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Intro into SAHE November 29, 2016


Anticipate | Respond | Transform

Anticipate The ART of Preventing Violence

“Victims of violence experience a wide variety of physical
We will educate our campus and emotional consequences, often leading to social and
community (student, staff, academic difficulties. Violence can lower the quality of life for
faculty, & administrators) to
all campus constituents, who may become fearful and restrict
assess a situation or
their activities out of concern for safety. In addition, violence
environment prior to a violent
affects the bottom line for colleges by increasing costs,
occurrence. Our ability to be
proactive can change the lowering retention, and absorbing resources that could be
outcome of an unknown otherwise used to further the academic mission.”
situation. Preventing Violence and Promoting Safety in Higher
Education Settings by Linda Langford, Sc.D.
We will train our campus ART Overview:
community to respond to Violence is an issue that can impact all aspects of
campus conflict in a safe and
campus life. The program ART is developed out of three
efficient manner. Conflict can
basic principles: Anticipate, Respond, and Transform.
vary by situation, so we hope
to provide relevant training Although campus is a relatively safe place to be,
sessions that will arm our programming can positively impact the way we handle
community with skilled and overcome crisis. As a student affairs professional,
response tools. you will be able to utilize advanced ACPA & NASPA
competencies, adhere to NASPA Standards, and
Transform incorporate development theory into the programming.
As a student, you will be able to change your
After any campus conflict, we
need time to reflect. We will community from within, by setting the example and
create a space for a campus attending programs that continue to keep college a
community to express their safe place. On the next page, you will find a sample of
evaluation or experience of a what a year of ART training sessions might look like for
violent occurrence, of any kind. your university. As you assess which programs might be
A campus community can be
best for your campus community, evaluate the need of
transformed through
your students and create a series of programs that
empathetic listening and
willingness to share. enhance the community outside of the classroom.

Shelly Neuhart 1
Intro into SAHE November 29, 2016

Is ART right for us? A Year of Recommended ART Sessions

Here are some of the ways ART
can benefit your university: Anticipate
Sessions can include, but are not limited to:
• Deeper Affinity to University Healthy Intimate Partnerships for Diverse Sexualities*
Gun Safety for Permit Carriers
• Increase Cultural Awareness
Inclusive Race & Ethnicity Open Dialogue
• Collaboration on Campus Alcohol and Drug Education
Disability Services & Counseling: Mental Health Awareness
• Increase Identity Awareness Respond
Programs can include, but are not limited to:
• Crisis Management Skills
ALICE Training (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)*
• Positive Police Relationships All Gender Identity Self Defense Courses
Conflict Resolution for Student Organizations
• Increased Retention Rates Bystander Training (How to React as an Observer)*

• Student Involvement Transform

Activities can include, but are not limited to:
Across Campus Support Groups
But we have no $$$… Special Topic Sessions (For Example, Stop Victim-Blaming)
Using Technology as a Safety Tool
If you are struggling to see how How to Trust Your Community After Violence Forum
ART can be implemented into the
budget for your university, take * Based on research of violence prevention, mandatory training
into account activities that may sessions related to campus conflict (specifically these items) can be
already be happening on an effective form of intervention prior to a violent action. We’ve
campus. For example, a campus expanded them to create more inclusive, dynamic sessions. Policies
police officer offers ALICE should be updated in accordance with the outcomes associated
training at Wright State University. with implementing ART.
Your multicultural center might
already offer an open dialogue
about race and how to create a
more inclusive culture on
campus. Use ART as a way to
increase the amount of services
and centers on campus that can
work together to include ART
programming throughout the
year. Any program that benefits
the prevention of violence can be
labeled an ART program, as long
as it benefits the campus
community you serve.

Shelly Neuhart 2

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