( X ) - D V ( X O | _ ^
I Z sup ——, <oo.

The totality of such functions (p is denoted by C ^ ^ ^ ( T " , C ) . For (pe

C^^\J\ C^) we define the norm by

. . ^ V V |DV(X)-DV(XO|
kk+« = k l f c + Z I sup , ne • (2.46)
A = l \a\ = k | x - x ' l ^ l |X —X j

^fc+0^ jn^ C^) is then a Banach space.

The same statements as in Lemma 2.1 can be obtained by replacing || \\s-i
and II \\s by | Ifc+e and | Ik+i+e, respectively. The proof for the general case
is, however, somewhat long. So we restrict ourselves to the most simple
case. We assume that the order of the elliptic differential operator is 2 and
404 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

that A2(D) is of diagonal type, namely, we assume that A2iD) satisfies

{A2(D)<p)'{x)= i a^jD.Djcp'ix), A = l,...,/x. (2.47)

Furthermore, we suppose that a^ is constant with a^ = aj; for /, j = 1, 2 , . . . , n

and that the operator is strongly elliptic. In other words, there is a positive
constant 8 such that, for any ^ G R "

-Re i a^^,^j ^d^l fi. A = 1 , . . . , At. (2.48)

By the assumption that A2(D) is of diagonal type, the proof is reduced

to the case /x = l. In what follows, putting /it = 1, we shall consider the
strongly elliptic partial differential equation A{D) acting on C^'^^^^(T", C)

A{D)<p{x) = I a'^D,Dj<p(x). (2.49)


Let A = (a'^) be an {n x n)-matrix with a'^ = a^\ Let B = (a^) be its inverse
We introduce the quadratic form on R" by

Q(x) = la,jx'x\ (2.50)


Define the constant C(n) by

C{n)(n-2) \ Qizy^'^' da,(z) = 1, (2.51)


where dai(z) stands for the surface element on the unit sphere \z\ = 1. Set

E(jc) = C(n)(?(x)^'-"^/l

AE(x) = -(n-2)C(n)(?(x)-"/^(la,x^), (2.52)

DiDjEix) = (n-2)C(n)Q(x)-"^^

x(-a.^ + n ( ? ( x ) - ^ ( l a , . , x ^ ) ( l a y ) y (2.53)
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 405

From these equalities, we can easily see that

A{D)E{x) =0

for X G R" with X9^0. Let p ( 0 be a C°° function if t such that p(r) = 1 for
\t\<i and that p(t)^0 for | ^ | > | . Put ^{x) = p{\x\). If we put

g{x) = ax)Eix),

then we find that g(x) = 0 for |x| ^ | , and that

Djg{x) = ax)DjEix) + Djax)Eix), (2.54)

D,Djg{x) - ax)D,DjEix) + co,j(x). (2.55)

Here (Oij{x) denotes a C°° function with


Thus there is a C°° function w such that for x G R" with X9^0,

A(D)g(x) = w(x) (2.56)

and that
SUpp W C l { x | 5 ^ | x | ^ | } .

We extend the functions g(x), cuy(x) and w{x) to the periodic C°° functions
on R", and identify them with those on T^ We denote such function on T"
by the same notation g{x), Wy(x) and w(x). g{x) is called a parametrix for
the differential operator A/(D). In the general case, it is rather difficult to
construct a parametrix.

Lemma 2.3. Setf{x) = A(D)u{x) for u e C^(T", C^). Then we have

u(x) = -{ g{x-y)f(y)d:y-\- w(x-y)u{y)dy. (2.57)


Proof. Set 0 < ^ < 1. Put a , = {>; G T" I ly - x| > s} for a fixed x. By means of
Green's formula,

A(Dy)u{y)g(x-y)dy- u{y)A(Dy)g{x--y)d-y

\ {Ap-Dy)gix-y)u{y)da{y), (2.58)
406 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

where Dy stands for the differentiation with respect to y, and (Av Dy) =
X a'-'V,((9/^>'') with ^ = ( ^ 1 , . . . , ^„) the outer unit normal vector to
dO.e'do'^y) denotes the surface element of afl^, and A{Dy)g{x-y) =
w{x-y). Since \{Av' D ) M ( > ^ ) [ ^ C|M|I and \g{x-y)\^CQ(x-y)^^-''^^^ on
aHe, we have

lim {Av D)u{y)g{x~y) dcT{y) = 0.

e^O J .

On the other hanc}, since

\x-y\ \\x-yy""\x-y\)'
by (2.52), we get

(AvDy)g{x-y) = in-2)C{n)Qix-y)-''^'\x-y\

for x,y with 0<\x-y\<l, Jience we have by (2.51)

lim {Av D)g{x-y)u(y) daiy) = u{x).

Therefore putting e -» 0 in (2.58), we obtain

u{x) = - \ g{x-y)f{y)dy-h\ w{x-y)u{y) dy. I


Lemma 2.4. As for the integral transformation Hf{x) = jj^ h{x-y)f{y) dy,
we get the following.

(1°) Ifhis integrahle and f is continuous, then Hfis continuous and

Hf{x)=[ h{y)f{x-y)dy.

Moreover the following estimate holds:

where we put

N{h)=\ \h{x)\dx.
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 407

(2°) If for j = 1, 2 , . . . , n, Djh is integrable, then Hf{x) is of class C \ Set

Ci =\-jn \h{x)\ dx + Y^jljn \Djh{x)\ dx, then we have

l«/l. = C,\f\o.
(3°) Put fcso. If Wh is integrable for any a with \a\Sk then Hfe
C'^iJ", C) and

where C = l^„^^,NiD''h).

The proof is easy, hence it is omitted.

By Lemma 2.3 we write

M(X) ^ Gfix) + Wu{x), (2.59)


G/(x) = - | g{x-y)fiy)dy (2.60)


WM(A:)= wix-y)u(y)dy. (2.61)


By Lemma 2.4, for any integer /c ^ 0, we have

\Wu\,^CMo (2.62)

where C , = I | ^ , ^ , N ( P " w ) .
Since Djg{x) is integrable for any j , we obtain from Lemma 2.3,

DjGf(x) = - \ Djgix-y)f{y)dy=\ ^g{x-y)f(y) dy.

L e t / G C ^ T " , C ) . Thqn, by integration by parts, we obtain

^Gf(x) = -l f,( ^ - > ' ) — / ( j ' ) ^ J ' -

Hence, f o r / e C\J", C), we have, for J,J = 1 , . . . , « ,

D,D,.G/(x) = - [ D,g{x-y)^f{y)dy.
408 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Since {dldyj)f(,y) = {dldyj){f{y)-f{x)), we obtain

D,DjGf{x) = - I D,g{x-y) ^{fiy)-f{x)) dy.

JT" dyj

¥ui QL^={y eJ"\\x- y\> e). Then

D^DjGfix) = -lim I D , g ( x - y ) ^ { f { y ) -f{x)) dy.

=-o Jn. dyj

By integration by parts, we get

DPjGfix) = lim i •^D,g{x-y){f{y) -f{x)) dy

«-o Jn^ dyj

•limf i ^ ^ Ag(x->')(/(}')-/W)dcr(g). (2.63)

By the way for 6 with 0<d<\, there exists a positive number C such that

k'-yl \D,g{x-y)\ \f{y) -f{x)\ S C\x - yr-^'^e.

Therefore the second term of the right-hand side of (2.63) vanishes. Con-
sequently, we have

D,DjGf(x) = I ^D,g{x-y)ifiy) -f{x)) dy

=-[ DjD,g(x-yKfiy)-f{x))dy. (2.64)

The following fact is important for this integral transformation.

Lemma 2.5. Suppose that 0 < e ^ i Then

DjDig{z)dcr,{z) = 0, f,j = l , 2 , . . . , n , (2.65)

^1^1 = 8

where dcr^iz) denotes the surface element on the sphere \z\ = e.

Proof. Suppose 77(0 is a C°° function of teU with v(t)^0 such that 7^(0 = 1
on \t\<2~^ and that 7/(r) = 0 on | r | > i Then we get

oo>M = D,g{z)Djrj{\z\) dz = \im D,giz)Djrji\z\) dz,

IT" ^^0 J|z|se
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 409

since D,T/(|Z|) vanishes on |z| <2"^. Besides, since g{z) = E{z) on |z| < 2 " \


DjD,g(z)v{\z\) dz- f-A-g(z)T7(|z|) dcT^z)

J\z\^e J\z\ = e\Z\

V{t)t-' dt DjDiE{z) da,(z)

-vis) I ^D,E{z)dcT,iz).
J\z\ = l\z\

M, + T){E) f-D,E(z)da,(z)

V{t)r^ dt DjDiE(z) da.iz).

Putting e ^ 0, we see that the left-hand side converges to a finite value. Since

[' Vi](t)t
^ dt = oo^
we must have

DjDiE(z)da,(z) = 0.
J|z| = l

Thus we see that, for any s with 0 < |e| < | ,

DjD,giz)dcr,{z) = 8-'p{8) DjD,E(z)da,(z) = 0,

J\z\ = e J|z| = l

holds, which completes the proof of the lemma. I

Lemma 2.6. Suppose that 0 < ^ < 1. I f / e C^(T", C), then for ij = 1, 2 , . . . , n
DjDiGFe C^(T", C), and there exists a positive number C such that

\DjD,GJ]e ^ CN,{g)\J]e, iJ = 1, 2 , . . . , n, (2.66)

where we put

N,{g)= I sup |zr|D"g(z)|+ I sup |zr^^|D«g(z)|. (2.67)

\cc\^2 0 < | z | ^ l |a| = 3 0 < | z | ^ l
410 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Proof. For 1 > p > 0, we set

/(x,p)= I Dp,g{x-y){f{y)-f{x)) dy.

Denoting by o-{n) the area of the unit sphere, we have

/(x, p) ^ N,{g)\J]e [ I z r - dz = e-'a(n)N,(g)\f]ep'. (2.68)

Since g{z) = 0 on |z| ^ 1, for p > 1, we have

I{x,p) = Iix,l) = DjD,Gf{x).

Hence by (2.68)
|D,AG/lo^ ^"V(n)N3(g)|/|,. (2.69)

Next suppose \x-x'\ = E<JO. We shall estimate DjDiGf{x)-DjDiGf{x').

First we write

DjD,Gf{x) = [ D,-Ag(x -}^)(/(y) -fix)) dy,

D,D,G/(x')= I DjD,g{x'-y)ifiy)-f{x')) ay + Iix',5s).


By Lemma 2.5, we can rewrite DjDiGf{x') as follows:

DjD,Gf(x')= I D , A g ( x ' - j ) ( / ( > ; ) - / ( x ) ) tfK + /(x',58)


+ {fix)-fix')) DjD,g{x'-y)dy.

DjD,Gfix) - DjD^Gfix') = J, + J^ + J,- lix', 5e), (2.70)

/, = I {DjD^gix -y)- DjD^gix' -y)}ifiy) -fix)) dy,


J2=\ DjD^ix-y)ifiy)-fix))dy, (2.71)


J, = Mifix)~fix')),M = DjD^giz) dz.

§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 411

If \y-x'\ ^ 5 | x - x ' \ , then the line segment connecting y-x with y-x' does
not pass through singular points to g{z). Thus, by the mean value theorem,
we see that there is a t with 0<t<l such that

DjD,g{x-y)-DjD,g(x'-y)= J {x^-x'')Dj,DjD,g{tx-^{l-t)x'-y).

\y-x'\> 5s = 5\x-x'\ implies | x - } ; | > 4 | x - x ' | , hence


Therefore we have


Since £ < 10~\ we see that \x-y\^l-^ s<l for y with DjDig(x-y)-
DjDig{x'-y) 7^0. Hence

|/il^ f 2"^'N,{g)8\x-yr'\Ae\x-y\'dy

S 2"" V(n)N3(g)m« • e(l - 0)-'(4e)«-' (2.72)

since \f{x)-f(y)\^\f\e\x-yf there. On the other hand, since | > ' - x ' | < 5 e
implies that | j ' - x | < 6 e , we have

U,l^ \DjD,g{x-y}\\f{y)-f{x)\dy

SN,ig)\f]e\ \zr"dz=e-'N,{g)\f\e(6er. (2.73)


Applying (2.68), (2.72), (2.73) and \J,\S\M\\f[ee' to (2.70), we get

\DjD,Gfix) - DjD,Gf{x')\ S C2N,(g)\f\ee'

for e < 10~\ In the case of e g 10^', since

|D,.D,G/(x) - DjD,Gf{x')\ S 20|D,A.Gyio

we finally see that there exists a positive constant C3 such that for |x — x'| ^ 1,

|D,D,G/(x) - DjD,Gf{x')\ g CN,(gM,\x - xf

holds. By this inequality and (2.69), we obtain the lemma. I

412 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Lemma 2.7. LetA2{D) be a second-order strongly elliptic partial linear differen-

tial operator with constant coefficients of diagonal type which operates on
vector-valued functions with values in C^. Suppose that its lower terms are
equal to zero. Assume that 0<0<1. For any integer /c^O, there exists a
positive constant C depending only on 6, k, n, fi, and the coefficients ofA2iD)
such that, for any u e C^^^^'{J\ C^),

Proof In case k = 0, the lemma follows from Lemmas 2.3, 2.4 and 2.6. For
general /c, since we have

A 2 ( D ) D " M ( X ) = L>"A2(D)M(X)

for \a\ = k, by the estimate for the case of /c = 0, we have


On the other hand, since for any positive integer /c, there is a positive
constant Ci such that

C^'M^^e^ I \D"u\e^CMk^e,

the lemma is proved for general k. I

Remark. In the general elliptic case, we have to construct a (yiix^)-

matrix-valued function E{x) corresponding to that for the above case such
that A{D)E(x) = 0. But is takes a long procedure. The other treatment is
quite similar to the above.

