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Lab Guide for

Managing Hitachi Storage With

Hitachi Command Suite v8.x


Courseware Version: v2.0

Microcode Version: Hitachi Command Suit v8.5
Table of Contents

Lab 1 Installation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-1

Lab 2 Initial Configuration ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-1
Lab 3 Administration ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-1
Lab 4 Storage Provisioning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-1
Lab 5 Allocate Storage …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-1
Lab 6 Logical Groups ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-1
Lab 7 Tasks and Alerts …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-1
Lab 8 Command Line Interface Setup ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8-1
Lab 9 Maintenance (Optional) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9-1

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Lab 1: Installation

In this lab, you will learn how to install Hitachi Device Manager.

• Install the Hitachi Device Manager server software

• Install the license key for Hitachi Device Manager

• Hitachi Command Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Lab 1: Installation

Install the Hitachi Device Manager Server Software

Prior to installing Device Manager in a user environment ensure all the prerequisites are met. The lab
environment provided to you has been configured to meet the prerequisites.
Before you begin:

• Refer to the Hitachi Command Suite Install and Configuration Guide to ensure your
management server meets the minimum requirements

Lab Tasks
1. Log on to the management server using the Administrator Account.
2. Check with your instructor on the location of the HSC8 install files folder. Change the directory
to the folder.
3. Click index.html. A browser window gets launched with the install options.
Note: if you are installing the software from the HCS DVD, index.html gets launched
4. Click Install next to Hitachi Device Manager.
5. When you are prompted, enter the required information.
6. In the Installation Completed window, select the When installation completes; open the
Device Manager check box.
7. Click Finish. The login window is displayed.
Note: If required you can log in without installing the license key.

Install the License Key for Hitachi Device Manager

Note: The instructor will provide the license key information to each student to complete this activity.
1. Click the Licenses button.
2. Select the File radio button and click Browse.
3. Navigate to the appropriate folder to select the license key file (check with instructor on license
key file location).
4. Click Save.
5. Click the HDvM hyperlink under product column. Check License Key Details area to confirm if
the key has been installed.
6. Close all the license dialogs to return to login screen.
Record the information about the Hitachi Device Manager Server.
Hostname — __________________________________________________________________________
IP Address — __________________________________________________________________________
End of Lab 1.

Lab 2: Initial Configuration

In this lab, you will learn how to perform the process of initial configuration of Hitachi Device Manager

• Install HDvM agent
• Register storage systems into Hitachi Device Manager
• Use HCS v8.x Online HELP function
• Use the HCS GUI dashboard

• Hitachi Command Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
• Hitachi Command Suite Configuration Guide
• Hitachi Command Suite User Guide

Lab 2: Initial Configuration

Install HDvM Agent

Now that our Device Manager server is installed and operational; the next step is to register and
configure hosts in Device Manager.
Before you begin, there are five methods of registering hosts in Device Manager:

• Agent less Discovery

• Manual Addition of Host
• Device Manager Agent Installation on Host
• Perform Host Scan to create hosts by using Host Group name and associated information from
storage system
Prior to installing the agent, determine the following information about your servers (check with
instructor if required).

OS and Version IP Address User Name Password

HDvM Server
Host 1

Note: You can discover hosts for other lab groups also but agent installation and configuration
should be performed for servers assigned to you only.

Lab Tasks
1. Discover the above Hosts by using Host Data Collector option in Device Manager.
2. Install Device Manager Agent on Hosts allocated to you.
3. Use IMPORTHOSTS command to add hosts to HCS.

When the above tasks are completed, answer the following questions:
1. Can the Host Scan be scheduled? ___________________________________________________
2. Can the HDvM Agent report host data based on a schedule? _____________________________
3. Does the Host Data Collector support replication configuration? __________________________
4. Does the Hitachi Device Manager Agent support replication configuration? _________________
5. Which user/password had to be specified for host discovery using Host Data Collector?
6. Which user/password had to be specified for Device Manager Agent to report host information?

Register Storage Systems Into Hitachi Device Manager

The next step in the initial configuration is to register all storage systems that will be managed through
Device Manager.

Lab 2: Initial Configuration

Before proceeding, determine the following information about your Storage Systems (check with
instructor if required):

Storage Type – VSP Ports

IP Address1/ IP User Name/
System G1000, VSP, HostName Connected
Address2 Password
AMS on

Storage 1

Lab Tasks
1. Register the above systems in Device Manager.
2. Refresh the storage system information in Device Manager.

