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SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

Prophecies fulfilled
We never really believed that he’d come back. 20 We’ve lost many souls, but our leader came back.
years? That’s a long time! In this issue of SPEAR
Explore the current issues and topics! The FACTS!
MONTHLY you’ll know who he is! and what
and RUMORS! all in one delicately entertaining
magazine. . . SPEAR MONTHLY.


Page 3:
Letters to the PAGE 12
Page 4:
Value of things

Page 5:


Dear, Dear,
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010
Dear, Editor Editor
Editor I am a servant of Circe, but As a member of Ithakan
What is Ithaka like? Who is lately I’ve been thinking of society, what do you think
its ruler? moving to Ithaka. What are should be done to restore
the people there like? order and balance in Ithaka?
From Rorion
From Eurymilia From Toniphemus
Dear, Dear, Dear,
Why, Ithaka is a small little island Eurymilia Rorion
Ithakans are generally I honestly feel that
in the Ionian Sea in Greece. It’s so
peaceful and religious people, not Odysseus has to step up and initiate
small that it only has around three
wanting any trouble with the gods the process to ending all chaos in
thousand inhabitants on its
or each other. With the exception of Ithaka. After all, he is the ruler of
shores. It is mainly composed of low
the Penelope’s recently dead our country. I’ve heard of a
lands with a few mountains and is
suitors, killed by Odysseus, there philosophical concept from the
completely surrounded by the sea.
aren’t many troublemakers in East called the Mandate of
It also has a lot of bays many little
Ithaka. It’s a small, quiet island Heaven, which suggests that the
communities and villages. It’s main
amidst the calm seas. If you’re the gods would appoint a great ruler to
ruler is Odysseus, son of Laertes.
type looking for a high-profile life lead the people. And since the gods
He was gone for twenty years to
filled with adventure, Ithakans have helped Odysseus return here
fight in the Trojan war, but he
might not take to you so kindly, and appoint him leader, he must be
finally fulfilled the prophecy and
but if you’re the “off-the-radar” type capable of leading us. The people
returned to end all the chaos in
who likes the seascape, you would must also continue to remain
Ithaka and continue his rule as its
blend in with them easily. Stories faithful to the gods and
great king. Linking this to Perseus’
about the Harappan civilization consistently offer the best sacrifices
story, Perseus was also sent out to
centuries ago strike me. It is to please them so that they may
fight numerous beasts, being
believed that they were such a bless our country. Just like in the
successful because he also received
peaceful civilization that there’s no times back then of the Israelites,
help from the gods. Eventually, he
evidence that they ever had a whenever they pleased their god,
too returned home more
military. Such a place must have they were given freedom, but when
experienced and more trained to
been happy and orderly for that to they displeased their god, they
face the ultimate enemy, fulfilling
happen, and Ithakans also wish suffered under the hands of the
another prophecy as well. As of late,
that their country would be similar. enemy. Everyone has to do their
Ithaka is starting to rebuild itself
part. We must have synergy.
under the leadership of Odysseus,
who just killed all the suitors of his
wife and is trying to restore order
in his home.

u e of
he V al
g s:
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

th i n
by Ben the prophet

With the return of Odysseus, Ithaka's greatest man and ruler has
returned, but this blessing comes at great cost. Enraged at the state of
affairs of his house, he killed all the suitors of Penelope, whom consisted of
Greece's finest. This is a heavy blow to Ithaka's commerce and prosperity,
crippling our economy and setting us up as easy targets to neighboring
kingdoms, who have the pretext of vengeance on their side.

So, I came to this question: Was Odysseus worth it? Sure, many of the
suitors deserved their fate, but was it worth losing most of our army's
generals and pissing off just about every kingdom beside us? Going through
the streets of Ithaka, I saw sorrowful people amongst the shallow rejoicing,
and the general fear of what would happen next. The genuine happiness of
the children could not stymie the dread of the adults.

