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Quality management Introduction

worldwide For more than four decades after independence

the companies in India enjoyed a protected
Total quality market with virtually no competition, and some
management in India ± of them even monopolised the market, with
customers having little or no choice. As a result
perspective and complacency set in, and no pressure existed for
analysis improvement or change. However, the policy
of globalization and liberalization adopted by
the Indian Government five years ago, has
R. Jagadeesh thrown open new avenues and challenges to
companies in India. The new policy has
resulted in open doors through which global
corporate players have entered the Indian
markets, and are threatening the domestic
The author manufacturers and suppliers, using quality as a
R. Jagadeesh is an Assistant Professor in the Department
weapon. This has compelled the managers of
of Mechanical Engineering, S.J. College of Engineering,
local companies to look for those tools and
Mysore, India. techniques, proven and tested, which would
help them to maintain and improve their
strategies and positions in the market. One
such policy or philosophy that has captured the
TQM, India, Quality attention of industry and the business com-
munity is TQM. Particularly, in the recent
Abstract years TQM is even regarded as absolutely
Total quality management (TQM) has spread its wings in essential for growth, stability, and prosperity.
every sphere of the global corporate world and Indian This paper has the main intention of presenting
companies are no exception. In this paper, first the an overview of TQM's progress in the country,
growth and spread of TQM in India is traced from its starting from its initiation to its current status.
initiation to current status. Further, the paper has tried to Besides, the paper also describes how the
identify the causes for poor quality of products and organizational attempts by various agencies
service, and the gaps that exist between the expectations enabled the establishment of a TQM culture.
and the outcome after adopting the TQM practices. Later Further, these attempts are presented in a
a critical view of the quality scene in India is presented, chronological order, to appreciate the role
and finally, based on these observations suitable guide- played by various agencies, which resulted in
lines and recommendations are made to bridge this gap. growth and propagation of TQM in India.
It is concluded that there is still a long way to go for Towards the end, the gaps that still exist and
Indian companies to receive the stamp of acceptance for hence the efforts that need to be channeled are
their products at international level. pointed out, so as to result in appropriate
guidelines about the work to be done.
Electronic access
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
TQM ± the strategic choice
Total quality management (TQM) has be-
come a part of the corporate management

The author expresses his sincere thanks to

Professor Mark Gershon, Department of
Management Science & Operations Management,
School of Business & Management, Temple
University, Philadelphia, PA 19122-6083, for
reviewing the first draft of this paper and offering
The TQM Magazine suggestions and comments, which helped the
Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . pp. 321±327 author to improve the quality of the paper and
# MCB University Press . ISSN 0954-478X bring it to its current form.
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