Identify Other Views

1. Add Storage System.
2. Refresh Storage System.

Use HCS v8.x Online HELP Function

Now online HELP function is available in Hitachi Command Suite (HCS) v8. We encourage you to use this
function during the lab activities.

Using Online HELP

1. From the Menu click Help > Online Manual.
2. Take a few minutes and become comfortable using this feature. Try the Help SEARCH facility.

Note: As you go through the lab you will also see a Question Mark (?) on some of the screens. By clicking
on this Question mark, it will take you to the online Help section which discusses the content that you are
looking at on the particular screen.

Use the HCS GUI Dashboard

After you log in to HCS, you are presented with the HCS Dashboard. It shows a summary of tasks, alerts,
and activities of registered storage systems.
Notice the different sections. At this point you will begin customizing your Dashboard. You can
customize the Dashboard to display only reports that you want and to control the layout and display of
the reports.
On the Dashboard, there are several ways to view managed storage systems and Hosts. In this lab you
will be exploring each way.
1. From the Resources tab, select All Storage Systems. In the Main Information Area, you can click
on each registered storage system and navigate through all of its resources (DP Pools; DT Pools;
Parity Groups; Volumes, and so on). Also, you can select registered Hosts to see which hosts are

Lab 2: Initial Configuration

2. From the Administration tab, select Managed Resources. In the Main Information Area you can
select the Storage Systems and Hosts tabs to view information about those resources.

Customize the Dashboard

1. Click the Dashboard Settings button to select the reports you want to display.
2. In this lab, since HCS is not linked with a file server (HNAS) or Data Ingestor (HDI), uncheck the
box for the Top 10 File Systems.
3. Make sure the box is checked for the Top 10 Consumers.
4. Click OK. Notice the changes to the Dashboard.
5. You can also change the location of a report by dragging the title bar to a new location on the
6. Try doing this for one of the reports.

Review Report Details

1. Each report has an Arrow icon. This displays details about that report.
2. In the Datacenter Utilization – Physical Capacities report, click the Arrow icon.
3. Review the information
4. Try doing that for some of the other reports as well.
5. Explore using the other icons for the reports.

End of Lab 2.

Lab 3: Administration

In this lab, you will learn how to perform some standard administration tasks.

• Configure options
• Create new user environment
• Create virtual storage machine

• Hitachi Command Suite Configuration Reference Guide

Configure Options
Note: In this lab you will not be configuring security options such as specifying password conditions and
automatic locking of user accounts.

Setting a Warning Banner Message

You can set a warning banner message that will appear in the login window when a user logs on.
1. From the Administration tab, select Security.
2. In the Security screen, select Warning Banner.
3. In the Warning Banner screen, click Edit Message.
4. In the Edit Message screen enter the following message — The Hitachi Command Suite World of
Mobile Works, Inc. (or enter a message of your choice).
5. Preview it.
6. Click OK.
7. Log out of HCS. Notice your message on the login screen.
8. Log back in to HCS.

Create New User Environment

You have decided to accept the help of a new team member to collect reporting information from
Device Manager. Because the new team member is not familiar with Device Manager, you have decided
to create a new user in Device Manager with View permissions and let the team member use the new
user ID for logging into Device Manager.

Lab 3: Administration

Lab Tasks
Note: Check your group number before starting the Lab.
1. Create 2 new users in Device Manager. (Name them labx1 and labx2 where x=Group Number.)
2. Assign Admin permissions to the new users.
3. Create a new Resource group. (Name it rgx where x=Group Number.)
4. Include the resources assigned to you in your resource group.
5. Create a new User group. (Name it ugx where x=Group Number.)
6. Assign Admin role for managing the Resource group.
7. Add users created in step 1 to this User group.
8. Login with the new user.
When the above tasks are completed, answer the following questions:
9. What resources are displayed under Volumes and Parity groups? ________________________
10. Can you create new Resource groups/User groups? ____________________________________
11. What permissions does the user HAUSER have? (HAUSER was the user you specified when you
configured the Host Agent.) _______________________________________________________
12. Can you register a new Storage System/Host? _________________________________________

Create Virtual Storage Machine

A Virtual Storage Machine represents resources, such as a storage system, parity groups, LDEV IDs, that
are grouped together and types of information, such as model types and product numbers, which are
assigned virtually. Hosts can access the resources of virtual storage machines by using the virtual

Create New Virtual Storage Machine

1. On the Administration tab, select Virtual Storage Machine.
2. Click Create Virtual Storage Machine.
3. Specify the virtual attributes of the Virtual Storage Machine.
a. Name
b. Select a storage system already registered on HCS
4. Specify the physical resources you want to add in Virtual Storage Machine
a. Storage Systems
b. Parity Groups
d. Storage Ports
e. Host Group Numbers
5. Click Submit.
6. Check the Tasks & Alerts > System Tasks tab to verify that the tasks have completed

End of Lab 3.

