Lesson Plan 2

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Name: J.D. Brickey Date: 10/25/17
Lesson Topic: Chapter 4B Grade Level: 11th
Learning Segment #1 of 7 Estimated Duration: 1 hr. 30 mins.
CURRICULUM STANDARDS List the Tennessee State Standards that directly relate to the lesson’s central focus
(2 pts)
Standard 1.1- In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.2- Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety
of topics.
Standard 1.3- Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of

Explain the essential understanding and purpose of the lesson. The standards, objectives,
CENTRAL FOCUS (5 pts) strategies, and assessments are all related to the central focus. One central focus can be used
across a series of Lessons/Learning Segments.
“¿Quieres ir conmigo?” Chapter 3A is all about vocabulary pertaining to activities outside of school and
words associated with these activities.

Write objectives in measureable terms that can be observed within the span of the lesson.
LESSON OBJECTIVES (10 pts) Objectives should include multiple representations of information.
1. The learner will recognize vocabulary pertaining to activities outside of school by participating in activities
from the textbook.
2. The learner will demonstrate understanding of the grammatical structure of “ir + a + infinitive” by
formulating sentences using the correct structure.

What is the purpose for which language is used in this lesson? The language function is often
LANGUAGE FUNCTION (5 pts) represented by the active verb(s) within the lesson objective(s).
Not applicable for this lesson.

Given the language function, describe the following associated language demands (written or
oral) and academic talk students need to understand and/or use:
 Vocabulary - words or key phrases used within disciplines
 Syntax - the rules for organizing words together into phrases, clauses, sentences or visual
SUPPORTS (5 pts)  Discourse - discipline-specific discourse with distinctive features or ways of structuring oral
or written language (text structures) or representing knowledge visually
Identify and describe the planned instructional supports to help students understand, develop,
and use the identified language demands.
Vocabulary and/or Key Phrases:
Language Supports:
Informal - How will you show that they know what they know? What evidence will show that
students are making progress toward learning objectives? How will results of formative
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT assessment change instruction? How will you differentiate formative assessment for individual
(10 pts)
students? Use language from the objective to ensure alignment. Include at least three checks
for understanding throughout the lesson.
In order to assess objective 1, I will have students take part in an introductory vocabulary activity.
The previous day, students received a new vocabulary list for the chapter. To introduce the
vocabulary and address the pronunciations of the vocabulary, I will draw names and have each
student guess how each word is pronounced. I will offer suggestions for pronunciation improvement
and then move to the next word until we have covered all the vocabulary words. This activity helps
me ensure students are hearing the correct pronunciations of the words and have opportunities for
pronunciation clarification.
- In order to assess objective 1, I will have students participate in an activity called “Find the
Evidence.” In this activity, students will open their books to the opening pages of the chapter.
Students will translate the dialogues from the pages from Spanish to English. Then, students will
answer questions regarding the translation that I will display on the projector. This activity helps me
ensure students are recognizing the usages of the new vocabulary and familiarizing themselves with
the new vocabulary as well. It gives students opportunities to provide and obtain information in the
language as well as understand and interpret written forms of the language.
- In order to assess objective 1, I will have students participate in two listening activities- Activities 1
and 2 from the book on page 199. In these activities, students will listen to Spanish speakers talk
about activities/situations using the vocabulary from the chapter. I will inform students what they
should be listening for and students will verbally answer questions after each dialogue/statement.
This activity will give students the opportunity to understand and interpret spoken forms of the
language. This activity will help me ensure students are recognizing the usages of the new
vocabulary and are familiarizing themselves with the new vocabulary as well.
- In order to assess objective 1, students will complete Activity 4 on page 202 in the textbook. This is
another activity in which students will use the new vocabulary. This activity is a speaking activity. I
will explain the activity as well as give a demonstration on how the activity is to be completed.
Students will talk to their shoulder partners (in Spanish) to complete the activity. This activity will
give students the opportunity to recognize vocabulary pertaining to activities outside of school as
well as opportunities to present information verbally in the language.
- In order to assess objective 2, I will go over and explain the grammatical structure of “ir + a +
infinitive.” I will explain the concept as well as give examples. I will also show a video to help
supplement the instruction. Students will then complete Activity 14 in the textbook to practice the
concept. I will explain the activity as well as give an example. Students will work independently (or
with a partner if they so choose) to complete the activity. These activities will help me ensure
students are correctly using this grammatical structure. I will review the concept in further detail if
- In order to assess objective 2, students will be assigned an activity sheet for homework covering the
vocabulary and grammatical structure of “ir + a + infinitive.” I will explain how the activity sheet is to
be completed and that students should complete the activity sheet for homework. I will check the
homework tomorrow and go over the answers in class. This will ensure me students have started to
recognize vocabulary as well as understood the concept of the grammatical structure.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Formal - What evidence will show that students have mastered the central focus? Not all
(5 pts) lessons will include summative assessment.
- In order to assess objectives 1 and 2, at the end of next week, after we have completed Chapter 4B,
students will have a comprehensive test that covers all materials from Chapter 4B. There will be