parlance on a global scale. While it was earlier positive attributes of the Indian industry have
regarded as ``buzz word'', ``hype'' and ``fad'', been lost and weaknesses have surfaced.
it is now considered a ``must'' for survival and These weaknesses based on the study are: lack
success. The ever-increasing number of pub- of trust and credibility in the working system,
lications is good evidence of the growing lack of clarity/seriousness for achieving target,
interest about TQM. Ahire et al. (1995) have lack of precise observance of rules and norms,
carried out a literature review on TQM, based low quality of supplies and components, lack
on a total of 226 articles published in 44 of consciousness of time as money, viewing
referenced management journals, spanning a only short term benefits ahead of long term
period from 1970 to 1993. Many success goals, politicalization of labor unions, lack of
stories are already well documented in papers, accountability for actions, lack of manage-
for example by Longenecker and Scazzera ment commitment, lack of national quality
(1993), and recently by Sterman et al. (1997) policy, inadequate economic resources, lack
Inspired by these success stories, companies of indigenous technology, inadequate infra-
in India too have embarked on TQM pro- structure, preferring quantity to quality, lack
grammes in a big way. Particularly, the ISO of team spirit, cartel formation, and sellers'
9000 certification, that is currently a corpo- market. Besides, lack of consumerism, Gov-
rate priority for a good number of companies, ernment control on everything, bureaucratic
has given a new thrust and foundation for delays, quick profit making attitudes by the
effectively launching TQM. But more com- companies, all resulted in quality getting a low
pelling reasons to adopt TQM are: pressure priority and consequently Indian products
set in due to decreased profits, inability to were constrained to serve only the domestic
penetrate into new markets, intensifying market being not able to compete in the
competition, and above all quality conscious international markets. Further, the factors
customers demanding better and improved mentioned before, clearly proved to be
products and services from the companies. obstacles in the path to progress, and India in
spite of possessing good resources and rich
scientific and technical manpower, could not
Status of quality ± earlier scene produce world-class products acceptable in
the international markets.
India has a long tradition of achieving high
standards in several fields. Architectural
wonders like the ``Taj Mahal'' and the The TQM movement in India
``Konark temple'' are testimony to the rich
cultural heritage that imbibed quality in its The TQM initiatives were first set by the
output. Similarly many other products like Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) in
jewelry, textiles, artistic and ornamental arti- the early 1980s, in its pioneering effort in
cles exhibited high quality and as a result were promoting awareness about quality among
the highly traded merchandise with other Indian industries. The work done by CII in
countries of the world. For several centuries this direction is well documented in Deccan
Indian trade flourished on these products. Herald Advertising Feature (1993) and also in
Engineering industries that were set up and The Standards Engineer (1996). In 1982,
run under the colonial rule quickly estab- quality circles took birth in India, and some of
lished a name for quality. As reported by the companies to launch quality circles first
Piramal (1997) business families like Tata, were Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore,
Birla, Godrej, and Sarabhai, to name a few, and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tri-
started and operated several industries which chy. In 1986 the CII then known as CEI
have now become conglomerates and house- (Confederation of Engineering Industries),
hold names in India. In fact some of these invited Professor Ishikawa to India, to address
names are synonymous with high quality industry people about quality. Later in 1987,
products and trust worthiness. a TQM division was set up by the CII. This
However, the post-independent era did not division owes its foundation to 21 companies
witness any spectacular improvement regard- who agreed to support the cause by pooling
ing the quality of goods and services produced resources and pledging to start the journey to
in the country. According to Agrawal (1993) TQM. Chief executives of these companies
due to protected business environment many formed the National Committee on Quality,
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

