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A student studies the effect of the movement of a lift on the readings of a weighing scale.

student stands on a weighing scale in a lift as shown in Diagram 3.
Seorang murid mengkaji kesan pergerakan lif ke atas bacaan alat penimbang. Murid itu
berdiri di atas alat penimbang dalam sebuah lif seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 3.

Diagram 3 Rajah 3
The readings of the weighing scale are shown in Table 2
Bacaan alat timbang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 2.

Readings of
the weighing
Movement of the lift scale/kg

Pergerakan lif Bacaan alat


At rest 60
Moving up with 70
Moving up with uniform 60
Moving down with uniform 60

Moving down with 55
Table 2 Jadual 2
(a) The mass of the student is 60 kg. What is the weight of the
Jisim murid itu ialah 60 kg. Berapakah berat murid itu?
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(b) State two types of movement of the lift when the reading on the weighing scale is
equal to the mass of the student.
Nyatakan dua jenis pergerakan lif di mana bacaan alat penimbang adalah sama
dengan jisim murid.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(c) m is the mass of the student.
m ialah jisim murid
R is the normal reaction of the weighing scale on the
R ialah tindak balas normal alat penimbang terhadap murid
F is the resultant force that acts on the student.
F ialah daya paduan yang bertindak ke atas murid.
g is the gravitational acceleration.
g ialah pecutan graviti
Write a general equation to show the relationship between m, R, F and g.
Tuliskan satu persamaan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara m, R, F dan g.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(d) When the lift moves up with acceleration, the normal reaction is greater than his
weight. Explain.
Apabila lif bergerak ke atas dengan pecutan, tindak balas normal lebih besar
daripada beratnya. Terangkan.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(e) (i) What is observed on the reading of the weighing scale when the lift moves down
with acceleration?
Apakah yang diperhati pada bacaan alat penimbang apabila lif bergerak ke
bawah dengan pecutan?
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (e)(i)
Berikan satu sebab untuk jawapan anda dalam (e)(i).
[1 mark / 1 markah]

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