Lab 4: Storage Provisioning

In this lab, you will learn how to work with Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning and Hitachi Dynamic Tiering.

• Provision storage with Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning (HDP) and Hitachi Dynamic Tiering (HDT)
• Virtualize storage

• Hitachi Command Suite User Guide

Lab 4: Storage Provisioning

Provision Storage with Dynamic Provisioning and Dynamic Tiering

After the Storage Systems and Hosts are registered in Device Manager, the next step is to prepare
different types of volumes on the storage system. Depending on the Storage System type, Device
Manager supports configuring the following types of volumes on the storage system:

• Dynamic Provisioning Volumes (HDP/HDT)

• External Volumes (Enterprise Storage Only)
• Internal Volumes

Create Dynamic Provisioning Pool

The pool is created by adding capacity (Parity Groups/Logical Volumes).
The items that must be specified when creating a Dynamic Provisioning pool are listed below.

• Pool capacity
• Parity group
• Capacity required
To create a dynamic provisioning pool:
1. From the Resources tab, in the navigation tree, select Pools under the target storage system.
2. Click Create Pool. The Create Pool dialog opens.
3. Specify the pool name and other necessary information.
4. Add 1 parity group.
5. Expand Advanced options.
6. Specify pool ID (list shows available IDs).
7. Enable Subscription setting.
8. Set Subscription Threshold – Warning – 10%, Limit 100%.
9. Click Show Plan to verify the plan and then click Execute.
10. The plan is registered as a task. View the task status to confirm that it completed.
11. In the Storage tree, return to the target storage system, click DP Pools and confirm that the pool
is created.
12. Select the row with your pool and click Expand Pool.
13. Select the parity group to be added to the pool. Click Show Plan.
14. Expand Plan Details. Check the expansion capacity vs. free capacity on the parity group. The
pool gets expanded by volume capacity.

Create Dynamic Tiering Pool

To create a dynamic tiering pool:
1. From the Resources tab in the navigation tree, select Pools under the target storage system.
2. Click Create Pool. The Create Pool dialog opens.
3. Specify the pool name and select Enable for Hitachi Dynamic Tiering.

Lab 4: Storage Provisioning

4. Depending on your storage system configuration, the Available Tiers will be listed for your
selection. Select all the tiers.
Note: When you select a Tier, the related Tier tab under Parity Groups section becomes activated.
5. The next step is to add capacity to each Tier. Select the tab for a Tier under the Parity Group
section. Click on Select Parity Group to select and add capacity to the tier. Repeat the process
for each Tier you selected in the previous step.
6. Set the following options in HDT Options section.
a. Tier Management (Auto) – 1 hour.
b. Monitoring Mode – Periodic.
7. Click Show Plan to verify the plan and then click Submit.
8. The plan is registered as a task. View the task status to confirm that it completed.
9. In the Storage tree, return to the target storage system, and then click DP Pools. Confirm that
the pool is created.

Virtualize Storage
Virtualizing volumes is the process of mapping volumes in a source storage system to a target storage
system. The volumes in the source storage system (registered and referred to as external volumes) then
can be managed in the same way as the volumes in the target storage system (registered and referred
to as internal volumes).
Collect the following information from your instructor before moving to the lab steps:

Storage Path 1 (port) Internal > Path 2 (port) Internal >

Serial Number
External External

Internal Storage
External Storage

Configure External Ports

Before you begin:

• For VSP and earlier storage systems use the Element Manager to change Path1/Path2 ports on
the Internal Storage to External.
• For VSP G1000 use Ports/Host Groups to edit port configuration and set External attribute.
Perform these steps to virtualize volumes:
1. From the Actions menu, select Virtualize Volumes.
2. Specify the appropriate information.
3. To change default values, click Paths, Path Priority Setting, Host Group, LUN Number Setting and
External Volume Configuration.
a. Click Edit External Paths. Validate the Paths settings.

