Day 6 - Classroom Climate

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Day 6 - Tuesday 6th, March 2018

Classroom Climate

School culture and context

 Observe the classroom climate and answer the questions below:

1. Is the classroom climate purposeful and task orientated? Give an example.

The classroom climate is purposeful, which was focused on students learning development. For
example; the outcomes of the lesson were specific and the teacher work in it clearly.
2. Is the classroom climate relaxed, warm and supportive? Give an example.

The classroom climate was relaxed and supportive. The students learn in different ways from
different activities and the teacher has supported them. For example; the teacher prepares
different activities for different levels of students to let them learn and have fun in what they are
doing. Also, the teacher gives them positive feedback to encourage and support them.
3. Does the classroom climate have a sense of order? Give an example

Everything in the classroom was in order. For example, the teacher started the lesson by
explaining it to the students then they are work in activities and after that, the teacher evaluates
the students by asking them some questions about the lesson.
4. What sort of relationship did the teacher have with the students? For example, was
there mutual respect and rapport, did the teacher act as a good example, did she
use humor?
There was a good relationship between the teacher and the students. For example, the teacher
asks their students about themselves, interests listen to them when they have problems and
help them gives them some solutions. This way affect respect, confidence and loyalty between
them and promote their self-esteem. In addition, the teacher help students reflect on their
thinking and learning skills. Also, the teacher uses humour with her students some time to
renew the vitality of the students.

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 – Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 1/2018/SWC
5. Describe the classroom appearance in terms of the layout. What did you like not like
about it and why? What would you change or not change and why?
The layout of the classroom was good. There were different areas in it; such as literacy and
time circle, math centre, reading centre, art centre, science centre, writing area and role play
centre. I like the coordinate in this areas and location and arrangement in the classroom, but
the classroom lacks the technology centre. I would change the classroom rules to make it more
simple with attractive pictures.

TP Task Booklet for EPC 1401 – Practicum 1a

Year One, Semester 1/2018/SWC

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