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Salaam Saif – H00204511 Sharjah Women College lesson plan

Lesson Plan (Kodu Program)

Date: 18 Oct 2017 Teacher: Salama Saif

Time: 9:50 am – 10: 35 am location: Al Hilalyat School for primary and secondary girls

MST: Class: Students Grade 6

T. Dubaia
Lesson: Unit 4: Games Preparation No. Ss 11

Main Lesson Aims (what you hope the learners will achieve or be able to do better after your lesson)

The learning outcomes of the lesson

Students able to:
1. Know how to add more players to the game.
2. Add a score board to your game.
3. Make your game more difficult to play.

Personal focus: in this lesson I am working on my ……

 Building the positive relationship with students through smile for them, respect each other and give them chance to participate and
share their idea and knowledge in the lesson.

 Mange time by use alarm in the classroom.

 Controlling in students behavior by use reward system.

 Do some cooperative learning during the lesson.




Data Show.


Kodu program.


Prior Knowledge (Refer to what you think students already know/need or can do)

1. Know some information about Kodu program.

2. Know how to open Kodu program.
3. Know some tools in this program such as home, play game, move game and add object.
4. Know how to add some object such as Kodu, tree and rock.
5. Know how to program Kodu.

Salaam Saif – H00204511 Sharjah Women College lesson plan

Time (Activity and Language) Comments

5 Min In the beginning, the teacher will review the last lesson language: Anticipated
throw ask students some question. Vocabulary such problems:
After that, the teacher will give students worksheet about as:
some tools in the Kodu program as a review for them and Collective
she will let them work in peer. Outer edge participation of
2 Min In the first of the lesson, teacher will Destroy students without
1- Start explain the learning outcomes from the new Complexity raising the hand.
lesson. Scoreboard
2- Display the new vocabulary in the lesson and
learn what’s mean. They were so
active with me
(Teacher will help students if there was have any and asked more
questions). questions about
2 Min The teacher will let the students work in their computers new lesson.
to create new simple word with mountains and one large
empty area in the center.
After that, she will ask them some question as a prepare
for the next step of the lesson.
5 Min The teacher will let the students work in their computers
to create new game with two player and add some objects
such as Kodu, tree and rock.
Then do a program for this objects.

The teacher will be with them and help them if they need
5 Min After that, the teacher will explain the new information
for the students about keeping score for players in Kodu
game lab.
5 Min Then, she will show them how can applying the Teacher will be
scorekeeping. And let them do it in their computers. with them and
help them if they
need help.

Salaam Saif – H00204511 Sharjah Women College lesson plan

3 Min The teacher will teach them about awarding points and
she will let the students to do it in their computers.

12 Min Now, it is time to play

The teacher will show students video about how create Some of the
game with two players and use scorekeeping and students will
awarding points in it. take more time
After that, the teacher will let the students work it in their to do it, so I
computers to create new game with two players as what think better if
they learn and see in the video. they work in
6 Min Assessment in Kahoot peer,

At the end, the teacher will do a short quiz for the students
about the lesson to evaluate them.
The quiz will be in Kahoot website; which is include 5 Some of them
question. will take long
time to log in
This will be the assessment for the students to evaluate Kahoot web site.

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