Afterward, I came
to his house, looking for
him, only to see that a
great party being held. All
the heroes of the Trojan
War were there:
Menelaos, Nestor, and
many others. At first I
thought that Odysseus was
simply wasting away the
rest of his riches, but then I
noticed that there were
Achaian heroes, people
from Doulichion, and
Same. This party was an
act of diplomacy, serving
to extinguish the flames of war. I also noticed that Odysseus was not
actually present, so I asked the host of the party, Telemachos, where he was.
He simply replied that he was with his wife, coordinating plans to prepare
Ithaka for the future years.

I can't say for sure what these plans are, but it's good to see Odysseus
working to shape up Ithaka back into its former glory. Only time will tell
whether it was all worth it, but if he's got the gods' backing, he can do
whatever he wants.

SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

tow OF LAE
n, I
By Pal the Great
thac RTES
D What happened
when the power
VORACIOUS MEN returns to the
house? All of the
pests will then fear
Voracious men of Ithaka,
the light!
Powerful lords of their households,
Holders of lordships are the men,
The suitors of Penelope

While Lord Odysseus was away, He eradicated them all,

those savages of Ithaka.
Many suitors came in to stay,
Grey-eyed Athene protected him
And waste all the goods of the lord
And court the lady of the house From the attacks of the suitors

Seed of Laertus, Odysseus

Penelope was devoted
To his husband who went to Troy Was victorious in his battle

She would not marry her suitors Golden Penelope was his
And all his possessions reclaimed.
She stalled them instead and waited

The suitors who say many words,

Words that escape their teeth’s-
They who are pigs with shining teeth,
Insult the master of the house.

Once he bought his homeward cargo,

Odysseus immediately left
And sailed home back to Ithaka
To come back and rescue his home

! 5
By Paul the Great
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

Glorious Ithaka, place of might

It has beauty that is much shown.
The resounding sea that it holds
It is adored by all people

It is just a tiny island

Found in the Ionian islands.
It is last of all on the water,
Lies low, away towards the dark

A mountain that stands tall above

Forest and islands that surround
The rugged place known to us all
Ithaka, a nurse of good men

The inhabitants of that place He supported him in his fight

with courage and strength in their Against the suitors of his wife
Fight for their honour and glory
Odysseus also had a wife
While sacrificing hecatombs.
A beautiful and fair woman,
A wise, intelligent person,
Many are the inhabitants,
There is famous Antinoos, People called her Penelope.
A great deviser of evils
Very crafty in his movements Telemachos is his son
A godlike man like his father
The seed of Laertus lives there Brave and Independent was he
As he took care of his household.
Godlike Odysseus is his name
The lord of the greatest household,
Glorious Ithaka, place of might
The place that we know, Ithaka
It has beauty that is much shown.
Ithaka's people is its wealth
He has many servants with him
One of these is Eurykleia Its people are also its bane

His loyal maid

when he was young
Until today did she serve him

Swineherd Eumaios works for him

He sheltered him when he was poor

Creatures Of The Gods
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

During Odysseus' travels, he and his men have encountered many creatures both
wondrous and mysterious. These children of the gods should be treated with respect, but
knowing more about them
would not do harm.

The Cyclops are one-eyed giants, living on their

secluded island. Their brawn and stature is to be feared,
but one should not underestimate their intelligence. After
all, it took someone like Odysseus to trick them. These
children of Poseidon fish and shepherd as their main
sources of food, and will fight to protect what is theirs.
Their cruelty stems from their crudeness, and by
themselves are people whom you would do well not to


These magical maidens live around the rapids charming
sailors with their songs and beauty, tempting all who come to a
watery grave. Those who hear their song are captivated by it,
and will simply stay and listen unless forcefully removed.
Odysseus himself fell captive to their magic, but his men wore
earplugs, and tied him to the mast as they sailed through
quickly. After recovering, Odysseus says that while the melody
enchants us, the lyrics are filled with wisdom that brightens the
mind and serves to make men wiser.

Skylla is one of the mischievous immortals who bring

swift death to all that pass their way. She is a monstrous
creature with twelve feet and six heads with long necks and
sharp teeth. With quickness likened to Zeus' bolts, she strikes
with her long neck and picks man and beast alike for food.
From within her cavern high in the sheer cliffs, no arrows
reach and no man may climb.