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many different types of questions including fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, reading,
writing, and listening. The test will include questions that cover topics in this lesson as well as other
topics covered the rest of the week from Chapter 4B. Feedback will include returning the tests to
students and answering any questions they may have about what they missed. Common
mistakes/misses will be discussed as a whole class. In addition, students are allowed ONE retake of
the test. The retake will cover the same material, but be a different version of the test.
HOOK/ANTICIPATORY SET How will you grab or “hook” the students’ attention? Use your knowledge of students’
(10 pts) interests, academic abilities, and depth of prior knowledge when planning.
- I will “hook” the students’ attention by reminding them that we are starting a new chapter today. I
will do a quick overview of the chapter and the topics about which we will be learning.

Instructional Procedures model options include: 1) Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR): I do,
We do, You do collaboratively, You do independently; 2) Rapid Release of Responsibility (RRR):
LESSON BODY (25 pts) You do, We do, I do; 3) 5E Method: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend/Elaborate, Evaluate.
Ask your instructor if a specific model is required.
Modifications and
Assessment/Feedback/ Accommodations to
Instructional Procedures Higher-Order Questions Support Individual
Student Learning
(assessing and advancing) Needs
Activity 1- Bellringer: To go over the bellringer, I will Students are
As soon as the bell rings, students will begin the ask students to answer the allowed to use
bellringer procedure. The bellringer is displayed on the questions orally. I will give oral their book,
projector at the front of the room. Students will begin feedback for each question as vocabulary
working on the bellringer. While students are working well as supplement feedback sheets, and
on the bellringer, I will be taking attendance. I will also with further instruction when/if notes to help
ask students to pass up their homework from the night necessary. Once the bellringer complete the
before to be checked (a procedure they are also review is completed, I will ask activity.
familiar with). I will quickly check the homework while students if there are any Students are
students continue to work on the bellringer. I will confusions or questions. If not, allowed to ask
return the homework to students and we will begin we will move on to the next me questions
going over the bellringer. activity. (Students keep their at any time.
bellwork assignments until the
For this activity, I am using the GRR model. In previous end of the week. I take them up
lessons, we have practiced the bellringer content. I on Fridays).
explained the concept, we worked though the content
together, and now students are completing it on their
Activity 2- Objectives and Essential Question I will orally and visually present Students are
After the homework review is complete, I will move on the objectives, standards, and allowed to ask
to reviewing the chapter objectives and essential essential questions through a me questions
questions. This PowerPoint includes objectives that short PowerPoint. I will ask at any time.
align with the state foreign language standards. students if they have any
questions and move to the next
Activities 3- Vocabulary Introduction As students pronounce the Students are
Our next activity is the vocabulary introduction. I will selected word(s), I will provide allowed to use
instruct students to get out their vocabulary sheets feedback and/or corrections if their book,
(given out the day before). We are going to go over the needed to help students vocabulary

