Assessment Analysis

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Kendra Enszer

Assessment Analysis

 Students will find a percent when given a part and a whole.
 Students will find a part when given a percent and a whole.
 Students will find a whole when given a part and a percent.

The assessments consisted of six teacher made questions using standards as a guide. Three
of the questions were questions where they had to identify what they were looking for and
solve it. There was one question that asked them to find the part, another asking to solve for
the whole, and another asking to solve for the percent. Then there were three word problems
that the students had to BUCK (a method we use to pick out important information from a
word problem) and use the information to solve for a part, another for a whole, and another for
a percent. Once they find the part, whole, and percent they need to explain what the number
they found is or means.


Student Pre-Test
Student 1 0
Student 2 0
Student 3 2
Student 4 0
Student 5 0
Student 6 0
Student 7 0
Student 8 4
Student 9 0
Student 10 0
Student 11 0
Student 12 0
Student 13 0
Student 14 0
Student 15 0
Student 16 0
Student 17 0
Student 18 0
Student 19 0
Student 20 0
Student 21 0
Student 22 2
Student 23 1
Student 24 0
Student 25 0
Student 26 0
Student 27 0
Student 28 0
Student 29 0
Student 30 0
Student 31 0
Student 32 0
Student 33 0
Student 34 0
Student 35 0
Student 36 0
Student 37 0
Student 38 0
Student 39 0
Student 40 0
Student 41 0
Student 42 0
Student 43 0
Student 44 2
Student 45 0
Student 46 0
Student 47 0
Student 48 0
Student 49 0
Student 50 0
Student 51 0
Student 52 2
Student 53 0
Student 54 4

((47 *0) +1+2+2+2+2+4+4)/54=0.315


Mean: 0.315 (2.63%)

Median: 0 (0%)

Mode: 0 (0%)

Range: 4-0=4

Based on the results of the pre-test, I found that my students had little to no prior
knowledge about percents and working with them. The class average was 2.63% and the
majority of the class didn’t get any of the questions correct. While looking over the pre-test I
did notice that some students picked out operation words, such as “of”, and tried to multiply
numbers which is something they will need to know how to do. Although some students did
know to multiply numbers where “of” was, they didn’t know to change percent to decimals or
to change answers into percents. When I teach these lessons, I plan to focus on using the
formula percent*whole=part to make it easier to know what we are trying to solve for and to
identify operation words. Picking out the operation words will make it easier to identify what
we are trying to solve for. Once they can identify what they are solving for, I will show them
multiple methods to solve it so they can choose to solve it however they understand best. I will
incorporate multiple examples for each method, practice problems to solve how they chose,
and use interactive activities so the students can see, do, and learn in different ways.


Student Post-Test
Student 1 10
Student 2 12
Student 3 12
Student 4 8
Student 5 12
Student 6 12
Student 7 12
Student 8 10
Student 9 8
Student 10 12
Student 11 10
Student 12 12
Student 13 12
Student 14 12
Student 15 12
Student 16 12
Student 17 12
Student 18 12
Student 19 8
Student 20 10
Student 21 8
Student 22 10
Student 23 12
Student 24 12
Student 25 12
Student 26 10
Student 27 8
Student 28 11
Student 29 10
Student 30 10
Student 31 10
Student 32 12
Student 33 12
Student 34 10
Student 35 8
Student 36 8
Student 37 12
Student 38 10
Student 39 8
Student 40 8
Student 41 9
Student 42 10
Student 43 12
Student 44 8
Student 45 10
Student 46 12
Student 47 12
Student 48 12
Student 49 8
Student 50 8
Student 51 12
Student 52 10
Student 53 9
Student 54 9
((12*8) + (3*9) + (14*10) + 11 + (24*12))/54=10.41



Mean: 10.41 (86.75%)

Median: 10 (83.4%)

Mode: 12 (100%)

Range: 12-8=4

After teaching the lessons, the scores of the post-test were much better and I saw a lot
of progress. The students were able to raise their average from a 2.63% to 86.75%. On the pre-
test there were no students with 50% or more, but on the post-test there were no students
with a score less than 50%. There were still quite a few students that didn’t take the time to
identify what they were trying to solve for and tried to use the same formula to solve all the
problems. This is a mistake that can be easily fixed if they take an extra minute to write
percent*whole=part by the problem so they can quickly see what they are trying to solve for
and use the correct formula. The students that tried to use the same formula for all of the
questions didn’t do well on the test, but the students were given an opportunity to make test
fixes that need to be checked so I can make sure they understand what they did wrong and how
to do correctly. Once they have made fixes and had their work double checked by me the
students were then given a chance to retake the problems they did get wrong the first time
they took it. Once these students were able to see what they did wrong and how to do it
correctly their scores on the retake were much better. Overall, I was pleased with the
improvement they made and hope to see more of them continue improving on each

Reflection: I found this beneficial because I was able to see significant growth from my
students. Keeping track of growth allows me to see what teaching strategies my students
comprehend the best. With the pre-test it allows me to see what the students know or don’t
know, and I can see the students’ initial thoughts on how to solve the problems given. Seeing
their initial thought helps me when teaching the material because I can clear up any
misconception from the start and I can put more emphasis on areas that seem to be more
difficult. Seeing and addressing misconceptions from the start will give us more time in class to
learn and practice new material instead of re-teaching things more than needed. Also, when I
do see consistent mistakes or misunderstandings, I will be able to take extra time to reteach it
for some students or give more time to continue practicing. Although some topics may be more
difficult to give and get good data from a pre-test, I think it is important to see and collect
information to make and adjust lessons from. I will continue to collect information and make
my lessons according to the information I find in my classes. The more information I collect, the
more I learn about my students’ learning experience and my teaching strategies.

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