(b) The Case of Variable Coefficients

Lemma 2.8. Suppose that 0<r<s. Then there are positive constants Ci and
C2 such that, for any (p e C^(T", C^) and for t > 0, the following interpolation
inequalities hold:

Proof We have only to prove the case /x = L

(1°) The case 0 < r < 5 < L We set

A= sup \x-x'\~''\(p{x)-(p(x')\
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 413

for (p e C^(T", C). There exist points x and x' with \x-x'\ ^ 1 such that

Hence we obtain

\x - x t S 2A-\\<pix)\ + \<pix')\) S 4A-'k|o. (2.74)

On the other hand, since

we have

hence we obtain A ^ 4^'~'^^'2'^'\(p\'/'\(p\l-'^\ Combining this with the trivial

inequality |<^|o^|<p|5'^19lo~'^^^ we obtain

\<p\r^4'-^'r^'\cpV/'\<p\l-'^'. (2.75)

(2°) The case 0 < r < s = l.By virtue of the mean value theorem, we have

|x - x'\-'\(p(x) - (p{x')\ ^\x- xf'-'^^'-M,.

By this and (2.74), we see that


Therefore we obtain A^2''4^~''\(p\[\(p\l'~\ Thus we have

\cpl^r4'-'\cp\[\<p\'o-\ (2.76)

(3°) The case r ^ 1 < s < 2. Put 5 = 1 + ^. There exist a point XQ and j such
M = 'ZmdLx\Dj(p{x)\^2n\Dj(p(xo)\.
J xeT"

Let y be the point obtained from XQ by the translation in the direction of

x^ by r > 0. By the mean value theorem, we find ^ between XQ and y such that

cpiy)-(pixo) = tDj<p{^).

This leads to the following estimation:

\Dj<pU)\^t-\\<p{y)\-h\<p{xo)\)^2ncp\,. (2.77)
414 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Since .p 6 C'-'^CT", C),

\Dj<pixo) - Dj<p{e\ S \xo-i\'>\Dj<p\e.


and therefore MS2n(2<~*|^lo+ t^\(p\i+e)- Taking the minimal value of the

right-hand side with respect to t, we see that there exists a positive Cg such

So we can choose a positive constant C'e^l such that

l<pl.§cil<p|y>lr''^ (2.78)

(4°) The case r = l<s = 2. For <peC\J",C) we have \Dj{<pixo)-

Dj(pi^)\^\xo-^\\(p\2- Hence, combining this with (2.77), we obtain

\Dj<p{xo)\^tW\2 + 2r'W\o^4\<p\l^^\<p\l''.

Hence we have M § 2 n • 4|(p|2^^|(pjy^. Thus we get

|<p|,S8n|^m«pir. (2.79)

By (1°), (2°), (3°) and (4°), we have proved the lemma for r g 1, s g 2 .
The general case shall be proved by applying them repeatedly as follows:
Suppose 0 < fl < 1. For some positive constants Cj, C2, C3 and C4, we have


Hence we see that by choosing a suitable positive constant C5, we have

I^K,,sc,kl<VV''*^"''Vir<'"'"^'^"'". I (2.80)
Lemma 2.9.
(r) Suppose that 0<0<l. For a,/G C^(T",C),

| a / | , ^ | a U m o + |a|o|/1..
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 415

(2°) Let A{x, D) be a linear partial differential operator of order I which

operates on C^-valued functions. A(x, D) is given as follows:

{Aix,D)cpnx)=l I aUx)D''<p''ix).
A |a|g/

For 0 with 0<6<1, and for any integer /c^O, we define Mj^ by
(2.22) and put

Mfc+^ = Mfc+X X I sup ^ ;7^ .

A,p | a | ^ / |/3|^fc | x - x ' | < l \X — X\

Then for any integer /c ^ 0 there exists a positive constant C depending

only on /, /c, 6, n and fx such that

| A ( x , D)(p\k+e ^ CMk+e\<P\i+k+e'

The proof is easy. We leave it to the reader.

Lemma 2.10. Let z he an arbitrary point of T". Let Br{z) =

{x6T"|S^. (x^-z^)^<r^} be a ball of radius r<\. Let 0 < ^ < 1 , and k
a non-negative integer. Then^ for any (p e C^CT", C^) with supp cp <= B^(z),
we have
\<p\,^r'\<p\j,^e^ (2.81)

Proof Since cp is equal to zero outside of B^iz), for any a with \a\ = k and
any x e Br(z), we have


Hence we get (2.81), because \a\^k-1 implies \D"(p(x)\^ r\D"(p\i. I

Lemma 2.11. Let A be an operator of multiplication, i,e.,

{A<p)\x) = i a',{x)<p''{x).

Suppose 0 < ^ < 1 and let k be a non-negative integer. Suppose that a^s
C'^+'CT", C) and that

a^(z) = 0, A,p = l , 2 , . . . , ^ .

Then, there exists a positive constant C depending on k, 0 and fi such that

416 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

for all (p e C^'^^(J\ C^) with supp (p c B,(z), where we set K, = S^, ^ \aXfor
any s^O.

Proof. There exists a positive constant Ci such that

From (2.81) we get

|A(p|fc^QrXkk+.. (2.82)

On the other hand, for a multi-index a with |a| = /c, we have

Hence there is a positive constant C2 such that

|D"A(PU^I max | a ^ ( x ) | | D > | e + X,|D>|o+C2i^.+,|(^k_i^,.

A,p l ^ - z N r

On the other hand, since, for |x — z| < r,

holds, we have

\D-A<p\e ^ /x V X p D > | , + Ke\<p\, + C2K,^e\<p\k-r^e^

Applying Lemma 2.10, we see that there exists a positive constant C3 such


Combining (2.82) with this, we obtain Lemma 2.11. I

Let L^ be a domain of T". Suppose that a second-order linear partial

differential operator A(x, D) with C°° coefficients defined on an open
neighbourhood of [L^] operates on <pG C°°(T", C^) in the following way:

{Aix,D)<pnx) = l I aUx)D-cp'(x), (2.83)

We say that this operator is of diagonal type in the principal part, if ap^(x) = 0
for A 7^ p and \a\ = 2.
§2. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Torus 417

Theorem 2.3. Let U be a domain in J". Suppose that the second-order linear
partial differential operator A{x, D) with C^ coefficients defined on [ U] is of
diagonal type in the principal part and strongly elliptic. Let 8 be its constant
of strong ellipticity on [U\ Suppose 0<6<\. Then for any integer k^O,
there exists a positive constant C depending on /i, /x, k, 6, 8 and Mj^+0 such
that for any cp e C^-^^^^{J\ C^) with supp (paU,

\cp\k+2^e ^ C(\A(x, D)9U+, + |(p|o).

Proof This is verified in an almost similar way to Theorem 2.1. We have

only to use the norms | 1^+^ and | \k+2+e ii^ place of || ||^ and || \\s+b
respectively. We cover [U] with open balls B^, B2,..., Bj of radius s. Let
Cj be a positive constant in Lemma 2.11. For any ze[U], let €2(2) be a
constant in Lemma 2.7 for the elliptic linear partial differential operator
obtained from the principal part of A(x, D) by replacing coefficients by
their values at z. Take e so that for any ze{U\ CiC2{z)e^Mk+e<2~^.
Choose C°° functions cOj{z), j = 1,2,... ,J, on T" such that supp coj c= Bj
and that I^. (Oj(x) = 1 on [ U]. Put <pj = ojjcp for any cp e C^^^^'(T", C^). Then
we have

Mk I'Pj
J k+2+e

We see that for some /, the following inequality holds:

\<Pj\j,^2^e^J~'\<p\k^2^e- (2.84)

Let Pj be the centre of Bj, and denote by A2(a, D) the principal part of

{A2{x,D)ipY= i a\,k{x)D,D^cp\x).

We denote by A2iPj, D) the partial differential operator with constant

coefficients obtained from A2{x, D) by replacing a\iu{x) by their values at

{A2{pj,D)<pY{x)= i a\,^{pj)D,D^cp'{x).
i,/c = l

Applying Lemma 2.7 to their operator, we can take a positive constant

C2{pj) depending on n, /JL, k, 6, 8 and MQ such that

\<Pj\2^k-.e^C2(pj)i\A2{pj,D)<pj\j,^e^\<Pj\k)- (2.85)
418 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold


{{A2{x,D)-A,{pj,D))<pnx)= i {aUx)-aUpj))D,D,<p'(x),
i,k = l

by Lemma 2.11, we get a positive constant Q such that

\A2{x, D)-A2(pj, D))<pj\^^e^C,8'Mj,^e\(Pj\k^2^e^ (2.86)

Ci depends only on n, /JL, k, and 0. From (2.85) and (2.86) we obtain

\<Pj\2+k+e^ C2{pj)(\A2(x, D)(pj\k+0-\-\(pj\k + CiC2(Pj)s^Mj,+e\<pM^^

Since for a sufficiently small e

we have

2+fc+0 = 2C2(/?;)(|A2(x, D)(pj\^^0-¥\(pj\j^). (2.87)

In the same way as in the proof of Theorem 2.1, we see that there is a
positive constant C^ such that


|(p,-|2+fc+e^2C2(p,)(|A(x,D)(^,|fc+,4-|(p^4) + 2C2(;7,)C3|(p,|/c+i+..

Since [A(x, D ) , coj] is a first-order differential operator, there exists a positive

constant C4 such that

|[A(x, D ] , co^](p|fc+0 ^ C4Mk+0\(p\k+i+e'

By the way, there is a positive constant C5 such that

\(Pj\k ^ Csl^lfc and \(pj\k+i+e ^ d(p|fc+i+^.


J~^\(p\k+2+e ^2C2(Pj){\A(x, D)<p|fc+0 + C4Mfc+^l9U+i+e + Q k k )

+ 2C2(/7,)C3C5kU+i^,. (2.88)

By Lemma 2.8, we can find a positive constant C^ such that

2C2(/?,)(C4M;,+ , + C3C5)|9k+l + . + 2 C 2 ( / ? , ) C 5 | ^ k ^ 2 - V - ^ | ( p | , ^ 2 + e + Q k l 0 .
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 419

Therefore by (2.86)


This completes the proof. I

§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle

Lemma 3.1. Let U and V be domains in T" which are diffeomorphic to each
other, and ^: U ^ V the diffeomorphism between them. Let K be an arbitrary
compact set in U. Put K' = ^(K). Then for any integer I, there exists a positive
constant C depending on /, 0 and K such that for fe C°^{V,C^) with
supp f^K\


Proof For / ^ O , the lemma follows immediately from Proposition 1.2. In

the case of / < 0, we set l = -m. Let Co be a constant with which (3.1) holds
for / = m. Since supp/ci K\ f can be extended to a C°° function T" which
is identically zero outside of V. Choose a C°° function x with support in
V which is equal to 1 on K'. Then for any </> e C°'(T", C^),

{L<p) = {xL<p) = {Lx<p)-

Since there is a positive constant Ci such that ^x^ II m = QII <P || m, by Theorem
1.11, we have

||/||_^^SUp-—;—^Ci SUp-T —
\W\\m cp lU^llm

^Ci sup . (3.2)

Here (A runs over C^iV, C'')\{0}. Let J{x) be the Jacobian of ^ and put
4f{x) = J{x){ilj'^){x). Then {f il/) = {f'^,ji). From Proposition 1.7, we
obtain a positive constant C2 such that ||i^||^ = C2||«A'^lU- By (3.1) for
l=m, we have \\iP'^\\m^jQ>Mm- Since for (/.e C^(y, C^)\{0}, i^e

^ ^ P i r 7 ¥ ~ = ^ ^ ^ o ) ^ ^ P 11/ rT^il ^WQ)C2SUp—-T

^ II^AlIm ^ II^A-^^llm ^ \m\m

^^0C2\\f' n-m> (3.3)

420 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Hence by (3.2) and (3.3), we have the first inequality in (3.1):


Using O"^ instead of O, we obtain also the second inequality in (3.1). I

By use of Proposition 1.5, we can prove (3.1) for any real /. But we do
not need this fact here, hence we omit the proof.
By using Lemma 3.1, the Sobolev space of sections of a vector bundle
can be defined. Let X be an n-dimensional compact manifold, and X =
VJj=i Xj an open covering of X by a system of sufficiently small coordinate
neighbourhoods. Set xy. p-^ Xj(p) = (X](p),..., Xj(p)) be C°° local coor-
dinates on Xj. This maps Xj diffeomorphically onto the open unit ball of
R". Since the interior of the unit ball is diffeomorphic to a domain in an
n-dimensional torus T", we may consider Xj as the diffeomorphism of Xj
onto a domain Vj in T".
Let (B, X, t) be a complex vector bundle over X. The following discussion
is also true for real vector bundles. Let /JL be the dimension of fibre of B.
We may assume that 7r~^(Xj) = Xj xC^ on each coordinate neighbourhood
Xj. Let i/^ be a section of B over Xj. Then ijj can be identified with a C^-valued
function il^jiXj) defined on the domain Vj in T", and it is written as follows:

iPjiXj) = (il^jiXj),..., il^^iXj)), Xj G Vj. (3.4)

Suppose that i/^ is defined on X^, too. Then we have a C^-valued function
M^k), with XfcG VJ,:

Mxk) = (il^i(xk),..., ^«Xfc)), Xfc G Vk. (3.4)'

For peXjnXk with Xj = Xj(p) and x^^Xkip), we have the transition


il^Hxj(p))=lb^,,(p)rk(Xk(p)), (3.5)

where b%p{p) is a C°° function of ;? G XJ n X^. We denote by C°°(X, B) the

set of all C°° sections of B over X. Choose C°° functions Xj{x) on X such
Y.xMf^h supvXj^Xj. (3.6)

For any C°° section ijj of B, define the product Xj^ by XJ^{X) = XJ{X)IIJ{X).
Then we can consider it as a C°°-valued function on Vj, since supp Xj^ ^ ^y
Moreover its support is contained in a compact subset of Vj. Therefore for
an integer /, we can define the norm ||A}<AIL/ in W\Vj,C^). The suffix j
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 421

means that Xj is identified with V, by Xj. Using this, we define the /-norm
11/ on X as follows:

'•=UxM\li=UxrxJ'x}{xj)\\l,. (3.7)

This norm depends on the choice of {Xj]j. Instead of {XjYj take {(OjYj such
X (Oj{xf = 1, SUpp 0)j C= Xj.

