Ref R

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Letter /R/ Reflection

Today I taught the children English lesson-sound R I toke the children to

the English room I prepared the place as a space and the children did not

see it before, I saw the children so happy to set and explore the place and

try the activities. I started the lesson with short story about Rashid and his

trip to the space by his rocket, however Rashid was one of the students he

was wearing the costume of the spaceman after I finished the story the

children notice the new letter wich is /Rr/ then I review all the words that

start with R like: Red-Rocket-Rocks-Round. I open a video to show the

children how they can write the letter then I explain the activities to them

but I didn’t decide how the groups are going to go to the activities I give

them the choice. According to Dewey "Education should be

democratic"(Spielgaben, 2013). So I asked the children what they want so

they can learn and try the activities through the way they will like.

I believe that was a good idea the other thing went well with me is using

the reward system and it keep the children under control on the other

hand the things that did not went well is the way that children move from

activity to other I didn’t put a song or give them a time they have to spend

I didn’t use a bell.

For my future lessons I can avoid the mistakes that I did by using a song

for the transition and use new strategies to develop my teaching.

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