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CIVE 424 University of Balamand

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N Fares Formula sheet

Mohr's circle: Given: (axx , ayy , axy ) Then: Mohr's center: ( (axx + ayy ) / 2, 0); Mohr's radius = a2xy + (axx - ayy )2  4

Strain-displacement relations: Equilibrium equations: Stress-traction relations:

∂ux 1
∂x 2
 ∂u
+ ∂ux
 ∂σxx ∂σ
ϵ = ∂x
+ ∂yxy = 0 σxx nx + σxy ny = Tx
 ∂u
+ ∂ux
 ∂uy
∂y ∂σxy ∂σ σxy nx + σyy ny = Ty
+ ∂yyy = 0 where : n+ is the unit normal vector
sfinal +
Δℓpath = ∫ sinitial t(s) · ϵ(s) · +t(s) × ⅆℓ (Fx +ı + Fy +2) = ∫line (Tx +ı + Ty +2) ⅆ ℓ
1-ν 2

E (1-ν) Eν
0 ϵx ϵx E
- ν (1+ν)
0 σx
(1+ν) (1-2 ν) (1+ν) (1-2 ν)
Plane strain σ-ϵ relations: σy = Eν E (1-ν)
0 · ϵy ⇔ ϵy = - ν (1+ν) 1-ν2
0 · σy
σxy (1+ν) (1-2 ν) (1+ν) (1-2 ν) ϵxy ϵxy σxy
0 0 2G 0 0 2G
E Eν - Eν 0
σx 1-ν2 1-ν2
0 ϵx ϵx E σx
Plane stress σ-ϵ relations: σy = Eν
0 · ϵy ⇔ ϵy = - Eν 1
0 · σy
σxy ϵxy ϵxy 1 σxy
0 0 2G 0 0 2G

E = 2 G (1 + ν) (both plane strain and plane stress)

Beams (coordinates x, y are relative to CG and are as shown below):

M -Ix -Ixy κ κ -I I M
 x= E  x   x  = E1 I I 1- I2  y xy   x 
My -Ixy -Iy κy κy y x xy Ixy -Ix My
1 1
σbend = E κx y + E κy x σbending = ( Ixy My + Iy Mx ) y - (Ix My + Ixy Mx ) x
Iy Ix - I2xy Iy Ix - I2xy

y ( Ix My + Ixy Mx )
tanϕ = xNA = (ccw from x; yNA and xNA are coordinates of the line of the section's neutral axis)
NA ( Iy Mx + Ixy My )

(Ixy My +Iy Mx )2 + (Ix My +Ixy Mx )2 (Ixy My +Iy Mx )2 + (Ix My +Ixy Mx )2

σbend = × yNA ⇒ σbend max = × yNA max
Iy Ix - I2xy Iy Ix - I2xy
1 1
or σbend max = Max  (Ixy My + Iy Mx ) y - (Ix My + Ixy Mx ) x
all points (x, y) on boundary Iy Ix - I2xy Iy Ix - I2xy

Torsional stiffness:
T=GJθ (T: torque, G: shear modulus, J: torsion section modulus, θ: twist per length; total rotation = θ L)
1 1 b3 h3
Jcircular = π R4out - π R4in Jelliptic = π (b: half width, h: half height)
2 2 b2 +h2
Jthin-walled piecewise uniform-thickness open sections = ∑i = all parts Jpart i = ∑i = all parts  13 Li h3i  ith piece has length and thickness Li , hi )
4 A2m ds perimeter of midline
Jthin-walled single loop closed sections = ds (if uniform thickness ⇒ ∫
mid line h
= h
∫mid line h

Maximum stress excluding stress-concentrations:

T Rout 2T
τmax circular = Ip
τmax elliptic = Max[ , 2T
b h2 π b2 h π
] (b: half width, h: half height)
Ti hmax
τmax thin-walled piecewise uniform-thickness open sections = G hmax θ = Ji
(Ti and Ji are for specific section)
τmax thin-walled single loop closed sections = 2A h θ = 2A h
m min m min

Thin-walled pressure vessels:

σt σm p 1+(f ' (z))2 
+ Rm
= t
and use horizontal cuts with FBD to get σm . Note: Rm = - and Rt = r 1 + (f ' (z))2
(f '' (z))
If r=f(z) and ‘θ’ is the angle of the tangent to the curve f(z) with the z-axis then cos (θ) = 1  1 + ( f ' (z))2

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