Then the norm X^. || coyiAlll/ is equivalent to (3.7). To show this fact, it suffices
to see that there exists a positive constant C independent of iff such that,
for any «Ae C°°(X, J5),

C^'lWxjcil^hi^l ||a;,(A||,,/^CZ ||;t..A|lM- (3.8)

For any k, we get, by (3.6),

\^Mj,i = Z Xk(Ojil/ (3.9)

J,l k

We denote (xl(^j)ixj \y)) = ai^kj)(y),y^ Vj- Using the representation (3.4)

of i/f on Vj, we have

\\XkO)jO)\\jj = \\a(^kj)^j\\jj. (3.10)

The support of xl^^j is contained in Xj n X^ so that we can apply Lemma

3.1 to ^ = Xj-Xk\ For zeVk we put a^kjy ^iz) = d(^kj)iz)il/j'^ = Xj{z)
respectively. Then by Lemma 3.1 we can take a positive Q such that

Putting ij/jiz) = (ij/jiz),..., iAf (z)), we have, by the transition formula (3.5),


For bfkp is a C°° function, there is a positive C2 such that

||a(fc,-)(A7llM=^ll^(/c/)^/c|lM- (3-12)

Since a(k,)(z) = a(fc,) • ^(z) = (xio)j){Xk\z)), we have

\\a(^kj)^k\\k,i = \\Xk(Ojil/\\k,i' (3.13)

422 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Since Xk^j is a C°° function, there is a positive C3 such that

\\xlcoj<pUj^C,\\xkHW (3.14)
By (3.10)-(3.14), we get


By (3.9) and the above inequality,


Taking the summation over j , we obtain

J k

which shows the right-half of (3.8). By the way, the roles of {cOj} and {xk}
are symrrietrical. Therefore the left-half of (3.8) also holds.
Hereafter, choosing {Xj} once and for all, we fix the norm as in (3.7).
Clearly || <p ||fc'^ || (^ ||fc,for k' < k.
By C°°(X, B) we denote the totality of C°° sections of B.

Proposition 3.1. Let /, /' and I" be three integers with I" < V <l Then
(r) For any t>0 and any ifj e C°°(X, B), the following inequality holds


(2°) Foranyil,eC°°iX,B),

Y-n/a-v^^o-''mi-n_ (3.16)

Proof. For any 7, by Lemma 1.1, we have

for any ^ > 0 and any il/e C°°(X, B). Summing these with respect to 7, we
obtain (3.15). Taking the minimum with respect to r, we get (3.16). I
§3. Function Spdce of Sections of a Vector Bundle 423

A linear operator A: C°°(X, B)-» C°°(X, B) is said to be a multiplication

operator, if it is represented in the form of (3.4) as

{M)^{xj{p))=laUxjip))iljfixjip)\ peXj, (3.17)


where a^p{Xj{p)) are C°° functions and for fixed/)eXj the (^t X/x)- matrix
(aj^p(xy(p))^A=i is a linear transformatin of the fibre Tt~^{p) at /?. Therefore
A is considered as a section of the vector bundle Hom c ( ^ ) = B®B'^ where
B* is the dual vector bundle of B, We put

M =Z I I sup |D^^.aj^,(x,)|.
j p,\ m^lxjeVj

Lemma 3.2. Let I be an integer. Then for a multiplication operator A there

exists a positive C such that for any (p e C°°(X, B),

||A(p||,^CM|„||(p||;. (3.18)

C depends on n, /, /JL, but is independent ofcp and representations of A.

Proof Take {xj} as in (3.6). By (3.17) we have Xj^ = ^Xp

Since a^p are C°° functions, we can apply to A the case m = 0 in Proposition
1.4 and we see that there is a positive C such that

\\XjM\\j,i = ^^\i\\\xj<phi'

Squaring both sides, and summing with respect to j , we get the desired
inequality by taking the square roots of both sides. I

Corollary. In the identity (3.17), if there is such a positive 8 that

inf min |det(a|p(x,))| ^ 8, (3.19)

j XjeVj

then, for each /, we can take a positive C depending on /, 8, /JL, n and M^^,
such that
\m,^C\\Ail,\\, (3.20)

for any <p e C°°(X, B).

Proof. This follows from the fact that the inverse mapping A"' of A is also
a multiplication operator. I
424 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

A linear map A: C°°(X, B)-> C°°(X, B) is said to be a linear partial

differential operator of order m, if it has the form

(Ail^)^{xjip))= I laf,^ixjip))D^il;^{xjip)) (3.21)

|Qf|^m p

in the local representation (3.4), where afp^ are C°° functions and for a
multi-index a = (a^, a2,..., a^) Df means

»;=Dri---«a=(^)"'---(^)-. (3.22)

Note that the meaning of Dj above is somewhat different from the one
given in §1. We put for any non-negative integer /

M, = Z I I I sup \Dfaf,^ixj)\. (3.23)

j a p,\ iPl^lxjeVj

Lemma 3.3. Let A be a linear partial differential operator which operates on

C°°(X, B). Then there exists a positive C such that for any (p e C°°(X, B) the
following inequality holds.

||A(^||,^CM|,| 11(^11;^^, (3.24)

where C is determined by /, m, n and /n and independent of representations

of A.

Proof Take Xj ^s in (3.6). Fix j , and let a)^, /c = 1 , . . . , / , be C°° function on

X with supp cofcc: Xfc and Xk ^fc(^)^= 1 such that (Oj{x) = 1 identically on
a neighbourhood of the support of Xj- Such {cok} do exist. Since coj is
identically equal to 1 on the support of Xp Xj^^ — Xj^^j^- Hence

\\XjA(p Wjj = WxjAcojcp Wjj ^ \\Axj(p y + WlXj, A]o)j(p\\jj. (3.25)

By Proposition 1.4 and Lemma 1.4, we have a positive Q such that

\\^Xj(p\\j,i = CiMm ||^^-<p||^;/+^, (3.26)

||[^^-, A]a)j(p\\jj^CiM^ii \\a)j(p\\jj+rn-i' (3.27)

By the choice of {(o^}, (3.8) holds. That is, there is a positive C2J such that

Z \\(Oj,(p\\kj+rn-l=C2jY. \\Xk<p\\Kl+m-l-
k k
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 425

By (3.25), (3.26), and (3.27),

IIA'J^^^IL/^ CiM\J\\Xj(p\\j,l+m-^C2j I \\Xk<p\\k,l+m-l] •

Summing with respect to j and putting C3 = Xj Q j , we have

Z \\Xj^^\\jJ=CiMi^\T WXjiphl+m-^CsY^ \\Xk(p\\k,l+m-lj

^C,M^i^(l + C,)l\\xk<p\\kMm.

From this inequality, it follows

j k

That is,

This proves (3.24). I

For two C°° sections (p and J/^ of a vector bundle B, the inner product
{(p, il/)i of order / is defined as

(<P,^)i = l(Xj^,Xj^h^ (3.28)


Here the inner product of the right-hand side is understood to be the one
of the Sobolev space, for, the supports of Xj<P and Xj^ being in Xj, Xj<P and
Xjif/ can be identified by the coordinate function Xj with the vector-valued
functions on VJ. The suffix j in (3.28) indicates that Xj is identified with VJ.
This inner product is positive definite, and

\\(l>\\l = {<P,cp),. (3.29)

The completion of C°°(X, B) with respect to the norm || \\i is called the
Sobolev space of order /, denoted by W\X,B). The inner product (3.28)
extends canonically to the one on W\X, B), for which we use the same
notation in (3.28). W\X, B) becomes a Hilbert space with respect to this
inner product. Clearly this inner product depends on the choice of {Xj}-
But the norms determined by {Xj} are all equivalent. Therefore, as a vector
space, W\X, B) is independent of the choice oi{Xj}, and so is its topological
426 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

By Lemma 3.3, a linear partial differential operator A can be uniquely

extended to the continuous map from W\X, B) to W^'^^iX, B). In par-
ticular, a multiplication operator is a continuous map from W\X, B) to
W\X, B). For S 6 W\X, B), the support of S denoted by supp S is defined
as the smallest compact set Ka X such that the product aS vanishes for
any C°° function a(x) whose support is contained in X\K. If S is an
arbitrary element of W\X, B) and xM is a C°° function, then

supp X' S'^ supp X ^supp S. (3.30)

Suppose that the support of x is contained in a coordinate neighbourhood

Xi and take a family of C°° functions {OJJ} on X with supp o;^ c: Xj and
X^. 6jfy(x)^= 1 such that coi(x) = 1 on supp x- Since Se W\X, B), we have a
sequence {(pk}°k=^i in C°°(X, B) which converges to S in W^(X, B). Since
the norms are equivalent if we take {(DJ) instead of {Xj}, there is a positive
Ci such that for any /c, /c'

llAr<Pk-A^<Pfc'lli,/ = lki(Ar<;pfc-Ar<PfcOllM^Qll;^<Pfc-Ar<Pfcl^

By Lemma 3.2, we have a positive C2 such that


Hence for any /c, k'


Therefore regarding x^k as a vector-valued function, we see that {x^k\

converges in W\yi,C^). Letting Si be its limit, we identify x^ with 5,. We
can choose x arbitrarily so that we may consider an element S of W\X, B)
as a section of B which can be locally identified with an element of
W\Vi, C^). Of course when the support of x is contained in X^nX^, x^
can be idejitified both with S^ e W\ V^, C^) and with Sj e W\ V;, C"), while
between S^ and 5,, there is a relation which extends (3.5). Conversely, we
can prove that the totality of section of J5 which can be considered locally
as an element of W\V,C^) which satisfies this relation coincides with
W\X, B). But the detail of the proof is so messy that we omit it. In case
/^O, however, it is not difficult, because the convergence of x<Pk in
W'{ Vi, C^) is stronger than that in L\ V;, C^).
In the above, we take Xt as x and let 5, be the element of W^Vt, C^)
corresponding to Xi^- Since
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 427

putting /c->oo, we get


Thus there exists a constant C such that, for any Se W\X, B),
C-'l\\Sj\\li^\\S\\^^Cl\\S\\l (3.31)
j j

Theorem 3.1 (Rellich's Theorem). Let V < I. Then W\X^ B) is contained in

^ ( x , B), ^^d the inclusion map W\X, B) -^ W^'(X, B) is a compact linear map.

Proof. It suffices to show that the inclusion map is compact. Let {5^}^=i be
a sequence in W\X, B) such that there is a positive constant R with


By the above argument we take SfeW\Vi,C^) corresponding to j =

1 , . . . , /, then by (3.31) we have

^ L W^j \\j,l=J< »

in other words, for each j , {5}}^=i is a bounded sequence in Wl)(Vj,C^).

Thus since it is a bounded sequence in W^^(T", C^), we can choose a
subsequence convergent in W^'(J'',C^) (Theorem 1.10). We may assume
that these subsequences have the same set of indices for all / We write
them as {Sf^}. We can choose a sufficiently large KQ such that for any
K, K'> KQ, and for any 7,

holds, where C is the same as in (3.31). Therefore, by (3.31), for K, K'> KQ,
we have


Thus {S^}K forms a Cauchy sequence in W^'(X, B), converges in W^'{X, B).
Therefore the map W\X, B)-^ W\X, B) is compact. I

Let t/^ be a section of B over X, and ilfj{Xj) the vector-valued function

(3.4) of Xj on Vj, corresponding to the restriction of ifj to Xj. ij/ is called a
C^^^ section of B if for each j , ^j{Xj) is a C^^^ function of Xje V), where
0 ^ (9 < 1. The set of all such ifj is denoted by C^^^X, B). We take {Xj] as
in (3.6) and define the norm of C^"'^(X, B) by

\^\u^e=l\xMj.k^e. (3.32)
428 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

where | 1^;^+^ means the norm of Xj^ as an element of C^^^{Vj, C^). For a
different choice of {;^^}, (3.32) defines an equivalent norm, because a similar
estimate to (3.8) holds for | \ji+o.