The second of the immortals, Charybdis is the great maw

of death itself, sucking in all life in a sea of death. 3 times a
day, she sucks in the sea, and all life within it. Her appearance
is hidden by the deep waters, and none peered into the center
of the whirlpool without being sucked in.

D S E U S R e t ur n of the
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010


n who
l i n g the ma s
Revea ll odd
fied a ng,
has de ni
is cun t.
with h ence and wi
i g

Odysseus is older,
and yet better than

“No matter how great a man is, how powerful or smart,

he would always be under the gods.”

“It was an adventure I regret to have

been part of.” “I didn’t want to go, but I made a
says the great Odysseus Laertes. pact, so I had no choice. When I joined
the army of Menelaus, I was expecting
Although only in his late 40s, the an epic war. However, I didn’t expect
mask of exhaustion and fatigue myself to be away from home for
imprinted on Odysseus’ face was one nearly 20 years.” his voice trails off.
only a lifetime of ordeals and pain
could bring. The stories of his Despite going through all these
adventures and exploits during the difficulties, it was this journey of his
Trojan war and his odyssey back to his that made him the prominent man that
homeland were full of tragedy and pain he is, proving himself as a man of
that would make the strongest men in intelligence, cunning and
Ithaca tremble in fear upon hearing. resourcefulness. The stories of his
escapades are known across the seas
Odysseus’ wife Penelope had just and his name will forever be “I realized that dwelling on the
given birth to his son Telemachus remembered and his courage forever problem would be of no use so I
when he was forced to leave to fight in admired by all men. However, it’s been instead focused on always
the Trojan War. over a year since the return of finding a solution.”

! []! 8
Odysseus, and yet he still cannot bear cyclops who ate 2 of his men for each “Multi
ple tim
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

to tell the story of his journey without of his meals. However, Odysseus’
breaking down to tears. never told himself to give up. have I es
ruin th en pride
Perseverance was hardwired into his
“Even Penelope doesn’t know brain and it was his swagger that
everything. I can only bear to tell her a would help him always find a way to
men.” best of
little because the all the suffering of come through, though hurt, alive.
my men and I are still very much alive
in my mind. As much as I want to tell “When I was inside that cave, I
everyone of the way I survived through thought to myself. ‘Hey, this is my Give Honor to the Gods
all my troubles, I still have not doing, I’m the reason we’re inside this
overcome the pain and trauma went cave. I will find a way.’ When it came To all Greeks, success or failure
through.” to those situations where I caused our would always depend on what was
plight, I always made sure that I held willed by the gods. For the great
Odysseus, despite his grief, speaks myself liable and that I would find a Odysseus, the same rule applied.
with pride and eloquence. His voice is way to fix my wrongdoing. Ever since Throughout his expedition, the gods
a strong force that reminds people of the Trojan war, I taught myself to hold have played a great role in deciding his
his legend. For Odysseus, the back my fear and rely on my rational fate. The heat he faced from Poseidon
adventures of the past twenty years are thinking and reasoning. I realized that and Zeus had made his troubles
not only his greatest suffering, but also dwelling on a problem would be of no difficult to overcome. Odysseus
his greatest source of strength as he use so I instead focused on always sometimes would neglect to thank the
tries to reestablish his rule in his finding a solution. Eventually, I got so gods and this would prove fatal to him.
homeland. used to it that my ideas came on However, it is also the gods that have
and yet he still cannot bear to tell the instinct that I was able to overcome all helped Odysseus make his way back to
story of his journey without breaking my fears through my rational thinking. Ithaca. The success or failure of
down to tears. I would always say to myself, ‘My Odysseus had always been subject to
destiny is to die in the arms of my the will of the gods.
“Even Penelope doesn’t know loved ones.’ and that could keep me
everything. I can only bear to tell her a going forever.” “For anyone who dreams of
little because the all the suffering of greatness, he definitely has to
my men and I are still very much alive Be Proud, But Not Too Much remember the gods. The gods make or
in my mind. As much as I want to tell break you in whatever you do. No
everyone of the way I survived through The biggest problem Odysseus matter how great a man is, no matter
all my troubles, I still have not faced on his way home was that how powerful or smart, he would
overcome the pain and trauma went Poseidon has a personal grudge on him always be under the gods. I believe
through.” because he had hurt the Cyclops, who that my journey wouldn’t have been so
happened to be the son of Poseidon. It difficult had it not been for Poseidon
Odysseus, despite his grief, speaks was one of the few blunders Odysseus nor do I believe that I would make it
with pride and eloquence. His voice is had done himself which caused his back home had it not been for Athena.”
a strong force that reminds people of journey to be far more challenging
his legend. For Odysseus, the than it should have been. Odysseus has faced many troubles on
adventures of the past twenty years are his journey, and yet he faced more
not only his greatest suffering, but also “This lesson I had to learn the upon his return to Ithaca, having to
his greatest source of strength as he hard way. It is in our culture to take fight against the suitors to win back his
tries to reestablish his rule in his pride in our accomplishments. wife and his kingdom. Currently,
homeland. However, throughout the Trojan war Odysseus has restored himself as the
and on my way home, multiple times top dog in Ithaca. However, he has yet
have I seen pride ruin the best of men. to fully gain the support of his fellow
No Surrender I remember Ajax who killed himself men and citizens. He has more to do
after I defeated him when we fought but Odysseus says, “Soon everything’s
Certain death was always what for Achilles’ armor. I remember when I going to be back to normal and I can
Odysseus faced throughout his foolishly shouted my name to the finally rest and live my life like an
adventure. His ship was destroyed Cyclops, who prayed to his father, ordinary man should.” And this rest he
multiple times, and multiple times he Poseidon, to make my voyage a living definitely deserves.
was thrown off course after being so hell. It was the biggest mistake I made
seemingly near his homeland. Once, he throughout my journey.”
was stuck in a cave with a cannibal