and quality month was declared to be an Post-liberalization scene ± improvement

annual event. CII also launched the first in quality
newsletter on quality.
In 1987 and 1988, the CII invited the Juran The economic reforms that started in 1992
Institute to India to conduct three training have ushered in a new era of progress and
workshops, and then in 1989 a team from prosperity in the country. According to a
India attended the Deming Seminar in report published in Yojana (1997), the real
London. Study teams organized by the CII gross domestic product (GDP) recorded a
were taken to Japan and the USA to study growth rate of 6.8 per cent in agriculture and
quality practices. During 1990, the CII allied sectors, 7.0 per cent in industry, and 7.4
consolidated and focused on training, and in per cent in services. The Eighth Five Year
February 1991, an Indian company with the Plan (EFYP) (1992-97) which ended with an
assistance of the CII, obtained the first ISO average growth rate of 6.5 per cent per
9000 certification in India. The CII organized annum, compares well with the target rate of
the launch of the National Quality Campaign 5.6 per cent for the EFYP, and actual
led by the Prime Minister of India in May achievement of 6.00 per cent in the Seventh
1992. It is around this time, the process of Five Year Plan. In fact this is the highest
globalization and liberalization was started in average growth rate achieved in the planning
the country, bringing a new dimension to the period since 1951. The sectoral average
business and industrial sectors. From then on, growth rates for the period 1992-97 are:
a new line of thinking in terms of quality, Agriculture and allied sectors ± 4.0 per cent,
productivity, and competitiveness has begun. Industry ± 7.8 per cent and, Services ± 9.2 per
Since 1993, the CII has been organizing
cent. Further, exports during 1996-97 regis-
The Quality Summit every year. This pro-
tered a growth rate of 4.1 per cent. Foreign
vides an opportunity for all business leaders,
direct investment amounted to US $2,696
and higher level managers of member and
million during 1996-97. These facts clearly
non-member organizations of the CII to
indicate that the economic reforms brought
network, learn, and contribute through ex-
through globalization and liberalization have
perience sharing, and listening to the experts
yielded rich dividends, and hold a lot of
who gather there. The National Productivity
promise for the coming years.
Council (NPC) has set up a TQM and
While all these developments are seen at the
Benchmarking Division in New Delhi, and
gross level, companies in India have been
offers TQM implementation services, which
trying individually to improve their product
include modular training programs and con-
quality, besides overall performance through
sultancy services.
TQM practices.
In 1996, the Government of India an-
For example, Gupta and Sagar (1993)
nounced the setting up of the Quality Council
of India, (QCI) with the Industry Ministry describe a case of total quality control in an
bringing in half the seed capital of Rs. 1.5 engineering company through the extensive
crores. The rest of the seed capital will be use of personal computers, and state that the
contributed by the corporate sector. The Indian company was able to overcome many
setting up of a national agency for quality quality related problems which included: high
certification is part of the World Trade rejection levels, slow inspection rates, fre-
Organization (WTO) agreements, under quent errors in measurement, inconsistency
which member countries will not trade in in interpreting inspection data, time con-
non-certified products two years down the suming data storage and retrieval, rigid
line. The corporate sector too was demanding inspection schedules, not responding to
the setting up of an internationally recognized changing environment, and quality plans not
quality council as it found the certification adjusted to varying batch sizes. The company
process from foreign agencies too expensive. improved the problem solving capacity
Besides, it would save vital foreign exchange through quality circles, and quality database
for the country. The QCI will be entrusted at each stage. Comprehensive information
with monitoring and administering of the systems enabled the personnel to obtain
National Quality Campaign and will also better guidance leading to improved decision
oversee the effective functioning of the Na- making. Thus the success is attributed to
tional Information and Enquiry Services. systematic application of TQM.
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

Business Today (1995) in an exclusive . process management and operating pro-

coverage on status of quality of India, presents cedures (2.74);
a detailed report on companies which are . quality data reporting (2.72);
market leaders and corporate giants. The . employee relations (2.92).
cases covered include reports on leading It is concluded from the survey that the
Indian companies like Mukand, BPL, Arvind, manufacturing sector in India is well aware of
IFB, ABB, HDFC, Amex, Hidustan Lever, importance of quality, and efforts have been
Ranbaxy, Indal, Gujarat Ambuja, Vysya channeled to improve product quality. How-
Bank, Oberoi Hotels, and Thermax. It is ever, the service sector mostly Government
emphasized that these companies carved a owned and operated, lags behind the manu-
niche for themselves by focusing on quality in facturing sector in all aspects that imply
their planning, operations, and marketing quality.