Theorem 3.2 (Sobolev's Imbedding Theorem). Let I and k be non-negative

integers, and suppose l> n/2 + k.JTienforfe W\X, B), there exists a unique
feC^{X,B) such that f(p)=f{p) on X except for a set of measure 0.
Furthermore, there exists a positive constant C depending only on k and I such

|/|fc^C||/||, (Sobolev's inequality) (3.33)


Proof Both W\X, B) and C^(X, B) are imbedded continuously into

W^(X, 5 ) , and C°°(X, B) is dense in W\X, B). Therefore it suffices to
show the equality (3.33) for fe C°°(X, B). In this case f{p) =f(p) for all
By (1.23) in the proof of Theorem 1.3, there is a positive constant Q
such that

\Xjf\j,,SCj\\x/h,, (3.34)

Putting max C, = C, and summing (3.34) with respect to j , we have


which proves (3.33). I

Assume that X is oriented. By a volume element of X, we mean a C°°

differential n-form v(dx) which is positive at every point of X. If a subset
iV of X is of measure 0 with respect to one volume element, so is it with
respect to another one, hence, the notion of the sets of measure 0 does not
depend on the choice of a volume element.
By a metric g on a vector bundle B, we mean a C°° section of the vector
bundle B*®B* such that the following condition is satisfied: Let pe V),
and let {p, ^), {p,C') be two points on the fibre 7r~^(p) with fibre coordinates
{, = U],..., ^n, and ^; = Uj\ . . . , Cn respectively. Then the Hermitian
form on Tr'^ip) defined by

gM.n=lgi.,Mp))iH^' (3.35)

is positive definite.
§3. Function Space of Sections of a Vector Bundle 429

Let (p,il/eC°^(X,B). In terms of fibre coordinates over Xj, we write

^iip) = {<p]ix,{p)\..., cp^Xiip))), and (A/(P) = (rtiXiip)),..., ^rU(/?))).
We define the inner product of (p and if/ with respect to the volume element
v{dx) = Vi{Xi(p)) dx = Vi{Xi{p)) dx]- • • A dxt and the metric g by

(<P, *A) = I gpi(p(p). ^{p))v{dx)

= I giKp{Xi{p))ip''i{x,{p))ri{Xi{p))v,{x,{p)) dx, (3.36)


This has an intrinsic meaning. With this inner product, C°°(X, B) becomes
a pre-Hilbert space. The completion with respect to the norm

lkll = (^,<p)''' (3.37)

is a Hilbert space, which we denote by L^(X, B). This is the same as

W^(X, B) as a topological vector space, but with a different inner product.

Proposition 3.2. We fix a metric g and a volume element v(dx). The inner
product ( , ) defined on C^{X, B) is uniquely extended to a continuous
sesquilinear map of W~\X, B) x W\X, B) to C for any integer /, which we
denote by the same ( , ). This is non-degenerate.

Proof Take {Xj} as in (3.6). Then for (p,il/e C°°(X, B), we have

i<P,^) = l{Xj<P,Xjil^)^ (3.38)


Since for each j ,

(Xj^,Xj^)= I gjxp(Xj(p))Xj(pf(^j(P))Xj^j(Xj(p))vj(xj(p)) dXj(p)


by Theorem 1.11 in §1, for any integer /, there is a positive constant C,j
such that
\{Xj<f>, xM g Qj\\xj<Pjl,-i \\xM\j,i-

Summing with respect to j , and using Schwartz' inequality we have

\{q>,il>)\^C,\\<p\\.,Uh, (3.40)

where we put C; = max^ Cy. Thus ( , ) is continuous with respect to the

relative topology of C^iX, B) x C°°{X, B) in W-\X, B) x W\X, B). Since
430 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Difierential Operators on a Manifold

C°°(X, B) X C°°(X, B) is dense in W-'(X, B) x W'(X, B),( , ) is extended

uniquely to a sesquilinear map of W~'{X, B)xW'{X,B).
Let 5 e W"'(X, B). Then xjS is identified with S, e WQ'(Vj, B). Define
r^ = ( T ] , . . . , r j ' ) b y

T"; = I Vjixj)gj,,{x)Sl p = 1 , . . . , At. (3.41)


Then by (3.38) and (3.39), we have

(S.<p)=l(Tj,Xj<Pjh (3.42)

where ( , ) is the natural bilinear map of Wo\Vj, C'') x WliVj^C"} to C

on Vj. The left-hand side is iiidependent of the choice of{xj}. Suppose that
Se W-\X, B) satisfies (5, (^) = 0 for any cp e C°°(X, B). For an arbitrary
a e C°°(X) with supp a c: X^, there is a set {Xj}j=i satisfying (3.6) such that
Xk(x)=l on supp a. Since (3.42) holds for such {xj}, we have for any

0 = (5, aip) = (5fc, aAffc<p)k = (^'S'^, ;tfc(;p)fc,

hence aS^ = 0 as an element of Wo\ V^, C^), hence {aS)k = 0. Since aXj = 0
for7 7^ /c, we have aSj = 0. Thus (aS)j = 0 for all j , hence a5 = 0 as an element
of W~^(X, B). Let {(x)j}j be a partition of unity subordinate to the open
covering X = U ; ^y Namely, supp (Oj c Xj, and Z ^j = 1- Then by the above
consideration, we have (DJS = 0,7 = 1 , . . . , /. Therefore we obtain

Thus 5 = 0, which implies the non-degeneracy of ( , ). I

§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators

(A) Estimates with Respect to the Sobolev Norm

(a) A priori Estimate

Let X be a compact manifold of dimension n, B a complex vector bundle

over X with /x-dimensional fibres, and TT: B^X its projection. We use the
same notation as in §3.
Let A(/7, D): C°°(X, B)->C°°(X, B) be a linear partial difierential
operator of order /. In terms of the local coordinates xy. Xj-^ VJ on the open
§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators 431

set Xj, a section cp e C°°(X, B) of B is written as

<Pj{Xj(p)) = (cp'Mip)),..., cl>^ixj{p))),

We write the operation of A{p, D) as

{A{p,D)cp)^{xj{p))= I Y^aU{xj{p))DJ<p',{xj{p)), (4.1)

where the a^pai^jip)) are C°° functions of Xj{p). The operator Ai{p,D)
consisting of the terms with |a| = /, given by

{A,{p.D)^)^{xj{p))= I la%^{xj{p))DJ<p^{xj{p)) (4.2)

\a\ = l p

is called the principal part of A{p, D). Let f{p) be a real-valued C°°
function on X, and suppose that ^p = df(p)7^0 at /?. Then r ^
e'^^^p^A{p, P)e"'^^^^V(p)) is a polynomial of degree / in t, whose coefficient
of the terni of degree / is given by

iA(p, iQ<p)^{xj{p)) = 1 1 a^,Ax,{p))i'r, ' <p^(xjip)), (4.3)

\a\ = l p

where we put ^p = df{p) = ^j^ dx] + • • • + ^^„ dxj.

For any non-zero element ^p in the cotangent space r*X, there is an
fip) with fp = df{p). For any element w in the fibre Bp at /? G X, there is a
section (p such that (^(p) = w. Let ^pGT*X be given by ^pj =
^ji <ix] + • • • + f^„ 4^J and let w e Bj be given by Wj = ( w ] , . . . , w"). We define
the linear map BpSw-^w'eBp by

wj^-(A,(p,fp)w),^= I Iaj;,«(x,(;7))^;w;, A = 1,...,M (4.4)

\cx\ = l p

for 0 # ^p G T'pX, which we call r/ie principal symbol of A(/7, D).

Definition 4.1. A(/7, D) is said to be elliptic if for any/? e X, and any fp e T^X
with ^p 7^ 0, the principal symbol Ai{p, ^p) is an isomorphism of Bp = 7r~^(/?).
In this case, there exists a positive constant 6 such that for any ^p e r * X
with fp 7^ 0, and w e Bp, the inequaHty

l[iAm{p,$,)w)^f^8'l\wf\\ (4.5)

The supremum of such 8 is called the constant of ellipticity ofA{p, D).

432 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

We introduce the following constants as in the preceding section. For

/c = 0 , l , . . . , put
Mfc = I I Z I sup \Dfa^,^{xj)\. (4.6)
j a p,\ |j8|gfc XjVj

Theorem 4.1 (L^ a priori Estimate). Let A(p, D) be an elliptic linear partial
differential operator of order I For any integer k, there is a positive constant
C depending only on w, /, k, /x, the constant d of ellipticity of A{p, D) and
M|fc|, such that for any u e W^^^{X^ B), the inequality

||M|U^,^C(||A(/?,D)M|U+||I/|U) (4.7)


Proof Since both sides of (4.7) are continuous with respect to the topology
of W^-^'iX, B), and C°'(X, B) is dense in W^-^^X, B), it suffices to prove
(4.7) for any u e C°°(X, B). Take functions {Xj}j=i as in (3.6) in the preceding
section. For any u e C°°(X, B), there is a j such that

r^^u\\,^,^\\Xju\y^i. (4.8)

Put Uj = XjU. Take another family of functions {wi}f=i on X such that

supp a)j<^ Xj and that X, ^iip)^^ 1 ^^ ^' Moreover we assume that Wj is
identically equal to 1 in some neighbourhood of supp Xj- Then we have

\\A(p, D)uU^\\XjA{p, D)u\y

= \\XjAip,D)coju\y (4.9)
= | | A ( A D)uj\y-\\[A(p, D), iOj]coju\y.

Since [A{p, D),Xj] is a partial differential operator of order ( / - I ) , by

Theorem 1.4, there is a positive constant Q such that

\\[A(p, D), Xj](oM\j,k^ C^M\k\\\(Oju\\j^k+i-i, (4.10)

while there is a positive constant C2 by (3.8) such that

||^yw|b,k+/-i^ZlkiW||,;fc+/_i^C2||M|U+/-i. (4.11)

Since the support of Uj = XjU is contained in the coordinate neighbourhood

Xj, Uj can be considered via the local coordinates Xj as an element of
C°°(T", C^) with support in Vj. Thus we can apply Theorem 2.1 to find a
positive constant C3 depending on k, /, n, /JL, d and M|fc| such that

||A(/7,D)M,-||,.,;,^C3||M,-||,-,;,+ /-||M,-Lfc. (4.12)

§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators 433

From the inequality || w, 11^,^ ^ || w |U, and (4.8), (4.9), (4.10), (4.11) and (4.12),
we obtain

||A(AI^)w|U^C3J^/'i|t^lU-^/-||w|U-C2QM|„||u|U^;_,. (4.13)

By Proposition 3.1, there exists a positive constant C4 such that

hence from this and (4.13), we obtain

||A(p,D)i/|U + (C4+l)||M|U^2-^C3/^/^i|w|U,z. I

(b) Garding's Inequality

As stated at the end of §3, we consider the Hilbert space L^(X, B) defined
by the volume element v(dx) of X and the metric g on the vector bundle
B. We denote its inner product by ( , ).

Lemma 4.1. Let A{p, D) he a linear partial differential operator of order

(m-\-l). Then there exists a positive constant C determined by m, n and JJL
such that for any cp, il/ ^ C°°(X, B),

\iAip, D)ip, 4f)\^CM,MJ^\\, (4.14)


Proof. Take {xj} as in (3.6). Then we have

(Aip, D)<p,4f) = I {A{p, D)<p, xj^). (4.15)


Fix7, and choose a family of C°° function {ifj^Yk^i with supp co^^ Xp, and
X o)\{x) = 1 so that (Oj is identically equal to 1 in some neighbourhood of
supp Xj' Then we have

(A(/7, D)(p, x]^) = (A(p, D)a>j<p, xj^)-

We may assume that A(p, D) has the form (4.1) with m + / instead of /.
Then the right-hand side of the above equality is written as

(A{p,D)co,<p,xj^)= I Z gjK-MiPm.M(p))
+ / p,A,o- J V

434 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Integrating the terms with |a| ^ m + 1 by parts {\a\-m) times, we have

(A(p,D)coj<p,xjil^)= I Z [ bj,,^,(xjip))DJ(coj<pf{xj{p))
\cx\^m p,\,cr J Vj

xDf{xjiPf)ixj{p))vj(xj(p)) dxjip),^

where the bj^pa/iiXjip)) are Hnear combinations of partial derivatives of

Xjgj\p(Xj(p))aj^^{Xj(p))vjixj{p)) of order at most /.
Therefore there exists a positive constant Q such that

By (3.8), there is a positive constant C2J depending on 7 such that


Summing with respect to 7, and putting X^ C2J = C3, we obtain


(4.14) follows from this and (4.15). I

Let A(p, D) be a linear partial differential operator of order 2m. For

peX, and ^p e TpX with ^p 9^ 0, the principal symbol A2mip, ^p) of A{p, D)
is a linear map Bp -^ Bp. Therefore, by virtue of the metric gp on Bp, we can
define a Hermitian form on Bp x Bp associated with this linear map by putting

gpiA2m{p,Qw,w') (4.16)

for we Bp and w'e Bp. For p e Xj, if we write A{p, D) in the form of (4.1)
with / = 2m, then putting ^p = ^ji dx] + ••• + !;„ dx], iv = ( w j , . . . , w"), w' =
(wj\ . . . , wj"), we have

cr,\,p |a| = 2m

Definition 4.2. A linear partial differential operator A(p, D) of order 2m is

said to be strongly elliptic if there exists a positive constant 8 such that for
any peX, any ^p e T*X with ^p 9^ 0, and any weBp with w 7^ 0,

( - 1 ) - Re gp{A2mip. ^p)w, w) ^ 8'gp(w, w)|^,|^- (4.18)

holds. The supremum of such 5 is called the constant of strong ellipticity of

Aip, D).
§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators 435

Theorem 4.2 (Garding's Inequality). Let A(p, D) he a strongly elliptic partial

differential operator of order 2m. Then there are positive constants 8i, 82
depending on m, n, ^c, the constant 8 of strong ellipticity ofA(p, D) and M^
such that for any cp e C°°(X, B),

Re(A(p,D)<p,cp) + 8,{<p,cp)^82Ml (4.19)


Proof Take {Xj}j=i as in (3.6). For simplicity we write A for A(p, D). Since
lLjXj{sY=^. we have

