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Lesson Plan


Unit: Living With The Land

Today’s Theme: How Did Land Shape Ways of Life?
Date: March 22, 2018
Duration: 45 minutes

Essential Questions

How Did Land Shape Ways of Life?

General Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Outcomes

4.1 Alberta: A Sense of the Land Value Alberta’s physical geography and natural
Students will demonstrate an environment
understanding and appreciation of Appreciate how land sustains communities and
how elements of physical quality of life
geography, climate, geology and
paleontology are integral to the
landscapes and environment of
Learning Objectives

Students will identify natural resources and how they may have been used by First

Materials and Equipment

 Social Studies Duotang

 Voices of Alberta Textbook
 Connections to the Land Worksheet
 Living With The Land Powerpoint
 Pencils and erasers

Preparation and Logistical Considerations

 Students will understand the six physical regions in Alberta

Introduction Time
5 min
 Students will hand out social studies duotangs
Body Time
Review Rocky Mountain and Foothills region and different 5 min
resources discussed previous day using powerpoint, fill out
remaining information on worksheet for Rocky Mountain and

Read Aloud Teacher reads aloud “Living on the Grasslands” on pg 102 of 10

and textbook min
Worksheet Ask students to listen for resources the people would have used
Discuss information to fill into worksheet for Grasslands region
Discuss and introduce the importance of the buffalo

Worksheet Display powerpoint “Many Uses of the Buffalo” 20

and Use class discussion and brainstorming for each part of buffalo min
Closure Time
5 min
 Students put away worksheet into their duotang, stack duotangs three in a
stack on desks
 Put away remaining materials



 4.S.3.2 – develop skills of geographic thinking: construct graphs, tables, charts

and maps to interpret information
 4.S.7.3 – apply the research process: use graphic organizers, such as webbing or
Venn diagrams, to make meaning of information
 Connections to the Land Worksheet (formative)

Notes and Considerations for Next Lesson

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