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new vocabulary pronunciations. I will draw a students’ pronounce the word correctly. If sheets, and
name and that student will try to pronounce a word a student mispronounces a notes to help
from the list. I will provide feedback and/or corrections word, I will ask questions complete the
if needed to pronounce the word correctly. regarding letter sounds and activity.
phonetics to assist them. Students are
For this activity, I am using the RRR model. Students allowed to ask
are seeing if they can figure out the correct me questions
pronunciation before I tell them. I release the initial at any time.
responsibility to the student.
Activities 4- Find the Evidence As students complete the Students are
After going over the vocabulary pronunciations, activity, I will walk around the allowed to use
students will complete the activity “Find the Evidence” room to monitor progress. I will their book,
on the opening pages of the chapter. Students will assist students with the activity vocabulary
translate the dialogues on the pages as well as answer by providing individual and sheets,
questions regarding the translation- which will be whole class clarifications, phones, and
displayed on the projector. explanations, and questioning. notes to help
complete the
For this activity, I am using the GRR model. In previous activity.
lessons, we have practiced the same activity. I have Students are
gone over the material, students and I have practiced allowed to ask
the material, and now students are working on their me questions
own to complete the activity. at any time.
Activities 5 and 6, Listening Comprehension During these activities, I will be Students are
The next activities are listening comprehension giving students verbal feedback. allowed to use
activities. As a class, students will listen to Spanish During the listening, I will ask their book,
speakers talk about chapter vocabulary. Students will higher-order thinking questions vocabulary
be listening for specific items, which I will explain such as translating what the sheets, and
before the activity begins. speakers say. notes to help
complete the
For this activity, I am using the GRR model. In previous activity.
lessons, we have completed the same activities. I have Students are
gone over the material, students and I have practice allowed to ask
the material, and now students are working to me questions
complete the activities. at any time.
Activity 7- ”Me gustaría ir” During this activity, I will be Students are
Our next activity is Activity 4 from the textbook, “Me giving students verbal feedback. allowed to use
gustaría ir.” This is a speaking activity. Students will I will ask higher-order thinking their book,
complete the activity with their shoulder partner questions such as translating the vocabulary
following the model in the book as well as my material. sheets, and
instructions. notes to help
complete the
For this activity, I am using the GRR model. In previous activity.
lessons, we have completed the same types of Students are
activities. I have gone over the material, students and I allowed to ask
have practice the material, and now students are me questions
working to complete the activities. at any time.
Activities 8 and 9- “Gramática” and “Este fin de During these activities, I will be Students are
semana vamos a…” giving students verbal feedback. allowed to use

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Our last activities will be going over the grammatical I will also ask higher-order their book,
structure of “ir + a + infinitive” as well as an activity thinking questions comparing vocabulary
practicing the structure- Activity 14, “Este fin de and contrasting the English sheets, and
semana vamos a…” I will explain the structure as well structure versus the Spanish notes to help
as show a supplemental video. Students will then structure as well as translating complete the
complete Activity 14. I will explain the activity as well questions. activity.
as provide examples. Students are
allowed to ask
For this activity, I am using the GRR model. In previous me questions
lessons, we have completed the same types of at any time.
activities. I have gone over the material, students and I
have practice the material, and now students are
working to complete the activities.
CLOSURE/REFLECTION Student-focused wrap-up of key concepts/skills and/or application of concepts/skills. How will
(10 pts) you engage students in reflecting on their learning?

- For the closure/reflection, I will do a quick recap of the topics covered. I will ask students questions
regarding topics covered and give oral feedback. I will provide clarification and supplemental
instruction if needed. I will explain that the “Ir + a + infinitive” activity sheet is homework (if they did
not complete it). I will use this activity as a formative evaluation for tomorrow’s lesson.


TEACHER MATERIALS & What materials/resources will the teacher be using? What resources are used beyond the
RESOURCES (3 pts) textbook? How well are the materials and resources linked to the learning objectives?

- I will be using my textbook, a PowerPoint, and my computer and projector to enhance student
learning and activities. These resources are directly linked to the objectives through their
implementation. The activities relate directly to the objectives, therefore the resources used to
implement the activities relate to the objectives.

What materials/resources will the students be using? What materials/resources are planned
STUDENT MATERIALS & beyond the textbook and worksheets? How well do the student materials support the lesson
RESOURCES (6 pts) objectives, challenge students, sustain their attention, and elicit a variety of thinking? How will
materials be distributed?
- Students will be using their textbooks, activity sheets (the homework and vocabulary lists),
phones/computers, notes, and handouts. All of these resources provide students with differentiated
instructional methods as well as supplements to the activities being implemented. The
differentiated instruction helps keep students attentive and challenged. Materials are given out in
an orderly manner (a procedure that students are used to). I pass out the papers to the first person
in the row and he/she passes the papers back.

TECHNOLOGY (4 pt) How will you integrate technology to enhance student learning?
- I am directly incorporating technology by using my computer and projector. I also am implementing
activities in which students will use their phone or computer to enhance their learning opportunities
(i.e.- in the activity Find the Evidence).

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