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Essay Assignment


SEMESTER 1 2012/13


ID : EP085959
ID : EP085446

Energy has been the main contributor towards the rapid growth of Malaysia’s
economy. As we progress towards becoming an industrial country, our dependence on
energy sector increases correspondingly. We are now facing the issue of sustainability that is
to ensure the security and reliability of energy supply and the diversification of the various
energy resources. As the economy continues to expand, our primary energy supply is
projected to grow at 2.8% a year, driven mainly by the demand for coal and gas in the
electricity generation sector and oil products in the transport sector. Within the last ten
years, the energy generating capacity has increased almost 20% from 13,000 MW in the year
2000 to 15,500 MW in the year 2009. Consequently, as the energy mix has primarily been
based on fossil fuel resources, this will impose tremendous pressure on the depleting
natural resources, with alarming consequences of climate change and energy security.

Therefore, in order to meet the increasing demand, energy supply infrastructure will
need to be continuously developed and at the same time ensuring its long-term energy
security and mitigating carbon emission by intensifying energy efficiency initiatives and
enhancing development of Renewable Energy (RE)sources such as solar and biomass for
sustainable development. To elaborate further about our national energy security and
sustainability the following questions are answer in the discussion; how do we efficiently
manage our “Energy Security & Sustainability” in Malaysia? How should our “Energy
Policies” be steered towards achieving energy security and sustainability for the future? How
can we minimize growth of energy consumption while enhancing economic development?
What needs to be done to facilitate the growth of the green technology industry and
enhance its contribution to the national economy?

How do we efficiently manage our “Energy Security & Sustainability” in Malaysia?

Energy security and sustainability of country is a very important matter to a country

as it associates between national security and the availability of natural resources for energy
consumption while having the capacity to endure long-term needs. Having a stable political
country puts Malaysia on the advantage site. We manage our energy supply with a well
regulated system; to ensure our national grid with stand the demand of consumer we made
connection with our neighbouring countries grid, such as Singapore and Thailand. In order to
sustain long term energy security Malaysia is progressively reducing the dependence on any
one source of imported energy. We now have our first solar and biogas power plant at
Pajam, Negeri Sembilan. This show our government effort to provide a greener energy
source that will last for long term. We also have look through of using nuclear power plant,
so far it have been a matter still under discussion. So far research is being conducted to find
ways to reduce our coal and petroleum usage as both of these sources is our main energy

How should our “Energy Policies” be steered towards achieving energy security and
sustainability for the future?
Energy policy in Malaysia should be steered in three main streams supply, utilization
and environmental. Our nation should have adequate, secure and cost-effective energy
supplies at all times, thus indigenous energy resources both non-renewable and renewable
energy resources using latest cost option should be developed. In term of utilization, the
policy should promote efficient energy usage and discourage wasteful and non-productive
patterns of energy consumption. Heavy industries and consumers should exercise efficient
energy usage. When it comes to environment, energy policy should imply stricter rules, such
that would minimize the negative impacts of energy production, transportation, conversion,
utilization and consumption on the environment. Other than the three main streams, energy
policy like renewable energy policy should intensify the development of renewable energy,
particularly biomass. We have many sources of biomass, up to 50% we could get from our oil
palm industry. With a great energy policies Malaysia could achieve energy security and
sustainability for the future.

How can we minimize growth of energy consumption while enhancing economic

There are many ways to minimize energy consumption while enhancing economic
developments. Energy efficient light sources, effective illumination and smart control system,
are among the best ways to use as you can lower down the overall power consumption of
your facilities. Efficient lighting can help to reduce operating cost by as much as 53 %.
Lighting control by occupancy sensor and day light sensor reduces the usage unnecessary
lighting around the building. Energy saving devices installed at distribution board helps to
regulate voltage that is to reduce or increase voltage according to usage. As we know
common florescent and HID or high density discharge lamps requires only 190 – 200 V, but
incoming power supply is 240 V. This solution also helps industries that are producing such
devices to develop as the number of consumer increases. Thus, by using energy saving
devices with smart control system not only reduces the energy consumption it also
enhances the economic development.

What needs to be done to facilitate the growth of the green technology industry and
enhance its contribution to the national economy?

More awards should be given out to industry which cultivates green technology in
their industry. Awards such as Malaysian Construction Industry award (MCIEA) helps
Constructions Company to come up with brilliant solution to greener technology and
sustainability. On 2010 “Anugerah Inovasi” was given to Putra Perdana Constructions for
building Suruhanjaya Tenaga’s Diamond Building. Usima SDN BHD won the “Anugerah
Amalan Terbaik Alam Sekitar”. Government should further encourage Malaysian business in
adopting practices that are socially responsible and environmentally friendly by undertaking
measures that will strengthen the green agenda and create benchmark for excellence in
sustainability, such as the Green Building Index (GBI) for the real estate sector. Malaysian
government should provide fiscal incentives to promote energy efficiency such as
Investments Tax Allowance, Pioneer Status and Import Duty and Sales Tax Exemption on
energy conservation equipment. The new rebate program (Sustainability Achieved via
Energy Efficiency Program) introduced by the government helps to facilitate the growth of
the green technology as it increases the demand for green technology.


As the growth of energy demands increases by each year our energy security and
sustainability need to be altered accordingly. We need to venture out to more green
technology as it is sustainable and environmental friendly. More solar powered or bio-gas
power plant should be built around specific area .Apart from promoting the use of
renewable energy to ensure the sustainability of energy supply and consequently of the
country’s sustainable economic development, the government of Malaysia must implement
energy efficiency program. Such programs would help to guide consumer to reduce their
power consumption. Giving rebate to green technology products not only attracts the
consumer but it reduces the power consumption as well.

Energy policies should be steered towards achieving energy security and

sustainability for the future of our country. Action like passing the Renewable Energy Act
(REA) by the government is a great move. National Petroleum Policy (1975) helps to ensure
optimal use of petroleum resources and regulation of ownership. It safeguards the
exploitation of petroleum, which restricts over usage of petroleum for power generation.

Green building should be practice throughout our country. As smart green building
practices offers an opportunity to create environmental friendly and resource efficient
building through using of integrated approach in its design and operation. Green building
like Surahan Jaya Tenaga Diamond building uses light from sun light to lit up the building
during the day, the amount of sun light enter just enough which ensures the building
temperature is not risen. Furthermore converting normal conventional lighting to LED
reduces the power usage up to half or more, to save more energy smart control unit could
be installed at the supply board which helps to monitor unnecessary wastage of power.

Generating a green energy alone wouldn’t help much if the demand of consumer
kept on increasing, thus by cultivating good energy usage among Malaysian and industries
could save our country from falling into energy crisis.



Bina Integriti (Excellence in construction) edition 10/11 issue 09; Article: Malaysian
Construction Industry Excellence Award (MCIEA).

The Business Advocate (Energy Conservation) volume 08 KDNNOPT5124/06/2012; Article:

Sustainability is Key Driver of Malaysian’s Future; Article: Interview with the Chairman of the
Prime Minister Hibiscus Award; Article: Nurturing Sustainability, Energy Efficient Lighting
Solutions That Work for You; Article: Paving the Way forward for ASEAN Power Grid

The Ingeniur vol50 Jun 2011- Aug 2011; Article: Engineering and Sustainability


Green Impact: Low Carbon Green Growth, Publisher: The Ministry of Energy, Green
Technology and Water in Collaboration with Green Purchasing Network Malaysia; Article:
Towards a Green Economy


The Star, Tuesday 12 June 2012; Article: Green and Sustainable


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