{Acp, (p) = Y. (A(p, Xj<p) = Z {xA<P, Xj(p)

j j

= E (^Xj(p. Xj<p)-^1 (XjlXj. ^']<p, <p)-

j j

Since A}[A}, ^ ] is a linear partial differential operator of order ( 2 m - 1 )

whose coefficients are linear combinations of those of A{p, D), by Lemma
4.1, there exists a positive constant Cj depending on n, m, /x and M^ such

Since the support of Xj^ is contained in Xj, Xj<P can be considered as a

C^-valued C°° function on T" with support in VJ. Therefore by Theorem
2.2, there are positive constants C2, C3 such that

Re {Axjcp, Xj<P) + C2\\xj<p\\lo^ C,\\xj<p\\lm^

From the above inequalities we obtain

j j

= C3||<p||i-Q||<p||^-/C,||.p|Ui|<p|U_,. (4.20)

By Proposition 1.1, there is a positive number C4 such that

Consequently by (4.20) above, we obtain


Since there is a positive constant C5 such that for any <p e C°°(X, B),
436 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

we obtain

which proves (4.19). I

(B) A priori Estimate with Respect to the Holder Norm

Lemma 4.2. Let 0<r<s. Then there exist positive constants Cj, C2 such that
and that for any t>0


This follows immediately from Lemma 2.8. I

Definition 4.3. Let A{p, D) be a second-order linear partial differential

operator acting on sections of a vector bundle B over X. The principal part
of A{p^ D) is said to he of diagonal type if we can choose a system of local
coordinates {{Xj, X/)}/=i such that when we write A(/?, D) in terms of these
coordinates as

{A{p,D)cj>)^{xj{p))= E Za;,Jx,(p))Z>;<(x,-(i7)), (4.21)

then the following conditions is satisfied:

«ia(^j(;?)) = 0 for |a| = 2 and A 7^ p, P^Xj. (4.22)

Remark. If in some choice of local coordinates, the principal part of A(/7, D)

is of diagonal type, and it is written as

{A2{p,D)ip)^{xj{p))= I ajAxj{p))D^cpf(xj(p)), (4.23)


then the principal part is of diagonal type in another choice of coordinates.

Theorem 4.3. Let A(p, D) he a strongly elliptic partial differential operator of

order 2 with C°° coefficients acting on sections of a vector bundle B over X
whose principal part is of diagonal type. Let 8 be its constant of strong ellipticity,
and put 0< 6 <1. Then for any integer k^O, there exists a positive constant
C depending only on 0, k, n, /x, 8 andMj^-^e such that for any u e C^^^'^^(X, J5),

lwL^-2+a ^ C{\A{p, D)u\k^e + Nlo)

§4. Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Operators 437

holds, where we put

Mfc+^ = Mfc + X S I sup ^^— -e .

j \a\^2 \p\^k \x-x'\^l \X — X\

Proof. We may assume that the system of local coordinates {^}/==i is so

chosen that the principal part is already diagonal. Take {Xj}j=i as in (3.6).
For u e C°°(X, B), by the definition of the norm (3.32), there is 3.j such that

J~^\u\k+2+e ^ \xMj,k+2+e' (4.24)

Put XjU = Uj- Choose a family of C°^ function {<w,}f=i on X with supp (Ot c: X,
and Xi (^iip)^= 1 such that (Oj(p)= 1 on some neighbourhood of supp;^/.
Then we have

\A(p, D)u\k^e ^ \XjMp, D)u\j^j,+e = \XjMp. D)(OjUy+e

^ \A{p, D)uj\j,,,^e - |[A( A D), xMAu^^e^ (4-25)

Since [A(/7, D), ;^^] is a first-order partial differential operator, by Lemma

2.8 there is a positive constant Cj depending only on fc, ^, n, /x such that

|[A(/7, D), A}]w,wb,/c+0 ^ CiMfc_,^|w^M|,;fc+n.^, (4.26)

while there is a positive constant C2 such that

|w^M|^;fc+l + 0 ^ C2|M|fc+i + 0. (4.27)

Since the support of w^ is contained in X^, M, can be considered, via x^, an

element of c^''^''^(T^ C") with support in V;. Hence by Theorem 2.3, there
is a positive constant C3 depending only on /c, ^, w, /x, 5 and Mk+g such that

C3|w,b;fc+2+a - I W J U O ^ | A ( A D)M,^,fc+,. (4.28)

From thQ trivial inequality |M,|,;O^|W|O and (4.24), (4.25), (4.26), (4.27),
(4.28), we obtain

|A(AD)wU^,^C3J~'|M|k+2+.-|w|o-CiC2Mfc^a|wk+i+a. (4.29)

By Lemma 4.2, there is a positive constant C4 such that

CiC2Mfc+^|M|fc+l + ^ ^ 2 ~ ' C 3 / ~ ' | M | f c + 2 + ^ + C 4 | M | o .

438 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Consequently from this and (4.29), we obtain

which proves the theorem. |

Remark. Let A(x, D) be an elliptic operator of order / with C ^ coefficients,

and 8 its constant of ellipticity. Then if 0 < ^ < 1 , for any integer fc^O,
there is a positive constant C depending on n, /, /JL, k, 6, 5, Mk+e such that

\u\j,^j^e ^ C(|A(x, D)M|fc+, + |M|O).

We omit the proof.

§5. The Existence of Weak Solutions of a Strongly Elliptic

Partial Differential Equation

As was stated at the end of §3, we fix once for all a volume element v(dx)
of X and a metric g on the vector bundle B, Then we can define L^{X, B)
with respect to ( , ).

Proposition 5.1. For a linear partial differential operator A{p, D) of order /,

there exists a unique linear partial differential operator A{p, D)"^ such that
for any (p^ijje C°^(X, B), the following equality holds:

(A(A D)cp, (A) = (<p, A(p, or^). (5.1)

Moreover A{p, D)"^ is also of order I.

Proof Let {^j}/=i be a C°° partition of unity subordinate to the open covering
\Jj=.^Xj of X Then we have

{A{p, D)<p, .A) = 1 (A(p, D)(Oj<p, lij).


If A(p, D) is written in the form (4.1) on Xj, we have

( A ( A D)COJ<P, (A) = I I [ gj.,{xj{p))a)^^(xj{p))

\a\^l p,\,(T J Yj
xDf{coj<pJixjip)M^ixjip))vj(xjip)) 4xj{p). (5.2)
§5. Weak Solutions of a St;rongly Elliptic Partial Differential Equation 439

Since cojipj vanishes near the boundary of V), by partial integration, we obtain

v,k J V.

x4>]-{x^{p))vj{xj{p)) dxj{p), (5.3)

where we put

^MAP)) A,cr,p|a|S/

xD;(g,.,,(x,-(/7))<«(x,-(/7))i;,. (x,-(p))iA;(x,(/?))), (5.4)

and {gj'^ixjip))) is the inverse of the matrix {gjxp{Xj{p))). Therefore if we

put tA' = Zj ^j^'j-> then A(/7, D)"^: ifj-^ifj' is the required differential operator.
The uniqueness if obvious. I

Definition 5.1. A(p, D)"^ is called the formal adjoint ofA{p, D). If A{p, D)
is of order /, so is A(/?, D)"^.

Proposition 5.2. Let peX and ^^ ^ T"^^ with ^^ T^ 0. If we write the principal
symbol of the differential operator A{p, DY CLS Ai{p, ^x)"^, ^^^^ It is the adjoint
of the linear map ofBp determined by the principal symbol Ai{ p^ ^^) ofA(p, D)
with respect to the metric gp.

Proof Let f{p) be a real-valued C°° function on X with df{p) = ^p. Then
for any <p, /x G C ° ° ( X , B ) , we have

lim t-\<p, e~''^A{p, D ) ^ e ' V ) = lim t-\e-''^A{p, D)e''^(p, lA), (5.5)

which proves the assertion. I

We want to solve the partial differential equation

A{p,D)u{p)=f(p). (5.6)

Definition 5.2. L e t / e W'^iX, B). u e W'^iX, B) is said to be a weak solution

of the equation (5.6) if for any (p e C^iX, B),

iu,Aip,Dr<p) = {fcp) (5.7)

holds, where A(p, D)"^ is the formal adjoint of A{p, D), and ( , ) denotes
the extended one in Proposition 3.2.

Proposition 5,3.Let A(p, D) be a partial differential operator of order I. Then

440 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

by Lemma 3.3, it is extended to a continuous map ofW^{X, B) to W^~^{X, B).

If u is a weak solution of (5.6), in this sense, we have

Aip,D)u=f (5.8)
in W^-'(X, B).

Proof Let {(p„}^=i be a sequence in C°°(X, B) converging to u in W^(X, B).

Then {A(/?, D)<p„}^=i converges to A(p,D)u in W^-\X,B). For an
arbitrary cp e C°°(X, B), by Proposition 3.2, we have

(A{p, D)u, <p) = lim (A(/7, D)<p„, cp) = lim ((^„, A(/7, D)^(^)

= (M,A(AI))"^<^) = (F,(P).

Hence A(/7, D ) M = / in \y'^-'(X, B), I

In particular, i f / e C^(X, B), M is a weak solution of (5.6), and ue

C\X, B), then by Proposition 5.1, for any cp e C°°(X, J3), we have

{Aip,D)u,<p) = (fcp\

hence A(p, D)u = / in the sense of L^(X, B). But since both sides of this
equality are continuous, we obtain

for all p&X, namely, we obtain a solution of (5.6) in the usual sense.
In order to show the existence of a weak solution, the following Lax-
Milgram theorem is useful.

Theorem 5.1. Let ^ be a complex Hilbert space, ( , ) its inner product, and
I I its norm. Suppose that B{x,y) is a Hermitian form on ^ satisfying the
following condition: There exist positive constants Ci ^ C2 such that for any

\B(x,y)\^C2\x\\y\, (5.9)

ReB(x,x)^Ci|x|^ (5.10)

Then for any continuous conjugate linef{x) on S€, there exists a unique element
B{Fs,z)=f(z), (5.11)

Proof As will be shown later, there exists a continuous linear isomorphism

§5. Weak Solutions of a Strongly Elliptic Partial Differential Equation 441

B of ^ onto ^ such that for any x,ye^

B{x,y) = (Bx,y) (5.12)

holds. Assuming this for a moment, we see that by the Riesz representation
theorem, there exists an element ye^ such that for any ze^


Hence it suffices to put FQ = B~^y.

We shall prove the existence of B satisfying the above condition. Fix an
arbitrary xe^. The associated linear map ^sy -^ B{x,y)eCis continuous
by (5.9), hence, by the Riesz representation theorem, there exists a z{x) e ^
such that B(x, y) = (z(x), y) for any y. The map x -> z(x) is linear. Therefore
there is a linear map B with z(x) = Bx. By (5.9) and (5.10), we have

CAx\^ — ^\Bx\ = sup—:——^ C2|x|. (5.13)

1^1 y^o \y\
Hence Bx is continuous. If Bx = 0, by the left inequality of (5.13) we have
X = 0, hence B is injective. Furthermore the range of B is closed. In fact,
if {BXn}n converges to y, then by the left inequality of (5.13), {x„}„ is also
a Cauchy sequence, hence, converges to some z. Since B is continuous,
Bz = y. Moreover the range of B is dense. For, if z is orthogonal to the
range of B, we have

0 = \{Bz, z)\ = |B(z, z)| ^ Re B(z, z) ^ C,\z\^,

which implies z = 0. Thus the range of B is dense. Consequently the range

of B coincides with the whole ^ , and B is bijective. The continuity of B~^
is also clear. I

Let A(/7, D) be a strongly elliptic linear partial differential operator of

order 2m. For a sufficiently large A > 0, we shall prove the existence of a
weak solution of
(A{p,D) + XI)u = w. (5.14)

For this, take {Xj}j=i ^^ i^ (3.6). Then with the inner product (3.28),
W"(X, B) becomes a Hilbert space. Put

(<p, {A(p, Dr^Dilf) = B{cp, (A) (5.15)

for (p,il/e C°°(X, B), where the inner product in the left-hand side denotes
that in L^(X, B).
442 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Proposition 5.4. Let 8i, 82 be the positive constants given in Theorem 4.2. By
(5.15), B((p, if/) defined on C°°(X, B) extends uniquely by continuity to a
continuous Hermitian form on W"(X, B), which we denote by the same
notation B((p, ijj). Then there exists a positive constant Cj determined by n,
m, jx, and M^ such that 1/ Re A > 81, for any <p,il/e W^iX, B), the following
inequalities hold:

\B{<p,ilf)\^C2\\cp\U\ilf\U (5.16)

RQB{<p,il;)^82Ml. (5.17)

Proof If (^iX^B), since B(^, (/f) = ((A(/?, D) + A)(p, f^), we have

(5.16) by Lemma 4.1. In other words, B((p, if/) is continuous with respect
to the relative topology of C°°(X, B) in W^iX, B). Since C°°(A:, B) is dense
in W"(X, B), B{(p, ifj) extends uniquely to a continuous Hermitian form
on W""(X,B). (5.16) still holds for the extended B{(p,ip). By Garding's
inequality, (5.17) holds for cp e C°°(X, B). Hence, by continuity, (5.17) holds
for all cpeW'^iX^B). I

Theorem 5.2. Let A(p, D) be a strongly elliptic linear partial differential

operator of order 2m, and Sj, ^2 the positive constants given in Theorem 4.2.
/f Re A > 81, for any w e L^(X, B), there exists a weak solution of the equation

Aip,D)u-^Xu =w (5.18)

contained in W"^(X, B). Moreover the weak solution of this equation contained
in ^"{X, B) is unique.

