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Senior High School Department

Region 2
Division of Cagayan
Area/ Activity Highlights How did you implement? Issues and Challenges Resolutions
Opening of Classes/General Students and teachers come together The SSG convened the students and There were conflicts of schedules The teachers fixed the conflicts
Orientation of Students for the orientation of school rules and parents for an orientation, giving of and lack of classrooms on the first and requested junior high school
regulations. Further, schedules and schedules and assigning of classrooms. day of classes. classrooms to be used for the
classrooms were given. meantime.
Election of Classroom Officers Each class elects its own pool of The advisers met their respective There were objections from Others were given the chance to
officers. classes and elected their officers. students who do not want to be be officers.
1st General PTA Meeting/ Election Each class elects its own parent The parents elected their own The payment was delayed The fan was kept by the advisers.
of Parent Classroom Officers officers and discusses its plans and classroom officers and donated two because not all parents paid on
projects for the school year. fans for the classroom. time. Since not all parents paid,
only one fan was bought. Further,
the electric wirings had problems;
thus, the fan was not able to be
Building Work Immersion The school head and the senior high Drafted MOA in each program was There were provisions that The provisions were changed
Partnerships/ Linkages among school coordinator went around the presented to the owner/manager of establishments did not like to be according to how the company
Public and Private Establishments. town and the nearby town, Piat to the establishment. The establishment included. They also need minimal wants it. The school agrees to the
look for possible partners in Cookery/ deleted some provisions and included number of students so they can number of students the company
SMAW and GAS. some that should be observed during concentrate in training them. needs.
the work immersion. Furthermore,
they identified the number of students
they need in their company.
Nutrition Month Celebration The students joined nutri-jingle Students in contemporary arts were Re-scheduled time and venue. The contest was moved in the
contest and fruit carving competition. grouped into six and brought some afternoon and was transferred at
fruits to carve. Other students joined the SHS building.
the nutri-jingle contest.
SPORTS The school conducted Intramurals and The SHS advisers identified the best
participated in the TISAA, TESSAA and athletes in their respective classes for Budget for the athletes PTA gave a counterpart on their
Congressional Meet the Intramurals. The athletic collection of school fees.
coordinators chose the best athletes
for the TISAA and TESSAA Meet 2016.
The Tuao East Secondary Schools
Athletic Association selected their best
athletes for the Congressional Meet
Issuance of Cards Parents and Teachers convened for The principal scheduled a homeroom Parents’ absence The class adviser re-echoed to
some school matters for the issuance meeting for some important school the students the important
of cards. matters and for the issuance of matters discussed during the
students’ cards. Thereafter, a general meeting to inform their parents
assembly was conducted. about it.
Forging of MOA between the The school entered into MOA with The school’s work immersion focal Copies of the MOA for the agency The copies for the agency were
school and partner institution. partner institutions. person met with the industry partner were not given immediately due given when the signature of the
to forge a MOA with the agency. Upon to the signature of the principal, principal, SHS DepEd focal person
mutual agreement, the MOA was SHS DepEd focal person and SDS. and SDS were sought.
signed by both parties.
Meeting of Parents of Work The parents met for an orientation in Policies and guidelines of both the Parents’ absence The class adviser re-echoed to
Immersion students work immersion. school and the agency were discussed. the students the important
matters discussed during the
meeting to inform their parents
about it.
Send-off Program for Mr. Loreto B. Sending off the outgoing principal, Mr. A program was set, speakers were Rain poured on the venue. The teachers stayed at the
Oli Loreto B. Oli assigned to give tribute and a simple covered walk to continue the
lunch was served. program.
Welcome Program for Mrs. Maribel Welcoming the new principal of TVTS A simple program was prepared and a Rain poured. The talk of Mam Maribel was cut
S. Arellano simple merienda was served. short because of the unexpected
Quarterly Synchronized Earthquake Earthquake Drill A drill is done to prepare students Students were not serious on the The importance of the drill was
Drill from earthquake. drill. discussed in class.
Work Immersion Deployment of Deploying Work immersion students The students attended their first day There was no transportation. The coordinator followed up the
the first batch of the Cookery at Greenside Snacks and Resto Bar through an orientation program and request from the barangay for
students at Greenside Snacks and that very day, they started with the their shuttle to ferry the students
Resto Bar. activities of immersion. from school to work immersion
site and vice versa.
Work Immersion Deployment of Deploying of Work Immersion Immersion teachers introduced the The students had to commute Students looked for a boarding
the second batch of Cookery students in the different public and immersion supervisors and showed from Naruangan to Tuao West; house to be rented.
students/ SMAW / GAS private establishments. the immersion site. Orientation was thereby, causing tardiness in the
done thereafter. company.
Daily Company visit of Work The immersion teachers and school’s The immersion teachers and focal The students do not make use of The company and the immersion
Immersion teachers/ work partnership focal person visits the site person observe the immersion their vacant time wisely. teacher agreed to give other
immersion focal person regularly to check whether the students and interview the supervisors activities for the students to
activities at the immersion site as to the performance of the students. make them busy if there are no
conforms to the competencies to be The immersion teacher’s record and customers or clients.
achieved. coach students.
Homeroom Christmas Party Students attended the homeroom The principal asked the class advisers Budget of students for their The class advisers shared food for
Christmas Party. to plan a homeroom Christmas party. contribution the class.
The students prepared programs and
brought food.
Meeting of Parents of the NC2 Discussing the requirements for NC2 The teacher in charge of the NC2 Skills assessment The students had undergone
Takers Assessment Assessment oriented the parents on institutional assessment before
the requirements of NC2. going to the NC2 Assessment.
NC2 Assessment ( Cookery) NC2 Assessment The students submit themselves for The exam was scheduled during The teacher contacted the parent
skills certification test of TESDA. the holiday; so one student was and the student tried to reach
not informed. the venue on time.
Senior High School Day Festival of Talents cum Exhibit The program opened with Zumba The JHS lent budget for the needs
followed by different academic, and Lack of Budget during the SHS days. Activities
literary and musical activities and Overlapping of Activities done simultaneously were
exhibits of products in the different facilitated by teachers and
tracks and strands. Team Building students in charge.
activities, ball games and laro ng lahi
were also participated by the SHS
students. Movie houses were opened
for the different requirements of SHS
students to be viewed by the JHS
Meeting of Parents of the NC2 Discussing the requirements for NC2 The teacher in charge of the NC2 Skills assessment The students had undergone
SMAW takers Assessment Assessment oriented the parents on institutional assessment before
the requirements of NC2. going to the NC2 Assessment.
JS Promenade: A Night and a Dance The Grade 10 and 11 students enjoyed Students were divided into barangays There were outsiders inside the Outsiders were advised to keep
To remember the night with dances and and tables. Different awards were hall that irk the students. quiet.
acquaintance. given at the end of the show.
Election of The Supreme Student The President and Vice President Students filed their candidacy, had a The announcement was too The SSG met the objectives and
Government positions were given to the Senior general and homeroom campaign in a abrupt. timeline as stated in the
High School Department. day. Only one camp had formed their guidelines.
General Orientation of Parents on Orientation of Parents and Teachers The school convened the parents and Some parents are absent. Parents are asked to inform other
Random Drug Testing on Random Drug Testing. its employees for an orientation of the parents who did not attend the
random drug testing. The Principal, said orientation.
Guidance Counselor and SSG Adviser
delivered their separate talks on
random drug testing.
Symposium on Drug Awareness Making the students aware of the The LGU Tuao through the Municipal Time. The symposium started late The speaker fast track their
harmful effects of drugs Health Office together with the and ended late. lectures.
Philippine National Police conducted a
symposium on Drug awareness among
students of TVTS. There were
questions raised and whoever
answered the question correctly was
given a prize.
Recollection Students underwent a solemn The SHS Department invited a speaker Venue. Due to the disapproval of the
recollection of oneself and to inspire the students about the request of the Pavilion,
relationship to GOD. realities of life. Tabernacle of Joy was requested.
Deliberation of Awards Grade 11 and 12 awardees were Each award was deliberated according Questions were raised on the Upon reading and going through
deliberated according to guidelines to the guidelines and records of number of awardees in each the guidelines, all students
promulgated by the Department of teachers. category telling the highest should garnering a grade of 90 in work
Education. only be the one to get a gold immersion are given medals.
Recognition and Promotional Awarding of medals and Certificates to Awardees were called on stage There was no control over the It has been noted that
Rights academic and extra-curricular according to each category. audience leaving the hall while the recognition of grade 12 should be
awardees program is still on going. separated from lower years as
there are no more audience
watching them being recognized.
1st Senior High School Commencement Exercises of Grade 12 The TVTS system held a synchronized The commencement exercises The DepEd officials should stick
Commencement Exercises Students commencement exercises with a started late because they need to to the itinerary so other
representative from the National include in between the literary the schedules are not sacrificed.
Government as Commencement acceptance and confirmation of
speaker. Elementary graduates.
Filling out of School forms Completion of School forms Advisers and LIS coordinator fill out The amount of time given to Checking at the Division office
different firms for checking. Complete the forms for checking. should be done after all the
school programs.