Lab 4: Storage Provisioning

b. If paths settings are incorrect, click Clear Paths.

c. Double click the correct ports in the External Storage port list to move to the Path
Editor window.
d. In the Path Editor window, click and drag the external storage ports to the internal
storage port to specify the link.
e. Click OK.
4. Click Show Plan to review the plan and specify additional information, as appropriate. Verify the
information that is displayed.
5. Click Submit.
6. When the task completes, check the storage system list to confirm that the external volumes are
mapped to the target storage system.

Create Volumes
You create volumes by using the available space in a Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning (HDP)/Hitachi
Dynamic Tiering (HDT) pool or Parity group, and then access the volumes when you are ready to allocate
them to a host.
Use Create Volumes to create Dynamic Provisioning volumes from the pool created earlier in the lab.
1. Create 6 volumes of 2GB each.
2. Check the size of the pool and create a volume that is 100% of the size.
3. Check the task status and error message you get (because you are exceeding the subscription
threshold limit).
4. Check the number of DP-VOLs by navigating to storage > Pools > Your Pool > DP-VOLs.
5. Create 6 volumes of Basic Internal Volumes of 2GB each.
6. From the Actions menu, select Create New Volumes.
7. Specify the appropriate information (Basic Volume, Internal).
8. Click Show Plan to review the plan and specify additional information, as appropriate.
9. Click Execute.
10. When the task completes, verify that the volumes appear in the Open-Unallocated volume list in
the Resources tab.

End of Lab 4.

Lab 5: Allocate Storage

In this lab, you learn how to allocate storage to a host and unallocate storage.

• Allocate volume to the host
• Unallocate volume

• Hitachi Command Suite User Guide

Lab 5: Allocate Storage

Allocate Volume to Host

Now that the storage provisioning has been done in the last lab you will allocate volume to the host.
Before you begin:

• Before allocating volumes to a host or file server, you must verify that the host, file server, and
storage systems are registered in Hitachi Command Suite.
• If you want to select volumes from a tier, Tiered Storage Manager license must be enabled.
In addition, determine:
• The target host or file server
• The volume type, count, capacity, and performance characteristics
• An appropriate storage system
1. From the Actions menu, select Allocate Volumes. The Allocate Storage dialog opens.
2. Follow the instructions to specify necessary settings and then create the task.
3. For the Volume Type, select Basic Volume.
4. Choose the Volume Location as Internal.
5. In the Advanced Options, set the Format Type as Normal Format (if required).

Note: The Format Type prompt appears only if the volume with the required capacity is not
6. Click Show Plan to review the plan and specify additional information.
7. Click Submit.
8. When the task completes, confirm that the volumes are recognized by the target host.

Note: When allocation completes, the administrator must mount the volume and create a file
system to make the volume writable (refer to file system operations section).
9. Click the Tasks and Alerts Tab.
10. Click on your task name and find out the volume IDs that were created ____________________.

Additional Task:

• Identify other screens from where you can launch the Allocate Volume Task.
• Go through all the screens but do not complete the task:

Lab 5: Allocate Storage

• Use Allocate Like Volumes to allocate storage to the Host. Identify the differences between
Allocate Like Volumes and Allocate Volumes by selecting a specific host.

Unallocate Volume
You must unallocate a volume before it can be reused or taken offline. You should also unallocate all the
volumes assigned to the UNIX server.
Before you begin:

• Back up all necessary data from the volume, and review prerequisites for unallocating volumes
• You must have administrator permission to perform this task
• Unmount/remove drive letters from the host before unallocating the volume
To unallocate volumes:
1. From the Actions menu, select Unallocate Volumes.
2. From the Host list, select the host to which the target volume is currently allocated.
3. From the Volumes, select any one volume. Click the row to select it.
4. Click Show Plan to review the plan and specify additional information, as appropriate. Expand
Advanced Option.
5. Note the options available: _______________.
6. Click Submit. When the task completes, confirm that the volumes are no longer recognized by
the host.
7. When the unallocation completes, the data stored on the volume is no longer accessible by the

Identify other screens from where you can launch the Unallocate Storage Task:

Lab 5: Allocate Storage

Additional Tasks
1. Go through all the screens but do not complete the tasks.
2. Reallocate the volumes you unallocated in the previous step (to the same server).

End of Lab 5.

Lab 6: Logical Groups

In this lab, you will practice how to manage storage with logical groups.

