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ENG 1020 | VanKirk

Three Pondering Questions

Three Pondering Questions Due Feb. 1 on Canvas before class time

This assignment is rather straight-forward. Use the handout on Pondering Questions to
come up with three possible pondering questions that can guide your research over the
semester. You’ll want all three questions to be related to the same topic, but that should
all be unique.
"Different people react uniquely to everyday objects and concepts: this is a psychological
fact. We also know that certain colors carry certain sliding cultural significances. For
example, in one context red might be interpreted as an "angry color," yet in another its
perceived as a romantic, passionate color. However, I'm wondering about the ways in
which colors (or perhaps a particular color) people's moods. Hence the question, to what
extent can we establish a universal consequence of mood for various colors? Does such a
universal reaction to color exist, and if so, to what extent does this reaction hold true for
other species of animal?"
Notice that this PQ (which is rather strong, if I don't say so myself) sets up a foundation, or
a basis, for the question I pose. I avoid assumptions, issues of ethics, and black-or-white
responses while creating space for research into this topic.

Assignment Prompt
Submit three of these pondering questions by class time on Thursday, Sept. 28. Then,
write a paragraph (about one hundred [100] words) wherein you tell me which of the
three questions you want to work with for your I-Search project and explain why you
chose this topic as opposed to the others.

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