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“Health Teaching about Breastfeeding”

GOAL: The client will be able to learn the benefits of Breastfeeding.

BLOS Learning Content Teaching Strategy/ Method Time Allotment and Resources Method of Evaluation
and activities Needed
After 10 minutes of discussion
the client will be able to:

1. Define Breastfeeding.  Definition of  One-on-one  5 minutes  Instant feedback. The

Breastfeeding. discussion with  Pamphlet client/SO will be able
pamphlet to answer questions
about the topic.
2. Identify advantages  Benefits of
or benefits of  5 minutes  Instant feedback. The
Breastfeeding for  One-on-one  Pamphlet client/SO will be able
the; discussion with to answer questions
pamphlet about the topic.
A. Baby

B. Mother

C. Social and

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