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( Appointment Letter for Stenographer Group ”C” )

(Officers / Executives)


Mr.- Shatrudhan Kumar

S/O- Amarjeet Chauhan

Dear, Mr. Shatrudhan Kumar

Further to our letter of offer, we are pleased to
inform you that you are hereby appointed as Provisional staff in the Secretariat (UP), in State
Public Services Tribunal (Indira Bhavan, Lucknow, Utter Pradesh) to be based at
Lucknow(HQ) as per terms and conditions discussed and agreed upon asunder :-

1. This Provisional is effective from 25-04-2018 to 03-05-2018 the date of your joining
our department.

Candidates recommended for appointment will have to pass requisite medical
fitnesstest(s) conducted by the Secretariat (UP), SPST “Government of Uttar Pradesh”
to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties connected with
the post. Visual Acuity Standard is one of the important criteria of medical fitness of
Secretariat (UP) in SPST staff.
Note :- Candidates qualifying in examination(s) for these posts but failing in prescribed
medical examination(s) will not under any circumstance be considered for any
alternative appointment.

3. SALARY SCALE:- Your pay scale of Rs. 9,300 to Rs. 34,800 with grade pay Rs.
4,200/- per month.
 Note. With Allowances.


“Definition of Disabilities:- Definition of categories of disabilities are given below:-

I. Blindness: “Blindness” refer to a condition where a person suffers from any of the
Following conditions namely:-

BAPU BHAWAN, Secretariat Lucknow , Hazaratganj Lucknow (UP), Pin Code:-226001, (Office)-2213452,2287182

Official website of SPST(UP) . UP Secretariat

(i) Total absence of sight; or
(ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting
lenses; or
(iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse;
II. Low vision:- “Person with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual
III Hearing Impairment:- “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in
the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies.
IV Loco motor disability:- “Loco motor disability” means disability of the bones, joints or
muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of
cerebral palsy.
V- Cerebral Palsy:- “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of a
person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or
injuriesoccurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development.
All the cases of orthopedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of
“locomotor disability or cerebral palsy”.

5- DEGREE OF DISABILITY FOR RELAXATION; - Only such persons would be eligible

for relaxation of conditions in respective community in services/posts who suffer from
notless than 40% of relevant disability. A persons who want to avail the benefit of
relaxation willhave to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as
given in Annexure-6.


competent authority to issue Disability certificate shall be a Medical Board duly
constituted by the central or a State Government. The Central/State Government may
constitute Medical Board(s) consisting of at least three members out of which at least
one shall be specialist in the particular field for assessing
locomotor/cerebral/visual/hearing disability, as the case may be.Visually handicapped
candidates / those candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy can
avail the assistance of SCRIBE for writing answers on their behalf. The engagement of
the candidates as well as the SCRIBE will have to give a suitable undertaking along
with the application confirming that the SCRIBE fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria
for a SCRIBE as mentioned above. In case it transpires later that he/she did not fulfill
any of the laid
down eligibility criteria or their has been suppression of material facts, the candidature
of the applicant will stand cancelled irrespective of the result of examination. The
Visually handicapped candidate shall be responsible for any misconduct on the part of
the SCRIBE brought by him/her. The under taking, should be submitted by the visually
handicapped candidates/whose writing speed is effected by Cerebral Palsy.

BAPU BHAWAN, Secretariat Lucknow , Hazaratganj Lucknow (UP), Pin Code:-226001, (Office)-2213452,2287182

Official website of SPST(UP) . UP Secretariat

7. During the probationary period and any extension thereof, your services may be
terminated on either side by giving one-week (7 days) notice or salary in lieu thereof.
However, on confirmation the services can be terminated from either side by giving
one-month notice or salary in lieu there of. Upon termination of employment, you will
also return all company property, which may be in your possession. It would be
obligatory on your part to get a proper relieving letter from the Management before
your services are deemed to be concluded.
8. You shall, while in the services of the company, devote your full time and attention
exclusively for the Company’s work and responsibilities assigned to you. You shall
not engage in any other commercial/business pursuit, either part time or otherwise,
for any monetary gains.
9. You shall be obliged to follow the work processes, technical standards, protocols
and general instructions issued thereof, and service rules of the Company as in
force and/or amended from time to time.
10. Your shall retire at 58 years of your age from your date of birth (01/12/1999) by the
order of Secretariat (UP).
11. Your appointment is subject to your being medically sound and remaining medically
12. If any information furnished or declaration given by you in regard to your
employment to the Company is found to be false or any material information willfully
suppressed, your appointment would be liable for termination without any notice or
compensation. You are requested to sign this letter, signifying your acceptance of
the same, for our records.

Name:- Ms. Shatrudhan Kumar Designation:- Stenographer

I have read the terms and conditions of this letter of appointment and confirm my
acceptance of the same.
Authorized Signatory

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sudhir Kumar Saxena


BAPU BHAWAN, Secretariat Lucknow , Hazaratganj Lucknow (UP), Pin Code:-226001, (Office)-2213452,2287182

Official website of SPST(UP) . UP Secretariat

BAPU BHAWAN, Secretariat Lucknow , Hazaratganj Lucknow (UP), Pin Code:-226001, (Office)-2213452,2287182

Official website of SPST(UP) . UP Secretariat

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