Prepared by: Noted by:


SHS Coordinator Secondary School Principal II
Senior High School
Region 2
Division of Cagayan
Area/ Activity Highlights How did you implement? Issues and Challenges Resolutions
Drug Prevention and Awareness PNP –Tuao conducted Anti-Drug and Students were asked to attend and Students’ inattentiveness during Social Science teachers echoed
Symposium Anti-Bullying Symposium among participate actively during the “OPLAN the seminar. the important facts discussed
Senior High School Students DOUBLE BARREL” Dissemination during the seminar.
World Clean Up Day The school participated in the World SHS students cleaned their respective Lack of cleaning materials Students made use of their bare
Clean Up day. areas in the community. hands to pick dried leaves and
uproot grasses.
Home Visitation Teachers visited the houses of With the help of the guidance Some parents were not at home Parents were invited for a
absentee students. counsellor, teachers talked to the during the visit. dialogue in school.
parents and students to motivate
them to come back to school.
SPORTS The school conducted Intramurals and The SHS advisers identified the best
participated in the TISAA, TESSAA and athletes in their respective classes for Budget for the athletes PTA gave a counterpart on their
Congressional Meet the Intramurals. The athletic collection of school fees.
coordinators chose the best athletes
for the TISAA and TESSAA Meet 2016.
The Tuao East Secondary Schools
Athletic Association selected their best
athletes for the Congressional Meet

Prepared by: Noted by:


SHS Coordinator OIC, Related Subjects Department

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