• Create Logical Groups

• Hitachi Command Suite User Guide

Lab 6: Logical Groups

Create Logical Groups

After storage provisioning, you need to manage your storage. You also have to simplify and provision
clustered servers using the logical group feature.
Before you begin:

• Determine the type of Logical Group that should be created, either public or private
Lab Task:

• Create the logical groups

• View the Summary Report

Create the Logical Groups

1. On the Resources tab, select Logical Groups.
2. Select the type of logical group to be created.
For a Public Logical Group, select the Public Logical Groups root folder and then click Create
Logical Group in the Main Information Area.
For a Private Logical Group, select the Private Logical Groups root folder. Select a top-level
folder for each user group under the Private Logical Group folder, and then click Create Logical
Group in the Main Information Area.
3. In the Create Logical Group dialog box, enter information in the Name and Description fields.
4. Next, select one of the Folder, Group of hosts, or Group of volumes options for the Create as
option. Steps for each of the options are shown separately below.
5. Repeat this process for each new logical group that you want to create.
6. In the Resources tab, click Logical Groups and confirm that the logical groups you created are

Create a Folder
1. To create a folder, click the Folder option and click OK.

Create a Group of Hosts

1. Click the Group of hosts option.
2. Select how to specify hosts for a logical group by choosing one of the following options: By
Search Criteria or Manually.
3. To specify hosts By Search Criteria, do the following:

a. Click Add Criteria in the list of criteria.

b. In the Add Conditions dialog box, specify values for IP Address Criteria, Name Criteria, and
Operating System Criteria as needed.

Lab 6: Logical Groups

Note: You can also choose to click Search Result Preview, select one or more hosts in the list
of hosts, and then click Add to add them to the list of hosts, and finally click OK.

4. To specify hosts Manually, do the following:

a. If you select Manually, click Add Hosts.

b. In the Add Hosts dialog box, select one or more hosts from the lists of hosts.
c. Click Add to add them to the list of selected hosts, and then click OK.

Create a Group of Volumes

1. To create a group of volumes, click the Group of volumes option.
2. Choose how to specify volumes for a logical group by selecting one of the following options: By
Search Criteria or Manually.
3. To specify volumes By Search Criteria, do the following:

a. If you select By Search Criteria, click Add Criteria in the list of criteria.
b. In the Add Conditions dialog box, specify values for Usage Criteria, Storage System Criteria,
and Volume Criteria as needed.

Note: You can also choose to click Search Result Preview, select one or more volumes in the
list of selected volumes, and click Add, and then click OK.
4. To specify volumes Manually, do the following:

a. If you select Manually, click Add Volume.

b. In the Add Volumes dialog box, select one or more volumes from the list of available
c. Click Add to add them to the list of selected volumes, and then click OK.

Identify the tasks that can be launched from the logical groups:

Lab 6: Logical Groups

View Usage Summary Report

You will now create and view the Logical Group Usage Summary Report for one or more of your Logical
Groups that you just created. It will be a CSV file.
1. From the Resources tree, select the Logical Group Folder you just created.
2. In the Main Information Area, click the Actions drop-down list and then click on Export To CSV.

a. In the Export To CSV window, click Save… to save the CSV file on the main console desktop.
b. Open the CSV file and view the format of the information.

End of Lab 6.

Lab 7: Tasks and Alerts

In this lab, you will learn about the utility of the Tasks & Alerts tab.

• Check Task Status
• Check Alerts

Lab 7: Tasks and Alerts

Check Task Status

There are three types of tasks in Hitachi Command Suite (HCS):
• HCS Tasks – tasks that are submitted using Hitachi Command Suite
• Device Manager/System Tasks – tasks that are specific to Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G1000
systems and are submitted using Device Manager – Storage Navigator
• Data Collection Tasks – tasks created by adding, refreshing, editing, and removing storage
systems, file servers, and hosts

Lab Tasks
1. On the Tasks & Alerts tab, select the Task Type and choose Device Manager task.
2. Check the status of the Device Manager task on the Uncompleted Tasks tab or the History tab.
3. View the task status in the Status column.
4. To display task details, click the task name link in the summary column.
For further review:
1. Create a Create Volume task for the future by scheduling the execution for a future date.
a. Can you cancel and/or delete the task? ______________________
2. Create a Create Volume task to execute immediately.
a. While the task is in progress, can you cancel and/or delete the task?

Check Alerts
1. On the Tasks & Alerts tab, click Alerts.
2. Click on an alert to review the alert details and take appropriate action.
3. If appropriate, delete the alert. To delete an alert select the row for the alert. To delete multiple
alerts at once, select the rows for each of the alerts. Click Delete Alerts.
4. Click OK.

End of Lab 7.

Lab 8: Command Line Interface Setup

In this lab, you will learn how to set up Hitachi Device Manager command line interface (CLI).

