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Which qnimqls con Uou see?

Lool< ot the picture. Con gou find the ten onimots?


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Which ports of the onimcrls c<rn gou see?

Choose five qnimqls ond words from the box.Write sentences.

Exomple: I con see q monl<eg's heqd ond tqi[.

I lconseeo heqd
2 lconseeq toil
3 I con see ... legs
4l bodg
Listen ond colour the snqkes.
Reod the sentences. Look ot these pictures ond of the picture in A.
Whot ore the onimols?


q h I f--P- o

I'm big ond greg. I live next to wqter in Africo.

1 I'm green. I've got o long mouth ond teeth. I eot meot.You cqn find me in
ond next to wqter in Centrol qnd South Americq, SoutheqstAsio,Africq,
lndio ond Austroliq. ctc
2 I [ive in trees. I eqt bqnqnos. I've got q tqit. om
3 I'm [ong. I eqt meqt. I hoven't got legs. CIS

4 I'm smo[[ ond tong. I eot insects. I cqn run. ql

5 I'm smq[[. I con ftg. I eot plonts ond smoll onimots.
I con sing. ob
5 I'm verg smqtl. Cots don't like me. I con run. om
7 I cotch insects qnd eot them. I've got eight [egs. qS

8 I eqt gross. I've got four legs ond mg bodg is white (or btock!).
People mqke ctothes from mg woot. os
9 You con find me in the seo. | love swimming. qf
l0 I tike meot. I con run. I tive in Asio.
I'm oronge qnd blqck ond I've got o toi[. clt
1l We get mitk from this qnimot. She's got four
legs ond eqts grqss. clc
12 This smotl onimol lives on ond in woter. lt eqts
insects qnd cqn iump. of

Ptog the gome! O ond X.

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