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U1 Mod1 Kinetic Theory page 1 of 5

Assumptions of the kinetic theory in relation to ideal gases
1. Molecules are in constant, random motion. The rapidly moving particles
constantly collide with the walls of the container which results in pressure .
2. The collisions of gas particles with the walls of the container holding them are
perfectly elastic.
3. The interactions among molecules are negligible. They exert no forces on one
another except during collisions.
4. The average kinetic energy of the gas particles depends only on the
temperature of the system.
5. The volume of the individual gas molecules is negligible compared to the
volume that the gas occupies.

Note: An ideal gas is one which obeys both Boyle’s AND Charles’ Law

Real gas vs ideal gas

Real gas Ideal gas

Collisions between molecules are Collisions between molecules are
NOT perfectly elastic i.e. there is perfectly elastic
energy lost with each collision
Molecules are attracted to each other There are no attractions between
via inter-particle forces at low molecules at any temperature
At high pressures the volume of the The volume of the individual gas
molecules are not negligible molecules is negligible compared to
compared the volume the gas occupies the volume that the gas occupies at any
Does not obey the Ideal Gas Equation Obeys the Ideal gas Equation under all
under all conditions conditions

Conditions needed to approach ideal gas behaviour

1. Low pressures
This allows for the volume of the gas to be large, allowing the assumption that
the volume of the individual molecules is negligible to the volume the gas
2. High temperatures
This allows for the energy levels of the molecules to be very high, resulting in
no attractions between individual molecules

Conditions which cause deviations from ideal gas behaviour

High pressures which would make the volume that the gas occupies very small.
This nullifies the assumption that the volume of the individual molecules is
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negligible to the volume the gas occupies. Low temperatures result in forces of
attraction between the molecules nullifying the third assumption.

Checkpoint A
1. What is an ideal gas?

2. Why wouldn’t hydrogen gas show ideal behaviour at very low temperatures
e.g. -250 °C?

3. According to the kinetic theory, how is the pressure of a gas formed?


Boyle’s Law
At a constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is indirectly proportional to its
volume or pressure is directly proportional to the inverse of its volume

i.e. P 1 or PV = constant OR P1V1 = P2V2 (can be used for

V calculations)

Graphical representation of Boyle’s Law


Charles’ Law
At a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its
i.e. Or V = constant or V1 = V2 (used for calculations)
T T1 T2
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Graphical representation of Charles’ Law

Checkpoint B

1. Why would an increase in pressure cause the volume of a gas to decrease?

2. Why would an increase in temperature cause the volume of a gas to increase?

3. Why did the volumes of gas at extremely low temperatures had to be

extrapolated and not determined experimentally?

Ideal gas law/equation

Combining the two equations, we form the Ideal Gas Equation PV = nRT
P = pressure, V = volume, n = # of moles of the gas,
R is the universal gas constant and T is temperature in Kelvin

Remember if the pressure is in kilopascals kPa, the volume HAS TO BE IN dm3,

however if the pressure is in pascals Pa, the volume HAS TO BE IN m3
1000 dm3 = 1 m3 Please note R is either 8.314 if pressure is in Pa or kPa, or it
would 0.08216 if pressure is in atmospheres (atm)

A different form of the ideal gas equation can be used to determine the molar

mass of a gas This equation can also be used to calculate the

molar mass of a gas.
Another equation called The Combined Gas Law
(this is used when two gases are involved)
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Using kinetic theory to explain the liquid state, melting and vaporisation

Liquid state
In liquids, the particles are constantly in motion. However these particles are
grouped as units or clusters. The inter-molecular forces are weaker than those in
solids but stronger than those in gases. Their movement is random.

When a solid is heated the particles gain energy and start to vibrate faster and
faster. Initially the structure is gradually weakened which has the effect of
expanding the solid. Further heating provides more energy until the particles
start to break free of the structure. Although the particles are still loosely
connected they are able to move around. At this point the solid is melting to
form a liquid. The particles in the liquid are the same as in the solid but they
have more energy. To melt a solid energy is required to overcome the attractions
between the particles and allow them to pull them apart. The energy is provided
when the solid is heated up. The temperature at which something melts is called
its "melting point" or melting temperature.

Vaporisation (both evaporation and boiling)

Within a liquid some particles have more energy than other. These "more
energetic particles" may have sufficient energy to escape from the surface of the
liquid as gas or vapour. This process is called evaporation and the result of
evaporation is commonly observed when puddles or clothes dry. Evaporation
takes place at room temperature which is often well below the boiling point of
the liquid. Evaporation happens from the surface of the liquid. As the
temperature increases the rate of evaporation increases. Evaporation is also
assisted by windy conditions which help to remove the vapour particles from the
liquid so that more escape.

If a liquid is heated the particles are given more energy and move faster and
faster expanding the liquid. The most energetic particles at the surface escape
from the surface of the liquid as a vapour as it gets warmer. Liquids evaporate
faster as they heat up and more particles have enough energy to break away. The
particles need energy to overcome the attractions between them. As the liquid
gets warmer more particles have sufficient energy to escape from the liquid.
Eventually even particles in the middle of the liquid form bubbles of gas in the
liquid. At this point the liquid is boiling and turning to gas. The particles in the
gas are the same as they were in the liquid they just have more energy. At
normal atmospheric pressure all materials have a specific temperature at which
boiling occurs. This is called the "boiling point" or boiling temperature.
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