! []! 9
The Man who’s story
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

were dying to hear . . .

By Kevinipus Son of Ting

Although only in his late 40s, the mask of “It was an adventure I
exhaustion and fatigue imprinted on Odysseus’
face was one only a lifetime of ordeals and pain regret to have been part
could bring. The stories of his adventures and of.”
exploits during the Trojan war and his odyssey - Odysseus, son of Laertes
back to his homeland were full of tragedy and
pain that would make the strongest men in still cannot bear to tell the story of his journey
without breaking down to tears.
Ithaca tremble in fear upon hearing.
“Even Penelope doesn’t know everything. I
Odysseus’ wife Penelope had just given birth to can only bear to tell her a little because the all
his son Telemachus when he was forced to the suffering of my men and I are still very
leave to fight in the Trojan War. much alive in my mind. As much as I want to
tell everyone of the way I survived through all
“I didn’t want to go, but I made a pact, so I my troubles, I still have not overcome the pain
had no choice. When I joined the army of and trauma went through.”
Menelaus, I was expecting an epic war.
However, I didn’t expect myself to be away Odysseus, despite his grief, speaks with
from home for nearly 20 years.” his voice trails pride and eloquence. His voice is a strong force
off. that reminds people of his legend. For
Odysseus, the adventures of the past twenty
Despite going through all these difficulties, it years are not only his greatest suffering, but
was this journey of his that made him the also his greatest source of strength as he tries to
prominent man that he is, proving himself as a reestablish his rule in his homeland.
man of intelligence, cunning and
resourcefulness. The stories of his escapades
are known across the seas and his name will
forever be remembered and his courage forever
admired by all men. However, it’s been over a
year since the return of Odysseus, and yet he

Deus Machina

“When a
man walks
the gods,
his fate is
by their
hands. . .”
TFa6asCAJ6I/AAAAAAAAAJQ/ and-Athena-Vulci-HS.jpg
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“It is our culture
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

To take pride in our accomplishments”

