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Classroom Climate

School culture and context

 Observe the classroom climate and answer the questions below:

1. Is the classroom climate purposeful and task orientated? Give an example.

Yes,it is ..I feel that it is full of energy and it is dynamic.

2. Is the classroom climate relaxed, warm and supportive? Give an example.

Yes,the kids are so cooperative and happy witch is a positive thing. They are always

interactive in class and even during the break time .

3. Does the classroom climate have a sense of order? Give an example

-yes,the class room climate have a sense of order ,the corners.

4. What sort of relationship did the teacher have with the students? For example, was
there mutual respect and rapport, did the teacher act as a good example, did she
use humor?

There was a strong bond between between the teacher and the students. I saw her using
eye Contact when she wanted to drew children’s atlen due to work behavior .
5. Describe the classroom appearance in terms of the layout. What did you like not like
about it and why? What would you change or not change and why?
The class room looks good however I would suggest the following :
1-too many messages on the whale.
2-the room was a bit small for the number of the children “ratio”
The summary the material was used was really useful for the children and they
enjoy it.

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