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Adventitious Root Formation in Chloranthus sp.

Stems via Waterlogging and

Auxin Treatment using Hydroponically-grown Seedlings and Stem Cuttings
Cumigad, I.D., Eduardo, A.J., and Gloria, P.C.,
Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City


Adventitious roots are roots that develop from any organ of the plant except the embryonic root.
Although part of the normal development, formation can be a response to stress conditions. In this
experiment, we studied the formation of adventitious roots in Chloranthus sp. seeds and stem cuttings by
hypoxia and phytohormone treatment. Chloranthus seeds were germinated in nutrient solution, acclimatized,
before they were transferred to polystyrene rafts. Hypoxia was induced by deoxygenizing and flushing of
nitrogen until oxygen concentration were 0.4-1.0 mg/L. For the auxin treatment set-up, the nutrient solution
was flushed with NAA and ethylene. Induction of adventitious roots from cuttings was induced by dipping 0.5
cm of the cutting the into powder ontaining 8 g/kg IBA. Cross sections were viewed under the microscope at
72, 96, 144, 192, and 240 hours post-excision. The formation of the meristemoid cells were observed after 72
hours while globular meristem formation was observed 96 hours after. The dome-shaped meristem and
primordia were already present after 144 hours and vascularization at 192 hours. The root emerged 240
hours post-excision. Both set ups yielded the same expected results and successfully induced formation of
adventitious roots. Further research could look into the effects of varying light intensities, moisture, and
temperature in Chloranthus adventitious root formations.

INTRODUCTION form of 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) are commonly used
Adventitious roots are plant roots that form (Osborne and McManus, 2005).
from any non-root tissue and are produced both Traditionally, phases of AR formation are
during normal development and in response to classified into (i) induction, (ii) initiation of ARs,
stress conditions, such as flooding, nutrient and (iii) expression (Kevers et al., 1997; Li et al.,
deprivation, and wounding. In horticulture, 2009). Induction of founder cells occurs before
agriculture and forestry, adventitious root (AR) any histological changes become apparent and
formation is a prerequisite for the vegetative is associated with the physical separation of the
propagation of many important crops and it is also cutting from the stock plant. Disruption of polar
a common practice to maintain genetic identity in auxin transport caused by severance of the
progeny (Hartmann et al., 2011). cutting leads to the accumulation of indole-3-
The de novo formation of ARs is a complex acetic acid in its stem base, which is considered
developmental process during which the stem to be a prerequisite for induction of the founder
base of cuttings undergoes a series of anatomical cells (De Klerk et al., 1999; Garrido et al., 2002;
and physiological transformations with the use of Pop et al., 2011; Ahkami et al., 2013).
phytohormones. Phytohormones are chemicals Furthermore, disturbance of existing cell
that regulate plant growth, in which they affect the connections and transport of assimilates causes
gene expression and transcription levels, cellular a depletion of assimilates that in turn leads to the
division, and growth of the plant (Srivastava, establishment of a new carbohydrate sink in the
2002). Plant hormones are not nutrients, but stem base (Ahkami et al., 2009).
chemicals that in small amounts promote and Chloranthus is a type genus of the family
influence the growth, development, and Chloranthaceae, which consists of fragrant
differentiation of cells and tissues. There are five shrubs or herbaceous plants that are commonly
major hormone classes which are based on their occurring in Southeast Asia, the Pacific,
structural similarities and on their effects on plant Madagascar, Central and South America, and
physiology, namely: Abscisic Acid, Auxins, the West Indies. The family consists of four
Cytokinins, Ethylene and Gibberellins. (Weier et extant genera (Hedyosmum, Ascarina,
al., 1979). To stimulate root growth from cuttings of Sarcandra, and Chloranthus), totalling about 77
plants for vegetative propagation, auxins in the known species (Christenhusz and Byng, 2016). It
is a plant of high importance and significance, unstirred agar solution (0.1% w/v with nutrient
since it is among the early-diverging lineages in concentration same as before). The agar solution
the angiosperms with unknown closely-related was deoxygenized by vigorous flushing of
families among other families of angiosperms nitrogen gas. Oxygen concentration was
(Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2009). In estimated to be at 0.4-1.0 mg/L.
particular, these plants are neither monocot nor
dicot and fossils assigned to the family Auxin Treatment
Chloranthaceae are among the oldest Plants were transferred from containers
angiosperms known (Angiosperm Phylogeny to nutrient solution flushed with NAA and
Group, 2009). Chloranthus plants are used in ethylene. 5% ethylene and NAA concentration
traditional medicine, in which aromatic oils may be was maintained all throughout the experiment.
extracted from the leaves. Given that the entire
plant has anti-stress, antioxidant, anti- Adventitious root induction using
inflammatory, detoxifying, blood activating, and Chloranthus sp. Cuttings subjected to Indole-
antibacterial effects, it has not yet been cultivated 3-butyric acid (IBA) (adapted from Bryant &
by artificial introduction with the use of stem Trueman, 2015)
cuttings (He et al., 2009). Seedlings were grown in 2.8L pots and
In this study, Chloranthus sp. seeds and maintained with day-night cycle similar to the
stem cuttings were used to induce adventitious previous method. When considerable height
root formation. Formation of adventitious roots was reached, cuttings were made from the plant.
were induced by hypoxia (waterlogging) and The cuttings were dipped 0.5cm into
phytohormone (auxin and ethylene) treatment in powder that contains 8 g/kg IBA for 3 sec, and
Chloranthus sp. seeds. Meanwhile, IBA, a form of placed 1 cm deep into a 70mL micropropagation
auxin was used to induce adventitious root tube. Cuttings were harvested 7, 14, 21, and 28
formation in Chloranthus sp. stem cuttings. days.


