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Assessment of Pupils Progress

Assessing students work

Observe and record strategies used by the teacher to assess learning

1. How did the teacher monitor classroom activities?

By rewording them.
By taking their attention all the time.

2. What sort of designated assessment tasks are integrated within classwork?

Using games to assess them.

3. How does s/he assess the activities during lesson?

Using different game all the time.

4. How did s/he give feedback to facilitate learning?

Encouraging children bus speaking highly about any children would ask.

5. Did s/he give homework?

Yes, most of them.

6. Which of these strategies would you use/not use? Why?

I will reduce homework, cause the teacher strategy is totally different than the parents.

7. Was there anything that could have been done differently?

The school rely on the student parents to support them, but sometimes it would affect badly or

8. What surprised you?

The student capabilities are varying some are so smart, but some needs more efforts.

9. What shocked you?

The smart student, who knows everything.

10. What delighted you?

To see the smart student one day in great job where I would remember that I thought them
and proud of them, similar to my teacher who surprisingly I discovered that she taught me in

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