Lincs Strategy

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Academic Strategy for Students with   

Learning Disabilities   

LINCS  Improvement Goals: 

● Word Recognition 
Vocabulary Strategy  
● Reading Comprehension 
● Reading Speed 
● Memory Retention  
● Easily Accessible Information 
● Conversation Starter 
● Promotes Active Learning  
● Can be made into a personal 

Time Length: ​5-10 minutes  Directions 

Student Focus: ​Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism,  1. The student makes three sections on a 
English Language Learning Students   note card  
Materials: ​ Flashcards, Writing tool ie: pen,  2. Upper column: Student writes a 
pencil, marker excetera  definition of the word using a dictionary 
and their own wording  

When to Use  3. Bottom left corner: Student writes a 

vocabulary word  
This strategy can be used as a memory tool 
4. Bottom right corner: Student draws a 
when a student consistently struggles with a 
picture depicting the word. The picture 
vocabulary word. LINCS helps with reading 
can be a memory that connects with the 
comprehension, reading speed and word 
word or a picture of the defintion. 
recognition. Students are motivated through 
personal investment by drawing and  Varriationis: The student can use the word in 
connecting the vocabulary to a relatable  a sentence. This can be done in the top 
experience and completing the definition  column or on the back of the flach card. 
with their own wording.     

Relating to the LINCS Strategy:

The LINCS Vocabulary Strategy. ​The University of

Proctor C. P., B. Dalton D. L. (2007).
Kansas: Center for Research on Learning.
Grisham.​Scaffolding English Language Learners and
Struggling Readers in a Universal Literacy
Environment With Embedded Strategy Instruction and
LINCS Vocabulary Strategy.​ Just another Vocabulary Support. ​Relating to ELL Students Journal site: Open Minds for Learning. of Literacy Research, 39 (1), 71–93, Patrick Proctor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, 121
29/lincs-vocabulary-strategy/ Campion Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467: Lawrence
Ellis S. (2001). ​LINCS Instructional Tips.​ Master Erlbaum Associates, Inc. C.
minds Publishing, llc. 0709336758
files/Using%20GOs/Program%20Files/LINCS%20files Gersten R., Geva E. (2003). ​Insites into Effective
/Sample%20LINCS%20instruction.pdf Strategies for Helping Young English Language
Learners Develop Reading Skills. Teaching Reading
Relating to Learning Disabilities: to Early English Language Learners.​ Association for
​ haracteristics of Children with Learning Disabilities.
C Supervision and Curriculum Development Educational
NASET LD Report #3. National Association for Leadership: EBSCO Publishing
Special Education.
Teachers.​ publication/292507514_Teaching_reading_to_early_l
d/LD_Report/Issue__3_LD_Report_Characteristic_of anguage_learners/links/56cca88208ae059e37507a17
_LD.pdf .pdf

Photograph Links​:
Scheid. K. (1989). ​Cognitive and Metacognitive
Learning Strategy Instruction: Its Relevance for Media n-vocab-blog-notecard.png
and Material Design​. The Instructional Methods K4:4
Report Series. Information Center for Special
Education Media and Materials:
ERIC. 8%2Flincs-vocabulary-strategy-examples_142443.jpg
311645.pdf &
Haines. S. (2003). ​Effect of a Modified LINCS %2F&docid=mXRaQVJrIoOy3M&tbnid=QwKyf8vO5q
Learning Strategy on the Achievement of 4th Grade PdEM%3A&vet=1&w=800&h=600&source=sh%2Fx%
Students with Learning Disabilities. Theses, 2Fim
Dissertations and Capstones. ​Paper 617. Marshall
Digital Scholar: Marshall University.

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