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Presentation Text:

Southeast Asia School Principal Forum (SEASPF)

The Roles Of School Principal In Supervision For Educational

Quality Improvement :

As Been Adopted and Practised By The Principal Of Convent

Peel Road Secondary School.

Slide 1


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all of you ladies and


I am Asiah binti Husin, the school principal of Convent Peel Road

Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I’m here to share some interesting activities related to the

school supervision best practices for the betterment of teaching and
the overall school quality.

Slide 2

Now, I am going to tell briefly on my school profile.

Slide 3

These are the different views of Convent Peel Road Secondary

School. It is a city school concept architecture which is a 9-storey
high-rise building. We have just moved to this new building about one
year ago. It is located about 3 km from the city centre of Kuala

Slide 4

These are the views of the surrounding area of the school, whereby
the photos were taken from the 6th floor of the building. From here we
can see clearly the well-known Petronas Twin Tower, and The Kuala
Lumpur Tower. Most of the students in my school live at the nearby
flats as shown.

Slide 5

Convent Peel Road Secondary School is an all girls school. Located

in the city of Kuala Lumpur, it is a public government school and
categorised as a grade A school. The schooling time is one session
starting from 7:20am to 2:00pm (except on Monday at 2:40pm &
Friday at 12:40pm). It was established 64 years ago in 1949.

Slide 6

This year the total number of the students enrolled is 1066, which is
from multi-racial students, consisting of 57% Malays , 28% Indians,
13% Chinese and other races at 2% (mainly Indonesians & Thais).
The number of academic staff is 69, consisting of 60 (87%) women
teachers and 9 (13%) men teachers.

Slide 7

The School Vision is Prime School Generates Excellent Generation

Slide 8

The School Mission is Developing Individual Potential Through

Quality Education

Slide 9

The School Motto is Simple In Virtue Steadfast In Duty

Slide 10

Now we go the topic of the conference, that is The Roles Of School

Principal In Supervision For Educational Quality Improvement.

Slide 11

Supervision broadly refers to the professional guidance and support

by the school principal as the education manager in the school.

Slide 12

The Roles Of Supervision For Educational Quality Improvement

include the followings :

1. Checking on the proper preparation of the teachers for teaching

and learning.
2. Advising on the appropriateness of the teaching and learning
materials in use.
3. Advising on the school climate or condition.

Slide 13

The Roles Of Supervision For Educational Quality Improvement

include the following :

4. Promoting curriculum change and innovation.

5. Attending to the welfare of the students and teachers.
6. Attending to institutional problems.
7. Monitoring policy implementation.

Slide 14

This is my school administration staff. My surbordinates are consisting

of senior assistants and heads of departments.

Slide 15

The School Infrastructures & Facilities

Slide 16

Here are some of the infrastructures in my school, such as staff room,

co-curricular room, school kiosk, art room...

Slide 17

We also have Life Skills Workshop, prayer room, meeting room,

school office,....

Slide 18

School gallery, classroom, library, access centre...and some more

Slide 19

Ladies and gentlemen,

These are the best practices in Convent Peel Road Secondary

School, and shall be highlighted for the sharing:

1 The Reach of Love Programme

2 The Caring Programme
3 The Art Subject As The School Niche Area
4 The Future Leaders Programme
5 The School Toolkit
6 To Uphold Bahasa Malaysia and To Strengthen The English

Slide 20

(1) The Reach Of Love Programme.

Slide 21

This programme is to instill a standard routine practice in learning


Condition before the best practise :

1 Some of the teachers did not prepare the lesson plan

properly before the teaching and learning processes.
2 Some of the teachers did not follow The Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) during teaching and learning session.

Slide 22

Problem solving strategy :

By using the approach of MBWA, the school principal will drop-by to

the classroom to check on the teacher’s record book and adoption of
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for teaching and learning

Key point of success :

Most of the teachers have followed the SOP and prepare their daily
lesson plan accordingly and properly.

Slide 23

Degree of achievement :

As a result, the teaching and learning processes have shown to be

more interesting and lively than before.

Sustainability : The approach of MBWA is an ongoing process.

Slide 24

This is the sample of daily lesson plan whereby the teacher should
properly plan and write in the teacher’s record book before he or she
enters the classroom.The daily lesson plan consists of class / time,
topic / theme / learning outcome, objective, activities, thinking skills,
teaching aids, scientific skills, scientific attitude, and reflection.

The reflection should be done and written after the learning and
teaching processes are over. The teacher should make use of the
reflection to plan for the next daily lesson for that particular class /

Slide 25

Now I am showing The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in

teaching and learning sessions as been adopted for my school.