Awareness of quality ± a positive change

Pati and Reis (1996) state that India is TQM ± success stories of Indian
emerging as a leading economy in the new
world economic order. The phenomenal Many Indian companies are beginning to
increase in India's export earnings, which rose realize that ``customer focus'' is an absolute
to US$ 26.2 billion in the 1994-95 fiscal year requirement of TQM. Jain (1996), while
showed an increase of 18.27 per cent over its writing on TQM in India, states that com-
1993-94 export earnings of US$22.17 billion. panies are paying closer attention to
This is said to be an indicator of how its consumer feedback in order to tailor products
products and services are perceived by its to meet customer needs and are using a wide
global customers. It is further stated that the variety of methods that include benchmarking
thrust has been shifted from import substitu- with rival products, regular customer meet-
tion to development of an export-oriented ings, and even engaging market research
economy. Other pertinent observations made companies to collect consumer feedback on
are: their product range and after sales service.
. Indian businesses are pursuing paths of Two specific cases are worth mentioning.
superior quality and high productivity; Escorts Limited, an automobile manufactur-
. quality conscious consumerism; ing company, based on the feedback from
. increasing competition; customers and dealers, changed the delivery
. industries expanding their domestic share
route to ensure safe and quick delivery.
and venturing into global markets;
Similarly, J.K. Synthetics, based on feed back
. significant rise in the ISO 9000 certified
from customer meetings, focused on stan-
dardization of quality parameters, and started
The survey conducted by Pati and Reis after-sales service. This resulted in the sales
(1996) has further revealed many interesting rise from 220 tonnes in first quarter of 1995
aspects about quality practices in India. The to 632 tonnes in the last quarter of the same
survey questionnaire has used a five-point year, an impressive growth in the sales by
Likert interval to capture the strength of three times the previous value.
perception, where points 1 (very high), 2 According to a report published in Business
(high), 3 (medium), 4 (low), and 5 (very low) Today (1998), some Indian companies are
indicate the degree of current practice related being guided by Yoshikazu Tsuda, a counse-
to quality. The critical success factors con- lor at JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and
tributing to quality and overall average scores Engineers) in their quest for total quality.
based on the survey are given below. Some of these companies are Sona Steering,
. role of top management and quality Jai Bharat Maruti, GKN Invel, Asahi Float
policy (3.43); Glass, Brakes India, Lucas TVS, India
. role of quality department/personnel Pistons, and India Piston Rings. Further, as
(3.14); stated in The Economic Times (1998), six-
. training (3.69); sigma technique, which is considered to be a
. product/service design (2.91); classic TQM technique, is being practiced by
. supplier quality management (2.86); several Indian companies notable among
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

them being Wipro, a well recognized name in . 38 ± time to market;

the field of information technology. . 22 ± corporate credibility.
A significant achievement by an Indian
The report clearly suggested that on a global
company due to its practicing TQM princi-
scale, Indian products and services are far
ples is reported by Sridharan (1998a). The
from satisfactory, and have a poor image.
Indian company Sundaram Fasteners located
This is a major cause of worry for the
near Chennai, India, has received the Best of
corporate managers particularly for those
Best Vendors Award consecutively for two
looking for new markets, and ventures with
years during 1996 and 1997, for its supply of
foreign collaborators. One commonly quoted
metal radiator caps to General Motors, USA.
reason for getting away with low quality in
The award was given to the company for its
India, is lack of pressure from consumers.
consistent zero defects rate, 100 percent
Many managers are of the opinion that unless
reliability in delivery schedules, and lowest
the customers are aware of their right to
price. The company is the only supplier to
demand high quality, and insist on companies
General Motors, USA from India out of its
to invest in quality, they continue to receive
3,000 supplier companies scattered all over
poor quality products.
the globe.
While the growth and spread of quality
In an exclusive interview covered by Pre-
practices are slow in India, TQM has firmly
mchander (1996), the managing director of
seated itself in other Asiatic countries. In a
Asea Brown Boveri Ltd (a partly owned
subsidiary of Asea Brown Boveri Limited, cover feature on ``Quality in Asia' reported in
Zurich) one of the very successfully operating World Executive Digest (1996), it is stated that
multi-national companies in India, has stated as Asia grapples with the challenge of
that the managers have to spend time and globalization, more and more companies seek
resources on TQM. A historical achievement ISO 9000 certification and adopt TQM.
by an Indian company winning the coveted Companies in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malay-
Deming Prize for Overseas Companies, for sia, Singapore, and China are overtly involved
successful implementation of TQM, is re- in embracing practices of total quality to
ported by Sridharan (1998b). The Indian march ahead in global markets. According to
company Sundaram Clayton, has successfully The Economic Intelligence Unit (1996),
turned its people into quality practitioners by which surveyed companies in Hong Kong on
the actual deployment of TQM tools, tech- quality practices, many TQM issues identified
niques, and systems. in other parts of the world are also issues in
the region. The growth of TQM across Asia
however means that new approaches are
being developed in the region.
Indian quality scene ± a critical view
These observations clearly suggest that
The developments related to Indian compa- India has to carefully watch the developments
nies, concerning quality of products and in the Asiatic region, as TQM principles have
services, need to be examined on a compara- been successfully applied by several countries
tive global scale. This would enable improving their output quality, attracting
judgement of the progress made in improving more foreign investment, and hence capable
quality. A survey made in 1994 in which of restricting India's share in the global
products and services from 41 countries were market.
ranked by World Competitiveness Report
indicates that the quality of Indian products What the quality experts say
and services is disappointing. According to In spite of the hype created by the ISO 9000
the summary of results given in Skaria (1995), bandwagon, which today has more than 1,500
India's rank based on different quality para- companies certified as such, quality is yet to
meters is as follows (the rank out of 41 is emerge as a major strength of Indian pro-
given followed by the parameter): ducts. Managers of Indian companies have
. 39 ± price to quality; still a lot to learn and implement in the image
. 38 ± practice of TQM; building process based on quality. This is
. 40 ± customer orientation; perhaps aptly summarized by a statement
. 28 ± product liability; made by Philip Crosby as reported in The
. 39 ± time to innovate; Times of India (1997). While addressing a
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

