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Oral Comprehension (Block 1): _____ / 20
Name: __________________________ Oral Production (Block 2): _____ / 20
Reading Comprehension (Block 3): _____ / 30
Class: __________________________ Written Production (Block 4): _____ / 30
Total: ______ / 100

Learning Standards Tests
The Spectrum Learning Standards Tests provide a convenient way to assess your students’ progress. Based on the
learning standards outlined by the LOMCE, these tests evaluate students’ linguistic competence over the course of the
school year. During the year, all standards are assessed thoroughly.

Learning Standards Tests are provided for every unit. A complete exam featuring all learning standards is provided for
use at the end of each term, and at the end of the year.

Evaluation Criteria
In the Spectrum Learning Standards Tests, you will find activities which assess Oral Comprehension (Listening: Block
1), Oral Production (Speaking: Block 2), Reading Comprehension (Block 3), and Written Production (Block 4).

Each unit test evaluates a range of standards, chosen based on their relevance to the unit content. Over the school
year, the full range of learning standards is evaluated in depth to ensure that students have a strong linguistic
knowledge base.

In addition to the written tests, you can use the evaluation rubrics in your Oxford programación to assess your students
in class. These are provided for each unit, and contain useful evaluation criteria mapped to regional learning standards.

In order to guarantee a robust evaluation of all learning standards, we recommend using a combination of written tests
and continuous evaluation, such as classroom presentations, debates and written portfolio tasks.

Scoring for Learning Standards Tests

The following marks are awarded for the unit Learning Standards Tests:
Oral Comprehension (Block 1): 20
Oral Production (Block 2): 20
Reading Comprehension (Block 3): 30
Written Production (Block 4): 30

About this material

Tests are available in PDF and editable format, allowing you to customize the tests to your specifications.
Use the audio files from the Teacher Resource Disc in combination with the Oral Comprehension activities.

Unit 5 test
Oral comprehension (listening) / Reading comprehension / Block 3
Block 1 (20 marks) (30 marks)
Standard 1.3 Standard 3.5
4 Read the story extract. Complete with the words.
1  Listen to the conversation. What is the survey
(10 marks)
about? Choose the correct answer (a–c).
(4 marks) angrily best excitedly quickly shiny
a spending habits
b lifestyles ‘Oh, it’s beautiful,’ exclaimed Karen. She was looking
c free-time activities at the pretty, (1) _____ silver necklace in her friend’s
2  Listen again and complete the sentences.
‘Isn’t it? My mum gave it to me yesterday as a present
(16 marks)
for doing well in my exams.’ said Suzy (2) ______. ‘Do
1 The survey is about the ____________ of British you know what you’re going to wear to the party
____________. tomorrow night?’
2 The boy spends most of his money on
‘Oh, just a pair of jeans and a top,’ replied Karen, while
____________ and his ____________. thinking sadly how Suzy’s necklace would go so well
3 The boy says that ____________ and eating with her outfit. This was the party of year and she
____________ food make him feel good. wanted to look her (3) ______.
4 The boy isn’t good at making ____________
Later that day, on her way home from school, Karen
because he is quite ____________. stopped outside the jeweller’s. She was just about to
turn away from the window display, when she saw the
Oral production (speaking) / Block 2 necklace inside the shop. She went in and ran
(20 marks) (4) _____ towards it. Her face dropped when she saw
the price tag. It was £30 – £10 more than she had in
Standards 2.4 and 2.5 the bank. Then a terrible thought came to her – why
can’t I have it when my friend can? She quickly looked
around to see if anyone was watching and then
3 In small groups, talk about your abilities at
different stages in your life, and think about reached out for the necklace. As she was about to put
what makes people happy. Decide on the 3 most it in her pocket, she looked up to see a store detective
important things for happiness. (20 marks) standing (5) _____ in front of her with his hand out for
• What things could you do well when you were a the necklace.
child? What things can you do well now? What With red cheeks and her head down, Karen followed
can’t you do well? the store detective to the office where he called her
• What things do your parents allow you to do? mum to tell her of Karen’s theft. Karen’s face got
What don’t they allow you to do? redder and tears started to fall when her mum arrived
• What things / activities make you happy? What do and angrily gave Karen her punishment. ‘No friends
and definitely no parties for a month!’, she shouted
you think makes most people happy?
• When do people in your country usually leave
home? Where do they go? What are the
5 Read the story again. Did Karen benefit from the
advantages and disadvantages of leaving home theft? Why / Why not? (5 marks)
for most teenagers?

Unit 5 test
Standard 3.4
6 Read this online Encyclopaedia entry about There has been a lot of research into happiness.
happiness. Which of these phrases best
Researchers found that many people believe that
describes its content? (3 marks)
money, a dream job or a big house will make them
a Money can’t buy happiness.
b Exercise is the key to happiness.
c What makes us happy? Scientists found that people feel happier when they
have an experience rather than when they buy
7 Read the text again. Complete the sentences something. For example, buying something that you
with one or two words. (12 marks) want will make you happy for about two weeks.
1 According to the article, most people believe that However, the feelings created from having an
if they _________ material things, it will make enjoyable experience, like spending time with
them _________. friends or family, are longer lasting than when we
buy something.
2 The feeling of happiness after we buy something
usually disappears after _________. Did you know that exercise can make you happy?
Researchers did experiments with people suffering
3 Spending time with _________ or _________
from depression. The people were asked to do just
can provide a longer lasting feeling of happiness. 30 minutes of exercise a day, like walking, running,
4 Doing just _________ of exercise a day can swimming or cycling. The results showed a
improve your _________. significant improvement in their mood after doing
5 Sharing a _________ can make you feel more
connected to _________ . Hobbies are also important for well-being. Hobbies
can make you healthier because they reduce stress
6 _________ a new skill makes you feel
by making you forget about problems and focusing
_________ about yourself. your mind on something else. Hobbies are also a
great way to make new friends. Sharing a common
interest can make you feel connected to others.
Learning a new skill through a hobby also increases
your self-esteem and this also makes you feel more

Unit 5 test
Writing / Block 4 (30 marks)
Standard 4.1
8 Choose a website that you know. Complete the questionnaire to give your feedback on the website. Use the
prompts to help you. Write about 130 words. (30 marks)

Name of website: ______________________________

How often do you visit the site?

Every day  Several times a week 

Once a week  Several times a month 
Once a month  Less than once a month 

Would you recommend this website?

Yes  No 

What two things do you like about the website (design, content, navigation etc.)? Give examples.




What two things don’t you like about the website (design, content, navigation etc.)? Give examples.




How could the website make improvements? Give two suggestions.




Rate the website. Circle 1–5.

1 2 3 4 5

How did you hear about the website?

Search engine 
A website 
Newspaper / Magazine 
Friend 
Other 
Thank you for your feedback.


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