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Happy families – French vocabulary

Teaching notes

Key language

 Animals: lapin, cheval (horse), chat (cat), chien (dog), cochon d’Inde (guinea
pig) and poisson (fish).
 Family members: père (father), mère (mother), soeur (sister) and frère (brother).
 Have you got …? As-tu ...?
 Yes, I’ve got father dog./No, I haven’t got father dog. Oui, j’ai père
chien./Non, je n’ai pas père chien.

Group work

 Make enough copies of the cards for the class to work in groups of four.
 Nominate one pupil in each group to be the dealer, who equally distributes all
the cards face down.
 Pupils take it in turns clockwise to ask for a card they need to complete a
family; if the person has the card, he/she must hand it over. Otherwise, it is
his/her turn to ask the next player for a card.

The winner is the pupil with the most complete sets of families after, say, 5 minutes.

© 2013 19020 Page 1 of 3

Happy families – French vocabulary

père lapin mère lapin soeur lapin frère lapin

père cheval mère cheval soeur cheval frère cheval

père chat mère chat soeur chat frère chat

© 2013 19020 Page 2 of 3

Happy families – French vocabulary

père chien mère chien soeur chien frère chien

père cochon mère cochon soeur cochon frère cochon

d’Inde d’Inde d’Inde d’Inde

père poisson mère poisson soeur poisson frère poisson

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