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Project: SBMA Smart City

Table of Contents
I. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2
II. Executive Summary .......................................................................................... 2
III. Project Requirements ....................................................................................... 3
Server Hardware
IV. Schedules .......................................................................................................... 3
Application Timetable
Cost Summary
Confidentiality Clause
V. Annex A ............................................................................................................ 4
Diagram of Proposed Solution
[Notio intro]

Executive Summary
Notio Innovations’ proposed solution envisions to boost SBMA’s economic development, technological
innovation, and sustainable growth over the years. This solution is a prelude to building a smart and
intelligent city for SBMA to regain the glory days of the city and a smart city.

A city is smart when investment in human and social capital, traditional infrastructures and disruptive
technologies fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise management of
resources, through participatory governance.

Typical smart city benefits are already becoming visible in cities which implemented Smart City framework:

1. Faster reaction to public safety threat by real-time analysis of sensor and surveillance camera video
2. Economic growth;
3. Improved quality of life; and
4. Sustainability

To ensure that the solution is tailored to the requirements of SBMA, Notio follows a phased approach in
defining the requirements, developing the solution, managing resources and deploying the solution for our

Phase I: Requirements Gathering

During this phase the team will conduct research about the current processes, policies and procedures in the
existing setup. The team will interview users and stakeholders to document their expectations and goals and
they will analyze existing documentations to come up with AS-IS process documents and gap analysis.

Phase II: Design and Development

In this stage, the team will design and develop models and prototypes that represents all the system
processes, outputs and inputs which includes Use Cases, User Stories, Activity and Feature Diagrams.
There is client participation in this stage where there is collaboration with the developers. The client
proposes improvements and suggests possible changes in the system, if any.

Phase III: Testing

After the code is developed, it will be tested against the requirements to make sure that the product is
actually solving the needs identified in the first phase. During this phase, all types of functional testing like
unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing are done as well as non-functional testing.

Phase IV: Deployment

After successful testing the team will deploy the solution. As soon as the product is given to the client, they
will first do the beta testing. If any changes are required or if any bugs are caught, our team will fix them for
final deployment

Notio will implement the solution in a seamless manner that will be transparent to daily operations.

Phase V: Management and Support

Once the solution passess through all the stages without any issues, the Maintenance and Support phase
begins. It will be maintained and upgraded from time to time to adapt to changes.

Benefits of our solution include:

 Reduced monthly costs for activities
 Latest technology and upgradable solutions
 Professional staff providing superior customer service and support
 Flexibility to adapt solution to business environment, operations, and growth
 No cost for initial consultation and recommendations

Project Requirements
Server Hardware
[insert hardware requirements here]

Application Timetable
 Projected Start of Project: TBD
 Project Duration for Phase 1: TBD
 Projected Launch of App: TBD

The group shall provide a periodic report to the owners, discussing the progress of the project, based on the
milestones to be discussed by the members of the team.
A comprehensive timetable shall be provided upon approval of the project.

Cost Summary
 [lnsert Cost Summary Here]

Confidentiality Clause
The developers shall treat as confidential; all information such as records, documents, results of interviews,
specifications of the website, and any corrected or modified version of said project. The developers shall not
disclose the whole or any part to any third party without prior written consent of the client. Forgoing of this
confidentiality agreement shall survive the termination of this AGREEMENT.

All access information for the site shall be surrendered to the owners of the project after the development of
the system.

Annex A
Diagram of Proposed Solution

Notio’s proposed solution will address urban challenges such as security, parking traffic, transportation and
others by employing cutting-edge technologies. It aims to provide real time and remote monitoring for different
aspects of data management in areas such as transportation, communication, surveillance, public safety and
security. With this tools, a community will have the ability to create intelligent environments leading to better

Our solution also focuses on monitoring and real time tracking of products in the supply chain by using RFID and
Smart Tags. Valuable information such as production date, expiration date and other information may be added
on tags for faster tracking of assets. Imagine prompt shipping of raw materials just in time when the production
floor needs them. Envision timely delivery of finished goods in the retail space without over stocking will definitely
increase operational efficiency of the Retailer. Logistics Management Systems will precisely track assets whether
on the road, on water, or in the air.

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