news conference at the end of his weeklong continue as ISO certified but not be recog-
visit to India, Crosby has said that compla- nized as a TQM company.
cency is a major problem with the Indian
management system. The managers of Indian
industries should take this seriously. Comments and conclusion
In an interview published in Business India
(1997-98) James Harrington, a leading The various surveys independently conducted
authority in the field of quality, has stated that by researchers and business publications have
India still has four types of companies: those revealed that awareness on quality of products
with poor performance, with good perfor- and services has picked up in India. With
mance, with better performance, and with quality based competition intensifying, Indian
outstanding performance. Harrington re- industries and business people are showing
marks that companies with poor performance keen interest in improving the quality of
went bankrupt in other parts of the world, products through TQM. A number of orga-
while those with good performance would nizations, private and Government are
follow them. But those with better perfor- actively propagating TQM through a variety
mance will survive and those with outstanding of training and educational programs. TQM
performance would explode into the twenty- has proved to be a vital ingredient for success,
first century. This indicates that India still has and now has its permanent roots in the
scope for bad products, and bad performance, ``mission and vision'' of the Indian corporate
which need to be immediately curbed. sector. However, based on common observa-
It is pointed out by Sukumar (1998) that tions the requirements for quality to succeed
TQM continues to baffle corporate India, as in India can be summarized as follows:
evident by the different interpretations made . a strong consumer movement;
by each person in the industry about what is . a sincere and committed drive by the
TQM. It was observed during the Sixth corporate sector to keep quality as the
Quality Summit organized by the CII in New main focus;
Delhi, that TQM means anything and every- . strict enforcement of standards by the
thing depending on the individual's regulatory bodies and authorities;
perspective, politics, and paradigms. During . avoidance of multiple grading of quality
the summit as many as nine different defini- in products, like export quality, first
tions were presented by the speakers about grade, seconds, import rejects, etc.;
what constitutes TQM. This means people in . setting an example in adhering to high
the corporate sector have no consensus about quality performance and output, before
the concept of TQM and it could be a pointing to others.
deterrent in its implementation. In another
While TQM no doubt has enabled the Indian
survey conducted by Arun et al. (1998) with
companies to improve the quality of products
regard to ISO certified companies interesting and services, the international market de-
observations were made about implementing mands still higher quality levels to give due
TQM in a company. Out of 17 companies that recognition and acceptance. This means
were surveyed, managers in seven companies continuing the work with more focused efforts
said that though they believe in TQM they do by Indian companies in their quest for quality.
not know how to implement it. The survey This paper is expected to motivate in that
further revealed that the long term supplier direction.
relationship, an essential ingredient for suc-
cessful implementation of TQM, has not yet
been recognized as important for achieving
total quality. Other barriers impeding the References
implementation of TQM were found to be: Agrawal, S.K. (1993), ``ISO 9000 implementation in Indian
continued dependence on traditional incentive industry'', Proceedings of the Eighth ISME Con-
schemes, numerical targets, performance rat- ference in Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi,
ing, slogans for improving productivity, and India, March, pp. 638-44.
Ahire, S.L., Landeros, L. and Golhar, D.Y. (1995), ``Total
not identifying and providing the right type of
quality management: a literature review and an
training for each and everyone as demanded agenda for future research'', Journal of Production
for every job. The survey concludes that if all and Operations Management, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 277-
these factors are not mitigated a company may 306.
Total quality management in India ± perspective and analysis The TQM Magazine
R. Jagadeesh Volume 11 . Number 5 . 1999 . 321±327

