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Man: Hi, Katherine, how are you? Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, 11 pt,
Woman: I'm worried. Font color: Auto
Man: Why? What happened?
Woman: Daniel, do you know where my laptop is? I can´t find it. Formatted ...

Man: Did you check under the bed?

Woman: Yes, I did. I checked behind the bed, next to the sofa and on the desk.
Man: Hmm, look! It is between the book and the suitcase.
Woman: No, that's your laptop. I need my laptop to finish the report of the Formatted ...
Man: Did you check in the bathroom? Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, Font
color: Auto
Woman: Yeah, ahh I just remembered where it is. It’s in my handbag. Please
Daniel, help me finish the report. Formatted ...
Man: ok. Show me how you are doing.
Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, 11 pt,
PAUSA Bold, Font color: Auto
Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, 11 pt,
Woman: It is the inventory Font color: Auto

Man: Hmm, The bookcase is next to the sofa, is the coffee table in front of the Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Woman: No, it isn´t. it is in front of the sofa. Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, Bold
Man: Yes, the lamp is next to the sofa, the vase is on the coffee table. Ok, Formatted: Space After: 0 pt
continue. Formatted ...
Woman: The carpet is under the coffee table, the coffee table behind the chair,
Formatted ...
and the 20 books are in the bookcase.
Formatted ...
Man: No, they are 25 books.
Woman: Yes it's correct, the 25 books are in the bookcase, and the picture is Formatted ...
next to armchair. Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, 11 pt,
Man: it's all. Bold
Woman: ok, thanks Daniel. Formatted: HTML Preformatted, Pattern: Clear (White)
Man: You're welcome, bye. Formatted ...
Formatted ...
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Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R
Formatted: HTML Preformatted, Pattern: Clear (White)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Adobe Heiti Std R, English
(United States)

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