Thin cross-sections were made from the
Adventitious root induction via hypoxia and cuttings and examined under high power
ethylene treatment with growth starting from objective (HPO) of a bright field microscope.
the seed (adapted from Visser et al., 1996)
Plant Growth
Chloranthus sp. Seeds were collected and In the figure, adventitious root (AR)
sown in trays filled with polyethylene grains and formation can be seen in response to application
nutrient solution (Table IA). After germination, of auxin in the form of indole-3-butyric acid on
seeds were subjected to a 16-hour day cycle under Chloranthus sp. stem bases. Five developmental
PFFD light (27°C) and an 8-hour night cycle stages can be seen from the figure (indicated in
(10°C). After 1 week, seeds were exposed in a roman numerals), namely: meristemoid formation
climate room with 16-hour day cycle (higher PFFD (I) which occurred 72 hours post-excision,
intensity) and 8-hour night cycle (22°C). globular meristem formation (II) which occurred
Uniform seedlings were then transferred to 96 hours post-excision, formation of dome-
polystyrene rafts that floated on nutrient solution in shaped meristems and AR primordia (III) which
20-L containers (containing about 6-8 plants per occurred 144 hours post-excision, AR primordia
raft). Aeration was accomplished by flushing air with developing vascularization and elongation of
through bubble stones. cells (IV) which occurred 192 hours post-
excision, and emergence of AR (V) which
Hypoxia Treatment occurred 240 hours post-excision.
This treatment was simulated by
transferring grown plants from nutrient solution to
Figure 1. Anatomy of adventitious root (AR) formation from the vascular ring of Chloranthus sp. stem
bases (cross-section). co, cortex; pp, pith parenchyma; vr, vascular ring.

