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NAMA / KELAS : ...............................................X AP123


Cros a,b,c,d or e for the right answer
Text for no.1-5
Fom :
To :
Dear via,....
Hello i am tiara diva.thank you very much for sending me an email have told
me about personal identity. I’ll let you knowabout me. My full name is tiara diva larasati.but you can
call metiar or diva. I’m seventeen years hoby is dancing.i love dancing very much. My mother
is a tradisional i often practicing dance with her. I live in solo.i study in solo senior high
school.i have a sister.she like dancig too. On Sunday and Wednesday, we practice dancing in our
teacher’s house.what about you? What is your hoby? I think that my reply. I’ll be waiting your reply
1. Who send the email ?
a. Tia b. Solo senior high school c. Via d.vianka e. Beta
2. Whom is email the email for ?
a. Solo junior high school b. Tiara c. Diva d.via e.dancing competion
3. What is email about ?
a. Telling about hobby d. Telling about personal identity
b. Telling about school e. Telling about dancing
c. Telling about movie
4. How old is tiar ?
a. 16 years old b. 18 years old c. 17 years old d. 15 years old e. 19 years old
5. Where does tiar live ?
a. Solo b. Bandung c. Surabaya d. Makasar e. Bali
Text For no 6 – 10
Hello (6) is hatta. i........(7) a student. I live on cocak 2 street. (8).........father is an
accountant and my mother is...........(9) teacher. I go to school by bicycle. My bicycle (10)
6. a. His b. Their c. Her d. My e. Our
7. a. Is b. Are c. Was d. Were e. Am
8. a. His b. Their c. Her d. Were e. Am
9. a. The b. An c. This d. A e. Were
10. a. Are b. Is c. Was d. Am e.were
Text for no 11 – 15
Singapore is a city state, it is a city but it is also a state. It is a republik. Along with indonesia,
malaysia, thailand, the philipines, and brunei. It is belong to ASEAN, the assosiation of south – east
Like indonesia,singapore is country of “ BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA” , chines, malay ,
indians, and eurasians make up its citizens , other asians , including indonesians, japanes, philipines,
korean , thais, and arabs also live o that tyni island. Singapore is sometimes called “ instant asia “
because you can see varieties of custom, culture, and foods of nearly all asia in singapore.
11. The text mainly talk about singapore as....................
a. An island c. A city state e. Bhineka tunggal ika
b. A republic d. A member of ASEAN
12. Singapore citizens consist of.....................
a. Brunei and indians c. Chinese,indians,arabs and malay e. Egypt, turkey
b. Chinese, thais and arabs d. Eurasians and philippines
13. What is the cshematic structure of the text...........................
a. General classification – identification
b. General classification – description
c. Identification – description
d. Description – identification
e. Orientation – identification
14. “ Tiny “ the text means......................
a. Cute b. Huge c. Small d. Narrow e. Giant
15. What is purpose of the text..........................
a. To describe singapore
b. To entertain the reader about singapore
c. To explain about singapore
d. To tell about singapore
e. To make singapore trending topic
Text for no 16 – 20
All student are obliged to joint a study tour. ;eaving tommorow ,july 6 ,2017.each student who does
not joint the tour study fill in the form and seek for approval from the head master. Return the filled
and approved forms to SBO’ before july 1, 2017.
16. Whom is the anoouncement addressed to ?............
a. All teachers and students d. All student of the school
b. All 10th grade student e. The headmaster
c. All people in the world
17. When will they leave ?.....................
a. Today b. Tommorow c. Next week d. Yesterday e. tonight
18. Whos aproval shoul the studentas if they don’t joint the tour ?...........
a. Their teachers c. Their headmasters e. Their classmates
b. Their parents d. Their leaders
19. Who is the headmaster of the school ?...............
a. The leader b. The reader e. Johan pamungka M.Kom
b. The writer d. Student 0f 10th grade
20. Is the announcement is for the tenth grade only ?
a. Yes its was c. No it wasn’t e. Yes it will
b. Yes it is d. No it is
Dialogue for number 21 – 25
Situation : Bimo visit abel house.
Bimo : hello , abel
Abel : hello bimo, please sit down !
Bimo : Thank you,you have a beautiful living room
Abel : thank you
Bimo : it’s not to large but comfortable.
Abel : it’s kind of you to say so
Bimo : who decorates this all
Abel : my mum, she renovated it twice
Bimo : nice
Abel : my mum love decorating room
Bimo : i love decoration. This is so lovely
Abel : thank you
21. Where are they ?
a. At school b. In bimo’s house c. In abel’s house d. In a library e. At park
22. How is abel livingroom?
a. Small but comfortable d. Small and dirty
b. Large,but dirty e. Not too large but comfortable
c. Beautiful and small
23. Does abel’s mother love decorating ?
a. Yes she did b. Yes she does c. No she doesn’t d. Yes she will e. No she wont
24. How many time did abel’s mum renovate the living room...?
a. Once b.twice c. Three time d. Four time e. Five time
25. From the dialogue ,we know that bimo....?
a. Compliment abel’s living room d. Ask compliment to abel
b. Tell his house detail e. Ask for care to abel
c. Show his sympathy to abel
Dialogue for 26 – 30
Rio : hi,budi why did mrs.iriana call you before?
Budi : she just said that i got scholarship
Rio : really ? wow ! congratulation !
Budi : thak’s is so nice of you to say so
Rio : it must be because you’re so clever,right?
Budi : well she said so, i don’t think i am that clever thought.
Rio : come on ! you are being too modest,budi. Well i hope you can stay this
Clever or even better.
Budi : thank you again rio.
26. How many people are there in the dialogue ?
a. Four b. Five c. Two d. Six e. Three
27. Why did mrs.iriana call budi ?
a. Because he did something wrong
b. Because he cheating in his examination
c. Because he got scholarship
d. Because he found a difficulty in english lesson
e. Because mrs.iriana wanted to talk budi
28. What does the boy get ?
a. A gift b. A scholarship c. A medal d. A throphy e. A house
29. The underline sentence is the expresion of............?
a. Complimenting d. Asking for something
b. Disagreeing e. congratulation
c. Asking for opinion
30. “ come on ! you are being too modest,budi “ what the under line means ?....
a. Melemah b.memaksa c. Berhati mulia d. Merendah e. Meninggi
Text for 31 – 35
Actor and actresses audition
For albert’s play
The naughty mousedeer
We are (31)..........for new actors and actresses to joint with angle’s drama club. We plan to
(32)............the play of the naughty mousedeer on Saturday, september 9th 2017 in the school
(33)........of SMA jaya.
The audition will be (34)...........on Monday to Saturday,august 31st –september 5th 2017 in
based camp of angel’s drama club,at SMA jaya solo. It is (35).......... at 1 to 3 p.m . for all of student
,who want join,please come with student caed and photo. Read and understand the script of the play
first for the audition. There is a big opportunity for you be a famous actor or actress by joining with
angel’s drama club.
31. A. Search b. Searching c. Searches d. Searched e. Sheared
32. A. Performed b. Perform c. Performs d. Perfoming e. Perfomance
33. A. Hall b. Coridor c. Garden d. Office e. Laboratory
34. A. Hold b. Holding c. Holds d. Held e. To be held
35. A. Starting b. Start c. Starts d. Started e. For starting

II. Answer question bellow...........................!

36. Write expression of personal introduction ....

37. Write expression of intention..............
38. what is mean the word bellow :
a. compare :
b. prepare :
c. achievement :
d. complementing :
39. write sentence using following :
a. smooth skin :
b. long black hair :
40. write an announcement free theme..........

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