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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Writing

Grade Level Third Grade

Copy and paste the standard/s here from the website

Learning Objective
The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to
do as they finish the activity. For this objective, use the
Standards of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus
3.2 The student will present brief oral reports using
Content Knowledge

on. visual media. a) Speak clearly. b) Use appropriate

You can find the SOLs at look on the right of volume and pitch. c) Speak at an understandable
the screen for the subjects and go from there. rate. d) Organize ideas sequentially or around major
points of information. e) Use contextually
appropriate language and specific vocabulary to
communicate ideas.

Activity Describe what the learning activity will be. This learning activity will help students increase their
What will the students and the teacher be doing? (This
includes what they are doing with the technology).
ability to do well when making presentations and build
confidence within themselves when giving a
presentation. The class will begin with the teacher
speaking about the qualities needed when giving a good
report and showing examples what how it can be done.
The teacher will then let the students choose their topic
and begin putting their short report together. In relation
to the SOL standards, the student should be able to
speak clearly about their topic, use appropriate volume
and pitch, organize ideas around major points of
information, and use appropriate language and specific
vocabulary to communicate ideas. The website the
students will use is It is a
great site for students to prepare their presentations in
a slideshow.
Technology The technology that will be used in this lesson is
Name of the device and/or programs being used. (The
description of what the students will be doing with the This website allows students
technology will be included in the pedagogy/activity to create their own reports on the web for free.

Directions for Use 1. Open the Internet

Please provide step-by-step instructions for your students
to use the tool to complete their assignment. Depending
2. Type in the URL:
on the age of your student, this might begin with 1. Click
on Earth to open the Internet. Etc..
3. Once the website loads, click the login button.
Username: and password:
4. On the right side, there are blue boxes. Click on
the blue box that says “Create Tale”
5. This is the opportunity to create a story about
yourself, a memory, about your family, or your
favorite thing to do and why.
6. It has to be at least 5 slides long
7. Put a Title in the line box next to “Title” and
your name in the box next to “By”
8. Click the green box that says “Save”
9. Click the big box that has “Tale Page Art”
written inside of it
10. If you would like to draw in your presentation
click the pain brush icon on the left side of the
box opened. If you would like to type, click the
pink icon with the capital T on the left side. To
change text color or paint color, click on the
color you would like on the right side of the box.
11. If you want to type, click inside the white box
where ever you want your text to show up
12. When finished writing in box. Click save and
click exit.
13. Click save again on the present page to add that
page to your tale.
14. If you want to add a picture:
Find picture, save to computer, click upload, and
find picture in files and click okay. Photo will
then upload to that page of your tale.
15. When finished creating your story for
presentation, click the blue box that says
16. Preview your story and practice with a friend for
presenting to your classmates. Click pause when
needed to talk about what is written on each

17. Click “Embed Code” at bottom of the preview
and write it down to give to your teacher.
Link to the example product

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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