DISCUSSION oxide, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) increase

soluble sugars, which can be used for root
In this study, adventitious roots were development (Li et al., 2009). Furthermore, levels
induced in response to two stresses, namely: (1) of root initiation inhibitors such as cytokinin and
hypoxia (waterlogging of grown plants) and (2) in strigolactones are reduced with the removal of the
response to wounding of the stem (cuttings). original root system (Rasmussen et al., 2012). At
Under aerated conditions, gaseous ethylene later stages, auxin inhibits primordia elongation
escapes from plant tissues. However, during while ethylene promotes adventitious root
hypoxic conditions, water acts as a physical emergence. As the new root system establishes,
barrier, which traps ethylene in the plant the production of cytokinin and strigolactones is
(Musgrave et al., 1972). Gibberellins enhance the restored (Gomez-Roldan et al., 2008).
ethylene-promoted adventitious root growth, while
abscisic acid reduces the ethylene-promoted The formation of adventitious roots occurs
adventitious growth (Steffens et al. 2006). naturally and is part of the development of most
Ethylene triggers reactive oxygen species plants. Adventitious root formation has three
production, and together they trigger epidermal major stages namely: induction, inititation and
programmed cell death for root emergence and expression. Induction is when the cells are
cortical programmed cell death for lysigenous introduced to stimuli that promote adventitious
aerenchyma formation. In dicots, auxin, in root growth, this is usually characterized by the
addition to ethylene signaling is the main dedifferentiation of the cells. Initiation on the other
requirement for de novo adventitious root initiation hand occurs when the cell is determined to form
(Steffens et al., 2012). an adventitious root, marked by the formation of
root initials and root primordia, and expression
Wound-induced adventitious roots are refers to the maturation and further elongation of
central to the propagation of forestry and the primordia leading to root emergence
horticultural species. In intact plants, cytokinin and (Beeckman, 2009).
strigolactones are predominantly produced in the
root, while auxin is predominantly produced in the The cell’s competence will determine
shoot. On wounding, jasmonic acid peaks within whether differentiation will occur. Competence
30 minutes and is required for successful root refers to the ability of specific, differentiated cells
development (Ahkami et al., 2009). Reactive to respond to stimuli which induces root-formation
oxygen species, polyphenols, and hydrogen (Altamura,1996). The molecular basis for cell
sulfide also increase and promote adventitious competence have not been determined yet;
rooting via reducing auxin degradation. Auxin however, it is theorized that cell receptors to the
builds up in the base of the cutting, acting root-inducing stimuli play a huge factor in the
upstream of nitric oxide to promote adventitious cell’s competence (Mohnen, 1994). When a
root initiation (Zhang et al., 2009). Auxin, nitric competent cell is stimulated by root-inducing
factors, the cell becomes determined to initiate stimulates further ethylene production, causing a
root formation. Complete determination is flux of auxin in the base of the stem. This
achieved when the inducer is removed and the accumulation of auxin at the plant’s base lead to
cell continues to develop into a root. Once a the formation of adventitious roots (Vidoz et al.,
competent cell is determined by inducers, it 2013).
causes the differentiated cell to dedifferentiate,
forming adventitious root initials (Altamura et Aside from auxin, other hormones are
al.,1991). There are no cells specified to be involved in adventitious root formation namely:
adventitious root initials, however, in some plants cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and
like willow (Salix), adventitious root initials are ethylene. Cytokinin promotes cytokinesis,
present but remain dormant until the stem has vascular cambium sensitivity, vascular
been cut and placed in the water (Hartmann and differentiation, and root apical dominance (Aloni et
Kester, 1993). al., 2006). Root tips are the major sites of
cytokinin synthesis (Aloni et al., 2004). There are
The key stage in adventitious root reports that exogenous cytokinin application
formation is the formation of the root initials. The inhibits adventitious root formation (Bollmark and
root initials are small meristematic cells with Eliasson, 1986). Also, endogenous expression of
chromophil nuclei and nucleoli and no starch zeatin (a type of cytokinin) in pea plants showed
(Altamura, 1996). Root initials usually develop strong inhibition of adventitious roots in the
near the vascular tissues and their continuous hypocotyl (Kurohah & Satoh, 2007). Since
divisions cause the formation of a root dome or cytokinins are transported in the root, they travel
the root primordia. Once the root primordia have using the transpiration system or the xylem sap.
been formed, the continuous divisions of the In the context of zeatin and pea plant, zeatin is
meristematic cells lead to the further elongation of first converted into trans-zeatin riboside before
the primordia leading to its emergence and translocation into the shoot. And the trans-
maturation; emergence and maturation can be configuration of zeatin is responsible for
distinguished with the formed connection to the adventitious root inhibition (Kurohah & Satoh,
vascular ring (Beeckman, 2009). 2007).