Arun, N.S., Prabhu, S.R., Aruna Kumar and Lokesh Sharma Piramal, G. (1997), ``Legends of the Maharajas'', Business
(1998), ``Identification of barriers to achieve TQM Today, 22 August-6 September, pp. 10-15.
after getting ISO 9000 certification and develop- Premchander (1996), ``Succeeding in business'', Manage-
ment of a causal model for TQM'', unpublished ment Review, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 109-21.
dissertation, Department of Industrial and Produc- Skaria, G. (1995), ``The total quality imperative'', Business
tion Engineering, SJ College of Engineering, Mysore, Today, 7-21 January, pp. 19-27.
India. Sridharan, R. (1998a), ``Total quality limited'', Business
Business India (1998), ``Change is painful but vital'', 29 Today, 2 November, pp. 69-79.
December 1997-11 January, p. 152. Sridharan, R. (1998b), ``The drive to Detroit'', Business
Business Today (1995), ``State of quality'', January 7-21, Today, 7 August, pp. 84-9.
pp. 146-241. Sterman, J.D., Repenning, N.P. and Kofman, F. (1997),
Business Today (1998), ``The quest for quality'', 22 June ``Unanticipated side effects of successful quality
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Deccan Herald Advertising Feature (1993), ``Total quality improvement'', Management Science, Vol. 43 No. 4,
management ± the Indian scene'', Monday, 1 pp. 503-21.
November, 1993, p. 8. Sukumar, R. (1998), ``Total quality confusion'', Business
Gupta, V.K. and Sagar, R. (1993), ``Total quality control Today, 7 December, p. 27.
using PCs in an engineering company'', Interna- The Economic Intelligence Unit (1996), ``How Asia
tional Journal of Production Research, Vol. 31 No. 1, practices TQM'', World Executive Digest, November,
pp. 161-73. p. 54.
Jain, S. (1996), TQM ± the leading edge'', India Today, 31 The Economic Times (1998), ``From six-sigma to strategy'',
March pp. 90-1. 23 March, p. 3.
Longnecker, C.O. and Scazerra, J.A. (1993), ``Total quality The Standards Engineer (1996), ``News and views'',
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International Journal of Quality & Reliability The Times of India (1997), ``Complacency, a major
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India ± a survey'', Proceedings of the Global World Executive Digest (1996), ``Quality In Asia: the state
Conference on Small & Medium Industry and of the quality art'', October pp. 25-36.
Business, Bangalore, India, January 1996, Yojana, (1997), ``Current state of the Indian economy'',
pp. 209-14. December, pp. 24-7.

A fascinating discussion on one of the world's emerging powerhouse economies.


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