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Lesson Plans

unit of education :
class / semester :I/2
theme / topic : plants around me.
meeting to :5

A. Core Competencies
1. accept daan explain the religious teachings adopted.
2. memiliki honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, courteous, care and confidence dams
interact with family friends and teachers.
3. to understand factual knowledge by observing the hearing of reading and questioning based on
curiosity about himself, the creatures of the master and his activities and the objects he
encounters at the school house.
4. present factual knowledge in clear and logical and systematic language in esthetic work in
movements that reflect healthy children and in actions that reflect the child's playing behavior
and noble character
B. Basic Competencies


- detailing the expressions of thanksgiving, apology, help, and the giving of compliments,
invitations, notices, instructions and guidance to others by using spoken and orally
spoken languages that can be helped with vocabulary
- practicing expressions of gratitude, apology, help and praise by using polite language to
others verbally and in writing


- explaining and summarizing and reducing the number of yamg involves counting to
samapai amounts to 99 in daily life by linking the sum and subtraction
- solve daily life problems related to the sum and subtraction of numbers that involve
counting numbers samapai to 99
C. indicator


- make observations then mention the expression of praise correctly

- do praise oral / written neatly

- doing the sum of two counts using a concrete object

D. aim
- after observing the students can mention the expression of praise correctly.
- setelqh observed students can write oral expression praise neatly.
- by using the exercise questions in the student's book can explain how the sum of two
counts with a maximum of 100 using a concrete object correctly.
- using the exercise questions on the student's book can determine the sum of two counts
with maxima100 results with the help of concrete objects correctly.
E. learning materials


- the sum of two numbers


- giving praise
F. learning methods

approach : scientific.

Strategy : cooperative learning.ģ

Technique : example non example.

Methods : assignments, frequently asked questions, discussions and lectures

G. Learning Activities
1. Preliminary activities
- at the beginning of the teacher's learning greet the students, ask news, and print the
presence of students.
- students pray together in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs led by one
of the students piket.
- guru officer informed the activities to be performed on that day.
- guru inform the learning objectives that will is achieved after the learning activities are
implemented. The teacher performs an apperception by doing one of the following
activities: question and answer, reviewing some things about previous activities, sharing
experiences or other activities.
2. core activities
a. let's watch
- students observe a variety of crops and answer questions about the food tasting experience.
- students answer teacher questions and experience to explain the characteristics of the tree
according to the fruit produced.
- students refresh the teacher's explanation of the benefits and parts of the plant that can be
- the students are able to identify the pictures of the food that comes from the plants.
- The students practice planting the crops with the usual crops.
- The students practice writing by copying the words in the book.
b. Let's write
- students read the text about making soup vegetables with the mother.
- students practiced writing the expression of praise as the text read
c. let's practice
- students practice to solve the problem of summing by way of stacking down.
- Students are able to solve the problems in the book.
3. closing activities
1. teachers and students do reflection activities give the following questions:
- what did you learn today?
- how do you feel when you practice writing sentences of praise and solving math problems?
- what activities do you like best?
- what information do you want to know more about?
- how do you get the information?
- The teacher's continuing question on the reflection activity can be answered verbally or
in writing. If the teacher wants the students to write the answers to reflection questions,
students should have a special notebook for reflection
2. text activities ending in praying together in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs
led by one of the students of the picket officers.

assessment of learning

1. attitude assessment: observation during activity.

experience and recording of student attitudes during activity using observation sheet
2. assessment of knowledge.
written test: score
a. wrap food from plants.
key Answer: food derived from plants is corn, rice and tempeh
b. paired images of the usual parts of the plant eaten.
number of questions: 8 pieces.
maximum score: 100.
how to rate: correct number / 8 × 100.
key answer:
- orange part of fruit.
- sawi as leaf and batang.
- kol as bunga.
- singkong part root.
- kangkung part leaf and stem.
- padi buah.
- tebu part of batang.
- kedelai part of seed
c. questions of summing exercise.
number of questions: 5 pieces.
Score maximum 100.
value of each question 20.
key answer
1. 34 + 24 = 58
2. 27 + 30 = 57
3. 18 + 41 = 59
4. 33 + 34 = 67
5. 53 + 44 = 97

d. questions of sum exercises.

number of questions: 5 pieces.

maximum score 100.

value of each question 20.

key answer

1. 25 + 34 = 59

2. 59 + 40 = 99

3. 44 + 45 = 89
4. 66 + 12 = 78

5. 86 + 12 = 98

3. skills assessment
assessment of observation (observation)
rubric of human activity sentence praise
No Kriteria Baik sekali Baik Cukup Perlu bimbingan
( 86 – 100 ) ( 71 – 85 ) ( 61 – 70 ) (< 60 )
1 accuracy all the words there is one word that there are two the sentence is not
used in the is not related to the words that are related to the
sentence relate sentence of praise not related to sentence of praise
to the sentence the sentence
of praise of praise
2 clarity of very easy to easy to understand difficult to very elusive
sentence understand understand
3 spelling accuracy use punctuation there is one improper there are 2 - 3 has not been able
correctly spelling improper to use spelling
spellings correctly
4 the completeness all the complete there is one letter there are 2 - 3 still can not write
of the letters in letters missed letters missed a word
the word

Knowing, first grade

teacher principal

( ....................... ) ( ....................... )

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