Hypoxia refers to a state of lack of oxygen Gibberellic acid (GA) is a tetracyclic

which usually occurs in plants after floods since diterpenoid compound that stimulates plant
gas exchange is 10,000 times slower in water growth and development (Gupta & Chakrabarty,
than in air (Armstrong et al., 1991). Well adapted 2013). GA was shown to work synergistically with
plants such as those thriving in wetlands, develop ethylene to induce adventitious roots in rice
adventitious roots with aerenchyma - air channels (Steffens et al., 2006). They claim that GA activity
that allow gas diffusion to the shoot (Dawood et controls root emergence in rice and GA
al., 2013). Flooding alone does not induce concentration controls root growth. They also
formation of adventitious roots, increased claim that endogenous GA promotes growth
ethylene production caused by the flooding results induced by ethylene. In Arabidopsis, GA signalling
to various responses depending on the plant which results to AR growth is allowed via the
species. Ethylene responses may vary from degradation of DELLA proteins (Fu et al., 2002).
epinasty, hyponastic growth, shoot elongation, Hence, there is a close relationship between
aerenchyma formation and adventitious root ethylene and GA.
development, all of which aids the plant escape
the hypoxic environment, or improve oxygen Ethylene, together with GA, positively
uptake (Jackson, 2002; Visser and Voesenek, regulates AR formation (Steffens et al., 2006). It
2004; Voesenek et al., 2006; Bailey-Serres and plays a central role in regulating AR root growth
Voesenek, 2008). because ethylene-insensitive transgenic plants
showed no or reduced AR growth. This hormone
Ethylene and auxin signals are intertwined accumulates in flooded plant parts because its
in producing adventitious roots. Hypoxia leads to gaseous form traps it in the intercellular spaces
an increased biosynthesis of ethylene which are (Musgrave et al., 1972). Endogenous
then perceived by the NR receptor, triggering the accumulation causes nodal adventitious root
transport of auxin towards the flooded part of the primordia to exert mechanical force on overlying
plant. The accumulation of auxin in the stem epidermal cells which result in epidermal
apoptosis (Steffens et al., 2012). The close Specific genes responsible for certain
relationship between ethylene and GA is steps in AR were also identified in numerous
established by experiments showing that ethylene studies. ROOT REDIFFERENTIATION (RRD)
alone can induce root emergence but GA cannot were identified in Arabidopsis (Sugiyama, 2003).
however presence of both results in growth. This RRD1 and RRD2 are for active cell proliferation
is explained via the GA signalling which involves while RRD4 is needed in hypocotyl generation
DELLA proteins. DELLA proteins accumulate in from callus. SCARECROW-LIKE1 and SHORT-
the nucleus as a response to ethylene while the ROOT genes identified from forest species are
response of DELLA to GA is mentioned in the found to be involved in the earliest stages of AR
above paragraph. Hence, a crosstalk is formed formation as they play a role in auxin-signaling
using this protein which links their relationship pathways in rooting-competent cuttings (Sanchez
(Steffens et al., 2006). While synergistic et al., 2007; Sole et al., 2008; Ricci et al., 2008).
relationship exists between GA and ethylene, PINHEAD/ZWILLE-like proteins were upregulated
abscisic acid exerts an antagonistic effect on during root initiation phase where they play a role
them (Steffens et al., 2006). in cell replication and cell wall weakening (Brinker
et al., 2004). Most importantly, Auxin Response
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a competitive Factors (ARFs) are transcription factors which
inhibitor of GA activity and of ethylene signaling regulate auxin response genes (Guilfoyle and
(Steffens et al., 2006). It is an important signal Hagen, 2007). They play an important role in
molecule for abiotic stress adaptation but also allowing auxin to produce its specific effects in
acts as a developmental signal. It is inhibitory on inducing AR. Aside from endogenous factors
seedling root growth (Beaudoin et al., 2000) and which affect AR induction; external factors are of
development of lateral roots (De Smet et al. relevance in determining a response.
2003). ABA negatively controls root emergence.
10uM of ABA resulted to a 50% decrease in AR When a stem cutting with axillary bud is
penetration in rice (Steffens et al., 2006). used to induce AR, rooting is exhibited. However,