• Configure CLI for Hitachi Device Manager
• Validate configuration by using simple CLI commands

• Hitachi Command Suite CLI Reference Guide

Lab 8: Command Line Interface Setup

Configure CLI for Hitachi Device Manager

You are planning to script some of the daily operations tasks using CLI. Before that you need to install
and configure the CLI package.

Download and Install CLI

You can download Device Manager CLI from the Device Manager server using the Web Client.
Note: You must have modify or higher permission to perform this task.
1. From the Tools menu, select Download.
2. The download dialog appears.
3. Select the Download link corresponding to the OS of the machine on which CLI is to be installed.
4. Decompress the copied file.

Verify Java Is Installed

1. To check the version of Java, execute the following command in the directory where Device
Manager CLI is run: java –version
2. Successful execution of the above command validates that Java is installed and PATH variable is
set appropriately for CLI to work.
3. If the above command fails, reinstall JavaX.

End of Lab 8.

Lab 9: Maintenance (Optional)

In this lab, you will perform various maintenance tasks such as backing up and restoring databases.

• Back up Hitachi Relational Database
• Restore Hitachi Relational Database
• Agent Commands
• Collect Logs

• Hitachi Command Suite Installation and Configuration Guide

Lab 9: Maintenance (Optional)

Back Up Hitachi Relational Database

Your environment is now completely configured. You want to take a backup of your database so that
you have a copy in case something goes wrong. You also need to test the procedure for restoring the
database and the procedure for collecting logs.
Note: The following operations need to be performed from the Hitachi Device Manager server.

Lab Tasks
1. Back up Hitachi Relational Database to the folder C:\dvmbackup by entering the following

C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin\hcmds64backups /dir

C:\dvmbackup /auto
2. After the command has finished, review the files generated in the backup folder.
3. Log in to Device Manager with a Web Browser and perform a Remove Subsystem operation of
the Hitachi enterprise system.
4. Once this is finished, return to the command prompt to restore the Device Manager Database.

Restore Hitachi Relational Database

To perform a Hitachi Relational Database restore, all Device Manager related services must be stopped.
The Common Repository and the Device Manager Database file must be synchronized. This will be
achieved by editing the file found in:
C:\Program Files\HiCommand\DeviceManager\HiCommandServer\config\

Lab Tasks
1. Open the file in a text editor and find the line.

# Synchronize Device Manager database and Common Repository in

starting Device Manager Server
2. Change false to true in this line. Save the changes.
3. Execute the following command to start the restore process:

C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin\hcmds64db /restore

C:\dvmbackup\database\backup.hdb /type DeviceManager /auto
4. After the restore is complete, log in to Device Manager using a Web browser. What type of
operation would be appropriate to ensure that the Hitachi Relational Database has been
successfully restored?
5. Return to the command prompt and change the entry for synchronization in the back to false.

Lab 9: Maintenance (Optional)

Note: Putting synchronization back to false is required to prevent Device Manager from synchronizing
every time the services are started.

Agent Commands
Note: The following commands need to be executed on the server where agent is installed.
1. Agent install folder

Windows – c:\program files\hitachi\

Unix - /opt/
2. Check Status of Hitachi Device Manager (HDvM) agent by using the following code:

3. Stop HDvM agent by using the following code:

<Agent_Install_folder>/HDVM/HBaseAgent/bin/hbsasrv stop
4. Start HDvM agent by using the following code:

<Agent_Install_folder>/HDVM/HBaseAgent/bin/hbsasrv start
5. Check Status of HDvM agent by using the following code:

6. Display disk details for current server by using the following code:


Lab 9: Maintenance (Optional)

Collect Logs
Collect Device Manager Server Logs
The command hcmdsgetlogs captures all error-related information for Hitachi Device Manager
(HDvM) servers.
1. Run the following command:

C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin\hcmds64getlogs /dir <output

2. To compress the file during creation, you can extend the command with the following

C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin\hcmds64getlogs /dir <output

directory> [/type application-name] [/arc archive-file-name]
3. The following shows an example of executing the command:

C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin\hcmds64getlogs /dir

C:\hcmds_logs /arc dvm_log1

Collect Device Manager Agent Logs

The Trouble Information Collector (TIC.bat) file is used to collect all required error information from
Device Manager Agent.
1. Execute the following command:

C:\Program Files\Hitachi\HDVM\HBaseAgent\bin\ TIC.bat -outdir

2. Ensure the error information has been created in the specified target folder.

End of Lab 9.


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