Proof Let A{p, D)"^ be the formal adjoint of A{p, D), and B{(p, \fj) the
Hermitian form on ^ ' " ( X , B) in Proposition 5.4. Since W^^X, B) is imbed-
ded in L^(X, B), putting

f{(p) = {w,(p)

for any <p e W'^iX, B), we obtain a conjugate linear form on W^iX, B).
Take W'^iX, B) as ^ in Theorem 5.1, and let B{(p, iff) and f{(p) be the
Hermitian form and the conjugate linear form for it respectively. Then by
Theorem 5.1, there exists a w e W^iX, B) such that for any (pW^iX, B),
the following holds:

B{u,cp) = {w,<p), (5.19)

where the left-hand side means B in the extended sense. We may assume
that there are ifjk e C°°(X, B), /c = 1, 2 , . . . , such that {il/k}k converges to u
in W'^iX, B). Then {(Afc}fc converges to u also in L^{X, B). Therefore, for
§6. Regularity of Weak Solutions of Elliptic Linear Partial Differential Equations 443

(p G C°°(X, B), we can write

B{u, cp) = lim B((Afc, <p) = lim ((A^, (Aip, D^ + Dcp)

fc-^oo fc->oo

= ( M , ( A ( p , D r + A)9). (5.20)

Hence, w is a weak solution of (5.18). The uniqueness follows from the

following inequality by putting w = 0.
0 = |(w, M)| ^ Re B{u, u) ^ 62IIM

§6. Regularity of Weak Solution of Elliptic Linear Partial

Differential Equations

Theorem 6.1. Let A(p, D) be an elliptic linear partial differential operator of

order I with C°° coefficients. Suppose that for some integers s and k, fe
W'~^~^{X, B). Then for a weak solution u e W'{X, B) of the equation

A(p,D)u=f (6.1)

there exists a positive constant C such that

^C{\\fU,.,+ \\ul) (6.2)

holds, where C depends on /, n, k, /x, the constant of ellipticity 8 ofA(p, D)

and M|5|, hut is independent of f and u.

Proof First we prove the case k=l. Take C°° functions cOj, j = 1,..., J on
X with cOj(p)^0 and supp coj c: Xj so that

lcoj(p)^l, peX. (6.3)


Uj = COjU, fj = (Ojf j=l,...,/.

Then in W'-\X, B), we have

A(p, D)uj =fjHA{p, D), coj]u, 7= 1,...,/,

while fj = (Ojfe W'~^^\X, B). Since [A(p, D), o)j] is a differential operator
of order ( / - I ) , we have {A{p, D), o)j\ue W'~^'^\X, B). Furthermore, put-
ting gj =fj-h[Aip, D), (Oj]u, we have gje W'-'^\X, B), and

A{p,D)uj = gj. (6.4)

444 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Since the supports of Uj and gj are contained in Xj, Uj and gj can be identified
with C^-valued distributions Uj e W'o( Vj, C^) and g, e W'o~'''\ V,, C^) on the
open set Vj in T" respectively. The supports of these Uj and gj are contained
in a compact set K. Writing w, = (M], . . . , Uj) and gj = {gj,..., g") in terms
of their components, we have

gj= I i:a^,Axj)Dy^ = {Aj{p,D)uj)\ xj = xj{p). (6.5)

Since X is a compact set in V), there is a positive number /IQ such that if
0<\h\<ho, the translation of K in the direction of xf by h is contained in
Vj for any /c = 1 , . . . , n. Let Tjk be the translation in the direction of Xj by
h, and ^lk = h~\Tlk-I). Then we obtain

Aj;,g,. = A,-(x,-, D){^l^Uj) + Vj,u. /c - 1 , . . . , n, (6.6)

where we put
Aj;.g,= I i(Aj;,aj^,j(x)D;TJ;,u;. (6.7)

By Theorem 1.3, there exists a positive constant Cj independent of h such

||i;^;fclb,5-z^ Qlkj;fcM;-||^> = CI||M,-||^;,. (6.8)

For 0 < |/i| < /zo, we have ^luUj e Woi V;, C^). Since AJJ^w, satisfies (6.6), by
Theorem 2.1, there exists a positive constant C2 independent of h such that

||Aj;,ii,-||,;,^C2(||5j;,g||,-,_,+||i;,;,||,;,_,+||Aj;fc^ (6.9)

On the other hand by Theorem 1.13, there is a positive constant C3 indepen-

dent of h such that for 0<\h\< ho, the following inequalities hold:

\\^j,kgj\\j,s-i^ C4gj\\j^,_i+i, k=l,...,n,


Using these inequalities and (6.8), we have the following estimate: For
0<|/2|< ho, and for any k = l,... ,n,


Since the right-hand side does not depend on h, by Theorem 1.13(3°), we

see that UJE W'O''\VJ,C^). Therefore we obtain UJE W'^\X,B). By the
construction of Uj and (6.3), we have w =X Wy G W^^iX, B). Therefore by
(6.1), using Theorem 4.1, we see that there exists a positive constant C4
§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^(X, B) 445

such that


Thus the theorem is proved for k=l. We proceed by induction on k>l.

Suppose that the assertion is true for k^j. We want to show the case
A:=j + 1. In this case we have fe W'-^-^'^'iX, B), and ueW'(X, B). By
induction hypothesis, we have ue W^^^{X, B). Taking s' = s+j instead of
5, we see that (6.1) holds f o r / e W''-^'^\X, B), and ue W''{X, B). Since
we have proved the theorem for /c = l, we have ueW^'^^{X,B) =
W^^^^^{X, B). By Theorem 4.1, there is a positive constant Cs such that
the following inequality holds:

Since this implies (6.2), we showed the case k=j + \, which completes the
induction. I

Corollary. Let A{p, D) be an elliptic linear partial differential operator of

order /, and suppose that for fe C°°(X, B), u e W'(X, B) is a weak solution

Then there exists v e C°°(X, B) such that in L^{X, B)

u-v = 0

Proof S i n c e / e C°°(X, B), for any integer A:> 0, we h a v e / e \V'"''^(X, B),

hence, by the above theorem, we have ue W'^^'iX^B). If A:>[n/2]+l,
by Sobolev's imbedding theorem (Theorem 3.2), there is a i;e
^,^-fc_c„/2]-i^^^ B) such that in W^(X, B)

u = V

holds. Thus, u = v in L^(X, B). Since k is arbitrary, we have ve

C^(X,B). I

§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^(X, B)

Let A{p, D) be an elliptic linear partial differential operator of order / with

C°° coefficients. A{p, D) extends uniquely to a continuous linear map of
W\X, B) to W'~\X, B). By restricting the domain of A(;7, D) appropri-
ately, we treat A{p, D) as a closed operator of the Hilbert space L^(X, B).
446 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

(a) Closed Extension of Elliptic Partial Differential Operators

Definition 7.1. We define a linear operator A in the Hilbert space L^{X, B)

as follows. The doniain D(A) of A is given by

D(A) = {ue L\X, B) \ A{p, P)ue L\X, B)}, (7.1)

and for u e D(A), we put Au = A{p, D)u.

Theorem 7.1.
(r) D{A) = W\X, B), and the topology of D(A) defined by the graph
norm coincides with that of W\X, B).
(2°) A is a closed operator.
(3°) C°°(X, B) is dense in D{A) with respect to the graph norm, that is,
for u e D{A), there is a sequence {<Pk}t=i ^ C°°(X, B) such that (pj^
converges to u in L^{X, B), and that A{p, D)(pk converges to Au.

Proof ( r ) Since L\X, B) = W^{X, B), by Theorem 6.1, if M G D(A), then

ue W\X, B). Therefore by the a priori estimate in Theorem 4.1, there are
positive constants Q , C2 such that for any uD(A),

| | M | | , ^ Q ( | | A I / | | + ||I/||)^C2||M||/, (7.2)

while the middle part is just the graph norm of u. Thus (1°) is proved.
(2°) Since D(A) endowed with the topology defined by the graph norm
coincides with W^{X, B), this space is complete. Therefore the graph of A
is a complete subspace of the direct product L^(X, B) xL^(X, B), hence
(3°) is clear from the density of C°°(X, B) in W\X, B). I

Since the formal adjoint A{p, D)"^ of A(/7, D) is also a partial differential
operator of order /, A{p, D)"^ has the unique extension to a continuous
map of W\X,B) to W'-\X,B). By Proposition 5.2, Aip^D)"" is also

Theorem 7.2. Let A* be the adjoint of A in the sense of the operator on the
Hilbert space L^{X,B). Then the domain DiA"^) is given by D{A*) =
W'{X, B), and for v e D(A*), we have

A*i; = A(;?,D)^i;. (7.3)

In particular, if A(p, D) is a formally self-adjoint elliptic partial differential

operator, A is self-adjoint.
§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^(X, B) 447

Proof. V e D(A*) if and only if there exists an fe L^iX, B) such that for
any u e D(A),

{v,Au) = {f,u). (7.4)

Since C°°(X, B) c D{A), for any <p e C^{X, B) we have

(v,A{p,D)<p) = (fcp). (7.5)

This implies that u is a weak solution of the equation


Since feL^(X,B), by Theorem 6.1, we have ve W^{X,B),. Conversely,

suppose that v e W\X, B) and / = A(p, D)^v. Then fe L\X, B), and for
any (p e C°°(X, B), (7.5) holds. Since both sides of (7.5) are continuous in
(p with respect to the graph norm, and C°^{X, B) is dense in D{A) with
respect to the graph norm, (7.4) holds for every u e D(A). Thus the theorem
is proved. I

Lemma 7.1. Let A(p, D) be an elliptic linear partial differential operator of

order I. We define the operator A as in Definition 7.1. Then
(1°) ker A is a closed subspace of L?{X, B).
(2°) For any integer /c ^ 0, there exists a positive constant Q such that
for any u e W^'^\X, B) n (ker A)^, the following estimate holds:
||M||,^fc^Cfc||Aw|U. (7.6)

Similarly if 0 < ^ < 1, for any integer k^O, there exists a positive
constant Cj, such that for u e C^^^^\X, B) n (ker A)"",

\u\i+k+e = Ck\Au\j,+e (7.7)


Proof ( r ) If {M„}^=I C: ker A, and if {M„} converges to u in L^(X, B), then

AM„ = 0 converges to 0, and, since A is a closed operator, u G D{A) and
Au = 0. This proves (1°).
(2°) Suppose that for some /c, (7.6) does not hold for any Q . Then for
any positive integer 7, there exists a WyG W^^^{X., B ) n ( k e r A)"^ such that

||M,-||/+fc = l and \\AUj\\k^r\ (7.8)

Since the sequence {Uj}j is bounded in W^^^{X, B), by Theorem 3.1, {Uj}j
is relatively compact in W^(X, B). Taking a subsequence, if necessary, we
448 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

may assume that {Uj}j converges to u in W^(X, B), while {AM,} converges
to 0 in W^{X, B). In L^(X, B) also, {Uj}j and {Au^}j converges to u and 0
respectively. Since A is a closed operator on L^(X, B), we have u e D(A) n
ker A On the other hand, since {M;}CI (ker A)-^, and (ker A)"^ is a closed
subspace of L^(X, B), we have u e (ker A)"^. Hence M = 0 in L^(X, B). Since
we have already known that u e W'^iX, B), we see that M = 0 in W^{X, B).
Since {uj}j converges to u in W^{X, B),

lim||M,-|U = 0. (7.9)

Using the a priori estimate in Theorem 4.1 for {«/}<= W^'^'^{X, B), we see
that there is a positive constant C such that

||M,.|U^,^C(||AM,-|U + ||M,.|U), 7 = 1,2,....

Taking the limits of both sides for j ^ o o , we have 1 ^ 0 by (7.8) and (7.9),
which is a contradiction. Hence (7.6) is true. (7.7) is proved similarly. I

Theorem 7.3. Let A(p, D) he an elliptic partial differential operator of order

I. We define the operator A and its adjoint A* as in Definition 7.1. Then we
have the following,
(1°) Both ker A and ker A* are finite-dimensional subspaces of
(2°) The range R{A) of A and the range R{A^) o/A* are closed subspaces
{T) R{A) = (ker A*)-', JR(A*) = (ker A)^.

Proof ( r ) By the Corollary to Theorem 6.1, we have ker A c C°°(X, B).

ker A is a Banach space as a subspace of L^{X,B). Let Q =
{wGker A | | | w | | ^ l } be its unit ball. Since Qc: C°°(X, B), by Theorem 4.1,
we see that if M G Q , | | W | | / ^ C||M|| ^ C. Thus Q is bounded in W\X,B).
Therefore by Theorem 3.1, it is compact in L^{X, B), hence in ker A.
Consequently ker A is a locally compact space, hence finite dimensional.
(2°) Suppose that a sequence {fj}t=i in R{A) converges t o / i n L^(X, B).
By Lemma 7.1, for any j a n d / , we have the following inequality:

Since {fjj is a Cauchy sequence, {Uj}j becomes a Cauchy sequence in
W\X,B), hence converges to some ue W^(X,B) in W^(X,B). On the
other hand, AM„ =/„ converges to / in L^(X, B), hence we have Au =f
Thus R{A) is a closed set. The closedness of RiA"^) can be proved similarly.
(3°) Let ueR(A)-^. Since for any D G D ( A ) , (AU, M) = 0, we have ue
D{A*), and A * M = 0 . Conversely if A*M = 0, clearly M 1 J R ( A ) , hence we
§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^(X, B) 449

have ker A* = R{A)^. Since R(A) is closed by (2°), we obtain (ker A*)"- =
R(A). (ker A)^ = RiA"^) is proved similarly. I

Lemma 7.2. Let P and Q be the orthogonal projections to ker A and ker A*
m L^(X, B) respectively. Then for any integer /c^O, there exists a positive
constant Cj^ such that for any u e L^(X, B), the following estimates hold.