1 Readiness for teaching & learning before entering the

2 Puntuality in entering the classroom
3 Greeting to the students
4 Ensure the students respond to the teachers’ greeting
5 Checking on students attendance & mark the attendance in
the classroom control book

Slide 26

6 Managing the cleanliness of the classroom

7 Ensuring the students tables & chairs are properly arranged
8 Ensuring all the students are in good discipline & ready for
the lesson
9 Advising, motivating or taking action on the indiscipline
10 Starting the teaching & learning process when the students
are ready

Silde 27

11 Teaching & educating the students with full commitment

12 Using multi-teaching & learning method to get students’
13 Ensuring the teaching objective is achieved
14 Understanding the “duty of care” in the classroom
15 Prohibiting the use of hand-phone in the classroom

Slide 28

16 Do not do personal work during teaching & learning session

17 Do not leave the classroom during teaching & learning
18 Do not sit down when delivering the lesson unless the
teacher is having health problem
19 Giving exercises in the classroom (based on student-
centered teaching & learning

Slide 29

20 Supervising & guiding the students while they are doing their
exercises in the classroom
21 Giving homeworks or exercises after every teaching &
learning session
22 Inculcating the ‘thank you’ culture
23 Evaluating students’ assigments, giving comments and
encouragement as well as keeping records of students’
submission of their exercise books

Slide 30

24 Taking action on students who fail to submit their remedial /

consolidation / enrichment exercises
25 Supervising teaching & learning (action by the principal)
26 Checking and supervising the submission of exercise books
(action by the principal)
27 Assessing the effectiveness of the teaching & learning
session (action by the principal)

Note: Normally all the teachers will be given a briefing on this

matter during our 1st meeting early in the year. The SOP is
strongly advised to be attached in the teacher’s record book.

Slide 31

Here are the photos during supervision & consultation by the school

Slide 32

This is the scenes of teaching & learning conducted whereby the

teachers applying the fun in learning and student–centered approach
during the sessions. The teachers are encouraged to plan this kind of
activities in developing thinking skills among the students.

Slide 33

(2) The Caring Programme

Slide 34

The objective of the programme is to instill ethics & spirituality among

the school community.

Condition before the best practice :

The students did not get support from parents as they were too busy
working or getting financial or material gains and consequently ignore
their parental caring towards their children.

Problem solving strategy :

Setting up The Caring Programme to instill the sense of love or caring

among the school community.

Slide 35

Key point of success :

Well accepted by all sectors as proven by the good collection of

money, material gifts etc. and the amount collected has increased
every year.

Degree of achievement :

This wonderful programme has given a meaningful impact and

provided a deep penetrative effect to the students in particular. The
practice of putting high caring values together with respecting each
other have been part and parcel of the culture nourishment of multi-
racial students in this school.

Slide 36

Sustainability :

This programme shall be continued every year. Other programmes

deemed necessary to instill ethics and spirituality are celebrations of
Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, Maal Hijrah, National Day, Special
Wish Prayer (Solat Hajat), Breaking Fast during Ramadhan, Recital of
Surah Yasiin every Friday, Thanksgiving Ceremony and Adoption &
Appreciation of High Moral Values such as Goodness, Purity and
Slide 37

These photos were taken during the launching of Caring Programme.

As you can see here, some of the items been contributed by the
donors for this programme.

Slide 38

The donations are not only meant for our school community but will
also be donated to the ophanage and old folk homes and our
neighbouring schools’ students. As you can see in the slide, our
caring programme has been highlighted in the local newspaper.

Slide 39

The occasion is made more cheerful and memorable with various

performances from our students and our primary school neighbours
and also the children from the kindergarten nearby the school.

Slide 40

These are the scenes of Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday celebration.

Slide 41

This is a cheerful National Day celebration at our school level.

Slide 42

The monthly student & teacher birthdays celebration is to instill love

and caring among the school community

Slide 43

For the Muslim students, Special Wish Prayer (solat hajat) has been
organised, normally before the students sit for their national

Slide 44

To nurture ethics and spirituality, the Recital of Al-Quran on every

Friday morning becomes our weekly occasion.

Slide 45

Here are some of the caring activities among the teachers, which is
initiated by the Teachers Club.

Slide 46

The Teachers Day Celebration is one of the wonderful time spared to

the school community.

Slide 47

Donations from the school community to the needy students is our

school culture.

Slide 48

The best ethical students will be rewarded in a special ceremony.

Slide 49

(3) The Art Subject As The School Niche Area.

Slide 50

The art subject as the school niche area is to instill knowledge and
thinking skills

Condition before the best practice :

The art subject was only offered to the students in arts stream. This
means that the students in the science stream were not given the
opportunity to learn the subject even though they have the talent and
interest in this subject.

Problem solving strategy :

The art subject has been chosen as the school niche area.

Slide 51

Key point of success :

The school has obtained 100 percent passes in the Art Subject in
national examination of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) for 5
consecutive years. The school has also been awarded the 1st prize
in The Art Competition 2011 which was organised by Selangor Turf
Club at the country level.

Slide 52

Degree of achievement :

Most of the students, teachers and staff in the school showed their full
support & interest in art.

Sustainability :

The school will make an effort to develop interesting programmes in

art education from time to time.

Slide 53

These are the scenes whereby the students are given opportunity to
express their talent in art. The involvement of corporate sector in
funding and skill assist is the value added in the school niche area.

Slide 54

The art school gallery as the showcase of the niche area.

Slide 55

The teachers are also given the opportunity to upgrade their creativity
in art by organising special workshop for them.

