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Queen’s University at Kingston

CHEE 319 - Winter 2014

Process Dynamics and Control
M. Guay
Quiz 1


1. This is a 50 minute examination.

2. Please write your student number instead of your name on all answer booklets and sheets

3. Please state all assumptions made.

4. Calculators are permitted.

5. This is an open-book examination. Textbooks, course notes, assignment and midterm solu-
tions are allowed.

6. Please answer all questions.

7. There are three (3) pages in the question booklet.

8. Good luck!

Please note: “If the instructor is unavailable in the examination room and if doubt exists as to
the interpretation of any question, the candidate is urged to submit with the answer paper a clear
statement of any assumptions made. ”

Question 1 30 Marks

Figure 1 provides the schematic description of a salt mixing tank. An aqueous salt solution enters
the tank at a flow rate Fs (m3 /s) and concentration cA0 (kg/m3 ). Water enters the tank at a flow
rate Fi (m3 /s). The salt solution leaves the tank at a flow rate Fo (m3 /s) and concentration cA
(kg/m3 ). The liquid level in the tank is denoted by h. The solution in the mixing tank is assumed
to be well-mixed. The liquid density, ρ (kg/m3 ), is equal and constant in all streams. The cross
sectional area of the tank is denoted by A (m2 ).

The liquid level in the tank and the salt concentration at the outlet is assumed to be measured. Two
pumps are available to adjust the inlet flow of salt and the outlet flow from the tank, respectively.
The objective is to design a control system to control the tank level, h, and the salt concentration,
cA .

cA0 , Fs

cA , Fo

Figure 1: Salt mixing tank.

For this process, you are asked to perform the following:

1. Identify the inputs and outputs of the system. Classify inputs as disturbances or manipulated

2. Develop a dynamic model that describes the relationship between the inputs and outputs.

3. For your specific choice of inputs and outputs, is the dynamical control system linear or


• The outputs are the level h and the salt concentration cA . (1 mark) The inputs are Fi , Fs ,
Fo and cAo (1 mark). Fi and cA0 are disturbances (1 mark). Fs and Fo are manipulated
variables as both streams are equipped with pumps (1 mark).

• Total mass balance:

= ρFs + ρFi − ρFo .
Since ρ and A are constants, we can rearrange and isolate dh
dt to obtain:
dh 1
= (Fs + Fi − Fo )
dt A
(7 marks)
A component balance on the salt gives:
dcA Ah
= cAo Fs − cA Fo
(2 marks) This is rewritten as:
dcA dh
Ah + AcA = cAo Fs − cA Fo .
dt dt
(3 marks)
Upon substitution of dt , we obtain:
Ah + cA (Fs + Fi − Fo ) = cAo Fs − cA Fo .
Rearranging and isolating dt , the following equation is obtained:
dcA Fs Fi
= (cAo − ca ) − cA .
dt Ah Ah
(10 marks)

• The control system:

dh 1
= (Fs + Fi − Fo )
dt A
dcA Fs Fi
= (cAo − ca ) − cA
dt Ah Ah
is nonlinear. (4 marks)

Question 2 10 Marks

Consider the following Laplace domain function, compute the corresponding time-domain function.
If applicable, use the final value theorem to compute the limit limt→∞ y(t).

1. Y (s) = s+4
s(s+3)(s+2)(s2 +6s+8)


We first factor the denominator to its simplest form. That is, we factorize the second order term
(s2 + 6s + 8) = (s + 2)(s + 4). (1 mark) This yields:
Y (s) = .
s(s + 3)(s + 2)2
By partial fraction expansion, we obtain: (1 mark)
α1 α2 α3 α4
Y (s) = + + + .
s s + 3 (s + 2) 2 s+2
By Heaviside expansion, the αi are given by:

1 1
α1 = sY (s)]s=0 = = ,
(s + 3)(s + 2)2 s=0 12
(1 mark) 
1 1
α2 = (s + 3)Y (s)]s=−3 = =− ,
s(s + 2)2 s=0 3
(1 mark) 
1 1
α3 = (s + 2) Y (s)
=− ,

s=−2 s(s + 3) s=−2 2
(1 mark)

2s + 3 1
α4 = (s + 2)2 Y (s) =− 2 = .
∂s s=−2 s (s + 3) 2
s=−2 4
(2 marks) As a result, one obtains:

1 1 1 1
Y (s) = − − 2
+ .
12s 3(s + 3) 2(s + 2) 4(s + 2)
Taking the inverse Laplace gives the following:
1 1 1 1
y(t) = L−1 [Y (s)] = − e−3t − te−2t + e−2t .
12 3 2 4
(3 marks)

The limit of y(t) as t → ∞ exists. The final value is given by sY (s)]s=0 = 1

12 . (1 mark)

Question 3 10 Marks

Using Laplace transforms, solve the following second order ordinary differential equations:

1. 
d2 y(t) dy(t) 0, t<1 dy(0)
+ 3 + 2y(t) = , = 0, y(0) = 0.
dt2 dt 2, t≥1 dt

Solution: Taking the Laplace transform on both sides yields:

s2 Y (s) + 3sY (s) + 2Y (s) = e−s
(1 mark for taking the Laplace of the RHS, 1 mark for taking the Laplace of the delayed step)
Solving for Y (s) yields:
Y (s) = .
s(s2 + 3s + 2)
We factorize the denominator as follows:
Y (s) =
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
(1 mark) We then compute the inverse Laplace transform of the undelayed part of the solution. By
partial fraction, we obtain:
2 α1 α2 α3
= + + .
s(s + 1)(s + 2) s s+1 s+2
By Heaviside expansion:

α1 = sY (s)]s=0 = = 1,
(s + 1)(s + 2) s=0

(1 mark) 
α2 = (s + 1)Y (s)]s=−1 = = −2,
s(s + 2) s=−1
(1 mark) 
α3 = (s + 2)Y (s)]s=−2 = = 1,
s(s + 1) s=−2
(1 mark)

As a result,  
−1 2
g(t) = L = 1 − 2e−t + e−2t .
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
(2 marks) The final solution is the delayed function given by:

0 t<1
y(t) = .
1 − 2e−(t−1) + e−2(t−1) t ≥ 1

(2 marks)

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