\\PuU^a\\ul ||QM|U^C,||I/||. (7.10)

\Pu\j,^e^a\\ul \Qu\j,^e^a\\u\\. (7.11)

Proof. Let (fu - - -, (PL be an orthonormal basis of ker A. Then Pu =

Hj (w, (Pj)<Pj' Therefore, taking into account the fact that cpj e C°°(X, B), and
putting Cfc = CLj \\(pj\\iy^^, we obtain


The other estimates are obtained similarly. I

Definition 7.2. Let D(A) n (ker A)^ = ^ . Since A is a bijection of ^ onto

R{A), let G be its inverse. G is a bijection of R{A) onto ^. We define

G = G ( 1 + Q),

and call G the Green operator of A. G is a linear map of L^(X, B) to ^

which coincides with G on R{A) and vanishes on ker A*.

Theorem 7.4. T/ie Green operator G has the following properties:

(r) G /5 defined on L^(X, B), and its range R{G) is given by R{G) =
W\X, B) n (ker A)^. For any u e L\X, B), AGu = {I- Q)u, and
for any ve W\X,B), GAv = {I-P)v.
(2°) For any integer /c ^ 0, there is a positive constant C^ such that for
any u e W^(X, B), Gu e W^^\X, B), and

||Gw|U^,^Cfc||M|U (7.12)

holds. If 0<6<l, for any integer /c^O, there exists a positive

constant Cj, such that for any u e C^^^(X, B), Gu e C^^^^^X, B),

\Gu\j,^j^e^a\u\k^e^ (7.13)

Proof ( r ) is clear.
450 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

(2°) For ueW\X,B), by Lemma 7.2, we have | | ( 1 - Q ) M | U ^

(Cfc + l)||w||fc. Let CJc be a positive constant in (7.6) of Lemma 7.L Then

||GW|U^, = ||G(1 + Q ) M | U ^ , ^ C U C , + 1)||M|U,

which proves (7.12). (7.13) is proved similarly. I

Corollary. Let A(p, D) he a formally self-adjoint elliptic partial differential

operator, P the orthogonal projection to ker A, and G the Green operator of
Alfue C°°(X, B), then Gu e C°°(X, JB), and the following equality holds

u = Pu + AGu.

By this the orthogonal decomposition

^ ( X , B) = ker A e A C ° ' ( X , B)

is given, where AC^iX, B) denotes the image of C^iX, B) by A{p, D).

Proof Let A be the operator on the Hilbert space L^{X, B) defined from
A{p, D) as in Definition 7.1. Since A{p, D) is formally self-adjoint, A is
self-adjoint (Theorem 7.2). Therefore, since ker A = ker A*, the orthogonal
projection P coincides with the orthogonal projection Q to ker A*. By
Theorem 7.4, 1, for any u e C°°(X, B) c W\X, B),

u = Pu + AGu

holds. Furthermore by Theorem 7.4(2°), GueC°°{X,B), hence AGue

AC^iX, B). Moreover since A is self-adjoint, by Theorem 7.3 (3°), ker A
and AC^iX, B) are orthogonal to each other. I

(b) The Spectrum of a Strongly Elliptic Partial Differential Operator

Let A(p, D) be a strongly elliptic linear partial differential operator of order

2m. We define the operator A as in Definition 7.1. Let 8 be the constant of
strong ellipticity of A(p, D), and take 5i, ^2 as in Theorem 4.1. If Re A > 5i,
then for any (p e W^^(X, B), we have

||(A + A)(p||^(ReA-5i)||(^||. (7.14)

For, indeed, by Theorem 4.2, we have

||(A + A)(^||||<^||^Re(A(p,(^) + R e A ( ( p , ( ^ ) ^ ( R e A - 5 i ) | k f .

Furthermore there exists a positive constant C depending only on n, m, /A,

§7. Elliptic Operators in the Hilbert Space L^(X, B) 451

8, and M^ such that if Re A > 8„ for any (p e W^'^iX, B),

\\cphm^C\\(A + X)cp\\ (7.15)

holds. In fact, it suffices to use A{p, D) +A for A(p, D) in (4.7), and make
an estimate of ||<^||o by (7.14).

Theorem 7.5. Let A{p, D) he a strongly elliptic partial differential operator.

/ / R e A > 5 i , thenA-^X is a linear isomorphism of W^"^(X, B) ontoL^(X,B).

Proof. It is clear that A + A is a continuous injection of W^'"(X, JB) to

L^(X, B). For any fe L^{X, B), there is a weak solution of the equation

(A + A ) i / = /

in W ( X , B) (Theorem 5.2). By Theorem 6.1, u e W^'^iX, B). Hence A + A

is surjective. Therefore by (7.15) its inverse is also continuous. I

Fix iji with iJi^Si, and put

G^ = (A + M)-^ (7.16)

Since W^'^iX, B) c: L\X, B), G^ can be considered as a map of L\X, B)

to V'{X,B). Then the following theorem follows from Rellich's theorem.

Theorem 7.6. G^ is a compact liner map of L^{X, B) to L^{X, B). I

For an arbitrary complex number A, consider the equation

(A-A)<p=/ (7.17)

Multiplying by G^ from the left, and putting ^ = A + ^t, we have

(I-^G,)cp = GJ.
Putting G^f=g, we obtain
{I-^G^)<p = g. (7.18)

We consider (7.18) instead of (7.17).

{A-\) = {A-hfji){I-^GJ = (I-CGJ{A + fi)

holds. Since (A + /x) is a bijection of \y^^(X, B) onto L\X, B), ( A - A ) is

bijective if and only if I-^G^ is bijective. Thus we have the following
452 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Theorem 7.7. A complex number A is contained in the spectrum of A if and

only if ^~^ = (A — /JL)~^ is contained in the spectrum of G^. I

Since G^ is a compact operator on L^(X, B), its spectrum is rather simple.

In particular, except for 0, it has only the point spectrum whose only
accumulation point is 0, and the generalized eigenspace belonging to each
eigenvalue is finite dimensional.

Theorem 7.8. Let A{p, D) he a strongly elliptic linear partial differential

operator. Then the spectrum of A is contained in the half space Re A > — 5i,
and it consists only of the point spectrum which has no finite accumulation
point Furthermore the generalized eigenspace belonging to each eigen value
is finite dimensional. I

§8. C^ Difierentiability of (p(0

In this section we shall prove that the vector (0, l)-form (p{t) constructed
in Chapter 5, §3 is C°°.
Let S be the disk of radius r in C " with the origin as its centre, namely,
we put 5 = {^ = (^1,... ,^m)|kl^ = Z]li l^jl^^ ^^}- Let M be a compact com-
plex manifold of dimension /i, and X its underlying C°° differentiable
manifold. The vector (0, l)-form (p{t) on M parametrized hy teS satisfies
the following quasi-linear partial differential equation.

(- 2 7-rT^+n)<p(0-M<p(0,<p(0] = o, (s.i)
\ x=\dt dt /

where [ , ] denotes the Poisson bracket. (p(t) is holomorphic in t, and C^^^

{k^2,l>0>0) with respect to p e X. Moreover we may assume that there
exists a positive constant K such that

\cp(t)\^^e^KAit), (8.2)
where we put

A ( 0 = — I —ih + '-'^tJ^ (8.3)

1 6 c ^ = 1 /JL

with positive constants b, c.

The aim of this section is to show that (p{t) is C°° on X x{r G C " 11 r| < 2"V}
provided that r is a sufliciently small positive number.
We cover M by coordinate neighbourhoods XjJ = \,... ,J. Let Zj =
(zj,..., Zj) be the local complex coordinates on Xj with zf = xj' + v-Ixj"^".
The vector-valued (0, l)-form (p(t) is represented on Xj in terms of these
§8. C°° Differentiability of <pit) 453

local coordinates as

(p{t)=l<pHz,t)d,= l cpUz,t)dz-d,. (8.4)

A X,a

Let 2ga0 dz" dz^ be the Hermitian metric tensor, and (g^") = (ga^)~^ Fur-
ther we denote the covariant differentiation by V. Then if we put

e[cp,cp]=l^Uz''d,, (8.5)

we have


-"^.(pU.cp'^-cp^V^d^cp^^). (8.6)

Since the problem is local, we can use the results from the theory of
elliptic partial differential equations. Choose a C°° function (Oj(p) on X
with supp (Oj c: Xj so that for any peX,

i cOj(p)^l- (8.7)

Next, for each / = 1, 2 , . . . , we choose a function rj\t) as follows.

77^(0^1 on | r | ^ ( 2 " ' + 2"'~')r,

v\t)^0 on \t\^i2-'-^2-')r.

We assume that the r]^{t) are C°°. Put

co'j(p,t) = coj(p)v'v(t)^ (8.9)

Furthermore, we choose a C°° function ;t'j(/^) with supp;^^c:A} which is

identically equal to 1 on some neighbourhood of the support of coj. We put

x'j{P,t) = Xj(p)v'it). (8.10)

Since rj^it) is identically equal to 1 on a neighbourhood of the support of

'^^^^(0, Xj is identically equal to 1 on some neighbourhood of the support
of w]^\
First we shall prove that rj^ip is c^^^^^. (o^(p satisfies the equation
454 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

where we put

Fo = Wje[<p,<p]~{(ojnxj(P~Oco]x]<p}^ (8.12)

Here we use the fact that Xj is idetitically equal to 1 in a neighbourhood

of the support of coj.
The support of o)](p{p, t) is contained in Xj x S. In terms of local coordin-
ates, we have

= I o^'M t)<pU^, t) dz" d,. (8.13)

We introduce real coordinates x", a = 1, 2 , . . . , 2n + 2m, by putting

z^(;?) = x^ + V^x^'"", /=!,...,n,

By these 2n + 2m real coordinates, XjXS is identified with an open set Uj

of a (2n + 2m)-dimensional torus j^^+^m
A complex-valued function/(p, t) defined on X x 5 can be considered
as a function on J^"^^'" if supp/c= Xj x 5. In this case we can consider the
difference quotient A ^ / in the direction of x", a = 1 , . . . , 2n + 2m. Since the
support of the vector-valued (0, l)-form co^cp is also contained in Xj xS,
we define its difference quotient A^co]<;p as

A'^co'jcpiz, t)=l A'Aco'jCp',){z, t) dz' d„ (8.14)


Since (o](p^ is a complex-valued function whose support is contained in

Xj X 5, the right-hand side is well defined.
(8.11) can be considered as the equation on j^n+im HQ^icc^ by taking
the difference quotient of both sides of this, we obtain the following equation.

/ y ^' + D]^Ala>]ct>
A^w](A ==F „F„ (8.15)
\ .=,3t^5f^
where we put

+ (nA^-A^n)cuj.p. (8.16)

Since ( - Z r = i d^/St'' dt'' + D ) is an elliptic linear partial differential operator

whose principal part is of diagonal type, by Theorem 2.3, we obtain the
§8. C°° Differentiability of (p{t) 455

following a priori estimate

|A^a;j(p|,^, ^ C,(|FiU_2+, + |A^o>j^|o), (8.17)

where Q is a positive constant, which may depend on k. In order to make

an estimate of the right-hand side of this inequality, we use the following
two lemmata.

Lemma 8.1. Let u and v be complex-valued C^^^ functions defined on T' with
k ^ 0 and 1> 6>0. Then the product uv is C^"^^, and there exists a positive
constant Bj^ depending only on k and /, but independent ofu and v such that

\uv\^^e^B^ I (IwUall^ls + lt^Ui^U.). (8.18)

r+s = k

The proof is easy, hence we omit it. I

In order to make ah estimate of the norm of A«wJ(p, the following lemma

is useful. This corresponds to Theorem 1.13.

Lemma 8.2. Let Z j , . . . , x' be coordinate functions on the l-dimensional torus

J^ and A^ the difference quotient operator in the direction ofx" by h. Then
for any integer k^O and any 0 with 1> 6>0, we have the following:

(i) For Se C^"^^(T^, C'^), if\h\>0, the difference quotient A«5 is again
an element of C'^'-'iT^C^.
(ii) IfSe C^^^(J\ C^), then for any a = \,...J, and any h with 0 <
|/j| < 1, the following estimate holds:

|A^5k^a^ 151,^1-,,. (8.19)

(iii) IfSe C^^\t\ C^), andforanya = 1 , . . . , I and any h with Q<\h\ <
1, there exists a positive constant M such that

|A^5|,^,^M, (8.20)

This lemma is an analogy of Theorem 1.13 with the Sobolev norm replaced
by the Holder norm. The proof of Lemma 8.2 is, however, very easy unlike
that of Theorem 1.13, hence we omit it.
We shall make an estimate of || Fj || ^.20. The second term of the right-hand
side of (8.12) is a linear combination of partial derivatives of order at most
1 of x]^' Also the third term of (8.16) does not contain the difference
quotient of second-order partial derivatives of (o](p since they are cancelled.
456 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Therefore, only the first term of F^

'2^'^co]e[cp,<p] = ^2^'^co]e[x'jcp,x]<p] (8.21)

contains the difference quotients of second-order partial derivatives of a)](p

or Xj(p' Using the local representation (8.5) and (8.6), we can write (8.21) as


-xW"^^. dAlicoh'i)} X d r a, + • . •, (8.22)

where we omit the terms involving no difference quotients of second-order

partial derivatives of (o](p or x]^-
By Lemma 8.1, there exist positive numbers L, L' such that

^L Y. UiV;-|o|A^a),V,|,^, + L>,VU^el'A,VU... (8.23)

By Lemma 8.1 and Lemma 8.2, the C^'^'^^ norm of the terms of Fj other
than (8.22) can be estimated by a positive multiple of \o}](p\k+e\Xj<P\k+e- On
the other hand, applying (8.2) to the estimation of the first term lAr]<^^lo of
(8.23), we obtain

\Fi\k-2^e ^ MoA(r)\A^^a>]cp\j,^e + Mt,\co]cp\j,^e\x'j<p\k^e, (8.24)

where MQ and M^ are positive constants.

