Counters To Hand Strikes

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Counters to Hand-Strikes

From Codex Wallerstein

By John Bax of The Halbinsel Fechtschule, MEMAG.

“Yet so is any weaker wrestler in earnest equal to a strong one if he has previously learned quickness and
measure, combat-pieces and death-pieces." – Codex Wallerstein

1. Item, one more piece is that you with one war and before him stand, so lay your hands on your belly and
the right above. Strikes he then to you with the fist against your face so drive up with your right hand and
strike in to his fist with open hand as here depicted stands.

2. Item, one more piece. So thus in the mouth one will 3. Item, one more piece. So thus with the fist one
strike, so drive with the right hand up as before and will strike, so strike in also after his right fist with
step with the right foot behind his left and throw him your left from outside to and step with your left foot
over the knee as here depicted stands so may you him behind his right as here depicted stands so throw you
also a death-piece do. him on the back as before.
5. Item, one more piece. When one to your face
4. Item, one more piece. When one after your face strikes with the fist so drive in against with your left
strikes with the fist, so grasp the strike in your right hand and wind in your left hand around his right
hand and thrust in on the elbow with your left hand arm and press in behind the left armpit as here
as here depicted stands so break you his arm. depicted stands and give him a death-piece with the
right hand.

6. Item, one more piece. When one will strike you 7. Item, one more piece. So one strikes after your
with the fist, so drive with your stretched left arm in head or face, so heave your foot up – whichever is the
against his neck with the fist as here depicted stands best one – and thrust in his belly as here depicted
and bend your head fast low under your left arm and stands so he falls.
with the right fist give a death piece or go after his
right foot.
9. Item, so one strikes to you with the fist, so drive
8. Item, one more piece. When one after your mouth up with the right turned hand and grasp the strike
strikes with the fist, so drive up with your left hand inside in the hand and have it fast to, and grip with
and grasp the strike in the joint and grip with the the left on his elbow and heave him up in the heights
fingers around his arm and grip with the right hand as here depicted stands and step with the left foot
below after his elbow as here depicted stands and pull before him so throw you him over the foot and break
then so break-you his arm off. his arm off.

10. Item, yet one piece. When one strikes to you, so

drive but up as before with the right hand and shove 11. Item, one more piece. When one to your mouth
him fast back up in the height, and grip him with will strike, so drive up with the right hand and grasp
your left hand behind around his right arm through the strike on the arm and thrust him then with your
his right arm, and step with the right foot behind his left hand below on his armpit as here depicted stands,
right foot as here depicted stands so break you his so thrust you him on the back.
arm off.

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