Project Objective:: Arduino Power Supply Buzzer Led DC Motor IR Sensors Motor Driver

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Project Objective:

Provide an automatic railway gate at and crossing and replacing the gates operated
by the gatekeeper to:

 Reduce the time for closing and opening the gates.

 Higher reliability as it is not subjected to manual errors.
 Provide safety to the road users by reducing the accidents.

Embedded System:
An embedded system is:

 A microcontroller / microprocessor based system that is built to control the

functions of equipment, machinery or plant.
 Combination of hardware and software for specific application.

 Arduino
 Power supply
 Buzzer
 DC motor
 IR Sensors
 Motor Driver

 Arduino Software

 The arrival of train is detected by the sensors placed on either side of the
gate at about 1 km from the gates.
 Once the sensors sense the train ,the signal is sent to Arduino.
 Subsequently ,buzzer indication and light signals on either side are
provided to the road users indicating the closure of gates.
 After passing the level crossing the opposite sensors detect the departure
of the train. So Arduino get again another signal from the sensors for
stopping buzzers and opening the gates.
 After 1 minutes of stopping buzzer Arduino sent a signal to the motor
driver to open the gate.

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