By (8.17) and (8.24), we obtain

+ CkM,,\w](p\^^e\x](p\k^e' (8.25)

We choose a sufficiently small r so that

MoCfcA(r)<2-^ (8.26)

holds. Multiplying both sides of (8.25) by 2, transposing the first term of

the right-hand side, and using (8.26), we obtain

|A^cc>,VU+,^2CfcKVK + 2QMi|co,V|,+,|(A](pL^,. (8.27)

§8. C°° Differentiability of <p{t) 457

Since cp is C^^^, the right-hand side is bounded independently of h. This

is true for any a = l,... ,2n + 2m. Therefore by (iii) of Lemma 8.2, (o](p is
proved to be c^^^^^. Since this is true for any j = 1 , . . . , /, summing with
respect to j , we see from (8.7) that r]^(p is a c^"^^^^ vector (0, l)-form.
Next we shall prove that h^(p is c^^^"^^, using the same r determined by
Replacing co] by co] and Xj t)y x] in (8.15), and differentiating with
respect to x^, we obtain

(^-l^j^+nytD,w]cp = F„ (8.28)

where we put D^ = d/dx^, and

F2 = DpF,-h{D^^^D^co^cp-DpD^^^(o]cp}. (8.29)

By (8.28), we obtain the following a priori estimate:

\A^^Dpw]<p\j,^e^CMF2\k-2^e + \^aD^co]cp\o), (8.30)

where Q is the same as in (8.17). |A^D^a;j(p|o is estimated by \(o](p\2. We

want to obtain an estimate of 1^21^-2+0- Since the second term of the
right-hand side of (8.29) does not contain the difference quotients of partial
derivatives of order 3 of (o](p, the only term of F2 which involves difference
quotients of the partial derivatives of order 3 of (o](p or x]<P is

'2^aD,co]0[x]cp,x]<p] = -'2 Z g'''{x]<P^V^dA'{D,co]cp',)


-XhT^cr dAaiDp(0](p',)} J r a, + • ••, (8.31)

where we omit the terms not involving difference quotients of partial

derivatives of order 3 of a)](p or x]<P' Comparing (8.31) with (8.22), by the
same argument as for (8.24) we obtain

\F2h-2^e^MoA{r)\AtDpCo]<p\^^e-^M^^,\xj<p\j,^, +0X\(Oj<p\k+i+e, (8.32)

where M^+j may be different from M^, but MQ is the same as in (8.24). By
(8.32) and (8.30), we obtain

\^tDpCo]cp\^^e ^ CkMoA{r)\^'^DpCo]<p\k+e

+ Cj,Mk^,\x'j<P\k-^i^e\co]cp\j,+i+e + M'^+,\co](p\2. (8.33)

458 Appendix. Elliptic Partial Differential Operators on a Manifold

Multiplying both sides of (8.33) by 2, transposing the first term of the

right-hand side, and using (8.26), we obtain

\^^Dpa)](p\j,+0 ^ 2CkMk+i\x^(p\k+i+e\o)](p\k+i+e
-^2M^,^,\co]<p\2. (8.34)

Since rj^ip is c^^^'^^, the right-hand side is bounded independently of h.

Since this is true for any a = 1 , . . . , 2n + 2m, by (iii) of Lemma 8.2, D^co](p
is C^^^^^. Since this is true for any j8 = 1 , . . . , In + lm, we see that (o](p is
C^^^^\ Summing with respect to j , we see from (8.7) that 17 V is C^""^"^^
vector (0, l)-form. Note that in the above we need not replace r satisfying
(8.26) by a smaller one.
Similarly we can prove that, for any / = 1, 2 , . . . , r]^^^^(p is C^"^^"^^, where
we may choose r independent of /. Since rj^^^^{t) is identically equal to 1
on | r | < 2 " V which is independent of/, cp is C°° on X x l r e C ^ U r l <2"V}.

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Abelian variety 49 cochain, ^-cochain 115

admissible fibre coordinate 325 cocycle, ^-cocycle 116
affine algebraic manifold 40 codimension 234
algebraic curve 40 cohomology 109
algebraic subset 40 cohomology class 120
algebraic surface 40 cohomology group 115
analytic continuation 9, 10 a-cohomology group 140
analytic function 10 cf-cohomology group 139
analytic hypersurface 19 with coefficients in a sheaf 116, 120
analytic subset 33 with coefficients in F 144
a priori estimate 275, 396, 430, 432, compact complex manifold 39
436 complete 228
arithmetic genus 220 complex analytic family 59
associate 15 complete 228
automorphism 43 effectively parametrized 215
induced by a holomorphic map 206
of hypersurfaces 234
base space 97, 184 trivial 61
Betti number 175 complex dimension 29
biholomorphic 26 complex Laplace-Beltrami
biholomorphic map 26 operator 154
biholomorphically equivalent 32 complex Lie group 48
Bott's theorem 244 complex line 29
bracket 212 complex line bundle 165, 166, 167
bundle complex manifold 28, 29
canonical 164, 178 compact 39
complex line 165, 166, 167 complex projective space 29
dual 102 complex structure 28, 29, 38
tangent 96 complex torus 48
trivial 99 number of moduli of 238
complex vector bundle 101
canonical basis 358, 361 contravariant 153
canonical bundle 164, 178 CO variant 153
o f P " 178 of a tangent vector 96
Cauchy-Riemann equation 7 composite function 12
cell 169 constant of ellipticity 392, 396, 431
Chern class 166 constant of strong ellipticity 394, 399,
first 180 434
closed differential form 83 contravariant component 153
coboundary 115 contravariant tensor field 107
462 Index

contravariant vector 106 Dolbeault's lemma

convergent power series 14 Dolbeault's theorem 134, 139, 140
coordinate multi-interval 127 dual bundle 102
coordinate polydisk 32 dual form 150
coordinate transformation 29 dual space 102
coprime 15
covariant component 153
CO variant tensor field 106 effective 215
covariant vector 106 effectively parametrized 215
covering manifold 45 eigenfunction 323
covering transformation group 45 eigenvalue 323
elliptic curve 47
a-closed form 88 complex analytic family of 68
^-closed vector (0, ^)-form 266 elliptic modular function 69
a-cohomology group 140 elliptic operator with constant
5-cohomology group with coefficients coefficients 391
in F 144 elliptic partial differential
<i-cohomology group 139 equation 443
deformation 61 elliptic partial differential
infinitesimal 182, 188, 190, 198 operator 363, 391, 430
de Rham's theorem 134, 139 strongly 320
determining set 2 elliptic surface 319
diagonal type 404, 416, 436 elliptic type 392, 395, 431
diffeomorphism 38 equicontinuous 276
difference quotient operator 367 equivalent 99, 109, 192
differentiable family exact commutative diagram 133
locally trivial 193 exact differential form 83
of compact complex exact sequence 123, 126
manifolds 182, 183, 184, 345 exterior differential 78
of complex vector bundles 324
of holomorphic vector bundles 346
of linear operators 325 fibre 97
of strongly elliptic partial differential fibre coordinate 98
operators 325 admissible 325
system of local coordinates of 185 fine resolution 137
trivial 193 fine sheaf 134
differentiable manifold 37, 38 fixed point 44
differentiable structure 37, 38 form
differential form 76 a-closed 101
closed 83 dual 150
exact 83 harmonic 156
harmonic 144, 152, 156, 157 with coefficients in F 160
on complex manifolds 85 holomorphic p-form 88
differential operator 62 with coefficients in F 143
dimension 33 1-form 77
directed set 119 (p, g)-form 86
discrete subgroup 48 with coefficients in F 143
distinguished polynomial 13 r-form 77
displacement 236 (0, ^)-form with coefficients in
infinitesimal 236 F 142
distribution 363, 364 formal adjoint 152, 439
vector-valued 368 formally self-adjoint 156, 321
divisor 167 Fourier series 373
Index 463

Fourier series expansion 368 Jacobian 24

Friedrichs' inequality 330 Jacobian matrix 24
fundamental domain 47

Kahler form 174

Kahler manifold 174
Garding's inequality 399, 433, 435 Kahler metric 174
geometric genus 220 kernel 123
germ 109 Kronecker product 104
Green operator 275, 315, 323 Kuranishi family 318
group of automorphisms 43

Laplacian 9
harmonic differential form 144, 152, Lax-Milgram theorem 440
156, 157 Leibnitz' formula 367
harmonic form 156 length, of a multi-index 363
with coefficients in F 160 line at infinity 57
harmonic function 9 linear partial differential operator 424
harmonic part 315 local C°° function 109
harmonic vector (0, <3f)-form 274 local C°° vector (0, ^)-form 256
hermitian metric 144 local complex coordinate 28
on the fibres 158 local coordinate 29
Holder norm 274, 303, 403, 436 with centre q 32
holomorphic 2 local equation 33
holomorphic function 1, 2, 30 local homeomorphism 110
holomorphic map 23, 30 locally constant function 112
holomorphic p-form 88 locally finite open covering 32
with coefficients in F 143 locally trivial 193
holomorphic vector bundle 101
holomorphic vector field 67, 69
holomorphically equivalent 32, 61 majorant 277
homogeneous coordinate, of P" 29 manifold
homomorphism, of sheaves 123 affine algebraic 40
Hopf manifold 49, 55 compact complex 39
Hopf surface 69 complex 28, 29
deformation of 208 differentiable 37, 38
hypersurface 40 projective algebraic 40
topological 37, 38
biholomorphic 26
inclusion 124 holomorphic 23, 30
infinitesimal deformation 182,188,190 meromorphic function 35
along d/dt 198 minimal equation 22
infinitesimal displacement 236 mixed tensor field 107
inner product 102, 147, 425 modification 53
integrability condition 269 monoidal transformation 319
integral domain 15 multiple 15
intersection number 54 multiplication operator 423
irreducible 15
irreducible equation 20
irreducible factor 15 Noether's formula 220
irreducible factorization 15 non-singular prime divisor 167
irregularity 220 non-homogeneous coordinate,
isomorphism, of sheaves 124 o f P " 30
464 Index

norm 148 regular 17

number of moduli 215, 227, 228, 305, relatively prime 15, 19, 35
314 Rellich's theorem 427
restriction 114, 171, 172
Riemann matrix 49
obstruction 209, 255 Riemann-Roch formula 227
first 214 Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch
Kh 255 theorem 220, 221
1-form 77 Riemannian metric 321
orbit 43
order 321
orientable 80 sheaf 109, 112
orientation 80, 86 fine 134
of germs of C°° functions 111
of germs of C°° sections of F 112
parameter 184 of germs of C°° (0, ^)-forms with
parameter space 60, 184 coefficients in F 142
parametrix 405 of germs of holomorphic
partial derivative, of a functions 111
distribution 366 of germs of locally constant
period matrix 48 functions 112
Poincare's lemma 83 quotient 125
point at infinity 57 simplicial decomposition 168
polydisk 2 singular point 33
power series ring 14, 15 smooth 33
(p, ^)-form 86 Sobolev norm 372, 430
with coefficients in F 143 Sobolev space 376, 425
principal part 154, 395, 431 Sobolev's imbedding theorem 369,
principal symbol 392, 395, 431 370, 428
projection 97, 112 Sobolev's inequality 330, 428
projective algebraic manifold 40 space of moduli 233
projective space 174, 216 spectrum, of a strongly elliptic
complex 29 operator 450
homogeneous coordinate of 29 stalk 112
non-homogeneous coordinate of 30 strongly elliptic 156, 322, 394, 399,
properly discontinuous 44 434
strongly elliptic partial differential
operator 320
^-cochain 115 structure theorem of distributions 375
^-cocycle 115 subbundle 107
quadratic transformation 57 submanifold 33, 34, 39
quartic surface 307 subsheaf 123
quotient sheaf 125 support 82, 134, 367
quotient space 43 surgery 52, 53
system of local complex
coordinates 28, 29
r-form 77 system of local coordinates, of a
rank 97 differentiable family 185
rational function 42 system of local C°° coordinates 37, 38
real vector bundle 101
reducible 15
refinement 117 tangent bundle 96
region of convergence 7 tangent space 94, 96
Index 465

tangent vector 62, 95, 96 holomorphic 101

tensor field 105 rank of 97
contravariant 107 real 101
covariant 106 vector field 63
mixed 107 holomorphic 67, 69
tensor product 103, 104 vector-valued distribution 368
theorem of completeness 230, 284 vector (0, ^)-form
topological manifold 37, 38 5-closed 266
transition function 98 harmonic 274
translation 367 local C ^ 256
trivial 61, 99, 193 volume element 146

unique factorization domain 15 weak solution 438, 439

unit 15 Weierstrass P-function 46
upper semicontinuous 200, 326, 351, Weierstrass preparation theorem 13
352 Whitney sum 108

vector bundle 94, 97

complex 101 (0, q)-foTm with coefficients in F 142

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