Slide 56

Beside gaining the skills in art from the teacher, the students also are
given the chances to learn the skills from the public community.

Slide 57

These are the outcomes of students creativity in art.

Slide 58

This is a wonderful moment whereby the school has won 1st prize in
The National Horse Show 2011 which was organised by Selangor
Turf Club at the country level.

Slide 59

(4) The Future Leaders Programme

Slide 60

Condition before the best practice :

Lacking of leadership skills among the student leaders in the school.

Problem solving strategy :

Leadership courses have been organised to instill the leadership skills

among the students.

Slide 61

Key point of success :

The student leaders have shown good interest in the task given and
been able to handle the school functions with confidence, charisma
and responsibility.

Degree of achievement :

Students who did attend the course seem to be more responsible and
confident to do their duty to the respective body which she is attached
to or involved with.

Slide 62

Sustainability :

This programme shall be continued every year and traditionally the

student leaders are feeling the pride to compete for the best in their
respective categories.

Slide 63

These are some photos during the leadership course for the
prefectorial board.

Slide 64

The leadership courses will help the students to reach their full
potential to work in teams and to take on leadership roles.

Slide 65

These are The Police Cadet and The School Youth Cadet (KRS) in
their uniforms during our school functions.

Slide 66

The photos of Prefectorial Board during the installation or

appointment ceremony.

Slide 67

All the students will be given the opportunity to join any respective
uniform body or club they choose or like.

Slide 68

(5) The School Toolkit (Sarana Sekolah)

Slide 69

The main objective is to establish a school working partnership with

the parents, public community and private sectors at scale.

Condition before the best practice :

Some of the parents did not take the initiative to get involved in their
children’s education.

Slide 70

Problem solving strategy :

The School Toolkit has been devised and established to assess our
stakeholders or clients about their opinions through a questionaire as
a toolkit. The questionaire consists of 6 elements such as school
climate, effective communication, support for student success, shared
responsibility, mutual decision, and in collaboration with the public

Slide 71

Key point of success :

The overall attendance during the school programmes among the

parents was satisfying at 75% and the percentage is getting better or
more encouraging than before. The public community and the private
sectors have shown their interest or willingness in engaging
partnership with the school.

Degree of achievement :

The students have more opportunities for a more meaningful and

engaged learning.

Sustainability :

The school is providing them with skills and knowledge to establish

the good partnership and to show our apreciation for them.

Slide 72

The school programme held in collaboration with the public

community and corporate sector.

Slide 73

These are the scenes during the Teachers In-House Training

Programme in Collaboration with the National Constitutional Bureau

Slide 74

This is our Educational Field Trip for the teachers and staff in
partnership with other schools.

Slide 75

We have established our School Benchmarking Programme

sponsored by the Non-Government Organisation (NGO) namely
Cheras Educational Foundation (YPC).

Slide 76

This is showing the serious involvement of Cheras Educational

Foundation (YPC) in the school programme as part of YPC School
Adoption Programme. One of the programmes has been highlighted
in the local newspaper.

Slide 77

The involvement of Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) in the

school programmes.

Slide 78

The photos show the scenes of good support from the president of
school alumni & the parents for the school programmes.

Slide 79

The school has been supported by the contribution from The Ministry
of Communication, Tourism & Culture, Malaysia to purchase
‘gamelan’ musical set. The school managed to win the special jury
award in the ‘gamelan’ competition at the state level in 2012.

Slide 80

The scenes at the school family day which is organised jointly by the
school and PTA.

Slide 81

(6) To Uphold Bahasa Malaysia and To Strengthen English Language

Slide 82

The main objective is to instill bilingual proficiency among the


Slide 83

Condition before the best practice :

The Malay students tend to communicate only in Bahasa Malaysia

and the non-Malay students (Chinese & Indians) tend to communicate
in English and in their mother tongue languages.

Problem solving strategy :

The school has identified some good programmes such as English

Week, Bahasa Malaysia Week, English Day, NILAM Program, English
Corner, Bahasa Malaysia Corner etc.

Slide 84

Key point of success :

All the programmes did get good response from the students

Degree of achievement :

The students have performed very well in Bahasa Malaysia and

English Language in the national school examinations, both in PMR
and SPM.

Sustainability :

For the sake of our students and the country, from time to time the
school will try to do its best in handling the programme.

Slide 85

NILAM is a reading programme to inculcate a reading habit among

the students as well as to uphold Bahasa Malaysia and to strengthen
English Language.

Slide 86

Being in partnership with the school, The National Library of Malaysia

plays an important role in inculcating reading habit among students in
order to enhance proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia & English

Slide 87

To realise the success of the programme, the school has set up The
Language Laboratory & Self-Access Learning Centre.

Slide 88

The enrichment activities such as entertainment choral speaking, and

the school choir are part of the effort to enhance proficiency in
Bahasa Malaysia & English Language.

Slide 89

There are some more enrichment activities for the programme as

shown here.

Slide 90

As a conclusion..

Slide 91

It is proven that a school principal plays an important role in

supervision for educational quality improvement.

Let us try to implement the best practices which I have shared here.

Slide 92

That’s all from me.

Thank you very much.


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