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This assignment will be marked out of 25.

Q1) Consider the non-linear system of ODEs given by
y10 = f1 (y1 , y2 ) = y1 + y2 + 3y1 y2 ,
y20 = f2 (y1 , y2 ) = 2y1 + y22 .
Find all of the critical points of the system, calculate the linearized system
about each of the critical points found and classify the type of critical point
in each of the linearized systems. Plot a phase portrait for the non-linear
system by hand. (5 Marks)
Q2) Visit the website
Lotka_Volterra.html where you can investigate the solution to the a vari-
ation of the Lotka-Volterra system in the phase portrait and with t on the
horizontal axes. Remember that these trajectories are 3-dimensional. Ex-
periment with various initial conditions. Hand in the results of four different
initial conditions by taking a screen-shot or using the Windows snipping
tools. (5 Marks)
Q3) Find the Laplace transform of the function f (t) = t3 e2t + 4cos(5t).
(5 Marks)
Q4) Using Laplace transforms, solve the initial value problem
y 0 = 2y + 3e−t , y(0) = 4,
0 dy
where y = dt .
Note: to check your work, this equation is linear so it is
possible to solve using integrating factors also. (5 Marks)
Q5) Consider the ODE arising from an RC circuit, (resistor and capacitor) and
initial value problem

0 0 if t < 3,
RCy + y = V (t), V (t) = R = 2, C = 1, y(0) = 4.
3 if t ≥ 3.
and y denotes the voltage across the capacitor. Find the Laplace transform
of the solution of this initial value problem. (5 Marks)
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Key words and phrases. .


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