- Odysseus Son of Laertes

No Surrender my name to the Cyclops, who prayed to his

father, Poseidon, to make my voyage a living
Certain death was always what Odysseus hell. It was the biggest mistake I made
faced throughout his adventure. His ship was throughout my journey.”
destroyed multiple times, and multiple times
he was thrown off course after being so Give Honor to the Gods
seemingly near his homeland. Once, he was
stuck in a cave with a cannibal cyclops who To all Greeks, success or failure would
ate 2 of his men for each of his meals. always depend on what was willed by the
However, Odysseus’ never told himself to gods. For the great Odysseus, the same rule
give up. Perseverance was hardwired into his applied. Throughout his expedition, the gods
brain and it was his swagger that would help have played a great role in deciding his fate.
him always find a way to come through, The heat he faced from Poseidon and Zeus
though hurt, alive. had made his troubles difficult to overcome.
Odysseus sometimes would neglect to thank
“When I was inside that cave, I thought to the gods and this would prove fatal to him.
myself. ‘Hey, this is my doing, I’m the reason However, it is also the gods that have helped
we’re inside this cave. I will find a way.’ Odysseus make his way back to Ithaca. The
When it came to those situations where I success or failure of Odysseus had always
caused our plight, I always made sure that I been subject to the will of the gods.
held myself liable and that I would find a way
to fix my wrongdoing. Ever since the Trojan “For anyone who dreams of greatness,
war, I taught myself to hold back my fear and he definitely has to remember the gods. The
rely on my rational thinking and reasoning. I gods make or break you in whatever you do.
realized that dwelling on a problem would be No matter how great a man is, no matter how
of no use so I instead focused on always powerful or smart, he would always be under
finding a solution. Eventually, I got so used to the gods. I believe that my journey wouldn’t
it that my ideas came on instinct that I was have been so difficult had it not been for
able to overcome all my fears through my Poseidon nor do I believe that I would make
rational thinking. I would always say to it back home had it not been for Athena.”
myself, ‘My destiny is to die in the arms of
my loved ones.’ and that could keep me going Odysseus has faced many troubles on
forever.” his journey, and yet he faced more upon his
return to Ithaca, having to fight against the
Be Proud, But Not Too Much suitors to win back his wife and his kingdom.
Currently, Odysseus has restored himself as
The biggest problem Odysseus faced on the top dog in Ithaca. However, he has yet to
his way home was that Poseidon has a fully gain the support of his fellow men and
personal grudge on him because he had hurt citizens. He has more to do but Odysseus
the Cyclops, who happened to be the son of says, “Soon everything’s going to be back to
Poseidon. It was one of the few blunders normal and I can finally rest and live my life
Odysseus had done himself which caused his like an ordinary man should.” And this rest he
journey to be far more challenging than it definitely deserves.
should have been.

“This lesson I had to learn the hard way.

It is in our culture to take pride in our
accomplishments. However, throughout the
Trojan war and on my way home, multiple
times have I seen pride ruin people. I
remember Ajax who killed himself after I
defeated him when we fought for Achilles’
armor. I remember when I foolishly shouted

! []! 11
The tree which stands there. . .
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010


It bears nothing but golden fruit . .

but, who am I to eat it?

I Hate it Here
By Javiniphous Son of Guzman

no man was willing to bear the weight of

Take away that central piece of the bringing our wretched plight to an end until
puzzle, and you’ll be astounded by the sheer it was too late. And now, not even the recent
amount of little pieces you’ll be left picking return of Lord Odysseus, nor the death of the
up once everything systematically falls young men bringing a ruin to his household
apart. Take away the one man who kept and our nation, could remedy the quandary
Ithaka together for so long, that one man we currently find ourselves in.
everyone’s life revolves around, and you’ll be
surprised how quickly a seemingly utopian In retrospect, Odysseus’ departure for
kingdom degenerates into a dystopian the strongly built walls of Troy was not as
cesspool akin to hell. glorious as it had originally seemed, and it
may actually be the root cause of our
True enough, Odysseus’ unexplained earthly damnation. I believe that his
twenty year absence has left us Ithakans in a subsequent actions upon returning was not
not so figurative state of perdition, wherein the proper course of action, and that his
deeds, whether or not they were supported by

! []! 12
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010 one of the deities who hold
wide heaven, were totally Blood. . . oh how heavenly