Similarly, it inhibits root growth and was shown to when the buds are removed or the phloem
primarily act using the ethylene signaling beneath the node is removed, rooting is not
pathway. This was established because ABA was induced (Kibbler et al., 2004). Presence of leaves
not able to affect ethylene mutants. So far, only in a cutting help induce rooting because
the hormones central to AR formation has been carbohydrates and auxin from the leaf travel to
discussed. Equally important are the genes at the AR initiation sites (Koyuncu & Balta, 2004).
play to induce ARs. Polyphenol oxidase and IAA oxidase are group of
compounds known as rooting co-factors which act
Whole genome transcriptomic analysis synergistically with auxin to induce rooting in
reveals that genes associated with metabolism selected cuttings to induce AR (Jackson &
(GO Term: biological process) and catalytic Harney, 2011).
activity (GO Term: molecular process) are highly
upregulated in shoots subjected to AR stimulating Environmental factors such as moisture
factors (Park et al., 2017). In the context of and temperature are shown to be important in
hormone-associated genes, auxin genes are both adventitious root induction (Briske & Wilson,
up- and down-regulated while ethylene and GA- 1978). Their experiment utilized Bouteloua grama
associated genes are down-regulated. Cytokinin (Blue Grama) which needed 96% moisture and
related genes were found to be the same (Park et 15°C to form AR. Light intensity, duration and
al., 2017). oxygen concentration are equally important in AR
induction (Lee, 2011). The physiological status of
CYP79B3, a gene encoding cytochrome a plant should be also considered. This includes
P450 enzyme of auxin biosynthesis, was highly (1) stock plant health and etiolation, (2)
upregulated (Park et al., 2017). This is involved in carbohydrate content, (3) mineral nutrition, and
the indole-3-acetaldoxamine (IAOx) pathway (4) girdling. Factors for the selection of wood to be
among multiple pathways for auxin biosynthesis. used should also be considered and include the
Logically, auxin responsive factor genes are also following: (1) lateral versus terminal shoots (2)
significantly upregulated and as a consequence, proximal versus distal selections (3) flowering
transcriptional repressors of auxin elements are versus vegetative shoots and (4) ‘heel’ versus
downregulated (Park et al., 2017). ‘non-heel’ cuttings (Lee, 2011).
an increased biosynthesis of ethylene which then
Knowledge of AR induction mechanisms triggers the transport of auxin to the flooded part
and techniques are valuable because it is usually of the plant. The increased concentration of auxin
used in asexual reproduction of important crops. leads to the production of more ethylene, forming
Hence, knowledge derived from basic and applied a positive feedback loop, further increasing the
research regarding AR technologies are auxin concentration which initiates the
indispensable in agriculture and horticulture adventitious root formation. In line with this,
(Bagherabadi, 2016). cuttings with leaves showed more production of
adventitious roots since carbohydrates and auxin
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION from the leaf travel to the AR initiation sites.

In this experiment, we studied the The effects of other hormones such as

feasibility of the formation of adventitious roots by gibberellic acid and abscisic acid were also
hypoxia and phytohormone treatments in explored and the roles of genes such as
Chloranthus sp. seeds and cuttings. Both set-ups CYP79B3 and the RRD in adventitious root
yielded the same expected results and formation were identified.
successfully induced formation of adventitious
roots. Environmental factors affecting
adventitious root formation in Chloranthus were
The mechanisms of actions of the two not fully explored. Further research could look
treatments were also studied. Waterlogging leads into the effects of varying light intensities,
to a hypoxic environment due to the slow diffusion moisture, and temperature in Chloranthus
of gas in water. The hypoxic environment leads to adventitious root formations.

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Table IA. List of micronutrients and

macronutrients included
in the nutrient medium

Reagent Concentration

Ca(NO3)2 2mM

K2SO4 1.25mM

MgSo4 0.5mM

K2PO4 0.5mM

Fe-EDTA 90 uM

NaCl 50uM

H3BO3 25uM

MnSO2 2uM

CuSO4 0.5uM

H2MoO4 0.5uM

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