The blood of the

suitors cries out from the
soil and the putrid stench of
their carcasses still fills the
air, and this nauseates me.
This sickens me not only
because we lost several
opulent and influential
young men, who were simply
compelled to do what they
did out of avarice (although
many suitors did get what
was coming to them), but
because this also intensifies
the gravity of his failure to
b ri n g b a c k t h e m e n h e
brought along to Troy, and
so our proud kingdom has
lost two generations of fine,
young men. On top of this,
their deaths only further have never had its riches o f o u r c o u n t ry m e n a n d
d i v i d e d o u r a l re a d y rapidly consumed by the Ithaka has lost many valued
fragmented nation, from the suitors, and had he headed t re a s u re s . a l T h o u g h M y
most basic component of our their plea for mercy in loyalty still lies with our
nation, the household, exchange for their offers of king and even if my own
upwards; and this can be seen reimbursing all they had godlike spirit rejoices at his
when a servingman went squandered, then it would homecoming, it seems that the
against his fellow have been as if the suitors way Odysseus Caused and
s e rv i n g m a n i n g o d l i k e had never even touched the tackled these issues proves
odysseus’ own home. riches of his household and t h a t y e a r s a t s e a h av e
his kingdom. e n f e e b l e d h i s re n o w n e d
Ithaka’s prosperity was cognitive skills, then again,
also put into jeopardy thanks we might just not be
to Odysseus’ participation in Our moTHER LAND is in perceiving the man’s genius at
the conquest of Troy and his chaos. pools of crimson flow work.
a t t e m p t t o re d re s s t h e freely from the bodies of our
grievances done to him and young men, the vessels of our
his household by the suitors. legacy, the seeds of discord
Had he not left, Ithaka might have been sown in the hearts

“Our mother land is in chaos. . . Ithaka has lost

many valued treasures. .”

! []! 13
SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

By Javssiphous Son of Guzman

That Gaze. .
That Stare . .
That Look . .
is it good or

We humans are often captive

by our own imperfect nature
by the flawed communal spite a little bit closer to denying that this group of
psyche that binds us home... boisterous and haughty
together, and none of our young men attracted the
compulsions is as strong as spite of their countrymen as
our tendency to hate, our THE SUITORS quickly as a heap of manure
urge to find a villain in our S o m e o f t h e m a r e attracts flies. Why? because
midst. And While the d e g e n e r a t e , a r r o g a n t they actually attempted to
Trojans are now nothing ignoramuses, while others court the wife the man who
more than a footnote in were godlike men whose treated them so well and
history fated to be lost to acquisitiveness and lust b e c a u s e c i r c u m s p e c t
time, we proud achai’ans simply took hold of them, penelope was, I don’t know,
found others worthy of our but nonetheless, there’s no twenty years their senior!

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SPEARMONTHLY September 18, 2010

Besides, they were squandering the wealth OURSELVES
of odysseus’ house and they actually got If any of us has even the most infinitesimal
odysseus to do a bunch of really dumb amount of decency left, we would blame
things out of anger (for more on this ourselves for what happened just as much
please see my editorial). But what I believe as we blamed odysseus for leaving, the
really ticked people off was the smell of suitors for being greedy, and the serving
their decaying bodies! And to think they girls for their apparent ineptitude at
smelled bad enough in life... keeping their legs together. I believe that
our passivity was just as grave as the
UNFAITHFUL SERVANTS grievances committed by everyone else.
Good help is really hard to find these days, We allowed these voracious men to come
and in ithaka, it seems that it’s next to to ithaka and eat up her treasures. It was us
impossible to find servants who aren’t who did not come to our queen’s aid when
anxious to stick a knife in your back (or we saw that she was barely managing on
sleep with the guys eating away your her own. We Ithakans allowed telamachos’
wealth). unfortunately for Odysseus he got winged words fall on deaf ears, his family’s
the worst of the treacherous, halfwitted, troubles on blind eyes and closed hearts.
back stabbing, gonad abusing bunch, who The events that transpired now fall on our
were more akin to bonobo chimps than shoulders. We are the new scum. The
actual people. Take a look at melantho, burden of making amends should be no
who despite being treated well by her one else’s but ours.
masters, never concerned herself with
godlike odysseus’ wellbeing or penelope,
sided with the suitors and even went so far
as to become their fille de joie, and please
don’t get me started on her bastard
brother. How i wish someone actually
bothered to bring home a couple of slaves
from troy so that none of us here in ithaka
would have to bear with our sorry bunch of

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